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JoS And The Position On Jews

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Kadisiye said:
I am history student and am 22 years old.
Some meditations and yoga practises are amazing, I love spiritually and mystic doctrines.
But I can't go together to joy of satan with my work.
Because in history, that's good or bad however, we are accepting events as natural courses in history. You know it's a science and we trying to understand people him/herself, don't judge them. But in Joy of Satan all of bad things are made by jews. You know normal people can have arrogance, greed, hate or others. And those are directing events with other good ideas. I hope I can tell what I am talking about. I want to especially answered by hoodedcobra666 as he wish. Thank you.

First of all, the primary "enemy" and problem that JoS wants to solve, is the problem of lack of spirituality of mankind. This is our primary issue. The Gods want humanity to advance spiritually and in every other way.

However, the causing root of this problem, which began "lately" compared to humanity's long history, undeniably leads someone to the influence of the jews, if it's observed in any logical historical approach.

For example, Satan is attacked why? Because jews wrote bad things about Him in the bible.

We move further back in history, down in Sumer and in Sanskrit language, and we find that "Satyan" which the jews damn, has been actually a Word of Power for spiritual ascention into the "Truth Realization" and "Godhead".

This is only one of the endless examples. The Gods that were later called monsters, and their practices which they were deemed evil, were companions to humanity for thousands of years, and behind anything meaningful and strong humanity has created.

What changed after and all this went to nothing? A logical inspection of history, points us to Jews.

JoS simply relates the facts about how history has went, most facts are well known already if one has done any self research. Since most people have not, they might not be able to understand this instantly.

For example, all slander about the Gods, came from the Jewish people specifically. Nobody else wrote that type of slander in the ancient past, and certainly not Gentiles.

If such slander was wrote, it hasn't survived, nor was taken seriously. The angriest and most greedy people, never went that far in attacking the Gods, which were known to all cultures to have an ancestral quality of creation towards every Gentile people in history.

The idea that all the Ancient Gods, spiritual practices, and so on, are to be exterminated, and all knowledge accumulated from spirituality too, is solely a jewish ideal. There has been nobody else who claimed these things.

Even if people fought with one another, this was not the area on which wars were taking place, because simply, every Gentile civilization respected their cultural and religious foundations.

Greed, hate, arrogance, are all not, even at maximum level, not really enough to cause 1% of what the jews have caused this world in the last thousands of years. While these are issues existing in everyone, it's in the jews that these issues have become literally a "Racial Mission".

This type of occurrence is beyond any reasonable amount of hate, greed, arrogance, or the worst emotions of mankind. Even the worst historic intervals between Gentiles, simply do not even come close.

Gentile spiritualists worldwide were killed and tortured for hundreds of years, because jews concocted Christianity in Ancient Rome, which they did on purpose to destroy both Rome and the Ancient Religions. Earlier than that, they were enforcing the idea of "Monotheism".

This involved the killing all Pagans left and right as "Heretics" to this "Monotheism", which was literally pulled out of the jew's ass and nothing else, as a subversive move of hatred after jews discovered the glory of every Empire they have been in, was rooted in it's spirituality.

They have took active part in ruining many as is, and they admit this in the Bible.

Every problem a spiritualist has ever had in this world with the outlawing of spiritual practices, came from the Jews or Christianity and Islam, which spread darkness to human kind.

Islam, Christianity, Judaism, all are jewish creations, from the jewish people. These have severely affected history and have turned whole Nations into servile slaves, putting us back thousands of years in evolution and understanding collectively.

An overwhelming amount of bad things have been done by jews, whether one likes or wants to accept this fact or not. We could go on all day.

One can ignore this, but it won't go away. Jews are a compact blood related and conspiracy oriented group, that has very specific goals in mind. That haven't changed for thousands of years.

Also, all Gentiles in the past, have had a similar conception of life, Gods, nature, spirituality, and destiny. For this, the enemy calls us all collectively as "Coming from the Satanic Sphere", which is an allusion to their kabbalistic knowledge, about how all non Jews are coming from the same "Satanic Sphere" or spiritual energy.

This is in plain words them saying that everyone non Jew has a different soul and is part of a different [animal] species. And in regards to what they say about everyone and this "Evil Inclination", is that it's to be exterminated.

Of course to any logical creature that would sound really insane, and it kind of is. But if one digs deeper, the alien origins of all these ideas, are not from here, and definitely not consistent with Gentile's takes on the subject.

In regards to how this happened, Nietzsche has provided a great analysis. This bottomless hatred of jews is otherworldly, and many have tried to analyze this in a reasonable manner, but always have come short at a reasonable explanation.

Jews, having came out of "Nowhere", never had a land, or a stable place of existence, and therefore, never really culturally developed. They just moved around and stole things from other religions and cultures, imparting them into a mixture of their own "Culture".

Later on, these imparted elements were used to attack the natives of a land, until it was destroyed. This made them going from place to place, always on the exploitation of the good will of the people that allowed them to live there, and eventually, they ate these civilizations from the inside.

How they did this, as Rabbis explain, was a mixture of financial, intellectual, and spiritual warfare. After the people that hosted them died, they moved on to the next Nation to just rinse and repeat.

We didn't wish things would happen in this way, nor we would be particularly interested in jews, weren't it for their heavy past of damaging all Gentiles worldwide in a consistent basis. They have also attacked, displaced, and defamed our Ancient Gods, while uprooting ancient society, and subverting at every historical interval the attempts of human beings to advance forward.

Every ancient civilization has had problems with them, doing all sorts of practices from usury, to internal subversion, and accelerating destruction.

Jews were the ones who wrote the books on exterminating Egypt, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Kush [Africa], and who created the damnation of Europe through the brainwashing of Christianity. These books are national literature to them. They have been imposed to all other Nations, too, which other Nations have had nothing to do with that foul filth.

All of the Bible, is kvetching of the jews for randomly showing up in a place, that "God told them" was going to be theirs, and how they wanted to kill every tribe living there, to claim this place, but couldn't, and therefore, they had to move away and parasitize others and grow in power, to later come back on and take this place by force.

Palestinians and other races [some now extinct] have not always lived to tell the tale.

All of the Bible, is also eternal kvetching of how they want to kill everyone in the regions of the Middle East [which also includes Turkey], to construct Israel. And after this, how Israel is going to enslave the planet.

Generally these types of crazy stuff never made it far in the ancient world, but this was such a crazy thing, and with a little help from aliens and other reptoids that wanted civilization to sink, they managed to somehow promote these terrorist ideals.

Basically, the same thing would happen today if ISIL took global control, and started killing every non converted muslim. Did one also know that Israel created this radical Islamist organization that bombed temples and ancient Pagan shrines and places of worship to bits? Well yes, they did that too, they know very well how to do these things.

Jews also created Islam, Communism and other regimes or sub par religions that have destroyed humanity and killed hundreds of millions of people, over literally nothing at all. Is there a reasonable explanation why hundreds of millions of Chinese really had to die, simply because Mao wanted to impose Karl Marx's [Son of a Rabbi] view on how a Nation should be run? Not really. Could it happen any other way? Yes of course. But it happened the jewish way.

If one counts the death toll from all their programs, and the cost that this has cost humanity, the numbers would pile up to the sky.

In regards to why they did this? Solely because they wanted to harm others, wanted to subvert them for no reason or care on how it's going to end, and as their books reveal, because they are a psychopathic people as the data shows.

Jews literally told everyone the creator of the universe only made the universe for the jews to have fun enslaving Goyim.

Certainly if you want to look at this matter in another way, this is just psychopathy on a racial scale and accumulation of these psychopathic traits within a tribe, but that explanation would fall short also.

One can ignore these fundamental realities, but it's the case. Also, it's alright if you don't accept this. It doesn't matter. They will continue doing that while you spend all your years trying to analyzing why.

Jews meanwhile are going to blame all Gentiles and in particular the "Sons of Esav and Amalek", and enjoy their national books which tell them to wipe everyone out, while everyone else will try to be a scientist and pretend they didn't do anything because their little mind cannot comprehend how they have been very organized and deliberate into attacking everyone else.

Jews don't need "logic" to have a commandment that tells them to exterminate people such as Amalek or Esav [which as Rabbis have admitted, Amalekites are anything that has been Pagan and has some White blood, and Esav is literally the descendants of Rome, now Europe and the United States]. Amalekites also include ex Persians, and others. In regards to how they view people like Blacks, they have a specific hatred for them also, calling them animals and relaying in detail how their "God" put a curse on the descendants of Ham.

The core essence of being a "Jew" or practicing Judaism, is based on the pretext that everyone that is not a blood biological jew to some measurable extent, is an animal that needs to either be enslaved or killed. This is the opinion of their intellectuals and rabbis, and even most of their common people.

Some general "secular jews" may hold on the surface different opinions, but their opinions will never matter, nor have mediocre opinions ever stopped anything the jews wanted to do for thousands of years, as they always put the most rabid ones in their leadership.

Israel has been electing for the last "modern years", only the worst of the worst when it comes to treating anyone other than themselves in any humane way.

They are at war with humanity and that's all there is to it. If one wants to defend themselves, they can.

Those who don't, enjoy your jewish mindwashing in Hollywood, a jewish controlled global economy of slave labor, your jewish National religion that they tell you is your "ancestry", and jews that want to exterminate everyone ruling over you in a predatory fashion, or all of that type of stuff.

Since also it has been thousands of years where they haven't relented, stopped, or let anyone else be, then people are left with no choice but to actually at least dislike them or mistrust them, all the way down to wanting to remove them from their civilizations or world.

This is why jews are disliked or hated worldwide. Meanwhile, they pretend none of that ever really happened, and that it's all a faulty "goyim Satanic mind" that is causing these things, typically practicing the mental subversion they have been accused by their enemies of doing for thousands of years, yet again.

They will claim of course, that everything that happened in history against them, or the people that dislike them, were faulty in the mind. Yes, 130+ Nations were literally stupid and misguided to drive them out of their midst, and jews, did nothing wrong?

Where does also this idea come from, that jews did nothing wrong? The bible. That's because jews as a people believe they can never do no wrong, and that there is therefore, no reason to apologize about anything whatsoever, let alone make amends, or change their course of direction at all.

Jews also, as a racial group, are built upon the "commandment" that enslaving everyone is their "divine duty" and that this is a necessity to happen, and that if "Goyim" react to that, they are to be exterminated. In regards to under what system this will happen, their legendary Rabbi Baal Shem Tov, explains, that this would have to happen in Globalist Communism.

So what choice were people left with in all these things? To defend themselves and try to advance regardless of them. Are they left to do that? Well most of the time, certainly not.

They aren't supposed to be there only because they claim universal rights to destroy anyone, but it's not like they are going to leave anyone be either.

Many people who are awakening don't like this and don't want to live in such a world. Since these "jewish people" aren't letting go of our societies and nations, the only reasonable outcome is clash in a spiritual, cultural, and other levels, if any people or something wants to exist and advance.

So the JoS is not going to be onboard with this, not now, nor ever.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Very thanks for this information. I can clearly understand now. It's more than enough.

Peacock ve knightofduat'a selamlar gözlerinizden öpüyorum.
Kadisiye said:
Very thanks for this information. I can clearly understand now. It's more than enough.

Peacock ve knightofduat'a selamlar gözlerinizden öpüyorum.

The Reptilian Origins of the Jews

Jewish soul lacking parts
Any attempt to delve into the Jewish mind will always end up coming up short. It is not really imaginable to any gentile because we couldn't even think of it in our worst nightmares.

On the surface they appear ok they know they have a mission they know they have to appear as us that is programmed in their DNA to conform.

However below the surface is like another world the kind of things only they do and know about and those who research it but it would be really hard to get to the depth of depravity this is or describe this as well. This is another world most don't ever see and they wouldn't want to see. But we have to show them that it exists and what the Jews have done anyways. People want to shut this out not realize it but our Job is to show them so it can be taken care of. Another world is a metaphor here meaning there are places and things only they focus on or know about things only they do art only they would even think to enjoy. So it is a different life and different world.

For example this is just an example I made up but probably happened somewhere Jew abducts gentile child takes gentile child and sacrifices him in abandon school along with other Jews the Jew gets excitement from the fear energies of this. Then they party and do other disgusting things. Ok then Jew emotionless care free goes on about the day with a sense of happiness or something.

Jew runs deep web site where people pay to watch someone murder someone in a certain way. Mostly fellow Jews just for the thrill of it.

All of this and worse is going on in your own community if you have Jews there. It never will most likely be reported on or known of people will just be "missing".

Ariel Castro was a Jew.
Jeffrey Dahmer was a Jew.

Oh and yeah I am very well aware there is a plan and subversive mission going on and what is written in this article but people should be aware of the true type of people a Jew is.

It really is dangerous to be around them I know not all the time but you never know when it will be and that is the end of you as a person or at least you will suffer a lot.

So best to stay away and avoid them like a plague and never trust them.

They are a different species not belonging to this planet.
Superb HPHC

Fascinating history and worrying unless we keep on working hard :D
I thought about this yesterday, but not in this context but in the context of problems and solutions and how our RTR comes as a necessity to remove major problems caused by the Jews. So I know our power Meditations and RTRs work together and it's the necessity.
Hence the primary focus is to get bigger, and also the Jewish shit has made itself a necessary evil to ignore.

Last year, I felt gentle in a way where I began to understand how peaceful our ancestors could have been, how they would not initiate violence or exploit until they were threatened, but the jews are far different from this peace.
I also began to feel and see the nonchalance that they may have portrayed in not destroying the enemy. So I began to understand the necessity. Power comes with wisdom and timing seems to be a payback bitch now.

Let's not let Power make us nonchalant such that we ignore the ticks. It's all necessary to grow and kill the ticks at once too.

How can a type of alien species rise with this structure of hate, toxicty, thiefy and extermination culture ?

We say they are reptilians, but How can reptiles go so far that can equal or inferior compared to our gods ?

And also, What can they do if they can't find any nation, race or species to consume and destroy ?
Would they simply melt ? Or they may find a way to farm their own energies ?

Hail Satan!
Apokovyski said:
How can a type of alien species rise with this structure of hate, toxicty, thiefy and extermination culture ?

We say they are reptilians, but How can reptiles go so far that can equal or inferior compared to our gods ?

And also, What can they do if they can't find any nation, race or species to consume and destroy ?
Would they simply melt ? Or they may find a way to farm their own energies ?

Hail Satan!

In the case of the enemy, by design, as it appears. However, even in nature, there are beings that are "parasitic", and this involves destroying living things or a parasitic behavior to get their way. Parasites are unable to survive without hosts.

Sophisticated parasites exist in nature and that's nothing new. If they have ground to evolve, there is no limit, like any other organism, to the amount that they can evolve and become better at what they do.

When they are out of hosts or anything like this, they just disappear. Non parasitic beings, like dogs, cats, or similar, when they are absolved of parasites, they bloom and they thrive.

In the case of this tribe of people all they would do without others is just sit there and do nothing, as they have never done anything at all, that wasn't stolen or mimicked from another Gentile race. They have zero original contributions to human civilization, while all other races had these.

All Gentiles have been non parasitic species that even if left completely alone, were evolving and advancing on their own, making civilizations of different extents, and so on. Jews are on a completely different model of evolution here, and this has to do with their soul and their origins.

They always did seek out therefore Gentile civilizations to shove themselves into, and drew from them only.

All other Gentiles because they are Satan's Creation, almost always opted in for living in the exact opposite way, ie, to be creative.

It's clear their creators created them this way, for reasons of usurpation of earth. They seem to be also aware of this [their Rabbis and others who are highly self aware] but most of their lot are not directly aware of this.
Manofsatan said:
Last year, I felt gentle in a way where I began to understand how peaceful our ancestors could have been, how they would not initiate violence or exploit until they were threatened, but the jews are far different from this peace.

Gentiles fought wars, and did all sorts of destructive things, but it was always based on normal things, such as territory, land, resources, things that actually made sense.

Jews, even-though they were provided of everything by their host civilizations, they always wanted to destroy them regardless.

Most civilizations, even recent ones, treated them justly or how they treated their own citizens, they have ended up with rights, positions and so on, but this wasn't enough regardless, and they always wanted these civilizations to collapse for blood-thirst. They also didn't have a land problem as they lived everywhere, too.

Jews have waged war on all of mankind simply because of sheer hate. Gentiles in all historical intervals had at least some reason in their actions. Jews lack the fundamentals of reason in what they do against Gentiles.

Greeks Empire and Persian Empire, [present day Turks] have been at war for thousands of years, but they never really said that they want to exterminate each other because they are "Disgusting souls" or "souls from Amalek", or made up hoaxes about how either deserved to perish as "Mandate by God" or so that the "Universe should be cleaned". It was always territorial and had to do with normal subjects such as land disputes.

They fought wars of domination for territorial or other said purposes. Jews however, never really were into this category at all.

They have been treated like pedigree in most civilizations, and ruined them regardless, because of sheer lizardine hatred for the living people in these.

Jews lack of a real conscious explanation as to why they hate Gentiles, but the reality is, they hate us because they are reptilian offspring, and here to destroy us for other reasons programmed into their head by their creators and owners, and their top Rabbis do know this very reality.
slyscorpion said:
However below the surface is like another world the kind of things only they do and know about and those who research it but it would be really hard to get to the depth of depravity this is or describe this as well. This is another world most don't ever see and they wouldn't want to see. But we have to show them that it exists and what the Jews have done anyways.

I think this would drive most regular people insane, that's why they are blocking it so much. It's like they don't even want to think these subjects, because of how irrational and alien they are.

But they exist and whatever, we have to deal with it. And inform them too.
I would advise people before a meditation session to invoke or ask or pray to Satan/Murugan for his Darshan/ Energy to empower your session something similar to the puja of Hindus. Breathe in the energy invoked through your spine. When you are opened enough you will definitely feel his energy the more open and mature your soul the more you will "feel" it , even physically. Don't be afraid to ask Satan for any doubts you have. You will find that maybe during the meditation session you will get a huge surge of energy and you will have an understanding of what you asking about. Answers come in different ways,this can be one of them. The point is start establishing a bond with Satan ,pray to Him everyday and try to "feel" His energy and breathe It inside you especially through the spine upto to the crown chakra. That's what the Hindus do when they invoke the energy of the Gods during their Puja. This will also increase your understanding in Satanic affairs,even the Jewish problem. Anyone who has been with Satan for a while will know that ,Satan is the number 1 anti-semite. I mean the Abrahamic Faiths are practically against him. He is the Son of Shiva who universally propels souls to Shiva's Feet that is,ParaSiva Realisation, which is the highest state of reality,the Absolute Reality,formless , timeless and spaceless. The Swastika among other things is symbolic of this state. The Absolute Truth. It's this state we came to experience and can only be first experienced in a physical body , needing the 7 chakras. So Swastika is symbol of salvation. It's experiencing this state ,that makes the soul body ( the real you not your physical body) immortal and burns all seeds of karma, liberating you from the cycle of reincarnation on Earth. There is still further development of the soul but at this point you are liberated.( They are of course much higher degrees of the Magnum Opus like physical immortality e.t.c Saivite Saints like Tirumular where known to have achieved this in this present Kali Yuga age,he wrote the Tirumantirum on this ) Satan is the God universally that sets up the religion to do so. His the God of Self Realisation (ParaSiva Realisation) and controls the Kundalini power. ParaSiva centre is in the crown chakra,it's only through Kundalini that youone experiences that Absolute Reality, Truth and is liberated. Symbolised as the Linga in Shaivism. Jews are opposed to this.
I would advise people before a meditation session to invoke or ask or pray to Satan/Murugan for his Darshan/ Energy to empower your session something similar to the puja of Hindus. Breathe in the energy invoked through your spine. When you are opened enough you will definitely feel his energy the more open and mature your soul the more you will "feel" it , even physically. Don't be afraid to ask Satan for any doubts you have. You will find that maybe during the meditation session you will get a huge surge of energy and you will have an understanding of what you asking about. Answers come in different ways,this can be one of them. The point is start establishing a bond with Satan ,pray to Him everyday and try to "feel" His energy and breathe It inside you especially through the spine upto to the crown chakra. That's what the Hindus do when they invoke the energy of the Gods during their Puja. This will also increase your understanding in Satanic affairs,even the Jewish problem. Anyone who has been with Satan for a while will know that ,Satan is the number 1 anti-semite. I mean the Abrahamic Faiths are practically against him. He is the Son of Shiva who universally propels souls to Shiva's Feet that is,ParaSiva Realisation, which is the highest state of reality,the Absolute Reality,formless , timeless and spaceless. The Swastika among other things is symbolic of this state. The Absolute Truth. It's this state we came to experience and can only be first experienced in a physical body , needing the 7 chakras. So Swastika is symbol of salvation. It's experiencing this state ,that makes the soul body ( the real you not your physical body) immortal and burns all seeds of karma, liberating you from the cycle of reincarnation on Earth. There is still further development of the soul but at this point you are liberated.( They are of course much higher degrees of the Magnum Opus like physical immortality e.t.c Saivite Saints like Tirumular where known to have achieved this in this present Kali Yuga age,he wrote the Tirumantirum on this ) Satan is the God universally that sets up the religion to do so. His the God of Self Realisation (ParaSiva Realisation) and controls the Kundalini power. ParaSiva centre is in the crown chakra,it's only through Kundalini that youone experiences that Absolute Reality, Truth and is liberated. Symbolised as the Linga in Shaivism. Jews are opposed to this.
Kurat said:
Kadisiye said:
Very thanks for this information. I can clearly understand now. It's more than enough.

Peacock ve knightofduat'a selamlar gözlerinizden öpüyorum.

The Reptilian Origins of the Jews

Jewish soul lacking parts

About that second link kurat here posted. I was under the impression that every gentile race could achieve the magnum opus. Does this mean people who are not wholly white or even of the white nordic subrace specifically will have a more difficult time? I realize this article is also older so maybe knowledge has changed since then?

Don't mean to ask a stupid question but I was also told this by someone in private awhile back who has since been outed and that the other races were told they could reach the MO only to placate them. Which I thought was BSing to be honest.
Very good to see this and really informative for new people also :)

Jews have an inate nature for hivemind and locust behavior. Even mixed ones from distant blood will go on to talk about "the collective" they feel it in their souls.

Sociopathy and lack of empathy along with marked mental illness follow them everywhere. They will often look like creatures to boot.

I'll never forget the moment I looked up Bible verses for research purposes when I first found exposingchristianity and JOS. The parts about mass genocide of ancient white tribes incl the canaanites. The moment I realized I grew up worshipping a god that hated me.
If you want an incidental example of how the enemy works and operates in reference to a powerful Gentile, just listen to this phone call from the Michael Jackson's accusers father with some other snarling and giggling reptoid.


They are sociopaths. And this is the same type of crap they tried to push onto Hitler, Andrew Jackson, Napoleon, all kinds of people that try to elevate anything beyond 'pigfarm' status.
The lineage of the jews and their makers appear to me as an organic borg that forces others to obey or die with eventual assimilation and spiritual death regardless. Even among themselves they will kill each other as long as it benefits the jewish agenda as a whole. Whatever has created them clearly evolved on an entirely different path than our creators. Our way of life is antithetical to theirs and they likely see our very existence a threat to theirs (for good reason).

The only option is us or them while any attempt to convince or parley with them would leave a person vulnerable and eventually exploited by them. I naively thought for years there might be some other way but I was only ignorant of what they truly are.
Kurat said:
Kadisiye said:
Very thanks for this information. I can clearly understand now. It's more than enough.

Peacock ve knightofduat'a selamlar gözlerinizden öpüyorum.

The Reptilian Origins of the Jews

Jewish soul lacking parts

I am confused so only white people or people mixed with white blood can do the Magnum opus or achieve Godhood. That is what the second article seems to say at the end.

I thought anyone could who is gentile.
Great Sermon!

The point brought up about their torah and offsprings(the abrahamic programs) of their soul can't be emphasized enough. I remember reading(probably something Mageson wrote) that many top rabbis reach a point where "god" or their "yhvh" energy thoughtform hive takes "commandments" from them.

Something along the lines that this "god" seeks the council of rabbis and takes their commandments. I read up some more on it and it seems to be a tradition in some more advanced forms of their kabbalah.

This sermon reminds me of what one of the fathers of physics Newton said, paraphrasing. For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction (I would add in some cases)

It's obvious that with the overwhelming proof of jews endeavoring to destroy gentiles inevitably caused reactions along the way from many nations 130+ in recent history. The final reaction is the JoS and the RTR's that came from the gods.
For those of you who are on a time crunch and HPC's OP is a little bit too wordy, think if it like this:

So you invite this person to your house for dinner; you pour your heart and soul into the meal to your guest even though they had a tendency to, 'make themselves comfortable', if you get me. So they thank you for the meal and ask if they could possibly stay over of the night which obviously surprises you because they honestly don't live that far away from one of their may houses, (they have been buying up lots recently), but you do agree as it is getting late and the person made a case, (guilt tripped), because there have been some crimes happening recently.

In the middle of the night, the guest goes around and replaces all your fire extinguishers with flamethrowers that look the exact same.

One day while cooking for other guests, a fire breaks out and everything snowballs from there.

The guest then comes and offers to buy your land for way lass than what it was worth and you protest but they make the case, (guilt trips), that he is also offering for you to live at one of his meany, now pretty run down, properties so you accept.

Yes, the fire was indeed your fault but you are not the cause of your house burning to the ground and now living in a run down place that you currently can't get out of.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Manofsatan said:
Last year, I felt gentle in a way where I began to understand how peaceful our ancestors could have been, how they would not initiate violence or exploit until they were threatened, but the jews are far different from this peace.

Gentiles fought wars, and did all sorts of destructive things, but it was always based on normal things, such as territory, land, resources, things that actually made sense.

Jews, even-though they were provided of everything by their host civilizations, they always wanted to destroy them regardless.

Most civilizations, even recent ones, treated them justly or how they treated their own citizens, they have ended up with rights, positions and so on, but this wasn't enough regardless, and they always wanted these civilizations to collapse for blood-thirst. They also didn't have a land problem as they lived everywhere, too.

Jews have waged war on all of mankind simply because of sheer hate. Gentiles in all historical intervals had at least some reason in their actions. Jews lack the fundamentals of reason in what they do against Gentiles.

Greeks Empire and Persian Empire, [present day Turks] have been at war for thousands of years, but they never really said that they want to exterminate each other because they are "Disgusting souls" or "souls from Amalek", or made up hoaxes about how either deserved to perish as "Mandate by God" or so that the "Universe should be cleaned". It was always territorial and had to do with normal subjects such as land disputes.

They fought wars of domination for territorial or other said purposes. Jews however, never really were into this category at all.

They have been treated like pedigree in most civilizations, and ruined them regardless, because of sheer lizardine hatred for the living people in these.

Jews lack of a real conscious explanation as to why they hate Gentiles, but the reality is, they hate us because they are reptilian offspring, and here to destroy us for other reasons programmed into their head by their creators and owners, and their top Rabbis do know this very reality.

🤮These Jews are Orcs.... That's just mad and deep insanity.
Personal Growth said:
Is 'Kush' another name for Africa?

One well founded African territory was called in the Bible the "Kingdom of Kush" and it's people the "Kushites". This empire was constituted of quite a few ancient people's of the time. Jews had infiltrated this like any other.

Half of Kush appears to have been Ethiopian people [Blacks], that they name "Descendants of Ham", and ancestor that supposedly through which Blacks inherited the "Hamitic curse" [curse of being a black person], while others in the empire were not Black but other tribes of Middle Eastern blood. They were not Egyptians either.

It's biblican nonsense, the thing is that all of this is code for tribes in Sudan, Ethiopia, and others who weren't really fully black but were dark skinned, somehow related also to modern day Arabs.

All of these strange names the jews give to tribes, don't really reflect history only, they reflect also soul groups and general empires. Within the "Hamitic" tribes we have people who are present day in Arabia, and also Sudanese and Ethiopians, and full Blacks.

The same goes for the Esav and other bullshit they use, it's a territorial, achievement based, race based, and spiritual based "categorization".
Braun666 said:
Great Sermon!

It's obvious that with the overwhelming proof of jews endeavoring to destroy gentiles inevitably caused reactions along the way from many nations 130+ in recent history. The final reaction is the JoS and the RTR's that came from the gods.

I think I wrote about this and how these are only thoughtforms used as drones by councils of Rabbis and nothing else. It's exactly as you say.

The very nasty and extremely imbalanced workings of the jews, have caused quite a few catastrophes and disharmonious events things in the world. Some of these sickening manifestations have been Communism infested Nations..
Apokovyski said:
How can a type of alien species rise with this structure of hate, toxicty, thiefy and extermination culture ?

We say they are reptilians, but How can reptiles go so far that can equal or inferior compared to our gods ?

And also, What can they do if they can't find any nation, race or species to consume and destroy ?
Would they simply melt ? Or they may find a way to farm their own energies ?

Hail Satan!
You need to understand what the Hindus term as "Siva's Dance" . Siva is the name of God in Hindu Saivism. The creation that comes out of Siva is made in Polarity. The creation has Divine Laws that govern it and therefore has an order to it. This Order is Siva's Dance or Dharma in Hindu terms. Every Gentile race acknowledged this and had different terms for the same Order. One of the Laws is. Polarity. The creation has polarity in it,if you have Divine beings you also have their opposite , Asuric beings. Jews and many other species of the same are Asuric. The Polarity only ends in Siva or God Consciousness. When one realises God Consciousness within them, they will see that all of the creation rests on God Consciousness. I would recommend you read Dancing with Siva by Satguru Subramuniyaswami Sivaya infact he also wrote two other books Living with Siva and Merging with Siva. They are good books they will give a better understanding of creation and the reason for being here and so on. The Hindus pretty much have almost everything Intact in terms of Dharma awareness. Just search for "Himalayan academy , Dancing with Siva" you will find the books on their website and download for free
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:
Is 'Kush' another name for Africa?

One well founded African territory was called in the Bible the "Kingdom of Kush" and it's people the "Kushites". This empire was constituted of quite a few ancient people's of the time. Jews had infiltrated this like any other.

Half of Kush appears to have been Ethiopian people [Blacks], that they name "Descendants of Ham", and ancestor that supposedly through which Blacks inherited the "Hamitic curse" [curse of being a black person], while others in the empire were not Black but other tribes of Middle Eastern blood. They were not Egyptians either.

It's biblican nonsense, the thing is that all of this is code for tribes in Sudan, Ethiopia, and others who weren't really fully black but were dark skinned, somehow related also to modern day Arabs.

All of these strange names the jews give to tribes, don't really reflect history only, they reflect also soul groups and general empires. Within the "Hamitic" tribes we have people who are present day in Arabia, and also Sudanese and Ethiopians, and full Blacks.

The same goes for the Esav and other bullshit they use, it's a territorial, achievement based, race based, and spiritual based "categorization".

I like to watch Max Igan of 'The Crowhouse.'

And he raves about the lost Ancient Civilisation of Tataria.

That it's an inversion that it was a Turkic peoples. He says Ancient Tataria was a white peoples.

And they were very advanced building beautiful and majestic buildings.

That their buildings had free energy that they could tap off of the ether. That they weren't enslaved and toiling under a financial enslavement system.

That they had all the spiritual knowledge that is now lost.

That those doing now to the world know what they're doing and have tried it before. That something happened to Tataria that all the people disappeared.

Then they just covered over their civilisation and built on top of it. That after the people of Tataria disappeared they repopulated the world with children that just showed up.

That there's codes everywhere. That this lost knowledge shows up like the black mirror is the mobile phone.

That you look into it for information but they also are using our phones and tech to enslave us.

Mobile phones pull people out of the real world and put them in a simulation world.

Where they get trapped in the five senses and disconnected from the real world. And where greater understanding could be gained by dealing with the real ether is lost to only digesting what they are seeing on their phones.

So the official narrative of the Ancient Civilisations of 'Kush and Tataria'. Have been twisted and hidden as well from what they really were.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:
Is 'Kush' another name for Africa?

One well founded African territory was called in the Bible the "Kingdom of Kush" and it's people the "Kushites". This empire was constituted of quite a few ancient people's of the time. Jews had infiltrated this like any other.

Half of Kush appears to have been Ethiopian people [Blacks], that they name "Descendants of Ham", and ancestor that supposedly through which Blacks inherited the "Hamitic curse" [curse of being a black person], while others in the empire were not Black but other tribes of Middle Eastern blood. They were not Egyptians either.

It's biblican nonsense, the thing is that all of this is code for tribes in Sudan, Ethiopia, and others who weren't really fully black but were dark skinned, somehow related also to modern day Arabs.

All of these strange names the jews give to tribes, don't really reflect history only, they reflect also soul groups and general empires. Within the "Hamitic" tribes we have people who are present day in Arabia, and also Sudanese and Ethiopians, and full Blacks.

The same goes for the Esav and other bullshit they use, it's a territorial, achievement based, race based, and spiritual based "categorization".

Didn't the ancient Persians or Assyrians expel the Jews and try to do away with them and that is where this Amalak and Esav thing came from. I can't find it anywhere but Everytime with the Shattering ritual when I say the soul of Egypt and soul of Judea I feel something about that in my soul and keep getting reminded of it.
Shadowcat said:
Kurat said:
Kadisiye said:
Very thanks for this information. I can clearly understand now. It's more than enough.

Peacock ve knightofduat'a selamlar gözlerinizden öpüyorum.

The Reptilian Origins of the Jews

Jewish soul lacking parts

About that second link kurat here posted. I was under the impression that every gentile race could achieve the magnum opus. Does this mean people who are not wholly white or even of the white nordic subrace specifically will have a more difficult time? I realize this article is also older so maybe knowledge has changed since then?

Don't mean to ask a stupid question but I was also told this by someone in private awhile back who has since been outed and that the other races were told they could reach the MO only to placate them. Which I thought was BSing to be honest.
Here is said that for whites it is easier, not that non whites can't do it.
Personal Growth said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:
Is 'Kush' another name for Africa?


I don't know all this Tataria thing, I checked this before, and it just looks like it's blown out of proportion so that people have something "new" to say. These were only Aryan civilizations that have been lost and the people of this don't say many new things. These civilizations existed all the way back to Atlantis and before.

Many people who talk about "Tataria" also add a lot of crazy things into these theories, which make all of this look stupid. They also present some fake maps and other things, which aren't very good information IMO.

Most of these things they like to pretend are new things are oftentimes just leftovers from other past civilizations.
Shadowcat said:
About that second link kurat here posted. I was under the impression that every gentile race could achieve the magnum opus. Does this mean people who are not wholly white or even of the white nordic subrace specifically will have a more difficult time? I realize this article is also older so maybe knowledge has changed since then?

Don't mean to ask a stupid question but I was also told this by someone in private awhile back who has since been outed and that the other races were told they could reach the MO only to placate them. Which I thought was BSing to be honest.
Every race has their strong points, mediocre points, and their weak points. Broadly speaking we have spirituality, physicality and mentality. Spirituality is on the high for whites, but this does not mean that others from other races could not have it as easy. It simply means that on average, whites have the easiest spiritual ascension.

Each and every Gentile can reach Godhood. It's simple as that.
Henu the Great said:
Shadowcat said:
About that second link kurat here posted. I was under the impression that every gentile race could achieve the magnum opus. Does this mean people who are not wholly white or even of the white nordic subrace specifically will have a more difficult time? I realize this article is also older so maybe knowledge has changed since then?

Don't mean to ask a stupid question but I was also told this by someone in private awhile back who has since been outed and that the other races were told they could reach the MO only to placate them. Which I thought was BSing to be honest.
Every race has their strong points, mediocre points, and their weak points. Broadly speaking we have spirituality, physicality and mentality. Spirituality is on the high for whites, but this does not mean that others from other races could not have it as easy. It simply means that on average, whites have the easiest spiritual ascension.

Each and every Gentile can reach Godhood. It's simple as that.

We will. Be sure. Question is when? This or another life? I don't prefer to wait for one more life again.
Kurat said:
Shadowcat said:
Kurat said:
The Reptilian Origins of the Jews

Jewish soul lacking parts

About that second link kurat here posted. I was under the impression that every gentile race could achieve the magnum opus. Does this mean people who are not wholly white or even of the white nordic subrace specifically will have a more difficult time? I realize this article is also older so maybe knowledge has changed since then?

Don't mean to ask a stupid question but I was also told this by someone in private awhile back who has since been outed and that the other races were told they could reach the MO only to placate them. Which I thought was BSing to be honest.
Here is said that for whites it is easier, not that non whites can't do it.

At the end of the article it says if the white seed is lost all else is damned, that the actual ability to achieve the MO has to do with how white one is. It blatantly said that whites have genes from the Gods that allow them to reach immortality that other races don't have and that Maxine got this from Lilith..I must have misinterpreted that then but it seemed to blatantly say only whites could reach the MO or someone who was at least white enough. Hence why I asked about the difference between the narrative I see about this on forums and this article, and asking if this is because knowledge has changed.
Henu the Great said:
Shadowcat said:
About that second link kurat here posted. I was under the impression that every gentile race could achieve the magnum opus. Does this mean people who are not wholly white or even of the white nordic subrace specifically will have a more difficult time? I realize this article is also older so maybe knowledge has changed since then?

Don't mean to ask a stupid question but I was also told this by someone in private awhile back who has since been outed and that the other races were told they could reach the MO only to placate them. Which I thought was BSing to be honest.
Every race has their strong points, mediocre points, and their weak points. Broadly speaking we have spirituality, physicality and mentality. Spirituality is on the high for whites, but this does not mean that others from other races could not have it as easy. It simply means that on average, whites have the easiest spiritual ascension.

Each and every Gentile can reach Godhood. It's simple as that.

Yes this is what I understood as well. I was just asking why this article said something different there at the end, or it least blatantly appeared to. Maxine even said she got this from Lilith
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:
Is 'Kush' another name for Africa?

One well founded African territory was called in the Bible the "Kingdom of Kush" and it's people the "Kushites". This empire was constituted of quite a few ancient people's of the time. Jews had infiltrated this like any other.

Half of Kush appears to have been Ethiopian people [Blacks], that they name "Descendants of Ham", and ancestor that supposedly through which Blacks inherited the "Hamitic curse" [curse of being a black person], while others in the empire were not Black but other tribes of Middle Eastern blood. They were not Egyptians either.

It's biblican nonsense, the thing is that all of this is code for tribes in Sudan, Ethiopia, and others who weren't really fully black but were dark skinned, somehow related also to modern day Arabs.

All of these strange names the jews give to tribes, don't really reflect history only, they reflect also soul groups and general empires. Within the "Hamitic" tribes we have people who are present day in Arabia, and also Sudanese and Ethiopians, and full Blacks.

The same goes for the Esav and other bullshit they use, it's a territorial, achievement based, race based, and spiritual based "categorization".

Didn't the ancient Persians or Assyrians expel the Jews and try to do away with them and that is where this Amalak and Esav thing came from. I can't find it anywhere but Everytime with the Shattering ritual when I say the soul of Egypt and soul of Judea I feel something about that in my soul and keep getting reminded of it.

At that time there were important historical characters who tried to put end to the jewish problem such as the Assyrian kings Sargon II and Sennacherib, the Philistine king Gilthi (from where the biblical character of Goliath was invented), the Phoenician queen Jezebel, the king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar II or the Persian Vizier Haman who have been totally defamed and were cursed in the jewish bible.
Kadisiye said:
Henu the Great said:
Shadowcat said:
About that second link kurat here posted. I was under the impression that every gentile race could achieve the magnum opus. Does this mean people who are not wholly white or even of the white nordic subrace specifically will have a more difficult time? I realize this article is also older so maybe knowledge has changed since then?

Don't mean to ask a stupid question but I was also told this by someone in private awhile back who has since been outed and that the other races were told they could reach the MO only to placate them. Which I thought was BSing to be honest.
Every race has their strong points, mediocre points, and their weak points. Broadly speaking we have spirituality, physicality and mentality. Spirituality is on the high for whites, but this does not mean that others from other races could not have it as easy. It simply means that on average, whites have the easiest spiritual ascension.

Each and every Gentile can reach Godhood. It's simple as that.

We will. Be sure. Question is when? This or another life? I don't prefer to wait for one more life again.
Let's say you will achieve certain milestone which allows you to sustain yourself on the astral. Not big of a deal to continue from that point on. Even before this point considering the situation now, and our current efforts, this will speed up the process. Two lifetimes is nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Wotanwarrior said:
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
One well founded African territory was called in the Bible the "Kingdom of Kush" and it's people the "Kushites". This empire was constituted of quite a few ancient people's of the time. Jews had infiltrated this like any other.

Half of Kush appears to have been Ethiopian people [Blacks], that they name "Descendants of Ham", and ancestor that supposedly through which Blacks inherited the "Hamitic curse" [curse of being a black person], while others in the empire were not Black but other tribes of Middle Eastern blood. They were not Egyptians either.

It's biblican nonsense, the thing is that all of this is code for tribes in Sudan, Ethiopia, and others who weren't really fully black but were dark skinned, somehow related also to modern day Arabs.

All of these strange names the jews give to tribes, don't really reflect history only, they reflect also soul groups and general empires. Within the "Hamitic" tribes we have people who are present day in Arabia, and also Sudanese and Ethiopians, and full Blacks.

The same goes for the Esav and other bullshit they use, it's a territorial, achievement based, race based, and spiritual based "categorization".

Didn't the ancient Persians or Assyrians expel the Jews and try to do away with them and that is where this Amalak and Esav thing came from. I can't find it anywhere but Everytime with the Shattering ritual when I say the soul of Egypt and soul of Judea I feel something about that in my soul and keep getting reminded of it.

At that time there were important historical characters who tried to put end to the jewish problem such as the Assyrian kings Sargon II and Sennacherib, the Philistine king Gilthi (from where the biblical character of Goliath was invented), the Phoenician queen Jezebel, the king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar II or the Persian Vizier Haman who have been totally defamed and were cursed in the jewish bible.

Ok thanks I will actually look some of this stuff up. The Character Haman btw appears to be made up thing just like Moses I did try to look that one up before no one can agree on who it is.
Wotanwarrior said:
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
One well founded African territory was called in the Bible the "Kingdom of Kush" and it's people the "Kushites". This empire was constituted of quite a few ancient people's of the time. Jews had infiltrated this like any other.

Half of Kush appears to have been Ethiopian people [Blacks], that they name "Descendants of Ham", and ancestor that supposedly through which Blacks inherited the "Hamitic curse" [curse of being a black person], while others in the empire were not Black but other tribes of Middle Eastern blood. They were not Egyptians either.

It's biblican nonsense, the thing is that all of this is code for tribes in Sudan, Ethiopia, and others who weren't really fully black but were dark skinned, somehow related also to modern day Arabs.

All of these strange names the jews give to tribes, don't really reflect history only, they reflect also soul groups and general empires. Within the "Hamitic" tribes we have people who are present day in Arabia, and also Sudanese and Ethiopians, and full Blacks.

The same goes for the Esav and other bullshit they use, it's a territorial, achievement based, race based, and spiritual based "categorization".

Didn't the ancient Persians or Assyrians expel the Jews and try to do away with them and that is where this Amalak and Esav thing came from. I can't find it anywhere but Everytime with the Shattering ritual when I say the soul of Egypt and soul of Judea I feel something about that in my soul and keep getting reminded of it.

At that time there were important historical characters who tried to put end to the jewish problem such as the Assyrian kings Sargon II and Sennacherib, the Philistine king Gilthi (from where the biblical character of Goliath was invented), the Phoenician queen Jezebel, the king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar II or the Persian Vizier Haman who have been totally defamed and were cursed in the jewish bible.

Whom is that coin in your signature?
slyscorpion said:
Any attempt to delve into the Jewish mind will always end up coming up short. It is not really imaginable to any gentile because we couldn't even think of it in our worst nightmares.

On the surface they appear ok they know they have a mission they know they have to appear as us that is programmed in their DNA to conform.

However below the surface is like another world the kind of things only they do and know about and those who research it but it would be really hard to get to the depth of depravity this is or describe this as well. This is another world most don't ever see and they wouldn't want to see. But we have to show them that it exists and what the Jews have done anyways. People want to shut this out not realize it but our Job is to show them so it can be taken care of. Another world is a metaphor here meaning there are places and things only they focus on or know about things only they do art only they would even think to enjoy. So it is a different life and different world.

For example this is just an example I made up but probably happened somewhere Jew abducts gentile child takes gentile child and sacrifices him in abandon school along with other Jews the Jew gets excitement from the fear energies of this. Then they party and do other disgusting things. Ok then Jew emotionless care free goes on about the day with a sense of happiness or something.

Jew runs deep web site where people pay to watch someone murder someone in a certain way. Mostly fellow Jews just for the thrill of it.

All of this and worse is going on in your own community if you have Jews there. It never will most likely be reported on or known of people will just be "missing".

Ariel Castro was a Jew.
Jeffrey Dahmer was a Jew.

Oh and yeah I am very well aware there is a plan and subversive mission going on and what is written in this article but people should be aware of the true type of people a Jew is.

It really is dangerous to be around them I know not all the time but you never know when it will be and that is the end of you as a person or at least you will suffer a lot.

So best to stay away and avoid them like a plague and never trust them.

They are a different species not belonging to this planet.

Don't forget jewgle an it's had a role in turning children into good little marxist slaves, an admitted that was their goal all along, let's not forget jewgle is owned by jews,
Kadisiye anyone can see its them just takes a little research "nowadays ignorance is a choice"
Shadowcat said:
Let's look it again:

In addition to this, Lilith told me more than once, that the ability to achieve physical immortality has to do with how White one is,[whites can do MO faster] in the way the White race has genes and potential from the Nordic Gods, that is not present in the other races.[whites have Nordic Gods genes and its give them advantage]

Thoth also stated “People of the Blood” meaning Whites. Once the White seed is lost, what is remaining will be damned. [Whites have been the greatest enemies to jews- Roman Empire, Hitler, Amalek]

Maxine didn't say that nonwhites can't do MO

And there is African Gods:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
