Here is what you need to do from here in a manner of six straightforward steps for your well-being, safety and being able to grow spiritually as a satanist.
1. Stay away from these insane lunatics. You were involved with a dangerous cult of people who were not associated with the Joy of Satanas whatsoever. For your own safety you must keep away and focus on yourself.
2. Ground yourself and focus on the Joy of Satanas and all our rituals and teachings so you can gradually open up to feeling and experiencing the Gods deeply. It is likely whatever practices and things this cult subjected you to has damaged your mind and your chakras, along with the many bad occurrences in your life, these are all indicative of enemy influence and bad psychic attacks.
Work on your aura of protection and I strongly recommend cleaning your soul of all this nasty energy you have been exposed to.
3. Be careful and don't engage with any other schizos or undesirable types. They are unfortunately everywhere and you need to be more mindful of who you let into your life.
Your Life is NOT A GAME.
Read the page above and use this to repel those dreaded cultists away from you by programming your aura:
"For keeping unwanted individuals away:
Breathe in white light like the Sun. White light reflects and repels.
“My aura is repelling, [inspiring fear/dread] in _______, and keeping ________ far away from me at all times.” "
4. Focus strongly alongside to the Joy of Satanas and working on your soul, make certain you are making good strides to achieve financial stability and a decent job so that you don't end up in a position where you have to turn back to rely on people who don't have your best interests as heart. Money and having things sorted in this regard helps to ward off desperate and dangerous circumstances.
5. Don't share anything relating to personal info, your safety is of paramount importance.
6. For whatever has been done to you, if necessary seek counselors, and various social services if needed so you can get back more on your feet. Try not to dwell on being deceived by this cult, unfortunately sometimes people are susceptible to these negative and odious groups, you must stay positive and make good strides and if you follow much of the advice I give here, it will help you.
Good Luck and may the Father Satan bless you in uplifting yourself up and out and away from all of this.