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Jews Trying To Pull The Plug To Force The Microchip

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If one reads the numerous news articles on the Jewish IMF and what they are claiming that the global economy is about to collapse and understands between the lines. The Jewish elites are attempting to crash the entire global economy. They openly are attempting to do this by using the Jewish Fed to raise interest rates high enough to set off a chain reaction to bring the entire global economy down in the largest collapse in history. Note they are attempting to blame this on Trump for not allowing America to be looted by China. This is a lie of the Jews. However Trump has stepped in and worked to muscle the Fed into not raising interests rates which might be saving us all from a total economic collapse. And what the Jews have planned after that. To force the entire world to take a electronic form of money that will be a new global currency and will depend on you getting the new microchip to then be able to eat and pay the rent. Like him or not, Trump is the candidate our RTR's brought into office.

Note the IMF is run via the Treasury dept, by the Jewish Federal Reserve which is a cabal of private Jewish banking powers. So when the IMF is telling you something about the Fed this is the Jews themselves plotting this out and trying to set this up in the populations mind to then knock this all over and have the blame already shifted.

The Jews who wrote the Bible put this all in there with their mark of the beast to condition this idea into the population that they have to accept this as fact of the world government the Jews want to create so they will not resist this as this is part of their "gods" plan. This put the energy of the mass mind into the development of this technology and opened the doors in society to bring this stage about. This is how occult power and the mass mind works. A self fulfilling prophecy.

We need to keep up on the Final RTR's its blocking the Jewish elites from bringing in their Jew World Order. The faster these Kikes collaspe from power the less power they have to scheme us into total slavery. The Jews are trying to pull this off now because they know the writing is on the wall for their global empire.
I have to agree. Having newspapers and intel even from "Capitalist" sources, they know this is going to come. They say the stats are way worse than 2008. And some even have started to attack the "Deep state" for trying to cause the collapse.

If full throttle Capitalists whose only morals is the "holy" shekel, goes back to bite the jew and start accusing the "Deep State", one can understand the situation in the economy is tragic. This shows their holy shekel is threatened, even to those that are 'good' with this system. And that it will leave non untouched.

Regardless keep up the RTR's and meditation, with Satan's Providence and nothing will touch us.

We will also turn this situation around.
Its not a surprise considering they've openly planned this since 1980. They rigged the markets to collapse in 2018 so it would be a total hyperinflationary collapse where they'd bring in their one world currency. 2008 was an institutional crisis where some few bad banks made a few bad bets on a few bad housing markets. The fed completely bailed out these wall street bankers and no one got to jail and nothing changed. The american wars around the whole world led by Jewish interests and the Jewish capitalists global hegemony using the petro dollar having no value at all is responsible for this situation. Every nation is currently dumping the American dollar in a de dollarization scheme which makes things worse for the American Economy.
Considering Hitler rise to power in such a time of acute financial depression, I wouldn't feel its a very wrong thing to happen. Many nations around the world are rising against the Jewish game due to our RTRs. So their game will definitely not work even if the economy crashes. The nationalists will take the reigns of power around the world if that happens. The whole debt will be declared null and void and we can restart anew with a labour based economy like of Hitler or a gold backed economy.

Nomi prins writes about how the Jews rigged the system.

Peter Schiff also talks about the crash economy

Even if shit hits the fan,which I hope it doesn't, we'll still win if we do the RTRs. So keep on pressing .
HP Mageson666 said:
The Jews who wrote the Bible put this all in there with their mark of the beast to condition this idea into the population that they have to accept this as fact of the world government the Jews want to create so they will not resist this as this is part of their "gods" plan.
It's amazing to see the VultLARPs on /pol/ go on about how "Revelations is a warning against the Jew!", when that exact book deliberately instructs followers not to resist the "beast" and to wait like a good martyr for Yeshua to save you. I suppose if enough Christians follow that commandment then the NWO can just go on forever, and if enough of them Deus Vult against Yeshua's wishes, then "Yeshua" can be sent down to replace the (((Beast))) with the (((New Jerusalem))) and torture everyone on the planet until it's a Hieronymus Bosch painting, because that's what anyone who isn't raptured deserves. But something tells me that between the Communists failing in 1945 and the Globalists failing now, the Jews are going to have to miss that train.
Lately the news in Italy have been terible on the debt, Pil, spread and all that economic jewish shit, is this why is happening? The jews are trying to destroy the economy of Italy? I'm worried, just trying to do more Rtr but if i can't eat i can't do more :?
I don t really understand the mark of the beast part. I mean i know the part from revelation but the xian youtubers used to say things like do not accept the microchip as its probably the mark of the beast. Maybe the mark of the beast is a sign or 3rd eye in case we win and the microchip is the seal of god? Idk its a bit confusing. Anyway rtr must continue. Besides the world changes i had an energy and vitality increase
RoyBatty91 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The Jews who wrote the Bible put this all in there with their mark of the beast to condition this idea into the population that they have to accept this as fact of the world government the Jews want to create so they will not resist this as this is part of their "gods" plan.
It's amazing to see the VultLARPs on /pol/ go on about how "Revelations is a warning against the Jew!", when that exact book deliberately instructs followers not to resist the "beast" and to wait like a good martyr for Yeshua to save you. I suppose if enough Christians follow that commandment then the NWO can just go on forever, and if enough of them Deus Vult against Yeshua's wishes, then "Yeshua" can be sent down to replace the (((Beast))) with the (((New Jerusalem))) and torture everyone on the planet until it's a Hieronymus Bosch painting, because that's what anyone who isn't raptured deserves. But something tells me that between the Communists failing in 1945 and the Globalists failing now, the Jews are going to have to miss that train.

Roy i hate xianity as much as you but believe me as an ex xian when i tell you that the bible is against taking the mark!!!! It says whoever takes it will burn. Please read more carefully next time as such comments can discredit us and give them reason
The Bible tells people that government is god and that government authority is the will of "god" and that to disobey the government is to go against the will of "god" then the Bible tells people the new world government thus god is going to put the mark upon them that they can neither buy nor sell without thus the will of "god". See how this connects in the unconscious mind. Now add in the fact the Jews direct this energy by their occult knowledge to manifest this at the time they can how they want.

The Jews know people are going to not want this, so they encourage only a passive attitude against it. They are to meekly oppose it and allow themselves to be martyred for jesus. Hence the population is also pacified to accept this step as "gods will" and at the most they are praying to a jesus thoughtform for help and thus bound to its will which is the creation of the one world government of the very jews who wrote this book for that reason. This neutralizes all effective opposition against the jewish plan.

EasternFireLion666 said:
Roy i hate xianity as much as you but believe me as an ex xian when i tell you that the bible is against taking the mark!!!! It says whoever takes it will burn. Please read more carefully next time as such comments can discredit us and give them reason
Kavanaugh was confirmed today. The jews threw everything they had at this and they totally lost everything on this. That is big news the entire resources of their establishment and they lost.
HP Mageson666 said:
Kavanaugh was confirmed today. The jews threw everything they had at this and they totally lost everything on this. That is big news the entire resources of their establishment and they lost.

I watched and listened to the hearings. It was an absolute pleasure to watch their desperate attempts fail again and again. People are seeing through their BS. I loved watching the hope disappear from the faces of the jewish democratic senators minute after minute. I have almost no knowledge of Kavanaugh's history as a judge, his rulings etc, but this sets the stage for more influence on our part, through Trump to begin with. And, objectively, Kavanaugh did really well all things considered. He has a Moon/Mars square and Mars retrograde in his natal chart. It is a wonder he did not blow up considering the ludicrous allegations and the Democrats' goading of him. He got in there with just the right amount of indignation, and it seemed like he was being coached and calmed down between the breaks by his family, mostly his wife.

The Democrats dropped the mask and were too loud with this one. This will backfire on them, this was very bad for their image. Feinstein and her staff have something coming to them as well. As for Christine Blasey Ford, it is interesting to note the mutual bad synastry between her and Kavanaugh. Most notably, she has her Saturn in almost exact semi-sextile to his Sun, and he has his Saturn in tight square with both her Sun and Moon. There are also Mars/Saturn aspects if I remember correctly. It will be interesting to see what happens here, but as someone on Fox News noted, she will probably become a millionaire from writing books about this and such. But lets see.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Roy i hate xianity as much as you but believe me as an ex xian when i tell you that the bible is against taking the mark!!!! It says whoever takes it will burn. Please read more carefully next time as such comments can discredit us and give them reason

Revelations 13:7-10, which is the same chapter introducing the "Beast," specifically tells Christians that they will be powerless to resist and that Jesus commands them not to try, unless using the always reliable "win by not fighting" tactic. You're right to point out that Christianity promises eternal torment to anyone who "takes the mark" - the whole point of Revelations is to give Christians a reason to accept an eternity of worldly torment as penance for that "sin," which is unavoidable to commit if the other commandments are followed. The whole religion is based around giving contradictory commandments which can be used by (((leaders))) to condemn 100% of Christians no matter what they do, once you realize that, you realize the true evil of it.
The microchip being injected into your hand will not happen but the microchip in your wallet is already a reality.

In order to get a microchip inserted into your hand, it would have to be an optional slow boil. Mandatory is suicidal.

I cannot see a microchip in the head either. Maybe military/government might get this but it just doesn't seem plausible on a mass scale.
luis said:
Lately the news in Italy have been terible on the debt, Pil, spread and all that economic jewish shit, is this why is happening? The jews are trying to destroy the economy of Italy? I'm worried, just trying to do more Rtr but if i can't eat i can't do more :?

They doing the same what they did in Greece.here in the beginning of crisis they were talking e very day about the spreads.
They do it for they take it all there and to enslave the people.

Your politician will sign terrible things as here did. But I think there are already crazy laws, as to pay tax if you have dog.means you are rich. If one is poor they mean he can't have even a dog.
Here, there, and everywhere, politicians are Jews tools.
But I see here, they don't even attack them who were in the previous years in the goverments.
It would be the less thing. It would be what would make me at least for half hour feel good about tje betrayers issue.
But nobody is moving.
HP Mageson666 said:
The Bible tells people that government is god and that government authority is the will of "god" and that to disobey the government is to go against the will of "god" then the Bible tells people the new world government thus god is going to put the mark upon them that they can neither buy nor sell without thus the will of "god". See how this connects in the unconscious mind. Now add in the fact the Jews direct this energy by their occult knowledge to manifest this at the time they can how they want.

The Jews know people are going to not want this, so they encourage only a passive attitude against it. They are to meekly oppose it and allow themselves to be martyred for jesus. Hence the population is also pacified to accept this step as "gods will" and at the most they are praying to a jesus thoughtform for help and thus bound to its will which is the creation of the one world government of the very jews who wrote this book for that reason. This neutralizes all effective opposition against the jewish plan.

EasternFireLion666 said:
Roy i hate xianity as much as you but believe me as an ex xian when i tell you that the bible is against taking the mark!!!! It says whoever takes it will burn. Please read more carefully next time as such comments can discredit us and give them reason

I think i understand.
I was also thinking of a different possibility. I was thinking that revelation may be an emergency last plan in case we win big time and the societies start turning fully satanic. So in such a case a mark on the forehead or right arm may mean our trird eyes are being fully opened and the right hand should also ne an allegory or smth. Like the right part of the body being tied to the left hemisphere of the brain. Meaning the rational part is also very strong in those times. But this is just a guess. In this case the buying and selling part may not be fullfilled.

As we read in the revelation the beast and satan hardly attack the earth exceot a few holy people. They even bring world peace. While jeboo and the angels make carnage on the planet.
This is just my opinion, but I think you're thinking way too much into their lies.

EasternFireLion666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
The Bible tells people that government is god and that government authority is the will of "god" and that to disobey the government is to go against the will of "god" then the Bible tells people the new world government thus god is going to put the mark upon them that they can neither buy nor sell without thus the will of "god". See how this connects in the unconscious mind. Now add in the fact the Jews direct this energy by their occult knowledge to manifest this at the time they can how they want.

The Jews know people are going to not want this, so they encourage only a passive attitude against it. They are to meekly oppose it and allow themselves to be martyred for jesus. Hence the population is also pacified to accept this step as "gods will" and at the most they are praying to a jesus thoughtform for help and thus bound to its will which is the creation of the one world government of the very jews who wrote this book for that reason. This neutralizes all effective opposition against the jewish plan.

EasternFireLion666 said:
Roy i hate xianity as much as you but believe me as an ex xian when i tell you that the bible is against taking the mark!!!! It says whoever takes it will burn. Please read more carefully next time as such comments can discredit us and give them reason

I think i understand.
I was also thinking of a different possibility. I was thinking that revelation may be an emergency last plan in case we win big time and the societies start turning fully satanic. So in such a case a mark on the forehead or right arm may mean our trird eyes are being fully opened and the right hand should also ne an allegory or smth. Like the right part of the body being tied to the left hemisphere of the brain. Meaning the rational part is also very strong in those times. But this is just a guess. In this case the buying and selling part may not be fullfilled.

As we read in the revelation the beast and satan hardly attack the earth exceot a few holy people. They even bring world peace. While jeboo and the angels make carnage on the planet.
You don't seem to understand the Jews they had no problem murdering over a hundred million people in the USSR to have their way. How many do you think they won't have a problem destroying to have total power and become the false gods of the world.

They will force this on the population and that will be that. The will also force the brain chip that has already been developed as well. This will give them total control over the minds of the population this tech allows for the implanting of memories, feelings, beliefs and a literal kill switch. The Jews are already planning on only keeping around five hundred million Goyim around after they get that. So they are prepared to torcher and murder around seven billion people to have total power.

Why have the Jews tried to start a nuclear world war this year and now want a total economic collapse. That can lead to a war as well.

HauptSturm said:
The microchip being injected into your hand will not happen but the microchip in your wallet is already a reality.

In order to get a microchip inserted into your hand, it would have to be an optional slow boil. Mandatory is suicidal.

I cannot see a microchip in the head either. Maybe military/government might get this but it just doesn't seem plausible on a mass scale.
Never underestimate what the Jews will try and do. Oh they won't get that or this..... THEY WILL TRY and how many Goy will then die for them trying even if they fail.....IF THEY FAIL.

The Jews were put on this earth to be biological weapons of mass destruction by human hating aliens. Who want to get TOTAL control of this planet.
HP Mageson666 said:
Never underestimate what the Jews will try and do. Oh they won't get that or this..... THEY WILL TRY and how many Goy will then die for them trying even if they fail.....IF THEY FAIL.

The Jews were put on this earth to be biological weapons of mass destruction by human hating aliens. Who want to get TOTAL control of this planet.
I have a question that maybe stupid but i have to ask, i get that we have to destroy the jews spiritualy and everything but i remember that HP Maxine said that he won the war, so why the God's don't come here and destoy the jews? Especially considering how much physical power the jews have...Can we really destroy them before they nuke us or whatever bad scenario?
I really don't understand why and unfortunately my Astral sense's are not open enough to ask them...
They are already here, they don't require a physical space ship. Think about the meaning of that and understand maybe they understand a bigger unfolding of events we don't. The enemy tried to bind this entire planet for a reason. We are their physical presence on this world the JoS.
HP Mageson666 said:
They are already here, they don't require a physical space ship. Think about the meaning of that and understand maybe they understand a bigger unfolding of events we don't. The enemy tried to bind this entire planet for a reason. We are their physical presence on this world the JoS.
Thanks for your response, i'm going to think more on what you said a i do get that they can see the future and understand things way better than any human in this planet. I just really don't want me and my loved ones to end up in a war or economic crisis, i just want a Satanic world.
Most people don't want to end up in such..... However you are in a different position you have the power to actually change the situation. And its by doing the Final RTR daily as much as you can. The Jews have already tried to start a total fucking nuclear world war this year with the false flag in Hawaii that would have killed billions of people and brought about the plan of the Jew World Order government. Its those RTR's which are saving every one. And its the Final RTR which will save us all. Our Gods gave us those RTR's.
HP Mageson666 said:
Most people don't want to end up in such..... However you are in a different position you have the power to actually change the situation. And its by doing the Final RTR daily as much as you can. The Jews have already tried to start a total fucking nuclear world war this year with the false flag in Hawaii that would have killed billions of people and brought about the plan of the Jew World Order government. Its those RTR's which are saving every one. And its the Final RTR which will save us all. Our Gods gave us those RTR's.
You right no one wants to end up in those situations. I'm going to do as much as i can of the Rtr! Sorry is that sometime doubts arise in me...but until now we destroyed many of the plans of the jews so i guess we can keep doing it!
This is just food for thought, as I can totally agree with and see what you're saying HP Mageson :cool: ...but there is this pretty accurate astrologer I follow (his spirituality/Spiritual views are just whats lacking) but he has a pretty good predictive track record which is why I follow some of his newer predictions, and he said something along the lines of Capricorn being the sign of the right wing/ more authoritarian and pisces being the left/liberal which is why both sides seem very heated and up in arms at the moment but the right will continue to dominate because of the capricorn energies in the sky that will continue to get stronger as it becomes an outer planet stellium in 2020, where as the left just has neptune in its homesign.
Ya I think I get it now. Microchip as many people as possible and kill the rest. Seems about right...
Can someone please tell me what the Jews really are? I read that they're alien, but what kind bbn of alien? I need to know more about the enemy. Thank you.

Hail Satan!
Satan Wins said:
Can someone please tell me what the Jews really are? I read that they're alien, but what kind bbn of alien? I need to know more about the enemy. Thank you.

Hail Satan!

Fellow Satanist I suggest you download 'Satanic Revelation by HP HC 666' it's a pdf
Satan Wins said:
Can someone please tell me what the Jews really are? I read that they're alien, but what kind bbn of alien? I need to know more about the enemy. Thank you.

Hail Satan!
Satan Wins said:
Can someone please tell me what the Jews really are? I read that they're alien, but what kind bbn of alien? I need to know more about the enemy. Thank you.

Hail Satan!

Reptilian. Read the Joy of Satan and other sites for more.
HauptSturm said:
The microchip being injected into your hand will not happen but the microchip in your wallet is already a reality.
You better wake up quickly. They are already doing it here. Local branch of international communications operator, Tele2, offers voluntary NFC chipping for its slaves. It is good for the goyim they said. You can easily open doors they said. We can make it substitute your ID card and bank card they said.

I couldn't find the source in English so here it is through joogle translate:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
