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Jews emailing people


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2018
The people emailing people Are indeed Jews. As well as sending curses to all of us. They threatened me and when I refused to take down my channel they sent me some long drawn out thing in Hebrew with some name like you are at death's door in English.

I don't know how we are going to put a stop to this but they are mass emailing members of the Joy of Satan I guess sometimes claiming to be of Satan and giving some line of bs. I guess if someone has a channel or something they threaten the person.

I know I am fine I just think we should be aware. Ignore any emails or chat requests unless you know the person. Just be aware and be safe keep up aura of protection and use the returning curses ritual and clean your aura if you too get targeted like this.
Several years ago, when I was new and it was just the Yahoo groups, I had received an email after only making a few posts. It was from a xian who wanted to "warn" me about the danger I was in. That he had become a Satanist but experienced attacks, and that when he converted back to xianity, the attacks stopped. Thus "proving" xianity.

I shot back asking, if Satan really is the Devil of the Bible and He's just deceiving us, why would He and His Demons attack Satanists and spook them back to xianity? After all, according to them, His agenda is to corrupt Humanity and damn as many of us as He can, so why would He attack Satanists and then leave them alone when they go back to jebus? It doesn't make sense.

I didn't receive a response.

These emails will continue, they'll vary in their messages but the intent shall remain the same: Hurt Satan's children. Their attempts will be fuel for the fire even if they refuse to admit that.
darkmonkey666 said:
The people emailing people Are indeed Jews. As well as sending curses to all of us. They threatened me and when I refused to take down my channel they sent me some long drawn out thing in Hebrew with some name like you are at death's door in English.

I don't know how we are going to put a stop to this but they are mass emailing members of the Joy of Satan I guess sometimes claiming to be of Satan and giving some line of bs. I guess if someone has a channel or something they threaten the person.

I know I am fine I just think we should be aware. Ignore any emails or chat requests unless you know the person. Just be aware and be safe keep up aura of protection and use the returning curses ritual and clean your aura if you too get targeted like this.

This only proofs we are right, and they getting desperate ;)

do not read hebrew stuff. it harms you. you can´t understand it and you have to clean your aura much more.
so just ignore it. keep it up brother.
These people are actually cursing me. This is kind of annoying. I have to keep cleansing my aura all day. Some one should put them out of their misery.
darkmonkey666 said:
These people are actually cursing me. This is kind of annoying. I have to keep cleansing my aura all day. Some one should put them out of their misery.
Sounds like the pulsa denura thing. They call it their strongest death curse. Keep doing RTR! Their letters can't do anything to you if they don't have any letters!
Just reply with your choice version of "fuck you jew rat" and block them. Or just block them. They are pathetic scum trying to scare you. They are nothing.
These email attacks will be met by all of us with spiritual brute force and fury, pouring all of our anger in regards to them and other actions of the Jews in order to snuff out these disgusting parasites forever. These shitty Jews act innocent publicly but behind closed doors, Torah and Talmud in hand, on orders from their rabbi, they send endless curses and attacks toward us, both online and over the astral.

Any time you see Hebrew letters, and you're in a private setting, do a quick Final RTR immediately then clean, that will make them have to pay for every curse they send toward you.
darkmonkey666 said:
These people are actually cursing me. This is kind of annoying. I have to keep cleansing my aura all day. Some one should put them out of their misery.
Part of the point is to annoy you - now you just told them that they won, that you let them won.
Why not work more on your AOP and affirm to send all trash right back at em?

They'll be done for soon then...
FancyMancy said:
darkmonkey666 said:
These people are actually cursing me. This is kind of annoying. I have to keep cleansing my aura all day. Some one should put them out of their misery.
Part of the point is to annoy you - now you just told them that they won, that you let them won.
Returning curses 1 and 2 plus the Final RTR is all it takes to make those curses not work. We are protected by Father Satan too so we shouldnt even worry about these things. Darkmoney666 do what i said and that is it, those curses will go right back at them. By saying that you are just making them fell important.
I asked Satan that it be returned to sender and this stopped hopefully they got what they deserved anyways I am fine. Doing the final rtr destroys a hebrew curse on people I don't think they realize that. I had to do that more often.

Those people are crazy I am glad I don't have to deal with any Jews in real life. They are like do what I say or die.

Not at all surprising that this is a thing considering the foul hypocrisy of the enemy. They use their foul egregore and it's thoughtforms as a weapon to curse and kill. Through the "power" of their written stolen language, they manipulate the world. How many gentiles have they cursed like this? How many of their own will they curse when their usefulness is expended? Who knows and who cares because this is what this boils down to:

We are in a deadly war whose weapons cannot be seen or heard or touched.
We have a deadly enemy with vast material resources and popular support.
Our enemy will do all sorts of dastardly things to keep their control.

If you think anyone is safe from these alien scum, you're wrong.
If you think these scum are harmless, you're wrong.
If you think these scum will reform, that is the height of stupidity because they have been doing this for millennia.

That is why everyone needs to do the final RTR regularly. We end their language then they end. It's that simple.
I am just going to ignore these people I have not clue what they are doing I got one email with a strange non English word as a name probably best I don't repeat that as I sensed a lot of negative energy as soon as I saw it. I'd have to look this stuff up but I don't want to connect into the energy so I won't bother.

My main reason in posting this was just to expose the fact that the people behind the exposing Joy of Satan website Facebook group etc are Jews and despite giving bullshit about being of Satan etc I don't think they even give Satanism a thought they are strongly against it.

I just wanted people to be aware they are cursing us.

I don't even want to waste my time on this I just wanted to bring it to your attention that's all I am sure I am not the only one they are doing this to.
I just vibrated the word backwards a few times the energy felt like Sanskrit word Bhavin which means blessings. So if you all want if your getting cursed vibrating Bhavin 111 or whatever times and affurming you are blessed prosperous etc may help. I got that from the sanskrit dictionary website I was doing my own. I wouldnt use hebrew backwards like that but I am going to do the sanskrit équivalent I just wanted to share my observation.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
