jews are not hebrew and or isrealites is a funny meme. It works the amount of christards that believe this is hilarious. Basically any jew, hebrew, or israelite = jewish or judaic or isrealite or whatever names they invented or stole for themselves. It works cause it gives them the lying that the stupid goyim under their spell believe.
So in counter-meme we just say jews is all hebs and israelites and judea and sheit.
Technically let me give you a long message that shows you how both hebrew and jew are stolen.
Scroll down a bit notice even cohen is stolen from Egyptian.
bibi(natanyahu) mentioned something a while back "We jews are called that cause we come from judea". Funny thing is I don't even think in one instance in history has the nation of judea ever come to existence. judea is often called the collective jewish race attacking a nation i.e. judea declares war on Germany "1933".
judah/yudah J and Y just shows the judiacness of the enemy. Technically one of the main things they mention is Lion of judah/yudah so that is stolen from the Leo constellation in their so-called religion. The sheer fact is the jews create anything just to prove "we wuz all humanz and paganz and gud peple and shiet; dindu nuffin".
So it's just memetic warfare. I apologize if I'm not in depth with the whole understandings but at least I gave you some comprehensive knowledge on how to defend yourself from basic xtian rhetoric that promotes the hoax. Unfortunately like HP.Cobra said in one of his sermons some people have a goyim or a mentality lower than an animal and believe what the tribe believes. jews said it, I believe it, that settles it type of memery.