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Jews and the World Financial Markets, from an insiders point of view

Apr 1, 2011
My Fellow SS: I came across a video by chance, its pretty new online. I took the time to transcribe the thing in its entirety, as I thought it provides a window into how the jews operate in the financial markets and how they entrap gentiles to slave for their benefit and it made me think of something HPS Maxine had recently posted in regards that the Gods are absolutely fed up and angry, furious at the other Satanic Organizations, which are totally jew infested. I also recall a recent question in the forums asking what is the difference between JoS and the Church of Satan. I thought this will outline that quite well. Forgive me it's a bit long of a post I just felt compelled to do it, I've worked on this all night:
In the course of this interview Ronald is stating these elites believe in Luciferianism and they go to the Church of Satan and sacrifice CHILDREN....in the name of Satan....well, they are denigrating our Gods and Satan Himself by doing these heinous acts in His name of course. The Jews at the very top know they are not Satanists at all, as Satan abhors them and all they do and is their worst enemy.
But the ones under them, in the lower tiers, the deluded gentiles, psychopathic humans who have decided to aid the enemy of humanity, they probably DO believe they are Satanic. I think they are led to do this by the jews for several reasons: To denigrate and shit on our Gods, but also when people like Ronald speak out, the blame for this filth is directed to Satan, The Gods and to us Satanists. It's the typical way the jews work: blaming what they do on their enemy. And I think also, it pleases them no end to see the children of Satan who are blinded and unwittingly committing sacrilege and the worst blasphemy against their One True God. It's absolutely sick and heinous and it's no wonder the Gods are completely fed up and furious at this!
I have taken the following quotes from the original transcript (I'll include the entire original interview below in its entirety for those who wish to see) and changed the untrue portion, added a few points of my own to it as I think it's actually revealing:
Humanity is a manifestation of light, that is the true Creation. (Hu (hue) hues of light and Man – manifest....Light Manifest.) That is what we really are (And Satan is the greatest Light of all). As long as you divide Humanity based on political parties, skin color, religions, etc, then you – from a Zionist Jew point of view that is – suppress the full capabilities of your enemy, their full power, so they can't stand up for themselves, because if that would happen, the Jews will lose. Then this monster, this greedy monster will disappear.
I tell people about this old American General who puts an entire room of people in the dark. The eyes adapt to the darkness, but you can't see a thing. The General doesn't say a word and suddenly he flicks on a lighter, one little light, and due to the prolonged darkness, you experience a manifestation of light from a single point and everyone can slightly see each other again. Beautiful. Come together. Thats how fast it could happen.”
I believe there is truth in that, we must work hard to spread the Truth of Satan and expose the jews in any/every way we can, fight in any way we are inspired by the Gods to do, each of us add their own unique part to this struggle:
The more people we can awaken from their sleep The sooner we'll reach the tipping point When a glorious light will spontaneously ignite In the hearts and souls of manIn the dark room the Jew has created for HumanityInside their prison of the mindIn this dark hole of insanity deep
And it will blaze like wildfire and sweep the landsWhereupon Gentiles will See The Truth, Know their Enemy at last and Stand Up! No more to obey the Jews commandsThe wolf will no longer be the sheepWhen this day comes (and it WILL) The Jews rule is OVER.
We at JOS will Stand for Humanity, for our Children, for this Glorious Earth which rightfully belongs to Satan and His Children....for all Her Creatures and most importantly, for Our One True God:
“O you Demons who dwell upon and are mighty governors of the earth, who execute the judgment of Satan! To you it is said: Behold the face of Satan, The beginning of comfort, whose eyes are the brightness of the stars; who provided you for the government of the Earth, and her variety, furnishing you with a power of understanding, to dispose all things according to the providence of he who reighneth on the Throne from Hell and rose up in the beginning, saying: The Earth, let her be governed by her parts. The course of her, let it run with pleasure, and as a handmaid let her serve Satan. One season, let it confound another; and let there be no creature upon or within her the same. All her members, let them differ in their qualities; And let there be no one creature equal with another. The reasonable creatures of the Earth, let them vex and weed out one another; and the dwelling places. The works of the followers of Jehova and his pomp, let them be defaced. The buildings of he who sits on the holy throne, let them become caves for the beasts of the field; their iniquities shall be known. For why? I regret their creation. O you sons and daughters of Satan, arise! Those in the kingdom of heaven, let them serve you. Govern those that govern; cast down such as fall; bring forth justice and destroy the rotten. No place let it remain in one number; add and diminish, until the stars be numbered. Arise, move! Appear before Satan! He has sworn unto us his justice; Open the Mysteries of your creation, and make us partakers of undefiled truth.”
                                                                                                    Nineteenth Enochian Key

Hail Satan!In Glory and Power Exalted!Hail all the Gods of Hell!

Full Transcript from interview with ex-currency trader Ronald Bernard:
" He clarifies the distorted way the world works, in which a small group of elites (jews), numbering between 8000 to 8500 people, who rule the entire world and discloses their ‘religious incentives’ for doing so. ‘I’m still here and that is more than many of my former colleagues can say’, says ex-currency trader Ronald Bernard in this outspoken interview. He talks about people who have such a pure hatred for humanity and the very earth itself, which enables them to be capable of destroying and annihilating everything that lives. He knows from experience that human life is considered to be worthless trash by this group. Furthermore, he experienced first-hand, how people like him are made susceptible to blackmail and forced to remain silent, by drugging and mind controlling them into committing abominable acts as he explains in the interview. To Ronald, refusing the request to engage in such acts led to a breaking point where he literally ended up physically crashing. "
Ronald, you have a very strong background in the financial sector, asset management, deposit trading, as far as I understood. Can you tell us something about your experiences? For how long did you work there?
Well, my experiences are more complicated than what you mentioned just now.Actually I have been an entrepreneur my entire life. Independence being the key component to me. I have once tried being an employee, but that didn't work out. Being an entrepreneur, I have seen many sectors, amongst which I have experienced the financial world. All my other companies as an entrepreneur, like my own fashion line for ladies, car-dealership and also import-export had me involved to such an extent with building up my own fortune, it inherently guided me into the world of finance.Working in import export, you encounter different currencies and you have to go to the exchange to trade through brokers. And one of these brokers said at some point, Ronald, I've been looking at your life for a long time and you are always busy, you earn money we know, but what is your goal?
And I replied: The only goal I have as an entrepreneur, is to earn as much money as I possibly can because the more money I have, the quicker I can retire, be free and of course, have status. Basically everything you want in this society or at least, thats what I thought back then.
So the broker said: In that case, stop what you are doing now, stop with all those companies and just start dealing money, go into the financial world.Of that situation that is connected to your original question the broker, had a place in the exchange market and he dealt in currencies, deposits and trading in assets to make money out of the differences in interest rates, and that involved the aforementioned asset management. Those three aspects together formed the interesting package I said yes to.
He said: All right, you can take my place here, I'll train you, introduce you into the network, but in exchange I want 10% of your annual earnings.
So he basically sold me his spot in the financial world and asked a 10% commission which I paid him. Then he replied: There is one thing you need to know. If you can't put your conscience in the proverbial freezer, I don't mean on -18 degrees, but on a -100, then don't get involved in this.
That was the message, You want a lot of money, you can obtain that, I can help you, but it comes at a great cost. Because you can not do this with a clear conscience. Well, I laughed at that, I was young and naive. From my youth, from the way I came into life; my far from ideal youth led me to develop a certain view of the world and humanity
What do you mean by that? No warm, loving family?
My mother always did the best she could to make us feel loved, but she was hampered by that due to the behaviour of the father, who caused us to feel more like we lived in a war zone with each other. That isn't an exemplary situation to grow up inand as a child growing up like that, led me to believe that the world and humanity was far from great.
So putting your conscience in the freezer was fitting in as a starting point?
I was, partially, already used to doing that out of self-preservation, so to put my conscience in the freezer was not an impossible task to me. And my view of humanity and the world around me wasn't extremely positive either. I only thought of myself, thats the way I grew up to be out of self preservation and I got into the deal. Which meant, that slowly, I build up a customer base. And as I improved my skills within the network, I got deeper into the financial world and then it turns out the world is really small. And you keep noticing that, even when I was still working in import-export dealing in grain and such, you notice it is just a small circle and if we talk about the hard core circle in the financial world, I don't mean miss jean at the bank, but the big global flows of money which you use for trading.
You are talking about worldwide cash flows, so not the Netherlands in particular where you started working?
The Netherlands do play a distinct part in this story, but the world does not revolve around it. The Netherlands are part of a large global financial system in which you work through exchange market if you want to do official transactions. And many banks, who do the currency exchange get certain assignments from clients, which they can't get away with easily. Then the need arises for people like me, who were the straw men where big money flows are involved. We used certain financial constructions, international legislation, to move the money in such a way making everything 'ok'.
So all supervisors, regulatory bodies that are in place world wide, because they are, (there) that no one wakes up seeing what is going on, like a year or two ago, with the scandal around Panama
The Panama Papers
Yes then....
Tax evasion?
I think, well that was about avoiding taxes, tax evasion is when you break all the rules. This had to do with avoiding. But when you see what happened there, I'm like guys that is old news, and who are you boring with that because it is peanuts and hardly relevant. However, for the common people, that is great news, but it is not anything big. But it does show, there is something very wrong in this world. For example, there are people in the Netherlands, with certain positions, who have bank accounts in Panama, with legislations that allows them not to pay taxes in the Netherlands, which is still completely legal. Constructions like that were part of my job, when we had to change currency, we had changes, the first boycotts in Iraq early 90's, when there was a boycott in Iraq because of the war that started there. And we were confronted with what we called Iraq dollar. Iraqi dollars, which were actually American Dollars.
The American dollar has a direct relation to the oil prices which made it a world trading currency backed up by oil. As long as that connection is in place, the dollar has value.Officially, the Iraqi people weren't allowed to sell their oil due to the boycott.
In theory that is, because never before there was such a big business in oil, with discounts in this case, because officially it wasn't allowed, so with discounts it still crossed the borders. These dollars, because the energy was always payed in dollars, so the Iraqi dollars had to go somewhere. You couldn't just take them to the desk at the bank because of all the regulations and checks did provide a certain protection, because money laundering and criminality wasn't anything new back then, now we call it terrorism, but that was then also the case. So then you need people to take the heat.
As straw men you got invited to a bank in, for example, Germany, with basements full of trucks filled with money. And then you think sure, trucks, transports, a busy company. Come with me; then they show you they are all filled to maximum capacity with dollars. So change them with pounds, German Marks, this, that, in such a way it needs to go there and there. Well, processing cash. Processing cash in such a way that we can legally reintroduce it into the money circuit.
So that was your task?
You are never alone on an assignment, because you can not do this on your own. It is not possible. We all know Scrooge McDuck scooping money with his shovel, well we literally had to do that over there. It was impossible to process it all at once. So then you need to find a way, cash used to be the predominant method of paying. But you tried to find a way to process the cash. How do you reintroduce the cash into the circuit so Iraq can deal in its oil without being hampered. Because they are the ones who own the money. Iraq doesn't want to...look, you mentioned money laundering, but what it was about the boycott, Iraq had to stick to the rules, and by...you know, everything you want to know about the world, you can know by following the money.
That is the bottom line, everyone can say bla bla bla; but make sure you follow the meony then you'll find the truth. Same thing goes for that situation. So the only thing Iraq and their buying partners wanted, was to remain free of any accusations. Because the partners who bought it were the ones placing the boycott in the first place. But they are actually all friends on the same side. Everybody thinks there are opposites like good and bad guys in the world, but on the higher levels it is just a game and they are all working together.
However, they do have to stick to the rules and regulations they themselves have created to keep the rest of society suppressed and make sure that it will not be too crowded at the top. So what is going on there, is to make sure that nobody can trace you, apart from the elite themselves, nobody in lower ranks can find out what really happened.
Compartmentalized, thats how we call it
Yes. Everyone knows only his own little piece. Only the elite knows what is happening. Yes, but because we were doing the dirty work, we had to know a lot.
How high in the pyramid did you get? Were you close to the top of the pyramid?
Well, we were communicating with them
My ego would have loved it when I got to this position of belonging to the top itself. Nowadays we still talk about 8000-8500 people in the world who run the entire world. It would have been amazing to get into such a position back then.
All right, but if we say the top knows 100%, can you estimate how much you knew and understood of what happened?
In my work, I had to know 100% of what was going on. There was no other way, because of the interests of the people involved were huge. If I wouldn't know all the details I would end up making mistakes. Which would cause a spin off, because those mistakes would be detected. Then the people that don't know anything about it, would interfere. We are talking about having nerves of steel to function at this level.
So did you have nerves of steel?
Yes, it worked just fine.
The freezer worked very well for you....
Yes, I played at the highest level for about five years. And then it was totally over, out and done with. That was a very intense moment for me. Yes.
That happened suddenly? Or was there a reason?
Well, no, the thing is, I gave a small sample of what was involved, so in this case currency exchange, dollar to something else, deposited in a safe manner, and managing assets well, so it could grow to rate of return, leading to reinvestments with the money. The level I played at in those five years, and that didn't happen overnight, you need to earn your place, I am skilled at connecting the dots, information in order to achieve a full picture of all the things involved, that need to be taken into account within the playing field. You stand out when you are gifted in this. This is the reason I was trusted with the full 100% of the information where it concerned my jobs, so I didn't know about everything they knew, but everything that I needed to know regarding the case I was working with colleagues. I was often put in the leading role, because I kept a good overview of the situation. Yes, and I was good at innovative thinking to solve the problem. I had fun, creating solutions in such a way to always stay ahead and outsmart them, staying within the rules of the game but playing around with them to make everything match up. I loved that game.
However, on the other hand you had great responsibility and you learned more and more about the real world. So you say all, in what regard?
Well, your clients give you glimpses of how the world really works. Because my clients were banks (* my note: JEWS), who didn't want blood on their hands, but within those banks there always is a number of people who know damn well what is going on. So, like 1% within a bank knows the truth of the matter regarding the happenings within the world, which is not surprising considering they are involved in the flows of money. Those are your clients, you also have governments to deal with, multinationals, you have to deal with secret services and what they now call terrorist organizations. You get all of the groups that are involved with the big money as clients. Then you start seeing the connections, so they might be compartmentalized as you just mentioned, regarding knowledge, but because I am in the middle I see how they relate to one another; you see the money coming from this place, then going to that place, etc. You keep gaining information and thereby overview of what is really going on.
So you have to serve and keep all those groups happy, including terrorist organizations, you were trying to keep everybody happy?
Yes. Keeping all the balls in the air. Yes indeed, so one of the things that I found out, I did not know that before, but now I do, is about secret services; you think they are there to serve and protect a people, country, etc. But they actually turn out to be criminal organizations, to be more precise, the system is heavily so. We are talking about financing wars, creating wars, so basically creating a lot of misery in this world. And then I think to myself, if only people knew what the world is really like. Secret services will stop at nothing. But they also have their flows of money, because if they are trading in drugs or weapons or, for that matter, people, all that money has to go somewhere. Everything has to be financed.
You say it, but could you confirm they are doing this?
All of them. All of them. Yes. So the entire world as we think we know it, is just an illusion we believe in. Which is something you find out in this line of work and where it all went wrong for me, to put it that way, in hindsight, yes, it was for the best but, my freezer started to malfunction. There were things happening, for example I went to a different trade market, and one of my colleagues there said: Ronald, you remember that case with the Italian Lira? I sometimes mention that during talks as well. Do you remember those deals, in which we did mass dumping of the Lira which reduced the value of the currency, which caused a company in Italy to be hit in such a way they went bankrupt. And then you hear at the exchange, you remember that successful deal with the Lira? Yes. And then they say: Did you know that the owner committed suicide and left a family behind? Things like that....hahahaha, all together, all of us.
We looked down on people, mocked them, it was just a product, waste, everything was worthless trash, nature, the planet, everything could burn and break – just useless parasites. Just as long as we met our goals, as long as we were growing. Many of my colleagues ended up drinking or using drugs. No, in hindsight, it was for the best and I'm happy to still be alive.... however, all those horrible things...
Can you give an example, because I can sense a lot of terrible things happened to you
Yes, it is difficult part for me to talk about
I can feel that, but only whatever you wish to share is all right
Yes, I only talk about things I want to tell, but it does evoke a lot of emotions and with my conscience not being in the freezer it touches me deeply.
Yes, I feel the same way. All right.Can you tell me the worst thing that has happened that caused the tipping point in your situation?
Well, that was the beginning of the end, you get so deep into these circles and you sign a lifetime contract, not with blood or anything, to never disclose names of companies, organizations or people. You have to stick to it. I just told you about things that made the freezer glitch, my conscience started to show itself. My conscience came back and the most difficult part for me was, because I had such great status there, I was a success, I was trusted with the people playing at this level. To put it carefully, most of these people followed a not very mainstream religion. These people, most of them were Luciferians. And then you can say, religion is a fairy tale, God doesn't exist, none of that is real. Well, for these people it is truth and reality. And they served something immaterial, what they called Lucifer. And I also was in contact with those circles, only I laughed at it because to me they were just clients.
So I went to places called Churches of Satan.
Yes, so I visited these churches, just as a visitor, dropped by, and then they were doing their holy mass with naked women and liquor and stuff. I didn't believe in any of this stuff, and was far from convinced if any of this was real. Yes, in my opinion the darkness and evil is within the people themselves. I didn't make the connection yet.
So I was a guest in those circles and it amused me greatly to see all those naked women and the other things. It was the good life. But then at some point, I was invited, which is why I'm telling you all this, to participate in sacrifices...abroad.
You were asked to do that?
Yes, and I couldn't do that. (he starts to cry at this point in the video)
Would you like to stop for a moment b the way?
No. And then I started to slowly break down. I lived through quite a lot as a child myself and this really touched me deeply. Everything changed. And then I started to refuse assignments within my job. I could no longer do it. For them...of course. I was no longer capable of functioning optimally, my performance started to shake and I had refused tasks. The purpose of the whole thing, eventually, in that world is that they have everybody in their pocket. You need to be susceptible to blackmail. And blackmailing me proved to be very hard if I look back on it. They wanted to do that through those children. And that broke me.
Is that...you are not telling me something new – what they also do in politics?
If you google this, you'll find enough worldwide eyewitness accounts to know this isn't a Walt Disney fairy tale. Unfortunately the truth is, that worldwide they have been doing this for thousands of years. I once studied theology and even in the bible you find references to these practices wth the Iraelites. The reason the first ten tribes were banished to Babylonia was because of these rituals with children. Including the sacrificing of children, so this is pertinent, all this made me believe, cause I realized there was more to life than meets the eye. There is a whole invisible world. It is real.
You really do talk about a dark force and a manifestation of light. And psychology as well if I remember correctly?
Because through commercial psychology, mass psychology, i was able to manipulate situations for my own benefit.
That is scary, because if you dig into that you find Tavistock Institute and mind control, MK Ultra, Monarch and the like...
Yes, that is correct, but that was all part of the job. Through training at the job I got into that more deeply, because when you are making deals you also need to manipulate the media. You have to manipulate lots of things because nothing can be seen as it is. Everything has to appear as something different. You see the people as a flock of sheep, you put a couple border collies and drive them in a directions.
And to be honest with you, I still see that happening around me. People are still, through the systems and methods that we ourselves used to use, being treated in that same way, and it still works. People still don't understand how it really works and are still on the level of as long as I have my beer and whatever, completely self absorbed, also a survival mechanism, I mean it is the program after all, but you still see how stupidly easy it is to put people in a certain direction. When you are the one pulling the strings that is. Mass psychology.
In all those studies and discoveries I found a document which they are claiming is bullshit of course. And nowadays I recommend everyone, to read the whole of that incredibly boring document, just work through it, read it through. We are also talking about Zionism....if you read the Protocols of Zion and really study them and understand...then it is like reading the newspaper of the daily life. How from their position of ultimate power, and ultimate it has literally become, but that is only because people don't stand up for themselves. And we have all been programmed, if you dare to say you are against Zionism (*my note: Jews) then you are branded an Anti-Semite. Then you are...they try to...The negative, you can say evil (*my note: YHVH), the Luciferians, the Satanists, whatever you wish to call it, it is a REAL Entity. I have found that what is written in the Bible, and not just the Bible, you can find it in so many books, there really has been a moment of separation from the manifestation of light (*my note: separating the Gentiles from Satan) in which a group (the jews) went their own way and are carrying an intense hatred, anger, the people who do not underestimate the severity of this are but few. Because this is an all annihilating force that hates our (humanity's) guts. And it will do anything to destroy us completely. And the way to do that is to divide humanity. Divide and conquer is their truth.
Humanity is a manifestation of light, that is the true Creation. As long as you divide them based on political parties, skin color, then you – from a Luciferian point of view that is – suppress the full capabilities of your enemy, their full power, they can't stand up for themselves, because if that would happen, the Luciferians would lose. Then this monster, this greedy monster would disappear.
I tell people about this old American General who puts an entire room of people in the dark. The eyes adapt to the darkness, but you can't see a thing. The General doesn't say a word and suddenly he flicks on a lighter, one little light, and due to the prolonged darkness, you experience a manifestation of light from a single point and everyone can slightly see each other again. Beautiful. Come together. Thats how fast it could happen. But that is easy for me to say now, but then I was in a period of my life in which I was crumbling down.
Could you tell us something specific about that?
My conscience came back after the request involving the children and I started to refuse more and more.
But you did still show up for work after that?
I really didn't have a choice, I had my own business with several offices and employees, everything was still rolling. So on the one hand you are playing with money on a high level, in which you can't afford to make mistakes, otherwise everything falls down at once, your entire business is ruined, everybody involved, including yourself. So that brings a lot of stress, factoring in the resurfacing of a conscience, I was warned of when I got into this.
And you probably realized that then?
Yes, I heard myself laugh at it back then, but it wasn't a joke at all. I totally did not understand where I really got into. Broken. I couldn't do it anymore. So I tried to work through it, keep up appearances. I didn't know how to get out of this, I was trapped as well. Everybody was trapped. The first thing I saw was my mother crying at the intensive care.
You ended up at the IC?
Yeah, I really shut down
You had literally crashed?
Yes. Yes. At that time I didn't believe in anything, but I can still recall how I saw, from that corner...
You had a near death experience...
I saw how they were working on me. I have seen I am not my body. I'm in my body, but I am not just my body. I have seen them working on me. And later on, I've been reluctant to talk about it for a long time. I really talked about it much later. But when I did, I had researched so many things already and started to believe. I was starting to better understand the spiritual and the material. At that point this intense experience got its own place. The realization that I'm not my body, its just a vessel. So I lived through all that, but I also needed a long time to recover.
Yes, of course
I was completely burned out, I had crashed and the body needed a year because...I...I don't really want to get into it now, but in those circles I got tortured physically during my exit time. This was in order to make sure I would never break the contract of secrecy. So I was taken for a certain amount of time. I was 'treated', all those factors together, just increased the stress I was experiencing, literally running full speed towards my own end.
Do you mean abductions, as we call it, or programming?
No, they exposed me to certain types of torture that makes sure you'll never damage anyone in that world. I didn't realize that back then, so this is all from hindsight. It did all happen that way, so the end of my first life was so extreme that I couldn't handle it anymore. I couldn't handle it anymore, in no way. However, my mindpower was so strong, that it only happened with and to my own body, that was...well, I didn't know what to do anymore. There were no options left for me. So that is why sometimes I think – of course that is not true – but I wish, like so many colleagues, I had taken the drug and alcohol route. At least my end would have been more gentle. Because most of them are just dead by now. Even though I know there are more strawmen walking around, there are little still alive whom I knew back then. Well I was dead too, but I'm still here. Yes, I suppose you could say that. But that is, I can't say in short, since I don't know how long we have been talking, the world that I found myself in. If you have any specific questions, then I can answer them, but I had hoped to be more concise. But I just don't know how. To me it is still a very big deal...”

Woahh thats a REALLY long text! I'm legitimately angry that I don't have the time to read all of this, but huge thanks to you for taking the time to write it. Must've taken quite some time.

On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 2:55, zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   My Fellow SS: I came across a video by chance, its pretty new online. I took the time to transcribe the thing in its entirety, as I thought it provides a window into how the jews operate in the financial markets and how they entrap gentiles to slave for their benefit and it made me think of something HPS Maxine had recently posted in regards that the Gods are absolutely fed up and angry, furious at the other Satanic Organizations, which are totally jew infested. I also recall a recent question in the forums asking what is the difference between JoS and the Church of Satan. I thought this will outline that quite well. Forgive me it's a bit long of a post I just felt compelled to do it, I've worked on this all night:
In the course of this interview Ronald is stating these elites believe in Luciferianism and they go to the Church of Satan and sacrifice CHILDREN....in the name of Satan....well, they are denigrating our Gods and Satan Himself by doing these heinous acts in His name of course. The Jews at the very top know they are not Satanists at all, as Satan abhors them and all they do and is their worst enemy.
But the ones under them, in the lower tiers, the deluded gentiles, psychopathic humans who have decided to aid the enemy of humanity, they probably DO believe they are Satanic. I think they are led to do this by the jews for several reasons: To denigrate and shit on our Gods, but also when people like Ronald speak out, the blame for this filth is directed to Satan, The Gods and to us Satanists. It's the typical way the jews work: blaming what they do on their enemy. And I think also, it pleases them no end to see the children of Satan who are blinded and unwittingly committing sacrilege and the worst blasphemy against their One True God. It's absolutely sick and heinous and it's no wonder the Gods are completely fed up and furious at this!
I have taken the following quotes from the original transcript (I'll include the entire original interview below in its entirety for those who wish to see) and changed the untrue portion, added a few points of my own to it as I think it's actually revealing:
Humanity is a manifestation of light, that is the true Creation. (Hu (hue) hues of light and Man – manifest....Light Manifest.) That is what we really are (And Satan is the greatest Light of all). As long as you divide Humanity based on political parties, skin color, religions, etc, then you – from a Zionist Jew point of view that is – suppress the full capabilities of your enemy, their full power, so they can't stand up for themselves, because if that would happen, the Jews will lose. Then this monster, this greedy monster will disappear.
I tell people about this old American General who puts an entire room of people in the dark. The eyes adapt to the darkness, but you can't see a thing. The General doesn't say a word and suddenly he flicks on a lighter, one little light, and due to the prolonged darkness, you experience a manifestation of light from a single point and everyone can slightly see each other again. Beautiful. Come together. Thats how fast it could happen.”
I believe there is truth in that, we must work hard to spread the Truth of Satan and expose the jews in any/every way we can, fight in any way we are inspired by the Gods to do, each of us add their own unique part to this struggle:
The more people we can awaken from their sleep The sooner we'll reach the tipping point When a glorious light will spontaneously ignite In the hearts and souls of manIn the dark room the Jew has created for HumanityInside their prison of the mindIn this dark hole of insanity deep
And it will blaze like wildfire and sweep the landsWhereupon Gentiles will See The Truth, Know their Enemy at last and Stand Up! No more to obey the Jews commandsThe wolf will no longer be the sheepWhen this day comes (and it WILL) The Jews rule is OVER.
We at JOS will Stand for Humanity, for our Children, for this Glorious Earth which rightfully belongs to Satan and His Children....for all Her Creatures and most importantly, for Our One True God:
“O you Demons who dwell upon and are mighty governors of the earth, who execute the judgment of Satan! To you it is said: Behold the face of Satan, The beginning of comfort, whose eyes are the brightness of the stars; who provided you for the government of the Earth, and her variety, furnishing you with a power of understanding, to dispose all things according to the providence of he who reighneth on the Throne from Hell and rose up in the beginning, saying: The Earth, let her be governed by her parts. The course of her, let it run with pleasure, and as a handmaid let her serve Satan. One season, let it confound another; and let there be no creature upon or within her the same. All her members, let them differ in their qualities; And let there be no one creature equal with another. The reasonable creatures of the Earth, let them vex and weed out one another; and the dwelling places. The works of the followers of Jehova and his pomp, let them be defaced. The buildings of he who sits on the holy throne, let them become caves for the beasts of the field; their iniquities shall be known. For why? I regret their creation. O you sons and daughters of Satan, arise! Those in the kingdom of heaven, let them serve you. Govern those that govern; cast down such as fall; bring forth justice and destroy the rotten. No place let it remain in one number; add and diminish, until the stars be numbered. Arise, move! Appear before Satan! He has sworn unto us his justice; Open the Mysteries of your creation, and make us partakers of undefiled truth.”
                                                                                                    Nineteenth Enochian Key

Hail Satan!In Glory and Power Exalted!Hail all the Gods of Hell!

Full Transcript from interview with ex-currency trader Ronald Bernard:
" He clarifies the distorted way the world works, in which a small group of elites (jews), numbering between 8000 to 8500 people, who rule the entire world and discloses their ‘religious incentives’ for doing so. ‘I’m still here and that is more than many of my former colleagues can say’, says ex-currency trader Ronald Bernard in this outspoken interview. He talks about people who have such a pure hatred for humanity and the very earth itself, which enables them to be capable of destroying and annihilating everything that lives. He knows from experience that human life is considered to be worthless trash by this group. Furthermore, he experienced first-hand, how people like him are made susceptible to blackmail and forced to remain silent, by drugging and mind controlling them into committing abominable acts as he explains in the interview. To Ronald, refusing the request to engage in such acts led to a breaking point where he literally ended up physically crashing. "
Ronald, you have a very strong background in the financial sector, asset management, deposit trading, as far as I understood. Can you tell us something about your experiences? For how long did you work there?
Well, my experiences are more complicated than what you mentioned just now.Actually I have been an entrepreneur my entire life. Independence being the key component to me. I have once tried being an employee, but that didn't work out. Being an entrepreneur, I have seen many sectors, amongst which I have experienced the financial world. All my other companies as an entrepreneur, like my own fashion line for ladies, car-dealership and also import-export had me involved to such an extent with building up my own fortune, it inherently guided me into the world of finance.Working in import export, you encounter different currencies and you have to go to the exchange to trade through brokers. And one of these brokers said at some point, Ronald, I've been looking at your life for a long time and you are always busy, you earn money we know, but what is your goal?
And I replied: The only goal I have as an entrepreneur, is to earn as much money as I possibly can because the more money I have, the quicker I can retire, be free and of course, have status. Basically everything you want in this society or at least, thats what I thought back then.
So the broker said: In that case, stop what you are doing now, stop with all those companies and just start dealing money, go into the financial world.Of that situation that is connected to your original question the broker, had a place in the exchange market and he dealt in currencies, deposits and trading in assets to make money out of the differences in interest rates, and that involved the aforementioned asset management. Those three aspects together formed the interesting package I said yes to.
He said: All right, you can take my place here, I'll train you, introduce you into the network, but in exchange I want 10% of your annual earnings.
So he basically sold me his spot in the financial world and asked a 10% commission which I paid him. Then he replied: There is one thing you need to know. If you can't put your conscience in the proverbial freezer, I don't mean on -18 degrees, but on a -100, then don't get involved in this.
That was the message, You want a lot of money, you can obtain that, I can help you, but it comes at a great cost. Because you can not do this with a clear conscience. Well, I laughed at that, I was young and naive. From my youth, from the way I came into life; my far from ideal youth led me to develop a certain view of the world and humanity
What do you mean by that? No warm, loving family?
My mother always did the best she could to make us feel loved, but she was hampered by that due to the behaviour of the father, who caused us to feel more like we lived in a war zone with each other. That isn't an exemplary situation to grow up inand as a child growing up like that, led me to believe that the world and humanity was far from great.
So putting your conscience in the freezer was fitting in as a starting point?
I was, partially, already used to doing that out of self-preservation, so to put my conscience in the freezer was not an impossible task to me. And my view of humanity and the world around me wasn't extremely positive either. I only thought of myself, thats the way I grew up to be out of self preservation and I got into the deal. Which meant, that slowly, I build up a customer base. And as I improved my skills within the network, I got deeper into the financial world and then it turns out the world is really small. And you keep noticing that, even when I was still working in import-export dealing in grain and such, you notice it is just a small circle and if we talk about the hard core circle in the financial world, I don't mean miss jean at the bank, but the big global flows of money which you use for trading.
You are talking about worldwide cash flows, so not the Netherlands in particular where you started working?
The Netherlands do play a distinct part in this story, but the world does not revolve around it. The Netherlands are part of a large global financial system in which you work through exchange market if you want to do official transactions. And many banks, who do the currency exchange get certain assignments from clients, which they can't get away with easily. Then the need arises for people like me, who were the straw men where big money flows are involved. We used certain financial constructions, international legislation, to move the money in such a way making everything 'ok'.
So all supervisors, regulatory bodies that are in place world wide, because they are, (there) that no one wakes up seeing what is going on, like a year or two ago, with the scandal around Panama
The Panama Papers
Yes then....
Tax evasion?
I think, well that was about avoiding taxes, tax evasion is when you break all the rules. This had to do with avoiding. But when you see what happened there, I'm like guys that is old news, and who are you boring with that because it is peanuts and hardly relevant. However, for the common people, that is great news, but it is not anything big. But it does show, there is something very wrong in this world. For example, there are people in the Netherlands, with certain positions, who have bank accounts in Panama, with legislations that allows them not to pay taxes in the Netherlands, which is still completely legal. Constructions like that were part of my job, when we had to change currency, we had changes, the first boycotts in Iraq early 90's, when there was a boycott in Iraq because of the war that started there. And we were confronted with what we called Iraq dollar. Iraqi dollars, which were actually American Dollars.
The American dollar has a direct relation to the oil prices which made it a world trading currency backed up by oil. As long as that connection is in place, the dollar has value.Officially, the Iraqi people weren't allowed to sell their oil due to the boycott.
In theory that is, because never before there was such a big business in oil, with discounts in this case, because officially it wasn't allowed, so with discounts it still crossed the borders. These dollars, because the energy was always payed in dollars, so the Iraqi dollars had to go somewhere. You couldn't just take them to the desk at the bank because of all the regulations and checks did provide a certain protection, because money laundering and criminality wasn't anything new back then, now we call it terrorism, but that was then also the case. So then you need people to take the heat.
As straw men you got invited to a bank in, for example, Germany, with basements full of trucks filled with money. And then you think sure, trucks, transports, a busy company. Come with me; then they show you they are all filled to maximum capacity with dollars. So change them with pounds, German Marks, this, that, in such a way it needs to go there and there. Well, processing cash. Processing cash in such a way that we can legally reintroduce it into the money circuit.
So that was your task?
You are never alone on an assignment, because you can not do this on your own. It is not possible. We all know Scrooge McDuck scooping money with his shovel, well we literally had to do that over there. It was impossible to process it all at once. So then you need to find a way, cash used to be the predominant method of paying. But you tried to find a way to process the cash. How do you reintroduce the cash into the circuit so Iraq can deal in its oil without being hampered. Because they are the ones who own the money. Iraq doesn't want to...look, you mentioned money laundering, but what it was about the boycott, Iraq had to stick to the rules, and by...you know, everything you want to know about the world, you can know by following the money.
That is the bottom line, everyone can say bla bla bla; but make sure you follow the meony then you'll find the truth. Same thing goes for that situation. So the only thing Iraq and their buying partners wanted, was to remain free of any accusations. Because the partners who bought it were the ones placing the boycott in the first place. But they are actually all friends on the same side. Everybody thinks there are opposites like good and bad guys in the world, but on the higher levels it is just a game and they are all working together.
However, they do have to stick to the rules and regulations they themselves have created to keep the rest of society suppressed and make sure that it will not be too crowded at the top. So what is going on there, is to make sure that nobody can trace you, apart from the elite themselves, nobody in lower ranks can find out what really happened.
Compartmentalized, thats how we call it
Yes. Everyone knows only his own little piece. Only the elite knows what is happening. Yes, but because we were doing the dirty work, we had to know a lot.
How high in the pyramid did you get? Were you close to the top of the pyramid?
Well, we were communicating with them
My ego would have loved it when I got to this position of belonging to the top itself. Nowadays we still talk about 8000-8500 people in the world who run the entire world. It would have been amazing to get into such a position back then.
All right, but if we say the top knows 100%, can you estimate how much you knew and understood of what happened?
In my work, I had to know 100% of what was going on. There was no other way, because of the interests of the people involved were huge. If I wouldn't know all the details I would end up making mistakes. Which would cause a spin off, because those mistakes would be detected. Then the people that don't know anything about it, would interfere. We are talking about having nerves of steel to function at this level.
So did you have nerves of steel?
Yes, it worked just fine.
The freezer worked very well for you....
Yes, I played at the highest level for about five years. And then it was totally over, out and done with. That was a very intense moment for me. Yes.
That happened suddenly? Or was there a reason?
Well, no, the thing is, I gave a small sample of what was involved, so in this case currency exchange, dollar to something else, deposited in a safe manner, and managing assets well, so it could grow to rate of return, leading to reinvestments with the money. The level I played at in those five years, and that didn't happen overnight, you need to earn your place, I am skilled at connecting the dots, information in order to achieve a full picture of all the things involved, that need to be taken into account within the playing field. You stand out when you are gifted in this. This is the reason I was trusted with the full 100% of the information where it concerned my jobs, so I didn't know about everything they knew, but everything that I needed to know regarding the case I was working with colleagues. I was often put in the leading role, because I kept a good overview of the situation. Yes, and I was good at innovative thinking to solve the problem. I had fun, creating solutions in such a way to always stay ahead and outsmart them, staying within the rules of the game but playing around with them to make everything match up. I loved that game.
However, on the other hand you had great responsibility and you learned more and more about the real world. So you say all, in what regard?
Well, your clients give you glimpses of how the world really works. Because my clients were banks (* my note: JEWS), who didn't want blood on their hands, but within those banks there always is a number of people who know damn well what is going on. So, like 1% within a bank knows the truth of the matter regarding the happenings within the world, which is not surprising considering they are involved in the flows of money. Those are your clients, you also have governments to deal with, multinationals, you have to deal with secret services and what they now call terrorist organizations. You get all of the groups that are involved with the big money as clients. Then you start seeing the connections, so they might be compartmentalized as you just mentioned, regarding knowledge, but because I am in the middle I see how they relate to one another; you see the money coming from this place, then going to that place, etc. You keep gaining information and thereby overview of what is really going on.
So you have to serve and keep all those groups happy, including terrorist organizations, you were trying to keep everybody happy?
Yes. Keeping all the balls in the air. Yes indeed, so one of the things that I found out, I did not know that before, but now I do, is about secret services; you think they are there to serve and protect a people, country, etc. But they actually turn out to be criminal organizations, to be more precise, the system is heavily so. We are talking about financing wars, creating wars, so basically creating a lot of misery in this world. And then I think to myself, if only people knew what the world is really like. Secret services will stop at nothing. But they also have their flows of money, because if they are trading in drugs or weapons or, for that matter, people, all that money has to go somewhere. Everything has to be financed.
You say it, but could you confirm they are doing this?
All of them. All of them. Yes. So the entire world as we think we know it, is just an illusion we believe in. Which is something you find out in this line of work and where it all went wrong for me, to put it that way, in hindsight, yes, it was for the best but, my freezer started to malfunction. There were things happening, for example I went to a different trade market, and one of my colleagues there said: Ronald, you remember that case with the Italian Lira? I sometimes mention that during talks as well. Do you remember those deals, in which we did mass dumping of the Lira which reduced the value of the currency, which caused a company in Italy to be hit in such a way they went bankrupt. And then you hear at the exchange, you remember that successful deal with the Lira? Yes. And then they say: Did you know that the owner committed suicide and left a family behind? Things like that....hahahaha, all together, all of us.
We looked down on people, mocked them, it was just a product, waste, everything was worthless trash, nature, the planet, everything could burn and break – just useless parasites. Just as long as we met our goals, as long as we were growing. Many of my colleagues ended up drinking or using drugs. No, in hindsight, it was for the best and I'm happy to still be alive.... however, all those horrible things...
Can you give an example, because I can sense a lot of terrible things happened to you
Yes, it is difficult part for me to talk about
I can feel that, but only whatever you wish to share is all right
Yes, I only talk about things I want to tell, but it does evoke a lot of emotions and with my conscience not being in the freezer it touches me deeply.
Yes, I feel the same way. All right.Can you tell me the worst thing that has happened that caused the tipping point in your situation?
Well, that was the beginning of the end, you get so deep into these circles and you sign a lifetime contract, not with blood or anything, to never disclose names of companies, organizations or people. You have to stick to it. I just told you about things that made the freezer glitch, my conscience started to show itself. My conscience came back and the most difficult part for me was, because I had such great status there, I was a success, I was trusted with the people playing at this level. To put it carefully, most of these people followed a not very mainstream religion. These people, most of them were Luciferians. And then you can say, religion is a fairy tale, God doesn't exist, none of that is real. Well, for these people it is truth and reality. And they served something immaterial, what they called Lucifer. And I also was in contact with those circles, only I laughed at it because to me they were just clients.
So I went to places called Churches of Satan.
Yes, so I visited these churches, just as a visitor, dropped by, and then they were doing their holy mass with naked women and liquor and stuff. I didn't believe in any of this stuff, and was far from convinced if any of this was real. Yes, in my opinion the darkness and evil is within the people themselves. I didn't make the connection yet.
So I was a guest in those circles and it amused me greatly to see all those naked women and the other things. It was the good life. But then at some point, I was invited, which is why I'm telling you all this, to participate in sacrifices...abroad.
You were asked to do that?
Yes, and I couldn't do that. (he starts to cry at this point in the video)
Would you like to stop for a moment b the way?
No. And then I started to slowly break down. I lived through quite a lot as a child myself and this really touched me deeply. Everything changed. And then I started to refuse assignments within my job. I could no longer do it. For them...of course. I was no longer capable of functioning optimally, my performance started to shake and I had refused tasks. The purpose of the whole thing, eventually, in that world is that they have everybody in their pocket. You need to be susceptible to blackmail. And blackmailing me proved to be very hard if I look back on it. They wanted to do that through those children. And that broke me.
Is that...you are not telling me something new – what they also do in politics?
If you google this, you'll find enough worldwide eyewitness accounts to know this isn't a Walt Disney fairy tale. Unfortunately the truth is, that worldwide they have been doing this for thousands of years. I once studied theology and even in the bible you find references to these practices wth the Iraelites. The reason the first ten tribes were banished to Babylonia was because of these rituals with children. Including the sacrificing of children, so this is pertinent, all this made me believe, cause I realized there was more to life than meets the eye. There is a whole invisible world. It is real.
You really do talk about a dark force and a manifestation of light. And psychology as well if I remember correctly?
Because through commercial psychology, mass psychology, i was able to manipulate situations for my own benefit.
That is scary, because if you dig into that you find Tavistock Institute and mind control, MK Ultra, Monarch and the like...
Yes, that is correct, but that was all part of the job. Through training at the job I got into that more deeply, because when you are making deals you also need to manipulate the media. You have to manipulate lots of things because nothing can be seen as it is. Everything has to appear as something different. You see the people as a flock of sheep, you put a couple border collies and drive them in a directions.
And to be honest with you, I still see that happening around me. People are still, through the systems and methods that we ourselves used to use, being treated in that same way, and it still works. People still don't understand how it really works and are still on the level of as long as I have my beer and whatever, completely self absorbed, also a survival mechanism, I mean it is the program after all, but you still see how stupidly easy it is to put people in a certain direction. When you are the one pulling the strings that is. Mass psychology.
In all those studies and discoveries I found a document which they are claiming is bullshit of course. And nowadays I recommend everyone, to read the whole of that incredibly boring document, just work through it, read it through. We are also talking about Zionism....if you read the Protocols of Zion and really study them and understand...then it is like reading the newspaper of the daily life. How from their position of ultimate power, and ultimate it has literally become, but that is only because people don't stand up for themselves. And we have all been programmed, if you dare to say you are against Zionism (*my note: Jews) then you are branded an Anti-Semite. Then you are...they try to...The negative, you can say evil (*my note: YHVH), the Luciferians, the Satanists, whatever you wish to call it, it is a REAL Entity. I have found that what is written in the Bible, and not just the Bible, you can find it in so many books, there really has been a moment of separation from the manifestation of light (*my note: separating the Gentiles from Satan) in which a group (the jews) went their own way and are carrying an intense hatred, anger, the people who do not underestimate the severity of this are but few. Because this is an all annihilating force that hates our (humanity's) guts. And it will do anything to destroy us completely. And the way to do that is to divide humanity. Divide and conquer is their truth.
Humanity is a manifestation of light, that is the true Creation. As long as you divide them based on political parties, skin color, then you – from a Luciferian point of view that is – suppress the full capabilities of your enemy, their full power, they can't stand up for themselves, because if that would happen, the Luciferians would lose. Then this monster, this greedy monster would disappear.
I tell people about this old American General who puts an entire room of people in the dark. The eyes adapt to the darkness, but you can't see a thing. The General doesn't say a word and suddenly he flicks on a lighter, one little light, and due to the prolonged darkness, you experience a manifestation of light from a single point and everyone can slightly see each other again. Beautiful. Come together. Thats how fast it could happen. But that is easy for me to say now, but then I was in a period of my life in which I was crumbling down.
Could you tell us something specific about that?
My conscience came back after the request involving the children and I started to refuse more and more.
But you did still show up for work after that?
I really didn't have a choice, I had my own business with several offices and employees, everything was still rolling. So on the one hand you are playing with money on a high level, in which you can't afford to make mistakes, otherwise everything falls down at once, your entire business is ruined, everybody involved, including yourself. So that brings a lot of stress, factoring in the resurfacing of a conscience, I was warned of when I got into this.
And you probably realized that then?
Yes, I heard myself laugh at it back then, but it wasn't a joke at all. I totally did not understand where I really got into. Broken. I couldn't do it anymore. So I tried to work through it, keep up appearances. I didn't know how to get out of this, I was trapped as well. Everybody was trapped. The first thing I saw was my mother crying at the intensive care.
You ended up at the IC?
Yeah, I really shut down
You had literally crashed?
Yes. Yes. At that time I didn't believe in anything, but I can still recall how I saw, from that corner...
You had a near death experience...
I saw how they were working on me. I have seen I am not my body. I'm in my body, but I am not just my body. I have seen them working on me. And later on, I've been reluctant to talk about it for a long time. I really talked about it much later. But when I did, I had researched so many things already and started to believe. I was starting to better understand the spiritual and the material. At that point this intense experience got its own place. The realization that I'm not my body, its just a vessel. So I lived through all that, but I also needed a long time to recover.
Yes, of course
I was completely burned out, I had crashed and the body needed a year because...I...I don't really want to get into it now, but in those circles I got tortured physically during my exit time. This was in order to make sure I would never break the contract of secrecy. So I was taken for a certain amount of time. I was 'treated', all those factors together, just increased the stress I was experiencing, literally running full speed towards my own end.
Do you mean abductions, as we call it, or programming?
No, they exposed me to certain types of torture that makes sure you'll never damage anyone in that world. I didn't realize that back then, so this is all from hindsight. It did all happen that way, so the end of my first life was so extreme that I couldn't handle it anymore. I couldn't handle it anymore, in no way. However, my mindpower was so strong, that it only happened with and to my own body, that was...well, I didn't know what to do anymore. There were no options left for me. So that is why sometimes I think – of course that is not true – but I wish, like so many colleagues, I had taken the drug and alcohol route. At least my end would have been more gentle. Because most of them are just dead by now. Even though I know there are more strawmen walking around, there are little still alive whom I knew back then. Well I was dead too, but I'm still here. Yes, I suppose you could say that. But that is, I can't say in short, since I don't know how long we have been talking, the world that I found myself in. If you have any specific questions, then I can answer them, but I had hoped to be more concise. But I just don't know how. To me it is still a very big deal...”
Thanks Shael, It took me a long time to transcribe as I'm not a good typist. I have to peck away. I'm glad someone here actually looked at it. I think it is actually important as it outlines how and why the jew enslaves people, and what makes them susceptible. 
@zolaI will definetly read it completely within the next few days, it's just that I rarely have that much time left over. :DThanks again 

On Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 19:53, zolaluckystar@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Thanks Shael, It took me a long time to transcribe as I'm not a good typist. I have to peck away. I'm glad someone here actually looked at it. I think it is actually important as it outlines how and why the jew enslaves people, and what makes them susceptible. 
Those jews at that organization do that thing in order to scary people that are involved in such thing, so, when they leave the organizations there is a big chance that they will be christian preachers and tell to people that the world is Satan´s business, and thanks to the preachers, the jews will gain more wealth.

I just read the whole thing Zola, thanks for writing this, it is very revealing and also interesting to read that from a persons perspective who has been in it as deep as he was and somehow managed to get out of it with his conscience intact.

What is interesting though, and also revealing is how he still was unable to give any names, or give any proof except for eye witness reports. Of course he would be murdered if he did say anything. (die in an unfortunate accident or from an illness/heart attack attributed to bad health or something else, i.e. cursed to death spiritually).

He says it himself, that he is unable to say anything that could damage that world, unable to give any names or reveal any associations because of the "work" (((they))) did on him before he stepped out of that world.

What is also important is that reading this shows how much we know, compared even to someone like him that was in the middle of that high level Jewish control. We know all of this and how originates, how they are able to do this and how deep this rabbit hole goes and we can connect the dots without needing to witness these things physically or spend time being in the middle of it.

The third eye allows one to see truth from falsehood. It allows us to see what others cannot. To see past any barriers, veils and other facades places by the enemy to keep everything they do a secret.

We are the cure for this disease that is the jew. The antidote and we know everything about the disease, how it functions and how to kill it.

However if more people open their third eyes it will be much easier to reveal the jews for what they are. The Third eye is key in understanding the spiritual and in seeing through the jews and other enemies of Satan.

Hail Satan!
"...and it made me think of something HPS Maxine had recently posted in regards that the Gods are absolutely fed up and angry, furious at the other Satanic Organizations, which are totally jew infested."
Why can't the gods just destroy them and call it good? Why be angry at something when they have the powers to destroy? 
On May 4, 2017 11:17 AM, "voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I just read the whole thing Zola, thanks for writing this, it is very revealing and also interesting to read that from a persons perspective who has been in it as deep as he was and somehow managed to get out of it with his conscience intact.

What is interesting though, and also revealing is how he still was unable to give any names, or give any proof except for eye witness reports. Of course he would be murdered if he did say anything. (die in an unfortunate accident or from an illness/heart attack attributed to bad health or something else, i.e. cursed to death spiritually).

He says it himself, that he is unable to say anything that could damage that world, unable to give any names or reveal any associations because of the "work" (((they))) did on him before he stepped out of that world.

What is also important is that reading this shows how much we know, compared even to someone like him that was in the middle of that high level Jewish control. We know all of this and how originates, how they are able to do this and how deep this rabbit hole goes and we can connect the dots without needing to witness these things physically or spend time being in the middle of it.

The third eye allows one to see truth from falsehood. It allows us to see what others cannot. To see past any barriers, veils and other facades places by the enemy to keep everything they do a secret.

We are the cure for this disease that is the jew. The antidote and we know everything about the disease, how it functions and how to kill it.

However if more people open their third eyes it will be much easier to reveal the jews for what they are. The Third eye is key in understanding the spiritual and in seeing through the jews and other enemies of Satan.

Hail Satan!
The Gods aren't all powerful. There is an opportunity cost. If they were to put resources into one thing, they couldn't put those same resources into another.

When you're at the top you live on the fucking edge man. The full might of your intellect, each unit of time/energy placed into areas that maximize your odds of long term survival. Analysis and contingency planning and so on and so on.

Scientists think the Betelgeuse star might blow up soon. I would be surprised if the Gods lived there though, given how unstable it is.
I don't think it's that easy. I wish it were. The tentacles of the jew are so sunk in. We are living on a slave planet that the Gods are trying to liberate. For example:
"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.' I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under." 
-- Martin van Creveld, Israeli professor of military history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in an interview in the Dutch weekly magazine: Elsevier, 2002, no. 17, p. 52-53.
We are like hostages. We are operating behind the enemy lines. The Gods have to find a way to neutralize the enemy and free us, even as they face these threats.
This global game is so convoluted, so systemic, the threats are so real, I wish the Gods could just destroy the jews and end this BS. But I don't think it's that easy. I wish it were! There are so many layers, it is beyond us. Which is why I am so glad the Gods are helping us. Because without them we would already be in a jewish slave state.
The Gods are angry at this BS and are working to bring it down. We help by doing the RTR's. Because it's not only a physical fight, but a spiritual one.
Note that the NWO guys call themselves "Luciferians" but never "Satanists." Interesting fact: Christ in the Book of Revelations, as the Jewish Messiah and the Earthly manifestation of YHWH, is called "Lucifer"("The Morning Star").
Yes and this is but another example of how the jews steal what is ours and twist it into blasphemy and evil. The filth Jewhova and Jewsus are not Satan or Star of the Morning. This was stolen. Just as everything they have has been stolen from US.
Jonathon, what do you mean the gods aren't all powerful? I thought on the Joy of Satan site it said they were. 

On May 5, 2017 10:24 AM, "jonathon.billing@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  The Gods aren't all powerful. There is an opportunity cost. If they were to put resources into one thing, they couldn't put those same resources into another.

When you're at the top you live on the fucking edge man. The full might of your intellect, each unit of time/energy placed into areas that maximize your odds of long term survival. Analysis and contingency planning and so on and so on.

Scientists think the Betelgeuse star might blow up soon. I would be surprised if the Gods lived there though, given how unstable it is.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
