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Jewish Song

Why not? He just sings the songs. Gentiles like it and they pay him, giving it their own content.

For example another jew reads this song, wears his diapers, and is like "oy vey the goyim with their lies of not accepting us to rule dem, gotta fight dem, hawly reptilians help me with my diaper, oy vehhhhhh".

The song has a double meaning here.

Also, not every jew likes the fact they are a bio engineered slave, so some are bound to act against them and against their own tribe, this is happening over and over again in history. But this does not make them good.
It's like Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name and many songs by Linkin Park, etc.

There are some self-hating j00z, and I am thinking that that is because this Planet of ours is Natural for and to us, and our Souls are to be free and not bound; the j00 comes here and is influenced by these energies and the Nature of here, and with an attempt at having Human Bodies, the j00 is more influenced by it. One might wonder why the j00 must be mind-raped since birth into the anti-Gentile indoctrination, with the mothers it has who are so wound-up and not able to be expressive.

I Had to Take My Dirty Panties to a Rabbi, and So Has Every Orthodox Jewish Woman

Religion brainwashed me into doing irrational and emotionally self-damaging things that I would have easily recognized as primitive and harmful were it not for my indoctrination. Of all the practices I look back on with horror, this was the worst. By removing the veil of secrecy that keeps these practices from public knowledge, my hope is that women suffering within these communities will feel empowered to leave.

There are three key tenets of Orthodox Judaism, each associated with an array of laws that must be strictly adhered to. Of the three, people are generally familiar with two: the special dietary laws referred to as Kosher; and the rabbinical laws of the Sabbath, or Shabbat, that govern the do’s and don’ts during the day of rest between sundown Friday and sundown Saturday.

The third pillar of Orthodox Judaism, family purity or niddah, is one very few people outside of that insular world are aware of. However, if broken, the laws accompanying it carry a far greater penalty in the next world than those related to the Sabbath or keeping Kosher. The laws of family purity apply to all spectrums of orthodoxy, including the modern ones that allow women to wear trousers and uncover their hair, like the sect Ivanka Trump belongs to, for example. Even the slightest deviation from these laws would compromise a couple’s standing as practicing Orthodox Jews in the eyes of a rabbinical court.

What are these laws, you ask?

The laws of family purity revolve around the color of a woman’s vaginal discharge.

You see, beginning on the days when she anticipates her period, a husband and wife are forbidden from having any sexual relations until seven days following the end of her period. Considering orthodox law states that a period’s duration is a minimum of five days, this typically spans about two weeks or longer, depending on whether her post-menstrual discharge cooperates. In short, this means that for about half of every month, all aspects of an orthodox woman’s life, relationship, sexuality, and emotional health, are dictated by her vaginal discharge.

Except for the far left minority, most orthodox sects go even further with their adherence to the ancient laws by completely prohibiting any physical contact. Couples may not sleep in the same bed, or even hand objects to each other directly (even a baby), all to prevent the increase of temptation to have sexual contact. These laws apply even after a miscarriage, during childbirth, months following childbirth, and even if a spouse loses a family member and needs a hug from their partner.

While the woman is required to count seven clean days before she may immerse herself in a ritual bath (mikvah) prior to reuniting with her husband, it’s not only a matter of days or time waiting. The woman must take an active role to ensure she is “clean” by wearing only white underwear and conducting self-examinations of her vaginal canal with special white cloths twice a day, every day, before sundown. The white cloth is inserted into the vagina so that any fluid or discharge is absorbed. The first examination of the seven days requires the cloth to be left in for about an hour, even if the woman is out of the house, and it is usually quite painful. Here is an excerpt from a website detailing very specific examination instructions (http://www.yoatzot.org/taharat-hamishpacha/?id=603):

“Insert the finger deeply but GENTLY into the vaginal canal as far as the length of your finger will allow. If this is difficult for you, try to go deeply at least for the hefsek taharah [first] examination and for one of the examinations during the seven blood-free days – preferably the first.”

If during the seven days any of the examination cloths contain even a tiny spot darker than tan, or a spot on her underwear bigger than a penny and darker than tan, she must take the underwear or cloth to a special rabbi for further evaluation. This Rabbi will then examine the color to determine if it is light enough for her to keep counting, or if it’s too dark or too red tinted such that she must begin counting the seven clean days over, even if it is day 7. Seeing a spot obviously induces massive anxiety for housewives longing for any affection from their husbands, many of whom also worry that their deprived husbands will start looking elsewhere.

Q: How do boys and girls raised in a culture obsessed with modesty accept this practice when they are made aware of what they must adhere to?


1) They are told that these special rabbis are like male OBGYNs; that there is nothing sexual about them examining the discharge, and that if someone still thinks it is inappropriate, it’s because THEY have a dirty mind and do not understand the holiness that motivates these rabbis.

2) Engaged couples are told that if husbands sleep with their wives too much, they will grow tired of them the way a person’s love of chocolate cake would dwindle if eaten for every meal. The girls are also told that without a forced physical separation, their husbands will only see them as sexual toys and will have no incentive to talk to them and connect on a deeper emotional and intellectual level.

3) To paraphrase what Sam Harris has said, one guy cutting off a girl’s clitoris is called a monster; hundreds of men doing the same is called culture.

Q: Why can’t women check the colors themselves?

A: According to Jewish law, women can’t be judges and can’t make legal rulings. Once vaginal discharge is darker than tan, a legal judgment is required. However, the minority left-leaning sect has, in recent years, certified some women to make these judgments. The center and right-leaning majority, however, does not recognize their certification because they are female judges, for all intents and purposes.

That’s right. Women encouraging other women and their daughters to painfully violate themselves for God, instead of listening to their bodies and protecting themselves. Further, these are the least extreme of the bunch! More here: http://www.yoatzot.org/taharat-hamishpacha/?id=603

Q: Is this in the Bible?

A: Yes, sort of. The prohibition for a man to not approach a menstruating woman is one of the 613 commandments in the Old Testament. Like kosher and the Sabbath, the specific laws governing the execution of the commandment are recorded various rabbinical writings considered as binding as the Bible itself.

The scope of this article does not include the vast laws that govern what the woman must do to her body on the night of her ritual bath, the emotional stresses put on the marriage and on the spouses by these laws, and how men who are prohibited from spilling their seed deal with so much celibacy (Hint: In Jewish law, a married man sleeping with a single woman who is not his wife is NOT considered adulterous. Adultery is defined by the marital status of the woman).

There are also comments on the page.

It has been posted, either just in posts and/or in sermons, that the "über-orthodox super-extreme" jew has to ask its rabbi
for permission to do more or less everything, such as where to send the children to school, whether or not to buy a car, etc. It's no wonder the first Vulcan in Star Trek, created by jewgene rottenverry, is an autistic jew, with its uncontrollable 7-year itch, which means, based on a real-life Animal with the same Nature, the Vulcan must not engage in sex (by "Must not", it is "explained" by means of the violent ancient history of the Vulcans due to their emotions); however, every 7 years, the "primal, base, animalistic, primitive Goyimly nature" exerts itself and it is uncontollable, and the Vulcan must either mate or have a homoerotic wrestling dance with another man, to somehow dissolve all of the lust. Not only that, but later in old Vulcan life, they can become very ill with uncontrollable emotions. That's what you get for extremes and inballances. As for the violent historical nature of the Vulcan, one man stood tall and... blah, blah, blah. It's interesting how one single man, in the midst of the entire Vulcan planetary-society - (((globalisation))) - managed to overcome his uncontrollable emotional state. Regardless, the jew is admitting it is psychotic, psychopathic, sociopathic, xenophobic... - and now with ariana grande's missing brain bits (and as I said that missing-brain thing is also in an episode of Star Trek), then...well...what much more needs to be said?!

With the disgusting jewish shit as above, it's no wonder the jew is being the evil against Earth and Her Inhabitants, and also other Planets such as Phaeton and Lucifuge Rofocale's Planet - "the destroyer of worlds". Remember that the jew is the slave of the reptilians, so whatever number, level, amount, degree that the jew is, its reptillian overlords evidently are so much more. Then recall christian "priests" who are forbidden from having orgasms and sexual intercourse and also recall islam, as well. This was done deliberately. There also used to be a time in history when Boys' hands were tied in bed to stop them from touching themselves.

There is so much fucked-up-ness in the jew that it unavoidably spills over into Humans. Perhaps this is the meaning of "my cup runneth over" - the poison cup. Don't forget that hebrew and jew "holy" books have multiple understandings and levels of meanings and hidden-meanings and codes, etc. Sex, sexuality, and sexual things are of vital importance to the safe and healthy state of Humans. The jew, on the other hand, is jealous that we have Kundalini, and it forbids its own from engaging in something very similar to what we have, and to make itself feel better, it forbade Humans, as well. (To reference sci fi in this, see Kif from Futurama who basically is the Captain Kirked Captain Brannigan's bitch, who then gets his own bitch for a little while). Based on some things, a loose list of reptillian/jew-made problems and things could be as follows -

  • robots are mindless, even with aritifical intelligence
  • greys are more or less the same, but biological robots
  • the jew is under these slightly, and the "ultra orthodox", "god"-fearing and respecting jew especially; like a living robot
  • then there are various levels, with on and off-ramps which overlap, of the Goyim who are "under" the jew in this manner, with mindlessness of drugs (both legal and illegal), mental ill health, extreme mental and brain trauma and damage, poverty, slavery, inability to do things, rules, regulations...

I also should mention that, as far as I have been led to believe, that torture/interrogation, for means of extracting information, doesn't work after so long, that it is effective for only a time. Putting this in a much larger scale, the jew cannot possibly win in the very long-term - then, as we know, if the schoolyard fucktard bully doesn't get its way, it destroys the Planet because it's a piss-and-shit bitch. Dirty j00 slavebitch. The dirty jewkikeslavebitch is a lustful lover and luster of schadenfreude and also as we have learnt, the jew's perverse pleasure is always accompanied with a bit of fear. The dirty jewkikeslavebitch might have contempt, disdain, hatred, etc., against us but the jew is nothing and it has no reason whatsoever to have these against us, other than wading in the green river; we, on the other hand, have very many ample reasons against the jew. You might, or might not, also want to read about jephthah's daughter.

The reptillitards made the jew to be a tool for achieving an end, yet the tool is inadequate. The jew hates itself, even unconsciously, but still must go on. Why doesn't it just quit while its behind, instead of fighting a losing war? It's going to be destroyed anyway, so what's the point in continuing on in the slightest-of-slight hopes that its reptillitard overlords will have...compassion (Ha!) on it and spare it, to keep it alive and on a "throne" with "[its] enemies as [its] footstool"?
Believe me, I know this singer very well. It's David from the Disturbed. He is HARDCORE jew. That band literally pulled me out of depression, when I only understood superficially what he was saying.

Let's just listen to a few more songs that are really Jewish.

This one was my favorite ... was ... wonder why?
Disturbed . The Vengeful One;

Note the lyrics; (1:05)
"I'm the Hand of God, I'm the dark messiah, I'm the vengeful one .... In the blackes moment, od the dying world, what have you become?" (Kinda ... double sided as Commander said here ...)

Now, if we set this song along with his bend's motive (to lead people by song) .... get it?

Next song "Avarice"; (0:37)
"Politics and people .. All one and the same ... Satan hides behind a different name (Satan means enemy as we know)

"Inside the Fire"
Here, he's literally singing as "Devil" .. in the role so to speak; (Whole song is big wtf jewish shit)

(Note that he got award for this song on world level)

In the song "Stupify" he's speaking in Hebrew;

2:31 - Tefached meaning "Be Sacred" ... Oy VEEEYYYY

But that's not his first time using hebrew in his songs ... I can't remember the song but I know that he used word Elochai in one of his songs.

Now, the last album is VERY eye-opening about the whole group.

The name of album is "Evolution" and if we combine that with picture ... Oh, is that supposed to be Cohen DNK?


I loved them a lot, but eventually I got away from them by listening other ones .. and not the rock ones.., and moreover I began to hate them for the Messianic ideas and visions that they are pushing to people.
Believe me, I know this singer very well. It's David from the Disturbed. He is HARDCORE jew. That band literally pulled me out of depression, when I only understood superficially what he was saying.

Let's just listen to a few more songs that are really Jewish.

This one was my favorite ... was ... wonder why?
Disturbed . The Vengeful One;

Note the lyrics; (1:05)
"I'm the Hand of God, I'm the dark messiah, I'm the vengeful one .... In the blackes moment, od the dying world, what have you become?" (Kinda ... double sided as Commander said here ...)

Now, if we set this song along with his bend's motive (to lead people by song) .... get it?

Next song "Avarice"; (0:37)
"Politics and people .. All one and the same ... Satan hides behind a different name (Satan means enemy as we know)

"Inside the Fire"
Here, he's literally singing as "Devil" .. in the role so to speak; (Whole song is big wtf jewish shit)

(Note that he got award for this song on world level)

In the song "Stupify" he's speaking in Hebrew;

2:31 - Tefached meaning "Be Sacred" ... Oy VEEEYYYY

But that's not his first time using hebrew in his songs ... I can't remember the song but I know that he used word Elochai in one of his songs.

Now, the last album is VERY eye-opening about the whole group.

The name of album is "Evolution" and if we combine that with picture ... Oh, is that supposed to be Cohen DNK?


I loved them a lot, but eventually I got away from them by listening other ones .. and not the rock ones.., and moreover I began to hate them for the Messianic ideas and visions that they are pushing to people.
I forgot to add, what is the most interesting part of this band is their logo.


Dude (singer) is calling himself "the dark messiah" in one song, while clearly showing this star as his emblem. notice that all religious icons depend on each other, and are "bound" with each other, but what is most interesting is that the Pagan symbol of pentagram is the most visible and that everything else comes out of it ... enough said?
I used to really like Disturbed when I was younger till one day I realized he was a Jew. Now I don't even listen to it at all. Don't even want their stuff in my life at all.

Good Lyrics on this though but that still doesn't make this good. It might make some people question things though that's good.
I know of only few of Disturbed songs, as far as I know, but what about Prayer?
slyscorpion said:
I used to really like Disturbed when I was younger till one day I realized he was a Jew. Now I don't even listen to it at all. Don't even want their stuff in my life at all.

Good Lyrics on this though but that still doesn't make this good. It might make some people question things though that's good.
Indestructible was my jam when I was 12 :D
Ha! He's a kike! :lol: I never suspected it.

Of course, I was a massive normie during the time that I was listening to Disturbed.
Edelwise said:
Ha! He's a kike! :lol: I never suspected it.

Of course, I was a massive normie during the time that I was listening to Disturbed.

It's weird, I remember when they first appeared on the scene, it really was like they appeared out of nowhere all of a sudden. Almost like they were being (((promoted))) by the (((music industry))) or something like that. But yeah he totally is, I remember reading a while back how he was literally training to be a rabbi in pissrael but dropped out to be a singer.
FancyMancy said:
It's like Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name and many songs by Linkin Park, etc.

There are some self-hating j00z, and I am thinking that that is because this Planet of ours is Natural for and to us, and our Souls are to be free and not bound; the j00 comes here and is influenced by these energies and the Nature of here, and with an attempt at having Human Bodies, the j00 is more influenced by it. One might wonder why the j00 must be mind-raped since birth into the anti-Gentile indoctrination, with the mothers it has who are so wound-up and not able to be expressive.

I Had to Take My Dirty Panties to a Rabbi, and So Has Every Orthodox Jewish Woman

Religion brainwashed me into doing irrational and emotionally self-damaging things that I would have easily recognized as primitive and harmful were it not for my indoctrination. Of all the practices I look back on with horror, this was the worst. By removing the veil of secrecy that keeps these practices from public knowledge, my hope is that women suffering within these communities will feel empowered to leave.

There are three key tenets of Orthodox Judaism, each associated with an array of laws that must be strictly adhered to. Of the three, people are generally familiar with two: the special dietary laws referred to as Kosher; and the rabbinical laws of the Sabbath, or Shabbat, that govern the do’s and don’ts during the day of rest between sundown Friday and sundown Saturday.

The third pillar of Orthodox Judaism, family purity or niddah, is one very few people outside of that insular world are aware of. However, if broken, the laws accompanying it carry a far greater penalty in the next world than those related to the Sabbath or keeping Kosher. The laws of family purity apply to all spectrums of orthodoxy, including the modern ones that allow women to wear trousers and uncover their hair, like the sect Ivanka Trump belongs to, for example. Even the slightest deviation from these laws would compromise a couple’s standing as practicing Orthodox Jews in the eyes of a rabbinical court.

What are these laws, you ask?

The laws of family purity revolve around the color of a woman’s vaginal discharge.

You see, beginning on the days when she anticipates her period, a husband and wife are forbidden from having any sexual relations until seven days following the end of her period. Considering orthodox law states that a period’s duration is a minimum of five days, this typically spans about two weeks or longer, depending on whether her post-menstrual discharge cooperates. In short, this means that for about half of every month, all aspects of an orthodox woman’s life, relationship, sexuality, and emotional health, are dictated by her vaginal discharge.

Except for the far left minority, most orthodox sects go even further with their adherence to the ancient laws by completely prohibiting any physical contact. Couples may not sleep in the same bed, or even hand objects to each other directly (even a baby), all to prevent the increase of temptation to have sexual contact. These laws apply even after a miscarriage, during childbirth, months following childbirth, and even if a spouse loses a family member and needs a hug from their partner.

While the woman is required to count seven clean days before she may immerse herself in a ritual bath (mikvah) prior to reuniting with her husband, it’s not only a matter of days or time waiting. The woman must take an active role to ensure she is “clean” by wearing only white underwear and conducting self-examinations of her vaginal canal with special white cloths twice a day, every day, before sundown. The white cloth is inserted into the vagina so that any fluid or discharge is absorbed. The first examination of the seven days requires the cloth to be left in for about an hour, even if the woman is out of the house, and it is usually quite painful. Here is an excerpt from a website detailing very specific examination instructions (http://www.yoatzot.org/taharat-hamishpacha/?id=603):

“Insert the finger deeply but GENTLY into the vaginal canal as far as the length of your finger will allow. If this is difficult for you, try to go deeply at least for the hefsek taharah [first] examination and for one of the examinations during the seven blood-free days – preferably the first.”

If during the seven days any of the examination cloths contain even a tiny spot darker than tan, or a spot on her underwear bigger than a penny and darker than tan, she must take the underwear or cloth to a special rabbi for further evaluation. This Rabbi will then examine the color to determine if it is light enough for her to keep counting, or if it’s too dark or too red tinted such that she must begin counting the seven clean days over, even if it is day 7. Seeing a spot obviously induces massive anxiety for housewives longing for any affection from their husbands, many of whom also worry that their deprived husbands will start looking elsewhere.

Q: How do boys and girls raised in a culture obsessed with modesty accept this practice when they are made aware of what they must adhere to?


1) They are told that these special rabbis are like male OBGYNs; that there is nothing sexual about them examining the discharge, and that if someone still thinks it is inappropriate, it’s because THEY have a dirty mind and do not understand the holiness that motivates these rabbis.

2) Engaged couples are told that if husbands sleep with their wives too much, they will grow tired of them the way a person’s love of chocolate cake would dwindle if eaten for every meal. The girls are also told that without a forced physical separation, their husbands will only see them as sexual toys and will have no incentive to talk to them and connect on a deeper emotional and intellectual level.

3) To paraphrase what Sam Harris has said, one guy cutting off a girl’s clitoris is called a monster; hundreds of men doing the same is called culture.

Q: Why can’t women check the colors themselves?

A: According to Jewish law, women can’t be judges and can’t make legal rulings. Once vaginal discharge is darker than tan, a legal judgment is required. However, the minority left-leaning sect has, in recent years, certified some women to make these judgments. The center and right-leaning majority, however, does not recognize their certification because they are female judges, for all intents and purposes.

That’s right. Women encouraging other women and their daughters to painfully violate themselves for God, instead of listening to their bodies and protecting themselves. Further, these are the least extreme of the bunch! More here: http://www.yoatzot.org/taharat-hamishpacha/?id=603

Q: Is this in the Bible?

A: Yes, sort of. The prohibition for a man to not approach a menstruating woman is one of the 613 commandments in the Old Testament. Like kosher and the Sabbath, the specific laws governing the execution of the commandment are recorded various rabbinical writings considered as binding as the Bible itself.

The scope of this article does not include the vast laws that govern what the woman must do to her body on the night of her ritual bath, the emotional stresses put on the marriage and on the spouses by these laws, and how men who are prohibited from spilling their seed deal with so much celibacy (Hint: In Jewish law, a married man sleeping with a single woman who is not his wife is NOT considered adulterous. Adultery is defined by the marital status of the woman).

There are also comments on the page.

It has been posted, either just in posts and/or in sermons, that the "über-orthodox super-extreme" jew has to ask its rabbi
for permission to do more or less everything, such as where to send the children to school, whether or not to buy a car, etc. It's no wonder the first Vulcan in Star Trek, created by jewgene rottenverry, is an autistic jew, with its uncontrollable 7-year itch, which means, based on a real-life Animal with the same Nature, the Vulcan must not engage in sex (by "Must not", it is "explained" by means of the violent ancient history of the Vulcans due to their emotions); however, every 7 years, the "primal, base, animalistic, primitive Goyimly nature" exerts itself and it is uncontollable, and the Vulcan must either mate or have a homoerotic wrestling dance with another man, to somehow dissolve all of the lust. Not only that, but later in old Vulcan life, they can become very ill with uncontrollable emotions. That's what you get for extremes and inballances. As for the violent historical nature of the Vulcan, one man stood tall and... blah, blah, blah. It's interesting how one single man, in the midst of the entire Vulcan planetary-society - (((globalisation))) - managed to overcome his uncontrollable emotional state. Regardless, the jew is admitting it is psychotic, psychopathic, sociopathic, xenophobic... - and now with ariana grande's missing brain bits (and as I said that missing-brain thing is also in an episode of Star Trek), then...well...what much more needs to be said?!

With the disgusting jewish shit as above, it's no wonder the jew is being the evil against Earth and Her Inhabitants, and also other Planets such as Phaeton and Lucifuge Rofocale's Planet - "the destroyer of worlds". Remember that the jew is the slave of the reptilians, so whatever number, level, amount, degree that the jew is, its reptillian overlords evidently are so much more. Then recall christian "priests" who are forbidden from having orgasms and sexual intercourse and also recall islam, as well. This was done deliberately. There also used to be a time in history when Boys' hands were tied in bed to stop them from touching themselves.

There is so much fucked-up-ness in the jew that it unavoidably spills over into Humans. Perhaps this is the meaning of "my cup runneth over" - the poison cup. Don't forget that hebrew and jew "holy" books have multiple understandings and levels of meanings and hidden-meanings and codes, etc. Sex, sexuality, and sexual things are of vital importance to the safe and healthy state of Humans. The jew, on the other hand, is jealous that we have Kundalini, and it forbids its own from engaging in something very similar to what we have, and to make itself feel better, it forbade Humans, as well. (To reference sci fi in this, see Kif from Futurama who basically is the Captain Kirked Captain Brannigan's bitch, who then gets his own bitch for a little while). Based on some things, a loose list of reptillian/jew-made problems and things could be as follows -

  • robots are mindless, even with aritifical intelligence
  • greys are more or less the same, but biological robots
  • the jew is under these slightly, and the "ultra orthodox", "god"-fearing and respecting jew especially; like a living robot
  • then there are various levels, with on and off-ramps which overlap, of the Goyim who are "under" the jew in this manner, with mindlessness of drugs (both legal and illegal), mental ill health, extreme mental and brain trauma and damage, poverty, slavery, inability to do things, rules, regulations...

I also should mention that, as far as I have been led to believe, that torture/interrogation, for means of extracting information, doesn't work after so long, that it is effective for only a time. Putting this in a much larger scale, the jew cannot possibly win in the very long-term - then, as we know, if the schoolyard fucktard bully doesn't get its way, it destroys the Planet because it's a piss-and-shit bitch. Dirty j00 slavebitch. The dirty jewkikeslavebitch is a lustful lover and luster of schadenfreude and also as we have learnt, the jew's perverse pleasure is always accompanied with a bit of fear. The dirty jewkikeslavebitch might have contempt, disdain, hatred, etc., against us but the jew is nothing and it has no reason whatsoever to have these against us, other than wading in the green river; we, on the other hand, have very many ample reasons against the jew. You might, or might not, also want to read about jephthah's daughter.

The reptillitards made the jew to be a tool for achieving an end, yet the tool is inadequate. The jew hates itself, even unconsciously, but still must go on. Why doesn't it just quit while its behind, instead of fighting a losing war? It's going to be destroyed anyway, so what's the point in continuing on in the slightest-of-slight hopes that its reptillitard overlords will have...compassion (Ha!) on it and spare it, to keep it alive and on a "throne" with "[its] enemies as [its] footstool"?

I didn't know Linkin Park was a Jew. A quick research into it though says the band has two Jewish members. How ever the lead singer isn't nor do I think the person who writes the songs is as far as I can tell.
I'll have to do some research more into the stuff I like listening too since I like some mainstream stuff and don't want to be too influenced by them.

This is one of the groups I like right here though here is a really deep anti xtian song
I love emotional and deep music. In act the album's A beautiful Lie and This is War almost make it sound if you pay attention to it that the writer of the songs is Satanist but I doubt it.

Also how is this Jewish https://youtu.be/jXJdtcpase4
This was a very deep song I always loved by I think the lead singer of Linkin Park.

This is what I mean by really deep I don't think Jews had emotions at all.
slyscorpion said:
I didn't know Linkin Park was a Jew. A quick research into it though says the band has two Jewish members. How ever the lead singer isn't nor do I think the person who writes the songs is as far as I can tell.
I'll have to do some research more into the stuff I like listening too since I like some mainstream stuff and don't want to be too influenced by them.

This is one of the groups I like right here though here is a really deep anti xtian song
I love emotional and deep music. In act the album's A beautiful Lie and This is War almost make it sound if you pay attention to it that the writer of the songs is Satanist but I doubt it.

Also how is this Jewish https://youtu.be/jXJdtcpase4
This was a very deep song I always loved by I think the lead singer of Linkin Park.

This is what I mean by really deep I don't think Jews had emotions at all.
I didn't know either. Look at the lyrics, though, not to mention the screaming for emotional release. It's a bit fishy, if nothing else. That being said - Linkin Park was the shit for a long time in my music listening.

There is a sub-genre within genres (does that sound familiar?!) of "music" which tries to sound important and meaningful - and just like modern "art", stupid idiots will find "meaning" and "deep, moving" nonsense in a lot of it. The artists/bands don't care; they know you'll waste your money on it regardless. Also with some bands who might be more extreme, e.g. Bring Me the Horizon, their style (which I haven't heard in years, so it might have changed) was to be extreme and screamy, but then they did a song or two which was soft and slow, and of course it's nice to have a contrast. It's not as if there isn't a format or a template to follow! It's more or less guaranteed, and sheeple are taken for a ride - but then charged for that ride!

Eurgh, Fort Minor. I can't believe I actually liked Linkin Park's "rap" with rappers. I must have been deaf back then! I asked a muslim if they liked Linkin Park and they said they liked the stuff they did with the rappers. That is lollage. Bleat, bleat, bleat. Sorry, slyscorpion, I can't listen to that k-rap (that's just my opinion!).
I don't know if rap is bad the more I open to the spiritual the less I actually like it. Same with some of the rock music though not all. Thing is though I don't know what to be into anymore. With rap from what I sense it's sound frequiencies and vibrational energy is very low and not in harmony with the Earth or anything else it kind of creates a dysfunctional mindset and some but not all sounds like vomitous noise if your spiritual ears are open. It sounds like it completely creates a chaotic mindset and energy and a lot of the songs feel like they connect into some kind of curses too of the enemy.

Would all rap be doing that though. Could a whole Genre be bad.

What kind of music even is there to listen to mainstream wise though I thought that guy 30 Seconds to Mars was really creative.

I always loved music but I have trouble getting into the new stuff even of bands I used to listen too.

I agree I probably need to change what I listen too because I want to be more high vibration. I listened to rap cause I have lived in various urban areas for a long time and that's all anyone ever played.

Origionaly though I liked emo and alternative rock the best. Hmm I need help there is nothing Satanic that I would probably like as I can't seem to get into the extreme screaming stuff. But I do not mind regular metal music where there is some singing some screaming and it's kind of hard. Anyrhing anyone claims is Satanic is also reverse xtian though and about killing people sacrifices blood etc. So what is there that we like.

Just listen to it, as Satanist.
slyscorpion said:
I don't know if rap is bad the more I open to the spiritual the less I actually like it. Same with some of the rock music though not all. Thing is though I don't know what to be into anymore. With rap from what I sense it's sound frequiencies and vibrational energy is very low and not in harmony with the Earth or anything else it kind of creates a dysfunctional mindset and some but not all sounds like vomitous noise if your spiritual ears are open. It sounds like it completely creates a chaotic mindset and energy and a lot of the songs feel like they connect into some kind of curses too of the enemy.

Would all rap be doing that though. Could a whole Genre be bad.

What kind of music even is there to listen to mainstream wise though I thought that guy 30 Seconds to Mars was really creative.

I always loved music but I have trouble getting into the new stuff even of bands I used to listen too.

I agree I probably need to change what I listen too because I want to be more high vibration. I listened to rap cause I have lived in various urban areas for a long time and that's all anyone ever played.

Origionaly though I liked emo and alternative rock the best. Hmm I need help there is nothing Satanic that I would probably like as I can't seem to get into the extreme screaming stuff. But I do not mind regular metal music where there is some singing some screaming and it's kind of hard. Anyrhing anyone claims is Satanic is also reverse xtian though and about killing people sacrifices blood etc. So what is there that we like.
Generally, I am not into artists or bands or genres. I listen to songs which I prefer, so for example there might be a song by X person/band whom everyone thinks they like when they're in school but realises they were immature when they're in college and then wishes they could kill the embarrassment for liking such by the time they're in university...which I might like in actuality. Some of these songs which I like might be an entire album by an artist or band, of course.

I do like a bit of rap/hip-hop. For example, I like a few songs by Will Smith/DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince (I have heard only a few), and I like (or liked, since I haven't listened to them in ages) 2 albums by Eminem. I also like Brian Hyland's "Itsy Bitsy Teenie-weenie Yellow Polka-dot Bikini" and Aqua's "Barbie Girl", for crying out aloud! These are silly and fun songs to enjoy. Plus I like the "By the Light of the Northern Star" album by Týr, plus, as I have said, a bit of what I would call 'light reggae' in some '90s dance songs, and other genres and decades.

Watching TV, I came across a burlesque troupe called Satanic Sluts. (There's also a film series with the same name.) There also used to be a dance troup called Pan's People, as well.

Rewera said:

Just listen to it, as Satanist.
As I said, it reminds me of, among others, Linkin Park, with their song "No More Sorrow".
Currently, this video has
FancyMancy said:
Rewera said:

Just listen to it, as Satanist.
As I said, it reminds me of, among others, Linkin Park, with their song "No More Sorrow".
Currently, this video has

Funny how both songs say "No More". They really don't want to be screwed up by Gentiles anymore, it seems they are tired of losing, too funny that they will never succeed XD. Chester Bennington was a person who had a very bad life, an excellent catch to the Jews. With a good voice, he had the ability to make hits from his songs, which was another positive thing for the jews. So, Linkin Park was created. Using negative themes in life, with his voice and Jewish songs, it was a very heavy weapon, in the end when they no longer benefited from him, he committed suicide.
The best thing is to just avoid anything jewish.

You are not gonna miss anything.
Rewera said:
FancyMancy said:
Rewera said:

Just listen to it, as Satanist.
As I said, it reminds me of, among others, Linkin Park, with their song "No More Sorrow".
Currently, this video has

Funny how both songs say "No More". They really don't want to be screwed up by Gentiles anymore, it seems they are tired of losing, too funny that they will never succeed XD. Chester Bennington was a person who had a very bad life, an excellent catch to the Jews. With a good voice, he had the ability to make hits from his songs, which was another positive thing for the jews. So, Linkin Park was created. Using negative themes in life, with his voice and Jewish songs, it was a very heavy weapon, in the end when they no longer benefited from him, he committed suicide.
For all we know, it could have been Pulsa diNura. Though, I am of the attitude that, because he/it was a celebrity, that he/it didn't care about me when I died, so I don't care about him/it when he/it dies. Most people (that is, sheeple) who might ever hear me or read me say that would gasp in shock and horror, because their "brain" (i.e brain without an upper-case B), is a bit too slow.

There be lots of music of the like. Some might be OK in different contexts, and I admit some I have liked/do like, but some examples include -

  • I am They - Scars
    (I didn't know this one but searching for the one below, because I forgot the band name, I found this.)
  • Element Eighty - Scars (The Echo Song)
  • From Autumn to Ashes - Autumn's Monologue
  • some by Bullet for My Valentine (ones I know are off their "The Poison" album)
  • some by My Chemical Romance (ones I know are the obvious, iconic, the the emo song "Welcome to the Black Parade" and also "Famous Last Words"

and oh! a whole host of others that I don't know about. I can't be certain if any, or how many of them, are jewish, though. Either way, the record labels make cha-chingz, though.
Larissa666 said:
The best thing is to just avoid anything jewish.

You are not gonna miss anything.

Very true. I am in the process of trying to change the kind of stuff I listen to cause I think it will increase my vibration some as I do spend a lot of time listening to music. I am starting not even to enjoy mainstream things I think a lot of it is Jewish but I never did much research into it so I didn't know what was and still don't. Like I said I am working on replacing it. There is several obvious Jewish things I have totally dropped and the Disturbed band was one of them.

The other guy I forgot about that was really creative was Story of the Year but I don't think they do any songs anymore. You can tell the Person who wrote the songs on a lot of them is an older soul and spiritual maybe having read some Occult stuff like Franz Bardon but hes not Satanic


Those are not the only good songs from him but in case someone likes this I wanted to share I had forgotten about this that band is not even toghether anymore as far as I know.
Rewera said:
FancyMancy said:
Rewera said:

Just listen to it, as Satanist.
As I said, it reminds me of, among others, Linkin Park, with their song "No More Sorrow".
Currently, this video has

Funny how both songs say "No More". They really don't want to be screwed up by Gentiles anymore, it seems they are tired of losing, too funny that they will never succeed XD. Chester Bennington was a person who had a very bad life, an excellent catch to the Jews. With a good voice, he had the ability to make hits from his songs, which was another positive thing for the jews. So, Linkin Park was created. Using negative themes in life, with his voice and Jewish songs, it was a very heavy weapon, in the end when they no longer benefited from him, he committed suicide.

Chester Benington and Chris Cornell as well did not commit suicide and both of them was murdered.Chester did a lot of good, he worked on revealing the names of people involved in kidnapping and molestation, as well as telling young children in Jewish rituals.
his alleged suicide was staged.
Chester was insidiously killed by electric shock and cardiac arrest, then hanged.
he didn't do it himself

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
