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Jewish Foundation Myth - Jacob , Father of all Jews SCAMS Esau (Father of Whites) of his Birthright

Dec 3, 2022
Jews falsely accuse Satan of being a Deceiver but it seems that this has been pure projection for thousands of years. I actually discovered this recently but the Jacob in the Foundational Myth of the Bible actually scammed Esau of his birthright. That seems to be the Religious Justification of their Tikkum Olam (Conquering and Reshaping the World.)
Rebekah, Woman of the Lord (25:19-34)

"19 This is the account of Abraham's son Isaac. Abraham became the father of Isaac, 20 and Isaac was forty years old when he married Rebekah daughter of Bethuel the Aramean from Paddan Aram and sister of Laban the Aramean." (25:19-20)

Abraham -- patriarch of what will become Israel -- has one legitimate son, Isaac. This son has married his cousin, Rebekah, who moves from far-away Haran (near the border between Turkey and Iraq), to Canaan.

Rebekah feels isolated in this new land -- and is shamefully barren. It is shameful because for a women to be childless in that culture is to be incapable of performing her primary function -- bearing children. Failure to produce an heir is a major calamity for the family in the ancient Near East.

She has a husband who loves her -- that is something! (24:66). And her husband prays for her.

"Isaac prayed to the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was barren. The LORD answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant." (25:21)

The Lord answers his prayer -- twice over. Rebekah is pregnant with twins!

"22 The babies jostled each other within her, and she said, 'Why is this happening to me?' So she went to inquire of the LORD. 23 The LORD said to her,

'Two nations are in your womb,
and two peoples from within you will be separated;
one people will be stronger than the other,
and the older will serve the younger.
'" (25:21b-23)

The Two Nations and people's are code - words for Aryans and The Jews. The Jews say that the Aryans are stronger and more powerful than the Jews but through trickery and deceit they were able to control the Aryans (By giving them a false religion of Christianity and Islam.)

Papa's Boy and Mama's Boy

"24 When the time came for her to give birth, there were twin boys in her womb. 25 The first to come out was red, and his whole body was like a hairy garment; so they named him Esau. 26 After this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping Esau's heel; so he was named Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when Rebekah gave birth to them." (25:24-26)
(Like Red Haired Europeans)

The birth itself is an acted prophecy of the future. Esau comes out first, red and hairy.1 Jacob follows his brother straightaway. His tiny hand grips2 his brother's heel ('āqēb) as they pull Esau out, and they have to pry his little fingers off to free Esau. Jacob is born second, but he is grasping to be first from the earliest moments of his life. They name him Jacob (yaʿaqōb), which means, "he grasps the heel," or figuratively, "he deceives."3
(Jews admitting in the Bible that their Founder Jew is a deceiver from birth)

Isaac is sixty when the boys are born. Rebekah is in her early to mid-thirties by this time. The boys bring great joy into Isaac's life, especially his firstborn. Esau loves the out-of-doors4 like his dad and they would go hunting together. The boy becomes a skilled5, renowned hunter, who tracks deer in the wilderness and brings them down with his bow and arrow. Esau is happiest when he is out hunting in the wild (25:27a).

Jacob is just the opposite. He is quieter6 and stays around the tents (25:27b). He and his mother Rebekah grow close, and she helps him understand something of his destiny. No doubt, she tells him of the prophecy that he will rule over his brother. She implants the idea, reinforces it, and -- as we'll see -- pushes him to fulfill it.

Obtaining the Birthright (25:29-34)

One day while Esau is out hunting, Jacob is at home cooking lentil7 stew8 in a pot over the fire. (The KJV calls it "pottage."9). Esau is exhausted and famished. He craves the red-colored stew. "Quick, let me have some of that red stew!" He can't wait. This is Jacob's opportunity.

"First, sell10 me your birthright," he says. The "birthright" or "primogeniture" (bekōrâ) involved the legal rights of the firstborn to a double portion of the inheritance (Deuteronomy 21:17), plus leadership of the family or clan when the father died. Esau, the firstborn, is destined to rule over Jacob all his life -- unless he is foolish enough to part with his legal rights.

"Hey, I'm about to die," replies Esau. "What good is the birthright to me?"

This exchange tells us a great deal about the character of both brothers.

The Jew was born to be ruled over by the Aryans. But the Jew tricks the Aryan in his most vulnerable state with sleight of hand. And so the first ever SCAM of the Jews was created by their Father Jacob.

He was born as a deceiver and a crooked low life criminal while Esau is born as strong and proud. The Jew can only have power through deceit and never through strength.

The author of Hebrews discusses this incident:

"See that no one ... is godless like Esau, who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest son. Afterward, as you know, when he wanted to inherit this blessing, he was rejected. He could bring about no change of mind, though he sought the blessing with tears." (Hebrews 12:15-17)

Indeed, Esau did seek his father's blessing with tears:

"When Esau heard his father's words, he burst out with a loud and bitter cry and said to his father, 'Bless me -- me too, my father!'" (27:34)

"'Do you have only one blessing, my father? Bless me too, my father!' Then Esau wept aloud." (27:38)
The Jew makes up fantastical stories to make believe his justification for creating mass death and destruction, mass carnage and the destruction of nations and millions of people. The Justification being that the Gentile is inherently "SATANIC" and Godless. Esau is described here as rejecting the Jew God and thus the Jew God hates him which he makes clear in further statements.

"Jacob Have I loved"

We can't leave this passage without looking for a moment at God's preference of Jacob over Esau. Esau was a descendent of Abraham, but didn't have the spiritual acuity to appreciate it. Though God blessed Esau's descendents with nation-status, the country of Edom, they were subjugated again and again by the sons of Jacob (Israel).

Here we really get into the thick of predestination. In explaining God's sovereignty in Romans 9:10-13, Paul uses Jacob and Esau as examples, quoting Malachi:

"'Was not Esau Jacob's brother?' the LORD says.
'Yet I have loved Jacob,
but Esau I have hated,

and I have turned his mountains into a wasteland
and left his inheritance to the desert jackals.'" (Malachi 1:2-3)

This is inherently baked into the Foundations of the Jewish religion and has no counter. The Jew God Hates Whites and all Aryans ,especially the Amalek whom the Jews are commanded by their Jew God to massacare and Genocide at any cost.

This lead to the mass bombing of Dresden where 4 million innocent Germans were killed, the Holodomor where The Jews in Russia killed almost 30 mill people and the Chinese Great leap Forward where the Jews killed almost 60 million people.

The Jews in their fantastical hatred for the Gentiles have killed almost 500 million people collectively till date.

These passages make it clear that the Father of all Jews was a lowlife trickster and Deceiver and the foundational myth of the Jews glorifies Scams and other Trickery.

What made you think esau is a shadow type of Aryan race ???While this story proves Jacob is a trickster who tricked his own brother to get a so called blessings ,Thereby highlighting the deceitfulness and trickery of jews and tells a clear story ,of how jews do not leave even their own people to plunder ,Yet Esau is not some precursor of Aryan race but brother of Jacob ..Issac had two sons ,one being Esau and Jacob ..
What made you think esau is a shadow type of Aryan race ???While this story proves Jacob is a trickster who tricked his own brother to get a so called blessings ,Thereby highlighting the deceitfulness and trickery of jews and tells a clear story ,of how jews do not leave even their own people to plunder ,Yet Esau is not some precursor of Aryan race but brother of Jacob ..Issac had two sons ,one being Esau and Jacob ..
This is a good question. In fact Esau (Hebrew "Esav"), also known as Edom, is traditionally identified, in Judaism, as the precursor of "Rome", i.e. the Roman Empire, which corresponds to what is known today as the White European peoples, or Western civilization in general. Take note that the Jews also call that "Christendom" or "Christianity", as to hide their racial antagonism as a simple criticism of religion. This is specially true as they get crazy when you criticise Jews, Judaism or the Talmud. They bitch every time "racism", "antisemitism", "anti-Zionism is antisemitism" etc. If you want, you can find numerous videos of rabbis admitting that Esau is "Rome" on BitChute.
Of course, the Jews in year 0 AD wouldn't refer to the White European peoples as "Whites", as it is anachronistic: this racial classification originated after the discoveries of the Americas, when Europeans found people of very different skin colors, thus naming human races mainly after skin color, its most striking feature. Neither, of course, did the Jews refer to us as "Aryans" (a.k.a. Indo-Europeans), as the connection between European languages and Sanskrit, Persian and other languages only originated in the 1786~, mainly developed by Sir William Jones, a British judge and intellectual. This not mean that the "White race" is a social construct of course, as discovering that whales are not fish but mammals does not make it a social construct and less scientific.

You may find strange that in Judaism, Esau is equated to White European peoples, as a brother to the father of the Jews, but these are typical Jewish myth stories. They are not literal true; what is true is that the Jews see it that way, and not even by a reasonable analysis of the text (exegesis), but by what is passed down as canon among the ages and considered official truth.

There is also other racial concepts among Jews. For example, "Amalek" represents an arch-enemy of the Jews. Unlike Edom, it generally changes a lot, be it Germans, Palestinians, Armenians, Russians etc.; it numerous genocides among Gentiles. Frequently they have no practical advantage to Jews, being only pursued for religious fulfillment. So, in fact, Esau means Aryan, but probably would include the Finns, Basques and Magyars, which are not technically considered Indo-European, would probably not be exempt for White Genocide.
This is a good question. In fact Esau (Hebrew "Esav"), also known as Edom, is traditionally identified, in Judaism, as the precursor of "Rome", i.e. the Roman Empire, which corresponds to what is known today as the White European peoples, or Western civilization in general. Take note that the Jews also call that "Christendom" or "Christianity", as to hide their racial antagonism as a simple criticism of religion. This is specially true as they get crazy when you criticise Jews, Judaism or the Talmud. They bitch every time "racism", "antisemitism", "anti-Zionism is antisemitism" etc. If you want, you can find numerous videos of rabbis admitting that Esau is "Rome" on BitChute.
Of course, the Jews in year 0 AD wouldn't refer to the White European peoples as "Whites", as it is anachronistic: this racial classification originated after the discoveries of the Americas, when Europeans found people of very different skin colors, thus naming human races mainly after skin color, its most striking feature. Neither, of course, did the Jews refer to us as "Aryans" (a.k.a. Indo-Europeans), as the connection between European languages and Sanskrit, Persian and other languages only originated in the 1786~, mainly developed by Sir William Jones, a British judge and intellectual. This not mean that the "White race" is a social construct of course, as discovering that whales are not fish but mammals does not make it a social construct and less scientific.

You may find strange that in Judaism, Esau is equated to White European peoples, as a brother to the father of the Jews, but these are typical Jewish myth stories. They are not literal true; what is true is that the Jews see it that way, and not even by a reasonable analysis of the text (exegesis), but by what is passed down as canon among the ages and considered official truth.

There is also other racial concepts among Jews. For example, "Amalek" represents an arch-enemy of the Jews. Unlike Edom, it generally changes a lot, be it Germans, Palestinians, Armenians, Russians etc.; it numerous genocides among Gentiles. Frequently they have no practical advantage to Jews, being only pursued for religious fulfillment. So, in fact, Esau means Aryan, but probably would include the Finns, Basques and Magyars, which are not technically considered Indo-European, would probably not be exempt for White Genocide.
If you want more information that the Jews take the concept of Aryan race into account, take a look into the notes of Genesis 10 in The Living Torah of the rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, about the "sons of Japhet". I won't post it here, because it's in my tongue, Portuguese. But you can read that "all these following nations belong to the group of Indo-European language. Some identified Japhet with the Greek Iapetus". (note 10:2) And then he goes on identifying Japhet'h sons with the Celts, Phrygians, "a Teutonic people", the Medes, Ionians, and he goes on and on.

They only deny that we exist to us. Among themselves, they consider us his greatest enemy.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
