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Jewish boss

Jeremy M

New member
Jan 10, 2012
Greetings fellow members I just wanted to get some opinions on this situation. I recently joined a new trade for work and found out that my boss is a Jew. Would you guys look for work somewhere else because of this?

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I am currently not the one to give a proper reply but most likely major companies are run by jewish people.

Just see if the work is acceptable for now. If its not then go look elsewhere.
How do I open third eye so I can speak to...

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On Jun 16, 2018, at 1:02 PM, Jeremy M allfortheclergy@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  You guys know what’s funny too. Just a few weeks ago, I had finished the RTR schedule for the day and then did the RTR for reversing Jewish financial control and a few minutes later I get a phone call saying that the company wanted to hire me. Later on, I found out he is a Jew and now I don’t know how I feel about working for it. The RTRs work.

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Hi I need the sounds of vibration chakrasI don’t know how i get it!Plz send that to me I need it ? Thanks u
On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 6:35 AM Jeremy M allfortheclergy@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  You guys know what’s funny too. Just a few weeks ago, I had finished the RTR schedule for the day and then did the RTR for reversing Jewish financial control and a few minutes later I get a phone call saying that the company wanted to hire me. Later on, I found out he is a Jew and now I don’t know how I feel about working for it. The RTRs work.

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@Johnny wall and @Nvd King
If you have questions you should start your own topic rather than hijacking someone elses by asking totally unrelated questions.

I may as well answer some questions here too now.. Im replying anyway.

@Johnny Wall the procedure is on the joyofsatan.org website. Under the meditation section. First row. Beginner meditations opening chakras. You can also find it in the beginner meditation program.

@ Nvd King - Im not 100% sure what you mean by chakra sounds but I assume you mean the pronounciation of the words to empower the chakras.
If you look at the meditation section and click on full chakra meditation, at the bottom of that page you can click links to the individual chakras and there would be several words of power listed for that chakra and the pronounciation of those is written down there as well.
Hope that answered your question somewhat.
do not tell him or give him any hint of what your relgion is for the first couple of months, and if he is still acting suspicious quit
On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 5:01 AM, Nvd King nvdkinger@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  Hi I need the sounds of vibration chakrasI don’t know how i get it!Plz send that to me I need it ? Thanks u
On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 6:35 AM Jeremy M allfortheclergy@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  You guys know what’s funny too. Just a few weeks ago, I had finished the RTR schedule for the day and then did the RTR for reversing Jewish financial control and a few minutes later I get a phone call saying that the company wanted to hire me. Later on, I found out he is a Jew and now I don’t know how I feel about working for it. The RTRs work..

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Very niceThanks. ?
On Sun, Jun 24, 2018 at 3:56 AM Jeremy M allfortheclergy@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
Don't give him any hints as to your religion at all, ever. Satan says in the al jilwah:
"Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for ye do not know what those who are without may do."

Just as some of ours can sense someone is a jew, so too can some of theirs sense that someone is a gentile/satanist. 
Don't confirm the suspicions. Especially not to someone who has power or authority over you and is literally the racial enemy of the gentile soul.

So what can you do about this? I wouldn't want to work for (((them))) if I could help it, but depending on your life situation, it may be that this is your only option for now. And besides, the further up the ladder you go, the more of them you're likely to find(generally - there are some gentile-run companies around).

Keep cleaning your aura every day, and build an aura of protection every day. Do a binding spell on your boss first and foremost, and if any coworkers turn out to be problematic, bind them too. But if you bind anybody, bind your boss.

Prevention is the greatest cure. Be careful and use your judgement.
I'm a relative newcomer here, but my opinion (for what it is worth) is the Jew has infiltrated/ corrupted everything and basically taken over. Christianity and Islam is deeply established in the psyche of mankind and only an event of catastrophic proportions (nuclear war) will wake people up to the truth about Satan.
Don't get me wrong, I have dedicated to Satan and do the RTR's, meditation and yoga, but I really feel that Satan's plan is to get as many to come to Him as possible and then pull us out off-planet and allow mankind to destroy itself in it's own shit!
Sorry if that upsets people, but that's what I believe!

Hail Satan.
Satan is Enki/EA. He is Lord of the Earth. The Earth is his kingdom. He's NOT going to let it get destroyed and blown to pieces by the enemy, or be taken over by the enemy in the long run, for all time. That is what the war is being fought over: for earth, and for Gentile humanity/mankind, of whom Satan-Lucifer is the Creator of.
So no, he is NOT going to "get as many to come to Him as possible and then pull us out off-planet and allow mankind to destroy itself in it's own shit!"
Hail Satan!

On Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 6:11:26 a.m. EDT, truthofthegods@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  I'm a relative newcomer here, but my opinion (for what it is worth) is the Jew has infiltrated/ corrupted everything and basically taken over. Christianity and Islam is deeply established in the psyche of mankind and only an event of catastrophic proportions (nuclear war) will wake people up to the truth about Satan.
Don't get me wrong, I have dedicated to Satan and do the RTR's, meditation and yoga, but I really feel that Satan's plan is to get as many to come to Him as possible and then pull us out off-planet and allow mankind to destroy itself in it's own shit!
Sorry if that upsets people, but that's what I believe!

Hail Satan.
I have a question I see a lot of films about ouija board And in all of that films at the end all of humans getting bad happened for themselves!!!!What mind about that films ???Why they’re creating this films to showing bad the ouija board to people????
On Thu, Jun 28, 2018 at 1:12 PM truthofthegods@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  OK magus! As I said it was just an opinion.

I'm new and accept the advise of the experienced. Thank you for your correction.

Hail Satan.
It doesn’t take a genius to understand that the Jews control the media. All of these 
films that are about demonic possession, human sacrifices and movies that make Satan and his Demons look bad were all made for the purpose of frightening people away from Satan and his Demons. 
Satan and his Demons do not posses people. They are the original Gods of the gentiles(non Jews) that you find in ancient cultures who taught humanity a lot of things, including the secrets of the Gods(spiritual knowledge). 
The Jews do not want gentiles to spiritually advance and become Gods because if people started becoming Gods the Jews wouldn’t be able to control them and it would be a serious threat to the jewish agenda.

“That’s why such films are made, to keep you away from Satan And his Demons. When in reality they are the ones that are trying to help us.(our Gods)Normally Ouija Boards present no problem and are safe to use. No one should ever fear. In the case of a negative entity, the longer the contact, the more the entity can intrude into your world. Several Joy of Satan members have stated that they always ask any entity if he/she is of Satan. Enemy spirits will not reply back and will usually leave on their own. With performing the dedication to Satan, we have his protection as we advance in power and spiritual knowledge. This includes working with Ouija Boards. As with anything else, the environment in which you are working the board matters.”

Some of these movies even go as far as to claim that some of these stories were real stories such as that stupid move titled “paranormal activity”. These are not real home made videos but holly wood crap. 
Someone with extreme wealth such as a Jew or the Vatican can easily pay someone to make such a movie to fit their agenda. 
Side not: I only meant to Quote HPS Maxine, I didn’t mean to add any words into there, in my last post.
But There is no possession. Read this sermon by HPS Maxine:I noted a post here concerning "possession.". I wrote the article below not too long ago. 

Also, I strongly encourage everyone here to read the posts on the JoS forums, which are more up to date and current than the JoS websites. 

You don't have to join or sign into anything to read the posts on the forums. Just make sure you have a working knowledge of Satanism and Exposing Christianity. Most of the broken links have been fixed.

The enemy has no argument. They just keep taking down our websites to try to shut us up. Satan always shows us new ways we can get them back up and running again.

The extent that Christianity, Islam and its Jewish root are swindles on the entire world is mind boggling. 

Taking the Mask off of "Possession"

PostThu Nov 09, 2017 1:06 pm

The saddest situation is how Gentiles have been deprived of knowledge, spiritual powers and systematically dumbed down through centuries of enforced Christianity, Islam and other Jewish programs such as Christianized Buddhism, etc.

To the extent that the Jews, especially rabbis have been literally steeped in the occult for centuries, would come as a surprise to many. It is shocking to say the very least.

Jews have been cursing Gentiles incessantly for centuries, while deluded Gentiles bow down and slavishly worship Jewish degenerate spiritual filth.

The Jew creates the problem
The Jew provokes the reaction
The Jew either pushes or provides the solution.

"The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic and Mysticism" by Rabbi Geoffrey W. Dennis is a most informative and excellent read...extremely revealing, though one must have enough knowledge of the occult and experience of the spiritual, along with a perfunctory knowledge of Judaism and their kaballah to understand it.

Now, getting to our topic of possession, here are some very revealing excerpts:

"Patristic Fathers of early Christianity, Justin Martyr and Origen, credit Jews with a special talent for exorcising demons."

"Simon bar Yochai exorcises a demon, a demonstration that assists him in getting the cooperation of Caesar in lifting an oppressive decree against the Jews."

These are thought forms created by Jews.

I remember very long ago when I was around 20 yrs old, I was at the university. A Jewess was telling how "a little geyser" as she called it, was completely ruining the life of a woman. Some other Jewess obviously created this thought form and sicced it onto her. 

I was a total atheist at the time and didn't really know what to make of it, but hearing this sort of thing is something you never forget. 

Because of Gentiles having a lack of knowledge and being cut off from the occult, again the Jews step in and dictate. They create their nefarious thought forms, BLAME OUR PAGAN GODS, falsely labeled as "evil" for possession.

These thought forms have names, no different from their angels. 

Now, in closing, here are a couple more revealing quotes from the same book:

"...that the world is divided between Children of Light and Children of Darkness who are perpetually at war, the teaching that God has deliberately led the gentiles of the world astray..."

"Eleazar Ben Judah of Worms:
He experienced visions and could perform great acts of theurgy. He used his knowledge of divine names, for example, to slay an evil gentile prince who threatened the Jewish community."

Gentiles seriously need to wake up!

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

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Brace yourselves... posts about forums being down are coming

He might let some commies here and there die from alcohol poisoning but Magus is totally right, this world belongs to Satan and he's not going to let some deranged kikes and their stupid animals shit all over what we have created. You and I and all of us have been to this world over and over again to build all of the buildings and roads and everything around us, it is not fair to let everyone else take what we created and create to this day. It's not going to happen.

I'm personally sure that Satan has a plan to take care of Israel's nuclear arsenal but it can only be executed later on once we've done more RTRs and progressed Satan's mission in this timeline or whatever. Look at our progress with North Korea, don't worry about that. The Jews' allies the DPRK are being subjected by the result of our spells which is Donald Trump and soon enough Israel will be under our control as well, as everybody on Earth will be breathing down their neck so hard they wouldn't be able to reach the big red button if they tried.
Magus is on point.

The idea you're describing, which is the idea of a rapture where the souls of the "saved"(believers) will be whisked away from the world and placed into "eternal paradise" with their (((creator))) and the souls of the "damned"(non-believers) are left to rot in a world of fire, brimstone, degeneration and decay, is entirely christian. It has nothing to do with SS and does not in any way reflect our ideals.

As it's up to us to manifest satan's will, awaken our gentile brothers and sisters and usher in the satanic golden era here on earth, it doesn't make sense that we would be taken away from our planet. You can't fix a hole that you can't reach. If you came from an xian background or you've read about what happened to our antichrist for example then it's understandable why you might think this, but now you know better.

Now, a word on nuclear war. If a nuclear war were to happen, most if not all victims would be gentiles, the deaths of which would raise more energy for the jewish agenda. It would be one big blood sacrifice. Another war would only serve jewish interests, which is why we work so hard to prevent them with the anti-war RTRs and to ensure that the false flags never get to cause the chain reaction that the enemy wants them to.

Additionally, given that many in the world are still tied into and brainwashed by the jewish programs, and unaware of the truth, a nuclear war would only push the pendulum of power & control back toward the opposition, on top of the untold destruction it would bring upon our home and our people.

That being said, we don't capitalize on the misery and death of innocents. This is not our way.

---In [email protected], <truthofthegods@... wrote :

OK magus! As I said it was just an opinion.

I'm new and accept the advise of the experienced. Thank you for your correction.

Hail Satan.
You might want to stop being horrible to Jews because they're not all the same and you sound like a Nazi
On Fri, 15 Jun 2018, 13:12 Jeremy M allfortheclergy@... [JoyofSatan666], <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Greetings fellow members I just wanted to get some opinions on this situation. I recently joined a new trade for work and found out that my boss is a Jew. Would you guys look for work somewhere else because of this?

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Poomacookie. What are you a Jew? Lol. Here you are trying to defend them.
“Not all Jews are the same”.Um yes they are. There are no “good Jews” just because you say so, if you’re not aware of the Jewish situation yet you better read on it or if you disagree then maybe this just isn’t the place for you. 
https://www.dropbox.com/s/prgk74gj4ryj9 ... n.pdf?dl=1
Most members here already know but some need to understand what’s written below here.
Here is a nice piece written by High Priest Don Danko on this exact subject of “good and bad Jews”


This was from an answer to a question in the egroups.

The Jews are a dualistic system with one core. The Jews themselves at the core are a genetic group a blood line. Yet one can con-vert to Judaism. But upon this they have to marry into the genetic group and absorb their genes into the hive. This allows the Jews to blend into the host society while still maintaining their genetic-psychic strength. And the con-vert becomes an active agent of the Jews, with a Gentile face. But will never be allowed to go far within the deep ranks of Judaism.

At the highest levels only those of purest Jewish genetic lines can be admitted. Making sure the pure blooded ones lead the group and give it direction. 

The Jews by their records and texts such as the Zohar, state they come from a genetic line not of the Gentiles which they believe makes them superior and gives them entitlement to the planet and all upon it. They state Gentiles are animals put here to be their slaves and property. And since we are not from their line we are not human and not covered by their law of the Torah. Meaning they can do what they want to us with no moral qualms. Judaism dehumanizes the entire planet.

Above the Jews are a collective of negative entities who the top Rabbinical class who are adept Black Magicians work with and take direction from. The Jews carry the spiritual inheritance of these entitles in their blood as this is the group they are genetically created from by their admission. What this means is they are connected on the deep soul level to such non and anti-human, entitles. They are a window to these beings on the planet.

Even the average Jew has a deep unconscious connection to these beings. On the soul level. And they are bound into a large mass Jewish mind or collective unconscious and consciousness they share with such entitles as well. They share the same race soul together. Their soul nature is encoded in their religious texts of which are nothing but what is in their soul. And simply the desire to harm, enslave, murder and destroy Gentiles by any means. Their biology is their belief. 

People point to their different factions, disagreements and infighting as something to offer an example of something to believe the Jews are not a mono group against us. But this shows nothing in many cases it proves the opposite. Its in their soul and even programs started by Jews in conflict with other Jews. Still push the Jewish agenda anyway and harm Gentiles. This above belief not all bad apples belief creates a false understanding that allows Jews to step in and control the opposition to them. And terraforming it into something which serves them.

Which means you can never trust them. Many do what they do unconsciously. Because what's in the soul is what its about. And its in their soul to do what their religious texts state.

Its not about opposition to Christianity, Islam, Communism, Liberalism or Capitalism, Zionism.etc 

Its actually on the deeply conscious and honest level. One thing only. Opposition to JUADISM. All these programs listed above come out of the Jewish race soul. Most people in our society are in strong opposition to the Jews on some level and don't even realize it yet.

One can also observe strong schizogenic behaviours in those who are larger admixture of Gentile blood. Its a from a conflict on the soul level which manifests into the conscious mind. Otto Weininger stands out. He was half Jewish. But hated his Jewish half, as an ugly and vile stain within his soul. He could feel this. He lived a life of struggle with it. Till he killed himself to try and escape it. He was an open example. Of the two different and conflicting natures of the Gentile and Jewish soul in one man. And the fact those of Jewish blood can never stop being Jewish, even if they consciously want to. Its in the soul.

The purpose of Judaism is to terraform the planet into a situation where the entitles that manifested the Jew, can then feed off humans and use them as slaves without end. The Jews are simply the terrestrial level of this agenda. In lay terms the Jews are race of psychopaths. And not part of Gentile Humanity. They are a war upon it."

And you might want to fully and thoroughly read the JoS website (www.joyofsatan.com) before you share your vague opinion, because all jew ARE the same. They are our enemies, they're the enemies of Satan.

The more you read the more obvious the truth becomes, Hitler isn't this evil person the jewish media portraits. He wanted to kick all jews and their banks out of Germany, which is exactly what any sane person would do.

You can come back and write an argument instead of just an opinion after you actually start reading and thinking for yourself, and most importantly, after you stop believing everything you have been told by the enemy.

Hail Satan!!!!
Heil Hitler!
Yeah, no; That wasn't cool. 
My aunt by marriage, the one who is Jew, now has an incurable disease that she's going to die from. And what does she do? Whine and go and cry to another doc she knows until he had to say she wasn't going to die to put her mind at ease! 
It's disgusting; This autoimmune disease she has causing big assed blisters and zits to come up all over her body. And what does she do? She calls my nana, anytime, day or night, to come over to her and my other uncles house TO POP THEM! Like a slave, my nana's treated. She gets treated like pure Goy. 
Plus RTRS are working; For my aunt going to die soon and apparently this jew plastic surgeon might lose his job completely. I saw a pic on the internet after watching a show of his on tv last year. 
I was thinking, on watching the show, "Cool, he does such a great job." 
I looked at the pic not to long last year after seeing him on the show. I saw that he had the sick looking eyes, and winced. "Nope, screw him - he's a jew." 
About a week back, I happened to find his name on the internet because of some ethics board stuff and I found out that yeah, he is Jewish and from Bal Harbour. So yeah, I called it. 


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
