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I agree with this. It is something that is advocated in bodybuilder circles but Im not mad on the idea myself. I think there is a tremendous propensity to overeat for the "normal" person.  
I don't think the point is to cut out foliage from your diet. But not to let it dominate your diet like the vegan/vege diets being pushed the Jew Age movement these days.

The point is that many of the much needed, and very healthy nurtients we need come from meat, organic meat most of all. A lot of non-organic, super-farm meats are fed nutrients and basically filled with poisen to bursting.

This is the same with vegetables, fruits and herbs. Consume organic, as the super farmed products are genetically modified, and filled with years and years of chemicals soaked into the soil and bread into the gene pool of the plants. These are things such as chemicals to resist frost, chemicals to repell locust and other insects, chemicals to boost growth, chemicals to strip away the plant's natural defensive systems as Don mentioned. These all rip away at the core nutrients in the plant, and replace it with chemicals and a few base nutrients that are heavily stripped down from the former natural plant.

You shouldn't cut out herbs and plants from your diet. And you should NOT cut out natural meat. But be sure to moderate. It is important that you're getting the correct nutrients into your body, which you can get daily from consuming both organic meats and plants (as well as nuts, eggs, seeds). And of course, that you are keeping yourself healthy through regular exercise and fitness.

The problem today, diet wise, is the presence of two industries that are also social trends. These have been made into buisnesses instead of what they should be, daily practice for everyone. These are the fitness world, and the dieting world. The Dieting world is full of people telling you what not to eat, to only eat this and that. And almost all of the time it is the wrong things, not getting you the right nutrients for you.
And the other is the fitness world, which is producing a product to keep people come back every week or day for more exercise, to keep them visiting the gym, instead of attempting to solve their health issues and make them healthier as a person and as their lifestyle.
Again, they have both become corperations rather than being a general daily practice of everyone, which is how it should be.

Eat healthy, organic food, and exercise. If you are lacking in some nutrients, then change your diet to add this in. This is how simple keeping healthy is (at least in the sence of diet and fitness goes).
If you are exercising right, and eating right. And as long as you are keeping away from junk such as maccas, KFC and other processed foods. You will keep in optimal physical fitness and health.

-En Haradren Amlug.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote:

HP Don are you saying that herbs and plants should not be consume at all or not for a long period of time for food purposes other than medicinak? I just want ti make sure I read it right.

On Sun, May 19, 2013 2:41 PM EDT Don Danko wrote:

In my experience its best a person experiment and eat what works the best for them.

From: Way_Seeker666 <way_seeker666@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2013 12:13:02 PM


Thanks FireBird. I'm actually really really pleased about all this. This is how I like to eat. Loads of meat with the fat, lots of dairy, and as HoodedCobra said eggs too. With a bit of research and adjusting I will love how I eat and have it be the best for me.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I am 31 year old female, 5'2 and 42kg I am not sure of that in pounds, maybe 90 - 100 at a guess. I drink up to 2 litres of full cream milk a day, and usually have meat or fish aswell, my diet would be 80% full fat animal products. Full fat yoghurt, sour cream etc and I look for no added sugar and only use honey or raw sugar in tea or coffee. I don't like many sweets, just occasionally. I eat some vegetables I prefer what I grow myself.

Yet I can lift almost my whole bodyweight with no minimal training, I am fit without extra workouts, just walking and general yard and housework. I am stronger than many males my size and women bigger than me.

According to what people are told I should be fat, lethargic, high blood pressure and have a shocking immune system.

Now if I could just get my own cow I would be happy.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Way_Seeker666" <way_seeker666@ wrote:

So HP Don are you saying that eating vegetables and fruits is not much good? I gather that obviously I must eat lots of meat with high saturated fat levels, and cut out all grains. What do you recommend for sources of carbs? And is a diet of this meat, and carbs, enough to get everything I need?

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

True alot of the plant food pre ten thousand years ago. Was wild undomesticated. Meaning it was not that edible and much of it was toxic. Plants produce their own defensive chemicals since they can't run. The modern produce is domesticated plant foods with all their properities removed grown in weak soil.  Plant farming is literally wiping out all life on earth. Animal open range, organic animal farming restores it
All of our most imporant vitamins are found in meats. Plants are an inferior source and we don't have the digestive system for cellulose where plant eating animals do. So the plants our ancestors could eat they could not live off.  Its a inferior diet.
You can see this with the Vegans. They disprove themselves by the failure to be able to stay long term on their Vegan diet. Former long term insiders who finally left Vegan movement. Admit openly most of them are eating animal products in private to stay healthy.
Veganism is an Ideological based, sub-culture. Hence the diet is part of a larger ideological structure. And Veganism is right out of the Cultural Marxist left. Its ideological propagandists always employ Leftist, Cultural Marxist arguements to their propaganda. Its fucking bizzare they even Communized diet. Which is not suprising originally xianity pushed identical diets as part of its program. And this is just athiest [subconscious] xianity.
I had to struggle to get threw the book by this Keith. She understood finally after 20 years of being retarded. Veganism is bullshit. But her book is still so full of Cultural Marxist preaching. Her Veganism was central to her Communistic mentality. Thats why she went full red-tard for 20 years on it. I will admit I enjoyed reading about her whining about just how fucked her health is. Because I ended up hating her by the end of the book. She devoted a whole chapter to Communistic ranting. The Left is always in love with their own preachy, pretenious, self-rigtheousness. Holy red rollers.
Her stupid Vegan diet did to her body. What her Cultural Marxist mentality did to her mind and our societies.
The best part of the book is when the Traditional Chinese doctor she went to as a 20 year Vegan. Spent awhile trying to find her pluse. Then he looked up at her horrifed and told her she had "No Chi."

From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:46:17 PM


All our ancestors were eating much meat, for a reason. Also, I eat eggs in any ocassion I can. They say eggs are bad, but in my experience, it was pure bullshit. I eat five on most days, and three whole. It heals depression and kicks away vitamin deficiency. Animal fats are very good. The only problem I ever had was not being able to digest it, never anything else. Infact, it banished depression too. It makes me feel physically powerful. Going without meat because some twenty first century idiot said so, sorry but not for me. Especially if someone exercises, meat is crucial.

Also, judging from my grandpas and grandmas, who all lived in their eighties, except one who died a bit earlier, I can say eating meat is very important. They honored meat and realized its value a lot. On another note, they never had all these pills and shit jammed on their throat. Now the twenty first century human baby is jammed with vaccines, it takes a strange turd or diarrhea and the FDA says to feed it all kids of pills. I mean, they don't even moderate the shit they give to kids. When I was young, I remember, in the slightest temperature raise, I would have some kind of syrup shoved down my throat. Or some capsule. Not to mention parents feeding their kids all sorts of supersugar stuff and other things. Then we grow up and wonder what happened to our health. Same with food, its better to follow guidelines of your instict and guidelines that our Ancestors had, rather than the modern new age hippie.

I have a boomarked website, and I cannot find it now, mentioning how behind every school shooting etc...There was some kid who was during or has had psycho drugs given to them. I know from experience, from a family member, these drugs make someone feeling very bad, very sleepy, cause all sorts of other health problems and completely destroy the person mentally, in the sense they feel sick etc. In many cases, good diet, not making humans guinea pigs, exercise and hwalthy lifestyle will get rid of all these problems.

Seriously, we live in a sick world if you look at it. The modern man of the twenty first century is so Marxist, that he tries to defy the simplest of laws. I mean, they don't tell parents to exercise their obese kids, or feed them right, rather jam pills into their throats. Thats sick. They on purpose do this, therefore following their diet rules etc, in some cases, would be as good as following their spiritual madness of xianity. I notice they attack diet relentlessly, and try to impose alien shit, especially lately. The fact that being vegan is mostly related with new age junkies, should shed further light into this. Personally, I have found meat is nessescary, as the transformative process requires the building blocks from meat, the good source of proteins.

So much of these sickos.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

This amounts to a high carb diet, and carbs are sugars. They go on and on about ketosis being the boogey man. But how are the Inuit people one of the most healthy people on earth. I guess getting energy from burning fats directly is bad because people might understand  the reality of diets.
The energy from this is converted into glucose in the cells.
I can just image the legions of Vegans jumping up and down in protest. Because they suck. After all they have been Vegan a whole year. So they know better then several million years of human evolution.

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:02:10 PM


The evidence show that a diet high in saturated, organic animal fats is important to the human diet. The most healthy groups of humans on earth all have a diet of 80% and up of this.  The typical mainstream health claims tells us this is wrong. But they have lied to us about everything else why not this as well.
What they push instead is low to no saturated animal fat, high amounts of  wheat and rancid vegetable oils which cause Heart Disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, mental issues and on. People with years of depression where healed just by adding organic high amounts of saturated animal fat in their diet. Due to it provides the chemicals they where low in. People where cured of schizophrenia and other aliments by taking grains out of their diet. etc
The cholesterol myth is bizzare as 50% of heart disease patients have low cholesterol. It turns out in studies the higher levels of cholesterol in the system where being produced by the body to help try and repair the arteries from the damage being done by eating the rancid vegetable oils and such in the food. People put on a diet of high saturated animal fats where actually cured of Heart Disease.
Rancid vegetable oils where only used in house paints and such industrial products originally.

From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 8:16:16 PM

Diet is crucial. High sugar diet can fuck concetration for good. We get too much sugar from where we were little kids. The sugar high makes the brain rushy. You may want to moderate sugar. A herbal full spectrum vitamin could also help. Fish liver oil in capsules, is good as I have tried this years ago. For the most part poor concetration and poor memory, are diet related. Also if you don't get enough complex carbohydrates, your brain does not have energy to work good. Focus on eating six full meals a day. I have also found out, meat, at least in my case, helps with memory and generally feeling better, but only chicken. Also, something that may sound very simple, yet works, is to focus into the middle of your forehead during your void meditation. If you lose concetration, bring your attention back. Do this for five minutes. You can also meditate on your Astral sight points. I have found the specific area pays good in concetration matters.
SATAN!!!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote: What is your diet and life style. Start there. ________________________________ From: Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@ To: mailto:joyofsatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 5:47:05 PM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: JEW INVENTOR OF ADHD'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE ÃÆ'‚  If I were you I would work with the Isa rune. You can program your aura as well. Make affirmations every night before bed that you have great concentration. Dont give up. When you program the auea and program your mind you shall manisfest what you want. Do these and the controll will come. Also taking Gotu kola capsule herb or tea can help with brain functions. Hope this helps you. ------------------------------ On Sat, May 18, 2013 5:39 PM EDT hailazazel wrote: How can I
improve my
concentration without the Ritalin? I don't take that shit I know how bad it is. I have the most poor concentration, though. I left school because I could only concentrate for like 10 seconds. Then losing it and start daydreaming. I have Neptune conjunct my Sun, and being on the 22 degree :( a bad degree.. Void meditation alone doesn't help.. HAIL SATAN!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Don" <mageson6666@ wrote: JEW INVENTOR OF ADHD'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE -------------------------------- [My note] This article gets into the fact the Psychiatrist profession is a Jewish run operation like the Jewish Psychoanalytic movement. That is in the job of making up bogus conditions to then charge big bucks for bogus cures. Hand in hand with drugging up and dumbing down the Goyium and leaving them in a Zombie state. In many cases causing suicidal
behaviors, violent behaviours and leaving the person damned in a mental prison as the effects of years of these drugs takes its toll on their physical health. Its no mistake the Jewstream health info keeps telling the populace that a diet opposite to the one we need is the best. This leaves the person broken down into a host of mental and physical illness. And the Jew cashing in on the effects once again. The Psychiatrist scam also creates the base for creating the premise to vilify any opposition to their global agenda while also pushing their Kosher, Communistic lies under the guise of "Science." Which is secular Theology. One can click here and witness the children who died from taking their pharma poisons for having a Jew made up, bogus illness. Along with studying the destructive effects it has on those who take it in general. http://www.ritalindeath.com/ Appeals to the FDA is a
time. The whole thing was founded by the Jew Fishbein to be a front for this very Jewish rackett. It exists to strong arm any Gentiles who actually develop and find cures to illness. Including working cures for cancer going back to the 1930's. No money in a cure, especially when the Jewish owned corporations are working so hard to make people sick, dumb, poor and dead. Such as the Jewish Monsanto corperation which is allied with the Jewish Bayer corporations. Bayer was caught knowingly shipping HIV infect blood to second and third world nations. They stated it was not illegal and after all they had to make a profit: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/316 FDA: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/185 The Jew is Parasite Rex. -------------------- INVENTOR OF ADHD'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE" Posted by Tatiana
on May 17, 2013 at 5:30am Fortunately, the Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics (NEK, President: Otfried HÃÆ'Æ'¶ffe) critically commented on the use of the ADHD drug Ritalin in its opinion of 22 November 2011 titled Human enhancement by means of pharmacological agents: The consumption of pharmacological agents altered the child's behavior without any contribution on his or her part. That amounted to interference in the child's freedom and personal rights, because pharmacological agents induced behavioral changes but failed to educate the child on how to achieve these behavioral changes independently. The child was thus deprived of an essential learning experience to act autonomously and emphatically which "considerably curtails children's freedom and impairs their personality development", the NEK criticized. The alarmed critics of the Ritalin disaster are now getting support
from an entirely
different side. The German weekly Der Spiegel quoted in its cover story on 2 February 2012 the US American psychiatrist Leon Eisenberg, born in 1922 as the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, who was the "scientific father of ADHD" and who said at the age of 87, seven months before his death in his last interview: "ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease" Since 1968, however, some 40 years, Leon Eisenberg's "disease" haunted the diagnostic and statistical manuals, first as "hyperkinetic reaction of childhood", now called "ADHD". The use of ADHD medications in Germany rose in only eighteen years from 34 kg (in 1993) to a record of no less than 1760 kg (in 2011) ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" which is a 51-fold increase in sales! In the United States every tenth boy among ten year-olds already swallows an ADHD medication on a daily basis. With an increasing tendency. When it comes to the proven repertoire of Edward Bernays[
My note Jew and
related to
Jew Freud], the father of propaganda, to sell the First World War to his people with the help of his uncle's psychoanalysis and to distort science and the faith in science to increase profits of the industry ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" what about investigating on whose behalf the "scientific father of ADHD" conducted science? His career was remarkably steep, and his "fictitious disease" led to the best sales increases. And after all, he served in the "Committee for DSM V and ICD XII, American Psychiatric Association" from 2006 to 2009. After all, Leon Eisenberg received "the Ruane Prize for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research. He has been a leader in child psychiatry for more than 40 years through his work in pharmacological trials, research, teaching, and social policy and for his theories of autism and social medicine". And after all, Eisenberg was a member of the "Organizing Committee for Women and Medicine Conference,
Bahamas, November 29
December 3, 2006, Josiah Macy Foundation (2006)". The Josiah Macy Foundation organized conferences with intelligence agents of the OSS, later CIA, such as Gregory Bateson and Heinz von Foerster during and long after World War II. Have such groups marketed the diagnosis of ADHD in the service of the pharmaceutical market and tailor-made for him with a lot of propaganda and public relations? It is this issue that the American psychologist Lisa Cosgrove and others investigated in their study Financial Ties between DSM-IV Panel Members and the Pharmaceutical Industry7. They found that "Of the 170 DSM panel members 95 (56%) had one or more financial associations with companies in the pharmaceutical industry. One hundred percent of the members of the panels on `Mood Disorders' and `Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders' had financial ties to drug companies. The connections are especially strong in those diagnostic areas where drugs are the
first line
of treatment for mental disorders." In the next edition of the manual, the situation is unchanged. "Of the 137 DSM-V panel members who have posted disclosure statements, 56% have reported industry ties ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" no improvement over the percent of DSM-IV members." "The very vocabulary of psychiatry is now defined at all levels by the pharmaceutical industry," said Dr Irwin Savodnik, an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California at Los Angeles. This is well paid. Just one example: The Assistant Director of the Pediatric Psychopharmacology Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School received "$1 million in earnings from drug companies between 2000 and 2007". In any case, no one can easily get around the testimony of the father of ADHD: "ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease." The task of psychologists,
educators and doctors
is not
to put children on the "chemical lead" because the entire society cannot handle the products of its misguided theories of man and raising children, and instead hands over our children to the free pharmaceutical market. Let us return to the basic matter of personal psychology and education: The child is to acquire personal responsibility and emphatic behavior under expert guidance ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" and that takes the family and the school: In these fields, the child should be able to lead off mentally. This constitutes the core of the human person.
If you are lifting weights and doing strenuous exercise like that, you break the muscle down and it repairs and grows stronger than before. You need to eat more to give them what they need for that process. HoodedCobra once said that the hunger after Power Meditations is your body needing nutrients to repair itself. Not because it was broken down but because the Power Meditations make it more healthy and more perfect.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@... wrote:

HP Don, I have a question. I know one JoS SS who is a bit advanced, they work out and meditate. Lifting weights and doing cardio and some martial arts. But they tell me they are often hungry and eat a lot. They are in good shape, from what I could tell from their picture. Why is he hungry and others are less so?
I noticed that when I was meditating over a year to two years ago, after my power meditations I would rummage through the fridge and kitchen for food. Especially *after* my power meditations.
Why is this?

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2013 9:58:20 PM

This eating six meals a day trend. Is strange unless your an athlete. What are people eating that is such a weak diet they are burning it so fast. I also found the more I exercise the less hungry I am. Unless a person is a body builder and is trying to make hyper gains....
The last guy who told me about this in person was advocating eating cerals. Which is no wonder why.

From: darkprince2114 <darkprince2114@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2013 7:15:14 PM

Do you exercise? If so experiment with different food and make a note of how you feel before, during, and after exercise.
I used to have a horrible diet and as a result I would constantly feel light headed and weak.
I do a lot of physical exercise so eating right is a big issue for me. The best thing is to have, as has been said before, 6 regular meal times a day. You don't have to eat big, it's just keep your metabolism going. I, personally, eat a lot of meat as I love the taste of it and it helps a lot with all the training I do.
As has been stated, experiment and find out what makes YOU feel best. Remember: It's all about you!

Hail Lord Satan!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hailazazel" <hailazazel@ wrote:

I always thought it was bad I don't know.. But what do you mean with "works best for me" how do you know it works best for you? How do I know what will work for me? I'm not that advanced to feel it.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I am just saying what works for me. People are always being told what to do without questioning what they are told. Part of advancing is working on knowing yourself and what is best for you. This works for me. Besides who is telling people milk or meat is bad? Look behind the curtain I bet a big rat nose is poking out.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hailazazel" <hailazazel@ wrote:

I thought dairy products are bad for us! Seriously I don't know anymore. Milk is being contaminated with aspartame etc.. but even if I grow my own cow (just for example) is the milk is good to drink? Too bad I thought it was bad for us to consume.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Way_Seeker666" <way_seeker666@ wrote:

Thanks FireBird. I'm actually really really pleased about all this. This is how I like to eat. Loads of meat with the fat, lots of dairy, and as HoodedCobra said eggs too. With a bit of research and adjusting I will love how I eat and have it be the best for me.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I am 31 year old female, 5'2 and 42kg I am not sure of that in pounds, maybe 90 - 100 at a guess. I drink up to 2 litres of full cream milk a day, and usually have meat or fish aswell, my diet would be 80% full fat animal products. Full fat yoghurt, sour cream etc and I look for no added sugar and only use honey or raw sugar in tea or coffee. I don't like many sweets, just occasionally. I eat some vegetables I prefer what I grow myself.

Yet I can lift almost my whole bodyweight with no minimal training, I am fit without extra workouts, just walking and general yard and housework. I am stronger than many males my size and women bigger than me.

According to what people are told I should be fat, lethargic, high blood pressure and have a shocking immune system.

Now if I could just get my own cow I would be happy.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Way_Seeker666" <way_seeker666@ wrote:

So HP Don are you saying that eating vegetables and fruits is not much good? I gather that obviously I must eat lots of meat with high saturated fat levels, and cut out all grains. What do you recommend for sources of carbs? And is a diet of this meat, and carbs, enough to get everything I need?

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

True alot of the plant food pre ten thousand years ago. Was wild undomesticated. Meaning it was not that edible and much of it was toxic. Plants produce their own defensive chemicals since they can't run. The modern produce is domesticated plant foods with all their properities removed grown in weak soil.  Plant farming is literally wiping out all life on earth. Animal open range, organic animal farming restores it
All of our most imporant vitamins are found in meats. Plants are an inferior source and we don't have the digestive system for cellulose where plant eating animals do. So the plants our ancestors could eat they could not live off.  Its a inferior diet.
You can see this with the Vegans. They disprove themselves by the failure to be able to stay long term on their Vegan diet. Former long term insiders who finally left Vegan movement. Admit openly most of them are eating animal products in private to stay healthy.
Veganism is an Ideological based, sub-culture. Hence the diet is part of a larger ideological structure. And Veganism is right out of the Cultural Marxist left. Its ideological propagandists always employ Leftist, Cultural Marxist arguements to their propaganda. Its fucking bizzare they even Communized diet. Which is not suprising originally xianity pushed identical diets as part of its program. And this is just athiest [subconscious] xianity.
I had to struggle to get threw the book by this Keith. She understood finally after 20 years of being retarded. Veganism is bullshit. But her book is still so full of Cultural Marxist preaching. Her Veganism was central to her Communistic mentality. Thats why she went full red-tard for 20 years on it. I will admit I enjoyed reading about her whining about just how fucked her health is. Because I ended up hating her by the end of the book. She devoted a whole chapter to Communistic ranting. The Left is always in love with their own preachy, pretenious, self-rigtheousness. Holy red rollers.
Her stupid Vegan diet did to her body. What her Cultural Marxist mentality did to her mind and our societies.
The best part of the book is when the Traditional Chinese doctor she went to as a 20 year Vegan. Spent awhile trying to find her pluse. Then he looked up at her horrifed and told her she had "No Chi."

From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:46:17 PM


All our ancestors were eating much meat, for a reason. Also, I eat eggs in any ocassion I can. They say eggs are bad, but in my experience, it was pure bullshit. I eat five on most days, and three whole. It heals depression and kicks away vitamin deficiency. Animal fats are very good. The only problem I ever had was not being able to digest it, never anything else. Infact, it banished depression too. It makes me feel physically powerful. Going without meat because some twenty first century idiot said so, sorry but not for me. Especially if someone exercises, meat is crucial.

Also, judging from my grandpas and grandmas, who all lived in their eighties, except one who died a bit earlier, I can say eating meat is very important. They honored meat and realized its value a lot. On another note, they never had all these pills and shit jammed on their throat. Now the twenty first century human baby is jammed with vaccines, it takes a strange turd or diarrhea and the FDA says to feed it all kids of pills. I mean, they don't even moderate the shit they give to kids. When I was young, I remember, in the slightest temperature raise, I would have some kind of syrup shoved down my throat. Or some capsule. Not to mention parents feeding their kids all sorts of supersugar stuff and other things. Then we grow up and wonder what happened to our health. Same with food, its better to follow guidelines of your instict and guidelines that our Ancestors had, rather than the modern new age hippie.

I have a boomarked website, and I cannot find it now, mentioning how behind every school shooting etc...There was some kid who was during or has had psycho drugs given to them. I know from experience, from a family member, these drugs make someone feeling very bad, very sleepy, cause all sorts of other health problems and completely destroy the person mentally, in the sense they feel sick etc. In many cases, good diet, not making humans guinea pigs, exercise and hwalthy lifestyle will get rid of all these problems.

Seriously, we live in a sick world if you look at it. The modern man of the twenty first century is so Marxist, that he tries to defy the simplest of laws. I mean, they don't tell parents to exercise their obese kids, or feed them right, rather jam pills into their throats. Thats sick. They on purpose do this, therefore following their diet rules etc, in some cases, would be as good as following their spiritual madness of xianity. I notice they attack diet relentlessly, and try to impose alien shit, especially lately. The fact that being vegan is mostly related with new age junkies, should shed further light into this. Personally, I have found meat is nessescary, as the transformative process requires the building blocks from meat, the good source of proteins.

So much of these sickos.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

This amounts to a high carb diet, and carbs are sugars. They go on and on about ketosis being the boogey man. But how are the Inuit people one of the most healthy people on earth. I guess getting energy from burning fats directly is bad because people might understand  the reality of diets.
The energy from this is converted into glucose in the cells.
I can just image the legions of Vegans jumping up and down in protest. Because they suck. After all they have been Vegan a whole year. So they know better then several million years of human evolution.

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:02:10 PM


The evidence show that a diet high in saturated, organic animal fats is important to the human diet. The most healthy groups of humans on earth all have a diet of 80% and up of this.  The typical mainstream health claims tells us this is wrong. But they have lied to us about everything else why not this as well.
What they push instead is low to no saturated animal fat, high amounts of  wheat and rancid vegetable oils which cause Heart Disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, mental issues and on. People with years of depression where healed just by adding organic high amounts of saturated animal fat in their diet. Due to it provides the chemicals they where low in. People where cured of schizophrenia and other aliments by taking grains out of their diet. etc
The cholesterol myth is bizzare as 50% of heart disease patients have low cholesterol. It turns out in studies the higher levels of cholesterol in the system where being produced by the body to help try and repair the arteries from the damage being done by eating the rancid vegetable oils and such in the food. People put on a diet of high saturated animal fats where actually cured of Heart Disease.
Rancid vegetable oils where only used in house paints and such industrial products originally.

From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 8:16:16 PM

Diet is crucial. High sugar diet can fuck concetration for good. We get too much sugar from where we were little kids. The sugar high makes the brain rushy. You may want to moderate sugar. A herbal full spectrum vitamin could also help. Fish liver oil in capsules, is good as I have tried this years ago. For the most part poor concetration and poor memory, are diet related. Also if you don't get enough complex carbohydrates, your brain does not have energy to work good. Focus on eating six full meals a day. I have also found out, meat, at least in my case, helps with memory and generally feeling better, but only chicken. Also, something that may sound very simple, yet works, is to focus into the middle of your forehead during your void meditation. If you lose concetration, bring your attention back. Do this for five minutes. You can also meditate on your Astral sight points. I have found the specific area pays
good in concetration matters. HAIL
SATAN!!!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote: What is your diet and life style. Start there. ________________________________ From: Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@ To: mailto:joyofsatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 5:47:05 PM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: JEW INVENTOR OF ADHD'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE ÃÆ'‚  If I were you I would work with the Isa rune. You can program your aura as well. Make affirmations every night before bed that you have great concentration. Dont give up. When you program the auea and program your mind you shall manisfest what you want. Do these and the controll will come. Also taking Gotu kola capsule herb or tea can help with brain functions. Hope this helps you.
------------------------------ On Sat, May 18, 2013 5:39 PM EDT hailazazel wrote: How can I improve my
concentration without the Ritalin? I don't take that shit I know how bad it is. I have the most poor concentration, though. I left school because I could only concentrate for like 10 seconds. Then losing it and start daydreaming. I have Neptune conjunct my Sun, and being on the 22 degree :( a bad degree.. Void meditation alone doesn't help.. HAIL SATAN!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Don" <mageson6666@ wrote: JEW INVENTOR OF ADHD'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE -------------------------------- [My note] This article gets into the fact the Psychiatrist profession is a Jewish run operation like the Jewish Psychoanalytic movement. That is in the job of making up bogus conditions to then charge
big bucks for bogus cures. Hand in hand with drugging up and dumbing down the Goyium and leaving them in a Zombie state. In many cases causing suicidal
behaviors, violent behaviours and leaving the person damned in a mental prison as the effects of years of these drugs takes its toll on their physical health. Its no mistake the Jewstream health info keeps telling the populace that a diet opposite to the one we need is the best. This leaves the person broken down into a host of mental and physical illness. And the Jew cashing in on the effects once again. The Psychiatrist scam also creates the base for creating the premise to vilify any opposition to their global agenda while also pushing their Kosher, Communistic lies under the guise of "Science." Which is secular Theology. One can click here and witness the children who died from taking their pharma poisons for having a Jew made up, bogus illness. Along with studying the destructive effects it has on those who take it in
general. http://www.ritalindeath.com/ Appeals to the FDA is a waste
time. The whole thing was founded by the Jew Fishbein to be a front for this very Jewish rackett. It exists to strong arm any Gentiles who actually develop and find cures to illness. Including working cures for cancer going back to the 1930's. No money in a cure, especially when the Jewish owned corporations are working so hard to make people sick, dumb, poor and dead. Such as the Jewish Monsanto corperation which is allied with the Jewish Bayer corporations. Bayer was caught knowingly shipping HIV infect blood to second and third world nations. They stated it was not illegal and after all they had to make a profit: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/316 FDA: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/185 The Jew is Parasite Rex. -------------------- INVENTOR OF ADHD'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE" Posted by
Tatiana OV
on May 17, 2013 at 5:30am Fortunately, the Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics (NEK, President: Otfried HÃÆ'�'¶ffe) critically commented on the use of the ADHD drug Ritalin in its opinion of 22 November 2011 titled Human enhancement by means of pharmacological agents: The consumption of pharmacological agents altered the child's behavior without any contribution on his or her part. That amounted to interference in the child's freedom and personal rights, because pharmacological agents induced behavioral changes but failed to educate the child on how to achieve these behavioral changes independently. The child was thus deprived of an essential learning experience to act autonomously and emphatically which "considerably curtails children's freedom and impairs their personality development", the NEK criticized.
The alarmed critics of the Ritalin disaster are now getting support from an entirely
different side. The German weekly Der Spiegel quoted in its cover story on 2 February 2012 the US American psychiatrist Leon Eisenberg, born in 1922 as the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, who was the "scientific father of ADHD" and who said at the age of 87, seven months before his death in his last interview: "ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease" Since 1968, however, some 40 years, Leon Eisenberg's "disease" haunted the diagnostic and statistical manuals, first as "hyperkinetic reaction of childhood", now called "ADHD". The use of ADHD medications in Germany rose in only eighteen years from 34 kg (in 1993) to a record of no less than 1760 kg (in 2011) ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" which is a 51-fold increase in sales! In the United States every tenth boy among ten year-olds already swallows an ADHD medication on a daily basis. With an increasing tendency.
When it comes to the proven repertoire of Edward Bernays[ My note Jew and
related to
Jew Freud], the father of propaganda, to sell the First World War to his people with the help of his uncle's psychoanalysis and to distort science and the faith in science to increase profits of the industry ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" what about investigating on whose behalf the "scientific father of ADHD" conducted science? His career was remarkably steep, and his "fictitious disease" led to the best sales increases. And after all, he served in the "Committee for DSM V and ICD XII, American Psychiatric Association" from 2006 to 2009. After all, Leon Eisenberg received "the Ruane Prize for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research. He has been a leader in child psychiatry for more than 40 years through his work in pharmacological trials, research, teaching, and social policy and for his theories of autism and social medicine". And after all, Eisenberg was a member of the
"Organizing Committee for Women and Medicine Conference, Bahamas, November 29
December 3, 2006, Josiah Macy Foundation (2006)". The Josiah Macy Foundation organized conferences with intelligence agents of the OSS, later CIA, such as Gregory Bateson and Heinz von Foerster during and long after World War II. Have such groups marketed the diagnosis of ADHD in the service of the pharmaceutical market and tailor-made for him with a lot of propaganda and public relations? It is this issue that the American psychologist Lisa Cosgrove and others investigated in their study Financial Ties between DSM-IV Panel Members and the Pharmaceutical Industry7. They found that "Of the 170 DSM panel members 95 (56%) had one or more financial associations with companies in the pharmaceutical industry. One hundred percent of the members of the panels on `Mood Disorders' and `Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders' had financial ties to drug companies. The connections are especially strong in those
diagnostic areas where drugs are the first line
of treatment for mental disorders." In the next edition of the manual, the situation is unchanged. "Of the 137 DSM-V panel members who have posted disclosure statements, 56% have reported industry ties ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" no improvement over the percent of DSM-IV members." "The very vocabulary of psychiatry is now defined at all levels by the pharmaceutical industry," said Dr Irwin Savodnik, an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California at Los Angeles. This is well paid. Just one example: The Assistant Director of the Pediatric Psychopharmacology Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School received "$1 million in earnings from drug companies between 2000 and 2007". In any case, no one can easily get around the testimony of the father of ADHD: "ADHD is a prime example of a
fictitious disease." The task of psychologists, educators and doctors
is not
to put children on the "chemical lead" because the entire society cannot handle the products of its misguided theories of man and raising children, and instead hands over our children to the free pharmaceutical market. Let us return to the basic matter of personal psychology and education: The child is to acquire personal responsibility and emphatic behavior under expert guidance ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" and that takes the family and the school: In these fields, the child should be able to lead off mentally. This constitutes the core of the human person.
This is very disrespectful to people, who before even being diagnosed, have had plenty of difficulty. It doesn't matter what you call it. Something resembling "ADHD" exists - to those who ended up diagnosed with it (although there is an issue with misdiagnosis among autistics) and their family and friends that see how it affects their work and efficiency. Don't erase those people.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Way_Seeker666" <way_seeker666@... wrote:

If you are lifting weights and doing strenuous exercise like that, you break the muscle down and it repairs and grows stronger than before. You need to eat more to give them what they need for that process. HoodedCobra once said that the hunger after Power Meditations is your body needing nutrients to repair itself. Not because it was broken down but because the Power Meditations make it more healthy and more perfect.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@ wrote:

HP Don, I have a question. I know one JoS SS who is a bit advanced, they work out and meditate. Lifting weights and doing cardio and some martial arts. But they tell me they are often hungry and eat a lot. They are in good shape, from what I could tell from their picture. Why is he hungry and others are less so?
I noticed that when I was meditating over a year to two years ago, after my power meditations I would rummage through the fridge and kitchen for food. Especially *after* my power meditations.
Why is this?

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2013 9:58:20 PM

This eating six meals a day trend. Is strange unless your an athlete. What are people eating that is such a weak diet they are burning it so fast. I also found the more I exercise the less hungry I am. Unless a person is a body builder and is trying to make hyper gains....
The last guy who told me about this in person was advocating eating cerals. Which is no wonder why.

From: darkprince2114 <darkprince2114@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2013 7:15:14 PM

Do you exercise? If so experiment with different food and make a note of how you feel before, during, and after exercise.
I used to have a horrible diet and as a result I would constantly feel light headed and weak.
I do a lot of physical exercise so eating right is a big issue for me. The best thing is to have, as has been said before, 6 regular meal times a day. You don't have to eat big, it's just keep your metabolism going. I, personally, eat a lot of meat as I love the taste of it and it helps a lot with all the training I do.
As has been stated, experiment and find out what makes YOU feel best. Remember: It's all about you!

Hail Lord Satan!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hailazazel" <hailazazel@ wrote:

I always thought it was bad I don't know.. But what do you mean with "works best for me" how do you know it works best for you? How do I know what will work for me? I'm not that advanced to feel it.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I am just saying what works for me. People are always being told what to do without questioning what they are told. Part of advancing is working on knowing yourself and what is best for you. This works for me. Besides who is telling people milk or meat is bad? Look behind the curtain I bet a big rat nose is poking out.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hailazazel" <hailazazel@ wrote:

I thought dairy products are bad for us! Seriously I don't know anymore. Milk is being contaminated with aspartame etc.. but even if I grow my own cow (just for example) is the milk is good to drink? Too bad I thought it was bad for us to consume.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Way_Seeker666" <way_seeker666@ wrote:

Thanks FireBird. I'm actually really really pleased about all this. This is how I like to eat. Loads of meat with the fat, lots of dairy, and as HoodedCobra said eggs too. With a bit of research and adjusting I will love how I eat and have it be the best for me.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I am 31 year old female, 5'2 and 42kg I am not sure of that in pounds, maybe 90 - 100 at a guess. I drink up to 2 litres of full cream milk a day, and usually have meat or fish aswell, my diet would be 80% full fat animal products. Full fat yoghurt, sour cream etc and I look for no added sugar and only use honey or raw sugar in tea or coffee. I don't like many sweets, just occasionally. I eat some vegetables I prefer what I grow myself.

Yet I can lift almost my whole bodyweight with no minimal training, I am fit without extra workouts, just walking and general yard and housework. I am stronger than many males my size and women bigger than me.

According to what people are told I should be fat, lethargic, high blood pressure and have a shocking immune system.

Now if I could just get my own cow I would be happy.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Way_Seeker666" <way_seeker666@ wrote:

So HP Don are you saying that eating vegetables and fruits is not much good? I gather that obviously I must eat lots of meat with high saturated fat levels, and cut out all grains. What do you recommend for sources of carbs? And is a diet of this meat, and carbs, enough to get everything I need?

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

True alot of the plant food pre ten thousand years ago. Was wild undomesticated. Meaning it was not that edible and much of it was toxic. Plants produce their own defensive chemicals since they can't run. The modern produce is domesticated plant foods with all their properities removed grown in weak soil.  Plant farming is literally wiping out all life on earth. Animal open range, organic animal farming restores it
All of our most imporant vitamins are found in meats. Plants are an inferior source and we don't have the digestive system for cellulose where plant eating animals do. So the plants our ancestors could eat they could not live off.  Its a inferior diet.
You can see this with the Vegans. They disprove themselves by the failure to be able to stay long term on their Vegan diet. Former long term insiders who finally left Vegan movement. Admit openly most of them are eating animal products in private to stay healthy.
Veganism is an Ideological based, sub-culture. Hence the diet is part of a larger ideological structure. And Veganism is right out of the Cultural Marxist left. Its ideological propagandists always employ Leftist, Cultural Marxist arguements to their propaganda. Its fucking bizzare they even Communized diet. Which is not suprising originally xianity pushed identical diets as part of its program. And this is just athiest [subconscious] xianity.
I had to struggle to get threw the book by this Keith. She understood finally after 20 years of being retarded. Veganism is bullshit. But her book is still so full of Cultural Marxist preaching. Her Veganism was central to her Communistic mentality. Thats why she went full red-tard for 20 years on it. I will admit I enjoyed reading about her whining about just how fucked her health is. Because I ended up hating her by the end of the book. She devoted a whole chapter to Communistic ranting. The Left is always in love with their own preachy, pretenious, self-rigtheousness. Holy red rollers.
Her stupid Vegan diet did to her body. What her Cultural Marxist mentality did to her mind and our societies.
The best part of the book is when the Traditional Chinese doctor she went to as a 20 year Vegan. Spent awhile trying to find her pluse. Then he looked up at her horrifed and told her she had "No Chi."

From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:46:17 PM


All our ancestors were eating much meat, for a reason. Also, I eat eggs in any ocassion I can. They say eggs are bad, but in my experience, it was pure bullshit. I eat five on most days, and three whole. It heals depression and kicks away vitamin deficiency. Animal fats are very good. The only problem I ever had was not being able to digest it, never anything else. Infact, it banished depression too. It makes me feel physically powerful. Going without meat because some twenty first century idiot said so, sorry but not for me. Especially if someone exercises, meat is crucial.

Also, judging from my grandpas and grandmas, who all lived in their eighties, except one who died a bit earlier, I can say eating meat is very important. They honored meat and realized its value a lot. On another note, they never had all these pills and shit jammed on their throat. Now the twenty first century human baby is jammed with vaccines, it takes a strange turd or diarrhea and the FDA says to feed it all kids of pills. I mean, they don't even moderate the shit they give to kids. When I was young, I remember, in the slightest temperature raise, I would have some kind of syrup shoved down my throat. Or some capsule. Not to mention parents feeding their kids all sorts of supersugar stuff and other things. Then we grow up and wonder what happened to our health. Same with food, its better to follow guidelines of your instict and guidelines that our Ancestors had, rather than the modern new age hippie.

I have a boomarked website, and I cannot find it now, mentioning how behind every school shooting etc...There was some kid who was during or has had psycho drugs given to them. I know from experience, from a family member, these drugs make someone feeling very bad, very sleepy, cause all sorts of other health problems and completely destroy the person mentally, in the sense they feel sick etc. In many cases, good diet, not making humans guinea pigs, exercise and hwalthy lifestyle will get rid of all these problems.

Seriously, we live in a sick world if you look at it. The modern man of the twenty first century is so Marxist, that he tries to defy the simplest of laws. I mean, they don't tell parents to exercise their obese kids, or feed them right, rather jam pills into their throats. Thats sick. They on purpose do this, therefore following their diet rules etc, in some cases, would be as good as following their spiritual madness of xianity. I notice they attack diet relentlessly, and try to impose alien shit, especially lately. The fact that being vegan is mostly related with new age junkies, should shed further light into this. Personally, I have found meat is nessescary, as the transformative process requires the building blocks from meat, the good source of proteins.

So much of these sickos.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

This amounts to a high carb diet, and carbs are sugars. They go on and on about ketosis being the boogey man. But how are the Inuit people one of the most healthy people on earth. I guess getting energy from burning fats directly is bad because people might understand  the reality of diets.
The energy from this is converted into glucose in the cells.
I can just image the legions of Vegans jumping up and down in protest. Because they suck. After all they have been Vegan a whole year. So they know better then several million years of human evolution.

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:02:10 PM


The evidence show that a diet high in saturated, organic animal fats is important to the human diet. The most healthy groups of humans on earth all have a diet of 80% and up of this.  The typical mainstream health claims tells us this is wrong. But they have lied to us about everything else why not this as well.
What they push instead is low to no saturated animal fat, high amounts of  wheat and rancid vegetable oils which cause Heart Disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, mental issues and on. People with years of depression where healed just by adding organic high amounts of saturated animal fat in their diet. Due to it provides the chemicals they where low in. People where cured of schizophrenia and other aliments by taking grains out of their diet. etc
The cholesterol myth is bizzare as 50% of heart disease patients have low cholesterol. It turns out in studies the higher levels of cholesterol in the system where being produced by the body to help try and repair the arteries from the damage being done by eating the rancid vegetable oils and such in the food. People put on a diet of high saturated animal fats where actually cured of Heart Disease.
Rancid vegetable oils where only used in house paints and such industrial products originally.

From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 8:16:16 PM

Diet is crucial. High sugar diet can fuck concetration for good. We get too much sugar from where we were little kids. The sugar high makes the brain rushy. You may want to moderate sugar. A herbal full spectrum vitamin could also help. Fish liver oil in capsules, is good as I have tried this years ago. For the most part poor concetration and poor memory, are diet related. Also if you don't get enough complex carbohydrates, your brain does not have energy to work good. Focus on eating six full meals a day. I have also found out, meat, at least in my case, helps with memory and generally feeling better, but only chicken. Also, something that may sound very simple, yet works, is to focus into the middle of your forehead during your void meditation. If you lose concetration, bring your attention back. Do this for five minutes. You can also meditate on your Astral sight points. I have found the specific area pays
good in concetration matters. HAIL
SATAN!!!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote: What is your diet and life style. Start there. ________________________________ From: Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@ To: mailto:joyofsatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 5:47:05 PM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: JEW INVENTOR OF ADHD'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE ÃÆ'‚  If I were you I would work with the Isa rune. You can program your aura as well. Make affirmations every night before bed that you have great concentration. Dont give up. When you program the auea and program your mind you shall manisfest what you want. Do these and the controll will come. Also taking Gotu kola capsule herb or tea can help with brain functions. Hope this helps you.
------------------------------ On Sat, May 18, 2013 5:39 PM EDT hailazazel wrote: How can I improve my
concentration without the Ritalin? I don't take that shit I know how bad it is. I have the most poor concentration, though. I left school because I could only concentrate for like 10 seconds. Then losing it and start daydreaming. I have Neptune conjunct my Sun, and being on the 22 degree :( a bad degree.. Void meditation alone doesn't help.. HAIL SATAN!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Don" <mageson6666@ wrote: JEW INVENTOR OF ADHD'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE -------------------------------- [My note] This article gets into the fact the Psychiatrist profession is a Jewish run operation like the Jewish Psychoanalytic movement. That is in the job of making up bogus conditions to then charge
big bucks for bogus cures. Hand in hand with drugging up and dumbing down the Goyium and leaving them in a Zombie state. In many cases causing suicidal
behaviors, violent behaviours and leaving the person damned in a mental prison as the effects of years of these drugs takes its toll on their physical health. Its no mistake the Jewstream health info keeps telling the populace that a diet opposite to the one we need is the best. This leaves the person broken down into a host of mental and physical illness. And the Jew cashing in on the effects once again. The Psychiatrist scam also creates the base for creating the premise to vilify any opposition to their global agenda while also pushing their Kosher, Communistic lies under the guise of "Science." Which is secular Theology. One can click here and witness the children who died from taking their pharma poisons for having a Jew made up, bogus illness. Along with studying the destructive effects it has on those who take it in
general. http://www.ritalindeath.com/ Appeals to the FDA is a waste
time. The whole thing was founded by the Jew Fishbein to be a front for this very Jewish rackett. It exists to strong arm any Gentiles who actually develop and find cures to illness. Including working cures for cancer going back to the 1930's. No money in a cure, especially when the Jewish owned corporations are working so hard to make people sick, dumb, poor and dead. Such as the Jewish Monsanto corperation which is allied with the Jewish Bayer corporations. Bayer was caught knowingly shipping HIV infect blood to second and third world nations. They stated it was not illegal and after all they had to make a profit: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/316 FDA: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/185 The Jew is Parasite Rex. -------------------- INVENTOR OF ADHD'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE" Posted by
Tatiana OV
on May 17, 2013 at 5:30am Fortunately, the Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics (NEK, President: Otfried HÃÆ'�'¶ffe) critically commented on the use of the ADHD drug Ritalin in its opinion of 22 November 2011 titled Human enhancement by means of pharmacological agents: The consumption of pharmacological agents altered the child's behavior without any contribution on his or her part. That amounted to interference in the child's freedom and personal rights, because pharmacological agents induced behavioral changes but failed to educate the child on how to achieve these behavioral changes independently. The child was thus deprived of an essential learning experience to act autonomously and emphatically which "considerably curtails children's freedom and impairs their personality development", the NEK criticized.
The alarmed critics of the Ritalin disaster are now getting support from an entirely
different side. The German weekly Der Spiegel quoted in its cover story on 2 February 2012 the US American psychiatrist Leon Eisenberg, born in 1922 as the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, who was the "scientific father of ADHD" and who said at the age of 87, seven months before his death in his last interview: "ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease" Since 1968, however, some 40 years, Leon Eisenberg's "disease" haunted the diagnostic and statistical manuals, first as "hyperkinetic reaction of childhood", now called "ADHD". The use of ADHD medications in Germany rose in only eighteen years from 34 kg (in 1993) to a record of no less than 1760 kg (in 2011) ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" which is a 51-fold increase in sales! In the United States every tenth boy among ten year-olds already swallows an ADHD medication on a daily basis. With an increasing tendency.
When it comes to the proven repertoire of Edward Bernays[ My note Jew and
related to
Jew Freud], the father of propaganda, to sell the First World War to his people with the help of his uncle's psychoanalysis and to distort science and the faith in science to increase profits of the industry ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" what about investigating on whose behalf the "scientific father of ADHD" conducted science? His career was remarkably steep, and his "fictitious disease" led to the best sales increases. And after all, he served in the "Committee for DSM V and ICD XII, American Psychiatric Association" from 2006 to 2009. After all, Leon Eisenberg received "the Ruane Prize for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research. He has been a leader in child psychiatry for more than 40 years through his work in pharmacological trials, research, teaching, and social policy and for his theories of autism and social medicine". And after all, Eisenberg was a member of the
"Organizing Committee for Women and Medicine Conference, Bahamas, November 29
December 3, 2006, Josiah Macy Foundation (2006)". The Josiah Macy Foundation organized conferences with intelligence agents of the OSS, later CIA, such as Gregory Bateson and Heinz von Foerster during and long after World War II. Have such groups marketed the diagnosis of ADHD in the service of the pharmaceutical market and tailor-made for him with a lot of propaganda and public relations? It is this issue that the American psychologist Lisa Cosgrove and others investigated in their study Financial Ties between DSM-IV Panel Members and the Pharmaceutical Industry7. They found that "Of the 170 DSM panel members 95 (56%) had one or more financial associations with companies in the pharmaceutical industry. One hundred percent of the members of the panels on `Mood Disorders' and `Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders' had financial ties to drug companies. The connections are especially strong in those
diagnostic areas where drugs are the first line
of treatment for mental disorders." In the next edition of the manual, the situation is unchanged. "Of the 137 DSM-V panel members who have posted disclosure statements, 56% have reported industry ties ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" no improvement over the percent of DSM-IV members." "The very vocabulary of psychiatry is now defined at all levels by the pharmaceutical industry," said Dr Irwin Savodnik, an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California at Los Angeles. This is well paid. Just one example: The Assistant Director of the Pediatric Psychopharmacology Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School received "$1 million in earnings from drug companies between 2000 and 2007". In any case, no one can easily get around the testimony of the father of ADHD: "ADHD is a prime example of a
fictitious disease." The task of psychologists, educators and doctors
is not
to put children on the "chemical lead" because the entire society cannot handle the products of its misguided theories of man and raising children, and instead hands over our children to the free pharmaceutical market. Let us return to the basic matter of personal psychology and education: The child is to acquire personal responsibility and emphatic behavior under expert guidance ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" and that takes the family and the school: In these fields, the child should be able to lead off mentally. This constitutes the core of the human person.
You don't get to play the sentimental [bogus] moral superiority game here, Chamilebun. This is a thread for actual intelligent discussion on a very important subject. Not for infantile protests against facts. Save that for the stinking garbage heap that passes like nasty gas. For intelligent mainstream discourse. The fucking kike even admitted its bogus and your whining at us for pointing it out.  Thats disrespectful if anything.  What causes autism......vaccines and polluted diets. What is ADHD normally it was called being a kid like ADD. And not wanting to be bored out of your mind  sitting at an table all day. What else contributes......bad diets. They keep putting kids on organic diets minus the pounds of refined sugar. And like magic they clam down and focus. Because they are not jacked up on sugar crack. etc
From: chamilebun <camomilelox@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 1:33:10 PM
  This is very disrespectful to people, who before even being diagnosed, have had plenty of difficulty. It doesn't matter what you call it. Something resembling "ADHD" exists - to those who ended up diagnosed with it (although there is an issue with misdiagnosis among autistics) and their family and friends that see how it affects their work and efficiency. Don't erase those people.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Way_Seeker666" <way_seeker666@... wrote:

If you are lifting weights and doing strenuous exercise like that, you break the muscle down and it repairs and grows stronger than before. You need to eat more to give them what they need for that process. HoodedCobra once said that the hunger after Power Meditations is your body needing nutrients to repair itself. Not because it was broken down but because the Power Meditations make it more healthy and more perfect.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@ wrote:

HP Don, I have a question. I know one JoS SS who is a bit advanced, they work out and meditate. Lifting weights and doing cardio and some martial arts. But they tell me they are often hungry and eat a lot. They are in good shape, from what I could tell from their picture. Why is he hungry and others are less so?
I noticed that when I was meditating over a year to two years ago, after my power meditations I would rummage through the fridge and kitchen for food. Especially *after* my power meditations.
Why is this?

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2013 9:58:20 PM

This eating six meals a day trend. Is strange unless your an athlete. What are people eating that is such a weak diet they are burning it so fast. I also found the more I exercise the less hungry I am. Unless a person is a body builder and is trying to make hyper gains....
The last guy who told me about this in person was advocating eating cerals. Which is no wonder why.

From: darkprince2114 <darkprince2114@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2013 7:15:14 PM

Do you exercise? If so experiment with different food and make a note of how you feel before, during, and after exercise.
I used to have a horrible diet and as a result I would constantly feel light headed and weak.
I do a lot of physical exercise so eating right is a big issue for me. The best thing is to have, as has been said before, 6 regular meal times a day. You don't have to eat big, it's just keep your metabolism going. I, personally, eat a lot of meat as I love the taste of it and it helps a lot with all the training I do.
As has been stated, experiment and find out what makes YOU feel best. Remember: It's all about you!

Hail Lord Satan!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hailazazel" <hailazazel@ wrote:

I always thought it was bad I don't know.. But what do you mean with "works best for me" how do you know it works best for you? How do I know what will work for me? I'm not that advanced to feel it.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I am just saying what works for me. People are always being told what to do without questioning what they are told. Part of advancing is working on knowing yourself and what is best for you. This works for me. Besides who is telling people milk or meat is bad? Look behind the curtain I bet a big rat nose is poking out.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hailazazel" <hailazazel@ wrote:

I thought dairy products are bad for us! Seriously I don't know anymore. Milk is being contaminated with aspartame etc.. but even if I grow my own cow (just for example) is the milk is good to drink? Too bad I thought it was bad for us to consume.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Way_Seeker666" <way_seeker666@ wrote:

Thanks FireBird. I'm actually really really pleased about all this. This is how I like to eat. Loads of meat with the fat, lots of dairy, and as HoodedCobra said eggs too. With a bit of research and adjusting I will love how I eat and have it be the best for me.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I am 31 year old female, 5'2 and 42kg I am not sure of that in pounds, maybe 90 - 100 at a guess. I drink up to 2 litres of full cream milk a day, and usually have meat or fish aswell, my diet would be 80% full fat animal products. Full fat yoghurt, sour cream etc and I look for no added sugar and only use honey or raw sugar in tea or coffee. I don't like many sweets, just occasionally. I eat some vegetables I prefer what I grow myself.

Yet I can lift almost my whole bodyweight with no minimal training, I am fit without extra workouts, just walking and general yard and housework. I am stronger than many males my size and women bigger than me.

According to what people are told I should be fat, lethargic, high blood pressure and have a shocking immune system.

Now if I could just get my own cow I would be happy.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Way_Seeker666" <way_seeker666@ wrote:

So HP Don are you saying that eating vegetables and fruits is not much good? I gather that obviously I must eat lots of meat with high saturated fat levels, and cut out all grains. What do you recommend for sources of carbs? And is a diet of this meat, and carbs, enough to get everything I need?

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

True alot of the plant food pre ten thousand years ago. Was wild undomesticated. Meaning it was not that edible and much of it was toxic. Plants produce their own defensive chemicals since they can't run. The modern produce is domesticated plant foods with all their properities removed grown in weak soil.  Plant farming is literally wiping out all life on earth. Animal open range, organic animal farming restores it
All of our most imporant vitamins are found in meats. Plants are an inferior source and we don't have the digestive system for cellulose where plant eating animals do. So the plants our ancestors could eat they could not live off.  Its a inferior diet.
You can see this with the Vegans. They disprove themselves by the failure to be able to stay long term on their Vegan diet. Former long term insiders who finally left Vegan movement. Admit openly most of them are eating animal products in private to stay healthy.
Veganism is an Ideological based, sub-culture. Hence the diet is part of a larger ideological structure. And Veganism is right out of the Cultural Marxist left. Its ideological propagandists always employ Leftist, Cultural Marxist arguements to their propaganda. Its fucking bizzare they even Communized diet. Which is not suprising originally xianity pushed identical diets as part of its program. And this is just athiest [subconscious] xianity.
I had to struggle to get threw the book by this Keith. She understood finally after 20 years of being retarded. Veganism is bullshit. But her book is still so full of Cultural Marxist preaching. Her Veganism was central to her Communistic mentality. Thats why she went full red-tard for 20 years on it. I will admit I enjoyed reading about her whining about just how fucked her health is. Because I ended up hating her by the end of the book. She devoted a whole chapter to Communistic ranting. The Left is always in love with their own preachy, pretenious, self-rigtheousness. Holy red rollers.
Her stupid Vegan diet did to her body. What her Cultural Marxist mentality did to her mind and our societies.
The best part of the book is when the Traditional Chinese doctor she went to as a 20 year Vegan. Spent awhile trying to find her pluse. Then he looked up at her horrifed and told her she had "No Chi."

From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:46:17 PM


All our ancestors were eating much meat, for a reason. Also, I eat eggs in any ocassion I can. They say eggs are bad, but in my experience, it was pure bullshit. I eat five on most days, and three whole. It heals depression and kicks away vitamin deficiency. Animal fats are very good. The only problem I ever had was not being able to digest it, never anything else. Infact, it banished depression too. It makes me feel physically powerful. Going without meat because some twenty first century idiot said so, sorry but not for me. Especially if someone exercises, meat is crucial.

Also, judging from my grandpas and grandmas, who all lived in their eighties, except one who died a bit earlier, I can say eating meat is very important. They honored meat and realized its value a lot. On another note, they never had all these pills and shit jammed on their throat. Now the twenty first century human baby is jammed with vaccines, it takes a strange turd or diarrhea and the FDA says to feed it all kids of pills. I mean, they don't even moderate the shit they give to kids. When I was young, I remember, in the slightest temperature raise, I would have some kind of syrup shoved down my throat. Or some capsule. Not to mention parents feeding their kids all sorts of supersugar stuff and other things. Then we grow up and wonder what happened to our health. Same with food, its better to follow guidelines of your instict and guidelines that our Ancestors had, rather than the modern new age hippie.

I have a boomarked website, and I cannot find it now, mentioning how behind every school shooting etc...There was some kid who was during or has had psycho drugs given to them. I know from experience, from a family member, these drugs make someone feeling very bad, very sleepy, cause all sorts of other health problems and completely destroy the person mentally, in the sense they feel sick etc. In many cases, good diet, not making humans guinea pigs, exercise and hwalthy lifestyle will get rid of all these problems.

Seriously, we live in a sick world if you look at it. The modern man of the twenty first century is so Marxist, that he tries to defy the simplest of laws. I mean, they don't tell parents to exercise their obese kids, or feed them right, rather jam pills into their throats. Thats sick. They on purpose do this, therefore following their diet rules etc, in some cases, would be as good as following their spiritual madness of xianity. I notice they attack diet relentlessly, and try to impose alien shit, especially lately. The fact that being vegan is mostly related with new age junkies, should shed further light into this. Personally, I have found meat is nessescary, as the transformative process requires the building blocks from meat, the good source of proteins.

So much of these sickos.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

This amounts to a high carb diet, and carbs are sugars. They go on and on about ketosis being the boogey man. But how are the Inuit people one of the most healthy people on earth. I guess getting energy from burning fats directly is bad because people might understand  the reality of diets.
The energy from this is converted into glucose in the cells.
I can just image the legions of Vegans jumping up and down in protest. Because they suck. After all they have been Vegan a whole year. So they know better then several million years of human evolution.

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:02:10 PM


The evidence show that a diet high in saturated, organic animal fats is important to the human diet. The most healthy groups of humans on earth all have a diet of 80% and up of this.  The typical mainstream health claims tells us this is wrong. But they have lied to us about everything else why not this as well.
What they push instead is low to no saturated animal fat, high amounts of  wheat and rancid vegetable oils which cause Heart Disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, mental issues and on. People with years of depression where healed just by adding organic high amounts of saturated animal fat in their diet. Due to it provides the chemicals they where low in. People where cured of schizophrenia and other aliments by taking grains out of their diet. etc
The cholesterol myth is bizzare as 50% of heart disease patients have low cholesterol. It turns out in studies the higher levels of cholesterol in the system where being produced by the body to help try and repair the arteries from the damage being done by eating the rancid vegetable oils and such in the food. People put on a diet of high saturated animal fats where actually cured of Heart Disease.
Rancid vegetable oils where only used in house paints and such industrial products originally.

From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 8:16:16 PM

Diet is crucial. High sugar diet can fuck concetration for good. We get too much sugar from where we were little kids. The sugar high makes the brain rushy. You may want to moderate sugar. A herbal full spectrum vitamin could also help. Fish liver oil in capsules, is good as I have tried this years ago. For the most part poor concetration and poor memory, are diet related. Also if you don't get enough complex carbohydrates, your brain does not have energy to work good. Focus on eating six full meals a day. I have also found out, meat, at least in my case, helps with memory and generally feeling better, but only chicken. Also, something that may sound very simple, yet works, is to focus into the middle of your forehead during your void meditation. If you lose concetration, bring your attention back. Do this for five minutes. You can also meditate on your Astral sight points. I have found the specific area pays
good in concetration matters. HAIL
SATAN!!!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote: What is your diet and life style. Start there. ________________________________ From: Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@ To: mailto:joyofsatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 5:47:05 PM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: JEW INVENTOR OF ADHD'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE ÃÆ'‚  If I were you I would work with the Isa rune. You can program your aura as well. Make affirmations every night before bed that you have great concentration. Dont give up. When you program the auea and program your mind you shall manisfest what you want. Do these and the controll will come. Also taking Gotu kola capsule herb or tea can help with brain functions. Hope this helps you.
------------------------------ On Sat, May 18, 2013 5:39 PM EDT hailazazel wrote: How can I improve my
concentration without the Ritalin? I don't take that shit I know how bad it is. I have the most poor concentration, though. I left school because I could only concentrate for like 10 seconds. Then losing it and start daydreaming. I have Neptune conjunct my Sun, and being on the 22 degree :( a bad degree.. Void meditation alone doesn't help.. HAIL SATAN!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Don" <mageson6666@ wrote: JEW INVENTOR OF ADHD'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE -------------------------------- [My note] This article gets into the fact the Psychiatrist profession is a Jewish run operation like the Jewish Psychoanalytic movement. That is in the job of making up bogus conditions to then charge
big bucks for bogus cures. Hand in hand with drugging up and dumbing down the Goyium and leaving them in a Zombie state. In many cases causing suicidal
behaviors, violent behaviours and leaving the person damned in a mental prison as the effects of years of these drugs takes its toll on their physical health. Its no mistake the Jewstream health info keeps telling the populace that a diet opposite to the one we need is the best. This leaves the person broken down into a host of mental and physical illness. And the Jew cashing in on the effects once again. The Psychiatrist scam also creates the base for creating the premise to vilify any opposition to their global agenda while also pushing their Kosher, Communistic lies under the guise of "Science." Which is secular Theology. One can click here and witness the children who died from taking their pharma poisons for having a Jew made up, bogus illness. Along with studying the destructive effects it has on those who take it in
general. http://www.ritalindeath.com/ Appeals to the FDA is a waste
time. The whole thing was founded by the Jew Fishbein to be a front for this very Jewish rackett. It exists to strong arm any Gentiles who actually develop and find cures to illness. Including working cures for cancer going back to the 1930's. No money in a cure, especially when the Jewish owned corporations are working so hard to make people sick, dumb, poor and dead. Such as the Jewish Monsanto corperation which is allied with the Jewish Bayer corporations. Bayer was caught knowingly shipping HIV infect blood to second and third world nations. They stated it was not illegal and after all they had to make a profit: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/316 FDA: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/185 The Jew is Parasite Rex. -------------------- INVENTOR OF ADHD'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE" Posted by
Tatiana OV
on May 17, 2013 at 5:30am Fortunately, the Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics (NEK, President: Otfried HÃÆ'�'¶ffe) critically commented on the use of the ADHD drug Ritalin in its opinion of 22 November 2011 titled Human enhancement by means of pharmacological agents: The consumption of pharmacological agents altered the child's behavior without any contribution on his or her part. That amounted to interference in the child's freedom and personal rights, because pharmacological agents induced behavioral changes but failed to educate the child on how to achieve these behavioral changes independently. The child was thus deprived of an essential learning experience to act autonomously and emphatically which "considerably curtails children's freedom and impairs their personality development", the NEK criticized.
The alarmed critics of the Ritalin disaster are now getting support from an entirely
different side. The German weekly Der Spiegel quoted in its cover story on 2 February 2012 the US American psychiatrist Leon Eisenberg, born in 1922 as the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, who was the "scientific father of ADHD" and who said at the age of 87, seven months before his death in his last interview: "ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease" Since 1968, however, some 40 years, Leon Eisenberg's "disease" haunted the diagnostic and statistical manuals, first as "hyperkinetic reaction of childhood", now called "ADHD". The use of ADHD medications in Germany rose in only eighteen years from 34 kg (in 1993) to a record of no less than 1760 kg (in 2011) ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" which is a 51-fold increase in sales! In the United States every tenth boy among ten year-olds already swallows an ADHD medication on a daily basis. With an increasing tendency.
When it comes to the proven repertoire of Edward Bernays[ My note Jew and
related to
Jew Freud], the father of propaganda, to sell the First World War to his people with the help of his uncle's psychoanalysis and to distort science and the faith in science to increase profits of the industry ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" what about investigating on whose behalf the "scientific father of ADHD" conducted science? His career was remarkably steep, and his "fictitious disease" led to the best sales increases. And after all, he served in the "Committee for DSM V and ICD XII, American Psychiatric Association" from 2006 to 2009. After all, Leon Eisenberg received "the Ruane Prize for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research. He has been a leader in child psychiatry for more than 40 years through his work in pharmacological trials, research, teaching, and social policy and for his theories of autism and social medicine". And after all, Eisenberg was a member of the
"Organizing Committee for Women and Medicine Conference, Bahamas, November 29
December 3, 2006, Josiah Macy Foundation (2006)". The Josiah Macy Foundation organized conferences with intelligence agents of the OSS, later CIA, such as Gregory Bateson and Heinz von Foerster during and long after World War II. Have such groups marketed the diagnosis of ADHD in the service of the pharmaceutical market and tailor-made for him with a lot of propaganda and public relations? It is this issue that the American psychologist Lisa Cosgrove and others investigated in their study Financial Ties between DSM-IV Panel Members and the Pharmaceutical Industry7. They found that "Of the 170 DSM panel members 95 (56%) had one or more financial associations with companies in the pharmaceutical industry. One hundred percent of the members of the panels on `Mood Disorders' and `Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders' had financial ties to drug companies. The connections are especially strong in those
diagnostic areas where drugs are the first line
of treatment for mental disorders." In the next edition of the manual, the situation is unchanged. "Of the 137 DSM-V panel members who have posted disclosure statements, 56% have reported industry ties ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" no improvement over the percent of DSM-IV members." "The very vocabulary of psychiatry is now defined at all levels by the pharmaceutical industry," said Dr Irwin Savodnik, an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California at Los Angeles. This is well paid. Just one example: The Assistant Director of the Pediatric Psychopharmacology Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School received "$1 million in earnings from drug companies between 2000 and 2007". In any case, no one can easily get around the testimony of the father of ADHD: "ADHD is a prime example of a
fictitious disease." The task of psychologists, educators and doctors
is not
to put children on the "chemical lead" because the entire society cannot handle the products of its misguided theories of man and raising children, and instead hands over our children to the free pharmaceutical market. Let us return to the basic matter of personal psychology and education: The child is to acquire personal responsibility and emphatic behavior under expert guidance ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" and that takes the family and the school: In these fields, the child should be able to lead off mentally. This constitutes the core of the human person.
I agree with you chamile. Maybe ADHD/ADD isn't the right term for it, but it's not easy to deal with. One minute you're doing something, you get distracted by whatever and you're doing something else while the first thing is forgotten and likely left undone. When my mom was still in the house, it caused me a lot of problems. I wouldn't finish some chore, and she'd get upset because the only reason as to why I didn't finish was I don't know. It caused problems in school too (thankfully I'm graduated now), as I would forget to do homework or lose it. Not to mention when it's a really bad day and you can barely even think straight, and being given more than one task at a time stresses you out. Believe me, it's not fun.
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chamilebun" <camomilelox@... wrote:

This is very disrespectful to people, who before even being diagnosed, have had plenty of difficulty. It doesn't matter what you call it. Something resembling "ADHD" exists - to those who ended up diagnosed with it (although there is an issue with misdiagnosis among autistics) and their family and friends that see how it affects their work and efficiency. Don't erase those people.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Way_Seeker666" <way_seeker666@ wrote:

If you are lifting weights and doing strenuous exercise like that, you break the muscle down and it repairs and grows stronger than before. You need to eat more to give them what they need for that process. HoodedCobra once said that the hunger after Power Meditations is your body needing nutrients to repair itself. Not because it was broken down but because the Power Meditations make it more healthy and more perfect.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@ wrote:

HP Don, I have a question. I know one JoS SS who is a bit advanced, they work out and meditate. Lifting weights and doing cardio and some martial arts. But they tell me they are often hungry and eat a lot. They are in good shape, from what I could tell from their picture. Why is he hungry and others are less so?
I noticed that when I was meditating over a year to two years ago, after my power meditations I would rummage through the fridge and kitchen for food. Especially *after* my power meditations.
Why is this?

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2013 9:58:20 PM

This eating six meals a day trend. Is strange unless your an athlete. What are people eating that is such a weak diet they are burning it so fast. I also found the more I exercise the less hungry I am. Unless a person is a body builder and is trying to make hyper gains....
The last guy who told me about this in person was advocating eating cerals. Which is no wonder why.

From: darkprince2114 <darkprince2114@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2013 7:15:14 PM

Do you exercise? If so experiment with different food and make a note of how you feel before, during, and after exercise.
I used to have a horrible diet and as a result I would constantly feel light headed and weak.
I do a lot of physical exercise so eating right is a big issue for me. The best thing is to have, as has been said before, 6 regular meal times a day. You don't have to eat big, it's just keep your metabolism going. I, personally, eat a lot of meat as I love the taste of it and it helps a lot with all the training I do.
As has been stated, experiment and find out what makes YOU feel best. Remember: It's all about you!

Hail Lord Satan!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hailazazel" <hailazazel@ wrote:

I always thought it was bad I don't know.. But what do you mean with "works best for me" how do you know it works best for you? How do I know what will work for me? I'm not that advanced to feel it.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I am just saying what works for me. People are always being told what to do without questioning what they are told. Part of advancing is working on knowing yourself and what is best for you. This works for me. Besides who is telling people milk or meat is bad? Look behind the curtain I bet a big rat nose is poking out.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hailazazel" <hailazazel@ wrote:

I thought dairy products are bad for us! Seriously I don't know anymore. Milk is being contaminated with aspartame etc.. but even if I grow my own cow (just for example) is the milk is good to drink? Too bad I thought it was bad for us to consume.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Way_Seeker666" <way_seeker666@ wrote:

Thanks FireBird. I'm actually really really pleased about all this. This is how I like to eat. Loads of meat with the fat, lots of dairy, and as HoodedCobra said eggs too. With a bit of research and adjusting I will love how I eat and have it be the best for me.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I am 31 year old female, 5'2 and 42kg I am not sure of that in pounds, maybe 90 - 100 at a guess. I drink up to 2 litres of full cream milk a day, and usually have meat or fish aswell, my diet would be 80% full fat animal products. Full fat yoghurt, sour cream etc and I look for no added sugar and only use honey or raw sugar in tea or coffee. I don't like many sweets, just occasionally. I eat some vegetables I prefer what I grow myself.

Yet I can lift almost my whole bodyweight with no minimal training, I am fit without extra workouts, just walking and general yard and housework. I am stronger than many males my size and women bigger than me.

According to what people are told I should be fat, lethargic, high blood pressure and have a shocking immune system.

Now if I could just get my own cow I would be happy.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Way_Seeker666" <way_seeker666@ wrote:

So HP Don are you saying that eating vegetables and fruits is not much good? I gather that obviously I must eat lots of meat with high saturated fat levels, and cut out all grains. What do you recommend for sources of carbs? And is a diet of this meat, and carbs, enough to get everything I need?

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

True alot of the plant food pre ten thousand years ago. Was wild undomesticated. Meaning it was not that edible and much of it was toxic. Plants produce their own defensive chemicals since they can't run. The modern produce is domesticated plant foods with all their properities removed grown in weak soil.  Plant farming is literally wiping out all life on earth. Animal open range, organic animal farming restores it
All of our most imporant vitamins are found in meats. Plants are an inferior source and we don't have the digestive system for cellulose where plant eating animals do. So the plants our ancestors could eat they could not live off.  Its a inferior diet.
You can see this with the Vegans. They disprove themselves by the failure to be able to stay long term on their Vegan diet. Former long term insiders who finally left Vegan movement. Admit openly most of them are eating animal products in private to stay healthy.
Veganism is an Ideological based, sub-culture. Hence the diet is part of a larger ideological structure. And Veganism is right out of the Cultural Marxist left. Its ideological propagandists always employ Leftist, Cultural Marxist arguements to their propaganda. Its fucking bizzare they even Communized diet. Which is not suprising originally xianity pushed identical diets as part of its program. And this is just athiest [subconscious] xianity.
I had to struggle to get threw the book by this Keith. She understood finally after 20 years of being retarded. Veganism is bullshit. But her book is still so full of Cultural Marxist preaching. Her Veganism was central to her Communistic mentality. Thats why she went full red-tard for 20 years on it. I will admit I enjoyed reading about her whining about just how fucked her health is. Because I ended up hating her by the end of the book. She devoted a whole chapter to Communistic ranting. The Left is always in love with their own preachy, pretenious, self-rigtheousness. Holy red rollers.
Her stupid Vegan diet did to her body. What her Cultural Marxist mentality did to her mind and our societies.
The best part of the book is when the Traditional Chinese doctor she went to as a 20 year Vegan. Spent awhile trying to find her pluse. Then he looked up at her horrifed and told her she had "No Chi."

From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:46:17 PM


All our ancestors were eating much meat, for a reason. Also, I eat eggs in any ocassion I can. They say eggs are bad, but in my experience, it was pure bullshit. I eat five on most days, and three whole. It heals depression and kicks away vitamin deficiency. Animal fats are very good. The only problem I ever had was not being able to digest it, never anything else. Infact, it banished depression too. It makes me feel physically powerful. Going without meat because some twenty first century idiot said so, sorry but not for me. Especially if someone exercises, meat is crucial.

Also, judging from my grandpas and grandmas, who all lived in their eighties, except one who died a bit earlier, I can say eating meat is very important. They honored meat and realized its value a lot. On another note, they never had all these pills and shit jammed on their throat. Now the twenty first century human baby is jammed with vaccines, it takes a strange turd or diarrhea and the FDA says to feed it all kids of pills. I mean, they don't even moderate the shit they give to kids. When I was young, I remember, in the slightest temperature raise, I would have some kind of syrup shoved down my throat. Or some capsule. Not to mention parents feeding their kids all sorts of supersugar stuff and other things. Then we grow up and wonder what happened to our health. Same with food, its better to follow guidelines of your instict and guidelines that our Ancestors had, rather than the modern new age hippie.

I have a boomarked website, and I cannot find it now, mentioning how behind every school shooting etc...There was some kid who was during or has had psycho drugs given to them. I know from experience, from a family member, these drugs make someone feeling very bad, very sleepy, cause all sorts of other health problems and completely destroy the person mentally, in the sense they feel sick etc. In many cases, good diet, not making humans guinea pigs, exercise and hwalthy lifestyle will get rid of all these problems.

Seriously, we live in a sick world if you look at it. The modern man of the twenty first century is so Marxist, that he tries to defy the simplest of laws. I mean, they don't tell parents to exercise their obese kids, or feed them right, rather jam pills into their throats. Thats sick. They on purpose do this, therefore following their diet rules etc, in some cases, would be as good as following their spiritual madness of xianity. I notice they attack diet relentlessly, and try to impose alien shit, especially lately. The fact that being vegan is mostly related with new age junkies, should shed further light into this. Personally, I have found meat is nessescary, as the transformative process requires the building blocks from meat, the good source of proteins.

So much of these sickos.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

This amounts to a high carb diet, and carbs are sugars. They go on and on about ketosis being the boogey man. But how are the Inuit people one of the most healthy people on earth. I guess getting energy from burning fats directly is bad because people might understand  the reality of diets.
The energy from this is converted into glucose in the cells.
I can just image the legions of Vegans jumping up and down in protest. Because they suck. After all they have been Vegan a whole year. So they know better then several million years of human evolution.

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:02:10 PM


The evidence show that a diet high in saturated, organic animal fats is important to the human diet. The most healthy groups of humans on earth all have a diet of 80% and up of this.  The typical mainstream health claims tells us this is wrong. But they have lied to us about everything else why not this as well.
What they push instead is low to no saturated animal fat, high amounts of  wheat and rancid vegetable oils which cause Heart Disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, mental issues and on. People with years of depression where healed just by adding organic high amounts of saturated animal fat in their diet. Due to it provides the chemicals they where low in. People where cured of schizophrenia and other aliments by taking grains out of their diet. etc
The cholesterol myth is bizzare as 50% of heart disease patients have low cholesterol. It turns out in studies the higher levels of cholesterol in the system where being produced by the body to help try and repair the arteries from the damage being done by eating the rancid vegetable oils and such in the food. People put on a diet of high saturated animal fats where actually cured of Heart Disease.
Rancid vegetable oils where only used in house paints and such industrial products originally.

From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 8:16:16 PM

Diet is crucial. High sugar diet can fuck concetration for good. We get too much sugar from where we were little kids. The sugar high makes the brain rushy. You may want to moderate sugar. A herbal full spectrum vitamin could also help. Fish liver oil in capsules, is good as I have tried this years ago. For the most part poor concetration and poor memory, are diet related. Also if you don't get enough complex carbohydrates, your brain does not have energy to work good. Focus on eating six full meals a day. I have also found out, meat, at least in my case, helps with memory and generally feeling better, but only chicken. Also, something that may sound very simple, yet works, is to focus into the middle of your forehead during your void meditation. If you lose concetration, bring your attention back. Do this for five minutes. You can also meditate on your Astral sight points. I have found the specific area pays
good in concetration matters. HAIL
SATAN!!!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote: What is your diet and life style. Start there. ________________________________ From: Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@ To: mailto:joyofsatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 5:47:05 PM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: JEW INVENTOR OF ADHD'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE ÃÆ'‚  If I were you I would work with the Isa rune. You can program your aura as well. Make affirmations every night before bed that you have great concentration. Dont give up. When you program the auea and program your mind you shall manisfest what you want. Do these and the controll will come. Also taking Gotu kola capsule herb or tea can help with brain functions. Hope this helps you.
------------------------------ On Sat, May 18, 2013 5:39 PM EDT hailazazel wrote: How can I improve my
concentration without the Ritalin? I don't take that shit I know how bad it is. I have the most poor concentration, though. I left school because I could only concentrate for like 10 seconds. Then losing it and start daydreaming. I have Neptune conjunct my Sun, and being on the 22 degree :( a bad degree.. Void meditation alone doesn't help.. HAIL SATAN!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Don" <mageson6666@ wrote: JEW INVENTOR OF ADHD'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE -------------------------------- [My note] This article gets into the fact the Psychiatrist profession is a Jewish run operation like the Jewish Psychoanalytic movement. That is in the job of making up bogus conditions to then charge
big bucks for bogus cures. Hand in hand with drugging up and dumbing down the Goyium and leaving them in a Zombie state. In many cases causing suicidal
behaviors, violent behaviours and leaving the person damned in a mental prison as the effects of years of these drugs takes its toll on their physical health. Its no mistake the Jewstream health info keeps telling the populace that a diet opposite to the one we need is the best. This leaves the person broken down into a host of mental and physical illness. And the Jew cashing in on the effects once again. The Psychiatrist scam also creates the base for creating the premise to vilify any opposition to their global agenda while also pushing their Kosher, Communistic lies under the guise of "Science." Which is secular Theology. One can click here and witness the children who died from taking their pharma poisons for having a Jew made up, bogus illness. Along with studying the destructive effects it has on those who take it in
general. http://www.ritalindeath.com/ Appeals to the FDA is a waste
time. The whole thing was founded by the Jew Fishbein to be a front for this very Jewish rackett. It exists to strong arm any Gentiles who actually develop and find cures to illness. Including working cures for cancer going back to the 1930's. No money in a cure, especially when the Jewish owned corporations are working so hard to make people sick, dumb, poor and dead. Such as the Jewish Monsanto corperation which is allied with the Jewish Bayer corporations. Bayer was caught knowingly shipping HIV infect blood to second and third world nations. They stated it was not illegal and after all they had to make a profit: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/316 FDA: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/185 The Jew is Parasite Rex. -------------------- INVENTOR OF ADHD'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE" Posted by
Tatiana OV
on May 17, 2013 at 5:30am Fortunately, the Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics (NEK, President: Otfried HÃÆ'�'¶ffe) critically commented on the use of the ADHD drug Ritalin in its opinion of 22 November 2011 titled Human enhancement by means of pharmacological agents: The consumption of pharmacological agents altered the child's behavior without any contribution on his or her part. That amounted to interference in the child's freedom and personal rights, because pharmacological agents induced behavioral changes but failed to educate the child on how to achieve these behavioral changes independently. The child was thus deprived of an essential learning experience to act autonomously and emphatically which "considerably curtails children's freedom and impairs their personality development", the NEK criticized.
The alarmed critics of the Ritalin disaster are now getting support from an entirely
different side. The German weekly Der Spiegel quoted in its cover story on 2 February 2012 the US American psychiatrist Leon Eisenberg, born in 1922 as the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, who was the "scientific father of ADHD" and who said at the age of 87, seven months before his death in his last interview: "ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease" Since 1968, however, some 40 years, Leon Eisenberg's "disease" haunted the diagnostic and statistical manuals, first as "hyperkinetic reaction of childhood", now called "ADHD". The use of ADHD medications in Germany rose in only eighteen years from 34 kg (in 1993) to a record of no less than 1760 kg (in 2011) ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" which is a 51-fold increase in sales! In the United States every tenth boy among ten year-olds already swallows an ADHD medication on a daily basis. With an increasing tendency.
When it comes to the proven repertoire of Edward Bernays[ My note Jew and
related to
Jew Freud], the father of propaganda, to sell the First World War to his people with the help of his uncle's psychoanalysis and to distort science and the faith in science to increase profits of the industry ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" what about investigating on whose behalf the "scientific father of ADHD" conducted science? His career was remarkably steep, and his "fictitious disease" led to the best sales increases. And after all, he served in the "Committee for DSM V and ICD XII, American Psychiatric Association" from 2006 to 2009. After all, Leon Eisenberg received "the Ruane Prize for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research. He has been a leader in child psychiatry for more than 40 years through his work in pharmacological trials, research, teaching, and social policy and for his theories of autism and social medicine". And after all, Eisenberg was a member of the
"Organizing Committee for Women and Medicine Conference, Bahamas, November 29
December 3, 2006, Josiah Macy Foundation (2006)". The Josiah Macy Foundation organized conferences with intelligence agents of the OSS, later CIA, such as Gregory Bateson and Heinz von Foerster during and long after World War II. Have such groups marketed the diagnosis of ADHD in the service of the pharmaceutical market and tailor-made for him with a lot of propaganda and public relations? It is this issue that the American psychologist Lisa Cosgrove and others investigated in their study Financial Ties between DSM-IV Panel Members and the Pharmaceutical Industry7. They found that "Of the 170 DSM panel members 95 (56%) had one or more financial associations with companies in the pharmaceutical industry. One hundred percent of the members of the panels on `Mood Disorders' and `Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders' had financial ties to drug companies. The connections are especially strong in those
diagnostic areas where drugs are the first line
of treatment for mental disorders." In the next edition of the manual, the situation is unchanged. "Of the 137 DSM-V panel members who have posted disclosure statements, 56% have reported industry ties ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" no improvement over the percent of DSM-IV members." "The very vocabulary of psychiatry is now defined at all levels by the pharmaceutical industry," said Dr Irwin Savodnik, an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California at Los Angeles. This is well paid. Just one example: The Assistant Director of the Pediatric Psychopharmacology Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School received "$1 million in earnings from drug companies between 2000 and 2007". In any case, no one can easily get around the testimony of the father of ADHD: "ADHD is a prime example of a
fictitious disease." The task of psychologists, educators and doctors
is not
to put children on the "chemical lead" because the entire society cannot handle the products of its misguided theories of man and raising children, and instead hands over our children to the free pharmaceutical market. Let us return to the basic matter of personal psychology and education: The child is to acquire personal responsibility and emphatic behavior under expert guidance ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" and that takes the family and the school: In these fields, the child should be able to lead off mentally. This constitutes the core of the human person.
What you needed was mind numbing and body destroying handfuls of pharma drugs. To help you out with this.  After all its disrespectful to point out the flaw in the above. Even when the kike who made this up admits it itself.  
From: stb_ak <jabberwocky.snark.hunter@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 4:08:22 PM
  I agree with you chamile. Maybe ADHD/ADD isn't the right term for it, but it's not easy to deal with. One minute you're doing something, you get distracted by whatever and you're doing something else while the first thing is forgotten and likely left undone. When my mom was still in the house, it caused me a lot of problems. I wouldn't finish some chore, and she'd get upset because the only reason as to why I didn't finish was I don't know. It caused problems in school too (thankfully I'm graduated now), as I would forget to do homework or lose it. Not to mention when it's a really bad day and you can barely even think straight, and being given more than one task at a time stresses you out. Believe me, it's not fun.
--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "chamilebun" <camomilelox@... wrote:

This is very disrespectful to people, who before even being diagnosed, have had plenty of difficulty. It doesn't matter what you call it. Something resembling "ADHD" exists - to those who ended up diagnosed with it (although there is an issue with misdiagnosis among autistics) and their family and friends that see how it affects their work and efficiency. Don't erase those people.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Way_Seeker666" <way_seeker666@ wrote:

If you are lifting weights and doing strenuous exercise like that, you break the muscle down and it repairs and grows stronger than before. You need to eat more to give them what they need for that process. HoodedCobra once said that the hunger after Power Meditations is your body needing nutrients to repair itself. Not because it was broken down but because the Power Meditations make it more healthy and more perfect.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@ wrote:

HP Don, I have a question. I know one JoS SS who is a bit advanced, they work out and meditate. Lifting weights and doing cardio and some martial arts. But they tell me they are often hungry and eat a lot. They are in good shape, from what I could tell from their picture. Why is he hungry and others are less so?
I noticed that when I was meditating over a year to two years ago, after my power meditations I would rummage through the fridge and kitchen for food. Especially *after* my power meditations.
Why is this?

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2013 9:58:20 PM

This eating six meals a day trend. Is strange unless your an athlete. What are people eating that is such a weak diet they are burning it so fast. I also found the more I exercise the less hungry I am. Unless a person is a body builder and is trying to make hyper gains....
The last guy who told me about this in person was advocating eating cerals. Which is no wonder why.

From: darkprince2114 <darkprince2114@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2013 7:15:14 PM

Do you exercise? If so experiment with different food and make a note of how you feel before, during, and after exercise.
I used to have a horrible diet and as a result I would constantly feel light headed and weak.
I do a lot of physical exercise so eating right is a big issue for me. The best thing is to have, as has been said before, 6 regular meal times a day. You don't have to eat big, it's just keep your metabolism going. I, personally, eat a lot of meat as I love the taste of it and it helps a lot with all the training I do.
As has been stated, experiment and find out what makes YOU feel best. Remember: It's all about you!

Hail Lord Satan!

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hailazazel" <hailazazel@ wrote:

I always thought it was bad I don't know.. But what do you mean with "works best for me" how do you know it works best for you? How do I know what will work for me? I'm not that advanced to feel it.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I am just saying what works for me. People are always being told what to do without questioning what they are told. Part of advancing is working on knowing yourself and what is best for you. This works for me. Besides who is telling people milk or meat is bad? Look behind the curtain I bet a big rat nose is poking out.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "hailazazel" <hailazazel@ wrote:

I thought dairy products are bad for us! Seriously I don't know anymore. Milk is being contaminated with aspartame etc.. but even if I grow my own cow (just for example) is the milk is good to drink? Too bad I thought it was bad for us to consume.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Way_Seeker666" <way_seeker666@ wrote:

Thanks FireBird. I'm actually really really pleased about all this. This is how I like to eat. Loads of meat with the fat, lots of dairy, and as HoodedCobra said eggs too. With a bit of research and adjusting I will love how I eat and have it be the best for me.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Serpentfire666" <firebird894@ wrote:

I am 31 year old female, 5'2 and 42kg I am not sure of that in pounds, maybe 90 - 100 at a guess. I drink up to 2 litres of full cream milk a day, and usually have meat or fish aswell, my diet would be 80% full fat animal products. Full fat yoghurt, sour cream etc and I look for no added sugar and only use honey or raw sugar in tea or coffee. I don't like many sweets, just occasionally. I eat some vegetables I prefer what I grow myself.

Yet I can lift almost my whole bodyweight with no minimal training, I am fit without extra workouts, just walking and general yard and housework. I am stronger than many males my size and women bigger than me.

According to what people are told I should be fat, lethargic, high blood pressure and have a shocking immune system.

Now if I could just get my own cow I would be happy.

Hail Satan

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Way_Seeker666" <way_seeker666@ wrote:

So HP Don are you saying that eating vegetables and fruits is not much good? I gather that obviously I must eat lots of meat with high saturated fat levels, and cut out all grains. What do you recommend for sources of carbs? And is a diet of this meat, and carbs, enough to get everything I need?

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

True alot of the plant food pre ten thousand years ago. Was wild undomesticated. Meaning it was not that edible and much of it was toxic. Plants produce their own defensive chemicals since they can't run. The modern produce is domesticated plant foods with all their properities removed grown in weak soil.  Plant farming is literally wiping out all life on earth. Animal open range, organic animal farming restores it
All of our most imporant vitamins are found in meats. Plants are an inferior source and we don't have the digestive system for cellulose where plant eating animals do. So the plants our ancestors could eat they could not live off.  Its a inferior diet.
You can see this with the Vegans. They disprove themselves by the failure to be able to stay long term on their Vegan diet. Former long term insiders who finally left Vegan movement. Admit openly most of them are eating animal products in private to stay healthy.
Veganism is an Ideological based, sub-culture. Hence the diet is part of a larger ideological structure. And Veganism is right out of the Cultural Marxist left. Its ideological propagandists always employ Leftist, Cultural Marxist arguements to their propaganda. Its fucking bizzare they even Communized diet. Which is not suprising originally xianity pushed identical diets as part of its program. And this is just athiest [subconscious] xianity.
I had to struggle to get threw the book by this Keith. She understood finally after 20 years of being retarded. Veganism is bullshit. But her book is still so full of Cultural Marxist preaching. Her Veganism was central to her Communistic mentality. Thats why she went full red-tard for 20 years on it. I will admit I enjoyed reading about her whining about just how fucked her health is. Because I ended up hating her by the end of the book. She devoted a whole chapter to Communistic ranting. The Left is always in love with their own preachy, pretenious, self-rigtheousness. Holy red rollers.
Her stupid Vegan diet did to her body. What her Cultural Marxist mentality did to her mind and our societies.
The best part of the book is when the Traditional Chinese doctor she went to as a 20 year Vegan. Spent awhile trying to find her pluse. Then he looked up at her horrifed and told her she had "No Chi."

From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:46:17 PM


All our ancestors were eating much meat, for a reason. Also, I eat eggs in any ocassion I can. They say eggs are bad, but in my experience, it was pure bullshit. I eat five on most days, and three whole. It heals depression and kicks away vitamin deficiency. Animal fats are very good. The only problem I ever had was not being able to digest it, never anything else. Infact, it banished depression too. It makes me feel physically powerful. Going without meat because some twenty first century idiot said so, sorry but not for me. Especially if someone exercises, meat is crucial.

Also, judging from my grandpas and grandmas, who all lived in their eighties, except one who died a bit earlier, I can say eating meat is very important. They honored meat and realized its value a lot. On another note, they never had all these pills and shit jammed on their throat. Now the twenty first century human baby is jammed with vaccines, it takes a strange turd or diarrhea and the FDA says to feed it all kids of pills. I mean, they don't even moderate the shit they give to kids. When I was young, I remember, in the slightest temperature raise, I would have some kind of syrup shoved down my throat. Or some capsule. Not to mention parents feeding their kids all sorts of supersugar stuff and other things. Then we grow up and wonder what happened to our health. Same with food, its better to follow guidelines of your instict and guidelines that our Ancestors had, rather than the modern new age hippie.

I have a boomarked website, and I cannot find it now, mentioning how behind every school shooting etc...There was some kid who was during or has had psycho drugs given to them. I know from experience, from a family member, these drugs make someone feeling very bad, very sleepy, cause all sorts of other health problems and completely destroy the person mentally, in the sense they feel sick etc. In many cases, good diet, not making humans guinea pigs, exercise and hwalthy lifestyle will get rid of all these problems.

Seriously, we live in a sick world if you look at it. The modern man of the twenty first century is so Marxist, that he tries to defy the simplest of laws. I mean, they don't tell parents to exercise their obese kids, or feed them right, rather jam pills into their throats. Thats sick. They on purpose do this, therefore following their diet rules etc, in some cases, would be as good as following their spiritual madness of xianity. I notice they attack diet relentlessly, and try to impose alien shit, especially lately. The fact that being vegan is mostly related with new age junkies, should shed further light into this. Personally, I have found meat is nessescary, as the transformative process requires the building blocks from meat, the good source of proteins.

So much of these sickos.

--- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

This amounts to a high carb diet, and carbs are sugars. They go on and on about ketosis being the boogey man. But how are the Inuit people one of the most healthy people on earth. I guess getting energy from burning fats directly is bad because people might understand  the reality of diets.
The energy from this is converted into glucose in the cells.
I can just image the legions of Vegans jumping up and down in protest. Because they suck. After all they have been Vegan a whole year. So they know better then several million years of human evolution.

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@
To: "mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com" <mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:02:10 PM


The evidence show that a diet high in saturated, organic animal fats is important to the human diet. The most healthy groups of humans on earth all have a diet of 80% and up of this.  The typical mainstream health claims tells us this is wrong. But they have lied to us about everything else why not this as well.
What they push instead is low to no saturated animal fat, high amounts of  wheat and rancid vegetable oils which cause Heart Disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, mental issues and on. People with years of depression where healed just by adding organic high amounts of saturated animal fat in their diet. Due to it provides the chemicals they where low in. People where cured of schizophrenia and other aliments by taking grains out of their diet. etc
The cholesterol myth is bizzare as 50% of heart disease patients have low cholesterol. It turns out in studies the higher levels of cholesterol in the system where being produced by the body to help try and repair the arteries from the damage being done by eating the rancid vegetable oils and such in the food. People put on a diet of high saturated animal fats where actually cured of Heart Disease.
Rancid vegetable oils where only used in house paints and such industrial products originally.

From: hoodedcobra666 <hoodedcobra666@
To: mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 8:16:16 PM

Diet is crucial. High sugar diet can fuck concetration for good. We get too much sugar from where we were little kids. The sugar high makes the brain rushy. You may want to moderate sugar. A herbal full spectrum vitamin could also help. Fish liver oil in capsules, is good as I have tried this years ago. For the most part poor concetration and poor memory, are diet related. Also if you don't get enough complex carbohydrates, your brain does not have energy to work good. Focus on eating six full meals a day. I have also found out, meat, at least in my case, helps with memory and generally feeling better, but only chicken. Also, something that may sound very simple, yet works, is to focus into the middle of your forehead during your void meditation. If you lose concetration, bring your attention back. Do this for five minutes. You can also meditate on your Astral sight points. I have found the specific area pays
good in concetration matters. HAIL
SATAN!!!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote: What is your diet and life style. Start there. ________________________________ From: Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@ To: mailto:joyofsatan666%40yahoogroups.com Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2013 5:47:05 PM Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: JEW INVENTOR OF ADHD'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE ÃÆ'‚  If I were you I would work with the Isa rune. You can program your aura as well. Make affirmations every night before bed that you have great concentration. Dont give up. When you program the auea and program your mind you shall manisfest what you want. Do these and the controll will come. Also taking Gotu kola capsule herb or tea can help with brain functions. Hope this helps you.
------------------------------ On Sat, May 18, 2013 5:39 PM EDT hailazazel wrote: How can I improve my
concentration without the Ritalin? I don't take that shit I know how bad it is. I have the most poor concentration, though. I left school because I could only concentrate for like 10 seconds. Then losing it and start daydreaming. I have Neptune conjunct my Sun, and being on the 22 degree :( a bad degree.. Void meditation alone doesn't help.. HAIL SATAN!! --- In mailto:JoyofSatan666%40yahoogroups.com, "Don" <mageson6666@ wrote: JEW INVENTOR OF ADHD'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE -------------------------------- [My note] This article gets into the fact the Psychiatrist profession is a Jewish run operation like the Jewish Psychoanalytic movement. That is in the job of making up bogus conditions to then charge
big bucks for bogus cures. Hand in hand with drugging up and dumbing down the Goyium and leaving them in a Zombie state. In many cases causing suicidal
behaviors, violent behaviours and leaving the person damned in a mental prison as the effects of years of these drugs takes its toll on their physical health. Its no mistake the Jewstream health info keeps telling the populace that a diet opposite to the one we need is the best. This leaves the person broken down into a host of mental and physical illness. And the Jew cashing in on the effects once again. The Psychiatrist scam also creates the base for creating the premise to vilify any opposition to their global agenda while also pushing their Kosher, Communistic lies under the guise of "Science." Which is secular Theology. One can click here and witness the children who died from taking their pharma poisons for having a Jew made up, bogus illness. Along with studying the destructive effects it has on those who take it in
general. http://www.ritalindeath.com/ Appeals to the FDA is a waste
time. The whole thing was founded by the Jew Fishbein to be a front for this very Jewish rackett. It exists to strong arm any Gentiles who actually develop and find cures to illness. Including working cures for cancer going back to the 1930's. No money in a cure, especially when the Jewish owned corporations are working so hard to make people sick, dumb, poor and dead. Such as the Jewish Monsanto corperation which is allied with the Jewish Bayer corporations. Bayer was caught knowingly shipping HIV infect blood to second and third world nations. They stated it was not illegal and after all they had to make a profit: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/316 FDA: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/185 The Jew is Parasite Rex. -------------------- INVENTOR OF ADHD'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: "ADHD IS A FICTITIOUS DISEASE" Posted by
Tatiana OV
on May 17, 2013 at 5:30am Fortunately, the Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics (NEK, President: Otfried HÃÆ'�'¶ffe) critically commented on the use of the ADHD drug Ritalin in its opinion of 22 November 2011 titled Human enhancement by means of pharmacological agents: The consumption of pharmacological agents altered the child's behavior without any contribution on his or her part. That amounted to interference in the child's freedom and personal rights, because pharmacological agents induced behavioral changes but failed to educate the child on how to achieve these behavioral changes independently. The child was thus deprived of an essential learning experience to act autonomously and emphatically which "considerably curtails children's freedom and impairs their personality development", the NEK criticized.
The alarmed critics of the Ritalin disaster are now getting support from an entirely
different side. The German weekly Der Spiegel quoted in its cover story on 2 February 2012 the US American psychiatrist Leon Eisenberg, born in 1922 as the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, who was the "scientific father of ADHD" and who said at the age of 87, seven months before his death in his last interview: "ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease" Since 1968, however, some 40 years, Leon Eisenberg's "disease" haunted the diagnostic and statistical manuals, first as "hyperkinetic reaction of childhood", now called "ADHD". The use of ADHD medications in Germany rose in only eighteen years from 34 kg (in 1993) to a record of no less than 1760 kg (in 2011) ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" which is a 51-fold increase in sales! In the United States every tenth boy among ten year-olds already swallows an ADHD medication on a daily basis. With an increasing tendency.
When it comes to the proven repertoire of Edward Bernays[ My note Jew and
related to
Jew Freud], the father of propaganda, to sell the First World War to his people with the help of his uncle's psychoanalysis and to distort science and the faith in science to increase profits of the industry ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" what about investigating on whose behalf the "scientific father of ADHD" conducted science? His career was remarkably steep, and his "fictitious disease" led to the best sales increases. And after all, he served in the "Committee for DSM V and ICD XII, American Psychiatric Association" from 2006 to 2009. After all, Leon Eisenberg received "the Ruane Prize for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research. He has been a leader in child psychiatry for more than 40 years through his work in pharmacological trials, research, teaching, and social policy and for his theories of autism and social medicine". And after all, Eisenberg was a member of the
"Organizing Committee for Women and Medicine Conference, Bahamas, November 29
December 3, 2006, Josiah Macy Foundation (2006)". The Josiah Macy Foundation organized conferences with intelligence agents of the OSS, later CIA, such as Gregory Bateson and Heinz von Foerster during and long after World War II. Have such groups marketed the diagnosis of ADHD in the service of the pharmaceutical market and tailor-made for him with a lot of propaganda and public relations? It is this issue that the American psychologist Lisa Cosgrove and others investigated in their study Financial Ties between DSM-IV Panel Members and the Pharmaceutical Industry7. They found that "Of the 170 DSM panel members 95 (56%) had one or more financial associations with companies in the pharmaceutical industry. One hundred percent of the members of the panels on `Mood Disorders' and `Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders' had financial ties to drug companies. The connections are especially strong in those
diagnostic areas where drugs are the first line
of treatment for mental disorders." In the next edition of the manual, the situation is unchanged. "Of the 137 DSM-V panel members who have posted disclosure statements, 56% have reported industry ties ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" no improvement over the percent of DSM-IV members." "The very vocabulary of psychiatry is now defined at all levels by the pharmaceutical industry," said Dr Irwin Savodnik, an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California at Los Angeles. This is well paid. Just one example: The Assistant Director of the Pediatric Psychopharmacology Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School received "$1 million in earnings from drug companies between 2000 and 2007". In any case, no one can easily get around the testimony of the father of ADHD: "ADHD is a prime example of a
fictitious disease." The task of psychologists, educators and doctors
is not
to put children on the "chemical lead" because the entire society cannot handle the products of its misguided theories of man and raising children, and instead hands over our children to the free pharmaceutical market. Let us return to the basic matter of personal psychology and education: The child is to acquire personal responsibility and emphatic behavior under expert guidance ÃÆ'¢â‚¬" and that takes the family and the school: In these fields, the child should be able to lead off mentally. This constitutes the core of the human person.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
