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j/news: "it is already a secular tradition that people of jewish origin should be first ladies"


New member
Feb 25, 2024
Small news from Poland: On TVN channel a reporter Monika Olejnik was doing an interview with current Foreign Affairs minister Radosław Sikorski.
Eventually she asked: "I read in "Tygodnik Powszechny" that for KO (left-wing coalition) members, they say that the problem is your wife's (Anne Applebaum) origin. What would you answer the author of "Tygodnik"?"
He answered: "I would say that it is already a secular tradition that people of Jewish origin should be first ladies".
Then he leaves the studio. And now there's a mess about "antisemitism".
You can look up "olejnik antysemityzm" (with polish search engine settings, english give some translations and that's about it, doubt it's a big deal outside of Poland).
An article in polish that also writes about complaints to KRRiT (body regulating tv and radio brodcast contents):
I can't find it again but there was article where jewess in question said that current president's wife (Agata Kornhauser-Duda) (actually I didn't know about that first surname until I looked it up now, in the news it's always just Duda) is also a jewish but she tries to hide it.
I mean we all here know that politicians are on a jewish leash but it's nice that they admit it in the open.
sorry for bump, found a different article about Polish first lady being jewish:

archive of article from OP:

ps. just in case someone thought Olejnik was even slightly based, she and whole tv station are on the jewed left, she rolled over at first complaint

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
