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I've managed to attract some things... but why does attracting her in particular seem impossible?


New member
Nov 19, 2017
This is another question that I've been asking on this forum for a while, but it's always a specific question hahaha and a great experience that I intend to write an article about later, but first I need to be sure of the end point...

In short, a few months ago I became interested in a woman at work and tried to do love magic to get her, I talked to her and today I completely understand what made me end up in the "friend zone", but it was always very confusing because it seemed like I was going to move forward, but then I got disillusioned... anyway, I really became obsessed with her (thinking about her almost all the time...)

I understood that maybe I was weak and needed to improve both my energy and internally (self-confidence, confidence, security...).

So I read some advice to try to start small with magic and be confident in my magic/spells.

I recently decided to furnish my house (I live in a very small house and most of the furniture belongs to the owner, so I decided to start buying my things and aiming to move to a bigger place soon). So, I decided to program my aura to attract more expensive furniture... Initially, I programmed it to attract a double bed (I programmed that I wanted a good quality one that was very cheap or free...), a few weeks went by and one literally appeared on the street in perfect condition; I knew that magic or programming is difficult to predict how it will manifest itself and I really didn't imagine that it would appear on the street like that out of nowhere. Unfortunately, I was very far from home and had no way of carrying it, but later I was able to buy it with some extra money that I had and at a good price. I recently did it with a vacuum cleaner and got a coupon for over $20 off. I bought it well below the marked price and it manifested itself in less than a week (I also didn't expect that I would get it through a discount coupon hahaha)...

And, in fact, I got strong proof that I am capable of manifesting things in my life. It may not have been much for some, but for me it was enough.

Well, getting back to the main topic... I tried to attract her to me again... initially I tried sexual magic, I wanted to at least sleep with her for one night. Maybe that would end the desire and obsession and I could forget her for good or maybe grow a relationship, I don't know, but now I'm focusing on sexual magic instead of love... but I remembered that Mars was retrograde and I chose to end it in 3 days and I decided that I will program my aura for that (I started this week).

Well, it's been weeks since I've talked to her or seen her, but I'm programming my aura, as well as the bed, I try not to force anything and not even try to imagine how this could happen...

But why does it seem so impossible? I know I get anxious, I want to send a message, but at the same time I keep thinking that my actions could get in the way of the manifestation.

At the same time, when I do this kind of work, she stays on my mind almost all day, which I believe gets in the way of the work as well.

When it comes to this subject and I see that I can't control my thoughts, I ask Satan or my guardian (who I haven't figured out yet) for guidance and I want any guidance, even if it's just a sign to give up, that there's really no point in trying to fight for it... like giving up on it once and for all, but I never get an answer and it drives me crazy because at the same time I really want her (I want to have sex with her, kiss her, and I have the will/desire to do so), at the same time it feels like I'm wasting my time, at the same time, because I haven't gotten any sign that it's working or not or some sign from the gods, I have no idea if I'm being really stupid or if I need to keep trying to learn something or if it's just a waste of time.

In short, I really want tips and guidance, you can be honest, I don't care if they really call me an idiot or a fool hahaha.
cause people are not things. It is way harder to attract some specific woman, to basically bend her mind to find you attractive is a lot of energy which at the end of the day, might not be worth.

just a small tip. it seems you’re new. These things are not for beginners.
This is another question that I've been asking on this forum for a while, but it's always a specific question hahaha and a great experience that I intend to write an article about later, but first I need to be sure of the end point...

In short, a few months ago I became interested in a woman at work and tried to do love magic to get her, I talked to her and today I completely understand what made me end up in the "friend zone", but it was always very confusing because it seemed like I was going to move forward, but then I got disillusioned... anyway, I really became obsessed with her (thinking about her almost all the time...)

I understood that maybe I was weak and needed to improve both my energy and internally (self-confidence, confidence, security...).

So I read some advice to try to start small with magic and be confident in my magic/spells.

I recently decided to furnish my house (I live in a very small house and most of the furniture belongs to the owner, so I decided to start buying my things and aiming to move to a bigger place soon). So, I decided to program my aura to attract more expensive furniture... Initially, I programmed it to attract a double bed (I programmed that I wanted a good quality one that was very cheap or free...), a few weeks went by and one literally appeared on the street in perfect condition; I knew that magic or programming is difficult to predict how it will manifest itself and I really didn't imagine that it would appear on the street like that out of nowhere. Unfortunately, I was very far from home and had no way of carrying it, but later I was able to buy it with some extra money that I had and at a good price. I recently did it with a vacuum cleaner and got a coupon for over $20 off. I bought it well below the marked price and it manifested itself in less than a week (I also didn't expect that I would get it through a discount coupon hahaha)...

And, in fact, I got strong proof that I am capable of manifesting things in my life. It may not have been much for some, but for me it was enough.

Well, getting back to the main topic... I tried to attract her to me again... initially I tried sexual magic, I wanted to at least sleep with her for one night. Maybe that would end the desire and obsession and I could forget her for good or maybe grow a relationship, I don't know, but now I'm focusing on sexual magic instead of love... but I remembered that Mars was retrograde and I chose to end it in 3 days and I decided that I will program my aura for that (I started this week).

Well, it's been weeks since I've talked to her or seen her, but I'm programming my aura, as well as the bed, I try not to force anything and not even try to imagine how this could happen...

But why does it seem so impossible? I know I get anxious, I want to send a message, but at the same time I keep thinking that my actions could get in the way of the manifestation.

At the same time, when I do this kind of work, she stays on my mind almost all day, which I believe gets in the way of the work as well.

When it comes to this subject and I see that I can't control my thoughts, I ask Satan or my guardian (who I haven't figured out yet) for guidance and I want any guidance, even if it's just a sign to give up, that there's really no point in trying to fight for it... like giving up on it once and for all, but I never get an answer and it drives me crazy because at the same time I really want her (I want to have sex with her, kiss her, and I have the will/desire to do so), at the same time it feels like I'm wasting my time, at the same time, because I haven't gotten any sign that it's working or not or some sign from the gods, I have no idea if I'm being really stupid or if I need to keep trying to learn something or if it's just a waste of time.

In short, I really want tips and guidance, you can be honest, I don't care if they really call me an idiot or a fool hahaha.

There could be multiple factors as to why it isn’t working, you mention wanting to message her but not wanting to “interfere” with the energy. How exactly do you expect this energy to manifest if you put no physical effort into manifesting it? You have to put both physical and metaphysical energy into a goal in order to achieve it.

Regardless its unhealthy to perform this type of magic on a specific person anyways. You and this person could be violently incompatible and essentially brainwashing her with magic into liking you is not only unethical but it could be disastrous for you both.

If you want a girlfriend then put your energies into generally finding your perfect partner, not some specific girl you sometimes talk to who you think is pretty.

If she is “the one” for you then this will work on her anyway. If it doesn’t then you saved yourself a lot of wasted time and heartbreak and avoided hurting an innocent person who was just living their life

it also sounds like you’ve developed a very unhealthy obsession and you should do some void/cleansing to get your head straight again
At the same time, when I do this kind of work, she stays on my mind almost all day, which I believe gets in the way of the work as well.

When it comes to this subject and I see that I can't control my thoughts, I ask Satan or my guardian (who I haven't figured out yet) for guidance and I want any guidance, even if it's just a sign to give up, that there's really no point in trying to fight for it...

In short, I really want tips and guidance, you can be honest, I don't care if they really call me an idiot or a fool hahaha.
It seems you have power to attract things with magick that is very good, but you attracted... a bed just a piece of furniture with no soul.
As women are not soul-less items, if your magick is directed to a person, this involves also her will and may find resistance. It is also possible you unconsciously have some hang-ups about yourself that, in addition with obsession you say you have, may disperse energies.

I would go with astrology. I would ask her her birth date + time, (just the date may give the almost exact planetary positions and is good). So you can compare your chart with her chart and see if there's good possibility for sex, or for a serious relationship, or love, or just being friends. This will be respectful of both your and her nature.
Forcing things with magick won't work, unless you cast a spell for attracting a random partner that is good for you, and then out of the blue a person comes to you.

Magick may happen on its own ... if the right person comes to you in whatever unexpected way, and your planets have good match, and you are good Souls ... Magick is done. What if you already attracted her unwillingly?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
