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It's Not Rocket Science!


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Medieval times were shit, and today is not much better.
SSwombat said:
jew already has it -- he just hasn't transferred it from the UN to Jerusalem yet!Don't give a fuck what you think!

No, he doesn't, and he will never do it, because we will not let him.

What were you even doing here, when you don't even know what is the main mission of everyone of us here? Does the "Final RTR" mean anything to you? Maybe you should check it out if you haven't all this time.

Or maybe you're just troll and infiltrator, trying to convince us here that "oy vey, jew is won, there is nothing you can do, goy."
SSwombat said:
I've said it in the past; discredit the "bible" and the "holohoax" and the jew will be revealed to ALL -- why is that so hard to understand here?

Too much time wasted here with "jew bashing" and endless "rehashed" spiritual discussion (which there is MOUNTAINS of information recorded here).

The jew didn't take over with the gun; he took over with bribery, deceit and then coercion. The gentile, most fully aware of it, helped the jew get where he now is and only has himself to blame for becoming his slave. The jew has fooled you into believing his "One World Order" will be a theocratic totalitarian state -- stop kidding yourself -- the jew already has it -- he just hasn't transferred it from the UN to Jerusalem yet!

This post will probably be blocked because I'm not jew bashing and kissing ass here.

Don't give a fuck what you think!

Who (((they))) have never used weapons and force? So what are the centuries of wars and mass murders to christianize the peoples and the millions of people who murdered the communists in the USSR, in China and other countries?
You write aggressive comments to people, write some strange random statement, and you auto-disprove your own statement with your own reply exactly later. As if people should pick up what you mean because it's such a self-believed intelligent point, without you explaining what you even mean.

If you can't explain what you mean and you expect others to understand you, that is not their problem. Your other comments were disapproved merely because of pointless strange aggression to valid replies done by others.

Jews used the blade as much as they used manipulation. In regards to dumb xian lackeys that they have, this is nothing new either. The first jewish lackey was recruited when the first non jew got told some bullshit about some "Holy Rabbi from Nazareth" and bought into this hoax.
So after getting out and getting removed from the forum so many times because of your strange behavior and mental instability, you are back again to play friends while insulting and attacking everyone a few replies later?

You have to check in on your behavior and not complain about others all the time.

Since you are here how did you miss all these posts where it's conversed that lackeys that will be punished around with the enemy are actually a thing? So you're clearly lying and trying to create fights and boozed out rants, nothing else.

If your other replies would have been posted, it's all justification to show that you're an idiot.

Nobody asked you to apologize, this is another lie you made up yourself. You just feel that when you aren't acting like an asshole it's some form of strange apology to everyone. These are mental problems that you have to work on your own, which of course you might as well not, but these are the reasons you get banned and removed again and again like a parasite.

If you attack people like you do in every reply, you'll be banned again and it will just repeat again. In regards to mistakes, maybe boozed out bipolar rants coming from you can be minimized by limiting alcohol intake and actually doing some meditation, rather than having this weird aggressive behaviour. People will also treat you different if you do that.

SSwombat said:
HP Cobra, I came on aggressive because I knew, and was vindicated, that I would be criticized and labeled a "troll" and "infiltrator" at the mere suggestion we do other things beside bash the jew. There have been many who have knowingly assisted the jew; Caesar for example, who abolished the law forbidding the jew to read the scrolls on the sabbath -- he knew what was going on!

I believe I explained my self sufficiently, it was someone else (who replied) that "mudied-up-the-waters" that you have me confused with.

But, this is the nature of things here, and I will apologise if it makes people feel happy -- lets go back to bashing the jew!
The Alchemist7 said:
SSwombat said:
Don't give a fuck what you think!
Then why you are here?
Looks like just to bitch and cry and be a baby :lol:

It spends more time contradicting and doubting itself than anybody else ever did. Then yelling about everyone doubting them. But noone even said anything, they're just mad at themself, how they doubt themself in their own mind.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The Alchemist7 said:
SSwombat said:
Don't give a fuck what you think!
Then why you are here?
Looks like just to bitch and cry and be a baby :lol:

It spends more time contradicting and doubting itself than anybody else ever did. Then yelling about everyone doubting them. But noone even said anything, they're just mad at themself, how they doubt themself in their own mind.
The guy feels very negative, kinda of like a jew.
SSwombat said:
HP Cobra, I came on aggressive because I knew, and was vindicated, that I would be criticized and labeled a "troll" and "infiltrator" at the mere suggestion we do other things beside bash the jew. There have been many who have knowingly assisted the jew; Caesar for example, who abolished the law forbidding the jew to read the scrolls on the sabbath -- he knew what was going on!

I believe I explained my self sufficiently, it was someone else (who replied) that "mudied-up-the-waters" that you have me confused with.

But, this is the nature of things here, and I will apologise if it makes people feel happy -- lets go back to bashing the jew!

So what exactly is your problem? You are mad that we bash jews? You feel we should be bashing Gentiles instead?

So the entire communist party in Russia the USSR was run by jews. They genocided 100 million of our people. But we cant bash them...

We should bash a Roman emperor that allowed the jews to have more power and bring their program of death in. We should just bash one dead traitor. Instead of the millions of jews alive today? That are working to remake what they did in Russia.

So by that logic we should just blame Ernst Rohm for all of world war 2. Never mind the jews roosevelt, churchhill and Stalin...

It was all Ernst Rohm. Just as long as we dont blame the chosen!

I am trying to consider what would make this strange behavior. But all I can think of is you have jewish blood and when pointed out for your race, you just freak out.

Also you even talk like it. The gentiles did this. You talk in such a way that its a group you dont belong too. Its subtle, but I am very good at picking up subtle things in peoples speech.

Hmmmm. I cannot see a reason for a Gentile too get pissed about hating the jews but then be fervently mad at Gentiles and try to blame shift to them.

Think about it. Why would anyone get mad at someone getting angry for something that is not them? I hate greys! Anyone offended by this? Do people come here telling us how shitty we are for hating greys? Not once....never

But yet we are told we are nazi trash and now a bunch of jew bashers when it comes to the chosen. Isnt that interesting?

Notice in majority white Southern Areas of America. People talk about I hate damn niggers! No one gets offended unless they are black or mate with them. Why should a white person care? We have to go out of our way. To go oh no! Dont have an emotion against something that isnt me...

Yet if we say. I hate white people! Now since most here are white. No offense meant to any other Gentiles. Notice the anger in you? Notice how it clouds your thinking. Just imagine someone saying that here or to you.

Now notice your blood rise? Your heart beat quicken? What... Would you say on a group of liberals you were suppose to infiltrate?

Well! White people arint so bad! All you want to do is white bash here. What about mandela? Was he just a saint!

You stop thinking and only experience anger and trying to defend. Notice we get that alot here?

Heres another thing. People that defend jews having gentile souls or can dedicate. What kind of retarded gentile just goes I hate jews, Their all bad, But I really think we should let some in because they might be us. Though theres no way to regulate that, so we would just have to let them all in.

Because even if he shows he is of complete jewish blood. How dare we assume hes jewish! He wants to play hes Gentile, so we have to allow that! Since you cant limit it, the rule apllies for all jews.

Another thing. Anton laveys whole mission was being born into money and the jews NOT KNOWING HE WAS GENTILE. If the forums existed then he wouldnt join them and go hey guys im gentile!! That would fuck up the whole plan.

If there were Gentiles in jew bodies. Your purpose would be to infiltrate the jews, NOT US! Making us accept jews. If they were a Gentile, they would be like this means nothing. Do not trust me, because we cannot afford our people to trust them.

Just things I think about. As this same stupidity comes up year after year. Never once would I ever think I was a Gentile in a jews body when thinking I might be a jew because of paranoia.

Granted not everyone thinks like me. But alot can be learned about behavior by asking yourself how you would react.

What would make me consider that? Nothing... I am either Aryan or how disgusting! I would bow to Lord Satan and then end it.

Effectively taking one out. If a Gentile actually considers this to be possible, it is a Cowardice I cannot even imagine.

I was not angry until I wrote this. Now I feel like im on fire. Because how pathetic.

Hail Father Satan!

As for the jews, Israel will get what she deserves! - Satan (Biggest Jew Basher, his name literally means Enemy of the jews.)
We are gladdened to know that subhumans like you are trying to censor us and we have existed for 20 years.

You must be doing something really wrong. Gotta try another angle.

SSwombat said:
Let's get something straight...once and for all time; if I argue a point of difference here (about anything), it's because I'm trying an angle. If I drank booze like you say, I would've been dead a long time ago. I don't give a "rat's ass" about your beliefs -- they're as genuine as a three dollar bill -- and you're a despicable criminal!

I told you a long time ago, I'm going to do everything I can to bring you down. Where are these 'mighty' gods of your's...bring them on!

I am part of a political movement to get legislation through Congress to permanently ban SOS [Sack-Of-Shit] like you...and nothing will stop us!

I'm leaving now as this username, but I will be back -- YOU CAN BET ON IT!!
SSwombat said:
I don't give a "rat's ass" about your beliefs -- they're as genuine as a three dollar bill -- and you're a despicable criminal!

I told you a long time ago, I'm going to do everything I can to bring you down. Where are these 'mighty' gods of your's...bring them on!
So you say our beliefs are as genuine as a 3 dollars bill, then you say you will do everything in your power to shut down these beliefs that are as genuine as a 3 dollar bill.

Basically you crap your pants when you see this place merely existing, what's the point to fool around and act like a warrior when you're just a pussy behind a screen?
I sincerely hope you take it all the way to the Supreme Court. But first, you might want to have at least some kind of understanding of something called the United States Constitution.

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says that everyone in the United States has the right to practice his or her own religion, or no religion at all.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits government from encouraging or promoting ("establishing") religion in any way. That's why we don't have an official religion of the United States. This means that the government may not give financial support to any religion. That's why many school voucher programs violate the Establishment Clause -- because they give taxpayers' money to schools that promote religion.

The Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment gives you the right to worship or not as you choose. The government can't penalize you because of your religious beliefs.

Article 9: Freedom of religion or belief
We all have the right to express ourselves freely and hold our own opinions – even if our views are unpopular or could upset or offend others.

Article 9 protects:
●   the freedom to change religion or belief

●   the freedom to exercise religion or belief publicly or privately, alone or with others

●   the freedom to exercise religion or belief in worship, teaching, practice and observance, and

●   the right to have no religion (to be atheist or agnostic) or to have non-religious beliefs protected (such as a belief in the need for urgent action to tackle climate change or philosophical beliefs such as pacifism or veganism).

Article 10: Free expression
We have the right to express ourselves freely and hold our own opinions – even if our views are unpopular or could upset or offend others.

Article 10 of the Human Rights Act protects a right that’s fundamental to our democracy – our freedom of expression is fundamental to our democracy.

It means we’re free to hold opinions and ideas and to share them with others without the State interfering.

Article 10 also protects your right to communicate and express yourself in any medium – including through words, pictures and actions. It’s often used to defend press freedom and protect journalists’ sources.

This right covers:
Political expression – including peaceful protests and demonstrations Artistic expression Commercial expression – particularly when it also raises matters of legitimate public debate and concern.

The right to free expression would be meaningless if it only protected certain types of expression. So Article 10 protects both popular and unpopular expression – including speech that might shock others

Article 11: Right to protest
We have the right to come together with others and peacefully express our views.

Everyone has the right to associate with others and gather together for a common purpose.

Article 11 is fundamental to keeping us free. It lets us protest peacefully, join trade unions and hold the powerful to account.

The State can’t interfere with your right to protest just because it disagrees with protesters’ views, because it’s likely to be inconvenient and cause a nuisance or because there might be tension and heated exchange between opposing groups.

Instead it must take reasonable steps to enable you to protest and to protect participants in peaceful demonstrations from disruption by others.
Wow, parasites are seriously obsessed with us. Cringe enough?
SSwombat said:
You fill my big, long, pleasurable penis full of blood and you make me all tingly inside. Indeed, you make me horny, you being all big and hard online.

Then when you make deliberate mistakes like "your is" like that, you kill my boner. For fuck sake. Forget you.
Egon said:
SSwombat said:
I told you a long time ago, I'm going to do everything I can to bring you down. Where are these 'mighty' gods of your's...bring them on!
I'd love to see the aftermath of every people ever who said that.


The mask tightened his hooked nose too much and he finally dropped it.
Egon said:
SSwombat said:
I told you a long time ago, I'm going to do everything I can to bring you down. Where are these 'mighty' gods of your's...bring them on!
I'd love to see the aftermath of every people ever who said that.

Do you think it is the same lollagers as those "exposing JoS" sites who claimed to have got one of our sites removed before? I'm being sarcastic, so you don't have to reply.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We are gladdened to know that subhumans like you are trying to censor us and we have existed for 20 years.

You must be doing something really wrong. Gotta try another angle.

SSwombat said:
Let's get something straight...once and for all time; if I argue a point of difference here (about anything), it's because I'm trying an angle. If I drank booze like you say, I would've been dead a long time ago. I don't give a "rat's ass" about your beliefs -- they're as genuine as a three dollar bill -- and you're a despicable criminal!

I told you a long time ago, I'm going to do everything I can to bring you down. Where are these 'mighty' gods of your's...bring them on!

I am part of a political movement to get legislation through Congress to permanently ban SOS [Sack-Of-Shit] like you...and nothing will stop us!

I'm leaving now as this username, but I will be back -- YOU CAN BET ON IT!!
This sNOswhybataneyelid means it has registered other usernames here already.
FancyMancy said:
Egon said:
SSwombat said:
I told you a long time ago, I'm going to do everything I can to bring you down. Where are these 'mighty' gods of your's...bring them on!
I'd love to see the aftermath of every people ever who said that.

Do you think it is the same lollagers as those "exposing JoS" sites who claimed to have got one of our sites removed before? I'm being sarcastic, so you don't have to reply.
It doesn't matter who these people are but these people are parasites sucking attention and have despicable lives. They are miserable and have nothing better to do then try to threaten us/harass us online. They are depressed, sad,are probably dying.

This is them^^^

The reason they think about us 24/7 and are trying to pass legislation to get us banned is exactly why we do what we do. These people are run by Jewish terrorists who are trying to destroy the US constitution. We are such a threat to them they are ready to go to the supreme court and change the constitution to be able to stop us from saying what we are saying.
Jack said:
FancyMancy said:
Egon said:
I'd love to see the aftermath of every people ever who said that.

Do you think it is the same lollagers as those "exposing JoS" sites who claimed to have got one of our sites removed before? I'm being sarcastic, so you don't have to reply.
It doesn't matter who these people are but these people are parasites sucking attention and have despicable lives. They are miserable and have nothing better to do then try to threaten us/harass us online. They are depressed, sad,are probably dying.

This is them^^^

The reason they think about us 24/7 and are trying to pass legislation to get us banned is exactly why we do what we do. These people are run by Jewish terrorists who are trying to destroy the US constitution. We are such a threat to them they are ready to go to the supreme court and change the constitution to be able to stop us from saying what we are saying.
Change the constitution. Then let's delete the Geneva Convention, the Magna Carta, the jew-N Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, and everything else. Oh, wait. The jew ignores the genocide one already, and only wishes that the rest could also be removed.
FancyMancy said:
Jack said:
FancyMancy said:
Do you think it is the same lollagers as those "exposing JoS" sites who claimed to have got one of our sites removed before? I'm being sarcastic, so you don't have to reply.
It doesn't matter who these people are but these people are parasites sucking attention and have despicable lives. They are miserable and have nothing better to do then try to threaten us/harass us online. They are depressed, sad,are probably dying.

This is them^^^

The reason they think about us 24/7 and are trying to pass legislation to get us banned is exactly why we do what we do. These people are run by Jewish terrorists who are trying to destroy the US constitution. We are such a threat to them they are ready to go to the supreme court and change the constitution to be able to stop us from saying what we are saying.
Change the constitution. Then let's delete the Geneva Convention, the Magna Carta, the jew-N Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, and everything else. Oh, wait. The jew ignores the genocide one already, and only wishes that the rest could also be removed.
Obviously, see things exist to protect the jew, just like no muh hate speech against anyone, and with that general one, a specific one - no muh hate speech against the jew.
Good morning Fellow Brothers and Sisters in Satan

There's this movie that I just watched last night, by the name of CODE 8_2019, so what I've noted in this movie is that the Jews are exposing the fact that their grey masters are spying on us like never before...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
