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Its Already Happened

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I've been hearing about this for a while now. It's not a collapse, but an accelerating denegeration that has its roots in all things people have already covered: low wages, high prices, unstable homes, established poverty, people that and things that drive down wages, and the lawlessness of huge corporations that do not care about their workers.

RTR for the betterment of humanity.
Iamcryingnow11 said:
Hi, I'm new.

Welcome, www.satanisgod.org - start your education with these sites, and stay resolute.
Immortal said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Society is based right now of the sinking of another so one is uplifted....

With all this talk about money and wages do you have a date for opening the Wealth & Finances Astro Reading, Commander ? I'm quite anxious about this :mrgreen:

Maybe I can move from a job to financial freedom :roll:

Soon, I need to tend to some things now, but I definitely will. Cannot pinpoint exactly when. The reading notes and method I have ready so that was the first thing to get down, then I have to serve some other brothers first.

I have also accumulated a lot of knowledge since last year about work/professions/finances, most of it functional from experience on the field of finding jobs/professions/careers for others, so that was perfectly laid out.
hailourtruegod said:

Ocasio is great for being famous, like a movie star or something, but she is like really low tier of a politician, she's only show and tits, that's it.

The whole thing about kissing ass to Spanish people and Mexicans or Black people, or just doing racial memetics and promising large scale invasions and Git Stuff 4 Free Cuz Climate is not politics in anyway.

Self respecting people understand that it goes beyond the ass kissing rituals that are being done in the US right now as in plastering emotions of minorities and just promising free cash. That's not politics. That is like some shit people did during Feudalism, rewarding the serfs with stolen money or something to keep them from revolting or improving.

Blacks have been told the same bullshit for around five decades in America due to the meme that it's Whitey's fault. This is why some Blacks are starting to realize the issues are not the low tier explanations of imaginary racism but actual reforms are needed and racial awareness can only work in this context.

Blacks who want some better future solution than to thug and free money are ridiculed and distanced, but that's the only way to go in the current context. Those who want this are also seizing it and making their lives.

People who do not know how to generate wealth gain NOTHING by being given free gibs as a form of government dependency. But this is a sham to just buy votes, and vote buying the people for some low tier money in general is a bastardized form of politics, that teaches people nothing on how to improve.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ocasio is great for being famous, like a movie star or something, but she is like really low tier of a politician, she's only show and tits, that's it.

Wasn't it said a while back she is of the (((tribe)))?

Also what the fuck is up with this woman, every single website of the mainstream has her. For example the other day I went to yahoo and she is holding her hand to her mouth and crying due to a immigrant crying due to the difficulty with her child and trying to live abroad, telling her story about sadness and difficulty.

I mean it's like everyone is tits for Ocasio, the news just doesn't stop posting daily stuff on her. It's like she is some poster girl for occluding and hiding more important news.

And finally why did this Ocasio person get so famous no one hears about her then boom last year she explodes everywhere. It's like what kind of miraculous thing did she do that every one is kaka for her.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ocasio is great for being famous, like a movie star or something, but she is like really low tier of a politician, she's only show and tits, that's it.

Wasn't it said a while back she is of the (((tribe)))?

Also what the fuck is up with this woman, every single website of the mainstream has her. For example the other day I went to yahoo and she is holding her hand to her mouth and crying due to a immigrant crying due to the difficulty with her child and trying to live abroad, telling her story about sadness and difficulty.

I mean it's like everyone is tits for Ocasio, the news just doesn't stop posting daily stuff on her. It's like she is some poster girl for occluding and hiding more important news.

And finally why did this Ocasio person get so famous no one hears about her then boom last year she explodes everywhere. It's like what kind of miraculous thing did she do that every one is kaka for her.

She has done really nothing politically, but she has probably a fame star type of personality. She is also young and looks decent in accordance to the tastes of most people, and also, the jew press just promotes her to placate and direct Spanish voters and promote the narratives of invasions and so forth through her. However, when she and Omar gave the finger to the jews not a very long time ago, of course, they went against them.

Behind miss Ocasio there is this whole meme of endless Mexican invasion, taking down borders, fake new green deal as our brother posted above, etc. There is a huge interplay of stuff behind miss Cortez and that is the whole agenda to basically make whitey extinct and yolo open borders to collapse America cause a 29 year old girls feels and muh feels in general, somehow.

There has never been a political discussion where she articulated any actual topic, she never had any debate or anything, she's just a movie star for larger jewish agendas that the enemy wants to promote.

I don't even think she is aware of WTF is going on, she is just virtue signalling, doing her part, get paid well, and that's it. I am not sure if she is of the tribe, haven't looked into this personally, I wouldn't waste time on said research.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ocasio is great for being famous, like a movie star or something, but she is like really low tier of a politician, she's only show and tits, that's it.

Wasn't it said a while back she is of the (((tribe)))?

Also what the fuck is up with this woman, every single website of the mainstream has her. For example the other day I went to yahoo and she is holding her hand to her mouth and crying due to a immigrant crying due to the difficulty with her child and trying to live abroad, telling her story about sadness and difficulty.

I mean it's like everyone is tits for Ocasio, the news just doesn't stop posting daily stuff on her. It's like she is some poster girl for occluding and hiding more important news.

And finally why did this Ocasio person get so famous no one hears about her then boom last year she explodes everywhere. It's like what kind of miraculous thing did she do that every one is kaka for her.

She has done really nothing politically, but she has probably a fame star type of personality. She is also young and looks decent in accordance to the tastes of some demographics of people, and also, the jew press just promotes her to placate and direct people of Latin, Mexican and related background of voters and promote the narratives of invasions and so forth through her. However, when she and Omar gave the finger to the jews not a very long time ago, of course, they went against them.

Behind miss Ocasio there is this whole meme of endless Mexican invasion, taking down borders, fake new green deal as our brother posted above, etc. There is a huge interplay of stuff behind miss Cortez and that is the whole agenda to basically make whitey extinct and yolo open borders to collapse America cause a 29 year old girls feels and muh feels in general, somehow.

There has never been a political discussion where she articulated any actual topic, she never had any debate or anything, she's just a movie star for larger jewish agendas that the enemy wants to promote.

I don't even think she is aware of WTF is going on, she is just virtue signalling, doing her part, get paid well, and that's it. I am not sure if she is of the tribe, haven't looked into this personally, I wouldn't waste time on said research.
Pff this is the kind of stupidity that was spoken about earlier in this topic, but I dont think that she can be talked any sense into her...

BlackJackal said:
She is very "smart" with good idea how economy works. :lol:

Arcadia said:
Ok I'll cite a few quotes for you.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We have to do RTR's as if there is no tomorrow, really.

Just imagine that shit spreading in the free world, everything will be gone.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We are already heavily censored and we may get more, but the situation is, the world is at stake, so screw the rest.

Even if we are fucked over somehow, it won't matter, as the world will just go to shit anyway if we don't do what we have to do for our freedoms.

We have to defend our freedoms or lose them, and this is not a battle that has equality or justice, it's gonna get heated, but it's a battle of worth, as simply, letting things go on their own we'll be turned into Borg Communism in which case nothing will matter anymore, there will be total slavery.

I provided you with the links if the quotes are not trustworthy enough. The point is, the jew is pushing now for Jew World Order, they are not preparing for their destruction, because nothing is set in stone. Imagine if out of a sudden we would just stop do RTRs and activism, the world will be conquered in I would say maximum one year. In the same way, imagine 2-3 million SS doing each 3-4 RTRs per day. We would defeat the jews in a couple of years maybe.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Satan told me they never expected us to get this far. He told me again on the 30th, that I've far exceeded their expectations.

So Maxine exceeded the expectations of the Gods themselves. This once again proves that the future is not set in stone. The Gods do see far further than we can predict, but this doesn't mean that they were wrong with something, but it means that by our collective work we managed to develop this community beyond their expectations. That's just an example.

I don't now if you read before the above quotes, but we haven't won anything yet. The jews are pushing now the global communism more than ever before and they still have nearly full power over wealth and information. If we don't push also from our side we are fucked. From my terrestrial human point of view we can say that we truly won only when we will have the victory fully materialized in our hands. Until then, all we can do is further do as many RTRs as possible and wake up as many people. Even making one xian to realize the reality behind his religion is a small step in destroying the jews because if the goy is not xian anymore, the jewish thoughtform will further collapse because it won't be fed with energy anymore. As I said, this kind of major movements takes a lot of small steps to materialize. This war is still fighting, we haven't won anything yet, nor the jews.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Pff this is the kind of stupidity that was spoken about earlier in this topic, but I dont think that she can be talked any sense into her...

BlackJackal said:
She is very "smart" with good idea how economy works. :lol:


´´shes`` a jew... Its like trying to make a gentleman out of a caveman -.-
How do I can become an official member of the organization "Joy of Satan"? Is it possible? I want to take an active part in the development of this organization and I want to become useful to "Joy of Satan". What am I must doing? I'm telling is serious. Thanks a lot.
Scion of Atlantis said:
Master Darkness said:
I understand that not all Gentiles can be saved. But it would be very nice if we blessed all the Gentiles to be completely aware of the Jews. When Hitler and our Gods and Germany fought against the Jews, the Jews used the Russians and the British and the Americans against the Germans simply made us fight among ourselves. Such a thing should not be repeated. We must not allow the enemy to use our people. It is very necessary that all Gentiles are aware of reality. If they can't do much, then they must at least contribute. Regardless of how much people can help us, they must be on our side to help us, which means helping themselves instead of being used by enemies. It would be a great blessing, to bless all the Gentiles to be aware of the enemies, regardless of how much they can do. All Gentiles must contribute to this war. They must be aware of reality and contribute. This war is really pathetic, just like the enemy ones. Regardless of how much they can contribute, all the gentiles must be involved. If they were cows and sheep and goats, we should protect them, but this is not the case. They must show utility, otherwise they have no reason and no reason to live and exist. They only know how to eat and make excrement, the meaning of their life is eating and making shits and believing in Jews. How disgusting. They cannot be compared to cows etc., from the cows you can at least get milk and meat. From the ignorant what? Only excrements. However, people are not guilty. Those odious enemies are guilty. I hate ignorance. I vented a little, excuse me.
The Final RTR already ensures Gentiles worldwide will awaken to the point to where they will physically and ideologically overthrow the Jews, and future rituals coming next year from Satan and Azazel will facilitate this further and break even more barriers put up by the enemy. Just focus completely on the Final RTR for now if you actually want to do something to win this war for our side, as you have been told before. A Satanist cannot sit around and wait for others to do the work for him/her.

Until you in particular can do a minimum of 5-9 Final RTRs a day, don't complain about non-SS Gentiles "not helping" to win this war. Satan assigned the highly important task of beginning the enemy's end to ourselves as dedicated Satanists who know the truth and can obtain the spiritual power needed to carry it out. Do elite warriors complain about the adversity they face and bemoan the lack of help from lesser soldiers? No, they do their duties and allow the rest to fall into place behind them. Physical changes on this beyond worldwide scale do not happen until it has manifested on the astral, and that is our job as the enemy has cut all other Gentiles off from actual spiritual knowledge.

If another global breaks out, it is already too late for the Jews, the world will know they started it and Jews will be hunted down worldwide by vengeful masses. Look at how many people were becoming furious at Israel across the internet and in the real world when Iran tensions were boiling over. This is part of why the Jews are in such a hurry to destroy the free United States and it's people, and engage in mass censorship, as any future wars started at their behest will have absolutely no public support.
You're right, I agree with you brother.
AOC is Jewish, I posted the article before of her mentioning such, the New Green Deal she is promoting is part of the Jewish Agenda 21, were the Jews are using environmentalism as the kosher cloak to convert western societies in Marxist-Socialist systems.
Tribal + Flat retarded is just a disgraceful combination.

Behold she will make everyone a millionaire. Just gonna raise inflation so much that 1 loaf of bread is going to cost 2 millions cause Muh Climate.

MUH CLIMATE is solved by uncontrollable birthrates and giving people who are not total broke 70% tax rate to increase the birthrates of all the people on earth but the evil rich people who have like a job or something.

By doing this the MUH CLIMATE plan will ensure we are 50 trillion by 2100, on top of mommy earth. Everyone will wear the hammer and sickle and be a millionaire also.

Ask miss Cortez she has a plan for this.
Iamcryingnow11 said:
How do I can become an official member of the organization "Joy of Satan"? Is it possible? I want to take an active part in the development of this organization and I want to become useful to "Joy of Satan". What am I must doing? I'm telling is serious. Thanks a lot.
Start your own thread to ask questions which are irrelevant to a topic, instead of polluting topics.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
How do I can become an official member of the organization "Joy of Satan"? Is it possible? I want to take an active part in the development of this organization and I want to become useful to "Joy of Satan". What am I must doing? I'm telling is serious. Thanks a lot.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ocasio is great for being famous, like a movie star or something, but she is like really low tier of a politician, she's only show and tits, that's it.

Wasn't it said a while back she is of the (((tribe)))?

Also what the fuck is up with this woman, every single website of the mainstream has her. For example the other day I went to yahoo and she is holding her hand to her mouth and crying due to a immigrant crying due to the difficulty with her child and trying to live abroad, telling her story about sadness and difficulty.

I mean it's like everyone is tits for Ocasio, the news just doesn't stop posting daily stuff on her. It's like she is some poster girl for occluding and hiding more important news.

And finally why did this Ocasio person get so famous no one hears about her then boom last year she explodes everywhere. It's like what kind of miraculous thing did she do that every one is kaka for her.

Looking photos of her in google you can appreciate some jewish features, native american with some jewish.
The only time AOC "wins" an argument is on Twitter. This crazy fool can't even grasp simple stuff when it's slowly explained to her as seen when she's in an actual irl political discussion. Then she goes and tweets to all her wack job followers about how mean the white guy was correcting her and pointing out her ignorance. It's almost like the 'Twitter fame' has gotten to her head after probably being a loser growing up.

Her DNA tests did say she's part jewish then again we know those same DNA tests like to make everyone a little bit jew but I wouldn't be surprised if she was one by how she behaves. Though you do see this insufferable type of behaviour a lot with the low IQ identitarian black and brown people. They are an embarrassment to all the intelligent poc and no wonder more and more are leaving that side in the US.

Lastly I like to add that AOC *only* won thru an exploit in the system and also I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before but she was brought up by the young turks as well with Omar and others close to them. Look up "Justice Democrats" on wiki if anyone wants to know more a bit more about this part. She isn't one with the working class. She has rich corrupt elitist behind her since day one. Even her chief of adviser worked for wall street and is a millionaire. Not only is she stupid but a fake.
Basically the only reason I even know AOC is because everytime I go to read the news for just about anything, her face is just there as if enforced. I was like "forced" to read the news as they also snoop her in articles totally unrelated. She is promoted from all sides.

She may just be a stupid jew, or just a stupid person in general, and jews wouldn't hesitate to put jewish in her DNA test even if she was not.

But it's even worse if she is a Gentile as simply she makes too much noise, promotes all the jew agendas, and personally the verdict I agree is true that she is a jew. This extremely spastic and self-righteous behavior of universal disrespect and bullshitting, is quite jewish.

She also does a fucked up thing as hailourtruegod said, making her electorate look like shit for brains and only wanting shekels for free. This in itself adds insult to injury.
HP Mageson666 said:
When people talk about the coming collapse of the economy, I have to honesty wonder what they mean, the truth is America has already economically collapsed. The last thing to go might be the already inflated and debt based value of the American dollar. Which would be the finalization of what has already happened and is happening.

They gotta destroy paper FIAT before they can move over to digital FIAT which will have a twist to it.

IMF Director basically tells people directly whats their plan with digital cash:

"Hey goyim we gonna make all transactions go through our central banks like Federal Reserve and ECB and if youre marked as bad goy you wont be able to spend and use any money."

I bet that when j00 crashes the markets they gonna mass print cash to hyperinflate it with stuff like "Helicopter Money" and then push this digital stuff on people. They're already preparing CAD-Coin for Canada and E-Krona for Sweden. And lets not talk about Facebook trying to make their own money called Libra also LOL!
BlackJackal said:
HP Mageson666 said:
When people talk about the coming collapse of the economy, I have to honesty wonder what they mean, the truth is America has already economically collapsed. The last thing to go might be the already inflated and debt based value of the American dollar. Which would be the finalization of what has already happened and is happening.

They gotta destroy paper FIAT before they can move over to digital FIAT which will have a twist to it.

IMF Director basically tells people directly whats their plan with digital cash:

"Hey goyim we gonna make all transactions go through our central banks like Federal Reserve and ECB and if youre marked as bad goy you wont be able to spend and use any money."

I bet that when j00 crashes the markets they gonna mass print cash to hyperinflate it with stuff like "Helicopter Money" and then push this digital stuff on people. They're already preparing CAD-Coin for Canada and E-Krona for Sweden. And lets not talk about Facebook trying to make their own money called Libra also LOL!

As I told again before and people flipped out, wait for it, the UBI will be a good weapon against the goyim. It may be digitally issued currency in the form of a FED bond, directly related and only spendable through digital currency, ie, controlled to the brim. How one spends is already going into a good or bad goy profile.

Now, people are working and therefore can say, "What I work for is MINE and you can FUCK OFF". You earn in return of your invested work and labor into something, it's yours.

But when the state pays, the state will be able to say "Oh goy, you have a very bad conduct. You're harming society. Let me cut off your money goyim as you're a social danger. Good bye goyim".

The Jews want to destroy the Cryptomarket and the jew's libra coin is going to be at the center of this. At the danger of sounding like a libtard, I say with certainty the cryptomarket and a cash based system are both two very good things for freedom. The cryptomarket right now is beyond the control of anyone, or jews. But it in itself is not jewish, it's neutral.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Jews want to destroy the Cryptomarket and the jew's libra coin is going to be at the center of this. At the danger of sounding like a libtard, I say with certainty the cryptomarket and a cash based system are both two very good things for freedom. The cryptomarket right now is beyond the control of anyone, or jews. But it in itself is not jewish, it's neutral.

No Cobra your not sounding like a libtard, your assessment is spot on. You would have to go back on your words from previous sermons whereby you state if your investing money or cryptocurrencies for some members, try and berg as much shekels as possible and make yourself ride to the top to help yourself and others. Or the other thing try and make your job or career provide as much as possible and take it to the top.

As to cryptocurrencies I never bothered with them nor know anything about it in any way, shape, or form. But isn't the whole legal procurement and also investing of cryptocurriences by (((them))) a strategy to topple the walls?

In simplest terms isn't (((their))) activities directly responsible for trying to control something they really did not in any way, shape, or form saw coming and now they are shitting their pants trying to control it at all points.

It reminds me of back in the late-90s, early-00s when digital music popped in. Everyone and their mother in the industry laughed their ass off. Till pretty much things like Napster, the internet, and other legal companies went this is a great investment and well sure now a days the music industry is big. But nearly 20 years ago these foolish, laughing tards could have put their foot into digital exchange and helped out rather than stifle the industry and make themselves lose untold millions hell even billions of dollars in digital music.


There is a law in the books that states businesses must accept cash and coin. By probably federal decree they must accept it or else it's illegal, they cannot deny you from paying with cash. So those cashless places that only accept cash are breaking the law and probably leading to federal investigations even shit like S.E.C. investigations.
The Alchemist7 said:

FYI, I can post just as many quotes that prove the opposite, if you never took the time to notice Maxine's multitude of statements that victory is ours, or any of the other High Priests for that matter, from recent weeks and months no less. I'm not going to waste my time perusing however, though I probably will end up doing so if you continue to remain this pessimistic. You can cherrypick a few examples to support your fearmongering mentality, but put into context, they are what they are, and positive outlooks outnumber the negative a hundred to one, in regards to sermons. Do you really think the Clergy isn't going to remind us to do the work every day? As much as we can? Of course not. We SHOULD fight as if every day we're on the verge of defeat. Not only does it help the world, but ourselves as well.

For starters, you sure as hell underestimate the Gods. You really think a literal God can make such a grossly inaccurate statement about the future from a month and a half ago? Seriously, if you think our Gods are capable of so little, I'm surprised you're here at all. Myself and FancyMancy talked about this topic quite in depth. The future is unset to a degree, this is true, but its not liquid to the extent literal gods are oblivious to its nature in regards to such a short period of time. "Bound time" as its known is how time plays out in the material sense, what we call saturnic time. The Gods themselves are above this. Remember, the universe has no start nor end, time is infinite as such. "Past" and "future", likewise, "space" do not exist in the same way in the Astral as we perceive them in the material in our current state. HP Mage and Cobra have talked about this in great depth.

Let's go look at the Joyofsatan website, nice and clearly, for a good example.

"Astaroth answers truly concerning past, present, and future She discovers all secrets, and is an excellent teacher of the liberal sciences. She causes one to have prophetic dreams and/or visions about the future and gives insight into the unknown."

Furthermore, even if you take actual legitimate knowledge of the future out of the equation, the Gods raw and supreme wisdom in and of itself makes them quite acutely aware of how many members we have, how many RTRs are being done on a daily basis, and realistic assumptions about how many more people are liable to join, based on their intelligence alone. The Gods saying we, or Maxine in particular has exceeded their expectations, once upon a time this world was medieval planet jew, with nothing good in its future. With the Gods help and with spiritual weapons we manifested a new, surer and brighter future. The predictions they make now are one's with their control and influence over the world being far greater than the small amount it once was. And guess what? That control of theirs is not going away now, we've only ensured it further and further. Because simply put, you'd have to be real naive to assume that anyone here truly determined is going to stop their work.

The honest answer I can give you is this, you think far too little of our Gods. And of the work we've done, to boot. You're also misinterpreting the way this works, and once again, thanks to Fancy for explaining it properly.

The Jews physical plans on the world, and the setup they have already, still exists. Just because we do RTRs now, doesn't mean tomorrow every Jewish zillionaire immediately goes bankrupt physically. The future ahead for the Jews is simple - Their manipulations of the world no longer have the support of their thoughtform. Their entire world domination plan revolves around needing their YHVH to pull this off. Ontop of this, YHVH no longer protects them from their race's innate bad karma and disgusting spirituality. When you're talking about global economies and the like, should it be any surprise spiritual action takes time to physically manifest? It's simply the way it works.

On a spiritual level, the Gods can say we've won. They're aware of how much work is liable to be done on our behalves and were more than secure in making such a prediction. As I said, as the HP's themselves said, what we're doing is we're trying to lessen the crash landing. Inevitable victory, given our current course, should not make us relent however.

I'd be assuming too much, but I'd likely theorize the gods make predictions and premonitions based on the way things are combined with the work they themselves plan to do, and then go from there, with us having the potential to add our own work into this. But I admit, this parts purely my personal conjecture, do not take this part as any sort of truth absolute. Sometimes, the simple act of telling someone, or many, that you've done better than they could have ever hoped for is simply just what one needs to hear for greater and greater morale and success. The Gods understand us sometimes better than we know ourselves, and know what the community does well with a truthful boost of morale. It costs nothing, and can mean anything.

Have some faith, not only in the Gods, but in yourself, and this community. Sure, if you wanna sit there and be all abloo bloo about the big mean jew having won all is lost and the gods themselves were wrong and little ol' you was right, go for it. But you'd serve yourself and your own progress better to listen to the Gods and the clergy and stop inventing imaginary defeats, and accept and contribute to the growing victory.

But really, don't take my word for it. If you truly feel lost still, just ask one of the HPs themselves if Azazel was somehow wrong. I do not consider myself a genius for predicting the likely answer.
It's when you are winning that you have to fight the hardest, not when you are losing.

If you wait to lose to fight hard then you have already lost. This is called being an idiot.

Winning or losing one has to do their best. The good news is that on the general context of this world we are winning and definitely not losing, but the enemy is pushing like a rabid monstrosity. They aren't letting go.

A lot of motivational and de-motivational things happen every single day. But it's beyond a shadow of doubt that we aren't in the Middle Ages nor we are in some Maoist worldwide communism camp are we?

So yes, there is progress.

Freedom is something you have to defend daily, there is no "Win or lose" in this situation, but constant battles. When the enemy is gone then this is a most major checkpoint.

Like a doctor that comes and states that the patient is going to live, so is the case here. If the doctor fortfeits the battle and care of a healing individual, they can relapse and die.
Arcadia said:
I'm not going to spend hours arguing with you. To keep some short remarks
Nobody is pessimistic. It's even the opposite, the enemy pushing their crap is also pushing me to work even more. Also with my first message I tried to also push everybody here from the back to work more on their part.

You are so sure that we already won, what is the point to do RTRs and activism anymore if the victory is definitelly, irreversible and by no doubt already in our hands? What is the point of fighting a war which is already won? Is like you already killed your enemy in a fight and after you start hitting him more and more even if is already dead because of what? This is not the case here, the jews aren't done yet. Look with just a post above, HP said there is progress. From progress to victory there is a quite a big difference. Never let your guard down because you are 100% sure of something which is not yet manifested. Letting the future aside we live in present and we have to fight hard for this desires future. Jews are pushing more their agenda so we HAVE TO push more from our side. This is not about any fear or insecurity, again is even the opposite, harder we work, quicker we finish the job. You let your guard down and the enemy is going to profit from this and get ahead with their agenda. Do you think that they give a shit that they already lost? They will continue to push their agenda until they are exterminated because they are a slave race and they were programmed to do so.
The Alchemist7 said:
Arcadia said:
I'm not going to spend hours arguing with you. To keep some short remarks
Nobody is pessimistic. It's even the opposite, the enemy pushing their crap is also pushing me to work even more. Also with my first message I tried to also push everybody here from the back to work more on their part.

You are so sure that we already won, what is the point to do RTRs and activism anymore if the victory is definitelly, irreversible and by no doubt already in our hands? What is the point of fighting a war which is already won? Is like you already killed your enemy in a fight and after you start hitting him more and more even if is already dead because of what? This is not the case here, the jews aren't done yet. Look with just a post above, HP said there is progress. From progress to victory there is a quite a big difference. Never let your guard down because you are 100% sure of something which is not yet manifested. Letting the future aside we live in present and we have to fight hard for this desires future. Jews are pushing more their agenda so we HAVE TO push more from our side. This is not about any fear or insecurity, again is even the opposite, harder we work, quicker we finish the job. You let your guard down and the enemy is going to profit from this and get ahead with their agenda. Do you think that they give a shit that they already lost? They will continue to push their agenda until they are exterminated because they are a slave race and they were programmed to do so.
This message read just like one of HP Cobra's haha. I had to double-check your name lol. Well written :)
The Alchemist7 said:
I'm not going to spend hours arguing with you.

Then don't, man. HP Cobra already made a note on the topic anyway. You said you were going to continue fighting, so there's not really any "argument" between us anyway. In regards to the other points I made, not once did I proclaim "stop fighting, we've won". I said multiple times, "victory is ours, keep fighting." Really, you're debating against a point which I never expressed. I never said anything of what you're implying. The majority of my post had to do with the perception of the Gods, anyway.

So really, for the sake of spam, let's just settle it here. My original reply to yours was simply with your statement regarding Azazel being potentially wrong. That was it, and I made my counterpoint, so let's leave it there, since I agree with the general sentiment of your final post anyway. It was only an earlier statement which I'd replied to.
Why is it need doing RTR? Sorry, I'm new and I understanding little here now. And I'm not a native speaker but I study English. Help me, guys.
We have to fight more now as ever, as the enemy realizing they have lost are going to fight as hard as possible and put into that everything they have, out of desperation and rage. They still have enough to be dangerous.

Keep the Final RTR going and online activism.
Iamcryingnow11 said:
Why is it need doing RTR? Sorry, I'm new and I understanding little here now. And I'm not a native speaker but I study English. Help me, guys.

The Final RTR is reversing the jewish energy thoughtform from the astral dimension. If you what to understand more you need to read www.satanisgod.com and all the related websites.

Also start meditating. There is a 40 days meditation program for beginners somewhere on the forum. The understanding will increase by itself as you advance and train your mind constantly.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Louis Cyphre said:
It redirects to some Baravas wsite.
It is really http://www.satanisgod.org the .com is a different website that has nothing to do with us. I hope you haven't been spreading around the .com one
This is a problem, i hope no one thinks that the .com is interchangable with the .org and spread the wrong link on the web.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
