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Its Already Happened

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Its Already Happened

The status that were leaked to the public show the unemployment rate within America is as high as the Great Depression, and most of the people employed in the major companies within America such as Amazon or Walmart have to live on food stamps and other assistance programs to survive, because their wages are too low for the rising cost of living. Over 40 percent of the homeless in America work a full time job, but can't afford housing and 64 percent of Americans can't afford a surprise thousand dollar expense with upwards to 80 percent can't afford even a few hundred dollars surprise bill. Because they are living pay check to pay check, they can't afford savings. This also includes the fact that 50 percent of working Americans are close to being on the street, to join the homeless who work full time but can't afford housing.

The retail industry has been collapsing this year with major chains going out of business because people don't have the money to spend which is the obvious sign the economy has fallen apart. This with the fact automation has put four million people out of a job along with the globalization of the economy the shipping of jobs to China, India and other countries. And with millions of illegals coming across the border stealing the jobs of American workers as they work under the table for less, causing the unemployment rate to skyrocket further. This combined with the fact the American worker now has to pay over fifty billion dollars a year to these illegals for plummeting the wages and ruining the economy further, in the form of welfare benefits to invade America and dump the economic life of the American People. The illegal effect has caused the major wipe out event of the economy along with globalization and automation. Automation is now here and starting to wipe out the remaining industries that employ working and middle class Americans from trucking to accounting. Within the next ten years from reports of the stats.

Right now in America there are major homeless tent cities that are Great Depression style communities of unemployed and homeless American People due to the economic situation. The average tax rate on working people's income is 30 to 40 percent with upwards to 60 percent for upper middle class business owners on their income, that is robbery. This is to pay off the national debt effects of the money loans of debt based currency of the Jewish Fed, which is bankrupting America. Whole regions of American once well off and stable are now called sacrifice zones in which the region is now literally a third world social and economic situation and these are the regions that the opioid pandemic is raging through killing thousands of demoralized people due to the effects of economic collapse.

When people talk about the coming collapse of the economy, I have to honesty wonder what they mean, the truth is America has already economically collapsed. The last thing to go might be the already inflated and debt based value of the American dollar. Which would be the finalization of what has already happened and is happening.
This is why I personally hate the term "Econonic collapse" and the dumb predictions this entails. You can pump fake money and fake numbers into an economy all day anymore and call it a day.

People can be eating from garbage cans and shower once every two weeks all over the country and you can have a shiny GDP with a ruling class of 2% people.

"Economic Collapse" is just a joke at this point.

Trump has reduced the Mexico influx by 85% since the US Mexico deal. If he gets through with the ICE raids and this is systematic then it can all improve.

You cannot have endless millions of totally unskilled labor that is already making life harder for the average native to even work and have a simple job live, throws wages to the gutter, and then ALSO automation, which leaves both the low income native and the illegal in the street...And an infinite fucking supply of illegals invader style migration.

Its basic economics that illegal labor is cheaper, inflates taxation rates, and this in turn this creates the precedent of the low end payments and makes Bezos to not give a fuck, as he can just get in more illegals or foreigners anyway to work as slaves without any provision and diapers.

The Democratic debates were proof of how braindead and stupid this whole "Muh feelings" and irrationality has become.

One complains about crime but wants open borders of unskilled labor to come in illegally, in a land that is going in automation mode. What are these people going to reasonably do but fall into low end unmoderated prostitution, low wage labor or criminal actions?

If you want to avoid this with cheap measures of paying them taxpayers money, the situation of injustice continues and tax payers are worked even more brutally like slaves. In an ever lowering wage rate.

Clearly the solution is to seal the border and set the situation straight, at first through a merit based migration system in the very least.

The Democrats are just emotionally abrassive communists at this point. Its a communist party based on just random bullshit arguments. The country has to close and only accept legal immigration and things have to be set in order.

Democrats are like Muh Feels Bring every1 in Screw consequences, cuz I have a vagina and I want votes based on feelz. Then when people eat from trashcans they promise them jokes that they will just thieve the rich and that this will solve it all. This is a legal impossibility also.

I am starting to believe the Democratic party right now is only just a machine to bring in illegals for the Bezos types for communist labor and then a communist revolution, which will only overtake the average white man and nobody else down.
luis said:
This is extremely sad... :(

But expected AND a 666% SATANICFECT(Perfect) reason to do the FINAL RTR *EVEN MORE* :evil: :evil: :evil:
The quote that the "economy is doing well" which was said on tv not too long ago by the parliament, is a lie.

More and more businesses are closing over here. Stores that can not make ends meet and have to close and do something else.. the rent is too high and the people have too little buying power to do things like that.
the only ones staying often are the big gigantic companies.

There was something, a debate about raising the minimum wage here, but that would put a lot of small businesses out of order. The idea was to inflate the minimum wage gradually and everything would turn out alright.
But this is far from the truth.
I already thought that this shouldnt be done without treating other areas first.
However, this does shed a bit of light om the situation.

It is like they gave a leeway, gave away money for 'free' and are now trying to cash in on that accumulated wealth, no matter how little it would have been that you got, and steal and push people further and further into poverty.
The children of today wont inherit anything.
You can increase daily wage to 100 dollars per hour and the economy adjusts and inflates accordingly in free market economy. As thus all increases without price and tax modulation still has the same result.

Some idiots think patching things up with free gibs or UBI is going to help but it will not. If you pay a thousand rent now, then the UBI will make the price two thousand for compensation and filling the gap, rendering it useless. You cannot stop this neither as its the essence of a free market.

The economy in general needs to be run on a legal and ethical basis from the root. They new generations are planned with mathematic precision to have 0 buying power.

Only for necessities if even this and a small room with a middle tier computer to be eternal NEETs and emasculated nerds. Who have to fight with all sorts of foreign tribes outside of their house on the way to work like a jungle. Thats all.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
The quote that the "economy is doing well" which was said on tv not too long ago by the parliament, is a lie.


Also, there are companies that do not pay overtime. every minute that you work longer to finish a job i.e. is not paid even if it takes hours. Those things are often in the work contracts.

It depends on where you work, though.

Healthcare is understaffed underpayed and overworked not to mention the planning and communication etc is a complete mess.
It smells. No, it REEKS.
Great post!
I guess, economy already started collapsing when those (((parasites)))came into being.

By the way, what is (((their))) goal? they want to collapse the economy, and then they will enslave us with their army of borgs or what? :|
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You can increase daily wage to 100 dollars per hour and the economy adjusts and inflates accordingly in free market economy. As thus all increases without price and tax modulation still has the same result.

Some idiots think patching things up with free gibs or UBI is going to help but it will not.

Nogal wiedes (means: You say this when someone says the most obvious and it is usually not meant in the most friendliest way, like 'doh' and -rolls eyes- is).

Those idiots don't have the necessary IQ to do this. They only see their own lives, and can not look much further than that their nose long is.
You'd want to yell at them, "This is not a problem that only affects you, you stupid." but that is not always the right thing to do.
Lack of knowledge plays part too. You know how the new members come on the forum and what kind of questions they sometimes ask (Like literally asking the obvious)?
Those idiots are much like them in that aspect.
Exactly whats happening in the area where I live at the moment. Everyone cant afford anything of happiness or even afford to live. Most of the people are addicted to drugs and they keep spending what little money they make on their addictions, and most of the people here are living on some kind of monthly check like disability, that they fakes having a disability to get in the first place. Its a really sad life right now and its only getting worse. The middle class basically doesn't exist anymore, its mostly just the rich and the poor and that's it. I had some income from a monthly check a few years ago that I had from when I was a child. that whole ADHD bullshit, ADHD isn't really a real disability or anything, but ever since I was really young I had a monthly check because of it. My mom is a complete evil drug addicted bitch, and when I was young, she always just used my monthly check to buy her drugs and pointless bullshit like that, and I never got a penny of any of it until I turned 18. I stayed poor for most of my life because of my dumbass family and my bitch mom. When I was 19, I had that monthly income taken away from me, and now here I am today 5 years later and 24 years old with absolutely no income at all and no way of getting any type of job because of the area I live, and im basically living with a family member that's kind hearted enough to take care of me, but im not sure how long that will last. Im planning on starting my own online career soon, hopefully I can make something out of it.

The whole suicide thoughts and all the negative things ive posted about in the past all stems from poverty and not being able to afford anything of happiness and comfort. I hate living like this and it keeps putting stress and worry on me and makes me focus too much on the negative side of things, which I believe is whats causing me to fall behind so much on spiritual progression. Its hard for me to get into a calm and focused state most of the time and its really slowing me down. I try to program my subconscious to bring me happiness and money, and things like that while cleaning my aura. Its just really hard to make money anymore.

Like I said on the other forum post about jews and Satanism, money is something that everyone is wanting and focusing on, and the combined thought energy of everyone is causing a huge astral struggle between everyone because money is mostly what everyone thinks about anymore because of the condition America is in right now. This is why money spells fail most of the time, because money is something everyone desires and wants, and is constantly thinking about, and the struggle is causes on an astral level is causing money spells to fail. Everyones individual thought energy is trying to work to bring money to them, but it cant because everyone else's energy is trying to do the same thing. Causing a huge stress and strain on the astral. Energy takes the easiest path to bring you what you want. The problem with money spells is that energy basically doesn't have an easy path to take, or doesn't take a path at all because its getting blocked by the thought energy of everyone else.
This is just my theory on this type of subject though, so don't take it as fact until one of the HPs confirms this kind of thing.
Searching for local town money online...

The Totnes pound was a complementary local currency,[1] intended to support the local economy of Totnes, a town in Devon, England.

The initiative is part of the Transition Towns concept, of which Totnes is a pioneer. According to the Transition Town Totnes website this means that it is "a community in a process of imagining and creating a future that addresses the twin challenges of diminishing oil and gas supplies and climate change, and creates the kind of community that we would all want to be part of".[2]

The Totnes Pound was launched as an initiative of Transition Town Totnes Economics and Livelihoods group in March 2007.[3] The group argues that "Economic localisation is considered to be a key aspect of the transition process, and local currency systems provide the opportunity to strengthen the local economy whilst preventing money from leaking out".[3]

On 30 June 2019 the Totnes Pound was closed, due its declining usage caused partly by the rise of the cashless society.[4]

Intended benefits
The anticipated benefits of the Totnes Pound[3] were:
  • To build resilience in the local economy by keeping money circulating in the community and building new relationships
  • To get people thinking and talking about how they spend their money
  • To encourage more local trade and thus reduce food and trade miles
  • To encourage tourists to use local businesses

Value and usage
A Totnes Pound is equal to one pound sterling and is backed by sterling held in a bank account.

The Totnes Pound was re-launched in June 2014 in denominations of t£1, t£5, t£10 and t£21. The final designs feature author Mary Wesley, 'father of the computer' Charles Babbage, musician Ben Howard and social activist and philanthropist Dorothy Elmhirst.[5]

As of July 2014, more than 120 businesses in Totnes were accepting the Totnes Pound,[6] and more than £12,000 worth of the currency had been issued.[7]

Description of notes
The paper Totnes Pounds are printed on plasticised paper and have a number of security features including: watermarks, a hologram, engraved silver foil and iridescent ink.[8]

See also
Lewes Pound
Stroud Pound
"The Wörgl Experiment" of using stamp scrip as a local currency
Chiemgauer in Germany

It sounds like a good idea. My point in mentioning it is to get away from 'the man' (p00j00/Peughmann, as opposed to Man/Human), and stop centralisation, similar to 'the cloud'; be decentralised, and be individual, instead. Then on the other hand, I am reminded about something which was said about segregating towns and cities and keeping them from interacting with each other, and I think not being able to travel between them, etc. I think it had a name like 'the something project'.
While we do half a step forward to our goal, the enemy does two steps forward to their goal. This can only mean that we are not working enough. We need to do more RTRs, more activism, more implication in developing and spreading JoS, more advancement on ourselves. The world is just getting worse and worse. I wonder if that message from Azazel where was stated that we won is still valid?
Walmart... what a fucking nightmare.

I wouldn’t recommend working there to any one.

You know, when you start having nightmares about your job...

you just know you have to get the fuck out.
Sun said:

You need empowerment to make these or any energy work, work, and it's entirely possible. You have problems of background here and mentality issues in making this work, but the longterm doing of such can ALWAYS turn this around. You just need to do the RTR and invest the time required in self empowerment.

Do not sit there dwelling in the hole and just idly letting yourself slip, sublimate this to workings to become stronger materially, and move out of this hole.

Despite the destitute of the environment the means to wealth that we have are strong and they must be put into work. This is one of Satan's gifts to his disciples.

Do not doubt, keep digging, and you will find the precious stones. Crying on the corner and complaining about circumstances doesn't help for shit either. You waste time with this.

As for the average person, they will reap what they sow without any notion of escape, this is what being foolish to the jews does to them, and unless they are willing to change, nothing will become better for them.
LightAlgur said:
Walmart... what a fucking nightmare.

I wouldn’t recommend working there to any one.

You know, when you start having nightmares about your job...

you just know you have to get the fuck out.

A sister and I were talking a long time ago she told me and kept telling me how she was brutally just abused in work. She was also perfectly qualified (indeed more qualified than she needed to be), highly responsible person and dutiful nature. Like a decade of experience. It never crossed her mind to leave the toxicity and abuse of this place, she was that used to it.

I just replied "Get the fuck out and change the job". She made the preparations and just jumped ship. Within the month, she was perfectly fine. Doing the same thing in a better place, with better conditions. She still has been fine for years.

If people are giving you shit with exactly zero returns just move the fuck away. We are not talking about not being treated like a dumb princess, we are talking about actual abuse. The person above was abused brutally.

There are still working rights in the West but people have no clue to these. This is part of financial knowledge about life. People have no clue, so they are brutally victimized. Illegal migration only makes this worse, as the destruction of all working rights becomes systematic, and one always finds victims at the brink of collapse to enslave in what only pretends to be "work".
Louis Cyphre said:
Great post!
I guess, economy already started collapsing when those (((parasites)))came into being.

By the way, what is (((their))) goal? they want to collapse the economy, and then they will enslave us with their army of borgs or what? :|

Just read my posts on Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Working Rights etc, they are here and on the groups archive, and on the library. And you will have the answer to your questions.

They will not get this achievement however, but that is what they plan to do, along the lines of what you wrote.

Always useful to go back and read any posts, as many subjects have been touched before.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You can increase daily wage to 100 dollars per hour and the economy adjusts and inflates accordingly in free market economy. As thus all increases without price and tax modulation still has the same result.

Some idiots think patching things up with free gibs or UBI is going to help but it will not.

Nogal wiedes (means: You say this when someone says the most obvious and it is usually not meant in the most friendliest way, like 'doh' and -rolls eyes- is).

Those idiots don't have the necessary IQ to do this. They only see their own lives, and can not look much further than that their nose long is.
You'd want to yell at them, "This is not a problem that only affects you, you stupid." but that is not always the right thing to do.
Lack of knowledge plays part too. You know how the new members come on the forum and what kind of questions they sometimes ask (Like literally asking the obvious)?
Those idiots are much like them in that aspect.

Society is based right now of the sinking of another so one is uplifted.

There is a meme about 4 people sitting in the boat. On one side of the boat, there are the two people drowning. As a result the other end of the boat is elevated, so those up believe that only the others on the end are drowning, and not them.


But this is a temporary state before they also drown, as the boat itself is drowning. The size of an economy affects this. American economy is "Well off" but not as perfect as people try to pass, that is propaganda.

Trump has done a good work on the economy, as the economy of people like Bush was like a total wreck but back then it was only propaganda. Trump is actually trying to do something so he is cock blocked from every direction. Numbers have to also follow up with reality.

Even in Cuba they tried to claim and in the Soviet Union that the financial system was going just fine, and yet people couldn't buy meat or soap due to shortages. Qualifications and memes do not make up for real economic situations. Cuba and all other Communism Based economies were always claiming that everything is going great.
The Alchemist7 said:
While we do half a step forward to our goal, the enemy does two steps forward to their goal. This can only mean that we are not working enough. We need to do more RTRs, more activism, more implication in developing and spreading JoS, more advancement on ourselves. The world is just getting worse and worse. I wonder if that message from Azazel where was stated that we won is still valid?
Consider it this way - the jew - all of the jew, its many individuals and jew magic - is travelling at 100 MPH, while we, a lot less individuals, already are travelling at 101 MPH. That sounds good, yes, but we're like 1000 miles behind. We can only accelerate; the jew, on the other hand, is master of Physicality and can't accelerate much quicker, maybe up to 110 MPH if it goes full-throttle, but Physicality is so fecking slow in comparison to the Astral. We're sure to overtake the jew with our acceleration.

Consider each thing like a knot in a rope, and in-between these knots is just the rope, which must be created with strands and materials and processes, processings; or consider it links in a chain, which might go 360 degrees around (i.e. each link being an actual 360-degree squashed circle), but then another 360-degree thing, event connects with that previous link, etc. We can unbind Gentiles while binding the jew. Also don't forget that things take time to 'come down' from the Astral into the Physical. We've been building, since before I joined, things up in the Astral, and it is accumulating and it will, has been, and is, 'coming down' and manifesting in ways, means and things. The jew can't do a great deal more than what it is doing already, but we can - and incredibly so. We just need to get there. We can raise energies and pile on the pressure, with attrition, repeatedly and non-stop. One day, there will be a straw which breaks the jew camel's back, and we might be like, "Woah! Nice. Where did that come from?!" not realising all of the heavy Astral build-up which was put on top of the jew camel.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Louis Cyphre said:
Great post!
I guess, economy already started collapsing when those (((parasites)))came into being.

By the way, what is (((their))) goal? they want to collapse the economy, and then they will enslave us with their army of borgs or what? :|

Just read my posts on Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Working Rights etc, they are here and on the groups archive, and on the library. And you will have the answer to your questions.

They will not get this achievement however, but that is what they plan to do, along the lines of what you wrote.

Always useful to go back and read any posts, as many subjects have been touched before.
Thank you HP. I'm new to Satanism, and I'm 'finding my way around' right now. I'll check the library.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
American economy is "Well off" but not as perfect as people try to pass, that is propaganda.

Trump has done a good work on the economy, as the economy of people like Bush was like a total wreck but back then it was only propaganda.
I would recommend that if anyone has a bit of free time that they play Sim City games. My preferred ones are Sim City 2000 and Sim City 4 (which I have the Deluxe Edition of). Not just to piss about on a game, but to get a slight, but perhaps fair-ish, understanding of the governance of a city, with city neighbours, and upkeep and things. While an individual worker in a house is, or is not, working, focusing on their life going from home to work and to shop, you have to consider so many different things. The little Man without a job might complain or just leave town for elsewhere because there isn't any work, causing you to lose some residential income. The slightly bigger Man in the commercial sector might shut shop and go elsewhere because there is not enough demand. The dirty industry causes so much pollution and you can't house people near there, and land values would be very low, and you increase the tax on industry despite it being the backbone of the economy... So while these little Men live life in their height, level, scale, scope...you have much more to consider, and you can see larger trends and things. You cannot please everyone; thus, National Socialism and Spiritual Satanism, where we learn to please ourselves and each other properly and actually.

For those who understand more about computer programming than I do - machine code is like the very basic instructions performed by computers. A particular group of these instructions can then be turned into a 'group' of its own, so instead of telling the computer to do 1000 instructions, you can tell it to do 1 instruction, which does these 1000 automatically itself. Going up more levels, you can group these 2nd-level instructions into groups, and then tell them to perform 1 thing, instead of 1000x1000 things, etc. This is like the little Men in the game above, while you're the big boss trying to sort shit out.

Likewise, the jew is at the top of the pyramid and delegates to each level below it, who tells those below what to do, who tells those below what to do... So while 1000 at the lowest level are to do their shit, if only 900 are doing their shit, and 100 are not, in each of these 2nd-level groups, all of the 900s doing things like good Goyim are continued on, while all of the 100s are just left to waste; with all of the 900s behaving, one wouldn't waste time, energy, effort, etc., on those who fall by the wayside. Then in the 3rd-level, the same, then the 4th, etc. In this analogy, this is why things don't happen, and you have to make things happen yourself. In a real-life example, ants in the scorching desert heat have to move quickly, or else they'll dehydrate and die suddenly. The other ants around have to ignore it and carry on, while the queen doesn't go out and help, either; it ignores the many levels of 100s (or 100s x 100s, etc.) and enjoys the Goyimification worhip of the 900s (900s x 900s) slave ants. Similar to above not being able to please everyone, you could get an ant farm and place it in a fridge or freezer, or you could get an ant farm and place it under a heat lamp, or you could get an ant farm and leave the lid open and place it under your bathroom shower which is always on...

I've been wanting to mention something like this for quite a while but I didn't think I could make it clear enough. Now with Mercury-R and confusion, what better time to do it?! After it clears, then I might be making sense to the reader! :lol:


The different colours represent different individuals and in different levels of 'society' and class/caste, and commoner/aristocracy, civilian and serviceman/woman, etc. Those above can control entire swathes of people (i.e. the blocks/levels, like paradigm shifts; similar to the consciousness colours in the Global conscious project thread which StraitShot47 mentioned - once the media has influenced people enough in a certain way, then "laws" are changed and education is corrupted more to rape us further, etc.), and so instead of catering to each individual (search my posts for the word Cater, which can give examples of this point), they move an entire amount carelessly, pretending to help. Basically, you're just being pinballed back and forth like a ragdoll.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Even in Cuba they tried to claim and in the Soviet Union that the financial system was going just fine, and yet people couldn't buy meat or soap due to shortages.
Meat was the last, or one of the last, things to stop being rationed after the big wars. I wonder why.
P.S. Then with that analogy of the 900s and 100s, in each level, the jew is tightening the red tape and shrinking the boundaries, squeezing the life out of us, and this causes more 100s and less 900s, say 110s versus 890s, and then 120s versus 880s, etc. It is done slowly but surely, subtly (or it used to be; the j00 is more exposed now, but to those still asleep, they are oblivious pinballed ragdolls still), and it gets worse and worse, making more and more greater-than-100s and less and less less-than-900s, until there are very few on top and power and ability have flipped upside-down.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
The quote that the "economy is doing well" which was said on tv not too long ago by the parliament, is a lie.

More and more businesses are closing over here. Stores that can not make ends meet and have to close and do something else.. the rent is too high and the people have too little buying power to do things like that.
the only ones staying often are the big gigantic companies.

There was something, a debate about raising the minimum wage here, but that would put a lot of small businesses out of order. The idea was to inflate the minimum wage gradually and everything would turn out alright.
But this is far from the truth.
I already thought that this shouldnt be done without treating other areas first.
However, this does shed a bit of light om the situation.

It is like they gave a leeway, gave away money for 'free' and are now trying to cash in on that accumulated wealth, no matter how little it would have been that you got, and steal and push people further and further into poverty.
The children of today wont inherit anything.

Raising the minimum wage will never work, when I studied at university we were taught that if there is a raise in minimum wage aka payment to every worker then the products offered to the market will have to be adjusted based on how much the minimum wage increased, also the owner of the company must pay more money because there is an employer tax.

For example, if today a 10 pounds of rice is around $10 but the minimum wage increases 10% of employers paycheck then the 10 pounds of rice will cost $110.
The economy lessons we were taught were based around money and if we will never be able to make people happy with the current economy... Just increasing prices over time. Even if the paycheck of today's worker is optimal (he is able to afford basic services and spend money on different things) but the current economy is structured to the point where the today's worker paycheck will be a slave wage in coming generations.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Society is based right now of the sinking of another so one is uplifted.

There is a meme about 4 people sitting in the boat. On one side of the boat, there are the two people drowning. As a result the other end of the boat is elevated, so those up believe that only the others on the end are drowning, and not them.


But this is a temporary state before they also drown, as the boat itself is drowning. The size of an economy affects this. American economy is "Well off" but not as perfect as people try to pass, that is propaganda.

Trump has done a good work on the economy, as the economy of people like Bush was like a total wreck but back then it was only propaganda. Trump is actually trying to do something so he is cock blocked from every direction. Numbers have to also follow up with reality.

Even in Cuba they tried to claim and in the Soviet Union that the financial system was going just fine, and yet people couldn't buy meat or soap due to shortages. Qualifications and memes do not make up for real economic situations. Cuba and all other Communism Based economies were always claiming that everything is going great.

Im not that into memes so anything mentioned here is new to me.

They say about the NL that it has the least amount of debts.. but that is not really visible in anything.

So basicly anything that claims the economy is doing fine right now but when people are starving to death and slaving away, those people are communists?

That is not good.

There was something else that I wanted to say but it slipped my mind now. Oh now I remember. It was about the US economics affecting Europe. Which basicly means that the situation in Europe regarding unemployment rate could be about the same..
The prices of rent on houses increases too much as of late. It makes it very hard for anyone to live.. You'd say with at least a full workweek of 40 hours you should be able to pay rent for a place to live in, the complete basic stuff + have maybe a few bucks left?
Also, wasn't having a roof above your head a basic necessity by law? Same for education.. That goes for Europe, I dont know about the USA.

Also by any chance do you have any good sources in which you can learn a bit about economics?
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Society is based right now of the sinking of another so one is uplifted.

There is a meme about 4 people sitting in the boat. On one side of the boat, there are the two people drowning. As a result the other end of the boat is elevated, so those up believe that only the others on the end are drowning, and not them.

But this is a temporary state before they also drown, as the boat itself is drowning. The size of an economy affects this. American economy is "Well off" but not as perfect as people try to pass, that is propaganda.

Trump has done a good work on the economy, as the economy of people like Bush was like a total wreck but back then it was only propaganda. Trump is actually trying to do something so he is cock blocked from every direction. Numbers have to also follow up with reality.

Even in Cuba they tried to claim and in the Soviet Union that the financial system was going just fine, and yet people couldn't buy meat or soap due to shortages. Qualifications and memes do not make up for real economic situations. Cuba and all other Communism Based economies were always claiming that everything is going great.

They say about the NL that it has the least amount of debts.. but that is not really visible in anything.

So basicly anything that claims the economy is doing fine right now but when people are starving to death and slaving away, those people are communists?

That is not good.

No, I did not say anything like that. Or you misunderstood.

What I said here is that even Communist countries with broken and primitive economies can fake statistical data and propaganda that everything is going well. So likewise other governments can claim the same.

Communist countries and "Socialist" countries like Cuba were put in the inspection by Western powers, and the situation is always the same, people are starved, overworked, and brutalized. Brazil for example may have a decent GDP [Yearly percent of the expansion of the economy], but most people are living in brutal poverty.

However, when they are under inspection, they just produce fake data to pretend that everything is going just fine for people.

Meanwhile, people cannot even buy or find toilet paper in "Socialist" countries, the wealth is hoarded on the little communist few, corruption is just rampant, people live in a death and life situation daily, live in state stamps all their life, and own nothing, and are brutalized as a slave labor force. But data says that everything is 'going fine'. The same was the case with the USSR which was hiding all the human violations for decades in Russia.

As such countries with said economies tend to close borders, or crush people to never talk about problems, like China does. The average life of the average Chinese person is the life of a total robotic servitor in human form, especially those of the lower financial grade. But they don't know any better and they cannot complain or revolt about this, because there is truly no force to help them do that, or anyone who cares about it.

Communist economies fake the numbers easily as there are also no legitimate universities or scientists or journalists to make any decent reports or comparisons. So they like to places like the United Nations that everything is going fine.

Modern Western economies are a million times better than any form of communism, despite of how this is labelled or what people say.

An example of how data is faked: A country claims it has 40% unemployment in youth from 18 to 30. Due to the shitty circumstances, 70,000 of young people may emigrate per year to another country. The "Government" next year says "We reduced unemployment in the youth by 5% in one year". But that is a lie, they did not improve the economy, it's just that people left, so now, there is 35% unemployment in youth.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Society is based right now of the sinking of another so one is uplifted.

There is a meme about 4 people sitting in the boat. On one side of the boat, there are the two people drowning. As a result the other end of the boat is elevated, so those up believe that only the others on the end are drowning, and not them.

But this is a temporary state before they also drown, as the boat itself is drowning. The size of an economy affects this. American economy is "Well off" but not as perfect as people try to pass, that is propaganda.

Trump has done a good work on the economy, as the economy of people like Bush was like a total wreck but back then it was only propaganda. Trump is actually trying to do something so he is cock blocked from every direction. Numbers have to also follow up with reality.

Even in Cuba they tried to claim and in the Soviet Union that the financial system was going just fine, and yet people couldn't buy meat or soap due to shortages. Qualifications and memes do not make up for real economic situations. Cuba and all other Communism Based economies were always claiming that everything is going great.

They say about the NL that it has the least amount of debts.. but that is not really visible in anything.

So basicly anything that claims the economy is doing fine right now but when people are starving to death and slaving away, those people are communists?

That is not good.

No, I did not say anything like that. Or you misunderstood.

What I said here is that even Communist countries with broken and primitive economies can fake statistical data and propaganda that everything is going well. So likewise other governments can claim the same.

Communist countries and "Socialist" countries like Cuba were put in the inspection by Western powers, and the situation is always the same, people are starved, overworked, and brutalized. Brazil for example may have a decent GDP [Yearly percent of the expansion of the economy], but most people are living in brutal poverty.

However, when they are under inspection, they just produce fake data to pretend that everything is going just fine for people.

Meanwhile, people cannot even buy or find toilet paper in "Socialist" countries, the wealth is hoarded on the little communist few, corruption is just rampant, people live in a death and life situation daily, live in state stamps all their life, and own nothing, and are brutalized as a slave labor force. But data says that everything is 'going fine'. The same was the case with the USSR which was hiding all the human violations for decades in Russia.

As such countries with said economies tend to close borders, or crush people to never talk about problems, like China does. The average life of the average Chinese person is the life of a total robotic servitor in human form, especially those of the lower financial grade. But they don't know any better and they cannot complain or revolt about this, because there is truly no force to help them do that, or anyone who cares about it.

Communist economies fake the numbers easily as there are also no legitimate universities or scientists or journalists to make any decent reports or comparisons. So they like to places like the United Nations that everything is going fine.

Modern Western economies are a million times better than any form of communism, despite of how this is labelled or what people say.

An example of how data is faked: A country claims it has 40% unemployment in youth from 18 to 30. Due to the shitty circumstances, 70,000 of young people may emigrate per year to another country. The "Government" next year says "We reduced unemployment in the youth by 5% in one year". But that is a lie, they did not improve the economy, it's just that people left, so now, there is 35% unemployment in youth.
This happened a lot in Italy :roll:
Debt free, fiat currency printed by a National Bank with simple regulations to prevent inflation would end most of the problems, then banning automation for non essential jobs, getting rid of Wall Street, ending monopolies and regulating a ethical wage based on the percentage of value the worker produces and lower taxes, sending illegals out and securing the border and rebuilding a cooperative economical model would deal with this.

Society can not survive a social, economic model that is based on a warfare model of all against the all, we will have to return to some cooperative economical model the European city states had before they were destroyed by very Jewish individuals. Worker cooperatives are not going to vote to ship their own companies and their jobs to another country or lower their wages, it also allows workers to vote on wages, management and big decisions. It removes the top down model which has caused some many issues. This is a return to guilds.

The Free Market is some kind of fake god that is like the Wizard of OZ, its just some old Jew behind a curtain in the end playing with the levers on Wall Street. It really comes down to supply and demand and feed back, which can be manipulated. Everything we have been taught about money is fake Jew nonsense. We have to go back to the ancient Greeks to get anything honest about money.
HP Mageson666 said:
I understand that not all Gentiles can be saved. But it would be very nice if we blessed all the Gentiles to be completely aware of the Jews. When Hitler and our Gods and Germany fought against the Jews, the Jews used the Russians and the British and the Americans against the Germans simply made us fight among ourselves. Such a thing should not be repeated. We must not allow the enemy to use our people. It is very necessary that all Gentiles are aware of reality. If they can't do much, then they must at least contribute. Regardless of how much people can help us, they must be on our side to help us, which means helping themselves instead of being used by enemies. It would be a great blessing, to bless all the Gentiles to be aware of the enemies, regardless of how much they can do. All Gentiles must contribute to this war. They must be aware of reality and contribute. This war is really pathetic, just like the enemy ones. Regardless of how much they can contribute, all the gentiles must be involved. If they were cows and sheep and goats, we should protect them, but this is not the case. They must show utility, otherwise they have no reason and no reason to live and exist. They only know how to eat and make excrement, the meaning of their life is eating and making shits and believing in Jews. How disgusting. They cannot be compared to cows etc., from the cows you can at least get milk and meat. From the ignorant what? Only excrements. However, people are not guilty. Those odious enemies are guilty. I hate ignorance. I vented a little, excuse me.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
An example of how data is faked: A country claims it has 40% unemployment in youth from 18 to 30. Due to the shitty circumstances, 70,000 of young people may emigrate per year to another country. The "Government" next year says "We reduced unemployment in the youth by 5% in one year". But that is a lie, they did not improve the economy, it's just that people left, so now, there is 35% unemployment in youth.

I recall an anti-communist saying that I read back in like 2000-2001 time period: "Statistics, the math of communism".

Not that statistics is actually communist nor that math is evil or negative despite how many people do poorly in math studies such as myself.

But non the less it's basically musical chairs at this point. It's funny HP.Cobra your example I quoted, if that isn't communism at it's finest, I don't know what is.

Same thing happened with the Mariela/Marielita Cuba situation back in the late 70s early 80s much akin to movies at the time such as "Scarface". The Cuban government forcibly removes several hundreds to thousands and empties all the prisons. And then turns around on the populace and World and states "Cuba's communist "Revolution" has just made a "Revolutionary" agenda, "We dropped crime by 75%", Cuba now has lower crime rates than the Western World".

Kinda begs the question if Rabbi Rothschild was pulling the strings in Cuba at the time particularly remembering 80s being the start of the "Hemispherical Kalergification Assault Plans".

At the end of the day it's similar to blame shifting, (Jews) perform ritual human and animal sacrifice. Then blames Gentiles and particularly these "Evil" Satanists for performing their crimes. Kinda like Dracula, Grand Dragon, NO! Blood drinker.

It's kinda like the "M.E.P." "Memetic Enforcement Picture" in the memes thread. https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2125&start=100

(Jews): Neutral Evil: Kicked out of every country they've ever inhabited. It's the Gentiles that are evil!
Canada is in the same boat. Many couples who both work full-time have to rent out a room in their house to someone else just so they can afford some extra things for their children. Many people who own a home, do a few renovations to make their basement into a rentable apartment to make some extra money, but that comes with it's own risks too (loud parties, racking up the heat bill, etc).
Master Darkness said:
HP Mageson666 said:
I understand that not all Gentiles can be saved. But it would be very nice if we blessed all the Gentiles to be completely aware of the Jews. When Hitler and our Gods and Germany fought against the Jews, the Jews used the Russians and the British and the Americans against the Germans simply made us fight among ourselves. Such a thing should not be repeated. We must not allow the enemy to use our people. It is very necessary that all Gentiles are aware of reality. If they can't do much, then they must at least contribute. Regardless of how much people can help us, they must be on our side to help us, which means helping themselves instead of being used by enemies. It would be a great blessing, to bless all the Gentiles to be aware of the enemies, regardless of how much they can do. All Gentiles must contribute to this war. They must be aware of reality and contribute. This war is really pathetic, just like the enemy ones. Regardless of how much they can contribute, all the gentiles must be involved. If they were cows and sheep and goats, we should protect them, but this is not the case. They must show utility, otherwise they have no reason and no reason to live and exist. They only know how to eat and make excrement, the meaning of their life is eating and making shits and believing in Jews. How disgusting. They cannot be compared to cows etc., from the cows you can at least get milk and meat. From the ignorant what? Only excrements. However, people are not guilty. Those odious enemies are guilty. I hate ignorance. I vented a little, excuse me.
Please do not take what I have written to the letter. People need to be aware of their enemies and move to a higher level and accelerate the war. I want this war to be visible. The Pinocchio breed must be completely exposed.
Master Darkness said:
I understand that not all Gentiles can be saved. But it would be very nice if we blessed all the Gentiles to be completely aware of the Jews. When Hitler and our Gods and Germany fought against the Jews, the Jews used the Russians and the British and the Americans against the Germans simply made us fight among ourselves. Such a thing should not be repeated. We must not allow the enemy to use our people. It is very necessary that all Gentiles are aware of reality. If they can't do much, then they must at least contribute. Regardless of how much people can help us, they must be on our side to help us, which means helping themselves instead of being used by enemies. It would be a great blessing, to bless all the Gentiles to be aware of the enemies, regardless of how much they can do. All Gentiles must contribute to this war. They must be aware of reality and contribute. This war is really pathetic, just like the enemy ones. Regardless of how much they can contribute, all the gentiles must be involved. If they were cows and sheep and goats, we should protect them, but this is not the case. They must show utility, otherwise they have no reason and no reason to live and exist. They only know how to eat and make excrement, the meaning of their life is eating and making shits and believing in Jews. How disgusting. They cannot be compared to cows etc., from the cows you can at least get milk and meat. From the ignorant what? Only excrements. However, people are not guilty. Those odious enemies are guilty. I hate ignorance. I vented a little, excuse me.
The Final RTR already ensures Gentiles worldwide will awaken to the point to where they will physically and ideologically overthrow the Jews, and future rituals coming next year from Satan and Azazel will facilitate this further and break even more barriers put up by the enemy. Just focus completely on the Final RTR for now if you actually want to do something to win this war for our side, as you have been told before. A Satanist cannot sit around and wait for others to do the work for him/her.

Until you in particular can do a minimum of 5-9 Final RTRs a day, don't complain about non-SS Gentiles "not helping" to win this war. Satan assigned the highly important task of beginning the enemy's end to ourselves as dedicated Satanists who know the truth and can obtain the spiritual power needed to carry it out. Do elite warriors complain about the adversity they face and bemoan the lack of help from lesser soldiers? No, they do their duties and allow the rest to fall into place behind them. Physical changes on this beyond worldwide scale do not happen until it has manifested on the astral, and that is our job as the enemy has cut all other Gentiles off from actual spiritual knowledge.

If another global breaks out, it is already too late for the Jews, the world will know they started it and Jews will be hunted down worldwide by vengeful masses. Look at how many people were becoming furious at Israel across the internet and in the real world when Iran tensions were boiling over. This is part of why the Jews are in such a hurry to destroy the free United States and it's people, and engage in mass censorship, as any future wars started at their behest will have absolutely no public support.
The Alchemist7 said:
While we do half a step forward to our goal, the enemy does two steps forward to their goal. This can only mean that we are not working enough. We need to do more RTRs, more activism, more implication in developing and spreading JoS, more advancement on ourselves. The world is just getting worse and worse. I wonder if that message from Azazel where was stated that we won is still valid?

Try not to spread pointless defeatism and useless paranoia among the forum. You do nobody any favors. First off, you're assuming you know better than a God when he tells the clergy that we've won, as if your observations are more accurate than what he could see. Your perception of time and how it plays out is not as advanced as a God's to begin with, let alone just general spiritual and physical awareness. Assuming a God could be wrong in this way is already a mistake. Our victory has been reiterated multiple times. So stop undervaluing the work done.

Secondly, the clergy have been saying for years victory has its consequence in this regard. The entire system of the world, the financial structure of society is based on the enemy. You defeat them, what the fuck else is going to happen to their system? It's going to collapse. You think it'd just magically turn into worldwide national socialism overnight without anything happening because we won? Maxine has stated a thousand times over that some degree of worldwide chaos, disasters and such, were a given.

We've already won. The work we do now is making sure the "crash landing" is less and less severe. You remove a parasite from a host, its often a painful and sickening experience for the host. Only after its removed can the sick get better, however.

Come on man, you've been here for years. You should really know better by now. You should always consider the potential impact of a post like this. Some newbie could enter the thread, see your post and freak out about a defeat which doesn't exist.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
An example of how data is faked: A country claims it has 40% unemployment in youth from 18 to 30. Due to the shitty circumstances, 70,000 of young people may emigrate per year to another country. The "Government" next year says "We reduced unemployment in the youth by 5% in one year". But that is a lie, they did not improve the economy, it's just that people left, so now, there is 35% unemployment in youth.
The very same happens here, too. Because of high taxation and shitty wages/salaries, about 200K or so people are now working and living abroad from a population of 1.3M. "The government" of course boasted that unemployment is on decline, economy has increased by xx percent and soon we'll all be in pink happyland riding unicorns :twisted:
The ones who want open borders and aren't in seats of power are a very small percentage of people in the US. The ones that do want that are all mostly on Twitter but then again the percentage of the population on Twitter in the first place is like 20% if I remember correctly. I've seen a poll where the majority of said people on Twitter are leftists to some extent. These psycho "social democrats' act like Twitter is real life. Most urban people do think Cortez is crazy. At least the ones paying attention to politics. One doesn't even have to go and ask themsleves they can just look through YouTube videos about this. There's an article where the chief of staff of AOC admits the New Green Deal is about pushing socialism. Ill have to find it and I'll link it in a bit. One can see they are dropping the mask and are one step from "reeee listen to your master goys". There's a reason why her district really dislikes her.

This example shows how the jews work,

If there's people who can see how the far leftists in power cause the problem like not giving funding for the border and then complaining the facilities are a mess than they should soon start seeing how the enemy overall causes the problem and then provides (((their))) solution.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Society is based right now of the sinking of another so one is uplifted....

With all this talk about money and wages do you have a date for opening the Wealth & Finances Astro Reading, Commander ? I'm quite anxious about this :mrgreen:

Maybe I can move from a job to financial freedom :roll:

Ocasio-Cortez’s Chief Of Staff Admits What The Green New Deal Is Really About — And It’s Not The Climate

Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal” is more about drastically overhauling the American economy than it is about combatting climate change, her top aide admitted.

Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, made the revealing admission in a meeting with Democratic Washington Gov. Jay Inslee’s climate director in May. A Washington Post reporter accompanied Chakrabarti to the meeting for a magazine profile published Wednesday.

“The interesting thing about the Green New Deal, is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all,” Chakrabarti said to Inslee’s climate director, Sam Ricketts.

“Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing,” Chakrabarti added.

Ocasio-Cortez’s press office didn’t immediately return an inquiry regarding whether Chakrabarti’s admission would undermine the congresswoman’s Green New Deal advocacy. (RELATED: Ocasio-Cortez Makes False Claim About Ethics Complaints Against Her)

The Green New Deal calls for a number of hard left proposals, including getting the U.S. entirely off of fossil fuels within 10 years, providing universal health care, basic income programs and job guarantees.

The proposal also calls for “social, economic, racial, regional and gender-based justice and equality and cooperative and public ownership.”

Transitioning to “clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy sources” within 10 years — just one of the Green New Deal’s expensive proposals — could cost more than $5 trillion, according to one estimate.

The Green New Deal in its entirety could cost up to $93 trillion over a decade, according to another estimate.
Sun said:
Exactly whats happening in the area where I live at the moment. Everyone cant afford anything of happiness or even afford to live. Most of the people are addicted to drugs and they keep spending what little money they make on their addictions, and most of the people here are living on some kind of monthly check like disability, that they fakes having a disability to get in the first place. Its a really sad life right now and its only getting worse. The middle class basically doesn't exist anymore, its mostly just the rich and the poor and that's it. I had some income from a monthly check a few years ago that I had from when I was a child. that whole ADHD bullshit, ADHD isn't really a real disability or anything, but ever since I was really young I had a monthly check because of it. My mom is a complete evil drug addicted bitch, and when I was young, she always just used my monthly check to buy her drugs and pointless bullshit like that, and I never got a penny of any of it until I turned 18. I stayed poor for most of my life because of my dumbass family and my bitch mom. When I was 19, I had that monthly income taken away from me, and now here I am today 5 years later and 24 years old with absolutely no income at all and no way of getting any type of job because of the area I live, and im basically living with a family member that's kind hearted enough to take care of me, but im not sure how long that will last. Im planning on starting my own online career soon, hopefully I can make something out of it.

The whole suicide thoughts and all the negative things ive posted about in the past all stems from poverty and not being able to afford anything of happiness and comfort. I hate living like this and it keeps putting stress and worry on me and makes me focus too much on the negative side of things, which I believe is whats causing me to fall behind so much on spiritual progression. Its hard for me to get into a calm and focused state most of the time and its really slowing me down. I try to program my subconscious to bring me happiness and money, and things like that while cleaning my aura. Its just really hard to make money anymore.

Like I said on the other forum post about jews and Satanism, money is something that everyone is wanting and focusing on, and the combined thought energy of everyone is causing a huge astral struggle between everyone because money is mostly what everyone thinks about anymore because of the condition America is in right now. This is why money spells fail most of the time, because money is something everyone desires and wants, and is constantly thinking about, and the struggle is causes on an astral level is causing money spells to fail. Everyones individual thought energy is trying to work to bring money to them, but it cant because everyone else's energy is trying to do the same thing. Causing a huge stress and strain on the astral. Energy takes the easiest path to bring you what you want. The problem with money spells is that energy basically doesn't have an easy path to take, or doesn't take a path at all because its getting blocked by the thought energy of everyone else.
This is just my theory on this type of subject though, so don't take it as fact until one of the HPs confirms this kind of thing.

"...the struggle it causes on astral levels..." bullshit. the 'thought energy of everyone else' is bulllshit too. instead, look at the jew who seem to be having no promblem with money. most of the crap you posted is uttered bullshit. this is no offense to you as an attack, but what you type is negative programming. the joyofsatan says basically to look into the minor things before doing a major working. in this case for money and your life, you just have to go over it yourself. reading the joyofsatan helps. as well as 'fighting back" and "using your powers".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
LightAlgur said:
Walmart... what a fucking nightmare.

I wouldn’t recommend working there to any one.

You know, when you start having nightmares about your job...

you just know you have to get the fuck out.

A sister and I were talking a long time ago she told me and kept telling me how she was brutally just abused in work. She was also perfectly qualified (indeed more qualified than she needed to be), highly responsible person and dutiful nature. Like a decade of experience. It never crossed her mind to leave the toxicity and abuse of this place, she was that used to it.

I just replied "Get the fuck out and change the job". She made the preparations and just jumped ship. Within the month, she was perfectly fine. Doing the same thing in a better place, with better conditions. She still has been fine for years.

If people are giving you shit with exactly zero returns just move the fuck away. We are not talking about not being treated like a dumb princess, we are talking about actual abuse. The person above was abused brutally.

There are still working rights in the West but people have no clue to these. This is part of financial knowledge about life. People have no clue, so they are brutally victimized. Illegal migration only makes this worse, as the destruction of all working rights becomes systematic, and one always finds victims at the brink of collapse to enslave in what only pretends to be "work".

sayanim network is involved along with the bull as far as the workplace is concerned. this is pretty obvious but being spirirtual satanist is one thing, to the average gentile, without power and/or knowledge theyre fucked.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
