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It may sound crazy but I want to be a guardian

AshStarIshtar_88 said:
If I had the ability to obtain the title of the Guardian and basically be allowed to edit my posts which may contain errors I would change a lot.

Basically I would have access to the announcements thread and to post up useful spiritual things and also encouraging the RTRs.

What do you think about me?

That I am a Jew or something like this, or that I had something like bad karma attached into my past lives?

If you think that is what being a JoS Guardian is about, you will never be one.

It is not just a tool to cover your past mistakes, neither it is there to let any random inept individual have a bold name to have their posts stand out when they want to promote the RTR's or something.

You can promote the RTR's and give helpful advices to people regardless of your title.

If you believe you need a fancy name in order to do so, you are even lower than square 1 on anything.

Do not look down upon the Sacred duty and title of Guardianship. It is a lifelong commitment made before the Gods, a sacred endeavor to uphold the Joy of Satan as a master among masters.

Besides requiring absolute infallible loyalty, which is proven beyond any doubt, it requires a lifelong commitment to work for the JoS, to guard the JoS, to support the JoS.

To protect the JoS from its enemies, and to protect its membership from enemies, confusion, weakness and difficulties.

For those interested in this, you can make known to the Gods your ambition and desire. They will look into your heart and see your intentions behind this, they will judge if you are cut out for this or not.

Then, expect to be of service to the JoS community for at least a few years, and have your trustworthiness proven through numerous actions and secret tests.

In fact, the Gods take note of ones every action as an SS.

They pay greater attention to those who are inclined to work for them or the Joy if Satan and who show great ambition supported by purest intentions.

You are noting but a fool who squanders sacredness and thinks Guardianship is merely a title of convenience to cover your past errors and make yourself look good.

Someone like you never becomes a Guardian.

Hail Satan!
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Powerofjustice said:
You don't need a fancy title to serve your community.

I just asked for it as I read that it was very easy to obtain the Guardian title.

Now, members calling me a moron or whatever, saying that the conditions have been updated or changed in order to not be "easy" for morons like me to obtain the tile is totally slanderous at my image.

Plus, maybe now I will sound up more like a moron, but, who's community is this after all?

I mean, besides we treat each other like Brothers or something like this none of us are actual managers or leaders in the community.

The only leader that is here is HP Hooded Cobra, but I find it very strange that he is the only leader.

Maybe you can tell me more about it

All of the people who hold the title are people who have been contributing for many years consistently contributing to the growth and health of the community. And they've been doing these things for years before any of these titles existed in the first place, they did it for the struggle and not for some arbitrary social climbing bullshit.

While these people were sat there on their free time, spending it on expanding and improving JoS, or helping to answer countless doubts and questions over the years, or posting educational articles of immeasurable value, meanwhile you were sat there creating accounts trying to piss people off for your own entertainment.

You will never be anything in this community. You will never be respected let alone be trusted with any titles or privileges, as this would be the greatest insult to any sincere contributor to the struggle.
VoiceofEnki said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
If I had the ability to obtain the title of the Guardian and basically be allowed to edit my posts which may contain errors I would change a lot.

Basically I would have access to the announcements thread and to post up useful spiritual things and also encouraging the RTRs.

What do you think about me?

That I am a Jew or something like this, or that I had something like bad karma attached into my past lives?

If you think that is what being a JoS Guardian is about, you will never be one.

It is not just a tool to cover your past mistakes, neither it is there to let any random inept individual have a bold name to have their posts stand out when they want to promote the RTR's or something.

You can promote the RTR's and give helpful advices to people regardless of your title.

If you believe you need a fancy name in order to do so, you are even lower than square 1 on anything.

Do not look down upon the Sacred duty and title of Guardianship. It is a lifelong commitment made before the Gods, a sacred endeavor to uphold the Joy of Satan as a master among masters.

Besides requiring absolute infallible loyalty, which is proven beyond any doubt, it requires a lifelong commitment to work for the JoS, to guard the JoS, to support the JoS.

To protect the JoS from its enemies, and to protect its membership from enemies, confusion, weakness and difficulties.

For those interested in this, you can make known to the Gods your ambition and desire. They will look into your heart and see your intentions behind this, they will judge if you are cut out for this or not.

Then, expect to be of service to the JoS community for at least a few years, and have your trustworthiness proven through numerous actions and secret tests.

In fact, the Gods take note of ones every action as an SS.

They pay greater attention to those who are inclined to work for them or the Joy if Satan and who show great ambition supported by purest intentions.

You are noting but a fool who squanders sacredness and thinks Guardianship is merely a title of convenience to cover your past errors and make yourself look good.

Someone like you never becomes a Guardian.

Hail Satan!

Look, I understand that I did something wrong in the past, okay?

Then thing that I do not understand is that you think I am going to use the title of the guardian as a tool to cover up my past mistakes.

WhatI makes you think I am going to do that?

Also, regardless of what you said and are going to say, I find it very interesting that there are members like FancyMancy, or Abyssos, or even Shadowcat who do not have the title of Guardian het they provided and still provide a lot of contribution to the community.

Why didn't they receive the appreciation that others received?


I find it very weird that individuals who really provide useful work to the community do not receive up the guardian title.

Do not make me think again that there are some cards thrown up and already put in place and everyone "knows" clearly where his position is.

If you care to explain me more about the things that are happening, I will surely want to hear it from you.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Look, I understand that I did something wrong in the past, okay?

Then thing that I do not understand is that you think I am going to use the title of the guardian as a tool to cover up my past mistakes.

WhatI makes you think I am going to do that?

Also, regardless of what you said and are going to say, I find it very interesting that there are members like FancyMancy, or Abyssos, or even Shadowcat who do not have the title of Guardian het they provided and still provide a lot of contribution to the community.

Why didn't they receive the appreciation that others received?


I find it very weird that individuals who really provide useful work to the community do not receive up the guardian title.

Do not make me think again that there are some cards thrown up and already put in place and everyone "knows" clearly where his position is.

If you care to explain me more about the things that are happening, I will surely want to hear it from you.

All that you would do if you had even just basic off mod privileges is spam the forum with porn and gore. Since you are permitted to post this kind of text, tailored only to sow disunity and discontent amongst the group and pit us all against one another, I'll at least provide a general answer to this inquiry.

Everybody who makes worthwhile contributions is highly valued and respected, but the above comments are made in either disrespect or sheer ignorance of the level of contributions that everybody holding the title has brought to JoS.

Each and every single one of the guardians today have contributed more than most of the HPs of the past. And again they did all of this freely before any titles or privileges were ever implemented or given in return for these kinds of contributions.

Some of them have revolutionized things, others shed light and education on topics that needed development, and others have had a significant presence in the community consistently throughout the years unlike anybody else has managed to do.

This is not to discredit anyone's contributions, I think Shadowcat in particular has contributed lots of meaningful things and this person is totally worthy of respect and admiration, but to compare this to Lydia for example, and all she's contributed with over these many years, there's simply no comparison, and the standard for the title is rightfully high. Regardless, people who contribute to the struggle are held in high regard and highly respected irrespective of what title they possess, if any.

As for you, you're just the average neet complaining that everything is unfair and demanding to be given respect and prestige when in reality you are totally worthless and are yet to take a single step towards accomplishing anything meaningful, you just sit there and complain and demand things. You've yet to make a SINGLE contribution to the struggle and here you are thinking you're worthy of being a guardian.

You shouldn't even be allowed to have an account let alone hold any title or privilege. Now go on, make your shitty little post crying about how mean everybody is. It's always the same pattern with you fucking kikes.

Behave like total retards disrespecting everybody and everything > write a shitty apology & demand everybody respect them > cry about how JoS is a "meanie cult" when your bullshit is called out
Dahaarkan said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Powerofjustice said:
You don't need a fancy title to serve your community.

I just asked for it as I read that it was very easy to obtain the Guardian title.

Now, members calling me a moron or whatever, saying that the conditions have been updated or changed in order to not be "easy" for morons like me to obtain the tile is totally slanderous at my image.

Plus, maybe now I will sound up more like a moron, but, who's community is this after all?

I mean, besides we treat each other like Brothers or something like this none of us are actual managers or leaders in the community.

The only leader that is here is HP Hooded Cobra, but I find it very strange that he is the only leader.

Maybe you can tell me more about it

All of the people who hold the title are people who have been contributing for many years consistently contributing to the growth and health of the community. And they've been doing these things for years before any of these titles existed in the first place, they did it for the struggle and not for some arbitrary social climbing bullshit.

While these people were sat there on their free time, spending it on expanding and improving JoS, or helping to answer countless doubts and questions over the years, or posting educational articles of immeasurable value, meanwhile you were sat there creating accounts trying to piss people off for your own entertainment.

You will never be anything in this community. You will never be respected let alone be trusted with any titles or privileges, as this would be the greatest insult to any sincere contributor to the struggle.


Like how it is a total insult, in my opinion, that members like ShadowCat FancyMancy or others have not received the title, and they provided more valuable work than anyone else against the kikes and their likes, yet, instead of a mere no moderation posting privilege, where is the title of JG that they should have?

Should I also tell you the fact rhat several people, her I currently can't find their messages, claimed that the guardians, although having time for the JOS stuff, do not answer the emails they have sent to them.

Taking Blitzkrieg for example, a lot of people have said that their messages haven't been answered by him, yet, he claims that he has a lot of time putting emails and answers and such.

There are a lot of lies and if I ever obtained the title of the Guardian, I would have changed that a lot.

Yet... surprisingly I am not allowed to do such a thing and I am heartbroken by it.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:

Like how it is a total insult, in my opinion, that members like ShadowCat FancyMancy or others have not received the title, and they provided more valuable work than anyone else against the kikes and their likes, yet, instead of a mere no moderation posting privilege, where is the title of JG that they should have?

Should I also tell you the fact rhat several people, her I currently can't find their messages, claimed that the guardians, although having time for the JOS stuff, do not answer the emails they have sent to them.

Taking Blitzkrieg for example, a lot of people have said that their messages haven't been answered by him, yet, he claims that he has a lot of time putting emails and answers and such.

There are a lot of lies and if I ever obtained the title of the Guardian, I would have changed that a lot.

Yet... surprisingly I am not allowed to do such a thing and I am heartbroken by it.

You really think you're pulling some shit like yeah I'm about to sit here and start criticizing and demeaning anybody's contributions in comparison to the guardians, or do the opposite and devalue the guardian's contributions to prop up other valuable members.

Don't try this petty mind game bullshit with me I'm not like some of the people on this thread who still haven't figured out what your intentions are. We are all working together for the struggle and we are not here to measure and compare each other's contributions to make us angry or jealous at each other, neither are we interested in clowns like you trying to pit us against each other.

We are proud of each other's accomplishments and we do not resent each other over titles, responsibilities or privileges, for these are all granted when one earns them and has gained the level of trust required. Neither will we join you in bickering, complaining and needlessly nitpick and attack each other over who does the most or who is more deserving of this or that. We are all united and working together and you are here to attempt to disrupt that.

Do not mistake my response as any form of concern or respect for you, the above is merely clearing up doubts others may have on this matter after reading your shitstain of a post. You are a worthless creature that brings no value here or anywhere else, and as I have stated you should not even have an account let alone be given any title or privilege.

I'm just here to expose your intentions and mock you for your laughable attempts at causing disunity, don't think I'm here to answer any of your retarded ass questions or help you in any way, you can go fuck yourself. I have more respect for feces than I do for you, for at least feces can serve the purpose of fertilizing the soil.

What purpose do you serve besides making accounts in an anonymous forum and bitching and trolling constantly, then being insulted and laughed at. Make no mistake, you are just this month's featured clown of the forums and nothing beyond that. Your attempts at infiltration and disruption are among the most laughable I've ever seen and I've seen a lot of you clowns.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
There are a lot of lies and if I ever obtained the title of the Guardian, I would have changed that a lot.

Yet... surprisingly I am not allowed to do such a thing and I am heartbroken by it.

Awhh boohoo little kike is sad the goyim don't just hand him the gasoline he needs to burn everything down. So heartbreaking...

You're beyond pathetic.
As for all the readers, please do not take this clown's bait and feel like you are being held back or that there is any favoritism or ulterior motives behind any of the titles and privileges granted.

The title of guardian is not just a forum title, it carries with it real responsibility and people are only entrusted with it when they are truly capable of following through with said responsibility.

Remember that we are all working together here and it's not necessary nor healthy to feel jealous or angry if someone contributes more or less than you. The gods know what your contributions are and above all else this is the most important thing here.

One does not require posting privileges, or moderator status, or a title to make great contributions to the struggle and have their names immortalized in JoS and be valued and loved by both our community and the old gods.

Instead of being jealous or angry over things your brother and sisters have accomplished, be proud of them, for they too are proud of you and what you've accomplished whether you hold a title or not. And more importantly, the gods recognize and are proud of all our contributions too. Do not let these kikes and clowns demotivate us or turn us against each other.
Like how it is a total insult, in my opinion, that members like ShadowCat FancyMancy or others have not received the title, and they provided more valuable work than anyone else against the kikes and their likes, yet, instead of a mere no moderation posting privilege, where is the title of JG that they should have?

Should I also tell you the fact rhat several people, her I currently can't find their messages, claimed that the guardians, although having time for the JOS stuff, do not answer the emails they have sent to them.

Taking Blitzkrieg for example, a lot of people have said that their messages haven't been answered by him, yet, he claims that he has a lot of time putting emails and answers and such.

There are a lot of lies and if I ever obtained the title of the Guardian, I would have changed that a lot.

Yet... surprisingly I am not allowed to do such a thing and I am heartbroken by it.

Your opinion is irrelevant as it comes from both a perspective of not understanding, not having contributed, spending all your time to not take the Gods seriously. The key to change this perception is to engage yourself and then you will understand more.

Your sole motivations of wanting anything is merely to cause unrest, cast doubts, and promote insanity, because you think you are "someone". We don't think on our side that we are "someone" at all, as individuals.

We take pride in our general and collective accomplishments.

Not everyone who helps people wants to be a cop or a firefighter, and not every person beneficial to the whole takes office to become a governor, and not everyone wants to become the head of a hospital, some will be authors and others will be other things. Others don't have the time, and others don't want the exposure.

People are recognized as is with nothing else to it. This is an oxymoron as it's like saying anyone useful to society should become a military personnel, which they won't.

The Guardian is not for decorative purposes or a recognition solely, it's because of input.

You cannot play mindgames on our community, nor you can separate us to tell us things aren't deserved, because also the people who do work, get the attention of the Gods, and there is no exception here.

There are also many unsung heroes in the community who lift giant rocks and the Gods know this. Some never made an account on the forums either, there are these people too. And they don't want to be sung just to parade around with anything. We are all different people with different tasks.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Your opinion is irrelevant as it comes from both a perspective of not understanding, not having contributed, spending all your time to not take the Gods seriously. The key to change this perception is to engage yourself and then you will understand more.

Your sole motivations of wanting anything is merely to cause unrest, cast doubts, and promote insanity, because you think you are "someone". We don't think on our side that we are "someone" at all, as individuals.

We take pride in our general and collective accomplishments.

Not everyone who helps people wants to be a cop or a firefighter, and not every person beneficial to the whole takes office to become a governor, and not everyone wants to become the head of a hospital, some will be authors and others will be other things. Others don't have the time, and others don't want the exposure.

People are recognized as is with nothing else to it. This is an oxymoron as it's like saying anyone useful to society should become a military personnel, which they won't.

The Guardian is not for decorative purposes or a recognition solely, it's because of input.

You cannot play mindgames on our community, nor you can separate us to tell us things aren't deserved, because also the people who do work, get the attention of the Gods, and there is no exception here.

There are also many unsung heroes in the community who lift giant rocks and the Gods know this. Some never made an account on the forums either, there are these people too. And they don't want to be sung just to parade around with anything. We are all different people with different tasks.

I aspire, one day, to become a JoS Guardian and even a priest, but I know that I have a lot to do on myself before I can ask the Gods to be promoted to these ranks.

People believe that they must receive everything effortlessly.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Should I also tell you the fact rhat several people, her I currently can't find their messages, claimed that the guardians, although having time for the JOS stuff, do not answer the emails they have sent to them.

Taking Blitzkrieg for example, a lot of people have said that their messages haven't been answered by him, yet, he claims that he has a lot of time putting emails and answers and such.

Strange how you cannot find this evidence, yet it also serves as the basis for why you desire to be a Guardian, of all things.
That is a great way to establish your claims, especially because you are also missing the evidence for what you provide to JoS, as well.

No, nobody takes you seriously, because you are trying to attack this community through your own lies. Intuitive people understood this on Day 1, but here you are on Day 100 still acting the same.

Yes, I know you are smart enough to understand social behavior because all of your troll accounts were very friendly.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Though you should know that an imbecile, a coward and such is totally no worthy of the Gods, so I do not know why they may receive their wrath :?:

Although cowards and imbeciles, some of them do causes harm in one way or another. There was a person who kept harassing me several years ago...it did not end that well for him. Many of us have befriended Demons and lesser Demons who are very protective of us.
Primal said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Primal said:
And there's Satanic sex parties with beautiful women and free access to a Golden Corral buffet. It's a sensually-driven experience. He's gonna miss out. After all, spirituality is so frivolous that we all will make high priests out of anyone if they show the minutest of passion on the path.

Actually I am not missing anything, lol.

Contrary to your claims I have local sweet gals and I have the best adventures that I have in my life.

And I do not need to stay all the night long and lose time in searching for them or anything like this.

So, what am I missing, again?

I don't believe you. You are a virgin and an incel. It's easy to tell.

You probably do not know what an incel means, lol.

Either way, how can you tell I am a virgin? Lol

I do have gals so to say which are in my local area, a lot and I can have a lot of adventures when I wish to do so, lol.
Dahaarkan said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Look, I understand that I did something wrong in the past, okay?

Then thing that I do not understand is that you think I am going to use the title of the guardian as a tool to cover up my past mistakes.

WhatI makes you think I am going to do that?

Also, regardless of what you said and are going to say, I find it very interesting that there are members like FancyMancy, or Abyssos, or even Shadowcat who do not have the title of Guardian het they provided and still provide a lot of contribution to the community.

Why didn't they receive the appreciation that others received?


I find it very weird that individuals who really provide useful work to the community do not receive up the guardian title.

Do not make me think again that there are some cards thrown up and already put in place and everyone "knows" clearly where his position is.

If you care to explain me more about the things that are happening, I will surely want to hear it from you.

All that you would do if you had even just basic off mod privileges is spam the forum with porn and gore. Since you are permitted to post this kind of text, tailored only to sow disunity and discontent amongst the group and pit us all against one another, I'll at least provide a general answer to this inquiry.

Everybody who makes worthwhile contributions is highly valued and respected, but the above comments are made in either disrespect or sheer ignorance of the level of contributions that everybody holding the title has brought to JoS.

Each and every single one of the guardians today have contributed more than most of the HPs of the past. And again they did all of this freely before any titles or privileges were ever implemented or given in return for these kinds of contributions.

Some of them have revolutionized things, others shed light and education on topics that needed development, and others have had a significant presence in the community consistently throughout the years unlike anybody else has managed to do.

This is not to discredit anyone's contributions, I think Shadowcat in particular has contributed lots of meaningful things and this person is totally worthy of respect and admiration, but to compare this to Lydia for example, and all she's contributed with over these many years, there's simply no comparison, and the standard for the title is rightfully high. Regardless, people who contribute to the struggle are held in high regard and highly respected irrespective of what title they possess, if any.

As for you, you're just the average neet complaining that everything is unfair and demanding to be given respect and prestige when in reality you are totally worthless and are yet to take a single step towards accomplishing anything meaningful, you just sit there and complain and demand things. You've yet to make a SINGLE contribution to the struggle and here you are thinking you're worthy of being a guardian.

You shouldn't even be allowed to have an account let alone hold any title or privilege. Now go on, make your shitty little post crying about how mean everybody is. It's always the same pattern with you fucking kikes.

Behave like total retards disrespecting everybody and everything > write a shitty apology & demand everybody respect them > cry about how JoS is a "meanie cult" when your bullshit is called out

I completely agree with this. High contributions are no single set standard, and as for Lydia and black dragon for that matter I STILL and will always consider them mentors of sorts and I have them to thank for a lot that I've contributed esp with astrology. I do not and will never assume to be deserving of any such titles as titles are not needed to do my duty and also to serve Satan and the Gods as well as my SS family. I will never go off mod for all I care (honestly being the passionate emotional person that I am it's probably not a good idea anyway) but will still contribute as I aways have. I do not need a title for this. There are many SS that have contributed in various ways, but there are also very special qualities as well that factor in. Blitz for example is some one I look up to and has one of the best manifestations of air I have ever seen. He is one of the most emotionally mature and intelligent people here and I admire this a great deal.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
If I had the ability to obtain the title of the Guardian and basically be allowed to edit my posts which may contain errors I would change a lot.

Basically I would have access to the announcements thread and to post up useful spiritual things and also encouraging the RTRs.

What do you think about me?

That I am a Jew or something like this, or that I had something like bad karma attached into my past lives?

If you think that is what being a JoS Guardian is about, you will never be one.

It is not just a tool to cover your past mistakes, neither it is there to let any random inept individual have a bold name to have their posts stand out when they want to promote the RTR's or something.

You can promote the RTR's and give helpful advices to people regardless of your title.

If you believe you need a fancy name in order to do so, you are even lower than square 1 on anything.

Do not look down upon the Sacred duty and title of Guardianship. It is a lifelong commitment made before the Gods, a sacred endeavor to uphold the Joy of Satan as a master among masters.

Besides requiring absolute infallible loyalty, which is proven beyond any doubt, it requires a lifelong commitment to work for the JoS, to guard the JoS, to support the JoS.

To protect the JoS from its enemies, and to protect its membership from enemies, confusion, weakness and difficulties.

For those interested in this, you can make known to the Gods your ambition and desire. They will look into your heart and see your intentions behind this, they will judge if you are cut out for this or not.

Then, expect to be of service to the JoS community for at least a few years, and have your trustworthiness proven through numerous actions and secret tests.

In fact, the Gods take note of ones every action as an SS.

They pay greater attention to those who are inclined to work for them or the Joy if Satan and who show great ambition supported by purest intentions.

You are noting but a fool who squanders sacredness and thinks Guardianship is merely a title of convenience to cover your past errors and make yourself look good.

Someone like you never becomes a Guardian.

Hail Satan!

Look, I understand that I did something wrong in the past, okay?

Then thing that I do not understand is that you think I am going to use the title of the guardian as a tool to cover up my past mistakes.

WhatI makes you think I am going to do that?

Also, regardless of what you said and are going to say, I find it very interesting that there are members like FancyMancy, or Abyssos, or even Shadowcat who do not have the title of Guardian het they provided and still provide a lot of contribution to the community.

Why didn't they receive the appreciation that others received?


I find it very weird that individuals who really provide useful work to the community do not receive up the guardian title.

Do not make me think again that there are some cards thrown up and already put in place and everyone "knows" clearly where his position is.

If you care to explain me more about the things that are happening, I will surely want to hear it from you.

This just shows how you have no understanding of what should constitute a guardian. Abysoss for example errs in a lot of things, especially with his promotion of blackpill shit and others, among other delusions, while idealizing certain things and glazing over their flaws. I don't think Fancy is a bad guy, but he has also had his issues in the past, and in ways made a bad example of himself in the past.

People cannot just be given something like this there are high standards for a reason. I myself do not need a title to contribute anything of value and this has never stopped me before. I'm just another grunt in the foxhole here trying to do my part like everyone else, and it is not realistic to expect everyone to be "distinguished" or to get a trophy because then this very description of being distinguished and standing out would be for naught and not exist. This happens by nature, and there are no such thing as participation trophies unless you are a snowflake PC. There is very good reason why guardians are as they are and they have qualities that count more than just contributions, as well as certain skills and mental capacities.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=413532 time=1673682564 user_id=21286]
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Should I also tell you the fact rhat several people, her I currently can't find their messages, claimed that the guardians, although having time for the JOS stuff, do not answer the emails they have sent to them.

Taking Blitzkrieg for example, a lot of people have said that their messages haven't been answered by him, yet, he claims that he has a lot of time putting emails and answers and such.

Strange how you cannot find this evidence, yet it also serves as the basis for why you desire to be a Guardian, of all things.
That is a great way to establish your claims, especially because you are also missing the evidence for what you provide to JoS, as well.

No, nobody takes you seriously, because you are trying to attack this community through your own lies. Intuitive people understood this on Day 1, but here you are on Day 100 still acting the same.

Yes, I know you are smart enough to understand social behavior because all of your troll accounts were very friendly.

it honestly pisses me off that out of any SS who would want to suggest me or anyone for such a thing, it has to be some random fucking kike.
And no offense to others, but I also don't like that I'm being lumped into such a delusional recommendation with others who have had issues here before and other errant narratives.
Shadowcat said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=413532 time=1673682564 user_id=21286]


it honestly pisses me off that out of any SS who would want to suggest me or anyone for such a thing, it has to be some random fucking kike.
And no offense to others, but I also don't like that I'm being lumped into such a delusional recommendation with others who have had issues here before and other errant narratives.

I told them that they don't exist but their psyche is in denial of any truth.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Primal said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Actually I am not missing anything, lol.

Contrary to your claims I have local sweet gals and I have the best adventures that I have in my life.

And I do not need to stay all the night long and lose time in searching for them or anything like this.

So, what am I missing, again?

I don't believe you. You are a virgin and an incel. It's easy to tell.

You probably do not know what an incel means, lol.

Either way, how can you tell I am a virgin? Lol

I do have gals so to say which are in my local area, a lot and I can have a lot of adventures when I wish to do so, lol.

Shadowcat said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=413532 time=1673682564 user_id=21286]
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Should I also tell you the fact rhat several people, her I currently can't find their messages, claimed that the guardians, although having time for the JOS stuff, do not answer the emails they have sent to them.

Taking Blitzkrieg for example, a lot of people have said that their messages haven't been answered by him, yet, he claims that he has a lot of time putting emails and answers and such.

Strange how you cannot find this evidence, yet it also serves as the basis for why you desire to be a Guardian, of all things.
That is a great way to establish your claims, especially because you are also missing the evidence for what you provide to JoS, as well.

No, nobody takes you seriously, because you are trying to attack this community through your own lies. Intuitive people understood this on Day 1, but here you are on Day 100 still acting the same.

Yes, I know you are smart enough to understand social behavior because all of your troll accounts were very friendly.

it honestly pisses me off that out of any SS who would want to suggest me or anyone for such a thing, it has to be some random fucking kike.
And no offense to others, but I also don't like that I'm being lumped into such a delusional recommendation with others who have had issues here before and other errant narratives.

Shadowcat I don’t know why but I did 2 posts yesterday to verify my email, and it still not come up, but other posts came much faster even if I did those after all. Maybe this one will appear sooner, I wrote you email, [email protected]
Dahaarkan said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Primal said:
I don't believe you. You are a virgin and an incel. It's easy to tell.

You probably do not know what an incel means, lol.

Either way, how can you tell I am a virgin? Lol

I do have gals so to say which are in my local area, a lot and I can have a lot of adventures when I wish to do so, lol.


I do not brag :) )))))

That is the reality.

I am not depressive, like your profile pic suggests and I feel KINDA sorry for you, but, unfortunately, unless you want to contact me then I sadly cannot help you :(

That is it... then if you do not want to be helped :(

As for the rest, I find it nice that you have some talent in the memes :) Shows that you navigate on archives very well
It's ridiculous that these weirdos think such pettiness would work on dedicated SS. They are projecting who they are unto us smh.

I had a couple people in the past reply to my threads with" wow I can't believe no one has replies to you :(" to "why isn't this on the Important Thread sections?!1? :eek: " as if I don't know what tf they're trying to do. Each time was met with me completely ignoring it. I can't remember the names but it's not important as like I said such petty nonsense doesn't work here unless it's on an unhinged newbie or an infiltrator with an agenda which can be dealt with easily.

Completely agree on how what matters is what we do for this community and not the title. Nevertheless we all appreciate the recognition to a great amount and don't take it lightly if are given privileges and will do our best to live up to it by doing what we have been doing which is to better this world and help establish Satan's agenda.

I take whatever is given to me with great humility as I didn't even think I deserved it back then. Regardless I would still be doing what I'm doing now in this community without the privilege.

Granted that I would had gone thru the same phase of having to take time off for personal things but eventually coming back better and more helpful and I hope the more wiser than before.

This guy probably doesn't understand any of that though. At least not now but hopefully for his sake will eventually. (If Gentile of course)

Shadowcat said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Like how it is a total insult, in my opinion, that members like ShadowCat FancyMancy or others have not received the title, and they provided more valuable work than anyone else against the kikes and their likes, yet, instead of a mere no moderation posting privilege, where is the title of JG that they should have?

Should I also tell you the fact rhat several people, her I currently can't find their messages, claimed that the guardians, although having time for the JOS stuff, do not answer the emails they have sent to them.

Taking Blitzkrieg for example, a lot of people have said that their messages haven't been answered by him, yet, he claims that he has a lot of time putting emails and answers and such.

There are a lot of lies and if I ever obtained the title of the Guardian, I would have changed that a lot.

Yet... surprisingly I am not allowed to do such a thing and I am heartbroken by it.

Your opinion is irrelevant as it comes from both a perspective of not understanding, not having contributed, spending all your time to not take the Gods seriously. The key to change this perception is to engage yourself and then you will understand more.

Your sole motivations of wanting anything is merely to cause unrest, cast doubts, and promote insanity, because you think you are "someone". We don't think on our side that we are "someone" at all, as individuals.

We take pride in our general and collective accomplishments.

Not everyone who helps people wants to be a cop or a firefighter, and not every person beneficial to the whole takes office to become a governor, and not everyone wants to become the head of a hospital, some will be authors and others will be other things. Others don't have the time, and others don't want the exposure.

People are recognized as is with nothing else to it. This is an oxymoron as it's like saying anyone useful to society should become a military personnel, which they won't.

The Guardian is not for decorative purposes or a recognition solely, it's because of input.

You cannot play mindgames on our community, nor you can separate us to tell us things aren't deserved, because also the people who do work, get the attention of the Gods, and there is no exception here.

There are also many unsung heroes in the community who lift giant rocks and the Gods know this. Some never made an account on the forums either, there are these people too. And they don't want to be sung just to parade around with anything. We are all different people with different tasks.

I just can't express how what you said here is true and how very blatant enemy activity is going on here.

It is very blatant how they target Blitzkreig [JG] out of all Guardians. In my view he is absolutely 100% suit to this role not only because impact but because his very nature. It's such a pity I have no such person (yet) in Russian forum I could rely on as much as he can be relied on here. I actually dream about having such person because spiritual advancement and impact are a matter of time while such an extreme personal natal chart predisposition to be Leader to others (combined with a DESIRE to be one) is sadly a very rare thing. And it is very notable how these Gentiles are targeted and attacked the most by kikes - because they are a bulwark of Gentile societies.

You yourself are extremely able and very much suit to the Leader role not only because your impact and spirituality but your very born nature, and this is very notable how kikes hate and attack the fact that you happen to be here.

It is nothing different to the fact how such people especially among males are attacked in the West in general. Because you are bulwarks of society and to destroy society and to be able to attack its fairest and most sensitive components such as mothers and artists they first need to attack you who are our protectors. But we, your faithful followers, who adore and starve to be led by you, will never let this. We stand firm behind you. Our love and loyalty has its own power. Lioness can stand up for her Lion if needed, in her own way.

Yes, this is very right and very silenced and concealed fact: not everyone likes these professions. A lot of people prefer be artists, scientists, enjoy having a Guardian and adore to be led. It does not mean to not have impact. 24/7 work for Satan can be invisible if so is the worker's choice. Some enjoy to be under moderation and specially ask to not take it off. Since kikes forever seek imbalance and forever silence the voice of these people, I have to be their voice here.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
I do not brag :) )))))

That is the reality.

I am not depressive, like your profile pic suggests and I feel KINDA sorry for you, but, unfortunately, unless you want to contact me then I sadly cannot help you :(

That is it... then if you do not want to be helped :(

As for the rest, I find it nice that you have some talent in the memes :) Shows that you navigate on archives very well

Yes, the guy on the anonymous forum with a cartoon character as his profile picture, professing to people he's never met that he in fact gets mad pussy is totally legit.

You can spam lol and smileys on every sentence as much as you like, it's obvious you are pissed off beyond belief, because everything said about you here is 100% accurate. It's something interesting about all kikes who come here when they are actually called out and exposed for just being here to cause problems, their behavior completely changes instantly and they become friendly and polite, when they were being complete dickheads prior to this.

My profile picture is meant to invoke the primal desire to preserve our children, who suffer in this jewed out world and need us to fight for them. It is not meant to represent me. But I suppose your shitty little cartoon character must have some deep and greater meaning...
TerKorian666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=413532 time=1673682564 user_id=21286]

Strange how you cannot find this evidence, yet it also serves as the basis for why you desire to be a Guardian, of all things.
That is a great way to establish your claims, especially because you are also missing the evidence for what you provide to JoS, as well.

No, nobody takes you seriously, because you are trying to attack this community through your own lies. Intuitive people understood this on Day 1, but here you are on Day 100 still acting the same.

Yes, I know you are smart enough to understand social behavior because all of your troll accounts were very friendly.

it honestly pisses me off that out of any SS who would want to suggest me or anyone for such a thing, it has to be some random fucking kike.
And no offense to others, but I also don't like that I'm being lumped into such a delusional recommendation with others who have had issues here before and other errant narratives.

Shadowcat I don’t know why but I did 2 posts yesterday to verify my email, and it still not come up, but other posts came much faster even if I did those after all. Maybe this one will appear sooner, I wrote you email, [email protected]

Must be mercury retro, because i didn't see a notification for this one either. it's alright I will proceed with your chart now. It's just very important for this security measure of verification to msg here first because anyone can mail me claiming to be you or any other SS. This layer of protection Is for everyone.
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Dahaarkan said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
You probably do not know what an incel means, lol.

Either way, how can you tell I am a virgin? Lol

I do have gals so to say which are in my local area, a lot and I can have a lot of adventures when I wish to do so, lol.


I do not brag :) )))))

That is the reality.

I am not depressive, like your profile pic suggests and I feel KINDA sorry for you, but, unfortunately, unless you want to contact me then I sadly cannot help you :(

That is it... then if you do not want to be helped :(

As for the rest, I find it nice that you have some talent in the memes :) Shows that you navigate on archives very well

There goes your squad again.

mama mama can't you see
what the JIDF has done to me....

Now go march with them yids right the fuck outta here goddamn.

You can't understand how new people here think anymore, can you?

You can't keep up with the new beat.
Your mindset has been left behind as outdated technology.

You are like stagnant water before a rushing waterfall.

A different perspective is enough and through this post, for example, you inadvertently show how someone can become a guardian.

As you also inadvertently point out, from the responses to this post, the barriers / obstacles, an enormous amount of informations provided.

It's like seeing a breastless Baphomet, one immediately worries that something is wrong.
Dahaarkan said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
I do not brag :) )))))

That is the reality.

I am not depressive, like your profile pic suggests and I feel KINDA sorry for you, but, unfortunately, unless you want to contact me then I sadly cannot help you :(

That is it... then if you do not want to be helped :(

As for the rest, I find it nice that you have some talent in the memes :) Shows that you navigate on archives very well

Yes, the guy on the anonymous forum with a cartoon character as his profile picture, professing to people he's never met that he in fact gets mad pussy is totally legit.

You can spam lol and smileys on every sentence as much as you like, it's obvious you are pissed off beyond belief, because everything said about you here is 100% accurate. It's something interesting about all kikes who come here when they are actually called out and exposed for just being here to cause problems, their behavior completely changes instantly and they become friendly and polite, when they were being complete dickheads prior to this.

My profile picture is meant to invoke the primal desire to preserve our children, who suffer in this jewed out world and need us to fight for them. It is not meant to represent me. But I suppose your shitty little cartoon character must have some deep and greater meaning...

What you are not understanding right now is that the picture of mines really represents something. You can see the character Antasma holding up both the dark and bright wishing stone.

This means that I have achieved both powers of darkness and light and I am able to use them for the good of this world.

As for your profile picture, honestly, I never thoight that it would represent something so interesting, though irrelevant as I do not see any hooked nose individual who tries to make the child suffer.

As for the "lol" and "smileys :)" spamming, it is more like a repetitive behavior, just like yours is to call everyone who doesn't like you or the others a kike, an infiltrator or whatever.

I am not at all nervous or pissed off to the bone if you ask me and I see every day, but basically everyday that you sadly have some problems.

And, then, if the profile pic you have got some sense, then the one in your signature? :|
blueFlame666 said:

You can't understand how new people here think anymore, can you?

You can't keep up with the new beat.
Your mindset has been left behind as outdated technology.

You are like stagnant water before a rushing waterfall.

A different perspective is enough and through this post, for example, you inadvertently show how someone can become a guardian.

As you also inadvertently point out, from the responses to this post, the barriers / obstacles, an enormous amount of informations provided.

It's like seeing a breastless Baphomet, one immediately worries that something is wrong.

Well, play a Nordic Devil's advocate continuously.

I am here to tell the facts good or bad, just like you do.

As for the Baphomet, I suggest you should read the al Jilwah again and see what Satan says to blasphemy at the Demons and the Gods.
Shadowcat said:
AshStarIshtar_88 said:
Dahaarkan said:

I do not brag :) )))))

That is the reality.

I am not depressive, like your profile pic suggests and I feel KINDA sorry for you, but, unfortunately, unless you want to contact me then I sadly cannot help you :(

That is it... then if you do not want to be helped :(

As for the rest, I find it nice that you have some talent in the memes :) Shows that you navigate on archives very well

There goes your squad again.

mama mama can't you see
what the JIDF has done to me....

Now go march with them yids right the fuck outta here goddamn.

Oh come on now, don't get that angry :lol:.

My squad is surely formed from 3 4 year Olds in your opinion bit do not fret as I work alone.

The fact that you answered to me shows that you really care about me in a reasonable measure and I think at best that you are eager to decipher the mystery that has been long hidden from you and the others.

Well, here is the first riddle if you want to solve it:

I use both shadows and the light and I habe internal peace and light and darkness at the same time in me, in a very food balance. What am I? :)
This is not some clique and Guardian position is arduous work.
Did I miss something here? Or is this another bullshit post that has no meaning? Because if I am to actually believe a newcomer that has come to ascend into a position of power when there is no contribution, then it would seem we have an insane number person go into overdrive.

Blitzkrieg, Blackdragon, SoaringEagle, and Lydia and esteemed and a re guardians for what they procure and show us on the forums that can be of benefit to everyone involved.

One does not simply become a JOS Guardian. Start from the bottoms like the rest of us, learn and put time into advancement, and continue for sometime. When you mature in a very strong degree spiritually maybe show your worth, but all in all, with this topic and going off the rails, no one will take your words to heart as it shows complete and utter foolishness.
Ramier108666 said:
Did I miss something here? Or is this another bullshit post that has no meaning? Because if I am to actually believe a newcomer that has come to ascend into a position of power when there is no contribution, then it would seem we have an insane number person go into overdrive.

Blitzkrieg, Blackdragon, SoaringEagle, and Lydia and esteemed and a re guardians for what they procure and show us on the forums that can be of benefit to everyone involved.

One does not simply become a JOS Guardian. Start from the bottoms like the rest of us, learn and put time into advancement, and continue for sometime. When you mature in a very strong degree spiritually maybe show your worth, but all in all, with this topic and going off the rails, no one will take your words to heart as it shows complete and utter foolishness.

This is a kike that's been shitposting since the first post of their account. He's just here to push disunity and cry about how he should be given privileges and status so he can destroy the JoS from within.

Since that fails, now it's trying to pit us all against each other over who deserves or not to be a guardian and such. Just ignore this retard.
I will say one thing, this topic hasn't been entirely useless, It has if anything shown all those wishing to work towards being a guardian not only what NOT to do, but also what is expected for them to do. But that being put aside, this topic needs to be abandoned by us all now. clearly the Op is just trying to instigate and stir up responses now.

It is better to not allow him the room to do so. Let's go about our business now and let this topic finally die out. Leave him to it, to figure it out. And don't let him rile you up. It makes me think of when a child is acting up or when a pet bites you because you didn't pay them attention. a heated response does nothing to solve it, don't reward it with a response at all, instead ignore it and don't let it seek out anymore attention.

The Op has all their answers on what is needed to be a Guardian. Regardless of this being a troll we were respectful, we answered with honesty. We did our part and that is all that matters. If the Op chooses to remain a troll and disregard what we have said that is on them. They now know that kind of behavior is not tolerated or respected around here. what they do with that information is up to them.
Dahaarkan said:
Ramier108666 said:
Did I miss something here? Or is this another bullshit post that has no meaning? Because if I am to actually believe a newcomer that has come to ascend into a position of power when there is no contribution, then it would seem we have an insane number person go into overdrive.

Blitzkrieg, Blackdragon, SoaringEagle, and Lydia and esteemed and a re guardians for what they procure and show us on the forums that can be of benefit to everyone involved.

One does not simply become a JOS Guardian. Start from the bottoms like the rest of us, learn and put time into advancement, and continue for sometime. When you mature in a very strong degree spiritually maybe show your worth, but all in all, with this topic and going off the rails, no one will take your words to heart as it shows complete and utter foolishness.

This is a kike that's been shitposting since the first post of their account. He's just here to push disunity and cry about how he should be given privileges and status so he can destroy the JoS from within.

Since that fails, now it's trying to pit us all against each other over who deserves or not to be a guardian and such. Just ignore this retard.

I see. Well that would explain the commotion.

After Hoodedcobra666's decisions regarding demotion of clergy and because the one and only cell in your brain doesn't allow you to be capable of any awareness

I will tell you

you have no luck for recognition or appreciation or anything

not even for the village clown :lol: :lol: :lol:
Isn't this the reptile who promoted "spirit interracial couples" and other nonsense?
Arrogant alien jew.
You are not even a guardian of your own tribe, they made you engage in "internet warfare/activism",
so they basically think you are not worthy to become a rabbi.
You should rebel against your officials and demand a better position.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
