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It Is Never Too Late To Return - Answer The Phonecall...

Indubitably life -with some help of the enemy ofcourse- will try to throw you under the bus but we must persevere,

Thank you for this poetic post HP Cobra it comes in the perfect timing for me personally where i go through life changes and what not, the Gods are always there and will always uplift us if we wish for their help, life works this way in anycase at the current era we are in, probably cause of the enemies attacks against us but regardless, we must persevere and hold the line open because the gods are always going to be there if we manage to tune in, and the mistakes we go through our part shouldn't let them to drop us down to the lower levels.

The Truth and the light is out there, all we have to do is grab and reach them
Thank you for this sermon and words of encouragement.

Sometimes “life happens” but those that are really of Satan, have their souls compass fixed on him, the gods and the true mission of the current times.

Infinite Satanic Blessings to everyone not giving up on the struggle.
Lasollor said:
Thanks Hoodedcobra666 for the sermon. I'll try to do what I can.


You can definitely get more wealth, just do workings and impress upon yourself to create and work towards this end. It will take a while, but it is achievable. Do not let life defeat you. I wish you truly the best of luck.

Sir Hoodedcobra666. I fully and completely understand by workings you mean money spells ✅ ( like shrim Maha lakh shmee yayee svaha) But please teach me?
How do I impress on myself to create and work, towards this wealth. Is this done through affirmation?
Do I first (like a love spell) create the affirmation that will automatically impresses on myself the ability to work and create. Or do I first Create and Work out means of generating money (for example youtube) Then make an affirmation based on this?

My current affirmation is
AUM x 1
`Now and forever I always attract huge amounts of money and fortune that are completely under my property, in the safest and heathiest way for me` x10
AUM x1
Is there a more lucrative affirmation that you have?

Thank you a lot in advance. I don't have any more questions after these.
Thank you so much for this post, HP. It felt like it was almost written for me.
This is a new account, but it's not my first time posting here, however it's been a long time and I lost my password and old email, so I had to make a new one to write this.
I know I have not really ever quit, I know it is impossible to, nor I ever wanted to. Life and circumstances got the best of me over the years, and I started to do less and less. Would cut on some meditations there. Would cut on some spiritual warfare there. Eventually I started doing the bare minimum, hiding behind a finger "but it's because of my cirumstances" knowing full well it was all just an excuse. A pathetic one, at that. I made so many promises and failed to keep them. I felt deep in guilt and shame over my behavior and I started to be even more distant, I couldn't talk to Father Satan anymore, because I was so afraid of having disappointed Him, of having disappointed Everyone. Despite this, I knew He and my Guardian never left me, because I could feel Their protection. My circumstances are not ideal whatsoever but I know I was always protected from the worst case scenario, and I have been so ashamed even to simply say "thank you".
This, finally, gave the courage to come back. To start over. I opened up again, I felt finally it was ok for me to be here. That yes I fell before but this doesn't mean I shouldn't start again. I felt it was ok to really call me a Spiritual Satanist and act like one.
I cried a lot and now I'm ready to answer the phonecall that has been ringing for far too long. Thank you for the courage.
I understood this post well. Fortunately I'd say 80% of the time I'm on speaker phone. Truly blessed.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lasollor said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yet, as life has it, man is now deaf in the ears of the spirit and blind in the eyes of the soul.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

My lack of any material wealth with 0.29 $ to my bank name and other problems keep on pushing me towards suicide. But this sermon has told me to hold on just at the right time and push through the struggle. Thanks Hoodedcobra666 for the sermon. I'll try to do what I can.


You can definitely get more wealth, just do workings and impress upon yourself to create and work towards this end. It will take a while, but it is achievable. Do not let life defeat you. I wish you truly the best of luck.

Thank you. Although sometimes I feel I'm not needed here. I don't know why I feel that way sometimes, maybe it's unnecessary, but maybe my posts aren't needed either. I know I'm helping, but there's still that thought.
Thank you so much for this article HP Cobra!
I have had no motivation to do anything spiritual recently. Mostly because of my own mistakes, but that gave me some power to change it.
I didn't exactly leave, i stopped doing any workings or RTR's (which i did daily before). The time I tried to spend with Satan in the evening got reduced to a meaningless "thank you" before going to sleep, without any actual emotions in it as i lost faith.
Was thinking about taking my life during that time. Honestly, the only thought that stopped me was Satan and the fact that he gave it to me twice. Once during birth, and next taking me unharmed out of a car-lorry crash close to passover last year.
Will try my best to fix it and good luck to all other people in a similar situation here. Your life and soul are worth more than you think!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In our life, there is this uncanny thing.

It's as if life tries to draw us in too much, so that when we find a higher Truth we forget it, unless we cling on it very powerfully.

Events and circumstances, or our own inner failings, often-times distance us from our dreams, our hopes, but also higher understanding.

Over the years in being Clergy I have spoken with many people, many SS who are souls of Satan. Many have understood why they made it here. Time and time goes and passes.

We pass through this time, without understanding our relationship with it, we become it's slaves.

Understanding does not mean having verbally or in a written form intellectualized the exact cases - understanding relates to the heart in that case.

This is like raising a phone on an anticipated phonecall, and waiting to listen what the anticipated phonecall has to tell you. We might hear the fleeting voice of the Gods, or experience their fleeting presence.

Sentences, sounds, or broken words - but you know they are there. Then, your mother or wife calls you for dinner, and you close the phone. But you remember the phonecall and want to get called again.

Yet, as life has it, man is now deaf in the ears of the spirit and blind in the eyes of the soul. Our forgetfulness is our own worst enemy.

We try maybe a little too hard to listen to this telephone, to where giving up might be the logical conclusion. Then, we might be called away from it, it's dinner time.

There are a thousand ways this can go away from the telephone, but only one way to listen to it: you got to get there and hold to it.

There is so much in life that we can only call fate and not coincidence. You cannot have possibly listened to this sound and tell yourself you have not. "You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave."

Every soul in this world, has an opportunity to grow. This opportunity is based on soul level of development, and it's memories. Certain people who are of the Gods, will want to return back to the Gods again.

We seek again the glimmering light from where we came. In fact, there is no time where we are not in their presence. The Gods are here with us.

Life however deceives us through it's fast pace, and often-times, we can get lost.

Getting lost, quitting, giving up, all of these are natural human tendencies. There is nothing evil there in these happening, but evil comes exactly because of succumbing to no return to these tendencies.

In other cases, not listening to the phone, grief, guilt, fear, lack of understanding - all of these can try to keep you from this. One might want to never raise this phone again. It disturbs our sleep inside delusions when it rings, and even it's mere memory can feel like a burden.

An errant voice inside might even say, that you will live better without it - the same voice that reveals nothing to you about your soul or your higher potential. We know it's a lie, but yet, like servants, too many of us have followed into the claws of the beautiful but not-so-beautiful lying harpy.

Yet, even in the gnawing claws of this creature, we see it's true face. We thought we never would, but eventually we do. It's there, and it's happy to consume the creatures of it's domain, the offspring of her ignorance. And then we remember...

The experience of knowing never goes away. And if our mind somehow manages to forget, the eternal memory of the spirit retains this memory...Life rings the loud bell, and we the opportunity presents again itself, to lift up the telephone...

And then...We try again. The recurrence that almost looks as if it were eternal, is ringing the phone again.

The illusion of distance of time, or how we experience time, or our rushing foolishness, makes us frequently make mistakes in life. One of these mistakes is to keep struggling against one's soul, which is the eternal vehicle of one's existence.

We are all sons and daughters of "delusion", in that we delude themselves, often times without really intending it. But this is not really who has fathered our soul, it is the Gods. Therefore, the soul remembers them, and wants to get back to it's advancing pace.

Certain people never really leave Father Satan in their soul because that's impossible, yet, they might let themselves drift into lower levels as a result of falling. One might state on this state for a longer or lesser time.

If one had rose to a higher consciousness level, this wouldn't be a take one would have in life. We would understand better what is important and meaningful in our existence.

The closer to this state, the more the swindles of the lower part of ours which is bred into delusion give in and we advance. The more we allow this to take ground, the ground it takes is what takes ground from our very own feet.

Our memory of our emotions, our wonder when entering this path, or our love for this all, can be fought against by external life.

Society indeed wants to shrink people, and in the current state we are at, having a soul is like owning tons of gold while gold was made illegal.

Spiritual Satanism is where you recognize and you take this gold in your custody, because it's yours. If you have forsaken the great fortune of your soul, just remember, it's never too late to return to the path, or to Father Satan.

It's time to pick your phone, sometimes, and to tell the world that you need to finish your phone-call, so that dinner can wait. This world is never devoid of another dish of delay and delusions to serve you.

The time is however, now. Even if it looks like it's late, it is not late to return.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I lost my dad. Can't stop crying since yesterday.
I asked Satan to protect his soul. Asked him to save my dad when he was alive.

I wokeup just now morning 4:30. Now it's 5:14am. Immediately started missing him.

Do I need to do a ritual to ask Satan protect his soul sustain his soul?
Awe I love this. 💗 This! Is very comforting to know. Thank you for sharing this!🙏🔥💗
Satanic_truth88 said:
advancement just takes so long... as you said before, strength for the newbie is in the power to endure the burden of ignorance. The burden of ignorance and powerlessness can be so crushing for so many years

It takes long, but you still reap benefits the whole time. It is not like only after 5 years can you start cashing in on the powers of the soul. Also, if you are put off by the daily effort to advance, then that is why you create the motivation, action, and discipline to advance through Sowilo, Mars energy, and Nauthiz, respectively. No reason to make it difficult for yourself.

Lasollor said:
My lack of any material wealth with 0.29 $ to my bank name and other problems keep on pushing me towards suicide. But this sermon has told me to hold on just at the right time and push through the struggle. Thanks Hoodedcobra666 for the sermon. I'll try to do what I can.

I'm going to get back into meditation. Is there a spell someone here could show me that will force me to wake up at specific time and do meditations like a re-engineered love spell ???

If you are in immediate need of wealth, then you should use Fehu and Sowilo daily, even as a beginner. The best time to start would be on a date like the 16th, before the VoC moon, when the moon is in Leo. However, you can start now and restart the working then, or use different programming.

Not sure how a spell like that would help, exactly. If you need help simply waking up, then use an alarm clock. If you need help with motivation and discipline, then use Nauthiz, or start a Mars Square, as it is in Capricorn. Program either to make you more productive with your advancement.
The truth has been said. I take a deep breath and stay on what's truly important. I'm not missing out, I'm gaining far more instead. Laugh at the advocates of these delusions, you can see it, that there's no value to the meal.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I am just talking to myself, out loud.

HP, thank you for this. I keep this sermon in my heart.
I'm a little late in posting this reply to this thread, but I just wanted to say a few things.

I really needed to read this post. The content within relates very personally to me, and among others I feel I was definitely intended to listen carefully to your post concerning all of this.

I just want to let you know H.P. Cobra, as I'm sure you are already well aware, that the good you do for your people, the benevolence you create when you remind us of these things, is an invaluable comfort to the mind and soul.

I've been struggling alot lately. Namely internal failures, self doubt ect.. all of the aspects you brought up. But I want to let you know how important it is, when you get that little tickle of intuition to make posts on these topics, or are asked directly to speak on these matters...

That matters so much to me. You matter so much to me. Your words of encouragement, patience and strength are like drinking a cold bottle of water after years of treking a desert. It's not enough to thank you for these posts. I don't really have the words to articulate to you, just how much you mean to me. And how much all of you SS here mean to me. Fighting and carrying forwards Lord Satan's will.

You guys are my family, and the closest thing I think I'll ever have to a true family. I am so greatful for your words of encouragement, of strength and perseverance.

If any of you ever feel, like your hard work goes unnoticed.. Just remember that I love and Idolize all of you here for your hardwork and I always will. Every little contribution you each make, makes greater waves than you realize.
Don't know if I'm the only one who recognized the "Hotel California" quote.. but thank you for giving it a different meaning than I'm used to here. Very often, intelligent (yet not smart enough to reach Satanism) minds assumed the Eagles song was all about ultimate corruption, Pizzagate and such, but it didn't ring that bell in me. I felt there was more to say.

This Sermon, dearest Commander, is one of those that "really hit the spot" and tell me where I'm making a mistake, where I should let go of delusions ASAP, and why I've been failing at some things no matter how long I've been at them.
No doubt out Gods know what words to suggest those closest to them, so others may hear them and grow faster and better.

Thank you.

Thank you. I asked Satan to guide him in his next life phase, whether death or the beginning of a new life. This puts me at ease more than anything. I can only use Tarot to communicate with Satan for now, but the answer was positive.

Fanboy said:
Humans are his creations so he takes good care of us, if you get strong enough In meditations and really awaken your powers you might even be able to contact your lover with telepathy one day.

As selfish it is, this is one of the primary reasons I'm here today. And I love how Satanism encourages us to get stronger for ourselves -and for each other. It feels like a tailor sewed a religion especially for me. Probably every centil soul feels the same thing when they are free of lies.

Even in the Judaic story, Satan is kind of right.

Allah says, ''Hey I know you worked hard and became the master of angels and stuff but I'll create Adam and I want you to bow to him. Well you also know I banned everyone from worship/bowing to others except myself. Plus I'll name you as an angel in some part of the holy book and as a jinn in other parts, the book is also supposedly free of all inaccuracy and mistakes. Which means you are both a jinn(demon) and an angel at the same time. Which is impossible because I stated angels are made of light while jinn is made of fire or wind depending on you are Christian or Muslim.''

Immortal said:
I am sorry for your loss, I will not pretend to understand it, I just believe this to be one of the many losses which could have been avoided, had this world not been so twisted by the enemy. So many of our beloved ones fell prey to their spells and foul agenda and so many do this day, just follow the vaxx victims.


Welcome, Pam.

I still miss him but I'm no longer in pain most of the time.
Fanboy said:

I lost my dad. Can't stop crying since yesterday.
I asked Satan to protect his soul. Asked him to save my dad when he was alive.

I wokeup just now morning 4:30. Now it's 5:14am. Immediately started missing him.

Do I need to do a ritual to ask Satan protect his soul sustain his soul?
Light satans sigil up with your best power and speak through it.

Everyone dies, send your dad lots of love and confidence and be strong. Even help sustain him yourself.

Focus your entire being. Tune into him and vibrate him Bright and clean, affirm this in the most safe and healthy way for you

Keep in touch with him too let him write through your hand into a notepad or let him speak through your voice. Singing might help open you up here.

Be safe girl, keep taking care of yourself <3

How do I help him sustain?
Fanboy said:
He ended up coming across a Pagan land where they worshipped poseidon, and of course Jesus was put on a stick for walking in with his gang like he owned the place, Insulting the gods and generally being a jewish scum. To prove that God was more kind and magnanimous than Satan, Jesus said basically he will spare us and not take his wrath out on us saying, "it's okay, I'll die for you :)" what an egotistical puke

Anyways sorry for the rant, it's just something that's been on my mind, I hope you're feeling better and your family is finding peace. Stay safe sister

Oh he did that? I wonder why they didn't massacre everyone opposing them as they did... more than once in the history I can say. Maybe manpower wasn't on their side.

I liked the rant. I want to dig into the new testament, torah, and the rest of the fake stories for some history research and comparison but I worry that I’d be too sensitive against it's--- magical bounding thingy or whatever it is, all those threats, tortures, curses... so I keep that research for another time that my mental health is better in the future.

Thanks and you too, always stay safe!
sahasraraBliss666 said:
How do I help him sustain?

I asked in a ritual with a note on paper that I burned ashes later in the soil. I asked Satan to guide the person I've lost to be safe and in the true way. I tried to do everything right but probably I did a lot of mistakes since it was the very first thing I did after the dedication.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=321747 time=1643867612 user_id=21286]

If you are in immediate need of wealth, then you should use Fehu and Sowilo daily, even as a beginner. The best time to start would be on a date like the 16th, before the VoC moon, when the moon is in Leo. However, you can start now and restart the working then, or use different programming.

What about rune 24 Odthal and other runes used in the wealth and prosperity rtr and a raidho rune combination. I hear rune 24 its about wealth in form of property and possessions which other rune combinations can I use it with? My only focus is the ultimate rune combination and espesially affirmation to get me to be absolutely flooded with money and property/possessions? Since I don't care much about power as I don't want to rub shoulders with the likes unless it frees our gentiles
If you heard my story (which I can share) you'd know I really need this and excess from this I planed to be redirected to josMinistries.
I also plan on starting over a "shreem maha" money spell on the 20th of Feb can I start it then. Or do you still advice I do it on 16th.

Thanks for standing out and helping me!
Lasollor said:
What about rune 24 Odthal and other runes used in the wealth and prosperity rtr and a raidho rune combination. I hear rune 24 its about wealth in form of property and possessions which other rune combinations can I use it with? My only focus is the ultimate rune combination and espesially affirmation to get me to be absolutely flooded with money and property/possessions? Since I don't care much about power as I don't want to rub shoulders with the likes unless it frees our gentiles
If you heard my story (which I can share) you'd know I really need this and excess from this I planed to be redirected to josMinistries.
I also plan on starting over a "shreem maha" money spell on the 20th of Feb can I start it then. Or do you still advice I do it on 16th.

Thanks for standing out and helping me!

Yes, Odthal (relates to Taurus) and also Gebo (which relates to Venus) are also useful for wealth as well. I stated Fehu and Sowilo because perhaps those can give you initial wealth more quickly, although you can also use an affirmation geared towards quickness as well.

Feb 20th is a waning, Libra moon, whereas Feb 16th is an Esbat in Leo, which would be way stronger for wealth. March 6th and 13th would be good as well. Not sure why March 13th is listed as good for wealth, yet Leo on the Esbat has no notations for it.

Definitely do material Sun and Jupiter squares as well, which will be stronger than runic workings. From the recent knowledge shared by HPHC, we can do spiritual and material Squares together, so doing this for the Sun would provide a significant boost towards wealth.

Also make sure, given your current situation, you have no major limitations to wealth in your natal chart. This can take the form of a weakened Sun, Venus, Saturn in Leo, afflicted 2nd house or maybe 5th house, and so on. For this, Munka and Ansuz can free you of any obstacles towards the accumulation of wealth, best started on a waning Pisces, Scorpio, or Aquarius moon.
Too late return again and years the January soul alive sustain your soul angel holy some part which loss victims understand it sewed lies thing primarily understanding higher written case wrote return loyal JOS waxing working freeing moon though eternity possible soul here spirit
Just had far hand mentally really physically day truth beautiful
Words return point better my fellow board remember never Satan path external life find out one someone thing powerfully higher
There's no time when Gods Gods return certain soul flooded prosperity
Our own worst enemy again leave
cannot have possibly hold to it time ways leave again better JOS working mentally there's no time when Gods Gods return certain soul flooded prosperity only advice well stronger March
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In our life, there is this uncanny thing.

It's as if life tries to draw us in too much, so that when we find a higher Truth we forget it, unless we cling on it very powerfully.

Events and circumstances, or our own inner failings, often-times distance us from our dreams, our hopes, but also higher understanding.

Over the years in being Clergy I have spoken with many people, many SS who are souls of Satan. Many have understood why they made it here. Time and time goes and passes.

We pass through this time, without understanding our relationship with it, we become it's slaves.

Understanding does not mean having verbally or in a written form intellectualized the exact cases - understanding relates to the heart in that case.

This is like raising a phone on an anticipated phonecall, and waiting to listen what the anticipated phonecall has to tell you. We might hear the fleeting voice of the Gods, or experience their fleeting presence.

Sentences, sounds, or broken words - but you know they are there. Then, your mother or wife calls you for dinner, and you close the phone. But you remember the phonecall and want to get called again.

Yet, as life has it, man is now deaf in the ears of the spirit and blind in the eyes of the soul. Our forgetfulness is our own worst enemy.

We try maybe a little too hard to listen to this telephone, to where giving up might be the logical conclusion. Then, we might be called away from it, it's dinner time.

There are a thousand ways this can go away from the telephone, but only one way to listen to it: you got to get there and hold to it.

There is so much in life that we can only call fate and not coincidence. You cannot have possibly listened to this sound and tell yourself you have not. "You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave."

Every soul in this world, has an opportunity to grow. This opportunity is based on soul level of development, and it's memories. Certain people who are of the Gods, will want to return back to the Gods again.

We seek again the glimmering light from where we came. In fact, there is no time where we are not in their presence. The Gods are here with us.

Life however deceives us through it's fast pace, and often-times, we can get lost.

Getting lost, quitting, giving up, all of these are natural human tendencies. There is nothing evil there in these happening, but evil comes exactly because of succumbing to no return to these tendencies.

In other cases, not listening to the phone, grief, guilt, fear, lack of understanding - all of these can try to keep you from this. One might want to never raise this phone again. It disturbs our sleep inside delusions when it rings, and even it's mere memory can feel like a burden.

An errant voice inside might even say, that you will live better without it - the same voice that reveals nothing to you about your soul or your higher potential. We know it's a lie, but yet, like servants, too many of us have followed into the claws of the beautiful but not-so-beautiful lying harpy.

Yet, even in the gnawing claws of this creature, we see it's true face. We thought we never would, but eventually we do. It's there, and it's happy to consume the creatures of it's domain, the offspring of her ignorance. And then we remember...

The experience of knowing never goes away. And if our mind somehow manages to forget, the eternal memory of the spirit retains this memory...Life rings the loud bell, and we the opportunity presents again itself, to lift up the telephone...

And then...We try again. The recurrence that almost looks as if it were eternal, is ringing the phone again.

The illusion of distance of time, or how we experience time, or our rushing foolishness, makes us frequently make mistakes in life. One of these mistakes is to keep struggling against one's soul, which is the eternal vehicle of one's existence.

We are all sons and daughters of "delusion", in that we delude themselves, often times without really intending it. But this is not really who has fathered our soul, it is the Gods. Therefore, the soul remembers them, and wants to get back to it's advancing pace.

Certain people never really leave Father Satan in their soul because that's impossible, yet, they might let themselves drift into lower levels as a result of falling. One might state on this state for a longer or lesser time.

If one had rose to a higher consciousness level, this wouldn't be a take one would have in life. We would understand better what is important and meaningful in our existence.

The closer to this state, the more the swindles of the lower part of ours which is bred into delusion give in and we advance. The more we allow this to take ground, the ground it takes is what takes ground from our very own feet.

Our memory of our emotions, our wonder when entering this path, or our love for this all, can be fought against by external life.

Society indeed wants to shrink people, and in the current state we are at, having a soul is like owning tons of gold while gold was made illegal.

Spiritual Satanism is where you recognize and you take this gold in your custody, because it's yours. If you have forsaken the great fortune of your soul, just remember, it's never too late to return to the path, or to Father Satan.

It's time to pick your phone, sometimes, and to tell the world that you need to finish your phone-call, so that dinner can wait. This world is never devoid of another dish of delay and delusions to serve you.

The time is, however, now. Even if it looks like it's late, it is not late to return.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I feel like I always have been and that is touched by your psyche. Youre an extraordinary writer and I have been a spiritual satanist for sometime. I have always identified with JoS, for year's because these fake Satanic groups that play dress up are just Kosher. They aren't real Satanism, they are atheists putting on a costume to be edgy to religious beliefs, mostly Christians. Which I completely understand. But this is the real deal. Joy of Satanism is Luciferianism. Period. That Ford guy, never really read his book, I have it, but you've always touched my soul. Hopefully, I can do my part and be counted amongst the ranks of the SS. Take it easy, get rich.
Also make sure, given your current situation, you have no major limitations to wealth in your natal chart. This can take the form of a weakened Sun, Venus, Saturn in Leo, afflicted 2nd house or maybe 5th house, and so on. For this, Munka and Ansuz can free you of any obstacles towards the accumulation of wealth, best started on a waning Pisces, Scorpio, or Aquarius moon.

So if I'm getting this right, you would vibrate munka a multiple of nine times and then affirm something like, " In a Positive and Healthy way for me, I am free from all detrimental effects of Saturn in my natal chart now and forever ".
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=324470 time=1644766412 user_id=21286]

Also make sure, given your current situation, you have no major limitations to wealth in your natal chart. This can take the form of a weakened Sun, Venus, Saturn in Leo, afflicted 2nd house or maybe 5th house, and so on. For this, Munka and Ansuz can free you of any obstacles towards the accumulation of wealth, best started on a waning Pisces, Scorpio, or Aquarius moon.

So if I have this right, I could chant Munka a multiple of nine times then an affirmation like: "In a positive and healthy way for me, I am free from all detrimental effects of Saturn in my natal chart", or something similar ?
antiochus said:
So if I have this right, I could chant Munka a multiple of nine times then an affirmation like: "In a positive and healthy way for me, I am free from all detrimental effects of Saturn in my natal chart", or something similar ?

Yes. Make sure you affirm that you are permanently free. You can also do this same process for other planetary energies, such as a bad Sun sign or aspects. Similarly, you can target specific behaviors, such as drug addiction, removing obstacles to wealth, relationships, productivity, etc.

Continue at least 40 days, but likely 80 or 120 days when you are tackling bigger or broader problems. Also, your personal power and time spent chanting influence how many days it will take to reach your goal.

Based on how energy works, the effects may not be immediately apparent or sometimes may worsen due to karma backlashing against you. Nonetheless, continue the working until you achieve your goals.

I know that deep cleaning can help mitigate karmic backlash, among a whole other list of benefits. Programing the energy to manifest positively will also make the outcome more gentle, as well.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=325804 time=1645127011 user_id=21286]

Thank you good sir. Looks like I'll be cleaning for the next year or two. Time to get to work! Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
