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Israeli War Against America

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Israeli War Against America

The current paradigm of the never ending "War on Terror" was created as the blue print of the Jewish Mossad in Israel, its operational objective being the way to the manifestation of the "Greater Israel Plan." The current Likud Party in Israel is the Mossad regime, the creator of the Likud Party was Menachem Begin the former leader of the Irgun terrorist organization that was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing which killed 91 people in 1946 and the Dir Yassin massacre in 1948 in which hundreds of Palestinian Arabs where brutally murdered as act of political terrorism.

During an interview with Begin, this is what he stated:

"How does it feel, in the light of all that's going on, to be the father of terrorism in the Middle East?"

"In the Middle East?" he [Begin] bellowed, in his thick, cartoon accent. "In all the world!"
Menachem Begin to Russell Warren Howe, January 1974, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, March 2009


Israel is notorious for false flag policies from the Lavon Affair in which Mossad agents dressed up as Arabs to commit acts of terrorism against western targets in Egypt and the USS Liberty attack to pull America into war for Israel. However when the Likud Party took power in Israel this became the open official policy that was dubbed "The War On Terror" in 1979 Menachem Begin, the then Prime Minister of Israel created and hosted the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism. This conference was hosted by the Netanyahu Institute which was created and run by the now Prime Minister of Israel and the current leader of the Likud Party, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his father.

On the conference:

"The conference organizers expect the event to initiate a major anti-terrorist offensive," Ian Black writes in the Jerusalem Post after the first day of the conference."...Philip Paull wrote in International Terrorism: The Propaganda War. "Four former chiefs of Israeli military intelligence participated in the conference: Gen. Chaim Herzog, Maj, Gen. Meir Amit, Lt. Gen. Aharon Yariv, and Maj. Gen. Shlomo Gazit."

Also in attendance was George H.W. Bush, along with seven hundred invited foreign journalists, influential friends of Israel, and top-ranking members of the Israeli military, diplomatic, and intelligence establishment."

This event is where the Israeli regime rolled out the Global War On Terror, this ideology was designed for one reason to use the concept of engineered terror attacks against the western world, to force western nations such as America into wars for Israel. This would be used to then destroy the Arab nations. The policy for such was outlined in the Yinon Plan which was written in 1982 by Israeli strategist Oded Yinon.

The situation is revealing as to what the Israeli plan was to make the Yinon Plan, happen:

"In 1979, Isser Harel, the veteran Israeli intelligence chief, predicted a terror attack like 9/11 to Michael D. Evans, an American Zionist activist. As Evans wrote, "My last question was would terrorism ever come to America. "You have the power to fight it,' he said, 'but not the will. They have the will, but not the power. All of that will change in time. Yes, I fear it will come to New York and your tallest building, which is a symbol of your fertility."

Benjamin Netanyahu, wrote in his 1995 book the same as what the Mossad chief Isser Harel, stated. Netanyahu stated the attack would be on the World Trade Center in New York:

On CNN in November 2006: "I wrote a book in 1995, and I said that if the West doesn't wake up to the suicidal nature of militant Islam, the next thing you will see is militant Islam bringing down the World Trade Center:

The Mossad was planning the attack on the World Trade Center in the 1980's:

"In 1987-Eight years after Israeli intelligence chief Isser Harel predicted that Arab terrorists would attack the tallest building in New York City, two of his veteran Mossad agents obtained the security contract for the World Trade Center and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Port Authority cancelled the contract when it discovered that Avraham Shalom (Bendor), the head of Atwell Security of Tel Aviv, is using a fake name and has a conviction in Israel- as the former chief of the Shin Bet- for the murder of two Palestinians."

"Shalom went to work for Kroll Associates and Maurice Greenberg. Kroll Associates obtained the security contract for the World Trade Center in 1993 after the first bombing and was responsible for the security at the WTC until 9/11."

Here we also witness the Predictive Programming the Jews use for their major operations:

"1978-Aron Milchan, a top-level Israeli intelligence agent, produces his first movie, The Medusa Touch. The film's climactic scene depicts a Boeing 747 crashing into the Pan Am Building in New York City. Milchan was also responsible for illegally smuggling 800 krytrons- triggers for nuclear weapons -from the U.S. to Israel's Ministry of Defense between 1979 and 1983. Although his company, Milco International, was behind the smuggling operation, Milchan himself was not indicted."

"2000 -- Arnon Milchan and his business partner Rupert Murdoch produce a TV series called "The Lone Gunman." The first episode of the series, "Pilot", is about a passenger airliner being remotely hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center."

Milchan was also behind producing the 1999 movie Fight Club, which shows the World Trade Center being attacked in acts of terrorism, the art monument that was blown up in the film was the exact replica of the one in the court yard of the World Trade Center and the scene at the end of the movie shows the towers of the World Trade Center coming down from CONTROLLED DEMOLITON.

The three World Trade Center towers, one of the three towers, tower seven was not struck by any planes and still collapsed the same way the other two towers fell, the evidence proves the three towers were brought down from inside using Thermite explosives:

"A government-funded study of the dust published by the U.S Geological Survey (Particle Atlas of World Trade Center Dust, 2005) contained micrographs of the iron-rich spheres. The USGS survey also found tiny spheres of molten molybdenum, which has a very high melting point of 2,623 degrees C, or 4,753 degrees F. The micrographs of the molten molybdenum were not published in the USGS report, but were obtained later through a F.O.I.A request.

The spheres of iron were evidently produced by a highly energetic nano-composite of super-thermite, chips of which were found in the dust by Dr.Steve E.Jones ("Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," The Open Chemical Physics Journal, 2009). When the bi-layered chips of this active thermitic material were heated to 430 degrees C, they ignited and produced extreme heart and iron-rich spheres identical to those found in the dust. Although this discovery, published n a peer-reviewed scientific journal in 2009, provides essential information about how the iron-rich spheres were created- and how the towers were demolished- it has never been discussed in the mainstream media in the United States."

All quotes from:
The War On Terror The Plot To Rule The Middle East, Christopher Bollyn
Instead of Thermite explosives they used a nuclear-physical process.

Because of this the firemen had to pump water nearly one or 2 month into the ground to coul it. radiation produce long lasting heat. There were not much rubble left after the explosion. all vaporised.
there were guys running around and checking the radiation around the Surrounding.
Cars from firemen and other vehicles who were close to the towers were washed down with water. To loose the radiaton.
They did create on top of the radiationed places water pools , water is a natural radiation shield.




Das Ground-Zero-Modell – Dipl. Physiker Heinz Pommer bei SteinZeit | 20.01.2019 | http://www.kla.tv/13724 (in german)
Thermite was found within the dust of the WTC after the attack a person can also witness the video of the towers coming down and note the explosions going off floor by floor, which is what was reported by the survivors of the WTC. I just stay with the scientifically document evidence, the Jews have been all over 911 truth, attempting to put all kinds of nonsense into such to attempt to discredit it, from holographic air planes to earth quake machines. Thermite is the material that had the power to turn three towers into dust.
In the video they say the termite was used to build/blast a tunnel from ground to top. All 3 passenger elevators were blown up including the goods lift. They needed this so the plasma beam could go up as seen in the first picture. In the video at 30:20 min they show a video from the day from the surrounding of the tower there is a gulli lid from which steam rises (from the heat of the nuclear-physical process). Also the say the cars in the surrounding did have a rust layer after the tower did fall ( reaction due to increased particle separation/radiation).

I don´t want to open a pointles debate. I did chare it because, it does matter if more people get cancer in new york. And the day comes when the people who are accountable for this get thear punishment. I think the only reason the video is still up on yewtube is they fail to name the jews/israel who did it (intentionally, they guy from Steinzeit has the name Robert Stein, probably jew).

If there is interst in the details I will take the time to translate all into english. Thanks HP Mageson666 for your reply.
Not all radiation is effectively shielded by water.

Usually ionizing radiation is the immediately dangerous, damaging and cancer triggering form of radiation people are referrig to when they otherwise mention harmful radiation without specifics, (x-rays, gamma rays, etc). - Is this what you mean? Unfortunately, both x-ray and gamma rays pass through water quite easily, though they can be effectively halted by the appropriate thickness of lead. So I doubt radioactive materials like these would be amply utilised in water like your diagrams specify.

If there were pools of radiation on top of the two towers, then it is not something I'm familiar with, and while I don't want to shut down your discussion, I would appreciate more details if you wouldn't mind. Thank you.

Otherwise thermite would do the trick.

Norse 88 said:
Not all radiation is effectively shielded by water.

Usually ionizing radiation is the immediately dangerous, damaging and cancer triggering form of radiation people are referrig to when they otherwise mention harmful radiation without specifics, (x-rays, gamma rays, etc). - Is this what you mean? Unfortunately, both x-ray and gamma rays pass through water quite easily, though they can be effectively halted by the appropriate thickness of lead. So I doubt radioactive materials like these would be amply utilised in water like your diagrams specify.

If there were pools of radiation on top of the two towers, then it is not something I'm familiar with, and while I don't want to shut down your discussion, I would appreciate more details if you wouldn't mind. Thank you.

Otherwise thermite would do the trick.


"Lead (e.g. in the form of lead bricks) is a suitable shielding material for protection against gamma radiation. In special cases, tungsten or depleted uranium are used because of their higher density, as they lead to an even stronger weakening of the radiation. However, as they are not always available and their provision causes high costs, they do not play an important role in radiation protection practice. If sufficient space is available for radiation protection, other, cheaper materials can also be used, e.g. iron, concrete or water."


Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator"

In the video they did mention he did puplish it in written form here we go (its not so much as the video but quite good):

"9/11 - The Ground Zero Model
One, do not split
The essence of technical documentation

By Heinz Pommer.

A technical editor is no writer or researcher: he writes nothing new. He merely rewrites existing information, he unifies it. The technical editor's work follows a strict systematic approach: information is analysed, structured and simplified.

In contrast to machine and plant documentation, 9/11 is characterized by an additional, astonishing component: many readers vehemently deny and reject what is described according to these rules.

The search for a uniform model should help to unite the views of different parties, not be used to divide parties.

In any case, the model presented here should be seen as a hypothesis.
Overview of the existing models
Model 1

Dimitri Khalezov describes the destruction of the WTC by the detonation of a 150 kt nuclear bomb about 75 m deep in the ground
Reference: http://911thology.com/nexus1.html He refers to himself as an insider or confidant who had prior knowledge of the demolition plans Mockery reaps this explanation primarily through the absence of the cavity (cave under the towers), or the absence of an explosive crater

Model 2

William Tahil describes the destruction of the WTC by the ignition of a pulsed nuclear reactor, which was located directly under the towers and was secretly built during the construction of the twin towers (one reactor per tower).
Reference: http://nucleardemolition.com/ This explanation is primarily harvested through the necessary cooling of the plant: it is not possible to control the reactor, which has become supercritical and melts everything down. Furthermore, the radioactive contamination by old nuclear fuel would be extreme.

Model 3

Dr. Judy Wood describes the destruction of the WTC by the use of unknown DEW energy weapons (Directed Energy Weapons).
Reference: http://www.drjudywood.com/wp/ Mockery reaps this explanation primarily through the necessary technical belief in a secret weapons technologyModel 3 also includes other hypotheses such as 4th generation nuclear weapons or anti-matter and cold fusion

Model 4

Richard Gage describes the destruction of the WTC through the use of nano thermite and other explosives.
Reference: https://www.ae911truth.org/ Mockery reaps this explanation primarily by the violation of the law of conservation of energy and impulses, as well as the total absence / disregard of the additionally observed energetic phenomena. Model 4 also includes other hypotheses such as several micro-nuces in the towers, since the violation of the law of conservation of impulses (the observed vertical eruption) would also exist here.

Model 5

Shyam Sunder, Head of the NIST Committee of Inquiry, Philip D. Zelikow (responsible for the Final Report '9/11 Commission Report') and Stephen Cauffman (Head of the WTC-7 Investigation) describe the destruction of the WTC by the action of fire, as well as by structural damage (mechanical action).
Reference: https://www.9-11commission.gov/report/911Report.pdf Mockery reaps this explanation at every stage of analysis
Reference: http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-9-11-commission-report-a-571-page-lie/907Eine further investigation of Model 5 does not take place in this article

Criticisms and shortcomings of Model 4 (Nano-Thermit)

Actually, the arguments of over 3,000 'architects and engineers for 9/11 Truth' should be sufficient and leave no essential questions unanswered.

Instead, new groups are formed around Model 1, Model 2 and Model 3, some of which argue bitterly against each other and against Model 4.
The main points of criticism regarding Model 4 are:
1. too high energy input into the soil (depth input)

ignited Nano-Thermit should have largely disappeared after the reaction in the towerProblem: the amount of energy of the thermite residues is not sufficient to keep the granite floor hot for 3 months despite intensive extinguishing work3-D model (LIDAR)

2. missing explosion noises during destruction

for a destruction speed of 40 m per second (i.e. 400 m tower in 10 seconds) explosive processes are necessaryProblem: acoustically the destruction is accompanied only by a loud hissing

3. eruptive processes during destruction (conservation of momentum)

The combustion of the extremely reactive nanothermite can melt steel like butter and actually destroy the tower, which would be the cause: Heat problem: the hissing (and thus seconds long) combustion does not explain the eruptive processes: Acceleration and explosive pressure WITHOUT explosion


4. vertical energy flow / extreme up winds

the surviving group in WTC-1 reports extreme upwinds at the beginning of the destruction inside (at the base of the tower) firefighter Mickey Kross:
"It was like a cyclone at 160 kilometers per hour."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI7_ftokN6M&t=3m28s Eruption shaft created:
http://www.abidemiracles.com/images/terrorism/911nukes/010915wtc2subbasemt.jpg Problem: this vertical energy flow inside and the trunk cloud above WTC-2 and WTC-1, as well as the mushroom cloud above WTC-7 after the destruction prove ONE energy center under the earth


Fig. 1-2 WTC-2 and WTC-1: http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/evidence/photos/collapses.html
WTC-7 (Mushroom cloud): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnLcUxV1dPo&t=12m19s
5. burning buildings and cars in the area

after the destruction of the towers, surrounding metallic clad objects were in flamesProblem: this can only be explained with model 4 by the laying of additional incendiary devices


Fig. 1-3 Flamed buildings WTC-5 / WTC-6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaO2fON1H98&t=20s
WTCFOIA video (with age limit): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHf4eqAwrXo&t=33m12s
Flamed cars: http://www.abidemiracles.com/images/terrorism/911nukes/Image175.jpg
6. concrete and steel dust - and intact paper

massive pyroclastic clouds of dust formed during the destruction of the towers, which were hot in the immediate vicinity of the towers but cooled quicklyProblem: these clouds contained the finest concrete and steel dust, which can only be caused by crystal fragmentation, but not by thermite

Destruction of the cubic-space-centered elementary cell of the iron lattice structure (scheme)


Fig. 1-4 Source (iron crystal): https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eisen#/media/File:Lattice_body_centered_cubic.svg

1. energetic radiation hits the metal lattice structure

2. energy absorption as oscillation

3. broken grid structure (dust)
7. melt structures of granite

Parallel to the [radiolucent] underground tunnel, a long depression was discovered: "Silverstein Glacier Valley".

New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/22/nyregion/22rocks.html
"In the southeast corner, however, the pothole adds another 40 feet to the depth, meaning that its bottom is about 110 feet below street level."

It can be an irony of circumstances that the location of the "glacier valley" near the South Tower is confused with a melting process of rock.

For the opponents of Model 4, however, the "Glacier Valley" explains the missing cavity under the towers.

Accordingly, the viscous rock was pulled into the eruption chamber by pressure relief or sank down to 30 m due to its own weight.

The Ground Zero Model (GZM)

It is not difficult to formulate a uniform model as a hypothesis:

Dimitri Khalezov is right: the energy input in the soil was nuclear and extremely high (but was not released in a micro-second, but within an hour)Example: Steam emission from the sewage system (indication of boiling water in the soil already before the destruction of the South Tower):
William Tahil is right: it is a nuclear reactor that became a bomb (the reactor was not mechanically controlled, however, but consisted like a natural reactor of a reactive element mix, with the additional ability to self-ignite [i.e. a planned nuclear deflagration within one hour after activation])The fuel of such a reactor can have almost any geometry:
Dr. Judy Wood is right: the released energy has a definite direction and dusts steel (only the ground acted as a weapon: as a radiation collimator and as an energy store).
Richard Gage is right: Nano-Thermit and other explosives weakened the building structure and connected the elevator shafts to a [nuclear] chimney (only the building was finally destroyed by a shooting plasma needle, not by the classical explosives).

Effect of plasma eruption (after self-ignition)

the plasma needle shoots up inside the [connected] elevator shafts and vaporizes the building core
the plasma needle is stopped when it hits the turret tip and breaks out laterally (third maximum in interference pattern [red arrow])
Seconds later the observed fountain is formed: the building is destroyed standing and eruptively.


Fig. 1-5 Scheme (modified): http://www.deepexcavation.com/uploads/case_studies/WTC_TimesPhoto_Edited_1small.JPG
Interference pattern helicopter 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=007pcpMihSY&t=1h20m20s

1. nuclear plasma needle, shooting

2. pressed in protective wall "The Bathtub"

3. sinkholes in the "glacier valley

4. direction of the counter pulse (pressure)

5. pressure chamber in the rock soil (energy storage for nuclear plasma)

6. forward pressure wave (compressed air; English technical term = precursor)
Example: Eruption of the North Tower

The position of the eruption channel is clearly visible through the central black cloud (the vaporized building core) and the fountain of the powdered outer shell (steel).


Fig. 1-6 Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7d/93/7c/7d937ce48cb6be70407d2d95b963b261-wtc-american-history.jpg-wtc-american-history.jpg
Expert knowledge: plasma games
Nuclear plasma and interference

Accelerated charge carriers (i.e. also nuclear plasma as a completely ionized gas) radiate energy and thus generate a signal.

When WTC-1 collapsed, the electronics of the camera's switched-off microphone in Helicopter 2 recorded electromagnetic signals that can be used to reconstruct the underground nuclear deflagration and the dynamics of the rising plasma needle inside the tower.
Interference pattern helicopter 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=007pcpMihSY&t=1h20m20s

At first glance, the assertion seems grotesque that:

a bomb detonated in the rock bed destroys the object above only 10 seconds after the explosion from top to bottom

Exactly this effect can, however, be achieved with a pressure chamber eruption, a shooting pressure needle in a double tube and its reflection*) at the apex.
0. precondition

First of all, it must be ensured that the energy from the granite floor can reach the top of the tower relatively unhindered.

This was achieved by:

Preparation blasting in the elevator shafts of the towers (e.g. with thermite)

Resulting effect after ignition:

first the plasma needle shoots upwards unhindered through the elevator shafts, these are vaporized in the process: but the direction is set correctly [A].

during deceleration and reflection*) of the plasma needle in the tower tip, the gas pressure in the upper segment of the tower increases abruptly, since more material continues to shoot up than the lift shafts or the tower tip can accommodate.

after dissolving the top of the tower (= the disappearance of the obstacle) the classical eruption fountain is formed: the tower is torn apart by the increase in volume of the eruptive material [C].


Fig. 1-7 Source (WTC drawing, modified): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Trade_Center_(1973-2001)
*Strictly speaking, it is not the plasma that is reflected at the top of the tower, but only the pressure wave (= displaced and compressed air). This leads to the actual backstroke.
1. maximum (interference pattern): energy input into the ground

In order to create a corresponding pressure chamber in the granite soil, the energy input into the soil must be as soft as possible but extreme.

This was achieved by:

a nuclear deflagration lasting approx. 6 seconds

The recorded signal from the helicopter camera indicates a nuclear chain reaction in the granite floor lasting 6 seconds.


Fig. 1-8 Solid angle: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raumwinkel
2. maximum (interference pattern): nuclear plasma breakthrough

after a further 3 seconds the pressure has built up to such an extent that the granite floor is broken through and the nuclear plasma (completely ionized gas) is accelerated upwards through the elevator shaft.


Fig. 1-9 Source (floor plan): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Trade_Center_(1973-2001)
3. maximum (interference pattern): nuclear plasma deceleration

after another 2 seconds the nuclear plasma hits the upper part of the tower: the charge carriers are decelerated. this deceleration (negative acceleration) can also be recorded by a camera as interference.

From the time difference of the signal between maximum 2 and maximum 3 [400 meters in 2 seconds] an average speed of approx. 200 m/s results for the shooting plasma needle, which at the beginning consists only of evaporated rock.


Fig. 1-10 Source (floor plan): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Trade_Center_(1973-2001)
4. visible plasma emission and eruptive collapse

Then the hot gas fountain and the sinking spire destroy the tower from top to bottom. The steel, which is molecularly attacked by the gamma and neutron radiation, becomes even more unstable due to the sudden increase in temperature of the gas fountain and a large part dissolves in dust.


Fig. 1-11 Source (photo WTC-1): http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/evidence/photos/wtc1exp1.html

In summary, the double-tube structure of WTC-1 and WTC-2 has made it possible to destroy the towers from top to bottom, even though the necessary energy was generated underground.

NOTE 1: the inner tube (the shaft of the freight elevators in the middle of the building) was not pressure-absorbing, only directional.
Principle: propagation in the direction of the lowest resistance.

NOTE 2: As with any underground nuclear explosion, only an expanding cloud of dust and steam is visible from the outside and no flash or fire.
Example: ESS Teapot [1kt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9ahoAMAGL8

NOTE 3: this model requires a much smaller nuclear explosive force than Dimitri Khalezov's model [seismic activity]. However, the total energy input in the soil is very high.

NOTE 4: the increased tritium values and the massive heat development in the subsurface, as well as the unusually high cancer rate in New York after 9/11 confirm the model.

NOTE 5: also for WTC-7 the development of a pyroclastic dust cloud, the formation of a [fungal] cloud as well as an extreme energy input in the soil was observed.
Nevertheless, the destruction followed a different pattern: the building only collapsed (disintegration of the base).

The GZM (9/11 Unit Model) is based on a nuclear process and is associated with radioactive contamination of the WTC environment.

Already years ago Dr. Niels Harrit (Copenhagen) wrote angrily to the author of this article: "you cannot have a nuclear process without having radioactivity!

Which Dr. Niels Harrit is absolutely right about.

Yes, there are no reports about radioactivity. But there are reports about:

Newly expected cancer cases: 35,000 people out of the 500,000 exposed people (= 7%), of which a significant proportion are leukaemia and thyroid cancer.
possible "terrorist attacks" with a radiation bomb (dirty bomb): after 9/11 up to 4,000 task forces patrolled New York with violin counters
"... under the belts of 4,000 first responders [...] is a personal radiation detector."

This inner contradiction can be resolved, but this is emotionally very difficult.

Reports on radioactivity have been efficiently suppressed for years!

more than 4,000 emergency forces ensured the safety of citizensMismeasurements triggered by patients in nuclear medicine could easily be explained to concerned citizens
"cops get radiation hits all the time while on patrol. Often its a medical patient..."
the video shows the [ironically fitting] example: 370 μRad/h = 3,7 μSV/h
Laboratories and universities received the samples only after strict state testing.
the attention of the citizens was drawn to the problematic nuclear power plant on Long Island

The really decisive question for the rulers and the military is only this:

up to which radiation exposure can the flow of information about a contamination be controlled or the city remain functional?

The normal value in Southern Germany is about 0.17 μSV/h.

The negative example from New York shows the 20-fold value.
Furthermore, the radiation exposure was reduced by the following factors:
1. radioactive decay

the primary fission products of uranium all decay within a few days, with the exception of the weakly radioactive zirconium time is the important factor here!

2. stable isotopes after neutron absorption

the element iron (steel beams, iron dust, fragments, etc.) forms several stable isotopes. Stable isotopes cannot be detected with a Geiger counter even when neutron radiation is detected: there is no radioactive signature surface cleaning before passing it on is the important factor here!

3. fate of uranium / fission products in the rock bed

the sinking of the uranium in the rock bed and the eruption of the upper pressure chamber did not eject the entire radioactive material


Fig. 1-12 Source, Dimitri Khalezov (modified): https://wikispooks.com/wiki/File:SkyScraperScheme.jpg
4. wind direction

the removal of the radioactive plume of smoke to the open sea prevented the fallout in New York
-=http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=- Proudly Presents

5. application of earth

on the rubble heap of Ground Zero fresh earth was thrown immediately

6. water

the rubble heap of Ground Zero was immediately extinguished with huge amounts of water
Vehicles that left Ground Zero were cleaned with high-pressure water jets (= decontaminated).
above every former heat centre there is currently a water basin: WTC-1 / WTC-2 (Memorial Pools) and WTC-7 (Silverstein Family Park)

Reconnaissance and unity is the order of the day. The emperor may be naked and his helpers of capital may be indefinable. The high priests of violence in our institutions are not. They are clothed and venerated by name. And they still keep us with their lies in a spiritual prison."

Only when we dare to pronounce the names of the money-creating powerful, and dare to reveal their crimes, as well as their spiritual self-identification, do truth, justice and peace have a chance.

Enlightenment and unity is the order of the day."

You appear to be quite right, Fuchs.

I'm looking through a few different resources and they all support your argument that water indeed does shield ionizing radiation, including gamma rays. I absolutely didn't know that and I probably wouldn't have come across it or believed it otherwise if not for your thoughtful and detailed response. I also appreciate the effort you made on my behalf tranlsating Pommer's writing to English. (Deutsche Sprache; schwere Sprache.)

After all that I've a mind to touch up on my chemistry and nuclear physics now. Thank you for helping me find the enthusiasm!

Norse 88 said:
You appear to be quite right, Fuchs.

I'm looking through a few different resources and they all support your argument that water indeed does shield ionizing radiation, including gamma rays. I absolutely didn't know that and I probably wouldn't have come across it or believed it otherwise if not for your thoughtful and detailed response. I also appreciate the effort you made on my behalf tranlsating Pommer's writing to English. (Deutsche Sprache; schwere Sprache.)

After all that I've a mind to touch up on my chemistry and nuclear physics now. Thank you for helping me find the enthusiasm!


You´re welcome

PS: DeepL Translator did the most work ;)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
