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Is the Universe/Nature actually Water Element/Stubborn/Obsession/Fixation by Default?


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
As some of you know, I find Astrology a difficult discipline, so if I am mistaken in this, then please post any corrections. Also - I apologise for this in advance, especially at the end.

The more and more I think about things, the more I think that everything is Water Element, stubborn, obsessive, fixated, etc. Take any individual of any sub-cultural group. They go and do and be that thing or those things. As I say and repeat from others - whatever we think and do increases, for better or for worse; thoughts become things; where the Mind goes Energy flows; what we focus on consumes us... Take a Child in school who wants to be a pro boxer or wrestler..., a materialist who loves being a Barbie doll and fashion and make-up, a drifter who has a crappy job and is hardly living; merely existing... Any and all sorts of people. Of course, in life, things change, but if we take our Astrology we could split our lives up into chunks - an ex-soldier who fought for this country is now living on the streets; if he could, he would continue being a soldier in one form or another, now he is homeless and that is his life...

Generally, for different people, we eat, we drink, we sleep, we make love, we work, we live on benefits, we play games and smoke weed and wank over porn because we're a loser incel, we live a happy life, we're successful... No matter what it is, who we are, what we are, what we do, where we go... unless we decide to make change, then we're all Water Element (or Ice Rune)d into things, we're fixed upon that, we keep doing it day after day after day; even Gods and Goddesses be Gods and Goddesses, respectively, repeatedly and unchangingly; They are going to continue being strong and proud and powerful and just, etc., etc., etc. Even if someone has different Elements in their Soul, in whichever many varying quantities, whatever they are and do and be, is whatever they are and do and be - either permanently or for a fixed time.

Even if we change circumstances... we still have some fundamental, inescapable, inextricable things that will continue. If Water Element might be classed as obsessive and unchanging, then the Universe is such, yes? The Universe will always be; it will also always be the Universe; it will continue doing what it does and continue not doing what it doesn't do - as if it is obsessed with those things, obsessed with being that.

You cannot change yourself into being a cloud or a piece of metal or your favourite foods... Fixatedly, you are and always will be you - breathable air will always be made up of various bits and pieces; water will always be made up of its constituents, we will always need air (oxygen) and water to exist... The Universe is not wavering, it is not changing form or style or type. It is fixed, it is 'obsessed' (albeit it, unconscious - but I thought a sermon said the Universe is or has a conscience, which I think is not its own conscience or that 'we are inside the brain of a much larger being'; rather, our thoughts are the Universe's conscience), it has 'too much' Water to change. (I hate this saying but)It is what it is; it won't ever and can not ever be anything other than what it is. One might say the Universe's karma has been set so infinitely-long ago, that its karma is fixed and too far to be different.

Maybe the other 3 Elements = 3 other "universes"? The 5th Element; rather, the first Element, is the Aether, which is the Spirituality/Astral, and the 4 Elements are the Physical realm. From the Aether comes everything, and Water is the birth of it all; it is the place where we are what we are and things are what they are. I am trying to think of any Baby Animal born/spawned/hatched which does not have water in its unborn make-up; if it had none, then it would be dry and not alive. A Soul in his/her first incarnation might be brand new, but if he/she works at it, then he/she will become a God or Goddess respectively - this is the way of things, how the Universe 'decided' it should be, and the Universe won't change it's 'mind'; the Universe is stubborn, strict, obsessed, fixed, unwavering, unchangeable - Water Element.

Presumably, with Aether being the first Element (or you might say 0th), Water came into existence first - and just while typing that, I remembered that the jew wrote in its bibles -

Genesis 1
1In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

(A completely separate point which I pondered recently is thinking about this, which Elements "god the father", "god the son" and "god the holy spirit" were supposed to represent. I forgot about it until this very second.)

I have quite long realised that "the void" = the Aether Element. In thinking about this topic, that the Universe and Nature is Water Element, I forgot about Genesis 1 - "the creation" story. "god the father" is then supposed to represent Aether, from which everything comes - and then "the deep" and "hovering over the waters". Which waters? I know people reckon that we evolved from fish...which live and 'breath' in water - that might be a corruption and faerie tale version of where we came from, referencing the Universe being Water, the birther.

If Aether/Dark Matter/Dark Energy permeates everything, then somehow 'decided', for whatever 'reason', that Water should exist, then from there that other things should exist, then maybe in other parts of the Universe Fire, Air and Earth are predominant and absolute like Water is here; or if not other parts of the Universe, then 'other universes'? Getting possibly further from my point (because I keep thinking!) - this Water Universe is as it is, and from Water, other things came; maybe Water Universe will, in a huge amount of time, give birth to other sections of the Universe - that of Fire, Air and Water - and like in Human Souls the constituents of the Elements within us must be balanced, the Water Universe in and of itself, or the Water Universe being in something else with Fire, Air and Earth universe compatriots will, eventually, create a 'Soul' being? Things are infinite and eternal, fractals, numbers and decimals and infinite decimal places, advancement, dimensions... If not the Water Universe giving birth to Fire, Air and Earth, then 'behind' the Universe, the Aether will give birth to Fire, Air and Earth universes, these being compatriots of Water Universe, which our Water Universe will unite with and be balanced into a 'Soul' or some form of existence?

Again - the more and more I think about things, the more I think that everything is Water Element, stubborn, obsessive, fixated, etc. Take any individual of any sub-cultural group. They go and do and be that thing or those things. They definitely have their own Elements in their Souls, but they still are a part of that sub-cultural group. They may change from being chav to being punk because some things overlap and they feel better in being in a different sub-cultural group, but they still do and be themselves, if they can. The Mind is another... well... element. Once can be free if they didn't allow themselves to be brainwashed and influenced by things which they might not fit in with... but they still be themselves. Even if we change our karma, and create good karma, from doing drugs to being a humanitarian, or from being a helper to being xenophobic and misanthropic; from zero to hero or from hero to zero... we are still us, unchanging, and the Water Universe made it be this way.

The reptillians might be destroyers of Worlds, by blowing up Planets, but it cannot destroy the Universe. Even if the Universe exploded, there would still be things there. Even if all were to be vapourised, radiation and the thing that is nothing would still exist. There will always be things that exist, even if nothing - nothing is still a thing; and this is fixed and unchangeable. The Universe came from the Aether, so maybe me saying Water Universe is inaccurate; if the Universe was destroyed, presumably Aether would still be there because like I said radiation and the thing that is nothing would still be there, and the Universe came from the Aether; so maybe Water isn't the birther; Aether obviously is the birther and Water is the beginning of the process after Aether gives birth to it. "The void" in Genesis 1 seems to be this thing that is nothing. The Water Universe, or the Aether, would still exist. The Aether 'ejaculated' Water which existed and exists everything, and this won't not ever be. It is stubborn and fixed and unchanging and unchangeable.

Oh - I just remembered another thing. I think a member said that the Element of Aether is cold. The nature of Aether must be that it is... well, I was going to say Water-based, but Water came from Aether... and not made up of or constituting Water, but Water-like in Nature - then again, Aether surely is Fire-like, Air-like and Aether-like in nature, as well... so as things come and go, to and fro, like waves and repetition and movement causing vibration (like I have posted about before), some things got 'shaken loose' and Water came out because Air is too thin and disperses too quickly; Earth is too heavy and slow and cumbersome; and Fire is too hot and destructive, so water being just right came first out of the Aether; Water is the regulator; the controller, (Aether "has" Air, Fire, Water and Earth "within" it already? Like Aether is a tub or a pot, and Earth, Air, Fire and Water are hundreds and thousands sprinkles. Where the fuck did this and these come from, then?! It was 'just there'?!), and this will always be, unchanging, 'stubborn', fixed, 'obsessive'. People don't want to change, and even if they do, they still have slightly-less-than 100% of themselves, their behaviours, their actions, their thoughts, etc., all the same - we are mini universes within ourselves, is it microcosm or macrocosm of the Universe(?) - like Universe like People - this will always be, unchanging, unchangeable, 'stubborn', fixed, 'obsessive'.

The Universe was borne out of the Aether, and -
  • if there are multiple universes or will be eventually, then our Universe is Water; other universes will be, or are in the making of being, Fire, Air and Earth; or
  • if there is only the Universe, then our 'section' is Water; other 'sections' are Fire, Air and Earth; or
  • the Universe was borne out of the Aether and Water is the inescapable, fixed, 'obsessive', 'stubborn', unchanging and unchangeable beginning of it all.

    Again - sorry for this, especially as it got to the end. I've been thinking a bit about it for a little while, and thought I should post it.
There is only one Universe a Monoverse not a Multiverse. But we can control the multi-verse digitally to download a better Civilizational pattern. Think of the Universe as a CPU processor with multi-threading. Threads = virtual cores, the core is stressed with more data but the physical Universe only expands and continues to get bigger worst case scenario the Universe is virtually limited to an end point a logical fixed shape but physically it just keeps going. Spiritually maybe the Universe slowly builds up and bubbles around in a defined shape and reaches end points at certain key times or when knowledge is presented.

Kinda like KNOW-LEDGE. KNOW the LEDGE. LEDGE of the Universe, maybe?

"Knowledge shouldn't be rushed", said Satan.

But there are currently two schools of thoughts.

1. HP.Dann known as Traitor Dann in his website archived but the pictures are long gone. Circa 2002-2003-2004 period I believe 2004 maybe 2005 is when he started going crazy and was removed.

States, "There are three Universal divisions in the Universe."

1. A densely populated area of the Universe where it's very warm/hot and has a tremendous amount of civilizations and places to explore i.e. celestial objects. The Reptilians and Greys, or at least the original pre-grey, greyed up civilizations exist here. Before the enemy there were pre-greyed up non-slave civilizations. I believe we can speculate further on insects since they require muggy, outdoor conditions. For example how many times has a flying insect that is friendly and harmless entered your house only to be unable to remove it and it dies 2-3 days later from the air conditioning conditions of the house.

So we can also speculate insectoid or certain other races come from here. We can also assume humanoid like aliens might be here as well and some might be from asshole civilizations or friendly or civilizations who've shunned the enemy as we do only to be left to their own devices.

2. Our backyard a area of the Universe that posses a middle ground goldilocks areas. Not too much heat, not too much cold, not too much civilizations, not too little civilizations, and not too many places but not too little places. Just right areas of existence. Perhaps this could be the reason Satan and the Gods are obsessed with Balance and want people to experience the Eternal Balance as Satan states so that you can be as materialistic as you want without damaging your spirituality or as spiritual as you want without damaging your material gains. Think of it like energy exchanging civilizations like ours.

They may posses money for lesser spiritual beings or other civilizations or a theorycrafting/brainstorming intellgentsia whereby the Gods simply posses money to test things out.

Again I don't know if the Gods are literally wanting us to posses money or they want us to test things mentally like Schrodinger's cat sorta like Samantha Carter from Stargate explaining to the guauld resistance fighters it was just a mental thought exercise. Imagine Roman money system how they subdivide things like crypto cause we are supposed to live in a deflationary system i.e. things get cheaper, civilization improves, thus our material matter improve.

Kinda like the meme joke but seriously WTF from the electronics digital industry. Computers and individual components get cheaper, easier, more mass produced and more affordable to produce ex: $39.99 smartphone or multi-inch tablet. But even though that happens both at the manufacturer and consumer level. The inflation and issues with the economy mean companies price it higher and higher than ever thus evaporating the traditional rules especially the digital industry that is the lifeblood of communication in modern society i.e. digital interaction. So that $39.99 smartphone or tablet should really cost like $2.67. Unless otherwise either we need price remodulation(a term I invented in a deflationary system think Gold-Standard like Ghadaffi 0.14cents for 40 loaves of bread even paying a penny is a ripoff or the Spanish Peseta penny newspaper going to 3 Euro pennies after switching to the Euro thus normalizing the price and gouging the consumers).

Or we need to study the Gods and their catalog of Ancient civilizations and study the denominations like Roman coins for example one coin being worth 1/4000th of a full denomination thus having continuous price drop i.e. deflation at all levels. Either items need to be made better and at higher levels and more extreme development i.e. less shekelberging and shekelsteining rather higher quality items and wares. Or we need to do like crypto and have alternative coins for money. For example Roman prostitutes of certain period received ancient tokens like crypto exchange so they receive sex tokens then exchange it for the denomination of the Roman era money and thus have a multi-money system. Sorta like Roman entertainment tokens that can tell you the row you sit at and a token to pay for entertainment often given away by the Emperor or other heads of State.


This place contains US AND OUR Gods as well as reptilians/greys/asshole civilizations/neutral/friendly/neutral with individual people or nations fighting for us or any other creature not found in the mass World.

Perhaps the logic is the Universal forces here the area is a middle ground hence not too little but not too much. Again I say this without a grain of salt because our backyard i.e. Solar System was at one point a perfect place for our Souls chakra network. The Gods couldn't have found a better place than ours before the enemy struck. And Satan did bring his technology of middle-verse for man to understand.

3. Finally there is one place that is kinda the dead/dying area of the Universe this place contains a dull amount of civilizations, a dull amount of warmth, mostly cold, barren few and far in between. The Universe nor celestial objects die per say they can blow up and emit their discharge for ages of time and spread themselves across the Universe hence panspermia theorems both of life and material matter. And the place contains something but we don't have the technology to do it.

The Second theory of the Universe is the Seere/Dogon/African cosmology.

The Universe barring any reference to the Microcosm of ourselves i.e. our own Internal Unviersal representation.

Is the fact the Seere in particular mention the Universe is a Pentagram. Not only is it is it a Pentagram but Thoth/Hermes mentions the Universe is triangular or pyramidic again I don't know if that is fancy chakra talk of a high level or simply explaining we are in one of the arms of the pentagram.

But from JoSAfrica/Shannon's site the Seere believe the Pentagram dictates our Universe.

I believe around when Prophp forums Maxine in one thread someone posted they mentioned Enlil was asked, "Is there an end of the Universe".

To which Enlil replied, "Yes after is no consciousness".

I don't know if He means the Universe is still manufacturing itself as the Universe is both Eternal and Infinite in all directions. I don't know if it us Unlimited. As was said, "If Satan posses Unlimited power he can materialize a Vimana fleet of trillions upon trillions of vessels quadrillions, dodecaundecilians of vessels and just swallow up the enemy."

It's kinda like the Athena meme. If Satan and the Gods possessed the Athena i.e. the Shakti control. Satan and the Gods would wave their hand and annihilate the enemy in one blow. The fact of the matter is the Universe is masculine.

It's female Shakti but the macrocosm of masculinity means the logical man can do whatever he wants because we base our power on the male side not the female side.

Thus the Universe remains a mystery even to the Gods because if Satan controlled the Athena mind he'd just wave his hand and travel back in time and annihilate the enemy. Even time travel to a light degree is only achievable either through the subtle planes but not the physical 3rd dimension or through accessing 4th dimensionality i.e. Spiritual Apotheosis i.e. eating from the various Trees of Evolution. Thus the break out of time eater/crusher like the Hindu or Greek or any civilizations tales on the mortality of a person to break free from the lower decaying forces and enter the realms of Godly procession.

On top of that time can be seen past, present, and future. And even breaking through the barrier i.e. guaranteed reality. But even still ethically, spiritually, physically, and appropriately even for Satan or Astarte or any divinatory entity to fortell the future as 100% UNLESS a Herculian effort is done i.e. download this reality guarantee and pop in the protective aspect of making sure it's made. Is both a double-edge sword. Yes we can do it we can make reality happen exactly as planned.

But what about when it goes awry not terrible but not well. Or better yet it compounds and multiplies far greater and more so than the Gods.

Thus the Universe whether split or combined i.e. triple-separation monoverse or the pentagram monoverse.

The future is never set in stone and even if set in stone it is changeable for better or worse or neutral.

Sheer fact is there might be a priest who pumps a reality site and generates a far greater spiritual acclimation. Or time is improved for people thus people become better.

I'm not saying we are pool balls being popped around by either side friendly or enemy. But even with the Gods around maximizing the Human civilization there can be variables that Gods encounter and procure better realities.

Again each person has their own personal Universe and with the right data and spirituality might generate something even the Gods go, "Holy shit this specific set of Humans i.e. the 3 to 5 people here are compounding a reality far more entertaining than even we."

That's not to say the Gods are stupid they are lightyears ahead of us. But don't be surprised if someone has a simple mortal thought that dances with the Gods drums.

Remember the Gods are Humble like George Lincoln Rockwell states, "We Nazis are Humble". Even they will admit certain Humans are admired by the Gods. If the Gods love of mankind but as a parental figure sometimes they don't approve. There MUST be certain things, Humans, and other construct the Gods place at a higher level and go, "Damn this machine and these engineers are impressing me".

As one of the Greek philosophers state, "The Gods love a good joke". A humbling message that makes me go, "How can Satan laugh a joke of a mere mortal he is insanely high level."

I don't have beyond reasonable proof. But I'm just providing my reasonable evidence of discovery that I learned and acclimated to my databanks.
Gear88 said:
"Knowledge shouldn't be rushed", said Satan.

Could you provide the direct source of this quote ? Where exactly is it stated that Father Satan said the above sentence ?

I was not able to find the above quote in The Doctrines of Satan section of the JoS.
Henu the Great said:
FancyMancy said:
The more and more I think about things, the more I think that everything is Water Element, stubborn, obsessive, fixated, etc.
Huh? Those qualities are attributed to the Earth element.

The water element does possess some of these qualities, just in a different way from earth. The most obvious example is Scorpio, although Cancer can be similar through its clingy or protective qualities. Pisces is the least of these characteristics, but it can display perfectionism.

Notice how each of these signs has some of the qualities of the opposing Zodiac symbol: Scorpio/Taurus, Cancer/Capricorn, and Pisces/Virgo.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=402539 time=1669694752 user_id=21286]
Henu the Great said:
FancyMancy said:
The more and more I think about things, the more I think that everything is Water Element, stubborn, obsessive, fixated, etc.
Huh? Those qualities are attributed to the Earth element.

The water element does possess some of these qualities, just in a different way from earth. The most obvious example is Scorpio, although Cancer can be similar through its clingy or protective qualities. Pisces is the least of these characteristics, but it can display perfectionism.

Notice how each of these signs has some of the qualities of the opposing Zodiac symbol: Scorpio/Taurus, Cancer/Capricorn, and Pisces/Virgo.


Can that explain why Pisces is so fucking annoying? My family member the xtian one.

He is Pisces, heavy water(something like almost 80% water)...does that explain why he is so annoying idealistic and always thinking of the past and remembering all of his history as a child in his home country and currently here. He is also very annoying speaking in an idealistic tone but a pragmatic tone. Like why do you hate religion christianity existed because the Pagans changed themselves to that. And every time I bring up the jews he's like, "Never in the history of jews has that happened." Even mentioning stuff like the pogroms and whatnot he's like, "See what happens when stupid people like you with your Satanic-Nazism and stupid mind and stupid things says stuff. If you existed in the past or spoke like this other stupid people will follow you and you'd be attacking innocent people who are religions."

Fortunately but unfortunately as a xtian who studies judiasm as well I mean xtianity is a poison form of judiasm for goyim consumption. I WISH he was jewish cause at least it would explain a lot. But he isn't he used to be involved a lot in the mid-late 80s into new age and meditation as well as Shorade(Japanese Reiki) as well as Prem Rawat(Mahrahji). He lived his life never accomplished anything with meditation. A spiritual fanatic not aspect wise but in his personal existence although I've popped him and attacked him from speaking his crap religion. So at least he realizes he is all alone.

My other family member is Libra so the opposite of Libra as you put it counter sign. And she is like mixing everything together. She believes in whatever and often states like Spanish speaking people Jesus(Hesus in Spanish) and says stupid xtian things. Or Santeria or whatever she just reads whatever on the internet and does whatever.

I'm at a loss I eventually just attack them and treat them like shit so they shut up with their stupidity. Apparently the Libra female family member, she listens to hindu mantras and stuff and whatnot. And it's like that doesn't do anything all it produces is a psychological shift.

All I know is both of these family members live the same way since childhood only being adult and technology. Same shit every day they do. Much like me I'm one to talk as I do SS;DD(Same Shit; Different Day). I just live in the air as life sucks and is a worthless piece of shit.

But they do it too same facebook, texting, phone calls, work and pray mentality, computer, same shit every day. Unless the family members are working you can bet they do the same exact bullshit perpetual now.

They've criticized me a lot but I just attack them and say shit back to them.

It's interesting you put Pisces/Virgo I assume a Virgo is Virgo/Pisces could probably explain why my grandfather was the same way pissing away money sending it back to his homeland and now basically living off social retirement and just living in the air. Like he said, "The World can't be fixed but I don't want to die of a nuclear war."

I guess the moral of my story is South Node Leo/North Node Aquarius is I gotta live like a piece of shit because I'm a piece of shit. Life sucks it's just a lie we invent in our heads to pass the time eventually a good solid 4 to 7 decades flashes by I die and if reincarnation is real or not. No idea then whelp that's life worthless and shit.

Makes sense Cancer/Capricorn in my case. I suppose it's the opposite Capricorn/Cancer probably explains my friend's SS;DD life and his idealism and ideology and his appreciation of stuff but always with a dark, gloomy, not plutonic although he is Pluto in Scorpio like the majority of JoS members here. But that Capricorn Saturn darkness. Probably explains why he loves black metal so much and researches it and listens to it a lot. It jived with his personal moods.

Anyways never knew signs had opposites and took aspects of both. I thought that was just cusps never knew there were mirroring.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
