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is the quran in my room fault?


New member
Sep 23, 2021
i dont know if this is a coincidence but whenever i sleep at my grandparents house in my room i can do void meditation better i can see my blue friends or whatever they are... they are blue humanoid looking and they make me feel good because this place feels like ultimate paradise. i call them blue friends because i dont know what i can call them. but in my room at my home there was always a quran at the wall and i never took it down til this day. i tried making a satanic ritual once in my room but i didnt think about the quran that time for a long time i didnt even notice this quran it was always in my room since my childhood. why did my parents put it there? when i look at the quran i feel scared not loved... maybe because i have sinned many times in my past when it comes to sexuality and lust...

but the quran says allah is ready to forgive anytime so what is it truly that is making me feel like this when i look at the quran... regret? why is it that when i do void meditation at my home i tend to not see my blue friends...? i thought when i do void meditation i enter a new world because i see a portal i see the circles and i see how i enter it and then i see the blue friends but why not in my room? maybe i did a few times and havent noticed it but still i just wanna ask here if the quran could actually be the reason i cant be free? because i tried making a satanic ritual once in my room a satanic ritual actually from the joy of satan and i bought candles and i put a lot of effort... i even cut off a flower and that hurt a lot so i expected to atleast see the demon or feel the presence when i make the ritual but i havent seen the demon or felt the demon.

all i felt was like a complete idiot... i havent done the blood signing ritual yet maybe that can be also a reason? im just scared of signing my blood that idea seems like there will be no go back to my old self.. i dont know if i wanna do that? should i? if i sign my blood my soul will still stay mine and i will be free and not dependent on satan right? but who was i before this lifetime? is this my first time on earth? did i incarnate to this world just like this? didnt i think about signing demons that protect me or demons that i can see when i feel lonely or feel sad? because at my grandparents house when i really felt down they showed up in void meditation and they made me really smile and feel good they gave me kisses. who are they...? i wanna see them more often. however in a very dark time at my own home when my room was completely dark and i felt like total shit and lonely there was nothing but darkness i already quit weed as i have a feeling weed is attacking my spirituality or my third eye.

i wanna respectfully put the quran away from my room now and im gonna do it just to experiment and see what changed the next days. but im scared maybe the quran protects me from evil spirits? or maybe the quran doesnt do anything at all and im just a mood changing diverse idiot that talks too much. i dont know. lately i havent even been trying to meditate or focus my ajna chakra.

most people will propably say yes the quran is fault but i need more than that... i need a whole honest explanation what is going on because im at a lonely place right now and this will be my last post for a while as i think i need to improve spiritually again and i see it as an important factor to quit contact to humans for a while so i can focus more on myself and maybe even spiritual satanism but without the influence of others. thanks for reading. hope you can help.

also i respect the quran and satan but i really wanna put myself not over any god i dont wanna put myself over anyone because i believe that everybody should be equal. but when i get submissive and let the gods influence me am i not automatically putting them over me by giving them attention? so thats why i think its wrong to believe in other religions besides the one in my heart which feels like the true religion to believe in myself only... it feels the realest. what if im already enlightened? who says i incarnated to this world to learn and be better and better? who says that im here because of that? maybe i used to/am a god that incarnated to this world to save it because it has been my dream since my childhood to save it but i hate getting into details when it comes to my dreams i even hate just mentionining them to others but i have to because it feels like it would make this post complete. atleast im anonymous here...

thanks for reading. i hope you can help me. yes i know you already said it before... everything is here on the forum but im too dumb to find it so you can link it to me. now its time for me to improve so i can see the universe more positive because i wanna heal the universe and planet earth. lets together save the world because i know you all are humans just like me so we need to work hard against all the odds. thank you everyone for doing what you are doing and thanks to hoodedcobra666 for being such a hardworker... very inspirational people here... i learned a lot from you guys and you are true humans to me that reached enlightenment because if i would insult you you wouldnt wanna kill me you would not even let it get to you and you would propably also not hate me because of it and that is what i call true enlightenment!

thank you friends but now its time for me to focus and avoid human contact for a while but i will read the responses for this post but propably not answer them but i already thank you all !!! ♥


its time to save the planet.
Read it:

You can go into a trance and make statements about yourself to deprogram yourself from islam.

Having a book like the koran or bible in your home is not a good idea, it will affect you negatively.
Do this. Take the Koran go in front of the dumpster, open it, spit in it and throw it away.
You have a lot of confusion, before asking questions you have to read the main websites: WWW.SatanisGod.org
reading it will answer most of your questions. You want truth, the websites will have the truth you want.
666darkness said:

You can feel it yourself that the enemy religions are based on fear and not growth or positivity. The Abrahamic God threatens to burn your soul for eternity if you do not submit, whereas Satan only wants you to advance. The dedication ritual is an alliance with a being who is much stronger than you, so it favors you way more than it does for them.

It sounds like your brain is battling between past Islamic programming and Satanism. You need to ask yourself which system is truly meant for you, and all Gentiles, not just which one makes you feel strong emotions.

It doesn't matter what allah claims he will do if he simultaneously makes you feel guilty about your own sexuality. If this happened in the human world, everyone would call it an abusive relationship.

The book does not protect you from anything. Any entity capable of killing you will not be stopped by a book, but only your own efforts. The same with Satan: if he was evil and wanted to steal your soul, he wouldn't have to wait for you to sign a paper to him. Therefore, this ritual is clearly one for creating a positive alliance and relationship with Satan.

Working with an authority figure is not submission to them. Any positive leader is not going to make those under them feel like they are submitting to them. Positive relationships are about mutual support, and therefore you will come to work for the Gods not out of fear, but out of a genuine desire to want to help.

Satan shows you how to become a stronger soul, but the quran wants you to be a slave to them. What sort of meditations does the quran have? Literally nothing. Satan will make you into a powerful soul, and therefore he does not want to control you. Anything that wants to maliciously control you will not simultaneously improve you as well.

There is a lot that you have to read, but I will try to help you focus. Read these following two pdfs on Islam, please. Both are written by the High Priesthood on the subject:


666darkness said:

Since your first post everyone has told you to read the main site: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/HOME.html
But you have obviously not. Everyone here is happy to help but you seem to be not doing what they are telling you which is read the website. You will have your answers there.
maybe because i have sinned many times in my past when it comes to sexuality and lust...
This is a very islamic/abrahamic religion thought. There are no SINS or whatever in true satanism.

i just wanna ask here if the quran could actually be the reason i cant be free?
The the reason is you yourself. If you truly want to be free then nothing a quran in your room doesn't matter.

i expected to atleast see the demon or feel the presence when i make the ritual but i havent seen the demon or felt the demon.
So as far as I understand you didn't do the dedication ritual and have started summoning demons? They will not come to outsiders. And it takes being psychically open to perceive a demon or their energies. Read the website.

if i sign my blood my soul will still stay mine and i will be free and not dependent on satan right?
Please read the website. You are not selling your soul here.

but who was i before this lifetime? is this my first time on earth?
There's methods for accessing past lives on the WEBSITE. Takes a bit of practice but yea it's there.

but im scared maybe the quran protects me from evil spirits?
Quran is a lie. Read the main website and the other links people have mentioned above.

i respect the quran and satan but i really wanna put myself not over any god i dont wanna put myself over anyone because i believe that everybody should be equal.
Quran is a lie. The "gods" of abrahamic religions are human hating beings. They are the enemies of humans. Equality is another lie. You will realize this if you read the website.

... what if im already enlightened? who says i incarnated to this world to learn and be better and better? who says that im here because of that? maybe i used to/am a god that incarnated to this world to save it because it has been my dream since my childhood to save it but i hate...
You are really confused, confused to the point of being delusional. Read the website.

To conclude, READ THE WEBSITE. I'm not forcing you to read it. No one will ever force you to do anything. No one here will try to "convert" you. But if you are looking for answers, the website is the place to start. To all the questions you have ever asked in these forums, the website is the place to start. Ad that's the answer to your questions.
When I think of the Koran I think of toilet paper.
Blitzkreig said:
666darkness said:

You can feel it yourself that the enemy religions are based on fear and not growth or positivity. The Abrahamic God threatens to burn your soul for eternity if you do not submit, whereas Satan only wants you to advance. The dedication ritual is an alliance with a being who is much stronger than you, so it favors you way more than it does for them.

It sounds like your brain is battling between past Islamic programming and Satanism. You need to ask yourself which system is truly meant for you, and all Gentiles, not just which one makes you feel strong emotions.

It doesn't matter what allah claims he will do if he simultaneously makes you feel guilty about your own sexuality. If this happened in the human world, everyone would call it an abusive relationship.

The book does not protect you from anything. Any entity capable of killing you will not be stopped by a book, but only your own efforts. The same with Satan: if he was evil and wanted to steal your soul, he wouldn't have to wait for you to sign a paper to him. Therefore, this ritual is clearly one for creating a positive alliance and relationship with Satan.

Working with an authority figure is not submission to them. Any positive leader is not going to make those under them feel like they are submitting to them. Positive relationships are about mutual support, and therefore you will come to work for the Gods not out of fear, but out of a genuine desire to want to help.

Satan shows you how to become a stronger soul, but the quran wants you to be a slave to them. What sort of meditations does the quran have? Literally nothing. Satan will make you into a powerful soul, and therefore he does not want to control you. Anything that wants to maliciously control you will not simultaneously improve you as well.

There is a lot that you have to read, but I will try to help you focus. Read these following two pdfs on Islam, please. Both are written by the High Priesthood on the subject:



…it all starts to make sense because the jews were the first ones that brought the book right? i think now i understand it all. especially when ive read who the jews are on this forum. maybe they brought it out just to enslave humanity… it feels like nowadays the human race is so primitive and all this advanced technology is just the facade that is controlling us. its not improvement but nothing but denaturalization.

or were the jews the first ones actually? wasnt there this one book before called zebur?

and i felt what you said that the religion is based on fear. modern satanism is based on fear too because the way its portrayed in movies and i watched a lot of movies especially in my childhood so dont get me wrong i already know that demons are not bad and i already know i got programmed but the programming is still weakly in my head. its hard. i still feel a little bit of fear when i think about satanism in general but im working on myself i feel connected more and more to satanism. to actual ancient satanism showen in this forum.

i gotta admit last years i was way more not giving a fuck about islam. the thing is the moment the religion somehow won my heart… and it won my heart only because of family influence and the moment it won my heart was the moment where fear and regret occurred.

fear and regret because of my innocence. its not my fault i feel like i feel and i question what i do afterwards. i got weak and submitted to this religion but in the past i didnt even care about islam. its funny how i just fell down instead of upgrading in this specific area. i obviously did also upgrade in a lot of areas mentally, spiritually but i also fell down at some areas.

but i get it now. im getting there. the deprogramming and meditation will take some time but i think im very close of freeing myself because i can feel it and usually when i feel something it means its very close. im able to change or get better at something really quick.

thank you blitz !!! :)
Aquarius said:
You have a lot of confusion, before asking questions you have to read the main websites: WWW.SatanisGod.org
reading it will answer most of your questions. You want truth, the websites will have the truth you want.

you are right. im in a chaotic mindset right now… thats why i suggested having a break from human contact and influences so i can focus on myself, meditation and spiritual satanism.
FuckYu_666 said:
Read it:

You can go into a trance and make statements about yourself to deprogram yourself from islam.

Having a book like the koran or bible in your home is not a good idea, it will affect you negatively.
Do this. Take the Koran go in front of the dumpster, open it, spit in it and throw it away.

thank you. i put it in a different room. i cant spit and throw it away. i would feel horrible. but i know that the quran might disgust you because of how enslaving it really is for the mind. and how fear based it is…

i also dont think that those prophets who have written the book have more truthful words or visions than i do. i think im far more advanced than them. i also got called weird once for saying that i have seen a dschinn. and i got told that its not possible for a human to see dschinns. well i did see one and i know what ive seen.
स त न म said:
666darkness said:

Since your first post everyone has told you to read the main site: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/HOME.html
But you have obviously not. Everyone here is happy to help but you seem to be not doing what they are telling you which is read the website. You will have your answers there.
maybe because i have sinned many times in my past when it comes to sexuality and lust...
This is a very islamic/abrahamic religion thought. There are no SINS or whatever in true satanism.

i just wanna ask here if the quran could actually be the reason i cant be free?
The the reason is you yourself. If you truly want to be free then nothing a quran in your room doesn't matter.

i expected to atleast see the demon or feel the presence when i make the ritual but i havent seen the demon or felt the demon.
So as far as I understand you didn't do the dedication ritual and have started summoning demons? They will not come to outsiders. And it takes being psychically open to perceive a demon or their energies. Read the website.

if i sign my blood my soul will still stay mine and i will be free and not dependent on satan right?
Please read the website. You are not selling your soul here.

but who was i before this lifetime? is this my first time on earth?
There's methods for accessing past lives on the WEBSITE. Takes a bit of practice but yea it's there.

but im scared maybe the quran protects me from evil spirits?
Quran is a lie. Read the main website and the other links people have mentioned above.

i respect the quran and satan but i really wanna put myself not over any god i dont wanna put myself over anyone because i believe that everybody should be equal.
Quran is a lie. The "gods" of abrahamic religions are human hating beings. They are the enemies of humans. Equality is another lie. You will realize this if you read the website.

... what if im already enlightened? who says i incarnated to this world to learn and be better and better? who says that im here because of that? maybe i used to/am a god that incarnated to this world to save it because it has been my dream since my childhood to save it but i hate...
You are really confused, confused to the point of being delusional. Read the website.

To conclude, READ THE WEBSITE. I'm not forcing you to read it. No one will ever force you to do anything. No one here will try to "convert" you. But if you are looking for answers, the website is the place to start. To all the questions you have ever asked in these forums, the website is the place to start. Ad that's the answer to your questions.

yes… but you dont understand how i feel or how my mind is right now its very chaotic and fighting between different religions… its like my head is exploding. thats why i need to visit the forest again and meditate but im waiting for the rain because meditating in the rain in the forest is the best.
666darkness said:
i dont know if this is a coincidence but whenever i sleep at my grandparents house in my room i can do void meditation better i can see my blue friends or whatever they are... they are blue humanoid looking and they make me feel good because this place feels like ultimate paradise. i call them blue friends because i dont know what i can call them.

Satan and the Gods actually have blue auras, so you probably saw one or many of them.

666darkness said:
when i look at the quran i feel scared not loved... maybe because i have sinned many times in my past when it comes to sexuality and lust...

No, it's because the cuckran is full of enemy energy. There aren't any "sins" here. All sexual expression between 2 people who agree and are over 18 years old is fine in Satanism. Even if you are gay or have weird sexual fetishes it's fine. What Satan doesn't approve is pedophilia, rape, bestiality and other things like that, because they harm other people or animals. But everything else is ok.

666darkness said:
i even cut off a flower and that hurt a lot so i expected to atleast see the demon or feel the presence when i make the ritual but i havent seen the demon or felt the demon.

I think you did, possibly the blue ones were the Gods.

666darkness said:
i havent done the blood signing ritual yet maybe that can be also a reason? im just scared of signing my blood that idea seems like there will be no go back to my old self.. i dont know if i wanna do that? should i? if i sign my blood my soul will still stay mine and i will be free and not dependent on satan right?

Lol. Like I said, there's nothing in the prayer about losing your soul. Read the prayer, all of it and try to see for yourself if any part says something about losing your soul. The ritual does what it says in the prayer. Also look up what the word "dedicate" means in a dictionary. It doesn't mean "sell" or "lose" or anything like that. It means consecrate/devote yourself to a specific cause. So, when you're "dedicating your soul to Satan" you devote yourself to honoring Satan, advancing yourself in Spiritual Satanism and working for the Satanic cause. It's mostly a promise you make about yourself to Satan, so since you promise this to Satan, he will in turn protect you and support you. See? It's as simple as that.

As about whether to do it or not, it's your choice. If you feel like do it, but you should be sure about it because it's a serious and permanent thing. You are right though that you will leave your old life behind, that is, if you truly mean that promise you make and let it change your life for the better and motivate you. You can't go back to being a normie after that.
NationalSatanist said:
Anime profile pictures are not really a good source, dont you agree. Human?

And so is your annoying avatar, you hypocritical asshole.

Christmas... Is coming... Prepare yourselves. The reptiloids are Ruthless. I am a Not Human But I am a Being. Hahaha.

Bruh, this guy's so fucking edgy...pfhbthhhh

I can't, man :lol: :lol: :lol:
NationalSatanist said:
Anime profile pictures are not really a good source, dont you agree. Human?

Christmas... Is coming... Prepare yourselves. The reptiloids are Ruthless. I am a Not Human But I am a Being. Hahaha.

Step 1) Stand with your feet shoulder width apart
Step 2) Bend over so your head is near your knees
Step 3) Take your foot long nose and plug it in your asshole
Step 4) Start rolling like a tumbleweed all the way back to the shithole you came from

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
