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Is sodomy natural?

FancyMancy said:

Your only intention is to vomit up an emotional reaction. And you have no intention to have an honest discussion based on facts or reality.

This is something that I have zero patience for, and honestly it disgusts me.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
FancyMancy said:

Your only intention is to vomit up an emotional reaction. And you have no intention to have an honest discussion based on facts or reality.

This is something that I have zero patience for, and honestly it disgusts me.
I am being emotional by saying,
Ol argedco luciftias said:
It is honestly shocking and ridiculous what a grown man does not know about basic biology.
but you are not being emotional by changing "vagina" to "vulva". Lol. Point to a Girl's privates and ask anyone what various names they call it. Then ask them what the proper name is. They will say "vagina". Lol, you're funny, lol. Have fun!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
FancyMancy said:

Your only intention is to vomit up an emotional reaction. And you have no intention to have an honest discussion based on facts or reality.

This is something that I have zero patience for, and honestly it disgusts me.

I don't understand.

He was told recently to try not to be so pedantic as he put it, and he did try that. Now he responded saying suddenly you prefer how he was before. How is that vomiting up an emotional reaction? What are you even talking about?

There is no discussion that you have even initiated with him. All you did was ridicule him for not using the word "urethra" instead of "vagina."

It's an easy mistake to make for those who haven't studied female anatomy since in males the urethra is attached to the penis.

His comment was rhetorical, and meant to draw a comparison to highlight the faux pas in the cliche statement/sentiment "my butt is only for defecating."

Yes, it doesn't work as a comparison because the urethra is not actually part of the vagina in females. You could have gone about explaining this to him in a better way.

Is it really worth getting this upset over? Your reaction seems over the top.
Flowers of Adonis said:
Sunny said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Transgenderism has no place here.
To want to be something you're not, in particular the things that cannot be achieved in a healthy way, is a mental illness.

The procedures that take place for 'transitioning' have harmful consequences to the body.

One might as well ink up their skin completely, have plastic surgery and become some kind of lifelike furry. There is not a big difference between those 2 issues.

Certainly for trans people for now it is best that they accept what they are because it is not yet possible to transform properly into the other gender.

Just wait until men are allowed to express their full masculine natures in fully masculine roles again, and being a woman isn't about being a sex magnet.

No more oppressive office jobs. No more shunning of anger, rage, male tears, male excitement and joy, etc...

No more suppression of the male spirit. Being allowed to properly take care of your family with freedom in decisions, no threat of having your kids taken away.

No mandatory public school. No indoctrination. No swallowing your pride just to have a slave job to survive. Self employment making a comeback. Being the master of your own destiny with no one else telling you what to do.

Fighting being glorified again, and not illegal. Being able to challenge other men.

Never living in poverty because financial parasites have been destroyed.

Society respecting you and thanking you for what you do, and not spitting on your existence.

Having your own home, your own assets.

Being allowed to kill thieves who dare to steal from you. Including corrupt politicians, bankers, jews, etc...

Having your voice actually mean something in society instead of having your existence ignored and drowned out. Being known and admired.

Riding horses. Training with weapons. Adventuring to learn the world for yourself instead of being told what it is.

Engineering and building futuristic cities and townships that are perfect, and 100% Pagan. The world looking beautiful instead of a mecha industrial jewish wasteland that is oppressive to humanity. No more car centric design that forces you to have a car just to participate in society.

No more planned obsolescence of products. Buying something that is designed to last, and is worth your money.

When being a woman actually means something again rather than being just a pretty looking object, and men are allowed to be men and have the space in society to be men, transgender people suddenly won't want to be women anymore. It will lose its jewish appeal because women will be real women, and men will see a future for themselves again.

Transgenders are those who have given up on being men because being a man feels hopeless in this world right now.

Sometimes it's also because they feel ugly on many levels, and this is because it's subliminally programmed into the mass mind to highlight everything that makes women look beautiful while contrasting an ugly image of men.

To be able to feel loved and admired is then associated with being a woman, and thus the only way to receive love and warmth from other humans is to not be a man.

That's the perception which has been driven into the subconscious of many people.

If men knew how much women love and crave and appreciate them then this wouldn't be an issue, but men have been programmed to see themselves as a pile of feces while seeing a woman as an unreachable, greater being of exalted status that can't be touched.

The truth is that women are attracted to men just as much as men are attracted to them.

No matter what though, It's always an emotional root to this transgender problem.

They can lie to themselves about how it started when they were super young or whatever, and that they always felt this way, that they couldn't change themselves if they wanted to... echoing and stealing the legitimate lines of homosexuals.

If they meditate on their deep rooted feelings though, sometimes tracing back to past lives, it's just a suppression of their male spirit.

When society treats men and women better, this will go away. Both men and women are treated horribly because of judeochristian values creating a mass psychosis in human society. Remove the jewish disease from society, and everything gets healthier.

I like what Blitzkreig said one time about cross dressing. I think it's a good alternative if it satisfies the need well enough for now. I would rather transgender folk simply cross dress instead of mutilating their genitals. Cross dressing is a much healthier compromise. I'm concerned for the health of transgender people, and if cross dressing keeps them happy and satisfied enough until society is fixed, then that's a win in my mind.

Please express your thoughts more, I really liked reading this
FancyMancy said:

I was talking about all of your comments on this topic. To everybody, not just to me. As soon as anybody says the word "gay", you just have an emotional reaction where you throw together any nonsense you can think of to try to make yourself feel better. Including by lying about things to try to make comparisons between things that are too different to compare, but you have to lie and act like they are the same thing. Anytime the word "gay" is mentioned, you usually do not react rationally or entirely honestly. You have done the same thing on past topics.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
FancyMancy said:

I was talking about all of your comments on this topic. To everybody, not just to me. As soon as anybody says the word "gay", you just have an emotional reaction where you throw together any nonsense you can think of to try to make yourself feel better. Including by lying about things to try to make comparisons between things that are too different to compare, but you have to lie and act like they are the same thing. Anytime the word "gay" is mentioned, you usually do not react rationally or entirely honestly. You have done the same thing on past topics.

FancyMancy only commented once on this topic before his replies to you, and he only replied to CaspianTheDreamer and Enigmatic_Rabbit.

It seems like his replies were constructive and positive, and even caring.

As far as I can tell, you are only agitated towards him for his incorrect statements about anatomy. It's not rational either to get this mad at someone over a simple mistake. You're even bringing the past into it? Why?

There is no need to make this so overblown. Just correct his mistake and enlighten him about female anatomy in a polite manner. What else is this about?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
FancyMancy said:

Anyway, you have already said that you do not do anything spiritual and you do not participate. So I can't think of why you are even here if you are not one of us. Dahaarkan was right about people being good or bad examples.

So that's what this is about.

Now I understand. This is just bullying because you want him to leave. It's territorial nonsense.

I have nothing more to say. What a bore.
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
Sunny said:
Do not trust Enigmatic_Rabbit, he is suspicious and seems like a bad and hostile person. His account dates back a few weeks. In several topics he has written strange and negative things. Be careful, don't contact him in private. This seems to be another account of that Fanboy zombie.

Even that nonsense he said here on the anus is total bullshit.. "worming" if you want to have anal sex.. What stupid shit is that?

I agree with you.
+ it is a spammer with no respect and tries to enforce its views on others in a sneaky way,
purposefully mixing things up and only hearing what it wants to hear,
acting like it knows everything, is above everyone and even trying to lecture members
(about what the JoS stands for or is, for example).
And the way it writes and always long ass texts that look schizo-like.
Either a schizo or a jew, or both. And i don't say that often, this is my first time i think.

Unrelated to the topic but i absolutely love the sketch of Fuhrer in your signature. Did ylu draw it yourself? Its so pretty and encapsulates his beauty pretty well🔥😍
Ol argedco luciftias said:
And you are still here for no other purpose than to try to solve problems. So nothing changes. :)

Fixed that for you.
Flowers of Adonis said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
FancyMancy said:

Anyway, you have already said that you do not do anything spiritual and you do not participate. So I can't think of why you are even here if you are not one of us. Dahaarkan was right about people being good or bad examples.

So that's what this is about.

Now I understand. This is just bullying because you want him to leave. It's territorial nonsense.

I have nothing more to say. What a bore.
The real root of people's overreactions to FancyMancy's incorrect post about the female anatomy (which might have been an honest mistake), was that recently FancyMancy went to the kike forum and started debunking their lies about the JoS. (That's really all they do there, just complain about the JoS.), There's nothing wrong with the idea of rebutting them, but the problem was, that FancyMancy seemed to have absorbed and vomited up some of their garbage here. This made people lose respect for him and start criticizing every little flaw he's displayed. After that, the previous thread turned into a dumpster fire and I won't waste my time reading all of it. FancyMancy might have been saying things in sarcasm at that point, or he might really be a troll. Time will tell.

My advice is to just stay out of the drama. Judge people's posts by their content and skim over ad hominems. FancyMancy's post here is wrong because it's factually incorrect, not because someone says FancyMancy is a troll. It will save you a lot of time if you just pick out the facts from people's replies and ignore the rest. ;)
Flowers of Adonis said:
So that's what this is about.

Whatever you think my intentions are is only you guessing, and is not correct. What this is about is that I don't respect people who have to lie to try to create an argument that has no basis, instead of just being honest and using facts of what the situation is.

Saying that a vagina is not meant for sex and reproduction, when that is the entire reason why it exists. Saying that a rectum is invented for sex equally or even more so than a vagina, which is just plain wrong. Saying that a rectum full of feces is the exact same thing as a vagina, because a vagina has urine in it. Which it just plain does not, a vagina and a urethra are two different things, and a uterus and a bladder are two different things. Plus urine and feces are two extremely different things. Whether or not somebody has different preferences about what he wants to do, you can not pretend that a perfect clean vagina invented by nature specifically for sex, reproduction, and the creation of life, is the exact same thing as a dirty rectum full of feces and diseases.

I have zero respect for these kinds of lies, or for any person dishonest enough to try to lie like this. I have absolute respect for anybody who uses truth and facts, even if I am disagreeing with the conclusion, because at least this person has an intention to be honest and follow reality. And for what his opinion is, I am sure that he could have found some facts to support his opinions if he wanted to. He could have talked about the specific risks involved, and talked about ways to reduce these risks or how common these problems actually are. But instead he had to just create some ridiculous lies.

Which comes down to what I said earlier. Everybody is allowed to do anything that they want, as long as all people involved are consenting. Anybody can make whatever kind of health or medical choices that they want. Anybody can do any kind of activities that they want, that may have some risk of injury or harm, if it is decided that it is worth it or if there is effort to reduce harm. There is nobody stopping anybody from doing this activity if that is what he wants to do. So what is the purpose of creating lies, or pretending that it is something that it is not? I am not trying to stop anybody from doing this if it is really what he wants to do, but it is very important to be honest about the dangers and what injuries or diseases may be caused. And once you acknowledge these risks, you can start thinking of ways to try to reduce them.
jrvan said:

Jrvan, I 100% believe and agree with you that the AIDs disease was purposefully created and invented by jews in medical labs. I never said, and never intended to say, anything that would go against this. It did not come from a monkey or anything dumb like that.

But the point is that this is a disease that is now existing. And the way that this disease is spread and aquired in nearly all cases is by being the "reciever" of anal sex. Feel free to try to find any evidence or any statistics that would prove me wrong, and I will be open minded to listen to you. I am happy to learn.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=378539 time=1659415216 user_id=346]
Flowers of Adonis said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Anyway, you have already said that you do not do anything spiritual and you do not participate. So I can't think of why you are even here if you are not one of us. Dahaarkan was right about people being good or bad examples.

So that's what this is about.

Now I understand. This is just bullying because you want him to leave. It's territorial nonsense.

I have nothing more to say. What a bore.
The real root of people's overreactions to FancyMancy's incorrect post about the female anatomy (which might have been an honest mistake), was that recently FancyMancy went to the kike forum and started debunking their lies about the JoS. (That's really all they do there, just complain about the JoS.), There's nothing wrong with the idea of rebutting them, but the problem was, that FancyMancy seemed to have absorbed and vomited up some of their garbage here. This made people lose respect for him and start criticizing every little flaw he's displayed. After that, the previous thread turned into a dumpster fire and I won't waste my time reading all of it. FancyMancy might have been saying things in sarcasm at that point, or he might really be a troll. Time will tell.

My advice is to just stay out of the drama. Judge people's posts by their content and skim over ad hominems. FancyMancy's post here is wrong because it's factually incorrect, not because someone says FancyMancy is a troll. It will save you a lot of time if you just pick out the facts from people's replies and ignore the rest. ;)


It's none of my business anyway. It's just that the sudden discord was a bit baffling, and I happened to be monitoring this thread after Lydia's comment to me which made me happy.

Thank you.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:

Jrvan, I 100% believe and agree with you that the AIDs disease was purposefully created and invented by jews in medical labs. I never said, and never intended to say, anything that would go against this. It did not come from a monkey or anything dumb like that.

But the point is that this is a disease that is now existing. And the way that this disease is spread and aquired in nearly all cases is by being the "reciever" of anal sex. Feel free to try to find any evidence or any statistics that would prove me wrong, and I will be open minded to listen to you. I am happy to learn.

The topic of AIDs is a hard one. Not just because the truth of it is so buried and covered up, but figuring out actual facts from bs propaganda. First thing that the internet brings up in search is, quote:

"You may become infected if you have vaginal, anal or oral sex with an infected partner whose blood, semen or vaginal secretions enter your body. The virus can enter your body through mouth sores or small tears that sometimes develop in the rectum or vagina during sexual activity." ~ https://www.mayoclinic.org

It talks about other ways one can get it, such as sharing needles, blood transfusions, and pregnancy/breastfeeding (where a mother who has it can pass it to their kid). Take it with a grain of salt. I don't know how trustworthy this is, but that's the kind of info out there on this.

I guess I now know why my mother always said to never share shaving razors with others.
Flowers of Adonis said:
How do you know it was his intention to lie? Did you ask him?

Because he is telling lies. :roll:

It is either dishonesty, or a surprisingly large amount of ignorance. I believe that he is much smarter than that, so I do not believe that it is any accidental ignorance. I think that he just cares very strongly about the emotional reaction that he feels any time somebody mentions "gay" or any gay type actions, and this emotion is his focus and priority. He does not have nearly as much priority or focus about being truthful.
tabby said:

Yes, it has been a very serious problem with blood donors not properly tested for AIDs, and an innocent sick person who needs a transfusion ends up getting AIDs from the blood. I think that sharing a needle is another possible way to spread it, but that it is also more affected by the actual drug damaging the person's immune system very deeply. And that either the damage from the drugs is what creates the AIDs symptoms, or else it lowers the immune system to a level that it is not able to defend against the disease anymore.

The rectum has more blood supply than almost anything else in the body, with an extremely large amount of very small blood vessels. Actions like this are certain to cause some amount of tearing to some small blood vessels, or also possibly a larger amount of damage. This is now opening the body's blood circulation directly into contact with feces, and all of the diseases contained in there. Depending how many blood vessels are torn and how large they are, there will be a different amount of contact of feces getting into the blood. In a very small amount it may be possible for the immune system to handle it and prevent any sickness from forming. But it is extremely easy and extremely common for the damage to be too much for the immune system and for diseases to form. And these diseases could be thousands of different things caused from pathogens and contaminations inside the feces. It is very common for it to cause rectal or colon cancers. And it is also so common to recieve AIDs from this that this is by far the single most common way to get it. Like the example of the drugs, it is possible that the AIDs is either caused or at least made extremely more likely by the immune system being extremely overworked and weakened by a long time of constant exposure to harmful things.
The real issue here is the fact that you are still under xian mental poison which drives you to seek validation on yourself from others or some higher power, be it from someone of authority such as a priest, or perhaps from "god" or "nature" or "the universe".

When you need others to validate what you are, you become dependent on their approval and become a pawn to their designs. You need to define yourself based on what you are and what you feel is right, and not the opinions of others.

Asking a religious group if your existence is acceptable, is one of the most dangerous things you can do, and opening yourself to programming and enslavement. You are fortunate indeed that most members of this community have a brain and will generally advocate true Satanic virtues and values instead of their own bias.

At the end of the day you are free to follow the dictates of your own nature so long as you cooperate with Satan's designs. Many people neglect this, which comes from Satan Himself, when attempting to push their own bias upon others.

When you have questions about yourself and your nature, these are questions you must ask yourself, not others. It is a matter in which it is required that you look inward instead of seeking the opinions of others.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Do I? Me saying "Get over it! Just be!" is being emotional, is it? How else can I encourage someone to stop worrying about whether homosexuality is OK or not? No matter what I type, how I type it, I would "be emotional" in the eyes of some readers, whether I was being emotional or not. I might have been emphatic, if that is classed as being emotional. I stress just be!. Yes, I was rather energetic in my reply to CaspianTheDreamer - if that is being emotional, then OK.

Lying? What exactly did I lie about?

I never once said I do not understand anything Spiritual. Stop lying. You lie, and say that I was "lying about things to try to make comparisons between things that are too different to compare" (when they are more alike and related than not), and then you lie and say I said I don't understand anything Spiritual. You then go on to lie and say I said I do not participate. You say I was lying, then you lie blatantly about things I never said - maybe you should quote my posts. Stop trying to be ignorant. If "This is something that I have zero patience for, and honestly it disgusts me." then enjoy! I hope you are having fun reading my replies, and replying to me! xD

Who said I am not one of us? Are you trying to be ignorant deliberately? Get over yourself.

Good and bad examples? Lol. Don't look in the mirror, dude.

Flowers of Adonis said:
You're even bringing the past into it? Why?
Yes. I was going to ask something; you just reminded me. This question is directed at Ol argedco luciftias. Is Ol argedco luciftias one of those who goes around the forum, following other members who they hate, trying to start shit in every single thread which his perceived enemy posts in, repeating all the previous shit again and again irrelevantly in many threads? (I don't read those threads, as I have said, so I ask this question now.)

Flowers of Adonis said:
Now I understand. This is just bullying because you want him to leave.
Yeah, it's a cliqué, it's thinking with Emotions instead of with Brain, it is religious; and I will say this just for antagonising-cum-retaliatory reasons - it is cult-like! PMSFL lol!

It's territorial nonsense.
Is this my land?! What are the rules of this cliqué? Not only is it territorial nonsense, it's also emotional in response. Others can reply emotionally, but I can't. Damn. What a cult-ure this place has turned into. What a cliqué. What emotional thinking. What religiousness.

Oly... Baby! Is this emotionally-driven tirade of yours because I said "...or Spiritually-immature. Gods and Goddesses help the bisexual/homosexual Daemons and Daemonesses!"? I could have said "god help gays and bis!" instead. Would that have been better? Did you need a reason, in this thread, to reply to me so emotionally because of my other Grammar-Nazism thread? You could have replied to me in there, instead of spamming and shitting irrelevant spam and shit all over other threads. Good job, dude. You are a good or bad example, as you say. Lol.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
What this is about is that I don't respect people who have to lie to try to create an argument that has no basis, instead of just being honest and using facts of what the situation is.
You know I am honest. I was honest enough to say I visit social media, and also a forum. You don't like that, though. You're a cherry-picker. You lie about things you say I have said, and you lie about liking honesty, when you know I am honest. Lol. Your trolling leaves a lot to be desired.

So I used an incorrect word. People have been doing that for centuries, but you let them get on with their posts and lives. I know you love me too much. Try to deny that all you want.

I never said "the rectum is invented for sex equally or more so than the vagina". Are you sure that there a single thing, or more, in my replies that said such a thing?

Saying that a rectum full of feces is the exact same thing as a vagina, because a vagina has urine in it.
The point is that one privates is used for excreting one thing, another privates is used for excreting another thing; one privates is "supposed to be" entered; yet the other privates is "supposed to not be" entered. Both excrete things, and both can be entered. Call me pedantic, emotional and Grammar-Nazi-y! The urethra and vagina are more like each other than they are like teeth, and they are close to each other - very close, in fact - so it's not fine for FancyMancy to be pedantic and Grammar-Nazi-y, but it's OK for others to be. Good job.

perfect clean vagina invented by nature specifically for sex, reproduction, and the creation of life, is the exact same thing as a dirty rectum
They are both dirty if left to be dirty. They are both clean if cleaned. That's the point. If one is "supposed to be" entered because of dirt or clean reasons, then so is the other "supposed to be".

I have zero respect for these kinds of lies
Enjoy. I wasn't lying. Both excrete, both can be entered, regardless of whether someone says "one is supposed to be, and the other is supposed to be not" entered. Read again - I didn't say both should be or both must be; I said both can be. So which types of lies do you have respect for, then?

You have zero respect for those who you perceive to be lying, but absolute respect for those telling the truth. So a slip of the fingers (as opposed to tongue) was made, so now you are confused as to whether you respect me or not... :roll: :lol:

And for what his opinion is, I am sure that he could have found some facts to support his opinions if he wanted to. He could have talked about the specific risks involved, and talked about ways to reduce these risks or how common these problems actually are. But instead he had to just create some ridiculous lies.
Thou couldeth have seeked clarification, but naaaahhhh. Let's try to be big and hard online. KeyBoardWarrior. Warri-or something else.

If I did that, e.g. talk about AIDS that Women and Babies also can get, you would continue your tirade and say "yOU gEt EmOtIoNaL wHeNeVeR 'gAy' Is MeNtIoNeD", so no matter what I say, I am wrong in your eyes. Deny that, please. Thanks.

Which comes down to what I said earlier. Everybody is allowed to do anything that they want, as long as all people involved are consenting.
Making a mistake, a slip of the finger/tongue, making full, proper replies, though, is not OK? Then teach us, O' Great One.

So what is the purpose of creating lies, or pretending that it is something that it is not?
It's a lie because you have a vendetta. It's not a mistake or a slip of the anything whatsoever.

Flowers of Adonis said:
Did you ask him?
Lol. He Obviously ignored what I said in my Grammar-Nazi thread, about seeking clarity. Instead, he likes to accuse directly and bring shit to this thread (including other threads?).

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Because he is telling lies. :roll:
Is making a tiny error a lie or is it something much-less important and bothersome? Decide for me.

Your Third Eye must be throbbing. Pulsing - but not just pulsing; pulsating! "What's the difference?" Nothing, 'cept that "pulsating" sounds more emphatic to me. Why don't you use your Spiritual abilities instead of your Physical and Mental abilities to determine my intentions?

It is either dishonesty, or a surprisingly large amount of ignorance. I believe that he is much smarter than that, so I do not believe that it is any accidental ignorance. I think that he just cares very strongly about the emotional reaction that he feels any time somebody mentions "gay" or any gay type actions, and this emotion is his focus and priority. He does not have nearly as much priority or focus about being truthful.
Yeah, my reply to the OP to encourage him to chill out is me being emotional about you and your gay antics. You got me there, Oly baby.

So everything I have ever said, both on here and in the Physical World, has been a lie. I didn't realise I had a stalker, Oly baby. How is me asking "How does Gay Man = Man wanting to put penis in Boy or Man wanting to put penis in Girl?" mean that I am being emotional? You seem to be very passionate about this regarding me for reasons unknown to me. Enlighten me.

Which comes down to what I said earlier. Everybody is allowed to do anything that they want, as long as all people involved are consenting.
Unfortunately, you are not consenting to anyone - or just me? - making a tiny mistake which you prefer to blow-up into a massive shitposting thing. I can infer that you are referring to "anyone can do any sexual thing as long as all participants consent" but like I was unspecific when I said "vagina" instead of "urethra" or "vulva", you, too, are being unspecific by not saying "sexually" in this which I have quoted here. It's OK for you to be unspecific and inaccurate, but it's not OK for anyone else - or just me? - to be.

Whatever you think my intentions are is only you guessing, and is not correct.
:lol: Stop using your Physical and Mental abilities (i.e. your Brain and thinking) and instead use your Spiritual abilities to determine my intentions. Have fun while you're at it - and while you are at it, either seek clarification, offer correction, or keep your mouth shut (so to speak) instead of this spiel. Oh, no! I used a word - spiel - which (to me) sounds like a jew word! (Apparently, it is German, actually.) I give you more ammo, Oly baby. Mwah!

You could have replied something like, "Don't you mean urethra?", and I might have replied something like, "Oops! Well, vulva. They're in the same place.", but no; you prefer to shit all over instead, making the thread turn into something irrelevant, but just to "sAtIsFy" whatever is happening in your head.

The vagina and the urethra are more closely related to each other than either of them are to teeth, not to mention they are in the same area, as well. You're trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. If me saying something slightly incorrectly is so bad, then I shall induct you into my Grammar Nazi School for Pedantic Little Hypocrites. If in America "bathroom" is acceptable slang for "toilet", when there are no baths in there; therefore it not being a bathroom..., then "vagina" is an acceptable tiny incorrection for "urethra"... not that I didn't correct myself by saying "vulva" after - which you ignore and can't accept. Am I lying because I said something incorrectly? Am I lying because I corrected myself? Are you a dick? If me saying "vagina" instead of "urethra" or "vulva" is a lie, then "bathroom" instead of "toilet" is a lie. Eyeglasses, sidewalk, necktie - specific... but bathroom - entirely unspecific. Lol. Inconsistencies and/or lies.

Dearest Oly. Thank you, Oly, for supporting my points in my Grammar-Nazi thread. Your application form will be in the post. You'll be selected automatically, naturally; the application process is merely a formality. Wishing you the best, Fancy Mancy.

I would like to know some things. Are you going to reply in either my Grammar Nazi thread and/or in my why-do-you-hate-me thread, or are you going to send a peace offering; or are you going to continue on with this? Are you going to use your Spiritual abilities instead of your Physical and Mental abilities to determine my intentions, or are you going to continue on with this?

So I make a mistake. That means all sorts of things I CBA to list. Maybe everyone, or some, or just one, forgot - it is not the 13 of August, for a very decent working regarding exactly myself and miscommunication which has been uncovered and brought to light for me. I make a mistake, before the beginning of that working date (13th August), and I am a liar, while the accuser ignores that I haven't begun that working - because the date has not arrived yet - yet. Lel. I'm bored. Hope you are having the time of your life, Oly. Oops - I wasn't specific. I didn't say who is hoping you're having the time of your life. Another mistake! Do me in, Oly. Do me in.

I didn't reply in this thread to make this thread about me. I replied in this thread to encourage the OP to stop worrying about things. From now on, everything I say will be scrutinised. If I make the tiniest little mistake, it will mean I am lying. Oly will be following me around and watching me like a hawk - and that's where I might - just might - decide to make deliberate mistakes, just to make the hawk cry. My Grammar-Nazi thread is open; my why-do-you-hate-me thread is open. Use them instead of spamming shit all over every other thread that I reply in. I didn't realise I was a celebrity here. Thanks, though - thanks for sending me your Energies. That's very nice of you. I'll be releasing some merchandise soon. Here's my PO Box information so you can send a donation and pre-order...

Ancient Forums? Maybe these forums can be nicknamed ToxiCity instead, until that changes for the better. Joy of Satan in a toxic city? Like... damn - if you'll excuse the jewpun.

yawn You're boring. I think I've said everything, but I bet that I haven't. Later!
FancyMancy said:
Ancient Forums? Maybe these forums can be nicknamed ToxiCity instead, until that changes for the better. Joy of Satan in a toxic city? Like... damn - if you'll excuse the jewpun.

yawn You're boring. I think I've said everything, but I bet that I haven't. Later!

You proved within this lengthy emotional reaction why you were, in a degree, put on a spot by Ol.

You see, mistakes can happen, both parties can sting themselves over an overreaction, let's say.

But this is again not about the subject at hand, you take a problem, react to it, very little reflect on it, transform upon a generalisation, amplify it then put it back as an "argument". You are only making yourself present, by replying, without actually replying.

Reading the above quote, even if the initial light spot wasn't just, lets say, now it is. Because the main argument was and is a beyond of what you try to write here.

You return to your own lack of ability, lack of perception only to transform everything in a sting against JoS. An argument made with and by vulgar approach (intended to help I suppose? ) turned into yourself puking shit about and against JoS, as a forum, as a relationship, as a community as a concept.

You cannot bring yourself out of this predicament, because you ingested enemy shit. You have do to RTRs and spiritual warfare every day.

Do the trio, everyday for 90 days. 270 x Full RTRs is attainable and easy.
FancyMancy said:
The point is that one privates is used for excreting one thing, another privates is used for excreting another thing; one privates is "supposed to be" entered; yet the other privates is "supposed to not be" entered. Both excrete things, and both can be entered. Call me pedantic, emotional and Grammar-Nazi-y! The urethra and vagina are more like each other than they are like teeth, and they are close to each other - very close, in fact - so it's not fine for FancyMancy to be pedantic and Grammar-Nazi-y, but it's OK for others to be. Good job.
You keep bringing up the urethra, but did you know that women actually regularly excrete blood from their vagina until their 50s? And it's not just blood, but a bunch of dead uterine waste and clots too. Isn't that horrifying?

Furthermore, did you know that guys actually pee from their dick? It comes right from the same hole they use to eject semen! You might not have been aware, but it's called a pee-pee for a reason, so think again before sticking that anywhere!

And did you know people can vomit digestive acids right from their mouth? You might've thought a blowjob or even just a kiss seems nice, but think again! Acid burns are no laughing matter :lol:

In fact, the entire body is covered in pores that excrete sweat and sebum, so don't even think of committing skin-to-skin contact either. That sweat would be all over the place! If you're not careful, your body could end up all slick and oily!

What fearsome creatures we are: all manner of things become part of our bodies as we feast, but then eventually stop being part of it, and are discarded back into the world as filth and muck. At times I've projected out of this body, so that I could enjoy only the beautiful forms, vibrant energy and pleasure in my and my husband's minds, without any discomfort, without having to face the parts of physical reality I disliked. But eventually I remembered that I wanted to be born into this world. I understood that energy guides the physical, and so "resigning" oneself to the astral is unnatural and contradictory.

So how about we wash these physical forms of ours, and have sex while we're not excreting any overly off-putting substances? I don't mean you or me specifically, but rather, in general, as people, with people we like, and not with people who carry dangerous infectious diseases? We could even communicate and be gentle so that we don't rip and tear each other's insides apart, or long before it even gets to that point, to make sure it's comfortable for everyone. Honestly, I thought this was common sense. I don't tend to understand the common sense of other people, but at least to me, these ideas seemed pretty sensible, and I sure hope they're common.

Ol appears to lack this however, judging by his disturbing fixation on rough, bloody sex with feces that leaves people sick and injured... Well, no doubt some animals and people do that sorta thing, whether by accident or on purpose, just as some women piss themselves during sex, although relatively speaking I find that less worrisome than blood and feces. But I like to think that as the descendants of beings such as the Gods and Goddesses, we can do better than that.


To get back on the topic of the thread: be sensible, and practice safe sex. If in doubt, wear a condom or get your partner to wear one. In my opinion, it also definitely pays off to experiment by yourself before having sex with another person, to get an idea of what to feels good and what hurts. Then when you're with someone, you can do the things that feel good, and avoid the things that hurt.

As much as I dislike common sense, I'll say it: use common sense. Don't let others rule your life, but don't do things you'll regret either.
NakedPluto said:
Nope. My reply was not about me, nor about me being emotional, nor about me 'stinging'. It was to help CaspianTheDreamer. Then irrelevant shit was posted, and directed to me. This is why this 'sting', as you call it, now exists this time.

turned into yourself puking shit about and against JoS, as a forum, as a relationship, as a community as a concept.
Yeah, let's just pile on FancyMancy. He replies to try and help the OP to relax and do things safely without fretting, and that is wrong for FancyMancy to do and it is FancyMancy being emotional; and in responding to these things FancyMancy points out the toxicity of the piling-on against him - but it's all FancyMancy's fault that in the first place any irrelevant shit was posted and aimed at him, being irrelevant to the thread.

You return to your own lack of ability, lack of perception
I am not returning to my own lack of ability; I have abilities, and I am not returning to my own lack of perception; I perceive. I can see and notice things, and then if I think it should be done I point those things out.

You cannot bring yourself out of this predicament, because you ingested enemy shit.
I cannot bring myself out of this predicament because I was calling this religious and cliquey since before I knew that forum, which I have said repeatedly, which you, and others, seem to have either ignored or forgot repeatedly. That forum, and me "ingesting enemy shit" is not the originating point of me saying these things - and I wouldn't have said these things this time if I had not have been accused, attacked, targetted in this thread. My reply was for and to the OP, to offer help; my reply was not, in any way, shape or form, about me, yet it was turned into being about me.

Believe it or don't, I am capable of using my own eyes and seeing drama on a forum. I have been on chatrooms and forums for years. I am not ignorant of this; it happens here. In case it is still not painfully clear - I have been saying things before I knew about that forum. Any further bullshit about "you are bringing enemy shit here by calling Ancient-Forums this, that and the other" is deliberate ignorance and trolling.

To anyone who is reading -
Why do I say these things? It's as if only those who behave the same way as the long-time members behave are welcome here. It's like you have to be a biker - burping, farting and gruffy to be able to sit in our pub and participate in our events. You're not "allowed" to be a diva if you want to go to a skate park and skate. I've noticed and realised that on here since before I knew about that forum. Ignore me and carry on.

This thread is not about me, and it is not about me being emotional; my reply was about CaspianTheDreamer and him seeking help to get better with a thing. This thread is about CaspianTheDreamer and him seeking help to get better with a thing. Leave me out of it - and the same goes for any other threads in the future. Any further bullshit about "you are bringing enemy shit here by calling Ancient-Forums this, that and the other", or "you are being emotional because..." or anything else irrelevant to any threads which I reply in or don't reply in, is all deliberate ignorance and trolling.

I can say these things above while being emotional and while not being emotional. You ignore plain and clear replies with repeated repetitions, so emphasis-upon-emphasis-upon-emphasis is used. Whomever replies to my reply here needs to have the last word, so I give you my permission to have it. Be ignorant. Later.


CaspianTheDreamer said:
I hope I helped, in my reply to you, in one way or another, despite all of the irrelevant shit that was directed at me in this thread. Don't fret. Just find a decent Male, or perhaps Males, of your own Race who is/are willing to help you homosexually, and have enjoyable, pleasurable safe sex. If it's "wrong", then that might be wrong for you, but not actually "wrong". You need an ice-breaker, if you haven't done so already since making the OP. If finding Males to be with is scary, then maybe buy a couple of dildos/vibrators. I'd highly suggest a jelly one at first, as your starting sex toy. (Please don't over-stretch yourself and things like that...) Locate your prostate and either massage it for a while, and/or wank and massage it, then move onto either a dildo or a vibrator - don't rely on the vibrator, though; a clean and decent Human Being is far better than emotionless, breathless, soulless electronic whirring.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
Sunny said:
Do not trust Enigmatic_Rabbit, he is suspicious and seems like a bad and hostile person. His account dates back a few weeks. In several topics he has written strange and negative things. Be careful, don't contact him in private. This seems to be another account of that Fanboy zombie.

Even that nonsense he said here on the anus is total bullshit.. "worming" if you want to have anal sex.. What stupid shit is that?

I agree with you.
+ it is a spammer with no respect and tries to enforce its views on others in a sneaky way,
purposefully mixing things up and only hearing what it wants to hear,
acting like it knows everything, is above everyone and even trying to lecture members
(about what the JoS stands for or is, for example).
And the way it writes and always long ass texts that look schizo-like.
Either a schizo or a jew, or both. And i don't say that often, this is my first time i think.

Unrelated to the topic but i absolutely love the sketch of Fuhrer in your signature. Did ylu draw it yourself? Its so pretty and encapsulates his beauty pretty well🔥😍

Hey, i agree with you. No, it is from a painter called Karl Bauer.

Believe it or not, this is something that can help you personally if you understand it.

You are caught in a conflict that affects the way you rationalize your reactions and actions on this.

You say that you have been vocal long before about the "clique" statements, which in itself proves to you that this hasn't been any kind of obstacle, or problem in any way shape, or form for how you were treated or perceived.

This wasn't a problem in itself to address, since you are a mature man capable of staying here for so long, capable of thought, free will, experience and life for your own conclusions and overcoming.

Nobody has addressed you this, and because of this, now it has boiled within you along with many other factors in a breakthrough that you 1. Do not admit, 2. Have no control o it.

I do not address the OP, nor the subject in itself, but your tendency to generalize and throw tantrums such as "toxicity", directly to JoS, Ancient Forums.

The way you do this is direct, attachable and bold, with no real reasons for existence but your inner conflict.

This needs to be resolved, hence the addressing of it. You are definitely not obliged to understand, conform or anything of this sort. But this being only a positive aspect for you to ingest, it can only be called as CARRYING of the others towards yourself, rather than Toxicity.

Let's address this. What is toxic about JoS, in your view? It is toxic that there are positive forces in others that make them assertive, powerful and expansive in their approach to exact this positivity?

For something to be toxic, it has to have negative intention, malice, manipulative behavior, short and long term destruction, cunning, and repulsive. Everyone here is the opposite of toxic.
Do you call toxic the behavior of betterment? You call toxic people who administer harsh realities? Yes there can be bitch slaps of reality. But behind all of this dynamic, there's only the benefit of outcome.

Based on the above and your denial and lack of perception of this, you are called as being emotional.

Being called emotional does not mean being wrong, but means a possible pointless drive over which you have no control when logic is concerned and needed.

All of this is contained within this, you have a problem with x SS, something happens. Hurts your feeling, your expectation. By circumstances this is also amplified. Part you are a victim of your undoing, of external undoing. Part is naivety, a genuine event of fate. What do you do? You reject, attack and generalize this upon JoS?

No, because that is irrational behavior based on nothing but lack of.

In conclusion, try to not generalize this upon absolutism that is against your fiber. If you do not understand that this is not normal, there is much more to be learned. Do Spiritual Warfare as told, being something of another caliber to elevate and clean yourself.

The fact that you've been in many forums in general stands as a negative influence upon you, since you are accustomed to a normalized internet social setup, you cannot understand the difference between JoS and anything else. JoS as a place of existence has many layers and is a temple.

No matter how you put it, clique, religious, or cult, all relate to the same point of anchor lingering in your mind and astral, and that is a negative layer. You have to resolve this, with meditation with time. But any time you say something of this lie, against JoS, you will be addressed regardless if you like it or not, as at that point it is not about you but others.
NakedPluto said:
I'm not throwing tantrums. I am replying to the OP - in this case, CaspianTheDreamer. That's all. Anything else was thrust upon me irrelevantly; anything else continually after is still being thrust upon me irrelevantly.

This needs to be resolved, hence the addressing of it.
So again I ask - how is me trying to encourage the OP to chill out and try some things, meaning I am being crazy (yes, I know you didn't call me "crazy"; I am saying "crazy" just to condense it into one word)? How is me asking about how a gay Man must mean that he is a Child abuser, making me crazy? My alleged and perceived craziness is irrelevant to CaspianTheDreamer being helped and encouraged to calm down. The reason this "was addressed" was for reasons irrelevant to CaspianTheDreamer, irrelevant to CaspianTheDreamer being helped, and irrelevant to this thread.

Let's address this. What is toxic about JoS, in your view?
Irrelevances in threads, and search my recent posts for "toxic", "cliqué", "religious" and "emotions"/"heart". If we are in a Senate, then one person can jump out of his/her seat and start crying "I did not like what you did when we were at the cinema on Saturday!". It is irrelevant and should be done in another location. Maybe you are blind to see this, or just refuse to see it. This shit and spam and trolling will continue.

But behind all of this dynamic, there's only the benefit of outcome.
FancyMancy said:
My Grammar-Nazi thread is open; my why-do-you-hate-me thread is open. Use them instead of spamming shit all over every other thread that I reply in.

Based on the above and your denial and lack of perception of this, you are called as being emotional.
I went to a forum. That means I am a traitor.
I deny things. That means I am emotional.
I ask questions. That means I am emotional.
I ask for things to be kept on-topic, and in certain threads which are relevant. That means I am emotional.
Nope. Not toxic, not religious, not cliquéy, not thinking with Emotions instead of with Brain. Nope. Not at all.

Being called emotional does not mean being wrong, but means a possible pointless drive over which you have no control when logic is concerned and needed.
I can say these things above while being emotional and while not being emotional.
FancyMancy said:
Why don't you use your Spiritual abilities instead of your Physical and Mental abilities to determine my intentions?
...or to see if I am being emotional or logic or whatever?

All of this is contained within this, you have a problem with x SS, something happens. Hurts your feeling, your expectation.
I had no problem with anyone. I was repling to the OP, CaspianTheDreamer, to try and offer help, support, advice. Then irrelevant shit was thrown at me. Why keep ignoring this? I did not do this. I replied to CaspianTheDreamer, then irrelevant shit was thrown at me... and now I am in the wrong because I replied to the OP and because irrelevant shit was thrown at me? Thanks for ignoring me.

What do you do? You reject, attack and generalize this upon JoS?
I see many threads with the same irrelevant bullshit as in this one, and I ignore them. I conclude it is religious, toxic, cliquéy, thinking with Emotions instead of with Brain. If I go to a Hell's Angels' club and see how they behave, I conclude that they behave like princesses. :roll: Why ask nonsense questions?

The fact that you've been in many forums in general stands as a negative influence upon you, since you are accustomed to a normalized internet social setup, you cannot understand the difference between JoS and anything else
Everyone on this forum, JoS's Ancient-Forums, is a perfect Human Being and highly-advanced? No. There are many members who are advanced and unadvanced. On other forums, on this forum, on social media, on Discord, in comments sections... the drama remains the same. It may be of different contexts and topics and websites, but it's the same drama. The essence of drama is... what? Conflict? Whether a website is Spiritual or not, the drama remains constant here, there and everywhere.

But any time you say something of this lie, against JoS, you will be addressed regardless if you like it or not, as at that point it is not about you but others.
Try reading this thread again. I was replying to the OP, CaspianTheDreamer, and then irrelevant shit followed me. That is not a lie, because that is exactly what happened, so don't say I lied. I did not state anything about anything to do with this forum being religious, toxic, cliquéy, thinking with Emotions instead of with Brain. I was replying to CaspianTheDreamer. What I said, in other threads, about this forum being religious, toxic, cliquéy, thinking with Emotions instead of with Brain is entirely irrelevant to this thread, and I did not mention those things; I was replying to CaspianTheDreamer. Leave -

  1. my mentioning of this forum being religious, toxic, cliquéy, thinking with Emotions instead of with Brain-related things, and
  2. whether or not this forum is/members of this forum are religious, toxic, cliquéy, thinking with Emotions instead of with Brain-related things
out of it.
FancyMancy said:
My Grammar-Nazi thread is open; my why-do-you-hate-me thread is open. Use them instead of spamming shit all over every other thread that I reply in.
Why don't you use your Spiritual abilities instead of your Physical and Mental abilities to determine my intentions?
I think I know why... Again -
FancyMancy said:
get LORD Beelzebul to tell those who can communicate telepathically with Him to say what's what. If He can find 1/2 a second of His busy schedule to do so, I hope He will inform all who can hear Him of the actual truth. I cannot speak telepathically, unfortunately. Those who can should do this, and each one of those who can should then relay it to everyone else on the forum. I a non-sarcastic way - strike me down, LORD Beelzebul, if I am doing wrong - genuinely. I'm being serious, not sarcastic in that. If He settles disputes, then maybe He should do some visiting here or something like communicate with "chosen" individuals who can communicate telepathically with Him. That will put to bed this emotional and ignorant nonsense, that the pack of wolves and school of piranhas enjoy doing so much.
and also put to bed any irrelevant bullshit. Why not use your own Spiritual abilities, or ask LORD Beelzebul for some brief input? Because we are so super-duper-ly advanced that we can be dramatic and irrelevant in threads and making threads about irrelevant things and making threads about users other than the OP? Get a life and improve your Spiritual abilities, then know, or continue on with this shit.
FancyMancy said:
NakedPluto said:
I'm not throwing tantrums. I am replying to the OP - in this case, CaspianTheDreamer. That's all. Anything else was thrust upon me irrelevantly; anything else continually after is still being thrust upon me irrelevantly.

This needs to be resolved, hence the addressing of it.
So again I ask - how is me trying to encourage the OP to chill out and try some things, meaning I am being crazy (yes, I know you didn't call me "crazy"; I am saying "crazy" just to condense it into one word)? How is me asking about how a gay Man must mean that he is a Child abuser, making me crazy? My alleged and perceived craziness is irrelevant to CaspianTheDreamer being helped and encouraged to calm down. The reason this "was addressed" was for reasons irrelevant to CaspianTheDreamer, irrelevant to CaspianTheDreamer being helped, and irrelevant to this thread.

Let's address this. What is toxic about JoS, in your view?
Irrelevances in threads, and search my recent posts for "toxic", "cliqué", "religious" and "emotions"/"heart". If we are in a Senate, then one person can jump out of his/her seat and start crying "I did not like what you did when we were at the cinema on Saturday!". It is irrelevant and should be done in another location. Maybe you are blind to see this, or just refuse to see it. This shit and spam and trolling will continue.

But behind all of this dynamic, there's only the benefit of outcome.
FancyMancy said:
My Grammar-Nazi thread is open; my why-do-you-hate-me thread is open. Use them instead of spamming shit all over every other thread that I reply in.

Based on the above and your denial and lack of perception of this, you are called as being emotional.
I went to a forum. That means I am a traitor.
I deny things. That means I am emotional.
I ask questions. That means I am emotional.
I ask for things to be kept on-topic, and in certain threads which are relevant. That means I am emotional.
Nope. Not toxic, not religious, not cliquéy, not thinking with Emotions instead of with Brain. Nope. Not at all.

Being called emotional does not mean being wrong, but means a possible pointless drive over which you have no control when logic is concerned and needed.
I can say these things above while being emotional and while not being emotional.
FancyMancy said:
Why don't you use your Spiritual abilities instead of your Physical and Mental abilities to determine my intentions?
...or to see if I am being emotional or logic or whatever?

All of this is contained within this, you have a problem with x SS, something happens. Hurts your feeling, your expectation.
I had no problem with anyone. I was repling to the OP, CaspianTheDreamer, to try and offer help, support, advice. Then irrelevant shit was thrown at me. Why keep ignoring this? I did not do this. I replied to CaspianTheDreamer, then irrelevant shit was thrown at me... and now I am in the wrong because I replied to the OP and because irrelevant shit was thrown at me? Thanks for ignoring me.

What do you do? You reject, attack and generalize this upon JoS?
I see many threads with the same irrelevant bullshit as in this one, and I ignore them. I conclude it is religious, toxic, cliquéy, thinking with Emotions instead of with Brain. If I go to a Hell's Angels' club and see how they behave, I conclude that they behave like princesses. :roll: Why ask nonsense questions?

The fact that you've been in many forums in general stands as a negative influence upon you, since you are accustomed to a normalized internet social setup, you cannot understand the difference between JoS and anything else
Everyone on this forum, JoS's Ancient-Forums, is a perfect Human Being and highly-advanced? No. There are many members who are advanced and unadvanced. On other forums, on this forum, on social media, on Discord, in comments sections... the drama remains the same. It may be of different contexts and topics and websites, but it's the same drama. The essence of drama is... what? Conflict? Whether a website is Spiritual or not, the drama remains constant here, there and everywhere.

But any time you say something of this lie, against JoS, you will be addressed regardless if you like it or not, as at that point it is not about you but others.
Try reading this thread again. I was replying to the OP, CaspianTheDreamer, and then irrelevant shit followed me. That is not a lie, because that is exactly what happened, so don't say I lied. I did not state anything about anything to do with this forum being religious, toxic, cliquéy, thinking with Emotions instead of with Brain. I was replying to CaspianTheDreamer. What I said, in other threads, about this forum being religious, toxic, cliquéy, thinking with Emotions instead of with Brain is entirely irrelevant to this thread, and I did not mention those things; I was replying to CaspianTheDreamer. Leave -

  1. my mentioning of this forum being religious, toxic, cliquéy, thinking with Emotions instead of with Brain-related things, and
  2. whether or not this forum is/members of this forum are religious, toxic, cliquéy, thinking with Emotions instead of with Brain-related things
out of it.
FancyMancy said:
My Grammar-Nazi thread is open; my why-do-you-hate-me thread is open. Use them instead of spamming shit all over every other thread that I reply in.
Why don't you use your Spiritual abilities instead of your Physical and Mental abilities to determine my intentions?
I think I know why... Again -
FancyMancy said:
get LORD Beelzebul to tell those who can communicate telepathically with Him to say what's what. If He can find 1/2 a second of His busy schedule to do so, I hope He will inform all who can hear Him of the actual truth. I cannot speak telepathically, unfortunately. Those who can should do this, and each one of those who can should then relay it to everyone else on the forum. I a non-sarcastic way - strike me down, LORD Beelzebul, if I am doing wrong - genuinely. I'm being serious, not sarcastic in that. If He settles disputes, then maybe He should do some visiting here or something like communicate with "chosen" individuals who can communicate telepathically with Him. That will put to bed this emotional and ignorant nonsense, that the pack of wolves and school of piranhas enjoy doing so much.
and also put to bed any irrelevant bullshit. Why not use your own Spiritual abilities, or ask LORD Beelzebul for some brief input? Because we are so super-duper-ly advanced that we can be dramatic and irrelevant in threads and making threads about irrelevant things and making threads about users other than the OP? Get a life and improve your Spiritual abilities, then know, or continue on with this shit.

I called Ol out for his bullshit already. It's over and done with. You're not on trial at this point unless you put yourself on trial. You're also mistaking the intent of NakedPluto here. He is being incredibly kind and polite to you for your own benefit, even leveling, and you don't really know the value of that coming from him, especially with how protective he is of JoS and how much it means to him. It's very big of him to be talking to you about this in such a friendly, constructive manner. So you really shouldn't be spitting at him in return. He was trying to help you.

You're making the same error again that you did before. You are referring to the WHOLE of JoS which includes ALL of the members here, and everything contained within it such as Maxine's time, energy, support, and words, and same for all of the clergy and everyone who built this place up. That is an awful thing to do, and that is why people get upset with you. You could have just called Ol a retard and left it at that instead of mentioning the JoS. When Jack and his entourage were giving me shit for months and months, did I ever attack the JoS? NO. I attacked the specific people in question who were giving me a hard time. That was a handful of people including Jack, Aquarius, Ol, and some other unmemorable peeps who felt safe enough to challenge me since others were already doing so. I always defended the JoS and kept it out of discussion with these things because 1. the JoS is important to me, and 2. the JoS had nothing to do with the shitty behavior of those juvenile halfwits with God complexes.

Defend yourself by all means if you wish to, but leave the JoS out of it. That's where you went wrong, and everything else is irrelevant.

You are going on irrelevant tangents, being extremely defensive and stubborn (because of your inner conflict) and refuse as much as possible to understand what I am trying to communicate to you.

I asked you and made you aware, that no matter how you got to this conclusion and reaction, it is not normal, valid and is of a negative source:

Ancient Forums? Maybe these forums can be nicknamed ToxiCity instead, until that changes for the better. Joy of Satan in a toxic city? Like... damn - if you'll excuse the jewpun.

This is the subject of our discussion. Nothing else, I have not blamed you to what you said to OP. I have overcame your other incident and understood in a way that is encompassing and for a future outlook on things (regarding your extracurricular activities). The only problem and addressing of this is, that you keep having and enforcing yourself, a lie and turmoil in your mind that you project it here without even wanting to hear a solution or understanding of it.

From a misunderstanding you got to the conclusion that JoS is toxic. You even got a nickname. Haha, very funny.

Somebody addresses you, he is a troll and spams.

How I am a troll and I spam you? With logic and interests to genuinely make you aware and myself understand your logical pursuit in this?

We are talking about the present, not the past, and in a very practical way. I do not hold anything against you but the truth, which is visible.

No I will not contact any God for you neither use my powers for what is visibly easy to asses and communicate. You have to get over yourself. I do not have any ill will towards you or anyone else. We are mature people and it is a shame I have to explain this to you.

All of this is proof of how well you are treated, and how you do not even accept it, and it comes at a laughing "waste of time" price for me until now.
Dahaarkan said:
The real issue here is the fact that you are still under xian mental poison which drives you to seek validation on yourself from others or some higher power, be it from someone of authority such as a priest, or perhaps from "god" or "nature" or "the universe".

When you need others to validate what you are, you become dependent on their approval and become a pawn to their designs. You need to define yourself based on what you are and what you feel is right, and not the opinions of others.

Asking a religious group if your existence is acceptable, is one of the most dangerous things you can do, and opening yourself to programming and enslavement. You are fortunate indeed that most members of this community have a brain and will generally advocate true Satanic virtues and values instead of their own bias.

At the end of the day you are free to follow the dictates of your own nature so long as you cooperate with Satan's designs. Many people neglect this, which comes from Satan Himself, when attempting to push their own bias upon others.

When you have questions about yourself and your nature, these are questions you must ask yourself, not others. It is a matter in which it is required that you look inward instead of seeking the opinions of others.

Thank you for this.
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
I agree with you.
+ it is a spammer with no respect and tries to enforce its views on others in a sneaky way,
purposefully mixing things up and only hearing what it wants to hear,
acting like it knows everything, is above everyone and even trying to lecture members
(about what the JoS stands for or is, for example).
And the way it writes and always long ass texts that look schizo-like.
Either a schizo or a jew, or both. And i don't say that often, this is my first time i think.

Unrelated to the topic but i absolutely love the sketch of Fuhrer in your signature. Did ylu draw it yourself? Its so pretty and encapsulates his beauty pretty well🔥😍

Hey, i agree with you. No, it is from a painter called Karl Bauer.

Oh alright. Thank you
Ol argedco luciftias said:
luis said:
It has been practiced for many years, if it was so bad we would have known. As long as your careful and don't do stupid things nothing bad will happen.

And we do know. All of the different injuries caused by this have been studied in very clear detail for many years by many doctors. Hemorrhoids, blood clots, ripping, multiple types of cancer, AIDs, and many other things.

It is your choice to do whatever you want to do. But it is wrong to pretend that it is harmless. If you have not been injured yet, it is only because you have been lucky.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The rectum has more blood supply than almost anything else in the body, with an extremely large amount of very small blood vessels. Actions like this are certain to cause some amount of tearing to some small blood vessels, or also possibly a larger amount of damage. This is now opening the body's blood circulation directly into contact with feces, and all of the diseases contained in there. Depending how many blood vessels are torn and how large they are, there will be a different amount of contact of feces getting into the blood. In a very small amount it may be possible for the immune system to handle it and prevent any sickness from forming. But it is extremely easy and extremely common for the damage to be too much for the immune system and for diseases to form. And these diseases could be thousands of different things caused from pathogens and contaminations inside the feces. It is very common for it to cause rectal or colon cancers. And it is also so common to recieve AIDs from this that this is by far the single most common way to get it. Like the example of the drugs, it is possible that the AIDs is either caused or at least made extremely more likely by the immune system being extremely overworked and weakened by a long time of constant exposure to harmful things.
I'm aware of what some degenerates in the modern gay male community do. I'm disappointed that you can't imagine it any other way. I'm disappointed that you give advice when all you're aware of is impossibility, as you're not even interested at all in knowing what is actually possible. The limiting mindset you promote disgusts me as much as the reckless abandon of those you criticise.

I don't expect you to learn anything about this, as it disgusts you too much to research it in an unbiased manner. Even so, I've decided to tell you in clear terms that you're wrong.

I have experience with this. I've accidentally caused myself to bleed before during masturbation, once when I was 14 and once again when I was 17. I learned from both occasions, and never bled while having sex with a partner. There were never any feces either while having sex with a partner. Depending on the method used to clean, it usually takes about a day or more for that to get going again, so there are no feces afterwards either. In spite of your assumptions which are based on your lack of knowledge about this topic that you gave advice on so confidently, this has nothing to do with luck whatsoever. I simply learned about my body, achieved understanding, and did what it takes to reduce all of the risks to 0%. I know you have not the slightest bit of interest in hearing about the ways to do so, but for those who are interested, there are numerous helpful sources of information online.

As for the rapid spread of disease within the gay male community, statistics about their promiscuity will provide more insight into that. This exponentially increases the spread of disease, as they are not only more likely to get sick but will also spread it to more people. Promiscuous people can use various forms of protection to reduce the risk, although some neglect this. But as a monogamous person, it makes far more sense to look for a like-minded partner who likewise hasn't had many (or any) sexual partners.
If the above is done properly, it will eliminate the risks of STDs.

Did you feel proud of yourself for spreading the misinformation you believe because you're too lazy to find even an ounce of nuance? You should be ashamed, but since you won't, I'll judge you in your stead. Idiot.
Sunny said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Sunny said:
It is difficult to filter out trolls and infiltrators, so it would be better if people did not behave badly.
Yes, it is indeed difficult.
I was surprised by that too.
If you look, you'll see that HP doesn't talk to him(fanboy) like a troll.

Don't waste your time with problematic and non-serious people.
I don't even care about that.
I just didn't understand why HP was dealing with fanboy.But probably to give him a relevant answer.But this answer is not just for fanboy's because, it provides information for everyone in general.
Although you really don't know who is kike and who is not.

By the way, you wrote well bro,that we should not deal with such things.
Prisma said:

I do not trust you at all, and I am disgusted by you.

It is strange that you would even say the word "misinformation" considering is is difficult to imagine anybody who has spread more confusion or more insanity than you have. All of the people you have attempted to harm, confuse, and ruin with your "trans" insanity. It is a crime against humanity that you have participated in. I have no trust or respect for you.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Prisma said:

I do not trust you at all, and I am disgusted by you.

It is strange that you would even say the word "misinformation" considering is is difficult to imagine anybody who has spread more confusion or more insanity than you have. All of the people you have attempted to harm, confuse, and ruin with your "trans" insanity. It is a crime against humanity that you have participated in. I have no trust or respect for you.

Never forget that meteor/prisma LIED about being intersex as a coverup for his trans agenda. This is still the most damning thing he has ever done IMO.

If you wanna talk about misinformation let’s start there meteor!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Prisma said:

I do not trust you at all, and I am disgusted by you.

It is strange that you would even say the word "misinformation" considering is is difficult to imagine anybody who has spread more confusion or more insanity than you have. All of the people you have attempted to harm, confuse, and ruin with your "trans" insanity. It is a crime against humanity that you have participated in. I have no trust or respect for you.
There is no use in dwelling on the past, nor feeling ashamed now over what I was like in the past. What matters is whether or not I've learned from my experiences. I can gladly say that I'm proud of how much I've improved.

Therefore, your disgust is as irrelevant to me as mine is to you. But I will judge you for your errors in the present nonetheless, idiot.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Sunny said:
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Yes, it is indeed difficult.
I was surprised by that too.
If you look, you'll see that HP doesn't talk to him(fanboy) like a troll.

Don't waste your time with problematic and non-serious people.
I don't even care about that.
I just didn't understand why HP was dealing with fanboy.But probably to give him a relevant answer.But this answer is not just for fanboy's because, it provides information for everyone in general.
Although you really don't know who is kike and who is not.

By the way, you wrote well bro,that we should not deal with such things.

Yes, thank you.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Prisma said:

I do not trust you at all, and I am disgusted by you.

It is strange that you would even say the word "misinformation" considering is is difficult to imagine anybody who has spread more confusion or more insanity than you have. All of the people you have attempted to harm, confuse, and ruin with your "trans" insanity. It is a crime against humanity that you have participated in. I have no trust or respect for you.
Although I'm still waiting for my other reply to go through, I've reflected more on what you wrote, and wish to say the following:

In the past half year, I've come to face reality, and I've come to accept myself. I haven't felt any gender dysphoria anymore for several months now. Then, after reflecting more deeply upon what I went through in my childhood, adolescence and adulthood so far, I took the path that leads to the best outcome in both the medium and long term, in accordance with physical reality as well as my own spiritual experiences. In regards to that, I simply made the best out of a bad situation.

However, there are three things that I sincerely want to apologise for, in particular to Jrvan, Tabby and Shadowcat, but also to any others who may have been negatively affected by my behaviour:
  1. I shouldn't have ranted about things I don't understand, nor about things that are so personal that they are completely and utterly useless and irrelevant to other people. I ended up severely confusing other people by involving them in my own confusion at the time, and I regret that.
  2. I shouldn't have speculated about taboo topics in such a vulgar manner. Many people are sensitive about such topics, and I ended up deeply upsetting some people even though I liked them. I regret that.
  3. I shouldn't have been as careless as to forget my Guardian's advice in the heat of the moment, and I regret that I did.
I'm deeply sorry for each of those things.

On a different note, your inability to reply on topic is further evidence that your argument in regards to the topic of this thread doesn't have a leg to stand on, as you lack any actual knowledge besides the statistics that led you to over-generalise, making you incapable of dealing with arguments that focus on individual experiences. Thanks for proving my point, idiot.

It seems as though you're trying to derail the thread since you dislike the topic, but please try to be more considerate of others, especially if that wasn't actually your intention here. There are people who genuinely want to learn about the topic.

The Outlaw Torn said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Prisma said:

I do not trust you at all, and I am disgusted by you.

It is strange that you would even say the word "misinformation" considering is is difficult to imagine anybody who has spread more confusion or more insanity than you have. All of the people you have attempted to harm, confuse, and ruin with your "trans" insanity. It is a crime against humanity that you have participated in. I have no trust or respect for you.

Never forget that meteor/prisma LIED about being intersex as a coverup for his trans agenda. This is still the most damning thing he has ever done IMO.

If you wanna talk about misinformation let’s start there meteor!
Although I phrased some things in manner that might seem exaggerated, I haven't lied. In fact, some of the things I've written turned out to be far more literal than I even realised at the time. There was truly so much I didn't know or understand about myself.
Nonetheless, I'm sorry if it came across as misleading. I should have been more clear from the start, or kept it to myself entirely.

On a side note, it warms my heart that you still think of me as a man even after everything I've been through. It really drives home the point that it wasn't really my gender that held me back, but rather just the limitations of my mind. I should've realised sooner, that when words fall short to describe the true nature of things, there's no point in heeding the expectations they shape, for they're wrong. From now on, I will continue to free myself in concrete ways, regardless of stereotypes. That's the only correct thing to do.

Hail Satan!
Prisma said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Prisma said:

I do not trust you at all, and I am disgusted by you.

It is strange that you would even say the word "misinformation" considering is is difficult to imagine anybody who has spread more confusion or more insanity than you have. All of the people you have attempted to harm, confuse, and ruin with your "trans" insanity. It is a crime against humanity that you have participated in. I have no trust or respect for you.
Although I'm still waiting for my other reply to go through, I've reflected more on what you wrote, and wish to say the following:

In the past half year, I've come to face reality, and I've come to accept myself. I haven't felt any gender dysphoria anymore for several months now. Then, after reflecting more deeply upon what I went through in my childhood, adolescence and adulthood so far, I took the path that leads to the best outcome in both the medium and long term, in accordance with physical reality as well as my own spiritual experiences. In regards to that, I simply made the best out of a bad situation.

However, there are three things that I sincerely want to apologise for, in particular to Jrvan, Tabby and Shadowcat, but also to any others who may have been negatively affected by my behaviour:
  1. I shouldn't have ranted about things I don't understand, nor about things that are so personal that they are completely and utterly useless and irrelevant to other people. I ended up severely confusing other people by involving them in my own confusion at the time, and I regret that.
  2. I shouldn't have speculated about taboo topics in such a vulgar manner. Many people are sensitive about such topics, and I ended up deeply upsetting some people even though I liked them. I regret that.
  3. I shouldn't have been as careless as to forget my Guardian's advice in the heat of the moment, and I regret that I did.
I'm deeply sorry for each of those things.

On a different note, your inability to reply on topic is further evidence that your argument in regards to the topic of this thread doesn't have a leg to stand on, as you lack any actual knowledge besides the statistics that led you to over-generalise, making you incapable of dealing with arguments that focus on individual experiences. Thanks for proving my point, idiot.

It seems as though you're trying to derail the thread since you dislike the topic, but please try to be more considerate of others, especially if that wasn't actually your intention here. There are people who genuinely want to learn about the topic.

The Outlaw Torn said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I do not trust you at all, and I am disgusted by you.

It is strange that you would even say the word "misinformation" considering is is difficult to imagine anybody who has spread more confusion or more insanity than you have. All of the people you have attempted to harm, confuse, and ruin with your "trans" insanity. It is a crime against humanity that you have participated in. I have no trust or respect for you.

Never forget that meteor/prisma LIED about being intersex as a coverup for his trans agenda. This is still the most damning thing he has ever done IMO.

If you wanna talk about misinformation let’s start there meteor!
Although I phrased some things in manner that might seem exaggerated, I haven't lied. In fact, some of the things I've written turned out to be far more literal than I even realised at the time. There was truly so much I didn't know or understand about myself.
Nonetheless, I'm sorry if it came across as misleading. I should have been more clear from the start, or kept it to myself entirely.

On a side note, it warms my heart that you still think of me as a man even after everything I've been through. It really drives home the point that it wasn't really my gender that held me back, but rather just the limitations of my mind. I should've realised sooner, that when words fall short to describe the true nature of things, there's no point in heeding the expectations they shape, for they're wrong. From now on, I will continue to free myself in concrete ways, regardless of stereotypes. That's the only correct thing to do.

Hail Satan!

I guess this is the best time to say it, I have no hard feelings towards you, mate. You seem to be making good progress for yourself at your own pace, and in the end, that's all that matters.

I have some regrets about things towards you of my own. Out of confusion and my own trauma, I lashed out sometimes, when instead, you didn't need anything else other than help in a difficult time. As the saying goes, we fear what we don't understand... Nonetheless, I hope you continue to grow and advance.

Many, whether they'll admit it or not or know it or not, need help to some extent. Everyone's been deeply affected by what has happened to this world, and whether we like it or not... we've all been in the position of the sleepwalker before coming to Father Satan. No one here has come from somewhere perfect. We're going to make mistakes, and say stupid shit, lie to ourselves, and fuck up... but someday, these get less and less as we learn and grow. Yet we shame each other for our mistakes and shortcomings, for our flaws and imperfectness, for our differences, for what we don't understand about each other, and our own lives.

The past is there to learn from it. There's no good future if we don't learn and grow from the past.
Prisma said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Prisma said:

I do not trust you at all, and I am disgusted by you.

It is strange that you would even say the word "misinformation" considering is is difficult to imagine anybody who has spread more confusion or more insanity than you have. All of the people you have attempted to harm, confuse, and ruin with your "trans" insanity. It is a crime against humanity that you have participated in. I have no trust or respect for you.
There is no use in dwelling on the past, nor feeling ashamed now over what I was like in the past. What matters is whether or not I've learned from my experiences. I can gladly say that I'm proud of how much I've improved.

Therefore, your disgust is as irrelevant to me as mine is to you. But I will judge you for your errors in the present nonetheless, idiot.

I was thinking of saying along the same thing to him last night, that bringing up your past doesn't invalidate what you said in the present, nor does it make him less of a retard. However, I decided to refrain in order to give you the opportunity to stand up for yourself because I believed you were strong enough to do so. Looks like I was right. Good job.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
