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Is Satan for the Non-White Races?


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
This is for the other members here who are new and not white.

I received an email from a black fellow from Africa, so he says...

In this email he went on to ask me some questions like, " How did you know that Satan is real and not a thought form created by the white supremacists at the JoyofSatan?" and another question like "How could a black person teach such beliefs to other black people to worship a white god?" This person even questioned if I was black. Their's that go-to question-- If someone of the same race opposes their standard, they are automatically questioned on their race... I get that all the time.

He also went on and on about how mistaken we are in that the Jews are not separate from the white race...etc, etc.

On the issue with the Jews:

The Jew has been exposed and there are numerous sources and proof that they are a DIFFERENT RACE. The Khazar myth (Jews really being white) has been debunked, not just by the clergy but buy numerous other resources. Their genetics and DNA tell it all! Never mind that that Jews even admit that they are separate beings and want to destroy us all, even the white race. What more does one need?

Know Your Enemy: Jews


To me these questions seem to come from someone who picks and chooses what to read while lurking on our forums, and for a good while, from the looks of it. I guess he forgot to add that the JoyofSatan is for ALL races to reach GODHEAD and advance to a higher level and that these "White gods" have been working with all the races since the beginning to uplift them. History and evidence of the different racial spiritual traditions and practices show this. Simple.

And now this person is making a fit because Satan, the being that created humanity happens to be White? Really? There's that inferiority complex and so called ego again- "I won't worship these ancient Gods who want to free us all, because they look just like Evil Whitey"- Says some random black guy

In all my time in working with the JoyofSatan and with the Gods, I have never been discriminated against and NEVER have the Gods treated me like less of a person/satanist. These "White gods" are interacting with me often and only invest their time and energy in me because they believe in the Black race and all the other races.

Do we need to constantly feel sorry for ourselves for now being white..maybe the Jew wants that, but why should we? I don't know about you, but I'm not going to drink that Jewish Kool-Aid...

All the races received the same knowledge to ascend into Godhead. And there have been blacks and Asians that reached Godhead and or higher levels because of the knowledge of these Gods. The more I work with the Daemon gods, the more I see this. If Satan would have completely favored the White race, and wanted humanity to be all white, then he would have just left it at that because whats the point, right?

All the ancient people of the world knew of Satan and the gods who have guided Humanity since the beginnings. Even many depictions of the gods in the ancient world were of white beings. I guess the ancient pagans were brainwashed too huh?

The Black Race and the other non-White races were created by genetic engineering (from Satan and the other Daemons) so that there can be new races/bloodlines to be extensions of their divine family on Earth.

The White race is an extension of Satan's bloodline on Earth, it is natural for them to have certain strengths or skills that some of the other races do not have. The White race has brought to the world technological advancement and modern civilizations, i.e the western civilization/ the 1st world. I had one black member come to me and tell me that because the White race has certain talents and abilities, he felt down about it.

If you are going to be jealous of the White race, then I guess you also will be jealous of Satan too?? Sounds funny, but its the same concept.

The Jew has created so many hostile vibes and negative associations with Race. Most people are sensitive and have an inferiority complex, thanks to the Jews trying to make the differences in the race's a bad thing. This of course will be common for many since the lie of JEWISH equality has created a backlash. I already wrote about this.

One thing we should all keep in mind: The focus of Spiritual Satanism is becoming immortal and reaching the divine state of existence for EVERYONE. Always has been.

Hail Satan
I think it's great that our comrade has posed his question.

It shows thinking and an open mind.

The white man is definitely not the enemy as you could see there is such a great desire for goodwill amongst the races.

I've felt the strong energy from black people's auras.... Now why would the Gods have given blacks this spiritual power as well if they weren't also for black people?

We are all Gentiles.

What I suggest is to not listen to the noise. But to take a step back and watch how the people are. Just look and see how the people are being in reality.

I believe we all want the same things in life. And that is to survive and live in peace and be happy and prosperous.

It's a big learning curve coming to Spiritual Satanism. And if you can stick with it you will have found the best self improvement advice available out there.

I think it's truly a gift to have this knowledge, this truth that's been kept from humanity for so long.

Mate I watched an old film on YouTube a while back that really showed the jew as a race. It was about the Rothschild's setting their banking empire up.

"The House of Rothschild".

All of this racial tensions are being manufactured by the jews that are operating from behind the scenes.

It's called - "Divide and Conquer". And it's the oldest trick in the book. Let the people be busy focusing on fighting each other while the true aggressor sneakily pulls off his plans in the background.

In psychology speaking about conflict. I quote L. Ron Hubbard's observation:

"While It Is Commonly Believed To Take Two To Make A Fight, A Third Party Must Exist And Must Develop It For Actual Conflict To Occur. This Is The Natural Law The Ancients And The Moderns Alike Did Not Know. It Is Worth Working With In Any Situation Where One Is Trying To Bring Peace."
Personal Growth said:
I think it's great that our comrade has posed his question.

It shows thinking and an open mind.

The white man is definitely not the enemy as you could see there is such a great desire for goodwill amongst the races.

I've felt the strong energy from black people's auras.... Now why would the Gods have given blacks this spiritual power as well if they weren't also for black people?

We are all Gentiles.

What I suggest is to not listen to the noise. But to take a step back and watch how the people are. Just look and see how the people are being in reality.

I believe we all want the same things in life. And that is to survive and live in peace and be happy and prosperous.

It's a big learning curve coming to Spiritual Satanism. And if you can stick with it you will have found the best self improvement advice available out there.

I think it's truly a gift to have this knowledge, this truth that's been kept from humanity for so long.

Mate I watched an old film on YouTube a while back that really showed the jew as a race. It was about the Rothschild's setting their banking empire up.

"The House of Rothschild".

All of this racial tensions are being manufactured by the jews that are operating from behind the scenes.

It's called - "Divide and Conquer". And it's the oldest trick in the book. Let the people be busy focusing on fighting each other while the true aggressor sneakily pulls off his plans in the background.

In psychology speaking about conflict. I quote L. Ron Hubbard's observation:

"While It Is Commonly Believed To Take Two To Make A Fight, A Third Party Must Exist And Must Develop It For Actual Conflict To Occur. This Is The Natural Law The Ancients And The Moderns Alike Did Not Know. It Is Worth Working With In Any Situation Where One Is Trying To Bring Peace."

This person messaged me was not of the JoyofSatan.
In my opinion, the superiority of the Joy of Satan for all Gentile Races is shown by its results. Ultimately, you will be a better member of your Race if you are a smarter, healthier person with a better sense of the truth and your own identity. Our members know Satanism is true because of the experiences they've had with it. I was a hardcore Xian for years and never had a single spiritual experience, when I came to the JoS my life improved tremendously and I became a much better person. I had many experiences that convinced me of the truth of Satanism. Racially aware people who get involved in enemy religions often go insane or behave in ways detrimental to themselves and the movement, like the Xian cultists who make Racialists look so bad, or the "Hebrew Israelite" movement meant to deceive Black people about what the Jews have done to them.

Satanism=health. Enemy religions=death. If you want to help your Race, become excellent, you're not going to do your Race any favors if you shun excellence simply because you don't like things you perceive as "too White."
HailVictory88 said:
In my opinion, the superiority of the Joy of Satan for all Gentile Races is shown by its results. Ultimately, you will be a better member of your Race if you are a smarter, healthier person with a better sense of the truth and your own identity. Our members know Satanism is true because of the experiences they've had with it. I was a hardcore Xian for years and never had a single spiritual experience, when I came to the JoS my life improved tremendously and I became a much better person. I had many experiences that convinced me of the truth of Satanism. Racially aware people who get involved in enemy religions often go insane or behave in ways detrimental to themselves and the movement, like the Xian cultists who make Racialists look so bad, or the "Hebrew Israelite" movement meant to deceive Black people about what the Jews have done to them.

Satanism=health. Enemy religions=death. If you want to help your Race, become excellent, you're not going to do your Race any favors if you shun excellence simply because you don't like things you perceive as "too White."

Every time a black person improves in some area, someone else has to come and tell them that they are 'acting white'.

As if being black originally consisted of being a professional gangster or hobo.

If Whites used to go to the gym in Roman times, then we must stop exercise, since, Whitey was doing that once upon a time. The stupidity inherent in this outlook of life shows how far jewish brainwashing has went.

Don't you dare build a decent country, the Whitey does that. Instead, just bend yourself and prostrate yourself in front of the Islamic cube for the rest of your life, and pray a comet hits earth and kills all of us. That would be likewise 'arabic' of you.

Assosciation of corrosive life with the very identity of people is one of the strongest jewish memes. "I suck therefore I am".
I never want to be white or any other race. I couldnt think about it. I love myself and the greater part that I am becoming through my own advancement. The more I learn and the higher I become the more gratitude there is in me being and coming from the Black African race. And it is along the process of my becoming that Satan and the Gods of Hell, Hells Army in general as to include all else, have helped me. Satan, the most high, the Father of the Ayran race, takes his time to not only help me but the rest of the Black African race in our own advancement. I still know statistics to be lies in regards to my own improvements and where I know and what I know Blacks can and shall become, and for this awareness and understanding, what is there that could bring me down. *not claiming to be all powerful and mighty. Just making a point*

Spiritually Empowered Intelligent Black people are awesome.

Room that makes, leaves for guilt shame or any else.
Time to fill
I've said this before but I am always still amazed in general that we even got any blacks at all to see the truth and come to find out their potential with us here at JoS. With everything I've witnessed all of my life in regards to blacks and whites as a whole, I figured even the kindest and most sensible of blacks on Earth would tear at our throats for even uttering a single word that could even be perceived as against them or 'pro-white', no thanks to the jewish influence.

There is hierarchy in nature and one should not be upset or dismayed by this fact as it'd be no different than getting all depressed over the fact that our hearts have to physically beat in order to keep us alive. We all adhere to hierarchy no matter where we stand, even Satan accepts that he is not the most powerful being in the universe and I myself am not bothered by the fact that demons are higher up in regards to respect and power than I am as it's simply the natural order, and fighting against it will only lead one to misfortune. The enemy does use psychic attacks to induce the feeling of 'racial inferiority' especially in blacks and it is an enemy attack that one should learn to defend against.

Yes we are naturally more intelligent, yes we are naturally more powerful, and yes we are closer to Satan. If reading that as a Black or Asian upsets you then you still need to work on further freeing yourself from the enemy influence as this is simply a fact in regards to nature itself. This does not mean 'superior', it doesn't mean 'better', and it most definitely and absolutely does not mean 'cool' or 'awesome' as such a perspective is very immature and childish. I've seen my fair share of a couple 'higher-than-thou' whites who come here as an SS expecting to be treated like gods by the other races and demanding things like respect.

These toxic whites disgust me and are an absolute disgrace to the race as a whole. They are as equally influenced by the jewtrix as the blacks that want us dead and they are only bullshitting their way through this path. It's not about some petty game of 'who is better', it's about our roles in nature. I also feel like just because of our natural inclinations we are for some reason automatically labelled as assholes in this path to some. Just because we contribute to a lot of new and advanced things we do not selfishly keep these to ourselves. We enjoy sharing what we've come to discover and learn with the other 2 races, hell this enjoyment of and desire to share such things is the very reason why the jew is able to use these same things against us, because we keep unknowingly sharing our knowledge with the very race that wants gentiles enslaved.

Being kind and friendly is in our nature, in fact it is so much so in our nature that the enemy has used it as our primary weakness against us. If we weren't so kind and friendly we wouldn't give a damn about what's going on on the other side of the planet, xianity wouldn't have worked, we wouldn't have been influenced by the enemy to 'feel bad for blacks' based on something we never even did thus letting them into our countries en mass and the whole 'fear of being racist' wouldn't even be a thing. Underlying everything, in spite of the enemy, we are very empathic and truly want to help. We assist and give aid to the other races no differently than how Satan and the gods give aid to and guide all of us. We don't want to see you crash and burn, we don't want to feel superior, we don't want you to feel inferior and we don't want to see you suffer any more than our own.

And if you asked me, I'd say it would be unbelievably lame, boring and lonely to be the only race on this planet and I am very grateful that you two races exist as our friends and allies in the house of Satan.
People should study the African Dogon's they are an ancient Black tribe and their spiritual leaders have names such as "Amon Ra" one of the Demons and their knowledge is Egyptian a society ruled over by Satan and the Demons. Their whole society is based on spiritual knowledge and initiation. Nubia had the same.

The non-Whites in India the Black Tamil's and such all worship Satan [Shiva] and the Demons and they are not turned away. And their society has produced beings who went all the way to the Magnum Opus same with the Asian's. Many of the Amer Indian's worshipped Satan as well Viracocha. The Asian's worship Satan under different names as well.

The Jews take over all races and then work to ruin them. Just by fighting against the Jews and being their enemy your for all the Gentile races.
Greetings fellow satanists I'm a black man in south Africa .its true that so many people in my race think that white people are their real enemy they are so blinded that others have come up with these nonsense that black people are the real Israelites / Jews whatsoever which pisses me off the Jews have done an exceptional job in brainwashing the black race .I myself before coming here I always thought white people where the problem but to my surprise boom the Jews funny enough I didn't even know that there was a race called the Jews I only white ,Indians ,Asians and us black s .I wish to ask here I've been reading David icke books " the biggest secret " ...and the children of the matrix although I saw some good information but I quickly turned it into gabbage when he said Hitler was a Rothschild in his book children of the matrix .also their is an elderly man here in south Africa in my province kwa Zulu natal called credo muthwa he has a video called " the reptilian agenda " I don't know if any of you guys has witnessed it ...I just want to ask is the information in this video accurate ? Thank you .hail Satan
Shezi666 said:
Greetings fellow satanists I'm a black man in south Africa .its true that so many people in my race think that white people are their real enemy they are so blinded that others have come up with these nonsense that black people are the real Israelites / Jews whatsoever which pisses me off the Jews have done an exceptional job in brainwashing the black race .I myself before coming here I always thought white people where the problem but to my surprise boom the Jews funny enough I didn't even know that there was a race called the Jews I only white ,Indians ,Asians and us black s .I wish to ask here I've been reading David icke books " the biggest secret " ...and the children of the matrix although I saw some good information but I quickly turned it into gabbage when he said Hitler was a Rothschild in his book children of the matrix .also their is an elderly man here in south Africa in my province kwa Zulu natal called credo muthwa he has a video called " the reptilian agenda " I don't know if any of you guys has witnessed it ...I just want to ask is the information in this video accurate ? Thank you .hail Satan

Hitler destroyed the jewish system as far as his hand could reach at the time, first and foremost in Germany. Hitler was the only person who has recently went against all of this jewish plotting against mankind. So Hitler was character assassinated.
At least Satan and the demons are true to their nature as being white. Else we have the Jewish thoughtform of xianity which was sold by the jews in all sizes and colours, as per the need to manipulate the masses and feasting up on their soul's power.

Just think about honesty here!

Satan and the demons, which helped us know the truth through JoyofSatan, didn't came up with fairly tales and riddles, In fact just revealed us our own ancient history, the truth straight! Everything is straight and sharp like a true Titan's Sword!
Even if you really don't want to go with the writings of JoyofSatan, you will find the same truth confirmed upon your own personal study and research! Even popular shows like Ancient Aliens (though subject to enemy influence) brings to the world that OUR GODS shaped brilliant godly civilizations on our earth. The jews on the other hand have openly altered and corrupted their own lies further to make out profits for them. They obviously won't hesitate to lie on the lies.

Make good everyone! It's for your own good!
Shezi666 said:
Greetings fellow satanists I'm a black man in south Africa .its true that so many people in my race think that white people are their real enemy they are so blinded that others have come up with these nonsense that black people are the real Israelites / Jews whatsoever which pisses me off the Jews have done an exceptional job in brainwashing the black race .I myself before coming here I always thought white people where the problem but to my surprise boom the Jews funny enough I didn't even know that there was a race called the Jews I only white ,Indians ,Asians and us black s .I wish to ask here I've been reading David icke books " the biggest secret " ...and the children of the matrix although I saw some good information but I quickly turned it into gabbage when he said Hitler was a Rothschild in his book children of the matrix .also their is an elderly man here in south Africa in my province kwa Zulu natal called credo muthwa he has a video called " the reptilian agenda " I don't know if any of you guys has witnessed it ...I just want to ask is the information in this video accurate ? Thank you .hail Satan

That is the biggest issue when it comes to waking up black people to the differences of whites and Jews...which is why I will work extra hard to break that confusion. All black people should. Good to have you here, brother. We need more black people waking up.

Aside from All the terror that the Jew has abused, South Africa is beautiful. I love the landscape and plants. Also, since you live in South Africa, make sure you stay close to the gods, and keep up your Aura of Protection. Please. Things are getting very bad in South Africa.

The information from Credo is useful but I have found other information that helps my studies. I only take some of his information. Other bits of his information is distorted.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I've said this before but I am always still amazed in general that we even got any blacks at all to see the truth and come to find out their potential with us here at JoS. With everything I've witnessed all of my life in regards to blacks and whites as a whole, I figured even the kindest and most sensible of blacks on Earth would tear at our throats for even uttering a single word that could even be perceived as against them or 'pro-white', no thanks to the jewish influence.

There is hierarchy in nature and one should not be upset or dismayed by this fact as it'd be no different than getting all depressed over the fact that our hearts have to physically beat in order to keep us alive. We all adhere to hierarchy no matter where we stand, even Satan accepts that he is not the most powerful being in the universe and I myself am not bothered by the fact that demons are higher up in regards to respect and power than I am as it's simply the natural order, and fighting against it will only lead one to misfortune. The enemy does use psychic attacks to induce the feeling of 'racial inferiority' especially in blacks and it is an enemy attack that one should learn to defend against.

Yes we are naturally more intelligent, yes we are naturally more powerful, and yes we are closer to Satan. If reading that as a Black or Asian upsets you then you still need to work on further freeing yourself from the enemy influence as this is simply a fact in regards to nature itself. This does not mean 'superior', it doesn't mean 'better', and it most definitely and absolutely does not mean 'cool' or 'awesome' as such a perspective is very immature and childish. I've seen my fair share of a couple 'higher-than-thou' whites who come here as an SS expecting to be treated like gods by the other races and demanding things like respect.

These toxic whites disgust me and are an absolute disgrace to the race as a whole. They are as equally influenced by the jewtrix as the blacks that want us dead and they are only bullshitting their way through this path. It's not about some petty game of 'who is better', it's about our roles in nature. I also feel like just because of our natural inclinations we are for some reason automatically labelled as assholes in this path to some. Just because we contribute to a lot of new and advanced things we do not selfishly keep these to ourselves. We enjoy sharing what we've come to discover and learn with the other 2 races, hell this enjoyment of and desire to share such things is the very reason why the jew is able to use these same things against us, because we keep unknowingly sharing our knowledge with the very race that wants gentiles enslaved.

Being kind and friendly is in our nature, in fact it is so much so in our nature that the enemy has used it as our primary weakness against us. If we weren't so kind and friendly we wouldn't give a damn about what's going on on the other side of the planet, xianity wouldn't have worked, we wouldn't have been influenced by the enemy to 'feel bad for blacks' based on something we never even did thus letting them into our countries en mass and the whole 'fear of being racist' wouldn't even be a thing. Underlying everything, in spite of the enemy, we are very empathic and truly want to help. We assist and give aid to the other races no differently than how Satan and the gods give aid to and guide all of us. We don't want to see you crash and burn, we don't want to feel superior, we don't want you to feel inferior and we don't want to see you suffer any more than our own.

And if you asked me, I'd say it would be unbelievably lame, boring and lonely to be the only race on this planet and I am very grateful that you two races exist as our friends and allies in the house of Satan.

Everytime I see more black people coming here, it really warms my heart. They need to see the truth.

The enemy does use the race issue on black people as a form of their attack. Two years ago I was psychically attacked so hard, and it lasted many days. I mean it was tough to keep moving forward. I had many doubts about myself. I guess they really wanted me gone. But it doesn't work anymore. I wont let it.

There are too many things at stake...
The jews preach that all their slaves are equal but below them.

Satan seeks to save all of us from them. We are not white supremacists, we are satanists.

Yes its cool to think some of the community come from a direct bloodline. But satan isn't Yahweh, he doesnt turn you away just because of race or cultural background. Thats one of the reasons we love him. He is a true liberater. He liberated himself, and he seeks to liberate as many PEOPLE from the false god as possible.

HPS Shannon said:
Everytime I see more black people coming here, it really warms my heart. They need to see the truth.

The enemy does use the race issue on black people as a form of their attack. Two years ago I was psychically attacked so hard, and it lasted many days. I mean it was tough to keep moving forward. I had many doubts about myself. I guess they really wanted me gone. But it doesn't work anymore. I wont let it.

There are too many things at stake...

You are definitely of major importance here in this ministries as your aid in helping to awaken other blacks has been of unbelievable positivity for all of us and there is no doubt that your efforts are greatly appreciated by Satan and the gods. This war isn't about a single race, it's about all of us, every gentile's life is at stake with the enemy's existence, not just 'bad whitey's'. One race alone isn't going to get rid of them, we can't do this by ourselves and we only have our own specific traits in which to fight this battle we excel in; we are not yet a jack of all trades and master of all and neither are the other races, but we each excel in an aspect that covers different flanks in this war.

This is why we need blacks and asians to wake up and fight with us. Without those of such races like you to appeal to them and help understand through kinship, we could never get this many of the other races to join us since the jew has labeled us as 'bad whitey just wants to be superior, don't listen to them goyim they just want to enslave you just like they totally did in the past, it was all them and not us that made you slaves goyim trust me I know because it was real in muh mind. Racist whitey totally wasn't also enslaved by us alongside you, nope, they are evil and did it all themselves oy vey'.

It really brings me joy when blacks finally figure out that we have been nothing more than scapegoats for the jews and they realize that we are not the real enemy here. I never expect apologies for such behaviour they've had towards us and I never ask for excuses either because of 'muh jewtrix', just waking up to the truth and doing their part as SS alongside us is all I want to see from the other races. I have noticed a strong and significant difference with JoS from before and after you joined us Shannon and your positive impact is certainly visible, so thank you.
Ghost in the Machine said:
HPS Shannon said:
Everytime I see more black people coming here, it really warms my heart. They need to see the truth.

The enemy does use the race issue on black people as a form of their attack. Two years ago I was psychically attacked so hard, and it lasted many days. I mean it was tough to keep moving forward. I had many doubts about myself. I guess they really wanted me gone. But it doesn't work anymore. I wont let it.

There are too many things at stake...

You are definitely of major importance here in this ministries as your aid in helping to awaken other blacks has been of unbelievable positivity for all of us and there is no doubt that your efforts are greatly appreciated by Satan and the gods. This war isn't about a single race, it's about all of us, every gentile's life is at stake with the enemy's existence, not just 'bad whitey's'. One race alone isn't going to get rid of them, we can't do this by ourselves and we only have our own specific traits in which to fight this battle we excel in; we are not yet a jack of all trades and master of all and neither are the other races, but we each excel in an aspect that covers different flanks in this war.

This is why we need blacks and asians to wake up and fight with us. Without those of such races like you to appeal to them and help understand through kinship, we could never get this many of the other races to join us since the jew has labeled us as 'bad whitey just wants to be superior, don't listen to them goyim they just want to enslave you just like they totally did in the past, it was all them and not us that made you slaves goyim trust me I know because it was real in muh mind. Racist whitey totally wasn't also enslaved by us alongside you, nope, they are evil and did it all themselves oy vey'.

It really brings me joy when blacks finally figure out that we have been nothing more than scapegoats for the jews and they realize that we are not the real enemy here. I never expect apologies for such behaviour they've had towards us and I never ask for excuses either because of 'muh jewtrix', just waking up to the truth and doing their part as SS alongside us is all I want to see from the other races. I have noticed a strong and significant difference with JoS from before and after you joined us Shannon and your positive impact is certainly visible, so thank you.

Thank you. I appreciate it. We are all a puzzle piece in this battle.
To argue with some remarks above: equality is a lie and superiority or the act of being or attaining superiority is real and natural.
AfricaE said:
To argue with some remarks above: equality is a lie and superiority or the act of being or attaining superiority is real and natural.

"Free men are not equal and equal men are not free." Physics is all about opposing forces trying to balance, and the stronger ones winning. If there was actual equality, everything would have become still and nothing would exist. Like a total return to the æther.
The book named The Tao of Physics brings physics as the study of life. The how and why's and the what's. Which is the same definition it gives to oriental and eastern terms that goes along with it. After a couple pages the book started to jew incessantly.
When the Greek explorer and historian Herodotus came in Africa at the time when the Ancient Egyptian culture was still flourishing he did not describe an "inferior" people that is the Ethiopians/ Aethiopians/Blacks. . Magnum Opus is for all gentiles when you achieve Godhead what ever limitations are removed whether because of your race,gender e.t.c I mean how can you for instance have a dull god.You have full conscious union with "God, Aether,Logos e.t.c'' and the Aether, God is limitless...


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
