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Is it bad I want destruction of all Religion via enlightened Spiritu


New member
Nov 16, 2004
 I was born into a large Jehovah's Witness family as well as extended family on both mother/father. That religion fucked my entire childhood, teenage years, and young adult life up! While I was in boot camp for the military(against religion to join), my mother wrote me a letter disowning me. I was disfellowshipped and no one was allowed to even speak to me. Later those ignorant sheep were forced to retract their public announcement of my excommunication because of US laws on discrimination and freedom to join armed forces. I've seen so many families/individuals destroyed by JW beliefs and teachings. When I left officially, I literally thought Jehovah was going to strike me dead for pledging my allegiance to Lucifer Satan, oddly enough, on the night of the 1999/2000 millinuim new year. I have only recently committed my bond officially through blood dedication. It took me all this time to purge enough of that brainwash out of my head and build a hatred for all Christians and All Religion. I refused to officially, via blood, pledge my soul to the Dark Lord unless I was pure enough to solidify my direction without flip flopping sides. There is nothing that would make me happier than to be in direct contact with my Demon brethren working in unison to bring all Religion crashing before our feet so we can bring about a new era of enlightened existence on an unprecedented scale. I grow tired of hiding and tired of these weak, lurking shadow games. It's time to accend back into open demonstrations of power and remove the figureheads and other middle men. I grow frustrated in my own ignorance that I must be doing something wrong for Them to be standing at such a distance allowing what I see as wasted time through stagnation. 

Hail my Master and Keeper, Lucifer Satan!
All Hail Lord Agabaegnazrael!
It's not a bad thing, the bad thing here is you have the wrong ideas and you probably believe the enemy lies. For instance, "Demon brethren"?? We're not Gods/Daemons, we're humans, at least for now. And Satan is not "Dark" or "Dark lord" or any other crap like that, He is the bringer of light. Lucifer means Light-Bringer. He has to do with light and enlightenment, and was always known as that since ancient times, Enki/Satan was called by the Sumerians as the father of light too.

Furthermore, you do not "pledge" or trade your soul. Dedicating your soul simply means Satan/Enki as your God with all of your existance. You don't lose or trade your soul, Satanism is about empowering and transforming your soul actually.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vanyukov" <vanyukov@... wrote:

 I was born into a large Jehovah's Witness family as well as extended family on both mother/father. That religion fucked my entire childhood, teenage years, and young adult life up! While I was in boot camp for the military(against religion to join), my mother wrote me a letter disowning me. I was disfellowshipped and no one was allowed to even speak to me. Later those ignorant sheep were forced to retract their public announcement of my excommunication because of US laws on discrimination and freedom to join armed forces. I've seen so many families/individuals destroyed by JW beliefs and teachings. When I left officially, I literally thought Jehovah was going to strike me dead for pledging my allegiance to Lucifer Satan, oddly enough, on the night of the 1999/2000 millinuim new year. I have only recently committed my bond officially through blood dedication. It took me all this time to purge enough of that brainwash out of my head and build a hatred for all Christians and All Religion. I refused to officially, via blood, pledge my soul to the Dark Lord unless I was pure enough to solidify my direction without flip flopping sides. There is nothing that would make me happier than to be in direct contact with my Demon brethren working in unison to bring all Religion crashing before our feet so we can bring about a new era of enlightened existence on an unprecedented scale. I grow tired of hiding and tired of these weak, lurking shadow games. It's time to accend back into open demonstrations of power and remove the figureheads and other middle men. I grow frustrated in my own ignorance that I must be doing something wrong for Them to be standing at such a distance allowing what I see as wasted time through stagnation. 

Hail my Master and Keeper, Lucifer Satan!
All Hail Lord Agabaegnazrael!

--- In [email protected], "vanyukov" <vanyukov@... wrote:

 I was born into a large Jehovah's Witness family as well as extended family on both mother/father. That religion fucked my entire childhood, teenage years, and young adult life up! While I was in boot camp for the military(against religion to join), my mother wrote me a letter disowning me. I was disfellowshipped and no one was allowed to even speak to me. Later those ignorant sheep were forced to retract their public announcement of my excommunication because of US laws on discrimination and freedom to join armed forces. I've seen so many families/individuals destroyed by JW beliefs and teachings. When I left officially, I literally thought Jehovah was going to strike me dead for pledging my allegiance to Lucifer Satan, oddly enough, on the night of the 1999/2000 millinuim new year. I have only recently committed my bond officially through blood dedication. It took me all this time to purge enough of that brainwash out of my head and build a hatred for all Christians and All Religion. I refused to officially, via blood, pledge my soul to the Dark Lord unless I was pure enough to solidify my direction without flip flopping sides. There is nothing that would make me happier than to be in direct contact with my Demon brethren working in unison to bring all Religion crashing before our feet so we can bring about a new era of enlightened existence on an unprecedented scale. I grow tired of hiding and tired of these weak, lurking shadow games. It's time to accend back into open demonstrations of power and remove the figureheads and other middle men. I grow frustrated in my own ignorance that I must be doing something wrong for Them to be standing at such a distance allowing what I see as wasted time through stagnation. 

Hail my Master and Keeper, Lucifer Satan!
All Hail Lord Agabaegnazrael!
No, it is not bad to want destruction of all right-hand path religion.  Judaism is the start of the whole problem--they wrote the LIE[/B]-ble, started the shit of forcibly invading countries to rid them of true religion (that is, religion that served people so well during the millenia before Jews infested the world), and started both Christi-SCAM[/B]-ity and Islam. Both Christi-SCAM[/B]-ity and Islam were formed by the Jews to enslave us all.  Not fighting back, tolerating abuse, and doing the extra work are features of both.  Neither are worth trying to salvage, and neither are worth following.  They can try to create a more "moderate" version, but invariably they share the same core problems.  Especially Christi-SCAM[/B]-ity, with its bullshit about Original Sin and the lie that we need the nazarene dying on our behalf for salvation--within that religion, you cannot escape that lie.  Hence, every denomination therein has to go.  Within Islam, you lack the "Original Sin" bullshit but you still have the "doing good works in the name of Allah", complete with rules that have nothing to do with this core in every single denomination, to contend with.  It is not worth trying to salvage--better to simply dump it. Hinduism and Buddhism, along with Wicca and Neo-Paganism are simply corrupted versions of ancient religion (aka, Satanism).  The doctrines have been corrupted by Jewish lies.  Wicca is simply a form of witchcraft that has been corrupted so most of it doesn't work and you are afraid of using black magick for justice (psychic backlash is the threat there).  While these religions are an improvement (no sacrificing your sex life), they are still so corrupt that it is better to simply ditch them and go back to pure Satanism. Now, I will point out the religion that should NOT[/B] be destroyed, even though the Jews have done all they can to do so.  Spiritual Satanism has been practiced with good results since mankind's dawn.  Back then, we lacked most of the technology, and science was not as advanced as today.  However, they had wisdom far beyond anything we now have.  What they didn't have in science, they had in Satan.  Today, we have both--if Satanism alone did so much for them back then, just imagine what happens if we have pure science not affected by those damn Jews combined with Satan.  That alone is the true religion, and that alone is the solution to man's current problems. And yes, Jehovah's Witlesses are one of the worst religions around.  They will fuck you up, making you feel guilty for so much as enjoying a Yule season display.  You waste all your time thumping their LIE[/B]-ble, which is a corrupt version of the standard LIE[/B]-ble.  There is zero tolerance for real spirituality--they call it "spiritism".  They teach people to be afraid of their true Savior, Satan.  Instead, they teach faith in their stupid nazarene combined with working hard to spread their cancer.  With the possible exception of fringe cults around there, the Jehovah's Witless religion is the worst I know of.
  First of all Fire Starter 666, I'd like to thank you. You definitely live up to your name. I'm happy that you chose to analyze my blog and I'm happy you perceived flaws in my logic. You reminded me about angles and line of sight and the difference between fixed and fluid points of reference. But let's not forget about timelines, linear/instant progression, and multiple personality splits on the accended plane. Last but not least, you reminded me that I need to explain things in more detail. I agree, I did not give enough info for many to be able to fathom my sentences. 

  You see, when I allow the Muse inside, We encode thoughts into the written text. A lot of what I wrote was intended directly for the DaEMoNs, so they could understand my willingness to proceed. As an artist, not all my paintings are in high resolution. Abstract as well as 'fuzzy' representations of imagery is all to convey a perception of 'reality'. So I'll shed some high resolution light on my former blog, namely the points you so eloquently illustrated, so ALL can understand my intended meanings.

  Exhibit A:  I stated, "There is nothing that would make me happier than to be in direct contact with my Demon brethren working in unison to bring all Religion crashing before our feet so we can bring about a new era of enlightened existence on an unprecedented scale." You retorted, "Demon brethren"?? We're not Gods/Daemons, we're humans, at least for now."

  Explanation A: This particular sentence of mine was meant for The Demons directly, my brothers(brethren means brother or brotherhood). Humans needed to be able to read my 1st blog to make everything official, unretractable. Written in stone so to speak. But, I'm sure my Demon brethren understood who I am, where I came from, and know all/most of my intricate history we've had in the past. No, I am not officially claiming to be anything other than human. If my words fall on deaf 'ears' I may need to try an alternate route. However, I do agree, we are still humans, 'at least for now,' as you put it. I am trying to Awaken the Desire of the Elementals so All of us, flesh, blood, mind, soul, spirit, ghost, demon, and my Master can begin to progress again. I am doing this because the stagnation or growth on the earthly plane has stopped. If you feel progression is not stagnant, please instantly appear before me or send a demon in the flesh and prove me wrong. All I'll say about the latter half of my highlighted Exhibit A is: Prophecy, Trials, Kinetic/Potential, and Ripple. 

  Exhibit B: In reference to calling Lucifer Satan the Dark Lord you responded, "Satan is not "Dark" or "Dark lord" or any other crap like that, He is the bringer of light. Lucifer means Light-Bringer. He has to do with light and enlightenment, and was always known as that since ancient times, Enki/Satan was called by the Sumerians as the father of light too."

  Explanation B: I'm going to show you how your own words contradict. First you say Satan is not Dark. Then you say Lucifer means Light-Bringer.  Well, which is it? Satan and Lucifer are not the same name. Satan is a name that is Darker in meaning and Lucifer is definitely lighter. Most of us are familiar with the war between the Ancient Ones and the Elder Gods, yes? Anyone would realize if they read the Necronomicon that at one time these two groups were as One. That being said, Lucifer to Satan represents a linear alteration of character. Lucifer is an older name that he was called when he was younger. He was called this when the War began. Satan is his battle hardened alter-ego. It seems to me like he changes names like we change clothes. I'd say he is, among many things, the ultimate Actor. He truly becomes the identity because he takes on characteristics each name entitles by locking points of view in place and setting parameters of action depending on the need. Satan most definitely is a Dark Lord. If you seek enlightenment or council seek Lucifer. But if you seek the One that has succumb to the earthly pleasures, mastered them, and wields his nine dark fruits of his Spirit as a weapon, seek Satan the Devil. Was not Marduk given 40 names, each with unique abilities and personality traits? When I said I pledged "my soul to the Dark Lord" I meant what I said. Dark is not a bad word. It merely shows my disgust for the lies and deviations that these sheep worship. Isn't that in part, the whole point? While these Ancient Ones cling to fixed rules and parameters, our side is able to bend and break these old rules to our advantage. Think of it as a mathematical quadrant. Our enemies are in only one official plane. +\+. Sometimes the effects of those inside our enemies organization do things that have a negative reaction to them, therefore +\-. That is the beauty of our Lord Satan. We are able to be free in choice and can embrace both the + and - without getting lost in right and wrong. Light and Dark, Positive and Negative are subjective to points of view. They vary from one to another. Unfortunately, you have been confused and you as well as many others have made the mistake of associating Dark to Bad and then you combined them with a poor angle of viewed understanding. So to sum up on B, Lucifer Satan is a whole unrestrained God with attributes of both +/-. He is able to adapt his character to the need of the situation.

  Exhibit C: You said, "Furthermore, you do not "pledge" or trade your soul. Dedicating your soul simply means Satan/Enki as your God with all of your existance. You don't lose or trade your soul, Satanism is about empowering and transforming your soul actually."
Explanation C: I never said trade my soul. The definition for pledge and the definition for dedicate are similar in meaning. You make a formal dedication to Satan via blood, yes? Therefore, you do pledge your allegiance to him via your dedication, yes? So again I don't fully understand what your trying to say here. 'Lose or trade my soul'? I never said I lost it. I entrusted my life, as well as my afterlife to Satan. Twelve and a half years ago, when I took that first step, I did so because I didn't want to live under the laws of my former Christian God. I have not lost anything. In fact, I have gained and been made free. I was born into mental/physical/spiritual slavery. Once I realized I was on a path of True Destruction, I altered my course. When I began my path I stated vocally, "I'd rather live for only seven years, seven days, or seven seconds then live another moment following your rules." I projected that on the astral plane for ALL to hear. Because I am a bit of a perfectionist it took me nearly 12.5 years before I would dedicate officially through blood. Many are born free to chose. I'm sure there are others that can relate and had to break similar bonds of slavery. Imagine how many more are out there that are too weak or scared to do this on their own? This is why I want ALL religion destroyed. So no one else has to endure these pangs of bondage. You should know, it is prophesied that this will one day happen. Do you think all these psychotic religious fanatics are going to just lay their beliefs down in unison, without provocation or cause? No. There needs to be a Power that opens up in public displays that shows all these fools the folly of their ways. Without this open Power, we can't win. There are battles on the near horizon and we need to be better equipped than we are. Do not lose yourself in Good/Bad, Positive/Negative, Right/Wrong. Embrace the word 'Dark Lord' and use it as a weapon or power source. However, don't forget the Light. Enlighten your mind and remember all the good Lucifer Satan represents as well. We need a balanced view, this balance will make us stronger, and this strength will make us of better use once we are called upon. This should be our mission: To awaken our dormant powers, aide in the re-manifestation of our Gods, and to win the War that has been waging for millennium.

  In summary, we need to understand that good/evil are not always synonymous with positive/negative or light/dark. Plus, all things are relative to one's position and stance. Our mind should stay more fluid and try to look at things from more angles so we can be better at total comprehension. Embrace the Dark as well as the Light and know they are both provided by our Lord Lucifer Satan. Entrust our body, mind, and soul to our Lord. Please prepare as best as you can and be ready for the Awakening. 

Hail Our Master and Lord Lucifer Satan!
Hail Agabaegnazrael!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "the_fire_starter666" <the_fire_starter666@... wrote:

It's not a bad thing, the bad thing here is you have the wrong ideas and you probably believe the enemy lies. For instance, "Demon brethren"?? We're not Gods/Daemons, we're humans, at least for now. And Satan is not "Dark" or "Dark lord" or any other crap like that, He is the bringer of light. Lucifer means Light-Bringer. He has to do with light and enlightenment, and was always known as that since ancient times, Enki/Satan was called by the Sumerians as the father of light too.

Furthermore, you do not "pledge" or trade your soul. Dedicating your soul simply means Satan/Enki as your God with all of your existance. You don't lose or trade your soul, Satanism is about empowering and transforming your soul actually.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "vanyukov" <vanyukov@ wrote:

 I was born into a large Jehovah's Witness family as well as extended family on both mother/father. That religion fucked my entire childhood, teenage years, and young adult life up! While I was in boot camp for the military(against religion to join), my mother wrote me a letter disowning me. I was disfellowshipped and no one was allowed to even speak to me. Later those ignorant sheep were forced to retract their public announcement of my excommunication because of US laws on discrimination and freedom to join armed forces. I've seen so many families/individuals destroyed by JW beliefs and teachings. When I left officially, I literally thought Jehovah was going to strike me dead for pledging my allegiance to Lucifer Satan, oddly enough, on the night of the 1999/2000 millinuim new year. I have only recently committed my bond officially through blood dedication. It took me all this time to purge enough of that brainwash out of my head and build a hatred for all Christians and All Religion. I refused to officially, via blood, pledge my soul to the Dark Lord unless I was pure enough to solidify my direction without flip flopping sides. There is nothing that would make me happier than to be in direct contact with my Demon brethren working in unison to bring all Religion crashing before our feet so we can bring about a new era of enlightened existence on an unprecedented scale. I grow tired of hiding and tired of these weak, lurking shadow games. It's time to accend back into open demonstrations of power and remove the figureheads and other middle men. I grow frustrated in my own ignorance that I must be doing something wrong for Them to be standing at such a distance allowing what I see as wasted time through stagnation. 

Hail my Master and Keeper, Lucifer Satan!
All Hail Lord Agabaegnazrael!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
