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Is Everyone Entitled To All Knowledge?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Hungaryan said:
But what is not clear is whether not sharing knowledge is a bad thing, or is everyone entitled to all knowledge??

This argument has taken place in the forums before and is constant.

The simple answer is that nobody is entitled to anything and especially so, wisdom or knowledge. Entitlement means one is entitled to something by default. "Just because".
Knowledge has layers and levels to itself, these layers are received by effort and time.

All human beings, and the JoS moves forward with this thought in mind, must have potential access to all of this Spiritual Knowledge, so we keep it open to all and seek to keep this that way. The above access and how one uses it, or meditates, will be the deciding factor that will based on merit decide on turn how much one advances and how one can apply or move further with this knowledge.

As it should be clear, a level of merit and personal effort is required here. One even more peculiar thing, is that all knowledge can be communicated, but it might not be understood, simply because one is not on the level to understand it.

For the last years, I have been explaining and formulating the necessary mentality to get closer to the Gods and forward with ones life, for example. I did not know, but this was exactly the most fundamental building block to attain higher levels of understanding, with the same procedure happening in ancient schools.

Regardless, this task itself decides only an exposure to this understanding, and definitely not its application. Sometimes, not even an understanding is achieved, as we must try and gain the merits of any knowledge. Everyone wants the fancy chemistry class in this world and not the studying material. But with the studying level, the rest will definitely arrive.

Knowledge also belongs to people and groups and not to others. An example is how our Rituals and whatever is of JoS, belongs to JoS, yet, it is spread to the greater public. We do not deny access. But people deny to themselves the ability to grow, for example.

In our society we tell lies to ourselves about lack of opportunities. But most people fail due to lack of efforts as much all the time. Effort and knowledge can replace opportunity.

The above is two lines. Now, if one really was reading on a conscious state, I have given an portant solution to a problem that tyrranizes many people. But who will listen and apply? Those who do, get the deserving status of any knowledge, and above all, those that apply this.

The above is the delicate balance between the two extremes, the falsehood that everyone deserves all knowledge is not applicable to reality. If you do not toil like someone, or have not the same hours invested, or the same level of understanding, to ask to simply know the same is improbable.

For this reason, we share knowledge. JoS is built on the idea of sharing. This makes things better for everyone in it.

At the same rate, the gates must be open for people to gain more and more understanding according to their level. In the Ancient world there was a clear separation between knowledge known to all, and knowledge given to the few, which you could gain too if you basically showed the merits for it.

In the JoS, even if all knowledge is open, what really opens up this knowledge is understanding and working with the Gods, meditating and opening the heart. Otherwise, all knowledge falls into the void.

As humanity grows, and as time goes and we enter safer territory, the Gods do bestow knowledge. Even here, this rule applies. We are in a sense, deciding factors as a whole too. Other civilizations "out there" are on a whole other level of understanding.

Not long ago, I did "by accident" astrally project on another planet. A very important and renown scientist of recent history is there now, fully alive and well. This place, as to not arouse fantasy, was as alive as this one. He had all the space there to proceed with inventions that this planet did not allow them to make, that could have advanced us beyond comprehension. We were busy being fools. Maybe the opportunity will arise again in the future.

I was shown all sorts of strange things, technology that causes psychic communication, and literal devices to commune with extreme accuracy with the Gods. Although this looked simple, it was the exact opposite and beyond what I could understand. This was on a whole other level, and not even close to the level of the Gods.

I was put there to be shown something, and this was that no matter how polite or good I was, the level that we are now is simply not the level of these beings. Even being on this planet was not "easy" and one could not stay there for long. Agares was the Demon who was being communicated with, she politely told me, do you see that you are NOT ready yet? The meaning of this is that one is simply not ready yet.

There is nothing else to this. I accepted this reality. Maybe in the future, one will be different. Given however the insanity of many and how many call themselves starseeds (and nuts I might add) and all this, I have purposefully withheld many of the above experiences to avoid cultural insanity.

Going back to the Ancient schools, sharing of some knowledge of a higher tier was punishable by death, simply because some knowledge can have catastrophic manifestations if given out mindlessly. To NOT share some knowledge however and to also not disseminate it (Like the JoS) was also likely considered a great curse.

The hoaxes of the enemy were based on this mishandling of higher knowledge. Certain bleeding hearts could not keep their mouths shut. Now all of humanity has to suffer with the vermin of the enemy for a long time.

Lastly, one must read HPS Maxine's post on silence. Silence and speaking are both necessary in their time and wisdom.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
So interesting HP. After the the energy I woke up in 2015 and my body adapting, Im am now going through the desert, so to speak, in my advancement. Sometimes I wonder if it really depends solely on us our progress. It feels like something was turned off in my body.
It has been stated before that the Gods are coming back to Earth in the near future. But in what capacity? My understanding as to why SS souls reside in a different part of Duat is because they simply cannot exist or reside on the same plane as the Gods, because of the titanic difference in development and power.

It puzzled me how in a previous sermon HPHC stated that you could receive certain spiritual help such as healing as an advanced soul on the astral by the Gods, but not if you're not advanced. Not because you're unworthy or something, but because your soul could not handle it.(last part is my interpretation)

A god coming here on earth, I can't imagine what merely standing in their presence would do to a normal undeveloped human. Would they be overwhelmed by their presence? Damaged even?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The hoaxes of the enemy were based on this mishandling of higher knowledge. Certain bleeding hearts could not keep their mouths shut.

How does one know what is too much?
Wow this confirms many important details. So some souls can and do incarnate in different planets.

I had heard of these who believe themselves "starseeds" and I assume they're still delusional, (the one who I met who thought they were one, and I first heard the term from, was also a tranny, so clearly delusions were something they were wrapped up in). I doubt anyone would actually know if they were ever on another planet in another life, unless they were already advanced enough to know they shouldn't be telling others of such a thing.
Well Said Brother Hoodedcobra 666. 🔥 Thank you! For sharing this. Hail Satan!❤🍓 Food for thought !! I am so lucky to be on here! And i am both honored and proud ! To be a member of the JOS and having the chance to talk about these things and advice in knowledge that we can't get awayhere else. And taking the time to read the content and learning things that I thought I would never learn! Or understand until now! And reprogramming my mind to recognize and to see the truth and to be able to understand and know the difference between what father Satan wants us to know, and with the enemies are trying to put out there and to notice the difference! When it comes to knowledge there are some things that are worth sharing and there are some things we have to be aware of! And it is a good thing to know! What to do. And how to address it properly and knowing what to say without making a fool of oneself like a lot of people do on social media without even realizing what they're getting into! And to be able to understand what you're reading and what people get mixed up with as an individual not even knowing the difference! And there are some things we are ready to learn and there are some things we are not ready for just yet and I respect that! 💀🦚 Hail Satan!! Hail Beelzebub!!⚡
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hungaryan said:
But what is not clear is whether not sharing knowledge is a bad thing, or is everyone entitled to all knowledge??

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is sermon extremely.. deeply.. speaks to me. It is EXACTLY as you say High Priest Cobra. We are very much not on that level. We are NOT ready yet.

I remember when they were showing me some of these highly advanced inventions, technology, planets. I could hardly contain my excitement, but at the same time. I knew and still know that we are far behind. That also even though they showed me what is possible, that myself, and many of us just simply are not quite there yet.

Same is the case for knowledge. We have a very long way to go.

I'm glad there is others who have seen these similar things, and had similar experiences when it comes to the technology the Gods have. There was times I would doubt myself, doubt what I was seeing heavily because I just seemed so extremely advanced, that I thought I was deluding myself.

But fortunately that wasn't the case, and in regards to knowledge and these things. It was made very clear to me that yes, these things are out there, and it's very advanced compared to what we have here.

The Gods are very kind in that if you are sincere and you ask and want to see these things for yourself. They show you. But the mind and soul has to be ready.

Thank you so much Cobra. This whole sermon is a complete masterpiece. Everything, all the explanations in regards to the handling of knowledge, it is exactly as you say.

Hail Satan!
wow this post really opened my mind to the idea of stop explaining to random people how to clean their aura, chakras and etc, I just really wanted them to improve but they are just not prepared for that knowledge I guess, I'll try to keep this on mind for my future conversations

I'm just a big fanatic of this and when I'm a fanatic of something I try to make people see the beauty on it, my mistake

thank you so much for sharing the astral experience and this knowledge that I hope I am prepared to apply

pd: some time ago you said meditations from Marcus Aurelius was a very good book if you apply the satanic eye when reading, but it's kinda hard for me to understand some parts, would you give me an advise?
Very large and strange creatures have just been found all over the world, what is the reason?
I understand that. I ask this because some information that was promised a long time ago has not been shared. For example, the interpretation of the demon seals. Then, I didn't see any dates for Saturn squares in the calendar in my own time zone. And I wondered, why is that? Can you answer that for me? I don't think JoS means any harm, just wondering what the reason is
Wow, this is clearly understood passed the questions at heart.
About the rituals of the Gods, you have just mentioned that they'll also help in our levels of understanding. And I know this is important.
Time after Time I have noticed that I wish I saw something more clearly and that would have helped for a better action.
Understanding is very important.

Thank you HP Hoodedcobra666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Going back to the Ancient schools, sharing of some knowledge of a higher tier was punishable by death, simply because some knowledge can have catastrophic manifestations if given out mindlessly. To NOT share some knowledge however and to also not disseminate it (Like the JoS) was also likely considered a great curse.

The hoaxes of the enemy were based on this mishandling of higher knowledge. Certain bleeding hearts could not keep their mouths shut. Now all of humanity has to suffer with the vermin of the enemy for a long time.

I don't at all agree with this. I completely agree that this catastrophe has happened because of a mishandling of knowledge but I do not at all agree or accept the notion that this is because of people who shared knowledge to the masses.

I think many are stuck in the past and cannot see the reality that there is a reason why these civilizations collapsed. Which is the undeniable truth that the structure of these civilizations was flawed and the concept of withholding knowledge is suicidal.

The corpses of these long dead nations is UNDENIABLE proof of this. Also consider the leaders who withheld knowledge for the sake of walking the earth like gods among men, yet their divinity was a lie.

Their godlike status was created from a lack of power and knowledge of those around them, rather than inner strength and power. If any of these souls of the last kings, priests and pharaohs remain they are to be found and permanently obliterated. We are suffering the consequences of their lust for playing god and keeping the masses dumb and blind to the spiritual. These are the greatest traitors in human history.

Had the common man had the knowledge to open his senses and awareness to spiritual threats, none of this would have happened. But instead this knowledge was locked within dusty pages in a dark room inside a temple somewhere. So that the holders of this knowledge could play god among the ignorant and impotent masses.

I do not at all see how sharing knowledge to the public made the masses more susceptible to enemy curses. This is an oxymoron. You put too much faith in the leaders of the past. They were largely incompetent, ego maniacal and downright retarded. And their methods and systems were likewise flawed and suicidal. And this is why the nations they led have collapsed. Please lets not repeat their mistakes?

When a ship sinks the fault lies not with the crew but with it's captains. Likewise the collapse of a nation is not the fault of the common man but the kings and priests who led their nation to ruin. Repeating the mistakes of the past is committing suicide on a nation-wide scale. They did not survive for a reason.
I really appreciate your sermons HP, not only do you lay things out clearly for all of us, you also demonstrate humility and consistency.
Nobody is entitled to knowledge?

That doesnt make any sense. Knowledge equals freedom and everyone is deserving of freedom. To be free and gather knowledge is everyones right as long as the person seeks he shall find. Then depending on the person the knowledge or this wisdom gets absorbed and becomes one of the person. Thats why people say "knowledge is power". And there are different levels of how someone can use knowledge and it all really depends on the person and the interest that the person has the more interest you show the more welcome the knowledge feels and the more it can be used for the own benefit. There is no such thing as "entitled or not". Knowledge is simply for you or its not depending if you are wise enough to handle the knowledge and use it for the good.

Thank me later. Lol. Funny questions here and so easily answerable.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

Aye we are not all equals. We may have equal potentiality. But some just invest their energy and focus on developing where others don't.

So everyone comes out at different levels.

I've found it can be like I'm talking another language when I've tried explaining some lost spiritual knowledge information.
I have read this article and now I am beginning to understand why I find myself alone in different dimensions. I have been traveling the planets for 26 years always for different purposes. It might sound stupid what I’m describing right now and I’m just hoping it won’t be deleted. I have decided to free the captive prisoners, that is, the gods. I also found dilapidated castle prisons where there are prisoners, among others. But unfortunately I had to realize that I was little alone for that. Now I understand why I am always alone for such purposes. Everyone goes their own way and everyone is busy with something else. The goals are different and everyone is on a different level. Now, I don’t know if I’m on the wrong track or cutting into something I shouldn’t, but I’m already clear that no help is coming. :?
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich has said that there are weapons, tools, techniques, rituals,,, more powerful than the RTRs. But that information is hidden as the enemy would get it. So,,, it would seem that this hidden knowledge is dangerous to us, as the enemy could harm us or worse. Like guns, nukes,, ""Satan 2 Missile'"", technology, etc. ""Loose lips sink ships"". Some things are best kept hidden from most of us until it is necessary and useful to use it against the enemy.
Well I have a small coven which I basically have told them that I receive information from our original ancient gods and I will teach you and set you down the same path that I have been walking for the last 10 years they are happy with this explanation do I say directly that I'm working with satan no although I have eluded to this being the case on several occasions and im more then happy to tell them that I'm a witch and I don't just do all the *fluff* side of magic ( basic healing and just breathing in energy with no programming) I do it all except sacrificial magic as this is unacceptable.

They are happy with this explanation and I intend to drip feed this information I prefer to use the gods titles and names which do not directly link them to the bible bullshit however they all do accept that the bible is bullshit and they all do accept that I know what I'm talking about and that I'm a force for good.

As I have told them that the word demon and demonstrate are quite interesting as they mean teacher and to teach respectively this is the best way I disarm the enemies lies revolving around the gods I ideally would like to arrange for them to summon the gods under their less obvious aliases and then as they come to trust and love them drop that last little truth bomb by showing them the website I think this is the wisest way to do it not all at once even I laughed at the JOS when I first read the massive amount of red writing and deemed the people to be nutty however you were atleast more creative and imaginative then the Xian religions and all their dross.

And the technique which I was directly guided to by an entity which I do believe it was lucifage rofacle the evil eye technique did actually work rather well for me.

I then decided to try out a few more things as I was a scientist and well couldn't write you off without atleast proving that you were full of crap I ate my own words rather quickly when I decided that after spinning all of my chakras on day one was relatively easy I decided that the only way to know for sure was to do a summoning so me being me of course never to do things halved decided to summon Satan himself.

And basically said if you are real then prove it and we'll he proved it alright I have never felt such power like that ever before (this life time) I was a believer from that night on wards and I signed up the within the week.

My point is some people just get stuff straight away and some people do not sometimes we must cater the experince to bringing people into the fold to something they can handle just because I can make it all click into place and take my entire reality shattering and casually realising that these beings whom were my childhood imaginary friends are actually ancient alien gods whom have known me for 1000s of years who sent me here to dismantle and cause as much havoc on a spiritual version of the matrix whom run this world like a giant cow farm which are controlled by a bunch of half aliens also called Jews and oh by the way your also a part alien called gentile and your on our team BTW does not necessarily mean everyone else will.

People have driven themselves insane over much much less and everyone that I bring into the fold is one less for the meat grinder everyone whom I bring to the gods is one less they had to try so hard to reach out to they have recuperated on their investment on me considerably and I intend to do a lot more
Regarding this renown scientist, I honestly am not surprised a bit. It all makes sense now, a man capable of engineering technology way ahead of our time given a bogus death. On top of that, it was claimed his work was shunned by everyone, despite of the jews pursuit of for technological superiority. Clearly it couldn't be allowed for his work to fall in the wrong hands and there definitely is a lot of things they covered up in his supposed death, almost in the same way as Hitler.
To tell you the truth, I had hoped that this scientist would be reincarnated on our planet, but it looks like that opportunity has been lost for now. It makes you sad to think we are on such a low level... On the subject of knowledge I see it as the ancient mysteries of ancient Greece such as the Eleusinian. From a certain point the initiate, in order to gain access to knowledge, has to prove that he deserves it. Otherwise it will not only be given without reason but may even destroy him.

Thank you for your testimony and the knowledge you give
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Not long ago, I did "by accident" astrally project on another planet. A very important and renown scientist of recent history is there now, fully alive and well. This place, as to not arouse fantasy, was as alive as this one. He had all the space there to proceed with inventions that this planet did not allow them to make, that could have advanced us beyond comprehension. We were busy being fools. Maybe the opportunity will arise again in the future.

Was this person Nikola Tesla? Although he was an engineer, not a scientist...

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I was shown all sorts of strange things, technology that causes psychic communication, and literal devices to commune with extreme accuracy with the Gods. Although this looked simple, it was the exact opposite and beyond what I could understand. This was on a whole other level, and not even close to the level of the Gods.

I have heard that 6G or beyond technology for broadband cellular networks may facilitate projects about telepathy so then we would not need mobiles anymore. However, the issue is that it would require some sort of microchiping in the brain, which doesn't sound very nice.
I look forward to the day when the enemy has fallen, and we are again handling our types of information the way we are supposed to. Thank you for this post HP!
Thank you for providing this
Knowledge from the Gods is sacred. Imagine if a psychopath or a jew got their hands on the full formula of the Magnum Opus!
SleepingWolf said:
Wow this confirms many important details. So some souls can and do incarnate in different planets.

I had heard of these who believe themselves "starseeds" and I assume they're still delusional, (the one who I met who thought they were one, and I first heard the term from, was also a tranny, so clearly delusions were something they were wrapped up in). I doubt anyone would actually know if they were ever on another planet in another life, unless they were already advanced enough to know they shouldn't be telling others of such a thing.

These are all hoaxes, like 99.998% of the time. At best, many of these people confuse another dimension (such as death or places of transition) with another "planet". But at a height of almost 100% of cases, these people are nuts.

There are reasons of metaphysics why one can know this cannot be the case for them, and most people. If they were anywhere close, they would be wholly different in everyway. The soul has to be on another level for this to be the case. None of them are anywhere close.

But yes, that is theoretically possible, as I explain from this post.
Dahaarkan said:

We don't really know what happens when the majority of people are given the knowledge. It'd be safer to first test on one isolated region in the world and see what happens.
Elas Qilar said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Not long ago, I did "by accident" astrally project on another planet. A very important and renown scientist of recent history is there now, fully alive and well. This place, as to not arouse fantasy, was as alive as this one. He had all the space there to proceed with inventions that this planet did not allow them to make, that could have advanced us beyond comprehension. We were busy being fools. Maybe the opportunity will arise again in the future.

Was this person Nikola Tesla? Although he was an engineer, not a scientist...

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I was shown all sorts of strange things, technology that causes psychic communication, and literal devices to commune with extreme accuracy with the Gods. Although this looked simple, it was the exact opposite and beyond what I could understand. This was on a whole other level, and not even close to the level of the Gods.

I have heard that 6G or beyond technology for broadband cellular networks may facilitate projects about telepathy so then we would not need mobiles anymore. However, the issue is that it would require some sort of microchiping in the brain, which doesn't sound very nice.

My apologies, in my language, we name as Scientist, broadly anyone who is into these subjects to great depth. Yes, it is called Engineer by objective standards, although, they definitely were the scientist of scientists.

About 6G, the frequency band would rival this, but the microchipping would devalue the human brain by too far. We saw no real improvement to the human soul by modern devices. That is identical to giving exponential information access to a monkey and hoping it will do anything. It will not.

The false reasoning of invasive technology is also false and of the greys, as it gradually devalues living human matter, which is also the source of connection to the higher realms, causing a violation of this connection. Helmets or glasses of communication capacity, already do exist and might exponentially improve.

AgainstAllAuthority said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The hoaxes of the enemy were based on this mishandling of higher knowledge. Certain bleeding hearts could not keep their mouths shut.

How does one know what is too much?

The effects, what these cause, or the opinion of those who know how to use them.

serpentwalker666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hungaryan said:
But what is not clear is whether not sharing knowledge is a bad thing, or is everyone entitled to all knowledge??

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The Gods are very kind in that if you are sincere and you ask and want to see these things for yourself. They show you. But the mind and soul has to be ready.

Thank you so much Cobra. This whole sermon is a complete masterpiece. Everything, all the explanations in regards to the handling of knowledge, it is exactly as you say.

Hail Satan!

Indeed. Well, the main point is where we are to go, and where we are now. The rest is to know and maybe stimulate the mind, but also gives us understanding of where we are now, and where we must go step by step.

Many people choose to focus on falsehood and even delusional aspects, which is exactly the reason why certain conversations I avoid, but I believed it was sufficient to show that yes, some of you have seen correctly (to one or another percent, maybe just a hunch for others).
ClearWater said:
Yet the people who call themselfs starseeds shared imformation not known to people here.
I have found it to be accurate sofar. I even prove it based on what i have written. And what a coincidence(not) after i made that post a thread pops up the next day. We did not need to be enemies!!!


The way you all speak a lot with boastful certainty because you smoke plants and with audacity, shows exactly the points I reiterate in my posts.

In my opinion, that is worse than anything. The full damning of this important knowledge has taken place from people like you, who claim superficial nonsense to amaze each other.

Even if you see anything by accident, you have no clue what it was. The above is not against you, but the reality of this. Feel free to read but our platform cannot be polluted. This all leads nowhere and for the last 40 years all this crap polluting the internet has given a full wrong perception to all of these things.

We are not enemies, but every fat lard from Walmart is not an alien from outer space. The fact each demented mind can have any imagination, does not give credit to spiritual experience, because this only matters when very trained minds get this. This might all sound like alien to you but that is how we do this in my planet, which is earth.
Dahaarkan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Going back to the Ancient schools, sharing of some knowledge of a higher tier was punishable by death, simply because some knowledge can have catastrophic manifestations if given out mindlessly. To NOT share some knowledge however and to also not disseminate it (Like the JoS) was also likely considered a great curse.

The hoaxes of the enemy were based on this mishandling of higher knowledge. Certain bleeding hearts could not keep their mouths shut. Now all of humanity has to suffer with the vermin of the enemy for a long time.

I don't at all agree with this. I completely agree that this catastrophe has happened because of a mishandling of knowledge but I do not at all agree or accept the notion that this is because of people who shared knowledge to the masses.

I think many are stuck in the past and cannot see the reality that there is a reason why these civilizations collapsed. Which is the undeniable truth that the structure of these civilizations was flawed and the concept of withholding knowledge is suicidal.

The corpses of these long dead nations is UNDENIABLE proof of this. Also consider the leaders who withheld knowledge for the sake of walking the earth like gods among men, yet their divinity was a lie.

Their godlike status was created from a lack of power and knowledge of those around them, rather than inner strength and power. If any of these souls of the last kings, priests and pharaohs remain they are to be found and permanently obliterated. We are suffering the consequences of their lust for playing god and keeping the masses dumb and blind to the spiritual. These are the greatest traitors in human history.

Had the common man had the knowledge to open his senses and awareness to spiritual threats, none of this would have happened. But instead this knowledge was locked within dusty pages in a dark room inside a temple somewhere. So that the holders of this knowledge could play god among the ignorant and impotent masses.

I do not at all see how sharing knowledge to the public made the masses more susceptible to enemy curses. This is an oxymoron. You put too much faith in the leaders of the past. They were largely incompetent, ego maniacal and downright retarded. And their methods and systems were likewise flawed and suicidal. And this is why the nations they led have collapsed. Please lets not repeat their mistakes?

When a ship sinks the fault lies not with the crew but with it's captains. Likewise the collapse of a nation is not the fault of the common man but the kings and priests who led their nation to ruin. Repeating the mistakes of the past is committing suicide on a nation-wide scale. They did not survive for a reason.

To explain these fallacies of this linear view of what we refer to as our "history" and its even more superficial understanding of egomaniacs and so on, would require a book.

Behind these broad definitions there rest many more points than the mere system and agreement of distribution of knowledge. You blanket judge all ancient people and leaders based only on the pretext "well, they died, so they must have been dead wrong". Reality has many more parameters incumbent to it. Nations have outlived also many bad egos and tyrants, survived and thrived through, the list goes.

This stems from larger misunderstandings of the era and its dynamics, and how this manifested on top of all of these people, in conjunction to the enemy. This is further than merely a soap opera of egomaniacs, except of maybe the final chapters of this tragedy.

The most unfortunate thing is not that common people got knowledge, because this was intended, and it clearly was the case in the past. The main denominator of failure here has been that jews were also able to get certain pieces of it, which were later used for destruction.

This karmic "weight" is also exactly what will crash the jews as a whole. If anyone fits in your criteria of insane beings, then it is them. Even the most corrupted animals from recent known history, did not compare.

I do certainly thing certain souls who were busy playing everything for a dime in our history at everyone elses expense, must have received what was coming. This judgment requires however the vision of the Gods, and not a mere simple mindset. Because the forces at work have simply been many.
jbkbmz said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich has said that there are weapons, tools, techniques, rituals,,, more powerful than the RTRs. But that information is hidden as the enemy would get it. So,,, it would seem that this hidden knowledge is dangerous to us, as the enemy could harm us or worse. Like guns, nukes,, ""Satan 2 Missile'"", technology, etc. ""Loose lips sink ships"". Some things are best kept hidden from most of us until it is necessary and useful to use it against the enemy.

Absolutely. The RTR in itself is a nuke for sure. Speaking of nukes, they even named a nuke literally after Satan...Total sadism.
ClearWater said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hungaryan said:
But what is not clear is whether not sharing knowledge is a bad thing, or is everyone entitled to all knowledge??

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Can you take criticism from me hp Cobra?
You say these starseeds "Given however the insanity of many and how many call themselves starseeds (and nuts I might add) and all this"

Since you said it yourself,also you make mistakes so now i want to point something out to you. I already know how you going to react i hope you prove me wrong but look at this and tell me how can they be nutjobs?...

I definitely do not look at them as hostile people, yet, the issue remains, if one is very ignorant, and not aware of it, they can damage specific information more than even the enemy would.

This is not about criticism, this is about the sub culture this has created, ans how it has turned millions into fools who do nothing but idly believe they are seeded stars from another planet.

All the underlying things here point us to laziness, stupidity, excepting to be saved, an oversized ego of foolish proportions, and assuming one is an alien and therefore everyone else inferior, with nothing to back up the fact.

There are many nutjobs in these circles, many more jews, but also no doubt some people who might have had some experiences.

But still this means not much. The JoS is very elaborate, and many people could gain, but about us, I see nothing to gain from them, and most is empty statements and not worth much.

This is not against the people this is against this nutjob condition where they blindly assume they are totally aliens because they have their coffee different from other people.

ClearWater said:
Yes some things might be blatant but thats where i am looking into and never again will i limit myself on what a organization tells me to believe. All i know is i want to live in a better world and remove the evil filth from the world and save my own soul from enemy ETs because IT IS A REALITY THAT I CANNOT DENY EVEN IF I WANTED TO.

The JoS does not limit you of studying or believing anything. But if you think every person who does a fast is an ascended master, or every idiot meets with aliens on the daily, or that simply "using the light" makes you a God, or whatever, them these short circuit delusions will cause you a lot of harm.

The JoS clearly is not for this and clears everything up. Personally, I have read all of this and more and only look back and drink to my wasted hours. The JoS on the other hand changed my outlook and life from the roots. I have had real and tangible results and experiences. The list goes.

Lastly, yes, but to save your own soul, you must meditate. So at least make sure to read and try to apply what the JoS says, or what you consider necessary, if nothing at all. These methods are put there for a reason and are knowledge of the Gods.
💯I can totally agree with this.💯

This actual makes a experience of mine much clear, i had intended to go to my astral temple but ended on a completely different plane. I was told here i could create freely and even though i tried everything failed. I made the mistake of thinking just because i has substantial knowledge on how something operates or had an interesting idea that i could simply make it work. It showed i was no near the level i thought i could reach. Just because you see the outline of something doesn't mean you know what it.

Sometimes the God's will show you things that aren't for you to comprehend but for you to understands what lays ahead of you. What can be to broaden your perspective. With that your able to make wiser choices.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Not long ago, I did "by accident" astrally project on another planet. A very important and renown scientist of recent history is there now, fully alive and well. This place, as to not arouse fantasy, was as alive as this one. He had all the space there to proceed with inventions that this planet did not allow them to make, that could have advanced us beyond comprehension.
That sounds wonderful. I'm so happy for that scientist! After we win this war, that's what I want too. Endless time and resources to explore science and invent technology for everyone! I have so many ideas and so much to learn, but this world is designed to hinder any science that doesn't benefit the jew. The whole scientific community needs to be turned upside-down before anyone can make real progress. Nikola Tesla should have been the billionaire and JP Morgan should have been a janitor or a shoe-polisher or something.
Grazie Cobra e a Maxine per questa conoscenza sono grato e vi ringrazio ,questi insegnamenti sono ecezionali per sviluparsi ed essere milhori .mi ricordo passato molto tempo erano hanni 90 ,gia sapevo que SATANA era il vero DIO nel mio cuore e ricordo molto bene la fatica per trovare il vero cammino era tutto distorto dal nemico.percio vi ringrazio del vostro immane lavoro per dare conoscenza vera e verita al mondo grazie .
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hungaryan said:
But what is not clear is whether not sharing knowledge is a bad thing, or is everyone entitled to all knowledge??


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

In other words it's just humanity being held back by the scat worshiping reptilian jews,these reptiles play a major role in holding back human advancement,an I don't doubt we would have already had planes etc in aincent times if it weren't for the abrahamic reptilian cults (oy vey goyims remember tower in reptilian bible yous can't reach stars)oh look some humans have already hmmmm,not to mention the Many abrahamic priests who said that humans would never reach the stars, yet look at humanity now we went to the moon,we did not see a jew in the sky though the reptiles were probably sh**ing themselves when it did happen
Wonderful Sermon. I've always wondered what type of technology was withheld from us by the enemy. Knowing that it's being carefully crafted offsite for humanity to eventually reach fills with me a great joy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
To explain these fallacies of this linear view of what we refer to as our "history" and its even more superficial understanding of egomaniacs and so on, would require a book.

Behind these broad definitions there rest many more points than the mere system and agreement of distribution of knowledge. You blanket judge all ancient people and leaders based only on the pretext "well, they died, so they must have been dead wrong". Reality has many more parameters incumbent to it. Nations have outlived also many bad egos and tyrants, survived and thrived through, the list goes.

This stems from larger misunderstandings of the era and its dynamics, and how this manifested on top of all of these people, in conjunction to the enemy. This is further than merely a soap opera of egomaniacs, except of maybe the final chapters of this tragedy.

The most unfortunate thing is not that common people got knowledge, because this was intended, and it clearly was the case in the past. The main denominator of failure here has been that jews were also able to get certain pieces of it, which were later used for destruction.

This karmic "weight" is also exactly what will crash the jews as a whole. If anyone fits in your criteria of insane beings, then it is them. Even the most corrupted animals from recent known history, did not compare.

I do certainly thing certain souls who were busy playing everything for a dime in our history at everyone elses expense, must have received what was coming. This judgment requires however the vision of the Gods, and not a mere simple mindset. Because the forces at work have simply been many.

The reality is a man must be prepared and able to defend his nation and his people and this must not be limited to physical training, how to shoot a gun etc. But also must include the spiritual as evidently entire nations can collapse via spiritual influence.

To deprive your people of spiritual knowledge you are simply disarming them. And then act surprised when this is exploited by your enemies and your nation suffers a cataclysmic downfall. Yes, idiots can take spiritual knowledge and ruin themselves, and others. People can also buy a gun and shoot up a mall. This is not really an argument that makes sense.

The inner rot that leads one to commit such acts is washed away by spiritual knowledge anyway. I simply do not see the advantage that comes with limiting knowledge given to the masses. I see quite the opposite, I see suicide on a national scale in doing this.

The restriction of knowledge is a suicidal concept from past administrations that have collapsed. And xianity and islam are engineered to exploit this lack of understanding and convert the masses. In a world where man is not endangered by cosmic threats one can take their time and withhold information as to avoid it's misuse and create a bubble of safety.

It's always a risk that when you give out spiritual knowledge, that someone will misuse or abuse others with it. But in a situation of war, where you are literally fighting for survival, you MUST arm every person you can with this knowledge. For it is no longer a risk but a guarantee that you will perish if you do not arm your people against this very real, and very fatal threat.

The golden age and it's bubble of safety are a thing of the past. We are at war now. Things have changed. And we must change our ways too, or we will not survive. Many wish to win this war and then emulate the golden age. The kikes are one threat our collective must face. There will be others. We must be ready, our people must be armed and powerful against these threats.

I think you, as many others are enthralled by the beauty of the past golden age. You focus on it so much that you do not realize we do not have a future if we attempt to go back to these times. The common man of the future must be a powerful entity armed with spiritual knowledge and power. Not a bumbling idiot worshiping the sun. Or humanity will fall prey to cosmic predators again. And the gods may not be able to save us next time.

We can agree to disagree I guess. I probably don't have a complete perspective anyway, this is just my opinion.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
