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Is being a MD/physician a good idea?


Apr 23, 2022
Greetings to Satanic Family,

I've always wanted to be a medical doctor. But I don't want to deal with negative energies of sick people. So it can be a bad idea. What is your opinion about that?

Have a nice day!
You should do what you should do. It sounds like that profession can be for you. Negative energy etc. can be cleaned off, and the aura of protection helps as well. Nothing to worry about in that regard.
Greetings to Satanic Family,

I've always wanted to be a medical doctor. But I don't want to deal with negative energies of sick people. So it can be a bad idea. What is your opinion about that?

Have a nice day!
Lord Asclepius was a healer, it didn't seem to stop his spiritual development. So go ahead I would say, that is if becoming a doctor is what you want.
A noble profession, despite of some modern medicine practices being questionable.

If your heart seeks it, go for it. A profession surely in need of Satanic people.
Greetings to Satanic Family,

I've always wanted to be a medical doctor. But I don't want to deal with negative energies of sick people. So it can be a bad idea. What is your opinion about that?

Have a nice day!

One thing I have learned in life, it is very important to do what you love and what you desire to work towards and be career-wise in life. If you do not, this can sometimes lead to regret.

Do what you want to do, and don't give up. Achieve your deepest desires and dreams.
Greetings to Satanic Family,

I've always wanted to be a medical doctor. But I don't want to deal with negative energies of sick people. So it can be a bad idea. What is your opinion about that?

Have a nice day!
You should do it if you feel it's right for you. There are not enough doctors and not all doctors are good. You will encounter all kinds of people, and experience perhaps the fullest spectrum of humanity, from the most normal to the most bizarre and from the most solemn to the most sweet.

You will encounter the mentally ill, the religious and non religious, gentiles and jews(who may be your colleagues and bosses), people who simply aren't in their right mind due to stress, isolation, illness, etc.

Cleaning and protecting your soul is as essential as it always is and will be more than adequate. If you don't want to deal with sick people and all that comes with them then it is not the career for you. If you want to leave your work at work and forget about it after you punch a clock and go home, it's not the career for you. Besides, all that may not even be the biggest threat to your wellbeing - it might just be the system itself.

But medicine is one of the most noble and dignified professions and you should definitely explore it if you feel a calling to it. You can cut your teeth as an assistant, an EMT or nurse or other allied health professional and see if you like it if you're not ready to commit to medical school.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
