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Is Anyone Keeping You?

This is from the perspective of the True Satanist who has a heart and a soul.

The perspective of these cockroaches is unknown to me. By observation, I have watched it's just shit ego and buying into enemy lies first. Then eventually the enemy smells the weakness and they do the rest.

A jew or an enemy was never with us, so a visual "betrayal" of Satan would happen for free, or for a nickel.

NinRick said:
Wait what..?
Someone betrayed Satan just for money? I mean.. I would rather die than to betray Satan... and you called this person a HighPriest of Satan?

This makes me actually very sad. How can someone do that?
NinRick said:
Wait what..?
Someone betrayed Satan just for money? I mean.. I would rather die than to betray Satan... and you called this person a HighPriest of Satan?

This makes me actually very sad. How can someone do that?

This is from the perspective of the True Satanist who has a heart and a soul.

The perspective of these cockroaches is unknown to me. By observation, I have watched it's just shit ego and buying into enemy lies first. Then eventually the enemy smells the weakness and they do the rest.

A jew or an enemy was never with us, so a visual "betrayal" of Satan would happen for free, or for a nickel.

Jax911 said:
Traitors have no future, in all history traitors were abandoned by both sides in the end. I feel sorry for those idiots.

Generally I don't like to get into these stories as these show the other face of Satan. Satan in general, is very understanding of humans. But these people actively try to harm Satan in a direct manner. The moment this is done, they sign their death contract.

In circa 2013, another person went down the same way. The enemy promised them physically the usual, job and wealth, and above all, tried to convince them "nothing was for real" and that they "would be safe".

Eventually, they bragged they were out, and so on. This lasted about circa 2016 if I remember correctly, where they were blasted off a motorbike and remained quadriplegic. Before this finally happened a lot of other things had happened to them, such as losing their "job" that they were given, and having to pay all the money they had for their elongated hospital bills.

I am not sure if they are alive anymore at all.

Generally, those in a position that betray Satan, or are as stupid to do so, receive exemplary punishment. Many of these try in an egoistical manner to defend their wrong decisions but none of that matters, especially in the long term. Eventually they get wrecked.

Of course, the enemy will not spare a gram for protection for these diseased fucks.

Only the loyal ones do receive the fulfillment of Satan's promises.
Infiltrators are like viruses and traitors are like tumours, one worse than the other. Damned be these hostiles and enemies who want to harm us.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Generally I don't like to get into these stories as these show the other face of Satan. Satan in general, is very understanding of humans. But these people actively try to harm Satan in a direct manner. The moment this is done, they sign their death contract.

In circa 2013, another person went down the same way. The enemy promised them physically the usual, job and wealth, and above all, tried to convince them "nothing was for real" and that they "would be safe".

Eventually, they bragged they were out, and so on. This lasted about circa 2016 if I remember correctly, where they were blasted off a motorbike and remained quadriplegic. Before this finally happened a lot of other things had happened to them, such as losing their "job" that they were given, and having to pay all the money they had for their elongated hospital bills.

I am not sure if they are alive anymore at all.

Generally, those in a position that betray Satan, or are as stupid to do so, receive exemplary punishment. Many of these try in an egoistical manner to defend their wrong decisions but none of that matters, especially in the long term. Eventually they get wrecked.

Of course, the enemy will not spare a gram for protection for these diseased fucks.

Only the loyal ones do receive the fulfillment of Satan's promises.

Well, I like your little story! I hate traitors more than anything else. When they find the truth, Satan and our Gods, who waited for THOUSANDS OF YEARS and endured SO MUCH just so they don’t abandon US... if someone turns away from him, or even tries to harm him.. he deserved his punishment.

I mean it would be easy to just drop us. But they don’t do that, or else we would have been long dead or slaves. Satan and our Gods.. you can not describe them with words. I have not experienced Satan and our Gods to the fullest, and I could never ever express with words what I feel for them.

Ahh.. you calling me a real Satanist, made me really happy.
No one and nothing is keeping me here other than knowing what its like before I knew the truth and satanism and after.

Coming from a obsessed christian family religion which I was born into and escaping that and moving into spiritual satanism 2 years ago.
The difference in myself, my thoughts, my feelings, my life. Has dramatically changed.

What keeps me here is facts knowledge and experience. It what keeps me going.

If I don't meditate clean my aura do
I never understood the money accusation slander. Compared to virtually everything in the New Age and ""Satanism""" (let alone the enemy religions robbing everyone blind and ruining billions of lives for two thousand years), everything on JoS is free. There are even spells to obtain money which work and which are free. What is the point of even making this allegation?

The spells in general are miraculous. The JoS not only came up with new meditations but gave correct instructions on how to open the soul and corrected a lot of meditations with false pronunciations and rituals that are practiced by billions of Hindus and Buddhists. The importance and scale of this can't be overestimated.

So to see someone betray the Gods and betray Maxine for nefarious examples such as 'muh weed farm business with kickbacks' and 'muh BLM instagrammers made me into a communist for clout (but also I own a business which is like totally compatible with communism btw)' or 'jeboo was more popular in my 4chan echo chamber' (like some idiot off the Groups) is total insanity. I can't even fathom it. I just assume these people betrayed pagans for shekels in previous lifetimes.
Blitzkreig said:
For an HP to be bribed just sounds so strange to me. Your power is limitless through Satanism, so what could they possibly offer you? Even if they gave 10 trillion dollars, there are some things that you cannot buy, yet can achieve easily through a working. This HP must have not truly been an HP to begin with, otherwise they had a fundamental misunderstanding of what Satanism is all about.

The above alone is bad enough, but they also weighed the bribe higher than their relation with Satan. Imagine being on the receiving end of the wrath of Satan. What kind of retard would juggle that possibility? They must have been a Jew from the start.

Like others such as Yagami Light have stated, they were ether weak willed or they were bull shitting us the entire time. I really don't know how long you have been a part of the JOS but I have been here for pretty much the whole ride and Cobra is right in saying, as I do believe I have also said in ether this forum or the Groups, "Ragtag bunch of Misfits", was putting it kindly when we first started out. As you know we didn't have any of the RTRs back then, but we also didn't really have the Magnum Opus meditation ether. Now that I think about it, I don't think it was until close to 2012 or a little past it that we had the Mer Ka Ba meditation.

There have been many people that have fallen due to being weak or having really high opinions of themselves but we have lost nothing of value had become even stronger.

I think it was Cobra that stated that in speaking with the Gods, even they were surprised that we (I think it was more focused on the Aryans but it might have been Gentiles in general), have survived and thrived through such adversity.

I say if the above is the case, lets make the next five years blow them away!
The point is when the jews bribe or do something like this, it's not only about money. There can be other petty involved also, for example, drug addiction, an inferior IQ, petty squabbles and so on.

Karnonnos said:

So to see someone betray the Gods and betray Maxine for nefarious examples such as 'muh weed farm business with kickbacks' and 'muh BLM instagrammers made me into a communist for clout (but also I own a business which is like totally compatible with communism btw)' or 'jeboo was more popular in my 4chan echo chamber' (like some idiot off the Groups) is total insanity. I can't even fathom it. I just assume these people betrayed pagans for shekels in previous lifetimes.

hailourtruegod said:
Of course not! I joined and have stayed and will stay all on my own accord. There would be no hailourtruegod in on this planet if I didn't find the JoS. I would of been gone from the physical existence about 10 years ago. It took me a while to get going and get my stuff together but I'm glad I stayed in this path. If anything the constant meditation just took thatg long for me to leave such a low level place.

This is what I was looking for all my life. A reason to be alive. Not just that but I always *really* wanted to better the world. The Joy of Satan has given me more than enough tools to do all this.

I fucking love this place and wish all of humanity knew about it.

Hail Satan!

Ave Quetzalcoatl/ Thoth!

I like posts like this well done pal
I feel I am his as if to say that the sun is shining. why does it shine? that's just the way it is. No obligation, just an inexplicable magnetic reminder to take care.
Yes i think jews are kidnapping me in my sleep
I was stabbed in the heart at massachusetts general hospital
I message the satanic temple online in salem
I almost died, but luckily my heart didnt skip a beat this week. True story.
I say rape the Jews
I say i will kill a jew if raping the jews mother is an option
Satan killed jesus in 2015
Satan Rape mary
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
At circa 2006 one "HP" was bribed and they just joined the enemy after years of being with the JoS, going into a disinformation spree against HPS Maxine. The turn was a totally "unexpected" 180 degree turn with all one would expect, slander, attacks, attempted takedown from within etc. The stuff they said was literally nonsensical to unimaginable extents.

Your talking about the HP which he had a blogsite or webpage that described cryokinesis, correct?

I forgot his name it's been many years but this thing pretty much happened after the incident with Salem Burke. Showing his face. Funny the other day I was looking at JoS archives trying to find the demon mini-sigil pages about 4-5 pages of small God sigils that was used for dowsing with a pendulum to find your GD. I don't recall if it was downloadable paper images from Yahoo or from the mainsite. I gave them to my friend back in high school not sure if he still has them.

And funny enough Burke's site is still on archive and even his face is still shown with makeup and top-hat. So basically the pictures are still up. Like we always warn people don't reveal your face no matter what.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
At circa 2006 one "HP" was bribed and they just joined the enemy after years of being with the JoS, going into a disinformation spree against HPS Maxine. The turn was a totally "unexpected" 180 degree turn with all one would expect, slander, attacks, attempted takedown from within etc. The stuff they said was literally nonsensical to unimaginable extents.

Your talking about the HP which he had a blogsite or webpage that described cryokinesis, correct?

I forgot his name it's been many years but this thing pretty much happened after the incident with Salem Burke. Showing his face. Funny the other day I was looking at JoS archives trying to find the demon mini-sigil pages about 4-5 pages of small God sigils that was used for dowsing with a pendulum to find your GD. I don't recall if it was downloadable paper images from Yahoo or from the mainsite. I gave them to my friend back in high school not sure if he still has them.

And funny enough Burke's site is still on archive and even his face is still shown with makeup and top-hat. So basically the pictures are still up. Like we always warn people don't reveal your face no matter what.

He won the lotto and fcucked off. Dont understand, use magik learned here to win lottery then abandon not just us but his HP duties. Yeah there is still videos of him up a few sermons you can still access.

Alot have come and gone.

We Have HPHC he has been here since i started we will always need a HPHC not just to go to for help but for Information knowledge etc and He is appointed by Satan.

Dont forget your own Personal relationship with Satan and the Gods.
A whole lot of good all that money will do them when their own planet is destroyed, and everyone around them including themselves is enslaved. The fools...
ValentineCHL said:

Don't be afraid brother! Most of us in the start made mistakes (for example me, before start in JoS I made very big mistakes, inclusive blaspheme the father Satan) because we don't have the correct experience or knowledge, so we can't act like we would act now, the important is remedy this error with our acts now, because you would know that is not the same a person who make mistakes but learn about that mistakes for be a better satanist than a person who don't care learn and make the same mistakes along the years, we are like kids in the satanist, and the father knows this, so he forgives much of our errors in the start if he sees that we change and remedy this errors

So don't press if you not was a "real" satanist in the past, ask yourself if you are a real satanist now and your plans for the future represent this.

Thank you brother
Just want to hang with satan he is thebest onein the immediate galaxies only beign driving me toward the community of satanists where too from here? Might let certain things slide against my grain too commune is essential satan said as ive been hiding in mybunkaar with the gods of orion
chacoone said:
Just want to hang with satan he is thebest onein the immediate galaxies only beign driving me toward the community of satanists where too from here? Might let certain things slide against my grain too commune is essential satan said as ive been hiding in mybunkaar with the gods of orion


Read this. ^

We don't condone drugs. They are very detrimental to your overall health mentally, physically and spiritually. You're free to do as you please but you're on your own if you choose to hurt yourself.
ChristopherChaparro666 said:
Yes i think jews are kidnapping me in my sleep
I was stabbed in the heart at massachusetts general hospital
I message the satanic temple online in salem
I almost died, but luckily my heart didnt skip a beat this week. True story.
I say rape the Jews
I say i will kill a jew if raping the jews mother is an option
Satan killed jesus in 2015
Satan Rape mary

Dude, we are nothing like the enemy and that act is done by race-mixers and other types of fuckups. So please, keep those fetishes to yourself. Do some studying on who we are, it's even in THE FRONT PAGE of our website.
Yes, "is anyone keeping you?" is a GREAT QUESTION INDEED.
When did Satan/Lucifer inspire restriction and censorship? These forums should be FREE to post what one wishes as long as it is about Satan/Lucifer, Satanism, the occult, Spiritual Warfare, things of that nature. It seems that the only ones who can make posts are those whose posts agree with the mindset of the leaders of this forum. That in itself is restriction and seems more to do with the moderator's ego. I respect the JoS and the spiritual warfare programs that have been formulated, but blocking posts or comments seems excessive. Maybe allow everything except for Christians bashing the JoS and Satan, but what do I know. Ive only been a Spiritual Satanist for 17 years.
Glad you enjoyed Brothers.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
