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Is Adderal safe if prescribed?


New member
Aug 11, 2024
Hello I’ve been experiencing major ADD symptoms recently & very low energy

I’m 20 & in shape, I eat a well balanced diet, sleep well, workout almost daily, stay hydrated, take a multivitamin, sleep well etc & my hormones are all fine

I’m doing everything right on paper to be healthy & energetic, but my energy, mood, & focus have been through the floor

As a child I was diagnosed with ADHD but never took it seriously & just thought I could power through it with willpower, but recently these symptoms have gotten much worse & it’s taking away from my productivity in my business & in the gym & socially & in my spiritual advancement & I’ve been sleeping in way too much aswell

I already know if I tell my doctor all this he’ll want to prescribe me adderal

I’m hesitant to start it because I know it can be addictive & have some unhealthy side effects

But will it be worth it if I use it responsibly & as prescribed?

What else can I do to fix these symptoms?

I asked chat GPT about it earlier & it recommended a long list of supplements & sauna & cold plunges & said if all of that doesn’t work to take low dose adderal.
As a Satanist who also struggles with ADHD on a daily basis, i can sincerely recommend void meditation, energy cleansing and sound meditation. I recommend this when it comes to spiritual work, although health-wise - I would recommend you to use vitamin D3, Omega 3, Magnesium and calcium, preferably, because magnesium can flush it out. Of course, it would be worth doing tests to see what ur situation is with deficiencies. I would also recommend being careful with Adderall. Concerte and Medikinet are used in Europe, they have a different chemical composition, they are much safer. There are very few specialists in the world, in America, however, they have diagnosed many more cases than are diagnosed in Europe. Sad reality... You have to be careful with medications, if you have a translator, read European texts on this subject, you can find them on Google Scholar, there are also a lot of books on this subject, it is best to reach for the latest research because knowledge on this subject is often outdated and the stereotype of the "running and fast boy" still prevails. Practically, until a certain point, ADHD was not diagnosed in adults. The best thing to do is not fall into your own kind of fate, I know how overwhelming it can be. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, characterized by a lack of proper emotion regulation, it is worth using the help of a therapist.

Medicines such as medikinet and concerta are not addictive. It is important that they are used under the STRICT SUPERVISION OF A SPECIALIZED DOCTOR. Otherwise they will not work most effectively…
Agree with the void meditation. ADHD brains do really with high levels stimulation that require a lot of focus. For example if there was a emergency situation your brain would do better than a normal persons. https://www.additudemag.com/benefits-of-adhd-crisis/ <--- first link in search. Maybe find something stressful but fun such as a sport to do as a hobby. Understanding how the brain works help me with with autism. Sounds like you life has become a stuck in a rut.

I wrote this in a different post.

The thing about autism is you get amped up and then crash. There is a lot going on for the guy even if he is a puppet. The autistic brain takes in a lot of information for months or years at a time, then every once and awhile it tries to get that information out. It comes out all jumbled up for normal people. The autistic brain is suppose to keep track of what society is doing and has been up to. Normal people brains are meant to keep society chugging along, with work, family, normal activities, etc. Normal people rely on (((experts))) plus group consensus for information. The ADHD brain jumps around a lot until something happens then they become hyper focused. ADHD brains are good in high stress emergency situations. Special forces and fighter pilots anything stressful.

The way evolution works is just before or after major events (such as war). A bunch of autistic/ADHD brain people are born. We understand this a little different through reincarnation and astrology. Using mainstream science. The way its suppose to work is the autistic people figure out and keep track oft what is going on then pass that information to the ADHD people when SHTF. Then the ADHD people take action. With all the pharmaceutical drugs and the way society is setup this process has been broken. This isn't really taught, there are research papers on the topic. Elon needs to surround himself with AHDH people and get a normal person controlling or at minimum filtering his social media.
Adderall, vyvanse, and similar drugs. They are literally the same thing as methamphetamine. I am not joking and not exaggerating. It is just a controlled dose of a pure amphetamine. You can see videos on youtube of people who used to be addicted to meth, and one day he tried one of those pills, and he realized it was exactly identical to the feeling of meth. Comments were full of other people saying the same thing.

Considering to start taking those pills is not too different from considering to start smoking meth. Method of ingestion is different, but it's the same drug. Very dangerous.
There is nothing wrong with having ADHD, this is not some illness as modern healthcare makes it out to be. Usually people with ADHD lack a way to handle or vent their energy, a simple hobby where you can set your mind on can already be a massive help. Other than that you can try to earthen (Skin to earth contact) yourself to help release the excess energy. Sunlight & fresh air (Rural area's, forests etc.) can go a long way as well.

There are natural herbs and remedies that can help you get into a relaxed state, for example camomile tea. there's a lot of information on this online so if you are interested give it a look.
Maybe find something stressful but fun such as a sport to do as a hobby.

While sporting is a great thing, other hobbies where you need to use your brain can have more impact on ones energy levels opposed to physical activities. For example 20 minutes of actively playing chess can be more intensive on the body than 45 minutes of physical exercise. So hobbies that stimulate the brain are a very good solution as well, in some cases even superior.
While sporting is a great thing, other hobbies where you need to use your brain can have more impact on ones energy levels opposed to physical activities. For example 20 minutes of actively playing chess can be more intensive on the body than 45 minutes of physical exercise. So hobbies that stimulate the brain are a very good solution as well, in some cases even superior.

Can be anything, sports also tires out the body. It just needs to be very stimulating and stressful with ADHD. Which is why Adderall is meth.
As a person with adhd and autisum i'm trying to reply to this thread with respect. No I don't take adderal so my advise on that is if it helps you do your job and live your life then with the supervision of your doctor keep going. Some people have such high excitments in their brains that things like adderal lower these chemicals so that they can function when other things haven't worked. Please when making comments in reguards to things such as adhd you need to remember that it is something that affects individuals differently.
it is shown in mri scans that those with adhd have a different flow in their brains than those without. We get more information from our environment even at rest amoung a dozen other issues that can change day to day. Back a century or more ago this condition wasn't as bad but today it's horrible due to the pressure of produtivitvy and other pressure from society itself. Plus with things being so expensive that even normal people are being burned out by trying to keep up it's ten times worse when your brain has any kind of issues. On top of all of this people don't take our issues seriously which makes getting help to just function worst and it's why people with issues like adhd have higher rates of suicide. So please try to exercise a bit more sympathy. At least these people are trying to help themselves function which is what adderal is for.

Hail Father Satan
As a person with adhd and autisum i'm trying to reply to this thread with respect. No I don't take adderal so my advise on that is if it helps you do your job and live your life then with the supervision of your doctor keep going. Some people have such high excitments in their brains that things like adderal lower these chemicals so that they can function when other things haven't worked. Please when making comments in reguards to things such as adhd you need to remember that it is something that affects individuals differently.
it is shown in mri scans that those with adhd have a different flow in their brains than those without. We get more information from our environment even at rest amoung a dozen other issues that can change day to day. Back a century or more ago this condition wasn't as bad but today it's horrible due to the pressure of produtivitvy and other pressure from society itself. Plus with things being so expensive that even normal people are being burned out by trying to keep up it's ten times worse when your brain has any kind of issues. On top of all of this people don't take our issues seriously which makes getting help to just function worst and it's why people with issues like adhd have higher rates of suicide. So please try to exercise a bit more sympathy. At least these people are trying to help themselves function which is what adderal is for.

So I read this book years ago or listened to the audio book (can't remember). The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human after seeing the author (Steven Kotler) on Joe Rogan. Its about flow states when the mind is in the zone doing a task. This book focused on extreme sports from a clinical study type point of view. Looks like he has some other books now. The reason I bring this up is, my understanding of ADHD is brain needs to enter these states to really function. Adderal doesn't lower the chemicals in actually increases the stimulation until the ADHD brain enters a flow state allowing them to focus. I haven't read the other two book from Steven Kotler, the rise of superman was illuminating and believe relates to ADHD.

Normal people buy Adderal off their ADHD buddies to do tests or increase performance because it increases the stimulation to the brain. Austism is naturally excited taking in a lot of sensory information which why routines are super important for austic people. In austism, the brain has a hard time focusing and that can lead sperging out as the they become overwhelm environment sensations. Society is designed to punish someone for having a hard time instead helping them which is why group settings can be so hard for austistic people. I am really curious how ADHD and austism mix. Do you switch back and forth?
So I read this book years ago or listened to the audio book (can't remember). The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human after seeing the author (Steven Kotler) on Joe Rogan. Its about flow states when the mind is in the zone doing a task. This book focused on extreme sports from a clinical study type point of view. Looks like he has some other books now. The reason I bring this up is, my understanding of ADHD is brain needs to enter these states to really function. Adderal doesn't lower the chemicals in actually increases the stimulation until the ADHD brain enters a flow state allowing them to focus. I haven't read the other two book from Steven Kotler, the rise of superman was illuminating and believe relates to ADHD.

Normal people buy Adderal off their ADHD buddies to do tests or increase performance because it increases the stimulation to the brain. Austism is naturally excited taking in a lot of sensory information which why routines are super important for austic people. In austism, the brain has a hard time focusing and that can lead sperging out as the they become overwhelm environment sensations. Society is designed to punish someone for having a hard time instead helping them which is why group settings can be so hard for austistic people. I am really curious how ADHD and austism mix. Do you switch back and forth?
Some days are harder than others as far as the "switching back and forth" goes. I don't actually switch. but there are many overlapping symptoms of both adhd and autisum and some days some symptoms are more prominet than others. Some days i can hardly focus on shit no matter what i do unless i have an appointment that always gives me this spurt but it only really works for the appointment itself and a few things after it but not before- today i had an apointment and didn't eat a damn thing till i got home i have several issues around obeying hunger signals but i'm not anoreix or bulimic some part of my brain just ignors the hey your hungry signal till i some invisible point and i can eat i've tried to make myself eat and it don't work.

Some people have time blindness but i fight that with an anexiety about time and being early to thing- some times two hours early- so this condition really screws with my life like it does for many others and as far as i know about flow states they aren't about being extremly excited about something but an odd almost detached calmness that lets you hone in on the thing that needs to be done. I've done that many times but I wasn't extremly hyper about the thing just focused. these two neurological conditions may seem simple but because they are a brain condiotion with fluid symptoms that act more like a control board from a music studio it's harder to study plus it doesn't help that by being female myself i have other things like my monthly cycle that can exasperate my symptoms and i don't know when that will happen on any given day or what may pop up. I may have trouble speaking- just go totally nonverbal for several hours or become manic-extremly hyper- for an hour or so depressed i want to hurt myself ect. it doesn't help that it's all invisible till a symptom manifests outwardly.

thank you for the kind curiousity.
Oh and yes routines are great but being the one who sets up said routines makes my brain balk at it so i end up not doing said routine. it's a bit of a battle.

Hail Father Satan
Some days are harder than others as far as the "switching back and forth" goes. I don't actually switch. but there are many overlapping symptoms of both adhd and autisum and some days some symptoms are more prominet than others. Some days i can hardly focus on shit no matter what i do unless i have an appointment that always gives me this spurt but it only really works for the appointment itself and a few things after it but not before- today i had an apointment and didn't eat a damn thing till i got home i have several issues around obeying hunger signals but i'm not anoreix or bulimic some part of my brain just ignors the hey your hungry signal till i some invisible point and i can eat i've tried to make myself eat and it don't work.

Some people have time blindness but i fight that with an anexiety about time and being early to thing- some times two hours early- so this condition really screws with my life like it does for many others and as far as i know about flow states they aren't about being extremly excited about something but an odd almost detached calmness that lets you hone in on the thing that needs to be done. I've done that many times but I wasn't extremly hyper about the thing just focused. these two neurological conditions may seem simple but because they are a brain condiotion with fluid symptoms that act more like a control board from a music studio it's harder to study plus it doesn't help that by being female myself i have other things like my monthly cycle that can exasperate my symptoms and i don't know when that will happen on any given day or what may pop up. I may have trouble speaking- just go totally nonverbal for several hours or become manic-extremly hyper- for an hour or so depressed i want to hurt myself ect. it doesn't help that it's all invisible till a symptom manifests outwardly.

thank you for the kind curiousity.
Oh and yes routines are great but being the one who sets up said routines makes my brain balk at it so i end up not doing said routine. it's a bit of a battle.

Hail Father Satan

Time anxiety is autism countering ADHD not caring about it lol. I don't need a clock most of the time because of the time consciousness. I didn't know you can have both, its interesting although it might suck for you. Depression is a big side effect of autism the brain get all hyper or things start going too good with social interactions then there is a crash that leads to depression for weeks or months before resetting. Routine and not getting too amped up helps with autism but it hurts ADHD. I want to ask if you work in a high productivity factory at same time don't dox yourself with details about your life. Something that mixes autism routine with hyper focus task at hand with a lot of moving parts. Autism is also good at keeping track of lot of things.

Kinda think autism is just the brain paying attention to the past and future events while ignoring the present. ADHD might be brain (when its activated) being hyper aware of the present situation. Normal brains are more emotion motivated. Thanks for explaining your hybrid brain, learned something today. For what its worth there is probably a super power in this ADHD/Autism brain of yours if you figure it out. Might be worth a lot of money. With your brain its possible you could be a grand-master of Lean and lot of places pay a fortune fortune to implement it. Just an idea. I'm sure you have your own goals.
Time anxiety is autism countering ADHD not caring about it lol. I don't need a clock most of the time because of the time consciousness. I didn't know you can have both, its interesting although it might suck for you. Depression is a big side effect of autism the brain get all hyper or things start going too good with social interactions then there is a crash that leads to depression for weeks or months before resetting. Routine and not getting too amped up helps with autism but it hurts ADHD. I want to ask if you work in a high productivity factory at same time don't dox yourself with details about your life. Something that mixes autism routine with hyper focus task at hand with a lot of moving parts. Autism is also good at keeping track of lot of things.

Kinda think autism is just the brain paying attention to the past and future events while ignoring the present. ADHD might be brain (when its activated) being hyper aware of the present situation. Normal brains are more emotion motivated. Thanks for explaining your hybrid brain, learned something today. For what its worth there is probably a super power in this ADHD/Autism brain of yours if you figure it out. Might be worth a lot of money. With your brain its possible you could be a grand-master of Lean and lot of places pay a fortune fortune to implement it. Just an idea. I'm sure you have your own goals.
done the factory thing before they want you to move to damn fast too obssed with qoutas ... i'm trying to figure out said superpower its difficult while trying to get a job too. i have a good head for facts- reading and then pala parroting it back when needed like i have here several times. getting myself in gear so i can use that to make money is easier to say than do. i have a good idea on how but it requires so many steps that my brain balks at it.
i'm glad i could help you learn something new. thank you for being open to the new knowledge. its nice being heard and not being metaphorically slapped because someone couldn't take the mental blinders off. thank you.

Hail Father Satan
done the factory thing before they want you to move to damn fast too obssed with qoutas ... i'm trying to figure out said superpower its difficult while trying to get a job too. i have a good head for facts- reading and then pala parroting it back when needed like i have here several times. getting myself in gear so i can use that to make money is easier to say than do. i have a good idea on how but it requires so many steps that my brain balks at it.
i'm glad i could help you learn something new. thank you for being open to the new knowledge. its nice being heard and not being metaphorically slapped because someone couldn't take the mental blinders off. thank you.

Been really interested in how the mind works for years. Savants are also interesting because they can be so good at 1 task. Companies pay 20k per person to train lean experts. More to bring them in. Just an idea, assuming you would be good at keeping track of things and telling people what to do. Also need to notice obscure things that normal people don't see. there has to be a super power in having both. I'm in a similar boat trying figure what I want/can do, something that can use spiritual/psychological knowledge and make money.

The factory is gig difficult in a lot of places because of how unorganized it is. To make money the productivity has to be super high. Sales team always does stuff without talking to the production floor. If they are not organized its nearly impossible to meet the quotas and then they wonder why everyone quits or to tries unionize. If they don't quit moral is super low or a lot of people who stick around can't get job anywhere else. The good people have to work with shitty people because nobody wants the job.

Not all manufacturing jobs are bad if its organized. That's the idea behind Lean, eliminate waste Transport, Inventory, Motion, Waiting, Over-Processing, Overproduction, Defects. Its very profitable to implement lean and it applies to any business including fast food. It applies to daily life as well.

Most companies that try to implement it fail because they ignore the psychological aspects of their business. So they also try to implement positive thinking and law of attraction type stuff. When it fails they blame the employees instead addressing the core problems of the business. Its the mindset. Had these debates a lot. You can just increase the productivity 300% overnight without a proper method and tell everyone this required for everyone to get a raise. If you ask someone to do something show its possible first and don't use BS metrics or point to another company who has been doing it for decades. Logistics, lean, anything like this with the psychological aspect is in high demand. I would think you would be crazy good it. All the JOS skills would help.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
