SeguaceDiSatana said:
As I understand from what I have read, 108 is a number connected to Saturn. So is it okay for black magic to vibrate THURISAZ 108 times and HAGALAZ 108 times and then say "X dies" 9 times?
First of all always, always add to what ever you do: In a healthy and positive way for me.
A death spell is rather serious, are you sure a binding would not suffice?
Always clean your aura after black magic.
Yes you can use 108 you could also use 88,111 powernumber,
Better use 216 is a better compleate number, 108 you can use if you do the working atleast 40 days straight.
Also look SS calendar for a good black magic date, don´t start on void of course.
Affirmation you can use x9 or 18.