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Drona De Micaloz

New member
Aug 22, 2011
Not exactly sure if I’ve done this already, or not. It is quite possible that I have in the past as I’ve been around, off and on, mostly lurking. I’ve always been the quiet type. My Dedication was in November…I can’t exactly recall the year at the moment…I do know it was shortly before former and undeserving high priest Dan sold out to the enemy and deserted/turned against the JoS.  Anyway, I came from somewhat of a xian background. My family wasn’t church-goers, and I’m grateful to say I’ve never stepped foot inside one. Despite my being brainwashed, I can see Father Satan’s influence on my life as far back as I can clearly remember. People that wronged me, as a child, seemed to be punished by fate. There was one older boy who lived behind us, who took one of my favorite action figures and refused to give it back, actually rubbing it in my face that he took it. I was five at the time and powerless to do anything, and my parents didn’t seem to care. Anyway, long story short, the boy found out about a year later that he had a brain tumor. I’m sure there was more to his deserving this than what he did to me…at the time it seemed like the worst thing in the world (him taking the toy), but being much older now, I admit it wasn’t deserving of having a tumor. It’s still significant to me, as it’s the first occurrence, of many, of people getting what they deserved or (in the case of tumor-boy) worse.  At one point, this all stopped. I found myself being the ‘victim’ more than anything. Having things literally stolen out from under you with no clue as to the identity of the culprit, and left completely powerless to do anything about it. Eventually, I got the message. It was time for me to take things into my own hands, stop being the victim, and empower myself. At this time, I had already been Dedicated for a while, but had issues with procrastination…I’d plan to do power meditations, even design routines and stuff, but beyond that I could never stick too it longer than a month. I ended up praying to Father Satan, asking him to send a Demon to help with Meditations, and to help me stick to it…I asked Him to be harsh. Later that same night, I’d planned on being in bed at a certain time so that I could wake up early enough to do my meditations as I’d planned. I had already gone about 1 hour past my chosen bedtime, goofing off playing some computer game, when for no reason what-so-ever, the transformer outside my house blew, and the power shut off. It quickly came back on, and I thought nothing of it, and went to turn my computer back on. BANG! Transformer blew again. This same sequence repeated for maybe four more times before I unplugged everything and went to bed.  The Demoness that helps me with my meditations is awesome. She has shown me many things that I could never have figured out or experienced on my own. I thought energy just felt sort of electric and buzz-like and that was it, but since working with her I have felt such blissful and relaxing energies that are simply indescribable…in just a few days I’d already cleared some blockages I’d had (and wasn’t even aware of), and this is going from barely being able to do the Foundation Meditation.  I guess one of the main reasons I’m posting this is because I’ve noticed a few people on here in distress because they claim they haven’t ‘received anything from Father Satan’ despite having dedicated from a few months to a year ago. To me these individuals cannot see the literal prison Satan has freed them from. They probably ask for things they don’t need or don’t deserve and whine when it isn’t handed to them on a silver platter. They cannot see that, despite everything Satan and the Gods have been through, having the bulk of humanity turned against them, blaspheming them, and doing horrid things in their name out of pure foolishness and downright idiocy, despite this, They have all remained, waiting patiently to help free us from the tyranny of our enemies that most fools worship. There is no amount of wealth in the entire world that can equal up to the gifts one receives from Father Satan. I have received help when it was needed. Most of the time, I did not even have to ask. I’ve lived for almost a year straight with no job but have still been able to pay rent and other bills, have never gone hungry. I’ve been stranded thousands of miles from home with no money, no food and no shelter, but have made it home unscathed and without having to go without one bit. I’ve had people approach me and hand me money, saying that ‘something’ just told them to give it to me. I’ve also rarely made any request, have never expected to be handed something for nothing…the most recent thing I recall making a request for was to help me find a house for rent for myself and my fiancé, who’d just left her ex and is now a Dedicated Satanist as well. I found it within 30 minutes of looking. $350 a month, utilities included. My point is, for those who may happen to be reading this, and considering dedicating themselves to Father Satan (and reading other’s posts who claim they have received nothing), Satan is a Generous God. What he gives us is far more than most deserve…you just can’t go in expecting anything more than what you give. Admittedly, I have not been a consistent meditator. As I’ve said, I have problems with procrastination and thinking too much about doing something rather than actually doing it. Satan is understanding, and I have never given up. I’ve made several attempts to overcome this on my own. Had I known that all I need do was ask for help, I would’ve done so years prior, but I’ve always tried to do things on my own first. I’ve noticed that those who seem to get the most from this are those that are genuine and honest, and not just out prospecting for riches and fame. Those who’ve received nothing, deserve nothing. It doesn’t mean Satan has ‘given up on them’ or ‘deserted’ them. Satan doesn’t give up, at least that much should be blatantly obvious. These individuals just haven’t matured enough to receive His gifts…this is not saying they never will as everyone has the ability to learn and grow, and when they realize whatever it is that they truly need, if they’ve remained faithful and loyal to Father Satan, you can bet your last penny that He’ll be there for them.  I guess I’m done ranting for now…before I start repeating myself too much. Just wanted to give an introduction of who I am, and extend a greeting to all of those Truly Dedicated, Beautiful Brothers and Sisters in Satan.    HAIL THE GODS OF DUAT!!


My honor is presiding over everything.
And for this I am the one, the most strong and the most perfect
And I call in my strength who is the rule other than me.
I am the great and the most high.
O my worshipers believe in me, do not disregard me
For disbelief is of the characteristics of the selfish.
I give the infidels an ever close fire to drink
And breezes to those who believe in me.
Praise be to me glorified is my ability
Elevated is my sublimity, Here I am the King of the Earth.
-So saith Shaitan
Wonderful post, Brother! Thank you. You should post more often. ^ Oh,
and congrats on your fiance being dedicated! Hail father Satan

On 6/8/12, Drona De Micaloz <joythrusatan666@... wrote:
Not exactly sure if I’ve done this already, or not. It is quite possible
that I have in the past as I’ve been around, off and on, mostly lurking.
I’ve always been the quiet type. My Dedication was in November…I can’t
exactly recall the year at the moment…I do know it was shortly before
and undeserving high priest Dan sold out to the enemy and deserted/turned
against the JoS.

Anyway, I came from somewhat of a xian background. My family wasn’t
church-goers, and I’m grateful to say I’ve never stepped foot inside one.
Despite my being brainwashed, I can see Father Satan’s influence on my life
as far back as I can clearly remember. People that wronged me, as a child,
seemed to be punished by fate. There was one older boy who lived behind us,
who took one of my favorite action figures and refused to give it back,
actually rubbing it in my face that he took it. I was five at the time and
powerless to do anything, and my parents didn’t seem to care. Anyway, long
story short, the boy found out about a year later that he had a brain
I’m sure there was more to his deserving this than what he did to me…at the
time it seemed like the worst thing in the world (him taking the toy), but
being much older now, I admit it wasn’t deserving of having a tumor. It’s
still significant to me, as it’s the first occurrence, of many, of people
getting what they deserved or (in the case of tumor-boy) worse.

At one point, this all stopped. I found myself being the ‘victim’ more than
anything. Having things literally stolen out from under you with no clue as
to the identity of the culprit, and left completely powerless to do
about it. Eventually, I got the message. It was time for me to take things
into my own hands, stop being the victim, and empower myself. At this time,
I had already been Dedicated for a while, but had issues with
procrastination…I’d plan to do power meditations, even design routines and
stuff, but beyond that I could never stick too it longer than a month. I
ended up praying to Father Satan, asking him to send a Demon to help with
Meditations, and to help me stick to it…I asked Him to be harsh. Later that
same night, I’d planned on being in bed at a certain time so that I could
wake up early enough to do my meditations as I’d planned. I had already
about 1 hour past my chosen bedtime, goofing off playing some computer
when for no reason what-so-ever, the transformer outside my house blew, and
the power shut off. It quickly came back on, and I thought nothing of it,
and went to turn my computer back on. BANG! Transformer blew again. This
same sequence repeated for maybe four more times before I unplugged
everything and went to bed.

The Demoness that helps me with my meditations is awesome. She has shown me
many things that I could never have figured out or experienced on my own. I
thought energy just felt sort of electric and buzz-like and that was it,
since working with her I have felt such blissful and relaxing energies that
are simply indescribable…in just a few days I’d already cleared some
blockages I’d had (and wasn’t even aware of), and this is going from barely
being able to do the Foundation Meditation.

I guess one of the main reasons I’m posting this is because I’ve noticed a
few people on here in distress because they claim they haven’t ‘received
anything from Father Satan’ despite having dedicated from a few months to a
year ago. To me these individuals cannot see the literal prison Satan has
freed them from. They probably ask for things they don’t need or don’t
deserve and whine when it isn’t handed to them on a silver platter. They
cannot see that, despite everything Satan and the Gods have been through,
having the bulk of humanity turned against them, blaspheming them, and
horrid things in their name out of pure foolishness and downright idiocy,
despite this, They have all remained, waiting patiently to help free us
the tyranny of our enemies that most fools worship. There is no amount of
wealth in the entire world that can equal up to the gifts one receives from
Father Satan. I have received help when it was needed. Most of the time, I
did not even have to ask. I’ve lived for almost a year straight with no job
but have still been able to pay rent and other bills, have never gone
hungry. I’ve been stranded thousands of miles from home with no money, no
food and no shelter, but have made it home unscathed and without having to
go without one bit. I’ve had people approach me and hand me money, saying
that ‘something’ just told them to give it to me. I’ve also rarely made any
request, have never expected to be handed something for nothing…the most
recent thing I recall making a request for was to help me find a house for
rent for myself and my fiancé, who’d just left her ex and is now a
Satanist as well. I found it within 30 minutes of looking. $350 a month,
utilities included. My point is, for those who may happen to be reading
this, and considering dedicating themselves to Father Satan (and reading
other’s posts who claim they have received nothing), Satan is a Generous
God. What he gives us is far more than most deserve…you just can’t go in
expecting anything more than what you give. Admittedly, I have not been a
consistent meditator. As I’ve said, I have problems with procrastination
thinking too much about doing something rather than actually doing it.
is understanding, and I have never given up. I’ve made several attempts to
overcome this on my own. Had I known that all I need do was ask for help, I
would’ve done so years prior, but I’ve always tried to do things on my own
first. I’ve noticed that those who seem to get the most from this are those
that are genuine and honest, and not just out prospecting for riches and
fame. Those who’ve received nothing, deserve nothing. It doesn’t mean Satan
has ‘given up on them’ or ‘deserted’ them. Satan doesn’t give up, at least
that much should be blatantly obvious. These individuals just haven’t
matured enough to receive His gifts…this is not saying they never will as
everyone has the ability to learn and grow, and when they realize whatever
it is that they truly need, if they’ve remained faithful and loyal to
Satan, you can bet your last penny that He’ll be there for them.

I guess I’m done ranting for now…before I start repeating myself too much.
Just wanted to give an introduction of who I am, and extend a greeting to
all of those Truly Dedicated, Beautiful Brothers and Sisters in Satan.



My honor is presiding over everything.
And for this I am the one, the most strong and the most perfect
And I call in my strength who is the rule other than me.
I am the great and the most high.
O my worshipers believe in me, do not disregard me
For disbelief is of the characteristics of the selfish.
I give the infidels an ever close fire to drink
And breezes to those who believe in me.
Praise be to me glorified is my ability
Elevated is my sublimity, Here I am the King of the Earth.

-So saith Shaitan
Dear My Fellow Pagans,It is my honor to become a part of this community. I have been a passionate disciple in the powers of Lucifer and everything below us, and there is no greater privilege than to be adhering to the principles of the religion. I must admit I have my own thoughts about certain aspects of how the world works, but I will devote whatever I can in the name of Satan. I appreciate your time. 
I'm sorry to hear things are so bad, but the Father Satan wants you to come to Him - ABSOLUTELY. Dedicating your self to Him will allow most things to change for you immediately and forever - I know it - it happened for me!
Our Father Satan is the true God - all other gods are false before Him, and are only religion.
If you have dedicated yourself and are still having problems (and it sounds like you are) then get in touch with me:  marty195976@...
, , and only HAIL SATAN!
On 04/06/2016 10:32 PM, "horseprintsinthesnow@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  Hi, I am writing today because my life is horrible. I have been going into the forest to meditate because I live in dire environment I need help, everyone around me literallyhates me and these people are my 2 sons...I am desperate to move forward with my life, I have asked Father Satan to help me threw Demon Amy . To see into the future to have a better life, I am in my 50s and treated every badly. I do not have much income to move which makes living here even worse, What do I do for Father Satan to help me????I am desperate to move forward in life.....Thank you for answering my question....
Your post is just beautiful Brother!!
Father Satan is more then great, wait no, he is not great, HE IS PERFECT IN EVERY POSSIBLE WAY!!!!
To those people who do not appreciate what they have from Father Satan, GROW UP AND APPRECIATE WHAT YOU HAVE!!


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
