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Intelligence understanding


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2018
I want to ask about intelligence. I can't say if I am or not intelligent, I notice a lot of people here with a way higher amount of intelligence. In fact just as of the time of this post I re-read one of my old posts that was replied to notice how I kinda ruined my post by lack of intelligence.

Anyways I'm wondering is the act of self-analyzing and self-destruction of intelligence. A sign of intelligence?

Basically is the act of questioning your own intelligence, a good thing or bad?

I question my intelligence a lot and despite the fact I go overboard I can't help but be correct and not know. I will state some of these things are in my astrological chart like Saturn conjunct Neptune and also a "defeated or defeating myself before even starting" astrological aspect.

I seem to be more EQ rather than IQ person. From the tests I've done my range falls in 89-90-91 IQ.
Gear88 said:
I want to ask about intelligence. I can't say if I am or not intelligent, I notice a lot of people here with a way higher amount of intelligence. In fact just as of the time of this post I re-read one of my old posts that was replied to notice how I kinda ruined my post by lack of intelligence.

Anyways I'm wondering is the act of self-analyzing and self-destruction of intelligence. A sign of intelligence?

Basically is the act of questioning your own intelligence, a good thing or bad?

I question my intelligence a lot and despite the fact I go overboard I can't help but be correct and not know. I will state some of these things are in my astrological chart like Saturn conjunct Neptune and also a "defeated or defeating myself before even starting" astrological aspect.

I seem to be more EQ rather than IQ person. From the tests I've done my range falls in 89-90-91 IQ.

Depends on what you define as intelligence.
My IQ comes around 120. But before it was way lesser around 100. RTRs and breathing exercises helped me remain calm and maybe that is the reason for this increase.

Basically is the act of questioning your own intelligence, a good thing or bad?
It is. Knowing your current level ( which is again a daily process of self understanding ) and knowing there is no such thing as knowledge exhausting.

Any invention is the result of mixing basic simple concepts and experimenting.
Iq again is not a good measure of intelligence , all it really shows is your ability to see patterns.
There are really high Iq people who dont really achieve much in life and there are people who work very hard and even with the IQ in the average range do great in life.

Now another thing about the world we live in is that most of scientists and high IQ geniuses are Jews and their inventions are pushed forward. And we are taught to accept their exponential IQ as a "born genius", " gift from Gawd" while they curse us and make us dumber.

On the JOS page it is mentioned about us using our mind more than what the average persons uses, so shouldnt we score much more than the average people ( if we have years and years of meditation under our belt?) Again not really. You will see 100 ways of solving a problem , linking things which people who do not meditation will not even think about.

If it is this question about being smart that bothers you( honestly I feel the same way)- Keep yourself motivated and learn more. And enjoy this learning in the way you like. Imagination, making animations ,etc
Gear88 said:
I want to ask about intelligence. I can't say if I am or not intelligent, I notice a lot of people here with a way higher amount of intelligence. In fact just as of the time of this post I re-read one of my old posts that was replied to notice how I kinda ruined my post by lack of intelligence.

Anyways I'm wondering is the act of self-analyzing and self-destruction of intelligence. A sign of intelligence?

Basically is the act of questioning your own intelligence, a good thing or bad?

I question my intelligence a lot and despite the fact I go overboard I can't help but be correct and not know. I will state some of these things are in my astrological chart like Saturn conjunct Neptune and also a "defeated or defeating myself before even starting" astrological aspect.

I seem to be more EQ rather than IQ person. From the tests I've done my range falls in 89-90-91 IQ.
Same boat. You don't seem low intelligence to me. IQ tests only go so far. They're cheeseable and flawed and can vary widely based on the type of test, your experience with them, circumstances when you take the test and how you are on a given day, and lots of other factors. I'm not so sure that they measure intelligence, anyway. They measure something, but I wouldn't say it's just how dumb or smart you are. Everybody knows the book smart vs street smart dichotomy, for example, and IQ tests can be very knowledge dependent(not to mention will-dependent, your intuition might give you the right answer but your left brain overrides and puts you on a track based on faulty logic).

So maybe the question there is what exactly is intelligence and how can you measure something so abstract and ethereal and diverse in its manifestations? I think trying to measure it with checklists and timers and puzzles is leaving out the other side of the equation. You can have high intelligence but scatter it aimlessly among worthless things or be low intelligence but direct every ounce of it with your will and become very successful.

In other words, it's not just about your ability to learn facts, compute things and logic things out. There's a subtler side to intelligence, which is the will and good sense and intuition and other more right brained and intangible things, hence why there are intelligent people that are idiots and bums and less intelligent people that are wise and worldly. But having one intelligence without the other to counterbalance it will do you in sooner or later.

Back to your question, questioning yourself can be a good thing, but the people that need it most will never do it. For others, especially when done too much or for no practical reason, it can leave you hamstrung and stagnant and so you need to question yourself less and trust yourself more so that you can move forward and act. Then life will show you the questions that really matter and pressure you to find the answers.

My opinion is that questioning yourself too much is way worse than questioning yourself too little. And I'm thinking now that there's a distinction to be made between questioning yourself and simply sensing yourself. My realizations have come from being open and receptive to myself (sensing) moreso than actively, consciously questioning myself.
Gear88 said:

You should be curious or questioning, but not overcritical and self-defeating like your signs point towards. For your sake, it is not worth beating yourself up over.

Know that meditation boosts intelligence, and I am sure the other activities like yoga and pranayama also stimulate neural growth. If you really had to, you could do a Mannaz working.

Based off the way you are writing, I doubt you have an IQ of 90. I cannot say exactly what, but it is much higher.
Gear88 said:
I want to ask about intelligence. I can't say if I am or not intelligent, I notice a lot of people here with a way higher amount of intelligence. In fact just as of the time of this post I re-read one of my old posts that was replied to notice how I kinda ruined my post by lack of intelligence.

Anyways I'm wondering is the act of self-analyzing and self-destruction of intelligence. A sign of intelligence?

Basically is the act of questioning your own intelligence, a good thing or bad?

I question my intelligence a lot and despite the fact I go overboard I can't help but be correct and not know. I will state some of these things are in my astrological chart like Saturn conjunct Neptune and also a "defeated or defeating myself before even starting" astrological aspect.

I seem to be more EQ rather than IQ person. From the tests I've done my range falls in 89-90-91 IQ.

Okay I wanted to write somethings again,
EQ is really really important. I guess you are the one who was with JoS for 20 years? Without a strong faith or control over yourself, you wouldnt make it this long. Would you? You have seen the highs and the lows , the development and growth.
Now EQ is something really really important. We have a sermon on steeling our hearts. Why do you think this is so important? If you want to know honestly, emotional stability and intelligence is of great great value in everything.
Now coming to IQ -( as from my own experience)
and taking your case into account.
You have seen all through the years how knowledge ( the most important thing) has changed , you had the ability to maybe throw away advices given by HPs who were on drugs and just start afresh and look for something new.
IQ if anything is the ability to see the greater picture and make links where you see it useful or they somehow make sense to you.
What was the point of cafes during renaissance ? Discussions. Why do we need discussions? Everyone has a unique view to things, very unique and if I may, beautiful if understood correctly. Or the ability to tell right and wrong apart. But how do we know what it absolute truth and what isnt. Remember- everybody has experiences from meditations different from others. This again shows us something right?

How is new knowledge made? And there new knowledge as such? I dont believe so. Much of the greatest inventions are based on the intermixing of basic theorems or greater understanding of the Universe and studying yheir behaviour and if this turns out to generate something new, a whole new school of thought can be born.


It is necessary for keeping our mind sane.
If you raise energy and spend it on trivial stuff like doubting yourself over and over, it leads to nothing but more doubts. Imagine if this is the perspective you view the posts on here as- I have to become smarter or give something of immense value. This can at times lead to just linking things that may show the slightest similarities. And then thinking more about it which can lead to endless frustration. Or maybe you see things we dont see as of yet . See , I got confused too on what may or maynot be correct or apt. This is something that happens when one meditates and RTRs. We Need VOID.

Maybe have an app for group Void so everybody feels free for a while xD.
Gear88 said:
I want to ask about intelligence. I can't say if I am or not intelligent, I notice a lot of people here with a way higher amount of intelligence. In fact just as of the time of this post I re-read one of my old posts that was replied to notice how I kinda ruined my post by lack of intelligence.

Anyways I'm wondering is the act of self-analyzing and self-destruction of intelligence. A sign of intelligence?

Basically is the act of questioning your own intelligence, a good thing or bad?

I question my intelligence a lot and despite the fact I go overboard I can't help but be correct and not know. I will state some of these things are in my astrological chart like Saturn conjunct Neptune and also a "defeated or defeating myself before even starting" astrological aspect.

I seem to be more EQ rather than IQ person. From the tests I've done my range falls in 89-90-91 IQ.

Basically is the act of questioning your own intelligence, a good thing or bad?
It' good it shows that you want to improve and you are analyzing your intelligence for wrong information and trying to correct it, happens to me like questioning about a subject that I think would be the correct one, questioning to see is it fully correct or somewhat wrong or just wrong and correcting it if I know better.

The IQ is not important, being wise and having good intuition is better. I did some IQ tests some time ago they where between 120-130 was nice but I soon got it that's not important, there are many high IQ people but they know no shit about the reality of this world but they have high IQ they couldn't figure out what's going on this planet but you have 90 IQ and you are in a much better position than them even when they have high IQ, and what are your possibilities and destiny? Immortality and never ending power but what do they have? just high IQ that will be useless in the end. I didn't come here because I had higher IQ i just listened to my intuitive thinking "this is where i need to go" i shaw this is the best place to be in but did those people with an IQ of 140 or more come here? Nope they can't because they can't see who are right and who are wrong, they are too rational, they are only left brain type of thinking the IQ tests are also that type. It's not about being intelligent but everyone here has his place like medics, artists, intelligence... so i want to say it's alright to question your intelligence/yourself.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
