000) "dubito, ergo cogito" - Rene Descartes. Doubt, but think. And do research
00) If you seek validation of your delusions - you won't find it here.
0) "I believe Satan is X, I think LHP is Y, I think jews are Z, etc." - Now it's Zeus. And shove your beliefs down your rear. Study
https://zeusisgod.org and KNOW. Slaves believe what they've been force-fed BY THE JEWS.
1) It's 'xianity', not 'xtianity' - 'christ' = x, not 'chris'
2) "Gods", not "God's", "chakras" not "chakra's" if plural (see: Saxon Genitive)
3) Just because someone is new, it doesn't mean they have no agenda. Slander veiled as an 'innocent' question is still slander.
4)serpentwalker666's post from 22.02.25: "
People be like... "We want Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Babylon again" / *Joy of Satanas becomes the Temple of Zeus and starts to expand and take on the endeavor of the ancient restoration of the full spectrum of knowledge and divine culture of the gods* / People be like: "Wait what are you doing?" / Us: "Isn't this what the goal was all along?""
-ask yourself one thing, Reader:
if you find the above weird, doesn't it mean you have got stuck in judaism too much?