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Informing: Medical Complications


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2017
I am currently experiencing some serious medical symptoms and resurfaced problems and may need to be hospitalized.

I will figure this out and handle this, however I am making this post in case I end up absent or in a worse state.

I'll see if I can get out a couple tech posts or a few informative and helpful forum posts this week and I'll try to still be involved with outreach as much as possible.

Much love to my Brothers and Sisters in the Temple of Zeus.
How dangerous is the situation?

I believe everyone of us should send some positive energy. Hold strong brother.
I am currently experiencing some serious medical symptoms and resurfaced problems and may need to be hospitalized.

As HP HoodedCobra666 said, we will all always be available to help one of our own as best we can, no one will ever be left behind here!

How dangerous is the situation?

I agree with the question, in such cases it would be good to explain the situation well, while respecting personal privacy. The more precise the question, the more precise the answer.

I'll see if I can get out a couple tech posts or a few informative and helpful forum posts this week and I'll try to still be involved with outreach as much as possible.

Be strong, as you always are! And this place is also strong in standing by your side!

Much love to my Brothers and Sisters in the Temple of Zeus.

A love FULLY reciprocated by us Forum members! Count on us and really don't hesitate in this!
How dangerous is the situation?

I believe everyone of us should send some positive energy. Hold strong brother.

My blood pressure is abnormally high and my heart beat has become very tachycardic. Cannot breathe, limbs don't work properly some days. Often the case when I end up hospitalized I get no answer as I've had specialists look over me and they just don't know what to do.

This thankfully isn't deathly serious, as I have experienced this before, but I do not have the energy to just keep fighting these genetic issues when they resurface or act up. It's just too much energy, and this all draws me away from career and studying in general enough as it is.

I will likely just turn to the Gods and see what becomes of this, as I also see what I can do on my end.

I will be alright, It just appears for deeply genetic problems we still have some ways to go in solving things as a species. Even throwing energy at this for years and It's still a problem and has affected everything in my life.

Centralforce was very helpful with addressing the underlying health pattern and giving what medicines I have to take, but even then when you have problems persist for 20 years, this also takes alot of time to shift. Regardless having SOME answers was a relief. The man certainly is a master in his field.

Thank you for your kind words High Priest Hooded Cobra. I will hang in there as we have to keep moving and establish what we are here to do, we got this.

Hail Our Magnificent Creator Zeus!
As HP HoodedCobra666 said, we will all always be available to help one of our own as best we can, no one will ever be left behind here!

I agree with the question, in such cases it would be good to explain the situation well, while respecting personal privacy. The more precise the question, the more precise the answer.

Be strong, as you always are! And this place is also strong in standing by your side!

A love FULLY reciprocated by us Forum members! Count on us and really don't hesitate in this!

Thank you so much, I appreciate your kind words.

I have detailed what I am experiencing to Commander Cobra in a reply. Basically shortness of breath, abnormal blood pressure and tachycardia, this was gone for a long time but has now resurfaced unexpectedly.

Thank you, I want to make sure I am able to continue to grow here and be involved, as I love our community and ministry and am very much dedicated to our cause. Big or small, we all must be here I feel.

Thank you. I love you all. ❤️
Often the case when I end up hospitalized I get no answer as I've had specialists look over me and they just don't know what to do.

In these cases, do not hesitate to handle things in the best care. Many people avoid using the best services in such cases out of excessive thrift or fear of entering such situations, but since health comes before everything else being a prerequisite of life, give it the importance it deserves.

This thankfully isn't deathly serious, as I have experienced this before, but I do not have the energy to just keep fighting these genetic issues when they resurface or act up. It's just too much energy, and this all draws me away from career and studying in general enough as it is.

As for energy, if it is really unusable to use the body, but only the mind works, I can testify that even advanced chakra rotation recharges you with a lot of energy. One evening I was in the gym translating a sermon before training. In doing so I became sleepy and was literally sleeping standing up. I spun my chakras at lightning speed and became hyperactive (literally).

I will likely just turn to the Gods and see what becomes of this, as I also see what I can do on my end.

The Gods are with you and watching you in that you are consecrated to them. Even in important cases addressing a prayerful thought to Lord Bellerephon can help without necessarily doing his Ritual. When you are better and have a chance, then yes you can do his Ritual.

Thank you, I want to make sure I am able to continue to grow here and be involved, as I love our community and ministry and am very much dedicated to our cause. Big or small, we all must be here I feel.

You will ALWAYS be able to grow with us as we will NEVER abandon you. Be really very relaxed about this as it is the full truth!

Thank you. I love you all.

We love you here too, take care and be well! For anything we will always be available with any reply you may need help with :)
It will be our pleasure to support you!
Stay strong brother.
Hope everything gets resolved effortlessly for you.🙏🏼
Be strong Brother, Gods bless you.
I hope you get well soon brother!
I am currently experiencing some serious medical symptoms and resurfaced problems and may need to be hospitalized.

I will figure this out and handle this, however I am making this post in case I end up absent or in a worse state.

I'll see if I can get out a couple tech posts or a few informative and helpful forum posts this week and I'll try to still be involved with outreach as much as possible.

Much love to my Brothers and Sisters in the Temple of Zeus.
Are you open for some of my Input? Or do you not want some random talk form a guy from the web?😅

If you do not want to have some input from me, just ignore me please.

But I‘d have some questions.

- Is your blood pressure and heart rate still up to the roof while you are sleeping? Or is it normalizing?

- Are you fit? Are you not so fit?

- Do you work out a lot? Especially cardiovascular training? (Probably not)

- would you say that you are stressed out alot?

- is the issue becoming progressively worse?

- are you taking stimulants for the nervous system, like coffee, or Cigarets etc?

I am mainly interested to see if your nervous system is just over stimulated and/or very reactive.

Have you high inflammations in the body?

In our western diet, we eat a lot of Omega-6 Fatty acids, especially because of vegetable Seed oils.
When we eat too many omega-6 our mitochondria become sick and we can not generate energy efficiently, we stress the body out, we fatigue easily, we oxidation and inflammation goes up.

This is especially bad for the brain and heart - as they need much Omega-3 the most.

Omega-3 are essential fatty acids, but when the body does not get it - you wont die.

The body will just take out of the abundance of Omega-6 and modify it to the point where it can basically function as omega-3 in the cell membrane - especially in heart and brain - but this is causing a lot of inflammation and harm in the heart and Brain.

When the body is inflamed, it goes wild. Inflammation is draining much life force - and the body will not be able to work properly. This is manifesting autoimmune diseases.

And the Omega-6 from Chips, processed foods and esp veg. Seed oils is going into the fat cells and gets stored - making it a chronic and ongoing issue.

I am just thinking loudly.

Can you tell me what your typical diet is and if your metabolism is good?
I for example had a very severe allergy and because of that developed very severe Asthma. Sleeping, meditation and such was not possible, took me 5 Minutes to cough from the depths of lungs brown/red/yellow muscus out, which was very painful and tiring.

I got rid of inflammations in the gut - and it was gone and never came back.

If your body is reacting „allergic“ to inflammations in the Heart - due to too much Omega-6 and too little Omega-3, and abusing Omega-6 as Omega-3 - then this would make sense I believe.
Thank you all my Brothers and Sisters, I love you all dearly. I am deeply touched by all your words and kindness. ❤️

I will see what I can do or maybe change physically to aid in this, and do some meditation and rituals to the Gods and go from there.
Hold thight Brother and don't lose hope.
Contact the Gods, They always help!
I have detailed what I am experiencing to Commander Cobra in a reply. Basically shortness of breath, abnormal blood pressure and tachycardia, this was gone for a long time but has now resurfaced unexpectedly.

My worst problem when I was hospitalized, was that those places are full of xianity and xian symbols. I just managed to go away at the very soonest, and needed some extra cleaning because aura got dirty quite faster. I faced a setback due to this too, but then recovered.

By the way.
As you say this problem persists since many years, have you ever considered it may be of psychological nature?
PTSD affected people normally have some "hidden" mind loops that cause high level of alarm and trigger body reactions for perceived "dangers", with release of stress hormones, without a conscious reason. Like small secondary selves who react in the wrong way to external inputs.
It is way too complicated to explain in a few words but maybe is worth some research, it happens to me so I know for a fact. Right now when I am writing this post it happens, this is why I thought I could reply.

This article is just to give you an idea but there are many others.

Please don't take me wrong, maybe it's not your case and I do not want to be offensive in any way.
But, I didn't know I was a c-PTSD affected person for more than 40 years of my life so... just evaluate if you desire so. Often this is deep hidden in the unconscious.

Best of luck for your healing.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
