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Infiltration And Negative Advocacy

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Jack said:
I believe that transgender I.e a man who believes he is a woman is an idea legitimized and created by Jews of which I have evidence of.
The idea of being transgender cannot have been created by the jews because there are children who could tell you exactly what it means to be "transgender" without even knowing the word!

When they grow up, and learn about the jewish-run LGBT community, they learn all the nonsense like "non-binary" and "gender doesn't exist". Those are jew-created ideas because nobody could tell you about them without having first been told by the jews.

However, if children can describe the feeling of being transgender without reading, seeing, or hearing about it, then that information did not come from an external source, including, but not limited to, the jews.

They are after the children as children can be easily convinced of anything and are innocent. There are stories where children suddenly "Find out" that they are transgender because when they say they are a girl at school when they are a boy this gives them attention or whatever stuff like this.

This is just jewish promoted mental illness heaped on children. They are after them to brainwash them and recruit them into the Jew Marxist GBLTQI+++ army for future soldiering in the so called "Rights community", and to create experiments out of them.

This has reached the point that they abduct children from parents and force hormones down their throat simply because a child was pre-occupied with an idea. If they are SO convinced, then let them grow in age of sanity and decide henceforth. In the cases where this is for real, this is going to persist well into adulthood.

But they aren't going to wait are they...The Jews want to destroy goyim fast and also, they want to make shekels and experimentation as quickly as possible.

Children can believe all sorts of things and to take their words as a so called "factual" self diagnosis of an underlying gender issue is just absurd. Children can see stuff in TV and be convinced they are a hero of a kid show or whatever.

I believed I was to be spiderman when I was 4 to 5 because I bought a comic, other girls believe they are barbie or something, and others princesses. If you ask them, they are "Convinced" of it. Kikes be like "Oh please your kid should become barbie, you have no rights to question it goy! Your kid's gonna be barbie now lets start with facial reconstruction surgery".

People see that shit and then people ask how one can have any bias against this modern Jewish community which is run by kikes top to bottom, and why they have suspicion or something. It's because maybe I believe NAMBLA and other things such as the above should not exist, AT ALL.

There is no point to even explain this and no reason to recoil, the above is murderous, insane and immoral. The fact that some people believe the above is "Fundamental" to their rights is also a lie and a jewish boomerang that will return and hit them on the head. Modern Marxist GBLT with all the spectacles should be called "The fast way to lose your rights and credibility in modern society that you have gained".

Satanists should not ally themselves with the modern values of this worthless mess, these people are insane and they are not advocating for rights respectfully within society, within a spectrum of sanity and respect. We have to be as much as we can out of this.

The fact that the above is seen in suspicion is not rocket science it's because the above is socially destructive, criminal, and as time goes, it's not looking good at all with the "advancement" of the jewish control of this agenda. People read news articles and they cringe to their bones about what is going on. There is a fight of domination going on around the subject and the jews do that to create social unrest and hatred.

The brainwashing is at such level that people have actually bought that if you don't walk with a flag up your asshole around and preach pedophilia in schools, you are somehow "Against all gay, bi, or trans people" on a fundamental level. That is the type of kike tactic they put out, sort of how they try to make people who don't like the invasion of hordes into our countries, are called "Nazi psychotic racist who hates other people only because of the color of their skin" over not wanting to be replaced in our own country.

It's projected falsely as a hatred towards other Gentiles on a fundamental or existential level, while most people are just caring for themselves, normally agitated at this JEWISH phenomenon, and in the first place, this is what causes hatred that would never otherwise exist.

Wrong advocacy can be worse than no advocacy, the jews know that very well. And they enjoy taking the distress of particular groups of people and to rally them as opposing factions within a civilization until it's come in heaps and ruins. That's their specialty since time immemorial.

When jews become fed up on some achievement, such as for example, a certain group gaining rights, such as a political party, they try to take it over, radicalize everyone, and generally do everything possible to make it gross, decay it from the inside, make people flat insane, and render them worthless to society, and a pariah to everyone who accepted to see them on a better light.

Then everything falls apart and every progress made then regresses and all comes to naught. This is done to all sorts of organizations such as labor unions, political parties, social advocacy groups, environmental unions, corporations that start good and end up being totally kiked and hated by the world, the list goes.

After a point the kikery reaches a point where anything that initially belonged to Gentiles or any actual problem behind this is overlooked over the weight of the chaos produced by what the jews have taken over. This should not in itself invalidate the striving for rights but it is enough to condemn specific practices.

It's normal to care about your sexual rights but it's abnormal to want to recruit children and hand them leaflets asking them sick shit only a predator would.

How this ends if it's successful is that good ideas die or come to nothing, or even worse come to be hated. Think of how people are afraid of "Satanist Luciferians" in Hollywood where these people do Jewish Kabbalah, praise Jesus all day long, attack the Pagan Gods, but regardless use them as vessels for defamation and infiltration.

This is just a typical infiltration tactic of taking over your enemy and making their reputation fall apart while you effectively belong to the opposing camp yourself. It's a tried and true warfare tactic, and spies implement the same techniques, which are called "Subversion".

The United States is also another example of this. When the USSR [Soviet Russia] fell and the US won the Cold War, the US received a huge injection of "Democratic Socialists" [mask for saying Communists like Bernie] and generations of Communists that infiltrated all positions of academia, press, and many other places, and eventually turned the whole country to shit. This was the Communist Plan B of takeover in case they lost their jewish temple of the USSR. A lot of people in the modern Democratic party are also with the hammer and sickle agenda at hand.

And then somehow as Yuri Bezmenov said you go from a totally "Against Communism" Nation to a Nation that effectively has implemented Communist policies and all your institutions are run by Karl Marx types who cash in all the wealth of your civilization to teach you about how you need to give all your wealth to jews in a modern "Soviet" Nation, somehow.

Jews practice the same in Western Civilization and Gentile Nations. They have Israel, but they are in other Nations to take loot, influence, and bring it back home, all while wrestling these Nations into chaos and nothingness. Examples such as this is the NAMBLA and other insanities which they would never carry on at home in Israel but they are happy to promote and own in the United States.

In Israel all the stuff they promote on "Goyim Nations" would be penalized and outlawed such as open borders and all the other insane things that are anti-life and obviously anti-survival. But when it comes to their enemies, they promote these forcibly and mercilessly. Then Nations who do not stop this just fall apart.

Then, they all migrate again to another one and continue, repeating and repeating, and keeping a global network going for looting, empowering Israel, and having their control everywhere.

Understanding this is the case is fundamental in not only saving one's self, one's rights, and one's Nation, but also one's very life.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
A lot of people grossly misunderstand this issue. To be sure, the modern LGBT+whateverwhatever spectacle we bear witness to today is of jewish make and origin. But, a lot of people's confusion regarding their self and sexuality stems not from modern LGBT sentiments, but the "conservative" Xian and Islamic swill that had poisoned the minds of previous generations. The average alt-right retard will spout that any form of gay acceptance is a Jewish conspiracy against mankind or some deranged notion, completely ignoring that in the context of the ancient world, anti-homosexual sentiment entirely came from jewish lips and ideas.

Anyone who flips open the Bible or the Koran will see a thousand and one incorrect notions of what a man or a woman should be. On one hand, they try to preach some overtly masculine rule of the male over the female, and the unbalancing of the genders is evident in any Abrahamic filth. On the other hand they also try to tell men to be meek and pathetic and subservient.

A lot of the completely unhealthy notions that are festering in the minds of people today regarding sexuality and transgenders and whatever else, all stems back to the same poison everyone had been drinking in generations prior. And I'll explain how.

Say a male child grows up with abusive Xian parents, who beat him for "acting girly". And then later in life, continue this mental and physical abuse demeaning him as "gay" and therefore "evil" and "hellbound". The end result of this, oftentimes, is the abused mind trying to create a circumstance in which it can alleviate itself of guilt. "Maybe it's okay that I'm effeminate and gay if I actually become a woman instead".

The actual healthiest solution to this plague is to kill it off at the source. Feminism, the LGBTQIA+ movement, all this nonsense is simply a (((controlled))) response to the sorry state of society in decades past. Inevitably, after years of mentally scarring children through jewish abrahamism, equally jewish movements such as these will welcome these broken people with open arms to corrupt them further.

If you're effeminate and a male for example, this, as has been said in the past, to be because of genuine reasons to do with one's soul and astral-natal. By nature, so long as this is not causing personal issues for oneself, there's nothing wrong with this. Just because you're "girly" for a male doesn't mean you need to surgically transform yourself into a female. Just as you don't need to surgically transform yourself into a male if you're boyish for a female.

People are so bound off from being able to take any sense of pride in their persona or appearance, constantly trying to adjust themselves to fit the mold of what a corrupted and jewed society thinks they should be. The end result of denying children any sense of personal acceptance of what they are by their own spiritual nature inevitably leads to a number of issues. It needs not be stated, many of the staunchest "anti gay" types are extremely closeted homosexuals themselves.

To repeat myself, it's as I said, just because you're androgynous looking or acting by nature does not mean either of the two things. It doesn't mean you need to spend your life trying to shame yourself that you're not "manly" enough, or, by contrast, spend your life trying to turn yourself into a woman instead. Oftentimes, in a sexual relationship between two men, one will usually be more "submissive" or "effeminate" than the other. This is pretty much a given. But being sexually wired to be the "bottom" doesn't mean you're a woman or have due reason to spend a lifetime of self loathing.

One of the most major points of Satanism is the ability to embrace oneself and to work from there. Arbitrarily despising yourself because you don't line up with what the magic jew books say your gender should be like just leads to these issues manifesting. After all, we live in a world where even straight sex is often despised and made out to be an evil impure thing.
I think trying to sell children the idea that they are transgender is sick.

The people who push this are typically shallow and think because you like things or are interested in things that "are not for your gender" you must really be the other gender.

First of all it makes you infertile when you take hormones long enough, which you'll have to take for the rest of your life..

In FtM transitions it causes vaginal atrophy even if you decide not to have bottom surgery, you will likely need to have a hysterectomy.

Just look at pictures of bottom surgeries for both FtM and MtF. It honestly looks horrible, and I know of transgender people who say that they can't enjoy sex anymore because it's too painful.

Obviously a kid isn't going to care about sex or whether they can have kids in the future but there are long term consequences that are being totally ignored.

I want to add on to this subject, out of concern for my fellow Spiritual Satanists, on the subject of inquiry, discussion, argumentation, and truth.

For years I haven't joined any discussions on the forum, this one or the previous, but I have observed almost all arguments and discussions that have taken place, on almost all subjects. I never joined, even though I have had many thoughts on these, because I personally do not have perfect knowledge to discuss and argue my viewpoints in an entirely unbiased and truthful manner, which is what I strive for whenever I write on any subject.

I see people all the time argue with each other, on many things, simply out of emotion, writing thoughtless replies to each other without concern for truth or reason, accusations thrown out at a whim simply because fellow SS disagree with each other or lack the ability to discuss their viewpoints and convince others of theirs in a wise, thoughtful manner, based on unbiased Satanic Truth or evidence.

To prevent myself falling into this gap, arguing based on emotion and personal beliefs, I haven't really joined any discussions, as I personally believe it is very important to avoid arguing based on emotion and feelings in lieu of truth and evidence because you lack the knowledge or wisdom to do so.

Seeing so many arguments devolve into highly emotional name calling competitions, is disappointing and in my opinion not what we as SS should strive for. We should be superior to that, and avoid such meaningless arguments and discussions, and instead inquire together to find infallible truth on all subjects we speak about.

This Truth can come from our combined knowledge and experience, or from examining research and history on subjects, and then filtering what we read and find through the Satanic eye in order to see past the dross and any jewish corruption or influence in the works from non-SS people.

The Joy of Satan was founded based on this principle, Maxine started this and has always done and strongly advocated this. She has read countless books, and filtered through all the information found, while in communication with our highest Gods to find the Truth on all subjects she has discussed and written about. Never did she write anything without being very certain of its legitimacy, and as we all know, her words can be verified by all of our experiences, they can be investigated and found to be true always.

Over the years our knowledge has evolved, and the Gods have lead us, Maxine and the ministry to deeper truth and knowledge, as such older articles on spirituality or specific meditations, have been rewritten to include new information found later down the line.

Reaching the Truth is an ongoing process, knowledge will evolve over time as more in found and understood, until you reach closer and closer to truth and the perfect understanding thereof. This process never really stops, knowledge is infinite and a deeper understanding can always be reached, there is no end to learning.

There are many controversial subjects and topics where people are strongly opinionated, and a true spiritual satanic consensus has not been made, as there are questions and inquiries that have not been answered. These subjects must be discussed and researched until a true spiritual satanic consensus is made, in line with the will and understanding of Satan and our Gods.

However, this is also what concerns me, most discussions on these subjects are not open to inquiry or questions. There are members who strongly feel towards a particular opinion on these, and they regard this opinion as ultimate truth, without and even against real truthful evidence, due to personal beliefs and feelings.

These subjects are discussed based on personal feelings and beliefs, or based on the words of others, in full bias based on words of people of lesser wisdom, and not based on Spiritual Satanic inquiry and knowledge filtered through the Satanic eye.

Historical facts are fabricated, or taken from dubious sources, entirely against any logic from the Satanic perspective, by those who believe strongly in them, and any information or fact that shows other evidence is rejected, because the people discussing these are not looking for Satanic truth, but only to verify their own personal beliefs by any means, regardless of how much evidence or wisdom can be found to support a different view on these.

This is not in line with the Satanic path, the journey to the deepest truth we all walk on. Basing things on personal feelings or beliefs is not enough, and it is quite wrong disregard any evidence or reasonable questions on the subject that go against ones personal belief, or even reject any such notion entirely based purely on individual feelings or emotions.

I do not want to cause a divide among my fellow Satanists, so I am hesitant to show examples and give names, however anyone that looks through the forum can see exactly what I mean, and many of the active members have joined in on this.

The fact that there long term spiritual Satanists questioning these subjects, or having vastly differing opinions on these, shows that there is no unified Satanic consensus on these subjects.

We have the same opinions on the words of Maxine and the Joy of Satan, and there are no long term Spiritual Satanists who disagree with these, as these truths resonate with all of our Spiritual Satanic souls and we can experience and verify all these for ourselves.

This is not the case on many of these "Controversial" subjects, that always lead to heated discussions. SS are divided on these and evidence that is found to support different views on these never sits right with everyone, meaning we do not have a full meaningful understanding of these. However, there is often a certain viewpoint that is supported by a majority, and from there any and all inquiry against this is rejected by them, denied, based on nothing more but the feelings of a small majority on these subjects.

People questioning these are slandered for being infiltrators or xians, simply because they have a different viewpoint than the small majority in favor of a certain opinion. Logical arguments are rejected and espoused as the words from a jew or infiltrator, simply because someone doesn't like them, or it goes against their own personal worldview, regardless of truth or spiritual satanic correctness.

Even Maxine herself was always open to inquiry. When she was more active still, she would explain things people didn't understand, and never just reject someone’s notions because she didn't like to hear them. Unless one is an obvious troll, and not someone giving a legitimate inquiry, we should not just reject their opinions based on personal/individual feelings alone.

The truth can be verified and doesn't need to be hidden or enforced. It is not afraid of examination or critique. So denying peoples questions or opinions in a dictatorial manner and saying nobody should ask or question these views because a certain person has told us something on it, is insane and entirely against the Spiritual Satanic way of thinking.

We need to seek out answers and not be afraid to consider things that go against our personal beliefs, so long as these are not against spiritual Satanism as a whole.

However, even that is not without error, as even the understanding of what is or isn't in line with the spiritual satanic way, or with Satan's will, is subject to personal feelings and beliefs among many SS, this too is very wrong, as the Joy of Satan is very clear on this topic.

Regardless of title, name or individual experience or feelings, no words from any SS are automatically infallible or unquestionably. However, the words spoken by the wisest among us can be considered as such, as nobody has anything wiser or better to say on these. Maxine's and Cobra's words are like that. People can question them, but their words are the closest to infallible Satanic truth spoken by any people on the planet, people may disagree with them, but anyone can research their words and study them, and eventually they will find there is no wrong in them.

There are very few among us who's words are as such. People are allowed to ask questions, or to criticize, if one is critiqued and their words are entirely true, you can defend and explain them without the need to argue meaninglessly, call names or reject inquiry and discussion in a dictatorial manner, etc.

Now, what I wrote here is also based on my own thoughts, but I only wrote it after deliberating on whether this is in line with the Satanic spirit and Satanic Truth, therefore I am confident these words have meaning and are important for others.

I am concerned on the state of the forums and the state of mind many SS are in, based on what I wrote above, but I do not claim what I wrote is absolute, just something I believe should be seriously considered by everyone here.

I feel as a fellow Spiritual Satanist it is also my duty to investigate Spiritual Satanic truth and the Satanic way of thinking, and am very much still learning myself on this. Most of us here have much to improve on in regards to this, myself included, which is my reason for writing this, to further our understanding and wisdom as fellow SS and try and improve together on this.

Hail Satan!
I personally think people can be born transsexual, but the shilling for hormone blockers being pushed onto children is disturbing. Top endocrinologists and other experts on puberty have been telling people these things cause bone problems, brain issues (IQ) and other problems with the body's develpment for years, but the media constantly pumps out the propaganda line that these things are perfectly safe and you can just 'restart' puberty at any time if you change your mind. Dysphoria might be terrifying for some, but having a malformed body that can't advance is dangerous.

Plus there is something to the argument that we decided to only allow people to have sex, vote, join the military, drive a car, marry and drink at 16-21 (for good reason), yet these things and the drag queen bullshit are pushed onto children, most of whom change their mind in adolescence.

Lizard-infested reality TV show 'I am Jazz' (typical propaganda) infamously has the mini-reptile put on puberty blockers at 8, yet when they tried to have the sex change op at 16, there was not enough genital area to create this. Not to be graphic, but it simply hadn't grown. Then after the op (which went ahead anyway), it rotted. This proves the media is utterly lying with their promises of 'easy sex change' since this is a common problem for people put on the blockers. It wouldn't surprise me if this scenario was put in just to gloat and brag about their deception. Or even if it's fake.

As for that filthy movement and their European counterparts, NAMBLA began as a way of exploiting the sexuality of older teenage boys, partially due to the age discrepancies between hetero and homosexuals in the law at the time (more hegelian traps from them). It quickly got infested by reptiles like Allen Ginsberg (its main source of funds) and Stalinists. By the 1990s it was advocating raping prepubescent children. This movement was infamous for never doing anything for gay rights until highly visible moments in which it chose to push its pedo agenda which is why it was widely hated, but it wasn't expelled in organisational listings until 1994 despite people chasing them away from parades for a decade. A New York sergeant who investigated them on a documentary I saw said NAMBLA's newsletter looked like a synagoue and had many 'conservatives' on the books.
Excellent post by VoiceofEnki and I wish it wouldn't eventually get buried like all post do. This message should be considered before any of us decide to voice our own opinions.
VoiceofEnki said:

Hail Satan!

I agree with you. On this completely thanks for posting this. I also agree with the second poster on here. I don't get involved much in discussions on these kinds of things cause it seems like not a huge issue if any at all to me the way someone acts based on their gender or what sexuality they are or any of that its all superficial and if we are going to follow the truth in these things nothing would ever have to be enforced in a wider society by law and/or social pressure we would just in a free society naturally fall into the correct roles. We don't fully know what that is and I am not about to listen to anyone provide theories on what it's suposed to be id like to see it in action. A free people hung up about nothing and just living life. I think there are way more important issues and Abrahamism and the Jews keep humanity hung up about these things like sexuality and our Genders way too much.

With that said I am in no way in support of this kind of sickness and I certainly don't think anything non consenting or pedophilia should be in any way legal or accepted. Children should not even be bought into learning about these kinds of things let alone doing them. I honestly am a little scared for humanity and glad I am not a kid right now. This seriously would have messed up a more sensitive person like me for life.

The thing is though back to what I was saying at first these things like transgenderism are a reaction on a social level from gentiles against the oppression of Abrahamism and the Jewish gender roles by pushing the opposite extreme to what they originally promoted in the Jewish religions. Their hope I am assuming is just to confuse and divide society even more and turn more people against each other and against people what don't fit Abrahamisms gender expectations. The end game will be a return to Islamic like standards in gender and sexuality.

In a society without the Jews I think things on their own naturally would balance themselves out. I think also with the energies of the age of Aquarius we may end up in a situation where we are free to truly be ourselves and just live life. We can finally transcend our sexualities and gender roles and just be human again living as nature intended without having to force anything.

I think in the end there are natural roles (that probably not every single human fits but the vast majority does) that if left alone we would fall into those roles. So we may not have to harp on or debate these things forever they will just be. It won't be controversial anymore after a point it will just be what is and the way nature made men and women and the occasional hermaphrodite (whatever role they are who can even guess right now)

Do we know even what they are anymore we probably did in the ancient times but things have been so corrupted by the abrahamic religions I wouldn't trust something someone said is concrete truth on this unless the Gods said it to me themselves.

I am so not going to fit anyones assigned expectations of who I should be and I certainly am not going to be corrupted by anything the enemy did. I am going to try and think for myself in this thank you very much.
Gays and transgenders and lesbians and stright people all have positions in society but the problem is if gays or lesbians increased in huge amounts this will create problems whithin society, some countries like the current germany take advantage and support the extremenist gay movements like LGBT so that gays increase in numbers and destroy society from the inside, same here in saudi arabia i heard that crown prince mohammad bin salman welcomed gay movements in riyadh but i am not sure.

Again i repeat i have nothing against homosexual people! and homosexual activities! , don't get me wrong here!! gays and lesbians are kind in nature but jews could take advantage of them and use them as plot cards to destroy civilizations.
Jews have been muddying with water in everything for the past two millennia. I don’t know if there is anything that hasn’t been touched by their filthy hand.

Jews do not support women, gay people, trans people...it is very clear in their books what they think about each. What are they trying to do is to create an atmosphere of chaos in White and other nations. For all feminists, gay, trans people, whoever thinks they are “safe” under the jews, you do not even wanna know what would happen to you if jews won totally and acquired total and absolute rule over this planet. You do not want that ever to happen, trust me.
Wow.... Just wow....

I have to say based on everything I just read on this thread.... just wow.

To the original post here. I happen to agree with you. As a transsexual man, I have undoubtedly always KNEW I was this way when I was just a child, and I did not even know what a "transgender" was! In all honesty, that is why I had some disagreements about some stuff. It wasn't til I was 31 years old til I found out about this transgender thing, and well I am not gonna lie, I didn't know that the LGBTQ "community" was started by jewish founders but when I found out and read everything I could find, it makes perfect sense of all the bullshit going on! In fact when I went to a counselor (mistakes in the past before I knew what I was getting into), I still identified as a guy using male pronouns before I knew what a transgender was at that age. You know how shocking that is? The fact that this was written, just confirmed I been right on track with my soul about who I am at such a young age. But that's not what I am getting at....

I went to a transgender group meeting, and I was the only one in there who was "outspoken" and very much put together. I was definitely different. All those KIDS there were claiming to be transgender! More to be transgender men than transgender women. I was definitely, sensing something "off". When I went to my "counselor" at the time, I sort of got into an argument with her, about "how the hell can those kids have symptoms of transgender?" "they are still young and developing with ragining hormones, they may change their minds when they get older!" , and I told her the difference between me and others, I Told her "I ALWAYS been this way, I never questioned, I just knew, and now I am 36 years old that has NOT changed!" not to mention I told her I am not a feminist, Marxist or communist. The close thing I come to is being conservative and republican and of course a Nazi which that part i keep to myself, I don't just tell people that even though I am aware that isn't really enough, my point is what is being spoken is the truth because I know from experience by these groups and the government system run by jews.

And as far as being told I am being delusional and all of this other crap from a few members on here, it's pretty clear what NameofEnki said, it is your strong personal beliefs with disregard to others. It's unfortunate, but I do understand what is being said. If you knew the Truth, then why be so strongly opinionated, as if your personal beliefs are being attacked? Isnt that what a Christian does if his/her faith is challenged? The only reason why I may get a little upset is because it makes me sad when someone can not see "truth" through the words of the internet, especially if they speak to me. You can NOT dictate to me about what is and isn't about my true nature, when you don't really "know" me and what my experiences are. Other than that my point is I agree with the thread on here.
Only White men actually gave a fuck about the feelings and rights of their fellow man at some point in time, and have been maintaining this for a while.

But hey, you gotta take down this civilization goy, it's not like its yours too and you live in it, because, well don't ask just do it, and you'll live in a Feminist/Trans/Rainbow Fair and Equal paradise if you do.

After it burns down you will be very free and also very defended and safe. Consider doing the opposite of our policy in Israel and you will be really fun, happy and free to enjoy your existence. Don't forget to call all Mexico and all the 3rd world in your Nation also, this will make everything more vibrant, type of arguments.

Larissa666 said:
Jews have been muddying with water in everything for the past two millennia. I don’t know if there is anything that hasn’t been touched by their filthy hand.

Jews do not support women, gay people, trans people...it is very clear in their books what they think about each. What are they trying to do is to create an atmosphere of chaos in White and other nations. For all feminists, gay, trans people, whoever thinks they are “safe” under the jews, you do not even wanna know what would happen to you if jews won totally and acquired total and absolute rule over this planet. You do not want that ever to happen, trust me.
SdD said:
#Ghost in the Machine

Next time you see the woman, better look between her legs...

"Astaroth the Goddess of Women and Femininity since time immemorial now defies biology, It was real in my mind, and it made me feel better. I read this in a book in the New Age. Plus I want to feel like I was able to be a woman, probably Cleopatra. Can't be less. Finally I have my freedom. I can finally be a mermaid now. This is really empowering to be a mermaid. People will never understand." -Stuff One Reads Online
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SdD said:
#Ghost in the Machine

Next time you see the woman, better look between her legs...

"Astaroth the Goddess of Women and Femininity since time immemorial now defies biology, It was real in my mind, and it made me feel better. I read this in a book in the New Age. Plus I want to feel like I was able to be a woman, probably Cleopatra. Can't be less. Finally I have my freedom. I can finally be a mermaid now. This is really empowering to be a mermaid. People will never understand." -Stuff One Reads Online

LOL .... always something.....
My suggestion is go read some Nietzsche around the part where he writes about the LAST MAN which is the most inferior type of man, and how he describes his delusions, his delusions of grandeur, his insanities, and parallelize it to what many of the people act like today.

My life personally extended always past muh dick and convincing people and the world about it. Maybe if more people thought along these lines, reasonable conversation would be possible.

Some people's lives are built around their dick and other questions, and that is really sad, since everytime something is said on these topics all these "Powerful warriors" just collapse or move on with the usual attacks, slander, and causing unrest to prove the points that make them uneasy. I am not fond of that either.

beareroflightandtrth83 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SdD said:
#Ghost in the Machine

Next time you see the woman, better look between her legs...

"Astaroth the Goddess of Women and Femininity since time immemorial now defies biology, It was real in my mind, and it made me feel better. I read this in a book in the New Age. Plus I want to feel like I was able to be a woman, probably Cleopatra. Can't be less. Finally I have my freedom. I can finally be a mermaid now. This is really empowering to be a mermaid. People will never understand." -Stuff One Reads Online

LOL .... always something.....
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SdD said:
#Ghost in the Machine

Next time you see the woman, better look between her legs...

"Astaroth the Goddess of Women and Femininity since time immemorial now defies biology, It was real in my mind, and it made me feel better. I read this in a book in the New Age. Plus I want to feel like I was able to be a woman, probably Cleopatra. Can't be less. Finally I have my freedom. I can finally be a mermaid now. This is really empowering to be a mermaid. People will never understand." -Stuff One Reads Online

LOL .... always something.....

I remember when I wanted to be a boy or a guy, since I was Christian as a child, all the way to I was twenty six. Reptilians were in my life, and one possessed me. The Gods killed them and I felt like a woman again. I've slowly been feminizing myself. I had to relearn who I was.

New Age is a bad thing. As Father Satan told me, it's garbage.

I'm proud to be a woman. I was never a man. New age trash. And if you ask me, that gender bending from one life to another just never happens.
EgyptianStar666 said:
I remember when I wanted to be a boy or a guy, since I was Christian as a child, all the way to I was twenty six. Reptilians were in my life, and one possessed me. The Gods killed them and I felt like a woman again. I've slowly been feminizing myself. I had to relearn who I was.

New Age is a bad thing. As Father Satan told me, it's garbage.

I'm proud to be a woman. I was never a man. New age trash. And if you ask me, that gender bending from one life to another just never happens.

I am glad there are some among us coming from that position who can see this, and find the truth in this.

I am sure there will be people disliking me saying that, but truth is more important than feelings or emotions.

You are who you are, nature doesn’t make errors during reincarnation. We have to find balance in all things, genders are a fact of life, they are not some transient thing to be broken and “transcended”.

The way the genders can express themselves is broader than many people realize, but they do not cross over, there are distinctions which are indicated as much by biology as anything else.

Just my take on this, in short.
Great sermon high priest Hoodedcobra, and great reply by voice of Enki. Although i think some people missed the points
EgyptianStar666 said:
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"Astaroth the Goddess of Women and Femininity since time immemorial now defies biology, It was real in my mind, and it made me feel better. I read this in a book in the New Age. Plus I want to feel like I was able to be a woman, probably Cleopatra. Can't be less. Finally I have my freedom. I can finally be a mermaid now. This is really empowering to be a mermaid. People will never understand." -Stuff One Reads Online

LOL .... always something.....

I remember when I wanted to be a boy or a guy, since I was Christian as a child, all the way to I was twenty six. Reptilians were in my life, and one possessed me. The Gods killed them and I felt like a woman again. I've slowly been feminizing myself. I had to relearn who I was.

New Age is a bad thing. As Father Satan told me, it's garbage.

I'm proud to be a woman. I was never a man. New age trash. And if you ask me, that gender bending from one life to another just never happens.

As another woman who grew up in a xtian home i can understand your ordeal. The abrahamic programs malign and put down women to a very harsh extent, almost for some to a point where they can resent their femininity for not "measuring up".. we are looked down apon for essentially being women yet put down even more if we react by trying to be different. anything that does not contribute to the masculine aspects of society is deemed as less important...good goy be a good worker drone for the economy or you are worthless! (this also degrades men truly) for men heavily influenced by jewish programs, and movements like MGTOW, we are sluts when we give it up and prudes when we dont..for them we will never be enough of anything they want or what they choose to respect. femininity is suppressed on purpose to furthur destroy spirituality. to say femininity means jack shit, why there goes half the main chakras in the human soul..pure spiritual poison for men and women.

Especially if its strongly placed in a woman's natal chart to lean towards masculine energy like what i have (my sun moom and midheaven are all fire and i have mars in the 8th house). it can lead them towards thinking they are not in the right body or that there is something wrong with them. In my case although i never had an identity problem or thinking i was transgender, anything feminine i had growing up felt oppressed or unsafe around my dad. my saturn is in the 7th house, so i not only devloped a rageful hostility toward him because of how violent he was towards me and my mom, but it planted a seed for me to develop what i recently have found to be a strong resentfulness towards men at least romantically. as a result i always ended up attracted to girly men or fags. At one point i realized i was suprised i was not a lesbian. Becoming aware of the real root of the problem and eliminating it from your life is key so you can then attract what you want. for all of us the time for that is different. never let the jew tell you what is beautiful or what you should be. Glad you got through. I've seen many who are still stuck thinking they are something they are not. they are truly lost souls.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
My suggestion is go read some Nietzsche around the part where he writes about the LAST MAN which is the most inferior type of man, and how he describes his delusions, his delusions of grandeur, his insanities, and parallelize it to what many of the people act like today.

My life personally extended always past muh dick and convincing people and the world about it. Maybe if more people thought along these lines, reasonable conversation would be possible.

Some people's lives are built around their dick and other questions, and that is really sad, since everytime something is said on these topics all these "Powerful warriors" just collapse or move on with the usual attacks, slander, and causing unrest to prove the points that make them uneasy. I am not fond of that either.

beareroflightandtrth83 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"Astaroth the Goddess of Women and Femininity since time immemorial now defies biology, It was real in my mind, and it made me feel better. I read this in a book in the New Age. Plus I want to feel like I was able to be a woman, probably Cleopatra. Can't be less. Finally I have my freedom. I can finally be a mermaid now. This is really empowering to be a mermaid. People will never understand." -Stuff One Reads Online

LOL .... always something.....

Here's something I wrote when pondering Nietzsche's "Ultimate Man":


an analysis of Nietzsche's concept of the ultimate men, ie. the christian bigot

Shadowcat said:
EgyptianStar666 said:
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
LOL .... always something.....

I remember when I wanted to be a boy or a guy, since I was Christian as a child, all the way to I was twenty six. Reptilians were in my life, and one possessed me. The Gods killed them and I felt like a woman again. I've slowly been feminizing myself. I had to relearn who I was.

New Age is a bad thing. As Father Satan told me, it's garbage.

I'm proud to be a woman. I was never a man. New age trash. And if you ask me, that gender bending from one life to another just never happens.

As another woman who grew up in a xtian home i can understand your ordeal. The abrahamic programs malign and put down women to a very harsh extent, almost for some to a point where they can resent their femininity for not "measuring up".. we are looked down apon for essentially being women yet put down even more if we react by trying to be different. anything that does not contribute to the masculine aspects of society is deemed as less important...good goy be a good worker drone for the economy or you are worthless! (this also degrades men truly) for men heavily influenced by jewish programs, and movements like MGTOW, we are sluts when we give it up and prudes when we dont..for them we will never be enough of anything they want or what they choose to respect. femininity is suppressed on purpose to furthur destroy spirituality. to say femininity means jack shit, why there goes half the main chakras in the human soul..pure spiritual poison for men and women.

Especially if its strongly placed in a woman's natal chart to lean towards masculine energy like what i have (my sun moom and midheaven are all fire and i have mars in the 8th house). it can lead them towards thinking they are not in the right body or that there is something wrong with them. In my case although i never had an identity problem or thinking i was transgender, anything feminine i had growing up felt oppressed or unsafe around my dad. my saturn is in the 7th house, so i not only devloped a rageful hostility toward him because of how violent he was towards me and my mom, but it planted a seed for me to develop what i recently have found to be a strong resentfulness towards men at least romantically. as a result i always ended up attracted to girly men or fags. At one point i realized i was suprised i was not a lesbian. Becoming aware of the real root of the problem and eliminating it from your life is key so you can then attract what you want. for all of us the time for that is different. never let the jew tell you what is beautiful or what you should be. Glad you got through. I've seen many who are still stuck thinking they are something they are not. they are truly lost souls.

As a man I find your statement at the end offensive. More feminine men are not a bad thing and you should not use the f word to describe us. As some of us have been made fun of strongly growing up and that word has been used to demean us and even beat up by people in an angry way using that word. This is why some of us had few friends growing up and didn't fit in.

For what what about men with strong Cancer placements or Libra for example. They would not measure up to today's standards of what a man should be. There are probably several other things too that would put them outside these supposed norms.

I don't know as I myself would fit in the supposed Gender roles that some create for men. I think we need freedom to be ourselves and to liberate ourselves from Gender oppression personally. Why do you think men commit the most violent crimes and have higher suicide rates and drug abuse rates than women. Why are men way more permiscious and way less able to connect with others. Why are they all greedy and obsessed with Sex I admit It's true not to mention a low intelligence. because many of us are even more oppressed in society by the standards of what is supposedly masculine than women are. So when people say women's rights I say what about mens rights. This kind of thing is what happens when we let the Jews control our Gender identity and expression. I read one time on here that the gender identities themselves of today are cultural Marxist and created by the Jews. So maybe we need to think outside the box on this and just be human.

How about we all just be ourselves and transcend the idea of gender in that it is the most important expression of ourselves. We are all human. Gender is just the biological outward expression of our body and energy. Gay straight lesbian poloygamous Monogamous etc love is love it is the act of connecting on a deeper spiritual level with another human. These things are all labels and wouldn't matter as much in a spiritually advanced society.

So let's just be human and be proud of ourselves for who we are.
slyscorpion said:
Shadowcat said:
EgyptianStar666 said:
I remember when I wanted to be a boy or a guy, since I was Christian as a child, all the way to I was twenty six. Reptilians were in my life, and one possessed me. The Gods killed them and I felt like a woman again. I've slowly been feminizing myself. I had to relearn who I was.

New Age is a bad thing. As Father Satan told me, it's garbage.

I'm proud to be a woman. I was never a man. New age trash. And if you ask me, that gender bending from one life to another just never happens.

As another woman who grew up in a xtian home i can understand your ordeal. The abrahamic programs malign and put down women to a very harsh extent, almost for some to a point where they can resent their femininity for not "measuring up".. we are looked down apon for essentially being women yet put down even more if we react by trying to be different. anything that does not contribute to the masculine aspects of society is deemed as less important...good goy be a good worker drone for the economy or you are worthless! (this also degrades men truly) for men heavily influenced by jewish programs, and movements like MGTOW, we are sluts when we give it up and prudes when we dont..for them we will never be enough of anything they want or what they choose to respect. femininity is suppressed on purpose to furthur destroy spirituality. to say femininity means jack shit, why there goes half the main chakras in the human soul..pure spiritual poison for men and women.

Especially if its strongly placed in a woman's natal chart to lean towards masculine energy like what i have (my sun moom and midheaven are all fire and i have mars in the 8th house). it can lead them towards thinking they are not in the right body or that there is something wrong with them. In my case although i never had an identity problem or thinking i was transgender, anything feminine i had growing up felt oppressed or unsafe around my dad. my saturn is in the 7th house, so i not only devloped a rageful hostility toward him because of how violent he was towards me and my mom, but it planted a seed for me to develop what i recently have found to be a strong resentfulness towards men at least romantically. as a result i always ended up attracted to girly men or fags. At one point i realized i was suprised i was not a lesbian. Becoming aware of the real root of the problem and eliminating it from your life is key so you can then attract what you want. for all of us the time for that is different. never let the jew tell you what is beautiful or what you should be. Glad you got through. I've seen many who are still stuck thinking they are something they are not. they are truly lost souls.

As a man I find your statement at the end offensive. More feminine men are not a bad thing and you should not use the f word to describe us. As some of us have been made fun of strongly growing up and that word has been used to demean us and even beat up by people in an angry way using that word. This is why some of us had few friends growing up and didn't fit in.

For what what about men with strong Cancer placements or Libra for example. They would not measure up to today's standards of what a man should be. There are probably several other things too that would put them outside these supposed norms.

I don't know as I myself would fit in the supposed Gender roles that some create for men. I think we need freedom to be ourselves and to liberate ourselves from Gender oppression personally. Why do you think men commit the most violent crimes and have higher suicide rates and drug abuse rates than women. Why are men way more permiscious and way less able to connect with others. Why are they all greedy and obsessed with Sex I admit It's true not to mention a low intelligence. because many of us are even more oppressed in society by the standards of what is supposedly masculine than women are. So when people say women's rights I say what about mens rights. This kind of thing is what happens when we let the Jews control our Gender identity and expression. I read one time on here that the gender identities themselves of today are cultural Marxist and created by the Jews. So maybe we need to think outside the box on this and just be human.

How about we all just be ourselves and transcend the idea of gender in that it is the most important expression of ourselves. We are all human. Gender is just the biological outward expression of our body and energy. Gay straight lesbian poloygamous Monogamous etc love is love it is the act of connecting on a deeper spiritual level with another human. These things are all labels and wouldn't matter as much in a spiritually advanced society.

So let's just be human and be proud of ourselves for who we are.

To avoid an argument, I will try to make this respectful as possible.

I for one think its absolutely ridiculous when people claim they feel like they are in the wrong body and only then to realize later that they were really whatever their biological sex is. I know that Spiritual Satanism is about healing and accepting something. I believe you are either born transsexual excluding the term "Gender" because gender is invented by the jews, there is a huge difference for role of biological sex that includes the inner dimensions of the Self that has a biological physical body. I shall also include your current sexuality as well is an in-born trait. And let me just say it out loud, as someone else said. The soul is going to manifest your body! So guess what, I naturally appear male, and strong as one, carry myself as one. In fact anyone who met me in person would probably not misgender me, why? It's not a delusion, it is what my soul manifested. As I continue power meditation, I am changing for sure. I just know it, feel it and love it. I feel more at peace with myself. But what I am getting at is, you are born the way you are without all that conditioning jewish disease. (ewww)

But what annoys the living daylights out of me, is when I hear such claims "I use to be....", there is no use to be, only delusions that were created by the jews. You are either born that way , or you aren't and I say born because at that moment you aren't conditioned. Very pure.

I apologize in advance if this offends anyone, not my intention. Wanted to point out some things.
slyscorpion said:
Shadowcat said:
EgyptianStar666 said:
I remember when I wanted to be a boy or a guy, since I was Christian as a child, all the way to I was twenty six. Reptilians were in my life, and one possessed me. The Gods killed them and I felt like a woman again. I've slowly been feminizing myself. I had to relearn who I was.

New Age is a bad thing. As Father Satan told me, it's garbage.

I'm proud to be a woman. I was never a man. New age trash. And if you ask me, that gender bending from one life to another just never happens.

As another woman who grew up in a xtian home i can understand your ordeal. The abrahamic programs malign and put down women to a very harsh extent, almost for some to a point where they can resent their femininity for not "measuring up".. we are looked down apon for essentially being women yet put down even more if we react by trying to be different. anything that does not contribute to the masculine aspects of society is deemed as less important...good goy be a good worker drone for the economy or you are worthless! (this also degrades men truly) for men heavily influenced by jewish programs, and movements like MGTOW, we are sluts when we give it up and prudes when we dont..for them we will never be enough of anything they want or what they choose to respect. femininity is suppressed on purpose to furthur destroy spirituality. to say femininity means jack shit, why there goes half the main chakras in the human soul..pure spiritual poison for men and women.

Especially if its strongly placed in a woman's natal chart to lean towards masculine energy like what i have (my sun moom and midheaven are all fire and i have mars in the 8th house). it can lead them towards thinking they are not in the right body or that there is something wrong with them. In my case although i never had an identity problem or thinking i was transgender, anything feminine i had growing up felt oppressed or unsafe around my dad. my saturn is in the 7th house, so i not only devloped a rageful hostility toward him because of how violent he was towards me and my mom, but it planted a seed for me to develop what i recently have found to be a strong resentfulness towards men at least romantically. as a result i always ended up attracted to girly men or fags. At one point i realized i was suprised i was not a lesbian. Becoming aware of the real root of the problem and eliminating it from your life is key so you can then attract what you want. for all of us the time for that is different. never let the jew tell you what is beautiful or what you should be. Glad you got through. I've seen many who are still stuck thinking they are something they are not. they are truly lost souls.

As a man I find your statement at the end offensive. More feminine men are not a bad thing and you should not use the f word to describe us. As some of us have been made fun of strongly growing up and that word has been used to demean us and even beat up by people in an angry way using that word. This is why some of us had few friends growing up and didn't fit in.

For what what about men with strong Cancer placements or Libra for example. They would not measure up to today's standards of what a man should be. There are probably several other things too that would put them outside these supposed norms.

I don't know as I myself would fit in the supposed Gender roles that some create for men. I think we need freedom to be ourselves and to liberate ourselves from Gender oppression personally. Why do you think men commit the most violent crimes and have higher suicide rates and drug abuse rates than women. Why are men way more permiscious and way less able to connect with others. Why are they all greedy and obsessed with Sex I admit It's true not to mention a low intelligence. because many of us are even more oppressed in society by the standards of what is supposedly masculine than women are. So when people say women's rights I say what about mens rights. This kind of thing is what happens when we let the Jews control our Gender identity and expression. I read one time on here that the gender identities themselves of today are cultural Marxist and created by the Jews. So maybe we need to think outside the box on this and just be human.

How about we all just be ourselves and transcend the idea of gender in that it is the most important expression of ourselves. We are all human. Gender is just the biological outward expression of our body and energy. Gay straight lesbian poloygamous Monogamous etc love is love it is the act of connecting on a deeper spiritual level with another human. These things are all labels and wouldn't matter as much in a spiritually advanced society.

So let's just be human and be proud of ourselves for who we are.[/quote

Thanks for your explanation and let me emphasize it was no intent to offend. It was not the idea to put fags (i dont mean that word from me as derogatory but perhaps you mean others might if so duly noted )and feminine men in one in the same. Perhaps i worded it wrong but i was also describing my own experience of the men ive felt attracted to in the past, as alot of gay men arent effeninate. I mean the guys i ended up liking turned out to be gay or had more feminine traits. I didnt mean either at all to say those are bad traits , as ive stated before our expression is also influenced by our placements and that is fine. Theres nothing wrong with effeminate men but my point was that ive discovered that my saturn placement and the way its kicked my ass has clouded what i have thought to personally want and need. Of course for everyone this is different.
As for the topic of mens rights i saw this one popping up sooner or later and rest assured alot of guys get the shaft too. The abrahamic programs are also toxic to men as it puts pressure on what they say they should be, whereas to quote you we should all just follow our own nature indeed. im not blind to mens plight as well but the was about women here for a few posts. I hope now ive worde things abit better
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
slyscorpion said:
Shadowcat said:
As another woman who grew up in a xtian home i can understand your ordeal. The abrahamic programs malign and put down women to a very harsh extent, almost for some to a point where they can resent their femininity for not "measuring up".. we are looked down apon for essentially being women yet put down even more if we react by trying to be different. anything that does not contribute to the masculine aspects of society is deemed as less important...good goy be a good worker drone for the economy or you are worthless! (this also degrades men truly) for men heavily influenced by jewish programs, and movements like MGTOW, we are sluts when we give it up and prudes when we dont..for them we will never be enough of anything they want or what they choose to respect. femininity is suppressed on purpose to furthur destroy spirituality. to say femininity means jack shit, why there goes half the main chakras in the human soul..pure spiritual poison for men and women.

Especially if its strongly placed in a woman's natal chart to lean towards masculine energy like what i have (my sun moom and midheaven are all fire and i have mars in the 8th house). it can lead them towards thinking they are not in the right body or that there is something wrong with them. In my case although i never had an identity problem or thinking i was transgender, anything feminine i had growing up felt oppressed or unsafe around my dad. my saturn is in the 7th house, so i not only devloped a rageful hostility toward him because of how violent he was towards me and my mom, but it planted a seed for me to develop what i recently have found to be a strong resentfulness towards men at least romantically. as a result i always ended up attracted to girly men or fags. At one point i realized i was suprised i was not a lesbian. Becoming aware of the real root of the problem and eliminating it from your life is key so you can then attract what you want. for all of us the time for that is different. never let the jew tell you what is beautiful or what you should be. Glad you got through. I've seen many who are still stuck thinking they are something they are not. they are truly lost souls.

As a man I find your statement at the end offensive. More feminine men are not a bad thing and you should not use the f word to describe us. As some of us have been made fun of strongly growing up and that word has been used to demean us and even beat up by people in an angry way using that word. This is why some of us had few friends growing up and didn't fit in.

For what what about men with strong Cancer placements or Libra for example. They would not measure up to today's standards of what a man should be. There are probably several other things too that would put them outside these supposed norms.

I don't know as I myself would fit in the supposed Gender roles that some create for men. I think we need freedom to be ourselves and to liberate ourselves from Gender oppression personally. Why do you think men commit the most violent crimes and have higher suicide rates and drug abuse rates than women. Why are men way more permiscious and way less able to connect with others. Why are they all greedy and obsessed with Sex I admit It's true not to mention a low intelligence. because many of us are even more oppressed in society by the standards of what is supposedly masculine than women are. So when people say women's rights I say what about mens rights. This kind of thing is what happens when we let the Jews control our Gender identity and expression. I read one time on here that the gender identities themselves of today are cultural Marxist and created by the Jews. So maybe we need to think outside the box on this and just be human.

How about we all just be ourselves and transcend the idea of gender in that it is the most important expression of ourselves. We are all human. Gender is just the biological outward expression of our body and energy. Gay straight lesbian poloygamous Monogamous etc love is love it is the act of connecting on a deeper spiritual level with another human. These things are all labels and wouldn't matter as much in a spiritually advanced society.

So let's just be human and be proud of ourselves for who we are.

To avoid an argument, I will try to make this respectful as possible.

I for one think its absolutely ridiculous when people claim they feel like they are in the wrong body and only then to realize later that they were really whatever their biological sex is. I know that Spiritual Satanism is about healing and accepting something. I believe you are either born transsexual excluding the term "Gender" because gender is invented by the jews, there is a huge difference for role of biological sex that includes the inner dimensions of the Self that has a biological physical body. I shall also include your current sexuality as well is an in-born trait. And let me just say it out loud, as someone else said. The soul is going to manifest your body! So guess what, I naturally appear male, and strong as one, carry myself as one. In fact anyone who met me in person would probably not misgender me, why? It's not a delusion, it is what my soul manifested. As I continue power meditation, I am changing for sure. I just know it, feel it and love it. I feel more at peace with myself. But what I am getting at is, you are born the way you are without all that conditioning jewish disease. (ewww)

But what annoys the living daylights out of me, is when I hear such claims "I use to be....", there is no use to be, only delusions that were created by the jews. You are either born that way , or you aren't and I say born because at that moment you aren't conditioned. Very pure.

I apologize in advance if this offends anyone, not my intention. Wanted to point out some things.
Gender isn’t a jewish invention, that’s just like saying that nature is jewish. Which is not.
But being a man or a woman doesn’t mean you have to act in a specific way. Surely a girl with a pronounced manly personality is more rare than a femminine woman, but that doesn’t mean that the manly woman is a man. Same for men.

Now what you’re deluding yourself in is that you think you’re a man, which you are not, you are a girl with more pronounced manly features, your soul polarity is more masculine, but you’re not a man and it doesn’t matter how many times you say you are one.
Aquarius said:
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
slyscorpion said:
As a man I find your statement at the end offensive. More feminine men are not a bad thing and you should not use the f word to describe us. As some of us have been made fun of strongly growing up and that word has been used to demean us and even beat up by people in an angry way using that word. This is why some of us had few friends growing up and didn't fit in.

For what what about men with strong Cancer placements or Libra for example. They would not measure up to today's standards of what a man should be. There are probably several other things too that would put them outside these supposed norms.

I don't know as I myself would fit in the supposed Gender roles that some create for men. I think we need freedom to be ourselves and to liberate ourselves from Gender oppression personally. Why do you think men commit the most violent crimes and have higher suicide rates and drug abuse rates than women. Why are men way more permiscious and way less able to connect with others. Why are they all greedy and obsessed with Sex I admit It's true not to mention a low intelligence. because many of us are even more oppressed in society by the standards of what is supposedly masculine than women are. So when people say women's rights I say what about mens rights. This kind of thing is what happens when we let the Jews control our Gender identity and expression. I read one time on here that the gender identities themselves of today are cultural Marxist and created by the Jews. So maybe we need to think outside the box on this and just be human.

How about we all just be ourselves and transcend the idea of gender in that it is the most important expression of ourselves. We are all human. Gender is just the biological outward expression of our body and energy. Gay straight lesbian poloygamous Monogamous etc love is love it is the act of connecting on a deeper spiritual level with another human. These things are all labels and wouldn't matter as much in a spiritually advanced society.

So let's just be human and be proud of ourselves for who we are.

To avoid an argument, I will try to make this respectful as possible.

I for one think its absolutely ridiculous when people claim they feel like they are in the wrong body and only then to realize later that they were really whatever their biological sex is. I know that Spiritual Satanism is about healing and accepting something. I believe you are either born transsexual excluding the term "Gender" because gender is invented by the jews, there is a huge difference for role of biological sex that includes the inner dimensions of the Self that has a biological physical body. I shall also include your current sexuality as well is an in-born trait. And let me just say it out loud, as someone else said. The soul is going to manifest your body! So guess what, I naturally appear male, and strong as one, carry myself as one. In fact anyone who met me in person would probably not misgender me, why? It's not a delusion, it is what my soul manifested. As I continue power meditation, I am changing for sure. I just know it, feel it and love it. I feel more at peace with myself. But what I am getting at is, you are born the way you are without all that conditioning jewish disease. (ewww)

But what annoys the living daylights out of me, is when I hear such claims "I use to be....", there is no use to be, only delusions that were created by the jews. You are either born that way , or you aren't and I say born because at that moment you aren't conditioned. Very pure.

I apologize in advance if this offends anyone, not my intention. Wanted to point out some things.
Gender isn’t a jewish invention, that’s just like saying that nature is jewish. Which is not.
But being a man or a woman doesn’t mean you have to act in a specific way. Surely a girl with a pronounced manly personality is more rare than a femminine woman, but that doesn’t mean that the manly woman is a man. Same for men.

Now what you’re deluding yourself in is that you think you’re a man, which you are not, you are a girl with more pronounced manly features, your soul polarity is more masculine, but you’re not a man and it doesn’t matter how many times you say you are one.

This also is one of the points i was trying to make as well. Effeminate men and masculine woman arent in the wrong bodies. They are not transgender. The ones that think so are the "lost souls" i referred to.
All in all. I honestly know that the infiltrators and negative advocacy are for those who have nothing going on in their lives are definitely spiritually degenerated scum of the earth and I do not give attention to those who do that shit. For the simple reason, it gives energy to the parasites.
Mental distinctions are vital but only when they reflect reality, gender is real, and everything is a construct, what of it? Gender, sex and quantum physics, and desks and airplanes. All constructs.

A true transformation cannot occur without at least a metaphorically indicative death that reflects a real change made to happen in reality, ie real change as expressed in a classic occult sense, Esoteric.

This is the pinnacle of occult achievement and can go in many ways and variations, the transformation of being. It is not a thing taken lightly.

Unless of course (where noted) it was meant as entirely subjective. ie a thing has definable traits, when you make it something else you destroy that thing and you have another.

This requires strong psychology and astrophysical science, and (1) life, or personalty to give way to the other. its nothing you can achieve just by saying its so. If you lean over, and I have my dinner on your back, you are not my litaral table, made of wood with attached legs and nails, having been varnished, but a person acting as a table, no mater what you think in this sense.

Just like the Emperors new cloths. Those that have had there esthetics and there distinctions utterly destroyed and deadened certain areas of the brain simply hallucinate with others likewise, true to them, but broadcast mainstream it kills it and becomes fantasy.

Realty as a whole wont support it, though you could blackmail or pay it to lie, it wont last. You could beg it for mercy but it wont listen. If it listened it would just mercilessly reassert itself ''mechanically'', with nether pleasure or hate, totally indifferent to delusions, ''ie conditioning'' that define the human condition for many, as the principles and parameters long establish were denied. The effort not taken aligned desire not present, the terms were not met. Such Cognition eventually terminates and inevitably the thinker, all by natural means.

The cycle continues, spiraling. This in and of it self need in no way be limiting btw.

Its a circle jerk, a group fantasy. That is the kindest way I can put it, otherwise it would be art ''of a sort''. Like the men that played women as classic actors. Modern ideas of transgenderism is a brutal insult to the real deal or to the creative mind.

An effeminate man is an effeminate man, if he wishes to be another the burden is on him, to bring the effort, or find the power within to make it so. Saying it is not enough, why really though in many such ''gender'' cases? Dose he or she, lack imagination to for fill his desire without permanently limiting himself like that, is he that literal or simply stupid, misguided? I find It varies. Yet you always have a choice, if not what fun would that be? Simple puppetry as an end in itself? That is not the point nor ultimately useful in that way.
Let's take a look at what science and other cultures say.

Transgender or transsexuals make up 0.3% of the US population. First and foremost in gender identity genetic? The answer is yes. A classic way for scientists to test whether a trait can be done is any characteristic by influences on twins. It is said identical twins have the exact same genetic background and are usually rasied in the same environment. Transwomen tend to have brain structures that resemble cisgender women rather than cisgender men. Two sexually dimorphic (differing between men and women) areas of the brain are often compared between men and women. The bed nucleus of the stria terminalus (BSTc) and sexually dimorphic nucleus of transgender women are more similar to those of cisgender women then those of cisgender men, suggesting that the general brain structures of these women is in keeping with there gender identity. In 1995 and 2000 two independent teams of researchers decided to examine a region of the brain called the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTc) in trans and cisgender men and women. The BDTc functions in anxiety, but is on average twice as densely populated with cells in men compared to women. This sexual dimorphism is pretty robust, and though scientists dont know why it exists, it appears to be a good marker of a "male" vs "female" brain. Thus, both studies sought to examine the brains of transgender individuals to figure out if their brains better resembled their assigned or chosen sex. It is dually noted female to male transgender men had BSTcs resembling cisgender men. Its quite clear that this is not a conscious choice.

In Sumerian and akkadian texts from 4,500 years ago documented transgender or transvestite priests known as gala and by other names. In the Americas prior to European colonization as well as in some contemporary cultures some north American indigenous cultures traditionally recognize third gender or multiple gender roles. Likely depictions in art from 9000 to 3700 years ago in the Mediterranean was art. Roman emperor elagabalus prefered to be called a lady and not a lord and sought sex reassignment surgery, and has been seen as an early trans figure. All around the world are stories of different cultures examining the same concept. Only the abrahamic religions considered it wrong.
Shadowcat said:
slyscorpion said:
Shadowcat said:
As another woman who grew up in a xtian home i can understand your ordeal. The abrahamic programs malign and put down women to a very harsh extent, almost for some to a point where they can resent their femininity for not "measuring up".. we are looked down apon for essentially being women yet put down even more if we react by trying to be different. anything that does not contribute to the masculine aspects of society is deemed as less important...good goy be a good worker drone for the economy or you are worthless! (this also degrades men truly) for men heavily influenced by jewish programs, and movements like MGTOW, we are sluts when we give it up and prudes when we dont..for them we will never be enough of anything they want or what they choose to respect. femininity is suppressed on purpose to furthur destroy spirituality. to say femininity means jack shit, why there goes half the main chakras in the human soul..pure spiritual poison for men and women.

Especially if its strongly placed in a woman's natal chart to lean towards masculine energy like what i have (my sun moom and midheaven are all fire and i have mars in the 8th house). it can lead them towards thinking they are not in the right body or that there is something wrong with them. In my case although i never had an identity problem or thinking i was transgender, anything feminine i had growing up felt oppressed or unsafe around my dad. my saturn is in the 7th house, so i not only devloped a rageful hostility toward him because of how violent he was towards me and my mom, but it planted a seed for me to develop what i recently have found to be a strong resentfulness towards men at least romantically. as a result i always ended up attracted to girly men or fags. At one point i realized i was suprised i was not a lesbian. Becoming aware of the real root of the problem and eliminating it from your life is key so you can then attract what you want. for all of us the time for that is different. never let the jew tell you what is beautiful or what you should be. Glad you got through. I've seen many who are still stuck thinking they are something they are not. they are truly lost souls.

As a man I find your statement at the end offensive. More feminine men are not a bad thing and you should not use the f word to describe us. As some of us have been made fun of strongly growing up and that word has been used to demean us and even beat up by people in an angry way using that word. This is why some of us had few friends growing up and didn't fit in.

For what what about men with strong Cancer placements or Libra for example. They would not measure up to today's standards of what a man should be. There are probably several other things too that would put them outside these supposed norms.

I don't know as I myself would fit in the supposed Gender roles that some create for men. I think we need freedom to be ourselves and to liberate ourselves from Gender oppression personally. Why do you think men commit the most violent crimes and have higher suicide rates and drug abuse rates than women. Why are men way more permiscious and way less able to connect with others. Why are they all greedy and obsessed with Sex I admit It's true not to mention a low intelligence. because many of us are even more oppressed in society by the standards of what is supposedly masculine than women are. So when people say women's rights I say what about mens rights. This kind of thing is what happens when we let the Jews control our Gender identity and expression. I read one time on here that the gender identities themselves of today are cultural Marxist and created by the Jews. So maybe we need to think outside the box on this and just be human.

How about we all just be ourselves and transcend the idea of gender in that it is the most important expression of ourselves. We are all human. Gender is just the biological outward expression of our body and energy. Gay straight lesbian poloygamous Monogamous etc love is love it is the act of connecting on a deeper spiritual level with another human. These things are all labels and wouldn't matter as much in a spiritually advanced society.

So let's just be human and be proud of ourselves for who we are.[/quote

Thanks for your explanation and let me emphasize it was no intent to offend. It was not the idea to put fags (i dont mean that word from me as derogatory but perhaps you mean others might if so duly noted )and feminine men in one in the same. Perhaps i worded it wrong but i was also describing my own experience of the men ive felt attracted to in the past, as alot of gay men arent effeninate. I mean the guys i ended up liking turned out to be gay or had more feminine traits. I didnt mean either at all to say those are bad traits , as ive stated before our expression is also influenced by our placements and that is fine. Theres nothing wrong with effeminate men but my point was that ive discovered that my saturn placement and the way its kicked my ass has clouded what i have thought to personally want and need. Of course for everyone this is different.
As for the topic of mens rights i saw this one popping up sooner or later and rest assured alot of guys get the shaft too. The abrahamic programs are also toxic to men as it puts pressure on what they say they should be, whereas to quote you we should all just follow our own nature indeed. im not blind to mens plight as well but the was about women here for a few posts. I hope now ive worde things abit better

Thank you I am not that offended but I felt some people might be. Me personally I am a guy with placements like Cancer moon Libra Mars and about 3 other things in water. This is where I am coming from. Now I don't see myself as really weak or effemenent and if someone wants to talk to me about this on here I will listen. I am hoping I am not brainwashed into any Jewish ideals. However it is really obvious to see that both genders have been defined a lot by the Jews right now. Yes I am sure they want women more masculine I myself due being more feminine in energy obviously from my chart than a lot of guys. In today's society I hear Cancer moon or even worse Ascendant is hard for guys a lot. I don't think it should be. I personally would love to nurture or take care of others and many of the Jobs some people on here listed for women. However I would not do very good in manual labor jobs or ones where they listed for men. I was never into sports except I kind of like playing golf every once in awhile with people just for fun.

I don't see anything wrong with the way I am personally and I don't believe I am the other gender and I refuse to feel bad about who I am. I can't understand it but some guys seem really fearful of me and don't want to associate with me cause of the way I am so I have had a hard time keeping any guys as friends for too long. That's why over the years most of my true friends have been female.

Even recently I met someone who bullshited and played games with me cause he was fearful of me. I straight up asked him if he was but he lied and I know not all the time did he have something to do he never came back to hang out so I gave up and just dropped contact. I don't go for this.

People need to be more secure this shouldn't threaten them.
Aquarius said:
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
slyscorpion said:
As a man I find your statement at the end offensive. More feminine men are not a bad thing and you should not use the f word to describe us. As some of us have been made fun of strongly growing up and that word has been used to demean us and even beat up by people in an angry way using that word. This is why some of us had few friends growing up and didn't fit in.

For what what about men with strong Cancer placements or Libra for example. They would not measure up to today's standards of what a man should be. There are probably several other things too that would put them outside these supposed norms.

I don't know as I myself would fit in the supposed Gender roles that some create for men. I think we need freedom to be ourselves and to liberate ourselves from Gender oppression personally. Why do you think men commit the most violent crimes and have higher suicide rates and drug abuse rates than women. Why are men way more permiscious and way less able to connect with others. Why are they all greedy and obsessed with Sex I admit It's true not to mention a low intelligence. because many of us are even more oppressed in society by the standards of what is supposedly masculine than women are. So when people say women's rights I say what about mens rights. This kind of thing is what happens when we let the Jews control our Gender identity and expression. I read one time on here that the gender identities themselves of today are cultural Marxist and created by the Jews. So maybe we need to think outside the box on this and just be human.

How about we all just be ourselves and transcend the idea of gender in that it is the most important expression of ourselves. We are all human. Gender is just the biological outward expression of our body and energy. Gay straight lesbian poloygamous Monogamous etc love is love it is the act of connecting on a deeper spiritual level with another human. These things are all labels and wouldn't matter as much in a spiritually advanced society.

So let's just be human and be proud of ourselves for who we are.

To avoid an argument, I will try to make this respectful as possible.

I for one think its absolutely ridiculous when people claim they feel like they are in the wrong body and only then to realize later that they were really whatever their biological sex is. I know that Spiritual Satanism is about healing and accepting something. I believe you are either born transsexual excluding the term "Gender" because gender is invented by the jews, there is a huge difference for role of biological sex that includes the inner dimensions of the Self that has a biological physical body. I shall also include your current sexuality as well is an in-born trait. And let me just say it out loud, as someone else said. The soul is going to manifest your body! So guess what, I naturally appear male, and strong as one, carry myself as one. In fact anyone who met me in person would probably not misgender me, why? It's not a delusion, it is what my soul manifested. As I continue power meditation, I am changing for sure. I just know it, feel it and love it. I feel more at peace with myself. But what I am getting at is, you are born the way you are without all that conditioning jewish disease. (ewww)

But what annoys the living daylights out of me, is when I hear such claims "I use to be....", there is no use to be, only delusions that were created by the jews. You are either born that way , or you aren't and I say born because at that moment you aren't conditioned. Very pure.

I apologize in advance if this offends anyone, not my intention. Wanted to point out some things.
Gender isn’t a jewish invention, that’s just like saying that nature is jewish. Which is not.
But being a man or a woman doesn’t mean you have to act in a specific way. Surely a girl with a pronounced manly personality is more rare than a femminine woman, but that doesn’t mean that the manly woman is a man. Same for men.

Now what you’re deluding yourself in is that you think you’re a man, which you are not, you are a girl with more pronounced manly features, your soul polarity is more masculine, but you’re not a man and it doesn’t matter how many times you say you are one.

I am a man by biological gender I don't go for this whole trans thing so just relax. What I mean is gender roles that is mostly just cultural marxist in today world. People need to be themselves more and accept who they are.
slyscorpion said:
Aquarius said:
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
To avoid an argument, I will try to make this respectful as possible.

I for one think its absolutely ridiculous when people claim they feel like they are in the wrong body and only then to realize later that they were really whatever their biological sex is. I know that Spiritual Satanism is about healing and accepting something. I believe you are either born transsexual excluding the term "Gender" because gender is invented by the jews, there is a huge difference for role of biological sex that includes the inner dimensions of the Self that has a biological physical body. I shall also include your current sexuality as well is an in-born trait. And let me just say it out loud, as someone else said. The soul is going to manifest your body! So guess what, I naturally appear male, and strong as one, carry myself as one. In fact anyone who met me in person would probably not misgender me, why? It's not a delusion, it is what my soul manifested. As I continue power meditation, I am changing for sure. I just know it, feel it and love it. I feel more at peace with myself. But what I am getting at is, you are born the way you are without all that conditioning jewish disease. (ewww)

But what annoys the living daylights out of me, is when I hear such claims "I use to be....", there is no use to be, only delusions that were created by the jews. You are either born that way , or you aren't and I say born because at that moment you aren't conditioned. Very pure.

I apologize in advance if this offends anyone, not my intention. Wanted to point out some things.
Gender isn’t a jewish invention, that’s just like saying that nature is jewish. Which is not.
But being a man or a woman doesn’t mean you have to act in a specific way. Surely a girl with a pronounced manly personality is more rare than a femminine woman, but that doesn’t mean that the manly woman is a man. Same for men.

Now what you’re deluding yourself in is that you think you’re a man, which you are not, you are a girl with more pronounced manly features, your soul polarity is more masculine, but you’re not a man and it doesn’t matter how many times you say you are one.

I am a man by biological gender I don't go for this whole trans thing so just relax. What I mean is gender roles that is mostly just cultural marxist in today world. People need to be themselves more and accept who they are.
I was replying to the bearer of light not you brother.
I will never understand why it is hard for some people so locked onto their "biological sex" to accept that there are transsexual people? It was stated elsewhere, being transsexual isn't a delusion but it is a real reality. If I had that pdf file that one of the HP had written about transsexuals, it would be a lot easier.

I guess people who are locked onto causing trans. people delusional obviously are stuck in the jewish matrix of "gender", they say they aren't, but in reality they are acting just like the thing they are against. I have seen first hand some individuals in these forums, act very ignorant and well are probably infiltrators. I personally think, people who have an issue, project their own jewish programming onto trans people that actually exist.

So as far as I know, my experience of having went to a group (trans-gender *vomit* Marxism), this whole transgender thing is a fucking fad and because its a topic all the time, all its doing is making those who are actually trans. and live it, like myself, to make us look like a "joke", make fun of us, call us delusional, CONSTANTLY having to bring it up and we have to justify ourselves constantly or having people, and its mostly men that I encounter who are so damned hardcore to ASSERT that they are "Real men" and usually Xian too. These motherfuckers, have no idea who they are messing with. My strength, physical biological strength is that of a mans, and when my adrenalin is pumping, that my strength increases, so if I was ever to be challenged to a fight, I will take one on. I am NOT afraid. I always been that way. I wont throw the first punch but I will defend myself if they try to start anything with me. Just so you know, even if I did fail in a fight or even ravished, that would NOT change me at all. One of the benefits of being myself, is I am like a raging fire, a brave heart, for sure.

It is a fucking problem. It is meant to not let us rest and be who we truly are, targeting us. Nothing infuriates me more than pretentious ignorant assholes with a jewish programming pretending to be SS. If any of the infiltrators, if anyone who don't like us. Then take your shit elsewhere because no matter what you do or say, you can not assert yourself over a keyboard, LOL. You then lack power.
we should be focused on enlightenment, and of course against those who would do us harm instead of worrying about transsexual being delusional or not!
slyscorpion said:
Shadowcat said:

As a man I find your statement at the end offensive. More feminine men are not a bad thing and you should not use the f word to describe us. As some of us have been made fun of strongly growing up and that word has been used to demean us and even beat up by people in an angry way using that word. This is why some of us had few friends growing up and didn't fit in.

For what what about men with strong Cancer placements or Libra for example. They would not measure up to today's standards of what a man should be. There are probably several other things too that would put them outside these supposed norms.

I don't know as I myself would fit in the supposed Gender roles that some create for men. I think we need freedom to be ourselves and to liberate ourselves from Gender oppression personally. Why do you think men commit the most violent crimes and have higher suicide rates and drug abuse rates than women. Why are men way more permiscious and way less able to connect with others. Why are they all greedy and obsessed with Sex I admit It's true not to mention a low intelligence. because many of us are even more oppressed in society by the standards of what is supposedly masculine than women are. So when people say women's rights I say what about mens rights. This kind of thing is what happens when we let the Jews control our Gender identity and expression. I read one time on here that the gender identities themselves of today are cultural Marxist and created by the Jews. So maybe we need to think outside the box on this and just be human.

How about we all just be ourselves and transcend the idea of gender in that it is the most important expression of ourselves. We are all human. Gender is just the biological outward expression of our body and energy. Gay straight lesbian poloygamous Monogamous etc love is love it is the act of connecting on a deeper spiritual level with another human. These things are all labels and wouldn't matter as much in a spiritually advanced society.

So let's just be human and be proud of ourselves for who we are.[/quote

Thanks for your explanation and let me emphasize it was no intent to offend. It was not the idea to put fags (i dont mean that word from me as derogatory but perhaps you mean others might if so duly noted )and feminine men in one in the same. Perhaps i worded it wrong but i was also describing my own experience of the men ive felt attracted to in the past, as alot of gay men arent effeninate. I mean the guys i ended up liking turned out to be gay or had more feminine traits. I didnt mean either at all to say those are bad traits , as ive stated before our expression is also influenced by our placements and that is fine. Theres nothing wrong with effeminate men but my point was that ive discovered that my saturn placement and the way its kicked my ass has clouded what i have thought to personally want and need. Of course for everyone this is different.
As for the topic of mens rights i saw this one popping up sooner or later and rest assured alot of guys get the shaft too. The abrahamic programs are also toxic to men as it puts pressure on what they say they should be, whereas to quote you we should all just follow our own nature indeed. im not blind to mens plight as well but the was about women here for a few posts. I hope now ive worde things abit better

Thank you I am not that offended but I felt some people might be. Me personally I am a guy with placements like Cancer moon Libra Mars and about 3 other things in water. This is where I am coming from. Now I don't see myself as really weak or effemenent and if someone wants to talk to me about this on here I will listen. I am hoping I am not brainwashed into any Jewish ideals. However it is really obvious to see that both genders have been defined a lot by the Jews right now. Yes I am sure they want women more masculine I myself due being more feminine in energy obviously from my chart than a lot of guys. In today's society I hear Cancer moon or even worse Ascendant is hard for guys a lot. I don't think it should be. I personally would love to nurture or take care of others and many of the Jobs some people on here listed for women. However I would not do very good in manual labor jobs or ones where they listed for men. I was never into sports except I kind of like playing golf every once in awhile with people just for fun.

I don't see anything wrong with the way I am personally and I don't believe I am the other gender and I refuse to feel bad about who I am. I can't understand it but some guys seem really fearful of me and don't want to associate with me cause of the way I am so I have had a hard time keeping any guys as friends for too long. That's why over the years most of my true friends have been female.

Even recently I met someone who bullshited and played games with me cause he was fearful of me. I straight up asked him if he was but he lied and I know not all the time did he have something to do he never came back to hang out so I gave up and just dropped contact. I don't go for this.

People need to be more secure this shouldn't threaten them.

I'm glad to hear all that for you, that you are confident in who you are as a person. its interesting because i experience the same thing you do but the other way around. i have always had guy friends/aquaintances and other girls/ women just kind of shied from me or couldnt find anything in common with me. Sad thing is, i seem to at the same time walk as a shadow between 2 worlds. if i try to become friends with a guy or am friendly alot of times they will take it the wrong way and see it as flirting :?. I work in a male dominated field (i'm a welder), and before that i was in te tx national guard for 6 years. i played football in highschool too. it also manifested for me physically but not always in nice ways. sadly my voice is deeper than the average woman and ive always had trouble with facial hair (luckily now its way less from lasering) ive also been pretty strong for a female (the most ive ever benched was 160) and my shoulders are pretty broad. funnily enough my asc is cancer so some fire aspects i have are watered down abit. my mother was a libra and i had a very close connection with her. my current bf is a pisces with a libra moon and has alot of those aspects you also described above. its not only what attracted me to him but i think in a way it reminded me of my mom or what i wish i got from my dad :p. i think its what makes it so hard to let him go. hes a good person but also has needs and wants that literally go way into too much feminine energy for me that i can't fufill. not a bad thing again, but i just dont have it to give. i also have realized that i not only prefer alot of the above in a partner but also at the same time with a bit more drive to excel through life and hardship. so sweet but with a tough (but not in a 'chad' way) exterior lol. dont know if that makes sense. maybe someone would be telling me its asking too much.

as for your comment about manual labor thats understandable too with a personality type like that. there are variations ofcourse as well all know but there was a sad story i saw awhile back about a gay guy out in the field on pipeline. i dont know how much masculine or feminine energy he had but he ended up committing suicide because the other pipeliners ridiculed him for being gay. im willing to bet all of them were fucking xtians. hurr muh jewsus says its a zinnnn. terrible. i also am actually a part of an all female welding group and alot of them get rejected for jobs all the time because they dont have dicks. they arent all like that of course but women, and guys of course that dont always fit their narrative of a macho get alot of shit. im hoping to avert the majority of this by going union, although i dont expect it to be pristine either.

in the type of work im in people are not only rough under the collar but can be real mean. the main reason ive actually dawdled about coming back to the US to live and work is because the work i do is much less women friendly there, and that is because the united states has a much more macho culture in general as compared to europe in many BAD ways that are programmed and influenced by the jews as we have discussed, about what a man should be. europe has this less in many parts, and as a result they are less sexually frustrated, carry themselves better (they even care for themselves and dress better and are overall more attractive), and seem more at peace than alot of american men. im talking about the native europeans here not the hajies. the muslims here are the absolute worst. in the redlight district there is actually a sign that says "be nice to our sex workers they keep your men happy and your women safe" lol. western europe is much less sexually repressed. (although hypersexuality is increasing too sadly) i guarentee if i was to walk in parts of the US today i would get cat called 20 times over as compared to walking around in a decent majority native european town. I also know that when i come back i will be living alone and always coming back to an empty house. makes me pretty anxious tbh :?

dont get me wrong though i love my cournty and what it was initially meant to be. i hate what the jews have turned it into and it also even serves as another motivation for coming back, along with wanting a bigger better house and more money. the jews have told us long enough..too long what and who we should be weather its gender, personality and race, and even body image. the abrahamic programs are disgusting slave institutions that we must burn to ash with every piece of destructive energy we have.
slyscorpion said:
Shadowcat said:
EgyptianStar666 said:
I remember when I wanted to be a boy or a guy, since I was Christian as a child, all the way to I was twenty six. Reptilians were in my life, and one possessed me. The Gods killed them and I felt like a woman again. I've slowly been feminizing myself. I had to relearn who I was.

New Age is a bad thing. As Father Satan told me, it's garbage.

I'm proud to be a woman. I was never a man. New age trash. And if you ask me, that gender bending from one life to another just never happens.

As another woman who grew up in a xtian home i can understand your ordeal. The abrahamic programs malign and put down women to a very harsh extent, almost for some to a point where they can resent their femininity for not "measuring up".. we are looked down apon for essentially being women yet put down even more if we react by trying to be different. anything that does not contribute to the masculine aspects of society is deemed as less important...good goy be a good worker drone for the economy or you are worthless! (this also degrades men truly) for men heavily influenced by jewish programs, and movements like MGTOW, we are sluts when we give it up and prudes when we dont..for them we will never be enough of anything they want or what they choose to respect. femininity is suppressed on purpose to furthur destroy spirituality. to say femininity means jack shit, why there goes half the main chakras in the human soul..pure spiritual poison for men and women.

Especially if its strongly placed in a woman's natal chart to lean towards masculine energy like what i have (my sun moom and midheaven are all fire and i have mars in the 8th house). it can lead them towards thinking they are not in the right body or that there is something wrong with them. In my case although i never had an identity problem or thinking i was transgender, anything feminine i had growing up felt oppressed or unsafe around my dad. my saturn is in the 7th house, so i not only devloped a rageful hostility toward him because of how violent he was towards me and my mom, but it planted a seed for me to develop what i recently have found to be a strong resentfulness towards men at least romantically. as a result i always ended up attracted to girly men or fags. At one point i realized i was suprised i was not a lesbian. Becoming aware of the real root of the problem and eliminating it from your life is key so you can then attract what you want. for all of us the time for that is different. never let the jew tell you what is beautiful or what you should be. Glad you got through. I've seen many who are still stuck thinking they are something they are not. they are truly lost souls.

As a man I find your statement at the end offensive. More feminine men are not a bad thing and you should not use the f word to describe us. As some of us have been made fun of strongly growing up and that word has been used to demean us and even beat up by people in an angry way using that word. This is why some of us had few friends growing up and didn't fit in.

For what what about men with strong Cancer placements or Libra for example. They would not measure up to today's standards of what a man should be. There are probably several other things too that would put them outside these supposed norms.

I don't know as I myself would fit in the supposed Gender roles that some create for men. I think we need freedom to be ourselves and to liberate ourselves from Gender oppression personally. Why do you think men commit the most violent crimes and have higher suicide rates and drug abuse rates than women. Why are men way more permiscious and way less able to connect with others. Why are they all greedy and obsessed with Sex I admit It's true not to mention a low intelligence. because many of us are even more oppressed in society by the standards of what is supposedly masculine than women are. So when people say women's rights I say what about mens rights. This kind of thing is what happens when we let the Jews control our Gender identity and expression. I read one time on here that the gender identities themselves of today are cultural Marxist and created by the Jews. So maybe we need to think outside the box on this and just be human.

How about we all just be ourselves and transcend the idea of gender in that it is the most important expression of ourselves. We are all human. Gender is just the biological outward expression of our body and energy. Gay straight lesbian poloygamous Monogamous etc love is love it is the act of connecting on a deeper spiritual level with another human. These things are all labels and wouldn't matter as much in a spiritually advanced society.

So let's just be human and be proud of ourselves for who we are.

oh and another thing i should have added. third wave feminism is shit and runs these issues even furthur into the ground, As the bitter and jaded parties of both sexes fuel eachothers flames in a neverending circlejerk. x.x society has also been pushed to be gynocentric in alot of the most sexist and worst ways especially in divorce courts and custody cases, yet many of the women are batshit insane. the jew sits back and laughs while everyone is at each other in each aspect of life, making family and relationships impossible
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
I will never understand why it is hard for some people so locked onto their "biological sex" to accept that there are transsexual people? It was stated elsewhere, being transsexual isn't a delusion but it is a real reality. If I had that pdf file that one of the HP had written about transsexuals, it would be a lot easier.

I guess people who are locked onto causing trans. people delusional obviously are stuck in the jewish matrix of "gender", they say they aren't, but in reality they are acting just like the thing they are against. I have seen first hand some individuals in these forums, act very ignorant and well are probably infiltrators. I personally think, people who have an issue, project their own jewish programming onto trans people that actually exist.

So as far as I know, my experience of having went to a group (trans-gender *vomit* Marxism), this whole transgender thing is a fucking fad and because its a topic all the time, all its doing is making those who are actually trans. and live it, like myself, to make us look like a "joke", make fun of us, call us delusional, CONSTANTLY having to bring it up and we have to justify ourselves constantly or having people, and its mostly men that I encounter who are so damned hardcore to ASSERT that they are "Real men" and usually Xian too. These motherfuckers, have no idea who they are messing with. My strength, physical biological strength is that of a mans, and when my adrenalin is pumping, that my strength increases, so if I was ever to be challenged to a fight, I will take one on. I am NOT afraid. I always been that way. I wont throw the first punch but I will defend myself if they try to start anything with me. Just so you know, even if I did fail in a fight or even ravished, that would NOT change me at all. One of the benefits of being myself, is I am like a raging fire, a brave heart, for sure.

It is a fucking problem. It is meant to not let us rest and be who we truly are, targeting us. Nothing infuriates me more than pretentious ignorant assholes with a jewish programming pretending to be SS. If any of the infiltrators, if anyone who don't like us. Then take your shit elsewhere because no matter what you do or say, you can not assert yourself over a keyboard, LOL. You then lack power.
It was HP Jake Carlson who spoke about transexuals, and I know those writings as I have read them myself. But it seems that he has changed his stance about that and he himself in a post said how all transexuals he knows are not right in the head.
I'm not really sure about your ideas at this point, you bash transexuals but then bash those who don't believe in transexuals, pretty weird. What's so hard to accept that you're a very masculine woman?
personally i think the concept of sex as being a part of identity like wanting to be called he/she even when the caller does not care and has no intention of caring about your sex, a illusion.

just like a teenage is going to feel extremely depressed for not having what his friends have even though he doesn't really like having that thing, that teenage is going to take on this illusion and feel depressed for stupid sexual identity issues.

if some corrupt rich group were to find some idea(in your case the jews), bend it and then promote for their own benefits, then it is true that being fooled by that promoted bull is not a good thing, but that idea in it's original form, was a good philosophical question that the human kind would think about..... , to treat it like you know what is the answer to it, is worse than being fooled by the previous bull, because you will be dumping an important question about life and having an illusion that you know what is right.

sometimes there is no right and wrong. sometimes, the answer is highly affected by the tools which are available. sometimes, the only right answer is to try to evolve instead of trying to enforce tradition.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
