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Incredible Advances in AI-Generated Music (And how we can utilize it...)

Black Book

New member
Nov 13, 2022
[email protected]
A short intro about general recent advances in AI technology...

As we are most assuredly all aware of by now, AI technology has been advancing rapidly to the point it has become embedded into daily life, utilized for tasks like writing documents, top-notch translation, and programming, to name a few. Things have advanced much further since ChatGPT was first made publicly available in November of 2022. For example, image generation and recognition have evolved exponentially and, more recently, high-quality videos are now able to be generated from nothing more than text thanks to OpenAI's new AI model named Sora. Sora, however, remains out of the hands of the general public at this time, with only select film directors and the like being given access currently. When it is made public, though, you can bet video platforms like YouTube will be flooded with videos it generates to the point it will become difficult to know what is AI-generated and what isn't.

Shifting focus to the realm of music...
In the past year, AI-generated covers of songs became immensely popular, with some impressive results able to be found across YouTube. Any voice, be it of an actor, singer, tv show character, or anything else, can be made to sing virtually any pre-existing song. These AI-generated covers remained mostly limited to new versions of already-existing songs - until now.

Introducing the new music-generation technology "Suno AI"...

2 weeks ago, Suno AI version 3 released. This AI can generate music of any genre, vocals and instrumentals and all, following any directions it is given. Most importantly, it has astoundingly impressive quality. What makes it even more astonishing is this technology is available to the general public right now. Absolutely anyone can now generate up to 10 high-quality songs a day completely for free, with subscriptions being offered to vastly increase this number at very affordable prices. This means it will very soon become the case that we will no longer know what new music is AI-generated and what isn't.

An example of what this AI is capable of:

(Note all of these songs include vocals, instrumentals, and images to represent them, all completely generated by AI. Press the play button at the bottom of the page to hear the music)

Pop rock: https://app.suno.ai/song/40ba0b2c-1135-4bad-ae37-c13697c643ec

Country: https://app.suno.ai/song/074f5341-5056-43a8-bc9d-b3588de57320

Blues Guitar
(vocals begin at 1:52): https://app.suno.ai/song/7952f0bc-b6bc-4886-88c0-42c85c83604c

Metal: https://app.suno.ai/song/fce6c90c-a959-4c0a-a6a5-3b4fa3d925ed

Metal/Dubstep: https://app.suno.ai/song/063f3392-fe1b-4ce9-9ac8-660dd0315bfb

What does this new technology mean for us?

As we know, our SS brothers and sisters are working on a Joy of Satan anthem. While AI cannot detract from music created by hand, this AI technology can still be utilized to create songs centered around subjects such as the glory of the Gods, promoting their worship to all. Promotion of the Joy of Satan and Spiritual Satanism can take place through this medium, although with an element of subtleness perhaps being needed to avoid having songs flagged by their system or things like that.

It can generate songs in many different languages, so people across the world can be reached through the music it creates.

Suno AI can be given a general prompt to create from, such as "A rock song about the beauty of the Goddess Astarte," etc.

Or, it can be given specific lyrics to utilize with its "Custom Mode":


This allows for much flexibility in what can be accomplished with it.

What are your thoughts on this new technology? How can we as SS utilize this AI and others like it to further Father Satan's goals?

Link to Suno AI: https://app.suno.ai/

Despite how amazing this technology may seem now, this is of course only a fraction of what AI will become. It will only keep advancing in all sectors of life, not just music, so be prepared. Thank you for reading.

Hail Satan and the Gods!!

-Black Book
As for making something as holy as our anthem, we can't utilize soulless AI, it must be a Satanic soul acting as a medium for the Gods to make this piece.

But for such usage as propagating our knowledge, it can be used and the other AIs as well.
AI generated "art" is so empty. It's soulless. There is no magic to it. I don't believe it should be used for any public facing artforms. It's best used by experts to augment the skills and talents they already have rather than as a substitute for such talents.

I do not place it much higher than jew "art", in fact I feel that it has some things in common, minus the disgusting energy(it has no energy).

For information though, I agree, this is a good use for it and more in its wheelhouse.
As others have said already, I don't think it should be used for our anthem. You know, it is said..

The Powers of Hell seek their revenge and we are the Hands, Mouths and Souls from where they speak and execute their Power in this world.
I was purposely not sharing this, in the past proprietary tech has been shared, and some kike makes a call, and next week censorship / removed product. but now that cat's out of the bag everyone needs to utilize it. I did a lot of work complainging to the dev team about their censorship for religious beliefs in v2 and v3 we now have the freedom. I really hope all my work was for nothing.

It should not be used for our anthem, but definitely should be used for online work.

I've made over a dozen songs so far.

we need a members only not open to the public place for sharing posts asap.
Any "art" made by AI has such an empty and dead feeling to it, which is directly in-line with what seems to be the majority of its developers and promoters (hint: 'key people' section in the Wikipedia article for OpenAI). Not to mention that it is all the same generic garbage, to the point where it's becoming increasingly easy to identify anything made by such AI, if you pay attention.

I've had many an argument with people about this. Art is an expression. Machines cannot express themselves, therefore, AI "art" is not art at all, and is completely worthless. It's nothing but automated art theft, when you think about it.

And what's worse, is that people genuinely identify as "AI artists", as although they have talent or any ounce of creativity for shoving some words into a box and clicking 'GO'. It's pitiful, and it's nothing but a slap in the face to genuinely gifted artists, who have worked and suffered tirelessly for their entire lives to develop their skills.

Anyway, ranting aside... We should use what has been given to us by our Gods, and create something ourselves, as intended, with our own creativity, imagination, and dedication.
As others have said already, I don't think it should be used for our anthem. You know, it is said..

The Powers of Hell seek their revenge and we are the Hands, Mouths and Souls from where they speak and execute their Power in this world.
My apologies if the way I worded it made it sound like I wanted this. What I meant is the anthem SHOULD be made by hand, by actual SS. But that AI generated music can still play a role in spreading the messages of the Gods across the internet.
My apologies if the way I worded it made it sound like I wanted this. What I meant is the anthem SHOULD be made by hand, by actual SS. But that AI generated music can still play a role in spreading the messages of the Gods across the internet.
Don't worry, I probably played a role in misunderstanding you also. All is good.
A short intro about general recent advances in AI technology...

As we are most assuredly all aware of by now, AI technology has been advancing rapidly to the point it has become embedded into daily life, utilized for tasks like writing documents, top-notch translation, and programming, to name a few. Things have advanced much further since ChatGPT was first made publicly available in November of 2022. For example, image generation and recognition have evolved exponentially and, more recently, high-quality videos are now able to be generated from nothing more than text thanks to OpenAI's new AI model named Sora. Sora, however, remains out of the hands of the general public at this time, with only select film directors and the like being given access currently. When it is made public, though, you can bet video platforms like YouTube will be flooded with videos it generates to the point it will become difficult to know what is AI-generated and what isn't.

Shifting focus to the realm of music...
In the past year, AI-generated covers of songs became immensely popular, with some impressive results able to be found across YouTube. Any voice, be it of an actor, singer, tv show character, or anything else, can be made to sing virtually any pre-existing song. These AI-generated covers remained mostly limited to new versions of already-existing songs - until now.

Introducing the new music-generation technology "Suno AI"...

2 weeks ago, Suno AI version 3 released. This AI can generate music of any genre, vocals and instrumentals and all, following any directions it is given. Most importantly, it has astoundingly impressive quality. What makes it even more astonishing is this technology is available to the general public right now. Absolutely anyone can now generate up to 10 high-quality songs a day completely for free, with subscriptions being offered to vastly increase this number at very affordable prices. This means it will very soon become the case that we will no longer know what new music is AI-generated and what isn't.

An example of what this AI is capable of:

(Note all of these songs include vocals, instrumentals, and images to represent them, all completely generated by AI. Press the play button at the bottom of the page to hear the music)

Pop rock: https://app.suno.ai/song/40ba0b2c-1135-4bad-ae37-c13697c643ec

Country: https://app.suno.ai/song/074f5341-5056-43a8-bc9d-b3588de57320

Blues Guitar
(vocals begin at 1:52): https://app.suno.ai/song/7952f0bc-b6bc-4886-88c0-42c85c83604c

Metal: https://app.suno.ai/song/fce6c90c-a959-4c0a-a6a5-3b4fa3d925ed

Metal/Dubstep: https://app.suno.ai/song/063f3392-fe1b-4ce9-9ac8-660dd0315bfb

What does this new technology mean for us?

As we know, our SS brothers and sisters are working on a Joy of Satan anthem. While AI cannot detract from music created by hand, this AI technology can still be utilized to create songs centered around subjects such as the glory of the Gods, promoting their worship to all. Promotion of the Joy of Satan and Spiritual Satanism can take place through this medium, although with an element of subtleness perhaps being needed to avoid having songs flagged by their system or things like that.

It can generate songs in many different languages, so people across the world can be reached through the music it creates.

Suno AI can be given a general prompt to create from, such as "A rock song about the beauty of the Goddess Astarte," etc.

Or, it can be given specific lyrics to utilize with its "Custom Mode":


This allows for much flexibility in what can be accomplished with it.

What are your thoughts on this new technology? How can we as SS utilize this AI and others like it to further Father Satan's goals?

Link to Suno AI: https://app.suno.ai/

Despite how amazing this technology may seem now, this is of course only a fraction of what AI will become. It will only keep advancing in all sectors of life, not just music, so be prepared. Thank you for reading.

Hail Satan and the Gods!!

-Black Book
Would love to play around with this some time hehe :)
I think AI in general will find immense use in the film industry, especially by way of taking it back from the jews. Films are incredibly expensive to make, and this will allow greater accessibility for talented SS to make use of without relying on jew funding. Indie films and short films for now perhaps, but eventually one could probably make a film entirely from their bedroom, and need only the skill to operate the tools properly alongside genuine artistic talent. Film has always been a collaborative medium, which means one must be dependent on others. With this they can become independent satanic artists and dont need to conform to their retarded political agendas.
I'm not the biggest fan of AI but in line with Egon's thread, one good thing this can be used for is language learning. Suno does cover most of the major languages.

If you're totally averse to watching TV with immersion or whatever, or find a certain language's musical output to be lacking, you can make any kind of vocal with this for immersion/pronunciation.

Obviously it won't work with Chinese, Thai or tonal languages.
Everyone can make an account.
Let me be more specific we need a place for trusted members only, not open to the public for sensitive things like this.

this can be scraped by a bot, or like you said someone could make an account if we where to not only show it to members, I say this because there has been times in the past where things have been shared and within no time at all censorship was placed. There are no coincidences.
I'm not the biggest fan of AI but in line with Egon's thread, one good thing this can be used for is language learning. Suno does cover most of the major languages.

If you're totally averse to watching TV with immersion or whatever, or find a certain language's musical output to be lacking, you can make any kind of vocal with this for immersion/pronunciation.

Obviously it won't work with Chinese, Thai or tonal languages.
This could be a particularly good idea for languages which have no native speakers anymore, such as Latin. This is not currently a supported language with Suno AI and may not be for a long time, but there is enough research for the language that an AI could likely very accurately reconstruct its sounds. This could eventually create a plethora of content to immerse in for languages in which so little exists. Latin in particular is a very popular "dead" language, with tens of thousands of supposedly fluent speakers with that number said to grow to the hundreds of thousands in the coming decades.

I would like to leave a quote from HP Cobra which shows the importance of languages such as Latin:
I do believe Ancient Greek is actually as old as Sanskrit and I have personal proof in regards to that. Both languages will lead to Divine outcome. Latin is also included here, and it's derived from the underlying concepts of Ancient Greek and Sanskrit. These were certainly what we refer to as "Demonic Language" or "Language of the Gods". - HP. Hoodedcobra666
From: https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/facta-non-verba.85332/#post-439705
I never noticed that post. Thank you for sharing, really boosts my racial pride as a Greek, especially in an age where most youngsters consider ancient Greek to be useless and dead (!).
Hell I’ve got Italian/Roman Roots and I feel proud as hell about from this too!!
As much as I am a fan of AI and it's possibilities and usages (such as helping me refine the efficiency of my algorithms), I believe when it comes to music or art, the human process is best, though AI generated art can provide some tier 100 references to take from, and Intelligent Algorithms are great for cleaning things up and such!
Hell I’ve got Italian/Roman Roots and I feel proud as hell about from this too!!
Greeks and Italians are brothers. 🔥
Just wanna say, despite all the quarreling between our Tribal Kingdoms and your Empires, I got huge respect for the Greeks and Italians. Great freaking food too, seriously! 😉

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
