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In the News: New Israeli Protest Target: Ultra-Orthodox Subsidies, Draft Exemptions

Blitzkreig [JG]

Head of Community
Sep 24, 2019
[email protected]
SOURCE: Zerohedge

The protest movement that's rocked Israeli politics over the past months on Thursday shifted its fire to a new target: special treatments given to the country's rapidly-growing ultra-Orthodox population. The growing discontent threatens to widen a critical fault line spanning Israeli economics and politics.


Ultra-Orthodox Israeli Jewish men and boys in Netanya (Jack Guex/AFP via Getty Images and Jerusalem Post)

Declaring a "Day of Disruption to Demand Equality," tens of thousands of marchers in several cities asked for an end to a variety of special perks given to Israel's ultra-Orthodox Jews, who are called "Haredim." As they did in their successful quest to force a pause in Prime Minster Netanyahu's supreme court reform scheme, protesters blocked roads and demonstrated outside cabinet officers' houses -- although their numbers lagged earlier demonstrations.

One of those special treatments is exemptions from Israel's military draft. Haredim who are enrolled in religious study get to skip compulsory military service, a central aspect of Israeli society and an essential ingredient in the country's militarism.


Protesters of Haredim draft exemptions outside the Israeli Defense Force induction center push mock coffins (Mothers at the Front)

As long as they keep studying the Torah, the exemption keeps going too. Worse, Haredi men receive public subsidies all the way to the standard retirement age of 67. That's an economic double-whammy: These men aren't productive, and are taking money collected from others. (Thanks to America's lavish foreign aid to Israel, and the fact that money is fungible, some of those on the wrong end of this redistribution scheme are US taxpayers.)

In another exception to policy, Haredi children are exempt from Israel's educational standards. Haredim children don't have to study core topics like math, science and English, which means they offer lesser skills to would-be employers.


Protestors display bloodied mannequins outside the home of Israeli Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir (Brothers in Arms)

According to the Bank of Israel, 75% of Haredi women work, but just 50% of men. Two thirds of those working men only work part-time, and mostly in menial jobs commensurate with their lack of Earthly education. The average Haredi family pays only a third of the income tax paid by non-Haredim.

Within Israel, the dynamic has sparked growing resentment among non-Haredi Jews. "This is taxpayer money, almost exclusively funded by families whose children serve in the IDF," wrote Yaakov Katz in a Jerusalem Post opinion essay. "Having IDF-serving families fund non-serving families is an insult to these soldiers.


Israeli ultra-Orthodox Jews in a 2014 mass protest against a proposal to remove their draft exemption (Thomas Coex/AFP/Getty Images via PBS)

Similar sentiments were expressed on Thursday. “[The Haredim] are not carrying with us, they are not part of society,” 58-year-old Dafna Goldenberg told the Washington Post. “I’m deeply worried that it will all collapse.”

She said when she debated Haredim in front of a yeshiva school, they assured her, "God will protect us and we will protect you by studying Torah."

The economics of the situation are growing grimmer each day, thanks to the fact that the Haredim are the fast-growing segment of Israel's population, with a birth rate that's triple that of non-Haredi Jews.

The politics are intense too. Netanyahu's grip on power rests in part on Haredi political parties, whose demands for expedited passage of new laws cementing military exemptions for Yeshiva students are accompanied by threats of withdrawing from the ruling coalition.

"Coalition agreements signed between Netanyahu and the ultra-Orthodox parties also reportedly promise to funnel billions to ultra-Orthodox institutions, housing developments, and health-care and child-care services, proposals that have further infuriated the anti-governmental protests" -- Washington Post

Since he values power above all else, look for Netanyahu to walk a tightrope, with a bias toward advancing the Haredim agenda at the price of undermining Israel's long-term economic, cultural and political stability.


This is great news and shows that our enemies are being hammered. The spiritual power of the enemy will be neutered if they lose these benefits, as their own people do not understand any significance to them.

The Rabbis are stuck between fighting with their own people on one side, then having to deal with Satanic spiritual attacks on the left. This also forces them to give up on foreign concerns, as they cannot deal with everything at once.

Check out the comments on Zerohedge for some humor as well.
This is great news. But you should have included in the title, "Warning, disturbing images in post" :lol:

It says "unable to load comments at this time", did they close the comment section due to too many anti-semite comments?

I could not gain access to the "all comments" comments.
P.S. Regarding the bitchute link to the jew talking about destroying the White Race -

FancyMancy said:
I could not gain access to the "all comments" comments.
Ha, I didn't look closely-enough. I haven't used this comments section before. I could not gain access to the "premium comments" comments.
Fastest growing 🤢🤮 Not what you want to hear.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=440891 time=1683362320 user_id=21286]

The economics of the situation are growing grimmer each day, thanks to the fact that the Haredim are the fast-growing segment of Israel's population, with a birth rate that's triple that of non-Haredi Jews.

Straight Goy now as we become triple our population to curse you, let's make a discourse why you must always be InDePEnDenT and build nothing or not even try to get any kids because that's a grave sin, okay goy?

Enjoy dying independent and everything.
As long as they keep studying the Torah, the exemption keeps going too... That's an economic double-whammy: These men aren't productive
Get a taste of your anti-theism imposed on the world but to your own people, nerds.

Check out the comments on Zerohedge for some humor as well.
"Fun Fact: no Hebrew or Jeաish kingdom in history has lasted longer than 80 years. The State of Jeաish Israel was born in 1948, which means it has exactly five more years before it reaches its "Sell By" date. I guarantee you there are a lot of knowledgeable Jeաs who have circled 2028 on their calendars and are not feeling especially optimistic given the current state of affairs."

"Israeli told me, the country will fall apart if we had peace. Only the existential threat keeps the society together."
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=440891 time=1683362320 user_id=21286]

She said when she debated Haredim in front of a yeshiva school, they assured her, "God will protect us and we will protect you by studying Torah."


Goy it's fine in your goy church with Rabbi Jesus you have people too blessing Israel and the jewish people.

Now get that pitchfork to judge the lunatic HP Cobra who says the goy must be blessed and Rituals have to be done for it's sake. He's nuts bro. Race doesn't exist goy but if you look at the Haredi picture above it's like all of them are copy-pasted but don't concern yourself with this either.

Meanwhile let's assemble 10,000 or 100,000 jews to curse the goy and bless for shekels. Pick up that pitchfork goy to attack your Pagan Gods, Satan and their Priesthood now, so that you kill yourself and you replace your Priestly caste with jews in your Nation to bless the kikes, lol.

Shalom goy jesus was a Gentile, don't forget this.
i think for them it's not much, and there will be much more about it and with greater frequency and impact :lol:

until the end.
the comments had me rolling in laughter.
Well well well!..... :D looks like the parasites are getting angry!
They know they're being exposed...
It's interesting how a lot of these disgusting Christians are supporting them! Evil minds think alike. This kind of reminds me of a scene for a matter of Schindler's List! The poor pathetic Jews know that they're not wanted after the mess that they have made! With everything they've got their grimy hands on! And the fact that they love to lie and still and make a bullshit stories! It's about time! These things were plucked off the Earth and exterminated.
All they do is bitch and complain. And expect the world to feel sorry for them! Everybody can see right through them now! The games that they have played on the human race! And now they're about ready to get the same treatment! And I hope they do..... HAIL SATAN OATH!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥
I guess they can't handle their own curses very well silly jew don't your gods teach you how to cleanse yourself of curses or to empower your soul no you know only how to curse or send curses at others morons.

I guess it's hard to talk your gods when they screech at you in dinosaur.
This is so great news :twisted:

The Jews are reeking and they are powerless.

Ave Satanas

We will win :D comrades :twisted:
jews living in Hungary were also confused.
What I link to here is an article in Hungarian.

I had no idea the jews recieved special treatment in Israel, but now that I know, it's not a surprise.
Look at them being pathetic like they really are. I hope they enjoy being fucked over by their own mess.

Don't worry the cause of all this anti-semitism will be found.

Our synagogue has just invested a billion shekels in historical research.

With the goal of discovering the role jews played in the extermination of jews, and how the jews exterminated were all haredim, while the executioners were actually all israelite jews.

The whole holocaust affair could turn out to be a whole secret Israelite operation, which brought the estimated death toll to over 37 million.

The role of birds and Israelite jews during the extermination will also be studied; it is estimated that they may have killed 12 million jews in the first 13 months alone.

I also ask everyone to ignore the fact that the state of israel did not exist at the time and even if it did, the haredim were still part of it.

It could always be the fault of global warming that 37 million jews died.

Maybe it's time to tell the goy to eat more bugs.

It could also be the israelite jews' fault, but when in doubt keep cursing your ancestors for this goy!

~a rabbi somewhere in the state of israel.
Somewhere in space, I can hear some homicidal barneys and bug-headed midgets screaming in agony. Those fuckers should have known that assailing really powerful beings and their allies is a super stupid life choice.
Hahahahaaaaaaaa! Let Pissrael rot! May Palestine/Philistine rise from the ashes! They done this shit to the gentiles, for millennium, cause the gentile to fight each other while they take over societies!

For all of you moron goy Xians who continue to suck Pissrael cock, does this prove to you yet what the kikes wanna do to YOU when you allow them to take over your governments, your economies, your militaries, infrastructure, societies........your SOULS!?

They don't give a shit about their own and in-so-much as they wanna tout about being a "pride militant jewish state", yet here they are trying to exempt themselves from defending their own "state"........

Temple Mount shall be our's again!

Shaytanu Akbar! Masha'Shaytan!
Israel is crumbling.

Good :D :lol:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=440891 time=1683362320 user_id=21286]
SOURCE: Zerohedge

The protest movement that's rocked Israeli politics over the past months on Thursday shifted its fire to a new target: special treatments given to the country's rapidly-growing ultra-Orthodox population. The growing discontent threatens to widen a critical fault line spanning Israeli economics and politics.


Ultra-Orthodox Israeli Jewish men and boys in Netanya (Jack Guex/AFP via Getty Images and Jerusalem Post)

Declaring a "Day of Disruption to Demand Equality," tens of thousands of marchers in several cities asked for an end to a variety of special perks given to Israel's ultra-Orthodox Jews, who are called "Haredim." As they did in their successful quest to force a pause in Prime Minster Netanyahu's supreme court reform scheme, protesters blocked roads and demonstrated outside cabinet officers' houses -- although their numbers lagged earlier demonstrations.

One of those special treatments is exemptions from Israel's military draft. Haredim who are enrolled in religious study get to skip compulsory military service, a central aspect of Israeli society and an essential ingredient in the country's militarism.


Protesters of Haredim draft exemptions outside the Israeli Defense Force induction center push mock coffins (Mothers at the Front)

As long as they keep studying the Torah, the exemption keeps going too. Worse, Haredi men receive public subsidies all the way to the standard retirement age of 67. That's an economic double-whammy: These men aren't productive, and are taking money collected from others. (Thanks to America's lavish foreign aid to Israel, and the fact that money is fungible, some of those on the wrong end of this redistribution scheme are US taxpayers.)

In another exception to policy, Haredi children are exempt from Israel's educational standards. Haredim children don't have to study core topics like math, science and English, which means they offer lesser skills to would-be employers.


Protestors display bloodied mannequins outside the home of Israeli Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir (Brothers in Arms)

According to the Bank of Israel, 75% of Haredi women work, but just 50% of men. Two thirds of those working men only work part-time, and mostly in menial jobs commensurate with their lack of Earthly education. The average Haredi family pays only a third of the income tax paid by non-Haredim.

Within Israel, the dynamic has sparked growing resentment among non-Haredi Jews. "This is taxpayer money, almost exclusively funded by families whose children serve in the IDF," wrote Yaakov Katz in a Jerusalem Post opinion essay. "Having IDF-serving families fund non-serving families is an insult to these soldiers.


Israeli ultra-Orthodox Jews in a 2014 mass protest against a proposal to remove their draft exemption (Thomas Coex/AFP/Getty Images via PBS)

Similar sentiments were expressed on Thursday. “[The Haredim] are not carrying with us, they are not part of society,” 58-year-old Dafna Goldenberg told the Washington Post. “I’m deeply worried that it will all collapse.”

She said when she debated Haredim in front of a yeshiva school, they assured her, "God will protect us and we will protect you by studying Torah."

The economics of the situation are growing grimmer each day, thanks to the fact that the Haredim are the fast-growing segment of Israel's population, with a birth rate that's triple that of non-Haredi Jews.

The politics are intense too. Netanyahu's grip on power rests in part on Haredi political parties, whose demands for expedited passage of new laws cementing military exemptions for Yeshiva students are accompanied by threats of withdrawing from the ruling coalition.

"Coalition agreements signed between Netanyahu and the ultra-Orthodox parties also reportedly promise to funnel billions to ultra-Orthodox institutions, housing developments, and health-care and child-care services, proposals that have further infuriated the anti-governmental protests" -- Washington Post

Since he values power above all else, look for Netanyahu to walk a tightrope, with a bias toward advancing the Haredim agenda at the price of undermining Israel's long-term economic, cultural and political stability.


This is great news and shows that our enemies are being hammered. The spiritual power of the enemy will be neutered if they lose these benefits, as their own people do not understand any significance to them.

The Rabbis are stuck between fighting with their own people on one side, then having to deal with Satanic spiritual attacks on the left. This also forces them to give up on foreign concerns, as they cannot deal with everything at once.

Check out the comments on Zerohedge for some humor as well.

bro the jews look sick and weird in those pics like caricatures
Israel will get what it deserves!!!

The Jews themselves hate each other :lol: :lol:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
I love that not even they can handle their own.

"Let us curse the goy and do nothing else for our society. But don't worry Goy, we are only cursing the bad goyim.

Oy vey! I want to keep my black hat"
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=440898 time=1683365706 user_id=57]
...But you should have included in the title, "Warning, disturbing images in post" :lol:...

For real. Seeing that many jews and hebrew letters, unable to draw black lines over them, made me feel ill
When I finally reached the end of the post, my heart calmed in a second, just looking at Blitz's signature, with the National Socialist soldiers and Gentile kids. I had to suffer for the whole post but at least I recovered at the end :lol:
Lightningsnake said:
jews living in Hungary were also confused.
What I link to here is an article in Hungarian.


This reminds me of the situation of left-wing parties(MSZP, Momentum, DK, Párbeszéd, Jobbik, LMP).They also had to get together, so that they can exist, because they would collapse on their own.
The Phantom Stranger said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=440891 time=1683362320 user_id=21286]
SOURCE: Zerohedge

The protest movement that's rocked Israeli politics over the past months on Thursday shifted its fire to a new target: special treatments given to the country's rapidly-growing ultra-Orthodox population. The growing discontent threatens to widen a critical fault line spanning Israeli economics and politics.


Ultra-Orthodox Israeli Jewish men and boys in Netanya (Jack Guex/AFP via Getty Images and Jerusalem Post)

Declaring a "Day of Disruption to Demand Equality," tens of thousands of marchers in several cities asked for an end to a variety of special perks given to Israel's ultra-Orthodox Jews, who are called "Haredim." As they did in their successful quest to force a pause in Prime Minster Netanyahu's supreme court reform scheme, protesters blocked roads and demonstrated outside cabinet officers' houses -- although their numbers lagged earlier demonstrations.

One of those special treatments is exemptions from Israel's military draft. Haredim who are enrolled in religious study get to skip compulsory military service, a central aspect of Israeli society and an essential ingredient in the country's militarism.


Protesters of Haredim draft exemptions outside the Israeli Defense Force induction center push mock coffins (Mothers at the Front)

As long as they keep studying the Torah, the exemption keeps going too. Worse, Haredi men receive public subsidies all the way to the standard retirement age of 67. That's an economic double-whammy: These men aren't productive, and are taking money collected from others. (Thanks to America's lavish foreign aid to Israel, and the fact that money is fungible, some of those on the wrong end of this redistribution scheme are US taxpayers.)

In another exception to policy, Haredi children are exempt from Israel's educational standards. Haredim children don't have to study core topics like math, science and English, which means they offer lesser skills to would-be employers.


Protestors display bloodied mannequins outside the home of Israeli Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir (Brothers in Arms)

According to the Bank of Israel, 75% of Haredi women work, but just 50% of men. Two thirds of those working men only work part-time, and mostly in menial jobs commensurate with their lack of Earthly education. The average Haredi family pays only a third of the income tax paid by non-Haredim.

Within Israel, the dynamic has sparked growing resentment among non-Haredi Jews. "This is taxpayer money, almost exclusively funded by families whose children serve in the IDF," wrote Yaakov Katz in a Jerusalem Post opinion essay. "Having IDF-serving families fund non-serving families is an insult to these soldiers.


Israeli ultra-Orthodox Jews in a 2014 mass protest against a proposal to remove their draft exemption (Thomas Coex/AFP/Getty Images via PBS)

Similar sentiments were expressed on Thursday. “[The Haredim] are not carrying with us, they are not part of society,” 58-year-old Dafna Goldenberg told the Washington Post. “I’m deeply worried that it will all collapse.”

She said when she debated Haredim in front of a yeshiva school, they assured her, "God will protect us and we will protect you by studying Torah."

The economics of the situation are growing grimmer each day, thanks to the fact that the Haredim are the fast-growing segment of Israel's population, with a birth rate that's triple that of non-Haredi Jews.

The politics are intense too. Netanyahu's grip on power rests in part on Haredi political parties, whose demands for expedited passage of new laws cementing military exemptions for Yeshiva students are accompanied by threats of withdrawing from the ruling coalition.

"Coalition agreements signed between Netanyahu and the ultra-Orthodox parties also reportedly promise to funnel billions to ultra-Orthodox institutions, housing developments, and health-care and child-care services, proposals that have further infuriated the anti-governmental protests" -- Washington Post

Since he values power above all else, look for Netanyahu to walk a tightrope, with a bias toward advancing the Haredim agenda at the price of undermining Israel's long-term economic, cultural and political stability.


This is great news and shows that our enemies are being hammered. The spiritual power of the enemy will be neutered if they lose these benefits, as their own people do not understand any significance to them.

The Rabbis are stuck between fighting with their own people on one side, then having to deal with Satanic spiritual attacks on the left. This also forces them to give up on foreign concerns, as they cannot deal with everything at once.

Check out the comments on Zerohedge for some humor as well.

bro the jews look sick and weird in those pics like caricatures

I like to think it means the Jews are close to their end. I think it's the negative karma and black auras.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
Lightningsnake said:
jews living in Hungary were also confused.
What I link to here is an article in Hungarian.


This reminds me of the situation of left-wing parties(MSZP, Momentum, DK, Párbeszéd, Jobbik, LMP).They also had to get together, so that they can exist, because they would collapse on their own.

Yes, jews seem to be living in similar times in all areas.
"Goy don't listen to the Joy of Satan and anything about meditation etc, don't do Rituals and don't spiritually progress. It's all bullshit.

Now let me go read the Torah for 8 hour straight and do my meditations will you. Lol goy."
Glad to see this, from what I knew the social conflict between secular and religious kikes is an old one, also don't forget how the filth netanyahu tried to put torah laws with force but he was meet with huge protests lmao, SS spiritual attacks, the world waking up to them and now a lot of inner fighting, the kikes are good as dead.
I was just writing in another thread how occult-science was a heavily suppressed field and that eventually someone would have to come forth in a way to prove its legitimacy. And then this happens :lol:

Too fucking funny, what they sought to suppress has now come to bite them in the ass. As far as they know, what they're doing is nothing more than superstitious mumbo jumbo wasting their shekels. Maybe now they will have no choice but to publicly admit that the powers of the mind are real, which will enable valid inquire to the field of occultism and will reveal how its been used as a weapon against us for centuries.

Even look at what they did with their Iron Dome super-hero, a jewish collective thought form and they're not hiding it.

Pluto-Aquarius at it's work, we've waited and it's finally here. The revolution is beginning!

They estimated the US would fall in 20 years but we've still made it this far, and that was before 9/11.
Israel is collapsing LOL :lol: .

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
