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In One Hundred Years

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In One Hundred Years

The fact of the matter is if one does a honest review of the current world. Marxism will dominate the planet within a century. The situation is the world's second largest superpower China is a Marxist regime and they are buying up and building the infrastructure for a global Communist Government. The Hauwei scandal is just this coming to the surface.

The global banking houses own the world's economy they own 96% of the global media they control the governments and deep states of world powers. And they dominate the elite to normal level of academia. And they have been transforming society for decades to accept Marxist rule by transforming the values and psychology of society. The last major Marxist movements in America where 2010 with the Protest movements which where large and organized by the American Communist Parties with global banking money. And the 2016 Sander's movement in the Democratic Party. The fact is Sander's an open Marxist did have a major chance of winning. The entire Democratic rust belt regions that flipped the election to Trump where all going to vote for Sander's originally.

Ugov did a major poll in America and almost 70 percent of the population polled stated they hate capitalism and want Socialism. Some of the most popular counter cultural figures are Marxists now.

If you study Marxism the understanding of how to move capitalism into collapse mode is within it and how to push this along is there. Free Trade, globalization of jobs the leveling the economy down to a capitalist welfare state of peanuts and poverty creating massive inequality and the conditions of class warfare and in the end total collapse is all being done on purpose by the Jewish elites to bring about the conditions for a Marxist revolution in America.

What will happen is when the collapse comes you will see the return of the Marxist Party of America with Protest style movements and President runs and in time they will pick up millions of members. Then the crouch will come in. Marxism has never been voted to power it only can take power by armed violence and civil war. The Communists have stated One Third of American's have to be eliminated as counter revolutionary opposition to build the Communist State they want. That means One Third of American's are to be killed. The millions of people murdered in the Ukrainian massacre and in the Great Leap Forward in China all ordered and overseen by Jews. Where all murdered on purpose to destroy those elements of the population the enemy knew would form a counter revolutionary struggle against them. That is all. The Ukrainian's gave some of the most intense resistance to the Marxists during the civil war and after. Together the enemy murdered over 200 million people for control. Because this is the nature of the Marxist ideology. Marx stated entire swaths of the populations will have to eliminated in his own writings. You see that in Cambodia as well. One Third of the population was eliminated on purpose as they where considered the obstacle to creating a Communist State.

When civil war comes what will in the end happen if the America Red Army gains the upper hand far enough then Red Army troops from China and Cuba with land on American soil to aid the American Red Army in the civil war. This follows the traditional model of Marxist take overs around the world. Marxism is a globalist struggle and ideology. These forces like in the Russian civil war will be funded and aided by the global bankers. And with their control over China the entire military resources of a superpower.

The EU is also run by the Global Banking Elites who created Marxism and funded every Marxist revolution and State. They are leveling Europe down to embrace a Marxist revolt. And the migrant flood into Europe like into America is to provide the Marxist goons of the future. Most illegal migrants into America are converted into Communist ideology or come from nations already with Communist ideology. This is why they are allowed to come in and live on Welfare to provide the future army of the Marxist revolt. The highly intelligent migrants in America are sent to Marxist universities and trained to organize the migrant populations and illegal and other minority populations into Marxist fronts for the coming Marxist revolution in Europe and America. Right now China is trying to build a super highway from China to everywhere else including Europe. Its also for military transport. Stalin tried to the same highway across Europe in the 1930's for the same reason the war he was planning in 1941.

Somehow these strange Conservatives and Alt-Right people telling us all Communism is defeated. The first Communist revolt in America was against George Washington when the New Nation's government was still in Philadelphia. That is why President Washington passed the Alien and Sedition acts. It allowed for the arrest of foreign Communist agents coming in from the Jacobin Republic in France by the thousands [in the following decades the Jacobin's changed their name to the League then the Communist League]. The Communists almost overthrew the American Government and killed President Washington which was the plan. Adam's wrote to Jefferson a decade later and told him they nearly lost the Nation then if not for the yellow fever outbreak that swept the city and stopped the insurrection. Philadelphia only had 28,000 people living in it. The 10,000 man mob of insurrection where mainly trucked in from elsewhere and many where foreign communist agents from France. Some of the most important news papers in American society such as the New York Tribune in the 19th century where run by Communists who published 500 of Karl Marx's letters and distributed the Communist Manifesto. What has changed with the Media.....

The major agitators in American politics' for the American Civil war where open Communists all funded by international Jewish banking elites. Most of the original recruits for the Northern Army where German Communists migrants who escaped the failed revolution in Germany. And where all recruited by the call in the Communist publications they read and societies they where members of. The Abolitionist Movement in America where lead by Communists who used this social issue to polarize American society into armed camps to bring about the civil war and destruction of America. The Abolitionist leaders openly burned the American Constitution and demanded and end to America totally as an evil nation. Instead of just making an amendment to the constitution to end slavery peacefully which 11 other nations did in the American hemisphere. The goal was not ending slavery it was promoting destabilisation of American society to bring it down. John Brown who lead the terrorist revolt was himself also a Communist who was praised by the Communist papers and leaders across America. The goal was divide and conqueror. The Bankers then used their monopoly powers to pull the economic and political strings behind the scenes to force the secessionist movement to a head. The insane Taxation and loss of States Rights just kicked it over for them. The head of the Abolitionist movement joined the Communist First International after the American Civil war. All the anti-American Communists where all praising America all of a sudden and demanding the continuation of the American Civil war once they helped get it started. Because it was a tactic to help destroy the nation.

The last Communist Movement in America was in 2016...... Is Communism defeated....These people already created the last American Civil War that killed almost a million people. When American falls the world is doomed.

Now all of this is underlined by the enemies occult control of society by the consciousness field they have woven in the astral with the Torah that allows them the global control they have to bring this about. Note the Jewish ruling dollar of the world. The Federal Reserve, One dollar bill is covered with Jewish cabbalist sigils such as the six pointed star. This is to connect into their occult energies. The number 1 is the number that connects into all other numbers and represents their energy vortex its 10 reduced in numerology to 1. The reason for this also is the one dollar bill is the most common in circulation so it has the biggest subliminal effect on the population.

The Jewish leaders the real leaders the top Kabbalistic Rabbi's created Communism this was Jacob Frank at the top who was the declared Messiah of the Jewish race and led the Frankist movement to create a geopolitical movement to bring about the One World Jewish Government. Frank recruited the Rothschild's and Warburg's into his movement. Frank himself was deeply trained in the Kabbalah by the leading Cabbalist Jews from Turkey. Now the Rothschild's run this as the Messianic line. The Jewish Messiah is a occult political leader of the Jews who must bring about the One World Jewish Government run from Israel with the rebuild third Temple in Jerusalem. The Jewish King of the World in Jewish Kabbalistic Theosophy. The entire Communist movement and everything it ties into and requires to succeed is based on the Kabbalah which is the guide to create and use the energy vortex to bring this about. Since this is all based on the 22 Hebrew Letters the Final RTR is the only way out.

The Kabbalah states without the energy their world government is a Klipoth an empty shell that will collapse as the soul the energy that animates it is gone.

What armies failed to do will be done on the spiritual level into the material world. With the Final RTR this is why the enemy requires the removal of spiritual knowledge from Gentiles to win. The Jewish Rabbi's are warned in a prophecy in their ancient Kabbalah doctrine that Satan will destroy them by reversing the Torah which is the 22 letters and this is their weak point or Achilles heel that must be guarded against the most.

This prophecy has been fulfilled with the Final RTR. Its like the Lord of the Rings movie. Evil had won over the earth and numerous wars and great kings had failed to destroy Mordor and the power of Sauron's evil because its a spiritual, occult force. It was in the end two Hobbit's that destroyed the entire forces of Mordor and Sauron by throwing the ONE Ring into the fires where it was created and destroying it. Something to consider fire is a symbol of astral energy and mantra's power in the ancient world even in Kabbalah. The throwing the ring into the place it was created in was reversing its power.
It's great to see you back HP Mageson. The information and research you put into sermons is invaluable, and always brings something new to the table.

I have absolutely no doubt that the enemy is planning something very insidious in 2020 by collapsing the global economy and putting the Marxist revolution in motion, already they are planning to run Sanders again in 2020, along with a massive media attempt and possible government coup against Trump and his supreme appointees, and that's only the very tip of the iceberg. Trump's chances of getting reelected in 2020 are rather low at the moment, as the Jewish media has continually attacked Trump at every possible turn and swayed countless gullible useful idiots who will be voting Sanders in 2020. All of this on top of everything else the enemy is currently doing, I think it goes without saying that we need to try and do as many Final RTRs as we can before 2020.

70% couldn't find on ugov, just around 30% of young and like 15% of boomers. Total 70%.

More than half or about half still support capitalism even in millenials.

44% of millenials want socialism but 33% can't even define what it is




More fake news by jews.
Holy shit. The US has the largest and most advanced military and if that falls, tge worlds fucked. Can you imagine some years ago there was a long Cold war against Communism and now every kid around the block is brainwashed into being a Marxist. How Americas changed.
What armies failed to do will be done on the spiritual level into the material world. With the Final RTR this is why the enemy requires the removal of spiritual knowledge from Gentiles to win. The Jewish Rabbi's are warned in a prophecy in their ancient Kabbalah doctrine that Satan will destroy them by reversing the Torah which is the 22 letters and this is their weak point or Achilles heel that must be guarded against the most.

Could you please link me where this prophecy is written, I'm curious about their exact wording.

Just from the the top news feeds it looks like Nvidia and Caterpillar are blaming China for this current economic downturn.
The Bank report from J.P Morgan Chase bank mentions an economic collapse in 2020 from reports. If you study the history of the capitalist system in the 20th century in America there has been 11 collapses since 1929. And a down turn every four to seven years. The system is unstable as it is and capitalism can not sustain itself by its nature. The only alternative to this system on the ground is Marxism and that is the double bind everyone is taught if you don't like capitalism your a Communist. That dialectic works for the jews. The Jews are using the Fed to raise the interest rates to try and collapse the economy. From reports after the 2008 collapse the Fed was able to move itself into a seat of greater power and get rid of different legal restrictions place upon it after the 29 situation.

The fact is the major names who debate against the Marxist's don't understand Marxism and can't win a meaningful argument. I spent four years in Marxist dominated campuses as a student with Marxist professors and other students. They have all the smooth answers for every typical rejection or protest. Many also skip the fact the way to a fully Marxist society is to transition thought a totalitarian state capitalist system in which large amounts of the population are liquated by state terror this is all part of the Marxist blue print its not hiding. I wonder why Karl Marx put that part in there..... That is the trap to the whole plan they keep you here. Every major Communist revolution was run out of Moscow after 1918 and they all set up the same regime around the world from China to Cuba.

Marxism only makes sense if you understand the jewish question. Also with Karl notice pictures of him he has his hand in his coat jacket making the masonic gesture. He was probably recruited in some Masonic jew run outfit by his fellow tribe like Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky. I note they always keep Moses Hess out of the picture he wrote most of the Communist Manifesto and Marx called him "The Red Rabbi". Moses Hess wrote a book in which he detailed with pride the plan of his fellow Jews to create a global government using Hassidic black magic the Kabbalah. Moses Hess was the major leader in the Zionist movement and he openly wrote Zionism is the Jews ruling the world from a future state of Israel. That is why they keep him in the back ground it would have been obvious. Karl was a practicing Jew from his friends report of his own life he had the Tefillin and the Siddur prayer book and such. But he pretended to be Gentile to do his work like many Jews. That is why that Communist Jew wrote the book "The 13th Tribe" he admitted it was to trick the Goyim into thinking the Jews are not a race. Otherwise how could Karl and the crypto's succeed in spreading their racial doctrine.

Scion of Atlantis said:
It's great to see you back HP Mageson. The information and research you put into sermons is invaluable, and always brings something new to the table.

I have absolutely no doubt that the enemy is planning something very insidious in 2020 by collapsing the global economy and putting the Marxist revolution in motion, already they are planning to run Sanders again in 2020, along with a massive media attempt and possible government coup against Trump and his supreme appointees, and that's only the very tip of the iceberg. Trump's chances of getting reelected in 2020 are rather low at the moment, as the Jewish media has continually attacked Trump at every possible turn and swayed countless gullible useful idiots who will be voting Sanders in 2020. All of this on top of everything else the enemy is currently doing, I think it goes without saying that we need to try and do as many Final RTRs as we can before 2020.
I got that number from an Economic Professor's lecture lets hope he got it backward. But to be honest so what if he did nothing changes sadly.

However if the goal of Socialism is Communism why did National Socialism wipe out Communism in Germany and fight against it in Spain and the USSR.... The idea in America from the cold war is all Socialism is Marxism so enjoy your job going to Mexico and don't have a Union or your a Commie and you better not criticize capitalism as it steals the fruits of your labour and gives it to Wall Street profiteers. And gives you Usury debt in return. Oh and the capitalist welfare state being created by the looting of the working and middle class ummm…. That is like Socialism or something not the effects of Wall Street banks.

Socialism on basic defination is stated to be society and the workers controlling the means of production. Marxism destorys the family unit and society on every level it destroys race, nation, culture. And where did the workers have control over their own businesses in the USSR? They were enslaved in a jewish run State Capitalist plantation. Look what happened in Poland when the Polish workers wanted to have more control and basically formed a Union movement. Moscow ordered it shut down by military force.

When Lenin launched his coup against the democratic Russian Goverment he destroyed the workers councils and ended the workers collectives meaning he ended the workers ownership over their own factories, the means of production and then made them slaves in their former factories the Communist government now owned and if they were late or messed up on the line from being worked to exhaustion they where arrested and executed as economic saboteurs or sent to die in a slave labour camp. Lenin went back on all his promises once he grabbed power. Because it was just pillow talk baby to con the Goyim. Guess what you can't trust the Jews.

Lenin just turned the USSR into a slave labour society run by the Red Army and Jewish Cheka for the Elders of Zion, that was the plan. You can note Stalin had a nervous breakdown in 1943 and the Jew Herrman was flown in from New York to run the USSR on orders from Rothschild. That is who Lenin was taking orders from. Its well known Trotsky was working for the Rockefeller's who created the American Communist Party and funded it from behind the scenes. The Jewish banking elites also funded the Communist movement off Wall Street.

There was a book called "Naked Capitalism" in which Dobs a major Communist Party leader in America in the 1930's stated she was ordered by Moscow to follow the orders of the three highest ranking capitalists in America and that is when she wondered who was really running the Party and why.

The National Socalists where right when they stated Marxism is not Socialism. The 25 points of the National Socialist manifesto abolished capitalism without going into Marxism. The fact they banned the bread and butter of capitalism..... Usury and stated it would be punished with extreme laws.... The Labour based ecomony of National Socialism created the highest standard of living for People in the world.
HP Mageson666 said:
European elections will be taking place in May, what do you think the result will be? Macron and Merkel are trying to create a superstate right now (Moscovici tried this before but failed), obviously in light of these upcoming elections.
This is horrible! This is why must keep up the RTRs and other forms of warfare!

Two wrongs do not make a right! You cannot fight capitalism with socialism!

I do not want to witness this future, nor let myself be reincarnated in a communist dictatorship like Soviet Russia, but only cyberpunk version of one. No one in their right mind wants!

And I am beginning to hate the word "millennial". It is associating me with the mindless bunch of today, just because I was born in the same period as them! I have nothing common with them! Nothing!
They get a lot of people because they don't call it Marxism anymore. They call it being liberal. But its Marxist ideology the SJW types are off the campus and they promote Marxism without knowing it in many cases. However when the open Marxists come out they find themselves supportive because why would they not.

Years ago Obama the limousine Marxist all of a sudden purged a lot of top ranking Military commanders from the Pentagon. Like over night with no warning. I was always suspicious as to why.

Jack said:
Holy shit. The US has the largest and most advanced military and if that falls, tge worlds fucked. Can you imagine some years ago there was a long Cold war against Communism and now every kid around the block is brainwashed into being a Marxist. How Americas changed.
HP Mageson666 said:
They get a lot of people because they don't call it Marxism anymore. They call it being liberal. But its Marxist ideology the SJW types are off the campus and they promote Marxism without knowing it in many cases. However when the open Marxists come out they find themselves supportive because why would they not.

Years ago Obama the limousine Marxist all of a sudden purged a lot of top ranking Military commanders from the Pentagon. Like over night with no warning. I was always suspicious as to why.

Jack said:
Holy shit. The US has the largest and most advanced military and if that falls, tge worlds fucked. Can you imagine some years ago there was a long Cold war against Communism and now every kid around the block is brainwashed into being a Marxist. How Americas changed.

You are 100% correct HP, 'Obama the limousine Marxist' cut roughly 200 senior military generals, staff etc in a period of 5 years. It was 100% a strategic purge.

More to that, now the nation is left with NeoCon Generals like Flynn, Mattis, McMaster, Dunford, Kelly etc,,,all these guys, most are cryptos like Mattis Kelly and Flynn...are in line with the Jew program or they would not be there at this point. Look at their actions, not their words. For example a handy way to spot them now is all of a sudden we have the withdraw from Syria naysayers...who were not so just a few months back when it made sense for them to verbally prostitute themselves on the air waves. At the end of the day there is no left or right, just Jews and their agenda who have hijacked our Military and our Government.

The Millennial SJW types get douped by these 'ultra liberal' types ... self admitted Jew, Ocasio Cortez .. who doesn't exactly walk around with a Marx hoodie on

I didn't know that AOC was tribe but that explains a lot if she is. The situation is the war between Liberal's and Cultural Marxists that has gone on with the Trump is the Liberals of today want globalism in one nation with civic nationalism and want everything to be around individuals to obtain their ideal of a free society. The Cultural Marxists believe its about group identities and dismantling collective power structures that oppress people based on collective identity and that Whites all somehow benefit and run this these oppressive structures. Where Liberals believe its just groups of individuals doing anything in society for whatever purpose with no such collective identity. Both want a race mixed global society just they move the goal posts on what that means and how to achieve it. However a lot of the newer Liberals at least will stand for some kind of freedom of the 1st amendment.

The original Enlightenment thinkers in fact the father of the Enlightenment, Rousseau stated an actual free society based on the freedom's of individuals and a society with the general will to platform this has to be HOMOGENIUS that is racially and culturally the same. The Founders of America who where in the same circles as Thomas Paine and Voltaire. Franklin initiated Voltaire in Paris. All passed Racial Laws with the Naturalization acts stating one has to be a White Person of European descent and good moral character to be American they did this because they had non-Whites in their area's. The other Enlightenment leaders lived in all White Europe at the time so they didn't have to make such a big deal out of race as in their world and time the idea that one day Europe would anti-White and flooded with hostile third world migrants raping everyone was not there.

The Enlightenment Liberals where all Racialists. And wanted to create a society for White People based on "The Book of Nature". A philosophical cultural structure based on the eternal religion of nature. Not a religious caste system with a fat jew the pope at the top.

sip said:
HP Mageson666 said:
They get a lot of people because they don't call it Marxism anymore. They call it being liberal. But its Marxist ideology the SJW types are off the campus and they promote Marxism without knowing it in many cases. However when the open Marxists come out they find themselves supportive because why would they not.

Years ago Obama the limousine Marxist all of a sudden purged a lot of top ranking Military commanders from the Pentagon. Like over night with no warning. I was always suspicious as to why.

Jack said:
Holy shit. The US has the largest and most advanced military and if that falls, tge worlds fucked. Can you imagine some years ago there was a long Cold war against Communism and now every kid around the block is brainwashed into being a Marxist. How Americas changed.

You are 100% correct HP, 'Obama the limousine Marxist' cut roughly 200 senior military generals, staff etc in a period of 5 years. It was 100% a strategic purge.

More to that, now the nation is left with NeoCon Generals like Flynn, Mattis, McMaster, Dunford, Kelly etc,,,all these guys, most are cryptos like Mattis Kelly and Flynn...are in line with the Jew program or they would not be there at this point. Look at their actions, not their words. For example a handy way to spot them now is all of a sudden we have the withdraw from Syria naysayers...who were not so just a few months back when it made sense for them to verbally prostitute themselves on the air waves. At the end of the day there is no left or right, just Jews and their agenda who have hijacked our Military and our Government.

The Millennial SJW types get douped by these 'ultra liberal' types ... self admitted Jew, Ocasio Cortez .. who doesn't exactly walk around with a Marx hoodie on


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
