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In Flames: Italy, Greece, Turkey, Canada, Algeria too - Burning the Planet For "Climate Change"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
For those who have been reading the News, all these three Nations are burning severely. If this continues, we will do a group ritual.

Now, it should be evident, that the "Climate Change" gang, is really just trying to enforce this meme as always. The general claim is that this is because of the "Warm summer" that these Nations are burning so badly. Proof of purposeful fires is dismissed.

It's just the random and generalized caused of "Climate Change". Their only concern here is the political agenda. But even this, is sourced in another larger plan. The reality is, that is the NWO and it's cohorts, and all of this is part of a more elaborate plot to deforest the planet.

We have seen this in the Amazon fires and other fires that have been less noticed. We have seen fires before, too. But this time over, the narrative is going to change.

We have to understand that we are dealing with criminals, that want to destroy this planet. On one hand, they whine about "Climate change" and "Green policies", and on the other hand, they are themselves a polluted spirit and soul.

Most of them are closely 70 years old, and about to go to the final destination, and yet, these jews, will consistently harass the planet until they die. We are here because many didn't care to even create even a single environmentally friendly value for human beings.

They are putting max pedal to fuck the planet without caring at all what happens to the next generation.

These are the results of corruption of the jewish programs that people have believed in. This is where humans learn that instead of treating nature as sacred, and other species with respect, that they are more important than "anything" and that nature and the natural world is of "Satan".

And since it is, of course, and even this planet is [and the enemy knows this], the behavior of these universal criminals is really not a question mark as to why this happens.

Any actual "Climate Change" is issues that truly do exist [despite their repetitive lying propaganda], will be "accelerated" by this extensive burning. In fact, this also aims to cause much of this, since this wasn't even really happening to the extent that it was advertised.

Part of this harassment is to destroy the planet and leave it desolate. Normal people believe this is happening to build Casinos, or other "investments", but the reality is, all of this is simply triggered by the Jew World Order, to be used later on as an excuse to enforce stranger measures that are part of a mode broadly world altering agenda.

You will listen to this spamming in the news now. The Co-Vid spamming will be replaced and co-exist with "Climate Change" spamming. On this pretext that "Crazy forest burners" are burning forests, they will probably try to pass laws and regulations to stop people from accessing forests.

Now, this may sound insane to most people, and it really is. But the enemy understands the spiritual power of forests, nature, and so on. They want people to be away from these. Aside their attempts to lock people inside the houses for an indefinite amount of time, they will try to lock human beings out of natural places and landscapes too, to fruther dehumanize people.

I won't even mention that since the jews have been falling, need for mass death and sacrificial energy and suffering is required for them to keep their agenda going, since most people instantly catch up on these things here.

After the fires who are wiping out the green lungs of the planet, they know, there will be brutal flooding. This brutal flooding, they will later on again justify on "Climate Change". With the claims piling up, they will insist that it's absolutely necessary to enforce new "Environmental measures".

These measures will seldom have anything to do to help the environment. They will just be the usual strangulation of rights to move, assosciate, eat specific things, and so on, and later be enforced slowly and through many different fake ass claims, to rob people of even more freedoms. This is all part of the "Great Reset" agenda.

The enemy is weak and worthless, and if anything, could never lead people successfully to any change. They are only there to make humanity suffer intensively. They actually also, enjoy the suffering.

Western masonic ultracuck "Leaders" are going to do their utmost to make people afraid of a 0.04% death rate virus [2 years were wasted in this rampage globally and infinite billions/trillions], and now, they will start another internal issue agenda, progressively increasing chaos. They will just keep spamming that it's all due to "climate change", while the majority of this will be not only manmade, but the part that is not manmade, will be purposefully not be prevented.

We are dealing with a criminal gang and we have to understand this. Unless the freemasonic clique and JWO is brought to it's knees, they will raze the earth.

They can escape laws and they can escape their own rigged political and judicial system, and this makes them think that they are "Gods". But from the curses like this there is absolutely no escape from them. These foul lizards will pay with their soul for everything they have done and are doing to this planet.

This is also why it's important the FRTR and all the rest of the rituals are continued until all their support is broken and they are delivered to the might of the people, worldwide. Their protection will eventually run out.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It's sad. These fires are burning the Mediterranean, and with it, many homes, and livelihoods. Strange how some victims are blaming arsonists for these fires but reporters and government officials are focusing on "cLiMaTe cHaNge".

I think it must have been a vision, but right before I woke up from sleep this day, I saw someone with what looked like a firework launcher, launching straight into an area thick with bushes. And then I find this post.

For a fact, there are deliberate attempts to burn everything down. Also, what a cohencidence that some of these random fires start right by historical (and primarily white) towns, as we have seen in the US in california and washington.

They must pay.
On this pretext that "Crazy forest burners" are burning forests, they will probably try to pass laws and regulations to stop people from accessing forests.

Now, this may sound insane to most people, and it really is. But the enemy understands the spiritual power of forests, nature, and so on. They want people to be away from these. Aside their attempts to lock people inside the houses for an indefinite amount of time, they will try to lock human beings out of natural places and landscapes too, to fruther dehumanize people.

This. there is a reason gentiles are attracted to nature and the outdoors. It has been proven that walking around in a forest or any nature area is also good for stress and depression. We are connected to this earth and recharge in being such because unlike the enemy we belong here

This is just the enemy trying to further their terroforming this planet to something lifeless desolate and "grey" theres no need for green and natural on a borg planet when every human is connected to the hivemind. Disgusting
I rememer a dream i had where i felt to have seen sigils that resembled our Gods yet that were still very alien in their vibe, and were still obviously very different. The very shapes of them felt ominous and disgusting and i'm glad to have not remembered them in detail. The setting was on a desolate grey looking planet with no green or life.

These fires are definately not by accident. I also think rituals are in order. I have often wondered if plants could percieve and feel pain, maybe not how we do but different. they after all "eat" and "breathe" albeit also in a different way and have cells and DNA. I think these burnings also just raises more death energy that they can use, so not just death of flesh and blood organisms via sacrifice but this as well..particularly with mass burnings like these.
I live in on a reservation here in Manitoba, the air quality is horrible. Almost a quarter of the province is on fire. For once, I actually want to wear the masks we are given for work. That’s how bad it is. I’m sick and tired of these kikes fucking up everything. My scalping knife in ready :lol:
We'll see if they can keep me out of the woods, but they'll never keep me away from my soul and my Gods. They don't have much longer in this world, and we are not going to let them suicide bomb our planet on their way out.
In these difficult times, besides forest fires, Turkey is also dealing with the Afghan and Syrian refugee crisis. While the demographic structure of our country is under threat, the economic collapse and hunger we experience are pushing us hard.
Turkey burns every summer ("accidentally"!), and then, about two years later, hotels appear in place of forests. These hotels grow like mushrooms after rain, but in this case, these hotels grow after fires. It `s so sad...
Thank you very much for this post, commander! We must always be in the ranks and your messages motivate us very much. Be blessed.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What is happening right now is too exaggerated. The JWO want to take our air, our waters, and everything beautiful we have. I feel sorry for these natural disasters, but if all those sleeping Christians would wake up and stop kissing the Jews so much everything would be much better. Let's be strong!
Just the usual Jewish fucking shit, create the problem, provoke the solution and then offer it. :x :x :x :x
This is really sad, more then that.
It make me unbelievable angry, that they exactly know everything how our Earth is working, what they have to do to create chaos and disasters and then with their fucking slaves in high positions make rules that nobody knows and people realizes things when more likely too late.

Also what have you stated that chaos is just coming to shake our world and our everydaylife and many will be destroyed is completely scary. Being aware of this information is not an easy burden, but to shere this is even harder. My experiences are, that when I trying to explain to my colleagues or to my frieds, they just looking at me that I am from another world. They understand for now that something is very wrong globaly but when I start to leak more info and include who are behind it and how they doing it, they just stuck and I didnt even go deep with details, that would shock them.

What scares me a lot is the human stupidity, there are still many of these brainwashed and they think - oh, these thing happened in the past so is happening noe, nothing to be worried - and they move on, but is not like this and as I see is a waste of time to talk to these idiots.

Also many of these they think - oh, we got the 2 shots and our life will continue as before, no need to worrie - how stupid they are?! when you tell them how many people already died from the vaccine they just ignore you and call you crazy conspiracy teorist. The thing is with these people, they are scared inside and do not want to hear anything negative about the jabs what Billy boy and the filthy kikes provided to the whole populace.

In my country they start pushing that everyone must get the vaccine, even if people more and more aware that this is the BIGGEST LIE what humanity ever experienced. Trying to push it on everyone, even on children. Many articles on the social networks that pople are dying from the jab, hundreds of evidences, videos, scientific proofs from real doctors who stand on the side of humanity and what these fucking goverments are doing?? KEEP ON TELLING TO US TO GET THE VACCINE.
People getting crazy and mad, restrictions are not applied yet, but all the medie is telling what waiting for us from september, fuck these times are really aggressive and in many areas hopeless.
In the past weeks, forest fires broke out in various places in Turkey. Just when the militant-type Afghan refugees arrived. Erdogan says refugees will keep coming. Recently, an Afghan refugee tried to rape a 17-year-old Turkish girl. Refugees are huge problem and they took place with PKK (terror organization) to burn down the forests. They open investigations for those who ask for help saying #HelpTurkey for the fires, they deliberately intervene in the fires too late. They destroyed the green areas continuously and in a planned manner. Even in big places like Istanbul, cemeteries are the only areas of greenery. I hate this political islamic goverment so so much. They are working so hard to hurt their own citizens in every way.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Will this ritual be after the RTR program or during the RTR program?
I think it is inevitable to do so, the enemy will do everything he can do as long as he exists.
Here is a potential weapon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07rtBip9ixk

I would so much like if this agenda would suddenly somehow fall and the "conspiracy theorist" would <insert justice verb here> the pseudo-cuck intellectuals and their favorite jews. If they wanna suck the dick of their masters so bad, they should join them in their graves
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is also why it's important the FRTR and all the rest of the rituals are continued until all their support is broken and they are delivered to the might of the people, worldwide. Their protection will eventually run out.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

These words make me feel so good. Thanks you Cobra for this.
The evil they cause is so great that this punishment is the only one that could give us some relief.
So horrified to see their dreams of genocide and total destruction come true before our eyes. They must NOT succeed. These scum will fail.
I think their is a law in commifornia that prevents them from cutting down old trees, so any forest fires from California are the fault of the reptiles in power, let also not forget antifa starting fires, so yah the world is literally burning
An this Totally not going to be used to take more freedoms away from us
(Come goyims gives us more of your freedoms an bes slaveses)
Akay Alaz said:
In the past weeks, forest fires broke out in various places in Turkey. Just when the militant-type Afghan refugees arrived. Erdogan says refugees will keep coming. Recently, an Afghan refugee tried to rape a 17-year-old Turkish girl. Refugees are huge problem and they took place with PKK (terror organization) to burn down the forests. They open investigations for those who ask for help saying #HelpTurkey for the fires, they deliberately intervene in the fires too late. They destroyed the green areas continuously and in a planned manner. Even in big places like Istanbul, cemeteries are the only areas of greenery. I hate this political islamic goverment so so much. They are working so hard to hurt their own citizens in every way.

What percentage of the Kurds supports the PKK in Turkey overall
idiocy smasher said:
Akay Alaz said:
In the past weeks, forest fires broke out in various places in Turkey. Just when the militant-type Afghan refugees arrived. Erdogan says refugees will keep coming. Recently, an Afghan refugee tried to rape a 17-year-old Turkish girl. Refugees are huge problem and they took place with PKK (terror organization) to burn down the forests. They open investigations for those who ask for help saying #HelpTurkey for the fires, they deliberately intervene in the fires too late. They destroyed the green areas continuously and in a planned manner. Even in big places like Istanbul, cemeteries are the only areas of greenery. I hate this political islamic goverment so so much. They are working so hard to hurt their own citizens in every way.

What percentage of the Kurds supports the PKK in Turkey overall
idiocy smasher said:
Akay Alaz said:
In the past weeks, forest fires broke out in various places in Turkey. Just when the militant-type Afghan refugees arrived. Erdogan says refugees will keep coming. Recently, an Afghan refugee tried to rape a 17-year-old Turkish girl. Refugees are huge problem and they took place with PKK (terror organization) to burn down the forests. They open investigations for those who ask for help saying #HelpTurkey for the fires, they deliberately intervene in the fires too late. They destroyed the green areas continuously and in a planned manner. Even in big places like Istanbul, cemeteries are the only areas of greenery. I hate this political islamic goverment so so much. They are working so hard to hurt their own citizens in every way.

What percentage of the Kurds supports the PKK in Turkey overall

There is party called HDP in Turkey and they've got %11,7 percent votes. HDP is PKK in policy. They also trying to sabotage Turkish Army Forces. To them we are fascist because we are defending ourselves. Btw the head of the HDP Selahattin Demirtaş is in the prison right now, guess why? Because he has photos with the pkk members and him itself is a terrorist. BUT not all Kurdish people are terrorist, we live together for hundreds of years. I personally have no hate for them.
Akay Alaz said:
idiocy smasher said:
Akay Alaz said:
In the past weeks, forest fires broke out in various places in Turkey. Just when the militant-type Afghan refugees arrived. Erdogan says refugees will keep coming. Recently, an Afghan refugee tried to rape a 17-year-old Turkish girl. Refugees are huge problem and they took place with PKK (terror organization) to burn down the forests. They open investigations for those who ask for help saying #HelpTurkey for the fires, they deliberately intervene in the fires too late. They destroyed the green areas continuously and in a planned manner. Even in big places like Istanbul, cemeteries are the only areas of greenery. I hate this political islamic goverment so so much. They are working so hard to hurt their own citizens in every way.

What percentage of the Kurds supports the PKK in Turkey overall
idiocy smasher said:
Akay Alaz said:
In the past weeks, forest fires broke out in various places in Turkey. Just when the militant-type Afghan refugees arrived. Erdogan says refugees will keep coming. Recently, an Afghan refugee tried to rape a 17-year-old Turkish girl. Refugees are huge problem and they took place with PKK (terror organization) to burn down the forests. They open investigations for those who ask for help saying #HelpTurkey for the fires, they deliberately intervene in the fires too late. They destroyed the green areas continuously and in a planned manner. Even in big places like Istanbul, cemeteries are the only areas of greenery. I hate this political islamic goverment so so much. They are working so hard to hurt their own citizens in every way.

What percentage of the Kurds supports the PKK in Turkey overall

There is party called HDP in Turkey and they've got %11,7 percent votes. HDP is PKK in policy. They also trying to sabotage Turkish Army Forces. To them we are fascist because we are defending ourselves. Btw the head of the HDP Selahattin Demirtaş is in the prison right now, guess why? Because he has photos with the pkk members and him itself is a terrorist. BUT not all Kurdish people are terrorist, we live together for hundreds of years. I personally have no hate for them.

Kurds have a special place in my heart because I met a Kurdish girl from Hamburg in late September 2016 in the Zoo in Prague. She visited the facility with her class and she looked very similar to Catherine Zeta Jones. Since then I have been in love with her but I have no contact with her. Neither online nor face to face. I want to meet her again like crazy in spite of the visions I have had. In one of them she is bound to find a native pansexual German boy and stay with him for good.
DragonFire11 said:
This is really sad, more then that.
It make me unbelievable angry, that they exactly know everything how our Earth is working, what they have to do to create chaos and disasters and then with their fucking slaves in high positions make rules that nobody knows and people realizes things when more likely too late.

Also what have you stated that chaos is just coming to shake our world and our everydaylife and many will be destroyed is completely scary. Being aware of this information is not an easy burden, but to shere this is even harder. My experiences are, that when I trying to explain to my colleagues or to my frieds, they just looking at me that I am from another world. They understand for now that something is very wrong globaly but when I start to leak more info and include who are behind it and how they doing it, they just stuck and I didnt even go deep with details, that would shock them.

What scares me a lot is the human stupidity, there are still many of these brainwashed and they think - oh, these thing happened in the past so is happening noe, nothing to be worried - and they move on, but is not like this and as I see is a waste of time to talk to these idiots.

Also many of these they think - oh, we got the 2 shots and our life will continue as before, no need to worrie - how stupid they are?! when you tell them how many people already died from the vaccine they just ignore you and call you crazy conspiracy teorist. The thing is with these people, they are scared inside and do not want to hear anything negative about the jabs what Billy boy and the filthy kikes provided to the whole populace.

In my country they start pushing that everyone must get the vaccine, even if people more and more aware that this is the BIGGEST LIE what humanity ever experienced. Trying to push it on everyone, even on children. Many articles on the social networks that pople are dying from the jab, hundreds of evidences, videos, scientific proofs from real doctors who stand on the side of humanity and what these fucking goverments are doing?? KEEP ON TELLING TO US TO GET THE VACCINE.
People getting crazy and mad, restrictions are not applied yet, but all the medie is telling what waiting for us from september, fuck these times are really aggressive and in many areas hopeless.

Lol dude I go through this everyday like LITERALLY, I've tried telling and warning people about
everything but as usual same reaction get called a called conspiracy theorist then told I live in my own world personally ive came to terms that alot of people i know are going to perish due to there ignorance it truly is sad but above all my highest fear
is that the enemy could pull off, is some kind of grid down scenario (emp attack) im sure years ago I read somewhere on the jos or related sites hps Maxine warned of an emp attack by the enemy, then i never saw the the page with the warning again but im positive I remember reading something like this that is one way the enemy could completely bring this nation and world down to its knees i wouldn't put a single thing past the enemy nothing they do would suprise me at this point
I feel like right now we are living in the calm before storm so to speak stay vigilant brother

hail satan!
idiocy smasher said:
Kurds have a special place in my heart because I met a Kurdish girl from Hamburg in late September 2016 in the Zoo in Prague. She visited the facility with her class and she looked very similar to Catherine Zeta Jones. Since then I have been in love with her but I have no contact with her. Neither online nor face to face. I want to meet her again like crazy in spite of the visions I have had. In one of them she is bound to find a native pansexual German boy and stay with him for good.

Lol you gotta see those iranid armenoid types in Turkey :lol: :lol: :lol: . You've probably seen some rare Europid type of them. Most Kurds in Germany are rich.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
