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Important 26.5.19 Germany EU Elektion choose The Right


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2018
Ursula Meta Hedwig Haverbeck-Wetzel is the leading candidate of the party The Right she is 88 years old and is in prison for her statements against the Holocaust.


In Germany it is illegal to deny the Holocaust. (Up to 5 years in prison) . If 180,000 votes come together in the European elections, she is entitled for at
least 2 sessions in the EU Parliament until her immunity is revoked. (Imagine the effect of this event , big exposure for the enemy)

"Federal Constitutional Court:
The court stated that the punishability of Holocaust denial was compatible with the fundamental right to freedom of expression. (wiki haverbeck)

Because of the following video the woman is inhaled, here is the wording from the video (translated into English)

"Dear comrades-in-arms near and far, dear friends, first of all I would like to thank you very much
for the truly overwhelming flood of letters with greetings and thanks after the Panarama interview.
I didn't expect anything like that at all, today a completely different topic comes up:
namely this flooding with foreigners in Europe. Rarely one can say a century carries a name
most of the time we are content with counting and call for example the last century the 20 century
although it always starts at 19 and this 20th century, that surprisingly has two names:
once by a hystorist of Jewish and Russian origin who teaches in the usa, who calls the 20th century
the jewish century and he adds in his very extensive book , that there is also the
antisimitic century. The Yuri Sleskei has thus the history of the Jews in the world actually
in these more than 1000 pages together, half mythical, but also very real, especially when he has the
Jewish century of Germany, so he has established that it is already 2006 in German, by the way
published in germany. It's been around for a long time, only I notice again and again that Jewish literature
is hardly read. From us Germans, although that is stupid if we do not do that. and this Jewish century
begins, if one examines it exactly and verifies whether the gentleman Juri Sleska is right with the designation:

then one can say that begins with the 100 year commemorative congress. 1889 Commemoration of the French Revolution
which is dated 1789 yes and in this/this congress we know from protocols and above all from a
Publication from England in a journal called Truths which appeared in 1890 already. on this
Conference was already determined what was planned for the next century. And that was for example:
the wars the fragmentation of Germany after the war, that was the abdication of the 3 emperors of the Austrian
of the Prussian and Russian Tsars and over the area of Russia of this map which can be seen inside
there stood at that time 1889 /90 already Russian desert and a map appearing about 1 or 2 years later there is called it
then for Russia country for social experiments from which it can be concluded that at that time there was already a clear allusion to
Revolution , the Bolshevik Revolution , so that is the first part of this Jewish century then goes
and so on. 1933 Takeover of power by the National Socialists and what followed already in March many know that
probably still, there was the first declaration of war of the Jews and that again in an English newspaper
published. A full-page statement in the Daily Express, where thus is said the Judea Germany
declared war and in August of the same year it was said that there was already a holy war against Germany.
it is bloodthirsty and violent and the militaristic country must be fought by all of us together.
and then comes the assertion that the German two world wars have instigated from the world war one has that
yes Christopher Klag with his book the great work the sleepwalker questioned or disproved, really
clearly disproved. But Sebastion Haffner had recognized this much earlier and said, the World War 2 and also
Adolf hitler are the result of Versaye and then comes throughout the last half of the previous century
In this Jewish century the greatest crime of all time that the Germans are said to have committed was the Holocaust.

So if they check it out and imagine or take note of history in its larger movements,
you can tell that Juris Sleskein is right. The second name for the twentieth century comes from
a German one by Hugo Wellems and has the title of the century of lies and this book was published exactly at the
The book was thus published 100 years after the commemoration congress for the French Revolution.
then you can say it starts with the 100 Years Memorial Congress. 1889 Commemoration of the French Revolution
which is dated 1789 yes and in this/this congress we know from protocols and above all from a
Publication from England in a journal called Truths which appeared in 1890 already. on this
Conference was already determined what was planned for the next century. And that was for example:
the wars the fragmentation of Germany after the war, that was the abdication of the 3 emperors of the Austrian
of the Prussian and Russian Tsars and over the area of Russia of this map which can be seen inside
there stood at that time 1889 /90 already Russian desert and a map appearing about 1 or 2 years later there is called it
then for Russia country for social experiments from which it can be concluded that at that time there was already a clear allusion to
Revolution , the Bolshevik Revolution , so that is the first part of this Jewish century then goes
and so on. 1933 Takeover of power by the National Socialists and what followed already in March many know that
probably still, there was the first declaration of war of the Jews and that again in an English newspaper
published. A full-page statement in the Daily Express, where thus is said the Judea Germany
declared war and in August of the same year it was said that there was already a holy war against Germany.
it is bloodthirsty and violent and the militaristic country must be fought by all of us together.
and then comes the assertion that the German two world wars have instigated from the world war one has that
yes Christopher Klag with his book the great work the sleepwalker questioned or disproved, really
clearly disproved. But Sebastion Haffner had recognized this much earlier and said, the World War 2 and also
Adolf hitler are the result of Versaye and then comes throughout the last half of the previous century
In this Jewish century the greatest crime of all time that the Germans are said to have committed was the Holocaust.

So if they check it out and imagine or take note of history in its larger movements,
you can tell that Juris Sleskein is right. The second name for the twentieth century comes from
a German one by Hugo Wellems and has the title of the century of lies and this book was published exactly at the
The book was thus published 100 years after the memorial congress for the French Revolution.
you simply check if that's true and then you already find out and that's the beginning of Wellems' book, the
already before the First World War, especially during the First World War, but also until afterwards about the German really the
of the most outrageous atrocities. Worst at that time and us and in my youth still generally
at present the chopped off Belgian children were hands, that was blamed the German to a summit of barbarism.
because they supposedly wanted to prevent the Belgians from ever becoming soldiers again. But after
World War I one must admit really färer orphan, there were at least still confessions, that it itself with these
Atrocities and atrocities would have acted on lies, namely a staff member of the London Daily Mail.
He admitted that he had been called upon by London immediately at the outbreak of war, in August 1914.
was by telephone to write horror stories about children and virgins. And if not differently, then
may he do it as he pleases. And Captain Bilson says yes, I did that too.
Anyway, that is an admission that the whole thing does not correspond to the truth of World War 1.
We have not yet heard that from World War 2. This communication can be found. In a magazine
published in the series Hystorische Tatsachen by Udo Valendi. And there he has in number 22
of this series in 1984, that is Alleirte Kriegspropaganda 1914-1919. And here he has already brought out a help
compiled from the newspapers available from the time. Really therefore the most horrible texts and also pictures painted natural
satirical one could say pictures about the barbaric Germans. So they only spread mischief and are only bloodthirsty.
To start one war after the other and that is actually crotesque, if you know that also a man of Jewish origin,
we always call him the Prussian Schöll who has Hans Joachim schöll who was the father of the son of a liar, who has a
and found that the Germans had fought the very least wars. That the French and
the Englender are at the top of the list.

then you can say it starts with the 100 Years Memorial Congress. 1889 Commemoration of the French Revolution
which is dated 1789 yes and in this/this congress we know from protocols and above all from a
Publication from England in a journal called Truths which appeared in 1890 already. on this
Conference was already determined what was planned for the next century. And that was for example:
the wars the fragmentation of Germany after the war, that was the abdication of the 3 emperors of the Austrian
of the Prussian and Russian Tsars and over the area of Russia of this map which can be seen inside
there stood at that time 1889 /90 already Russian desert and a map appearing about 1 or 2 years later there is called it
then for Russia country for social experiments from which it can be concluded that at that time there was already a clear allusion to
Revolution , the Bolshevik Revolution , so that is the first part of this Jewish century then goes
and so on. 1933 Takeover of power by the National Socialists and what followed already in March many know that
probably still, there was the first declaration of war of the Jews and that again in an English newspaper
published. A full-page statement in the Daily Express, where thus is said the Judea Germany
declared war and in August of the same year it was said that there was already a holy war against Germany.
it is bloodthirsty and violent and the militaristic country must be fought by all of us together.
and then comes the assertion that the German two world wars have instigated from the world war one has that
yes Christopher Klag with his book the great work the sleepwalker questioned or disproved, really
clearly disproved. But Sebastion Haffner had recognized this much earlier and said, the World War 2 and also
Adolf hitler are the result of Versaye and then comes throughout the last half of the previous century
In this Jewish century the greatest crime of all time that the Germans are said to have committed was the Holocaust.

So if they check it out and imagine or take note of history in its larger movements,
you can tell that Juris Sleskein is right. The second name for the twentieth century comes from
a German one by Hugo Wellems and has the title of the century of lies and this book was published exactly at the
The book was thus published 100 years after the memorial congress for the French Revolution.
you simply check if that's true and then you already find out and that's the beginning of Wellems' book, the
already before the First World War, especially during the First World War, but also until afterwards about the German really the
of the most outrageous atrocities. Worst at that time and us and in my youth still generally
at present the chopped off Belgian children were hands, that was blamed the German to a summit of barbarism.
because they supposedly wanted to prevent the Belgians from ever becoming soldiers again. But after
World War I one must admit really färer orphan, there were at least still confessions, that it itself with these
Atrocities and atrocities would have acted on lies, namely a staff member of the London Daily Mail.
He admitted that he had been called upon by London immediately at the outbreak of war, in August 1914.
was by telephone to write horror stories about children and virgins. And if not differently, then
may he do it as he pleases. And Captain Bilson says yes, I did that too.
Anyway, that is an admission that the whole thing does not correspond to the truth of World War 1.
We have not yet heard that from World War 2. This communication can be found. In a magazine
published in the series Hystorische Tatsachen by Udo Valendi. And there he has in number 22
of this series in 1984, that is Alleirte Kriegspropaganda 1914-1919. And here he has already brought out a help
compiled from the newspapers available from the time. Really therefore the most horrible texts and also pictures painted natural
satirical one could say pictures about the barbaric Germans. So they only spread mischief and are only bloodthirsty.
To start one war after the other and that is actually crotesque, if you know that also a man of Jewish origin,
we always call him the Prussian Schöll who has Hans Joachim schöll who was the father of the son of a liar, who has a
and found that the Germans had fought the very least wars. That the French and
the Englender are at the top of the list. This magazine and that's why I quote that and white on it so the lies of
Jewish page from the First World War, which was published in 2013, almost 30 years after the publication of this journal.
suddenly confiscated and taken away by the state security and police, and an appeal to court had no
suspensory effect. Valendi has not seen this magazine again until today and one wonders, of course, how
you come up with that, 30 years after this magazine appeared, he still had a very large remaining stock at that time.
That one suddenly and who has caused this and confiscated everything. The worst then are the demonizations
of the Germans in the second, in World War 2. I say mostly world-creeping 1 and 2 because they represent a wholeness. So it is not
the first but World War 1 and 2. In World War 2 there are three publications by Americans of respected citizens.
They deal with the question, what do we do with Germany after the end of the war? They all assumed that, of course,
of course that they would win that and then these three sat down and answered that question. and that now
chronologically successively : the first is the anthropologist Professor Doctor Ernest Hooten. Written with hooten.
He lived from 1887 - 1954 was thus a recognized university scientist. He presented the so-called Hooten Plan
I have it here. Since last year, I am pleased to say that it has only been available in excerpts in a translation, of course, at
the Hanse Buchwerkstatt in Bremen and has the title , that is a sentence of this Hernn Hooten: Breeds the German
their predisposition to war, that was his theme as an anthropologist how to do that. The second is a respected
Lawyer. Member of the Bernei Brit Loge Luis Nizer, who lived from 1902-1994 and wrote his book entitled simply with the title of
Question: What to do with germany? And this book is also available in German translation. So what should we do with Germany?
and as possibilities the Nizer describes either a Umfolkung of Germany, or an extermination of the humans or
a breeding choice like the Hooten proposed, or 3tens political division or forced dispatch. All very friendly measures,
that were assigned to the Germans. Then comes the third, Theodor Kaufmann, who lived from 1910-1978 (min11:39),
who calls his book that's almost unbeatable: Germany must perish! That was already translated in 1941.
So we can assume that the German politicians and the German thinking class. That all knew.
For the merchant there is only a total punishment for Germany. Germany must be eliminated forever.
And as a fact, not as a wishful thinking. And so this is also then in a further, numerous publications
in the USA on the question of what to do with Germany. And now I ask, has it against these people..,
The Nizer lived until 1994, ever an indictment or an extradition request given ? Who is the inciter of the people now?
Who sows hatred? All three, like many other German agitators, were Jews. And the Germans knew this, that you can do that with them.
I had in mind. And these books were not only known to President Fränklin Roosevelt, who lived from 1887 to 1945, but also to Roosevelt
she also deliberately distributed them to his officers and officers and demanded that they be dealt with seriously.
So these are not outsider positions, but quite specifically the political answer to the question
what was to happen to Germany after the war. And one draws now the conclusion of these 3 releases.
Then one comes to the following 5 points. Firstly, Germany should be divided several times. The German territory should therefore be dismembered.
We have, we only need to look at the atlases. Secondly, the entire German educational system is to be destroyed.
We also have that, we know what chaos is caused today by gendermainstreaming in schools.
Thirdly, to destroy the German national socialism, we also have that. Fourthly, the birth rate is even more pure-bred.
Germans in parentheses, the Germans drastically lower. We also have that, we have hardly any children compared with
before. And 5tens then comes the settlement of millions of foreigners. With the aim of genetic mixing, the soul of war of the
to be bred to Germans. So we are right in the middle of it. Right in the middle . Point 1,2,3,4 we have already completed and now we can state
comes at point 5. And then it actually falls to us when we see it in a larger context, like dandruff from the eyes.
That's what's wanted, that's what's planned. And when we then, on television, look at the pictures of the mostly young men.
so that hundreds of thousands of them come to Germany either alone or with their young families.(14:54)
Then you realize some of the things that are laid down in this plan. So, if you want to summarize, I would like to say this
When we say in the first paragraph that we know the prehistory, then suddenly phenomena that cannot be classified at first light up. We are
at the moment in the final phase, then all 5 points which were given at that time the president Russfeld to the knowledge are all 5 points.
as a target. And that which comes in addition what we can also determine and what in a certain way for our
This consistently implemented plan was systematically concealed. And that is why I am also
reported, also until today there is nothing in wikipedia and in the internet about these 3 authors to find. Only about the Hooten
as an anthropologist a scientific work, which has nothing to do with this problem which he presented in his Hooten Plan, however
. When people and there were of course always some who still knew that from the time of the 3 Reich. The like nevertheless
in public, then that was always dismissed with conspiracy theory and these people were ridiculed.
If you still held to your opinion. And they weren't ready to lay At Akta. Then you were called a hate-filled
Fascists and racists demonized. This means that in this context we can also see what we do ourselves,
is charged to and attributed to the other side. And then we come to 11 September and the refugee lawn. The 11
We must also see September 9 in this context. On 11 September, after 11 september, which assumes some sort of
Arab people had been moved far away from Afghanistan and elsewhere, after this 11 September the world was divided up namely
In the USA, friends and rogue states. Rogue states were the countries that wanted to preserve their independence. Both in politics
as well as in economy. Some of them were even quite modern and consulted than other African countries.
But you were from Libya to Afhganistan, this whole belt of North Africa back to the Middle East.
into chaos and you could almost bomb it into the Stone Age. From mainly the USA. People, however, were probably those,
again those who wanted to "liberate" Europe with their policy of globalization, from the national states and above all
by the Germans. Successful leaders Sadam Hussein and Gadaffi were murdered by them. Of course they always found
in these countries, rebellious teenagers who always exist at a certain age, who do not like anything they do not like
and want to be independent, then blame the governments and blame them. They were the welcome ones, of course.
Starting persons and also allies to carry out this chaotisation and destabilisation in these countries. Also in this
first phase. The first refugees came to Europe before war and violence. But only when the Islamic state, the IS.
Its terror and horror spread on an ever more terrible scale and Syria for years, in a terrible citizen's crucifix.
was biased, the flow of refugees took on immense consequences/sizes. And today it has just been said very clearly.
We lost the overview and the control possibilities, all that slipped away from us. And I suppose one can also
claim that not only the emigrants, who so out of desperation, simply also said so now was enough now we want to go away
. But above all also those who had lived already 1 year or longer in Turkey in a camp, which you can even give money to them.
offered. In order to organize tugboats and smugglers and to give them the possibility of any emigration routes.
To instruct or show the fugitive and at the same time make a good deal. So we can say today.
Everything went according to plan. At first this is not even imaginable how one wants to achieve that millions of foreigners who yes
but all actually prefer to stay/stay in their homeland, to move to go to Germany.

But on this detour there you can see how you can and must plan long-term if you want to reach a goal. On this detour one has the
in the past. And actually only used for 70 years. From the end of World War 2 until today about these people who are actually down-to-earth,
to induce them to flee their countries in large numbers and probably they were also influenced,
and pretended that the majority of you should indicate Germany as your desired destination, because how do they know in some
small African countries or even the citizens of Syria much of Germany. But you now want to give everyone in large
Majority to Germany. And so we only have to think back to the planning of Hooten Nizer and Kaufmann and their executions.
Their plans to recognize the overall context. Of course one must say that these refugees and asylum seekers usually
didn't know about these backgrounds. For you, the only thing that stood out was the terrible horror of the civil war and the beautiful image of a certain
Europe and especially in Germany where you are welcomed so friendly. Before eyes. You don't know, that you have to
admit that you're just characters in an evil game. Nevertheless, I think you have to make the context clear to them too, and it has to be
everything must be done to join forces to save the millions of German taxpayers' money for their accommodation here in the home countries of these countries.
To use refugees sensibly, that's what one of these people's leaders did just 2 days ago in a country from which people are fleeing.
said if he had only a fraction of what the Germans here in the housing integration schools and so on
If he only had a fraction of it, then he could shape the situation in his country in this way,
that nobody had to leave anymore, that means that we contribute to it also for these people, to obstruct everything for the future.
Those who come here, who are even attracted by us, which I find morally appealing, are usually the better educated, the more young the better.
I'll have some money, too. And therefore this escape, which is very expensive, can afford and outside it are the young
Those who are able to work and if anyone in these homelands could put these conditions back in order then that would be just them.
But not those you accuse of corruption and all sorts of things. And the complete failure in politics, they will, of course.
when they're gone, they can't make it. There are a number of European countries, which have been so well accepted by the Germans.
a welcome culture that has been highlighted. I don't know whether they are aware of the background to this development.
. But that doesn't really matter either. In any case, you are behaving more realistically than the other politicians who are the henchmen
The one who's playing this evil game. And I would like to point out again that I have already done this once, we only need the globe
this vast continent of Africa, the even larger continent of Asia. And then take a look where Europe is a very small country.
And where is now the federal republic which is on a normal globe actually not bigger than a point. And now millions of people want to go there?
That cannot go well at all, it must come to a collapse. So that one can really say, with this policy of the globalizer,
As they are behind it, not only will the plan to destroy the German people be fulfilled, but so will the more empowered refugees as well.
and asylum seekers will also be driven into their misfortunes in the long run. The threat of an economic and financial collapse, which is to be expected before all of us Eyes, will be in a country without all the raw materials. And without adequate agricultural production, the survival of millions and millions of people
you can't save. And the strangers will logically be the first victims of misery and anger, so who, that should be the good man
in particular to tell our Green young people who really feel with and sympathize with these as a weapon to achieve one's own
The person who has the aim of abusing people must rethink and show solidarity with those who have destroyed their homeland.
To this end. And now with this human weapon, this is the worst weapon you can imagine. Destroying another country
want. So I would like to say that here a welcome culture with millions of people is established, which borders either on megalomania or is hubris.
And the unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit (BS church gossip). If you too and that is really to be admitted. The ignorant
German citizens, with their great helpfulness, honored their compassion. That you are so, because you do not know the backgrounds, is behaving
considerable, so that's what matters. To overcome the Jewish century of lies as quickly as possible. And who at least in one case.
If you want to orientate yourself, you can read this booklet which was published last year in the Hanse Buchwerkstatt Bremen: Breeds the Germans their dispositions to go to war, order. I suppose this will also be on the Internet, but I can also give the address, this is the postfach 33040428334 Bremen.
There one could order the Hansabuchwerkstattbuch, in addition, I would like to finally the evaluation of us Germans, as she now even in a
in a normal newspaper newspaper. The Westfalen Blatt from Wednesday the 19th of September 2015 a few days ago. Under the heading Hippy State
Germany. Let's read the following: British political scientist Anthony Glees has criticized Germany's approach to the refugee crisis as undemocratic.
With the decision to take in the migrants stranded in Hungary, Berlin did not adhere to Eu rules. He even said this yesterday on radio in Germany.
In Great Britain the impression is that the Germans have lost their minds, one may think what one wants about Hungary, but if Germany does not abide by the rules,
then the whole EU will fall apart. Said Glees. The federal republic view is at the moment a hippy state, which is only led by feelings, according to a British political scientist. And I even mean, without him knowing these backgrounds. He's right about the judgement. And we must all change our minds as soon as possible."
This woman has more balls than a few hundreds of thousands of cucks combined.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This woman has more balls than a few hundreds of thousands of cucks combined.
more balls than 6 million cucks*
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This woman has more balls than a few hundreds of thousands of cucks combined.
She’s like the German version of Maxine hahaha
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This woman has more balls than a few hundreds of thousands of cucks combined.

Jes, she sacrificed her freedom for the truth. Could you on 24.5.19 until 27.5.19 change this post to a announcement, so more people could see it ?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This woman has more balls than a few hundreds of thousands of cucks combined.
And she has 88 years old...maybe it's a coincidence but it's a awesome one :D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This woman has more balls than a few hundreds of thousands of cucks combined.

Could you make this post to an announcment today and tomorrow (25-26.5.2019) ? So more people can see this.
Maybe it could be changed to a overal disscusion about countrys and better parties to be voted on the EU elekton to help our mission.
I will tripple the amount of RTRs I do for the days. I realy want to see the enemy loose this big.
The voting here was done on the 23rd or 24rth.. not on the 25th.. I guess it sorta differs per country.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This woman has more balls than a few hundreds of thousands of cucks combined.
And she has 88 years old...maybe it's a coincidence but it's a awesome one :D

exactly what I was thinking

good times

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
