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Important 2019

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HP Mageson666 said:
The failure of the right is they don't have a social and economic criticism and solution other then neoliberal capitalism which is the problem. Venezuela was destroyed by Neoliberalism which is just a new word for liberal capitalism and it fell into the hands of the Marxists for this reason. The Alt-Right criticism of Venezuela always ignores this fact. Because that is the mentality of the right. The jews have not allowed any real economic recovery because they want to keep the economy poor so they can gain enough support in America for Marxism. Hitler already mentioned this was going on back in his day when he was a young worker in Vienna. The Marxists had taken over the workers unions and labour movements and actually refused concessions for improving the workers wages and standard of living so they could keep them angry to support a Marxist political elite and revolution.

Jack said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Moving into 2019 the major issue for the world is not the French protests its what is going on with Wall street and the battle between President Trump and the Federal Reverse. [...]

This situation does not look good
The only way out of this seems to eliminate global shareholders to the federal reserve and declare the debt void.by signing a second executive order 11110 which Kennedy was assassinated for signing. And that would cause the global shareholders to dump Americas shares which would severely slow down growth and cause a confrontation between the globalists and the nation of America. However if America fractionates out of the global economy afterwards towards autarky it could avert the problems with Keynesian economics. However the chances that america and even trump will go this far is bleak.
Yagami Light said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
To be honest I am thinking about solutions like businesses. Like writing/publishing books about subjects like psychology, ethics, behaviour etc and throwing a reference when the context pops up to "some strange but interesting site I saw a while ago" that amazingly has some great stuff about ethics/politics/science/astrology/morality/etc or whatever fits the context. Like some kind of advertising. Or making vids about the same subjects or subjects like ancient history/paleo astronautics/nasa/etc and throwing the same kind of fast advertising.

I 100% love this idea. I also love writing and I am pretty good at it. The thing is, one should have knowledge on a big subject in order to cover it in an entire book; so I wouldn't be a good candidate for that.

I believe someone who has studied modern and ancient psychology (or other topics, like the ones you mentioned) could write a book and blend in the information from the joS site somehow.
I seriously love this idea though... I really hope some of our Brothers and Sisters who are more knowledgeable wish to take on this job.

luis said:
I was think to use YouTube, one is doing YouTube video exposing the jews (the problem is always that they could ban you...) Another is to do some few videos exposing the jews and post them with many accounts on youtube so even if they eliminate one they can't eliminate them all fast enough. This are my ideas for now.

Luis, Youtube was once a good video platform but there is such a crazy propaganda and filtering now, that I wonder if it is of any use... I mean sure, one person could make videos, but if we all give our time on making videos, which will most likely be gone, for youtube... Ah, I don't know...

Maybe it would be better for one to make videos like documentaries (which will be too much work) and get into some kind of producing company (to have the funds and the rights to have this documentary published and for Youtube to not be able to delete it).. Of course then, the videos wouldn't be about exposing the jews, but maybe ethics, psychology, ancient Egypt and other things... but in these videos we could be giving many hints about the Pagan ethics and such; to make people feel the need to go back to their roots.

Have you considered posting them on Dailymotion or Vimeo or similar platforms and then just linking it on youtube and elsewhere?
Artanis said:
Shouldnt you as ´The Clergy` the leaders of the JOS, create a topic in the ´Important articles from JOS Ministry` section titled something like ´The Online Warfare Plan` where you or some VERY VERY trustworthy and 100% loyal member to the Joy of Satan, who has lots of time, would put out links to Youtube videos or sites, where is a LOT of people who we could influence and then the members would just go there and share the Truth that is Satan!

That way we would be organized in the Online Warfare as well, now that we have done GICANTIC work in organizing the RTRs.

I've copy-pasted some introductions from the What Today Needs Thread. Here are some advice from the years we've been doing Online Activism / Online Warfare on YouTube. If you want to you are free to join us.

I did some on Twitter a few years ago. What we did then was to follow the top most followed accounts. The accounts that had millions of followers. Network with other SS (following each other). And posting, retweeting, answering on tweets and liking tweets promoting the cause.

What Today Needs!

Adding this for new participants:

It's very simple. You use an anonymous account on YouTube and post a maximum of 5 comments a day, [Remember to use a VPN], either directly as a reply to the videos themselves or as a reply to comments with long reply chains.

After you've posted the comment right click on the time stamp next to your account name and choose "copy link location". This creates a link directly to your comment. Remember to save the link somewhere.

Then the next day you check if the comments have been flagged, banned, deleted, etc, or if they are still there. Should the latter be, you post it on this thread and we who have anonymous YouTube accounts will check out the comments and give them a like and maybe a comment. And that's it.

An example:

Username: Apollo
(The link is directly to the comment. If it doesn't show up juct click the "view replies" button and search for my nickname.)

Politically Incorrect

Remember to keep it to 5 comments a day, or less. As you'll likely to get ghostbanned if you post more. This may take from 15 to 30 min. It can be shorter. Depending on your flow and material.

Remember to keep the comments short and educational. Like a synopsis and tailor made to the video or as a response to another user. You can for example copy/paste the first paragraph from a Joy of Satan website article and add a link like : www joyofsatan org (Remember to remove the dot . so the comment doesn't get banned). Or any other site from the Joy of Satan.

You can also write your own comments. Just a short sentence or whatever. The best thing is to give some information, educate somehow (in case they won't check out the site), and re-direct to the sites so they can educate themselves. Eventually they'll end up in one of our forums.

You may spend some time getting the account because of verification. It's easy to get a fake mail just search it up. As an example: www.mail.com

15 Free Temporary Email Services to Avoid Inbox Spam

SMS may be harder, search for services offering to recieve free SMS online, and free virtual SMS numbers online. Or you can buy a disposable phone with cash, no name registration, that you can use.

Here some sites:
www joyofsatan org
www exposingchristianity org
www 666blacksun net
http :// dawn666blacksun (dot) angelfire (dot) com /Main (dot) html
http :// dawn666blacksun (dot) angelfire (dot) com /Third_Reich (dot) htm
http ://www (dot) angelfire (dot) com /dawn666blacksun /Real_Holocaust (dot) htm

If you're going straight for the Jews. A [www 666blacksun net] link and maybe [www joyofsatan org] included, but you still want to go strait to an article exposing the Jews. Here is a blog with some articles from the clergy on these topics:

1 The Illuminati Is Jewish
2 The Sayanim Jewish Secret Network
3 World In Chains The Rothschild Web (The most powerful Jewish family)
4 The Federal Reserve – A Jewish Monetary System
5 The Jewish Creation of Christianity
6 Knowing the Jews – from their Own Writings/Quotes
7 The Jews Biggest Lie (Is their own history. Their entire history is false and stolen from gentiles)
8 Feminism Is Jewish Social Marxism
9 The Jewish Communizing of America
10 The Jewish Founder of Marxism: Communism is Zionism And Zionism Is Jewish Theocratic Global Dictatorship
11 Zionism is Judaism
12 Zionism is the literal application of Jewish Culture (Original source "MUH ZIONISM" by Hight Priest Hooded Cobra)
13 History of Jews (Jews are originally from India and Judaism is corrupted from Hinduism)


Remember to remove the dots as in the above links.

Now this is 71 comments here, I'm posting it if someone has the time. This is not a good thing, as it's too time consuming to go through them all. It's best to check your comments daily and post as fast as possible. This has accumulated after the other forum went down and I didn't have a way to get into this one.

[Removed the comments as they are old]

animeman666 said:
would writing " not to be taken as absolute truth, but to further be investigated by yourself" then posting link be ok ?

It seems good to me. It's the truth though. I assume you try to downplay it in a certain context to arouse interest and get people to check out the page and information? In my opinion, I think it's important to write a short educational comment or copy / paste a paragraph from one of the pages that fits the context of the topic, reply or video etc your commenting on. Because they won't always check out the pages and read it, so at least you've given some information. Like a "Meme" that they'll remember.

Some advocate that you should copy / paste the whole article and give the link. It's up to you. The most important thing is that the information and links are spread out there, in a non "proselytizing" way.

If you check out the links to the comments of my own and other members on this thread it might give you some ideas that fits your personal style.

Remember to create spaces or something in the URL so it isn't taken down by the bots. You can use these if you want:

www joyofsatan org
www exposingchristianity com
www. 666blacksun .com
http :// www .kabbalahexposed .com/
https :// exposingthelieofislam .wordpress. com/

If you have any questions feel free to ask them. : )
Much welcomed. We are a team here.

Aquarius said:
HP Mageson666 said:
I also noticed any time I write an article detailing the problems of the Monetary system and its an artificial and criminal method to base a society on.... I get the fuck attacked out of me for days by the enemy.

Why is that..... Its the enemies system. Marxism never banned the method of money. Marx's own writings and Kropotkin's criticism of Marx's show..... Marxism is state capitalism. The National Socialist's called capitalism the "unnatural system" and stated Socialism was the natural way but the Red Front the Marxists had hijacked and corrupted this.
Thank you a lot for your work reverend:)
HP Mageson666 said:
I also noticed any time I write an article detailing the problems of the Monetary system and its an artificial and criminal method to base a society on.... I get the fuck attacked out of me for days by the enemy.

Why is that..... Its the enemies system. Marxism never banned the method of money. Marx's own writings and Kropotkin's criticism of Marx's show..... Marxism is state capitalism. The National Socialist's called capitalism the "unnatural system" and stated Socialism was the natural way but the Red Front the Marxists had hijacked and corrupted this.

But what kind of system would you propose to ensure the economic and material stability of a nation? Studies on the current economic system are objective so one can't really side against them, they aren't opinions. The question that arises is: which kind of system would be optimal to replace the current one, while ensuring material stability.

There is nothing wrong with materialism (the "material things" of life, not the philosophy) since it's the pillar that supports our life. Many times here it has been confused and aligned with the judaic agenda of the enemy of removing everything spiritual, maybe on purpose aswell. And it's stupid (and sly if it was on purpose) because it's primarily us that know how innatural and repulsive is the "Shekel-ism" of the jews, both socially/spiritually, and historically.
What is the purpose of economy and what are the psycho-social motivations of work.
Is it called materialism if you have to buy a new phone every 2 years because your phone breaks?

Some people just ditch their phones because they get slow and such. But it also depends on how you treat them of course. I guess that that is more what you meant.

And honestly if you're forced to downgrade to an older generation of phone you do miss it..
HP Mageson666 said:
What is the purpose of economy and what are the psycho-social motivations of work.

So are you implying that without the money token, people wouldn't work? Possible, but I find working to be important because is a way to express your talents, and to be part of a society you are building with other people. What would you replace the workers with (blue and white collar of course)?
cosmictraveler666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
What is the purpose of economy and what are the psycho-social motivations of work.

So are you implying that without the money token, people wouldn't work? Possible, but I find working to be important because is a way to express your talents, and to be part of a society you are building with other people. What would you replace the workers with (blue and white collar of course)?
But in todays society one does things that are completely meaningless to him and that make a jew get his daily thousands of dollars, that’s what is bullshit. Instead one should be able to develop himself, for example if one loves music and wants to be able to play and study it that’s what one should do, not being in an office 8 hours a day and die off there.
This song explains it well https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_ovdm2yX4MA (watch the video)
cosmictraveler666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
What is the purpose of economy and what are the psycho-social motivations of work.

So are you implying that without the money token, people wouldn't work? Possible, but I find working to be important because is a way to express your talents, and to be part of a society you are building with other people. What would you replace the workers with (blue and white collar of course)?

Go read the speeches of Goebbels on the subject on Satan's library. "Socialism" cannot exist without the Nationalism part of it, it's either National Socialism, or it does not exist whatsoever, except in the form of a typical joke. These speeches reflect the largest situation. You do not need to listen to other theorists, it's all analyzed here.

Goebbels equates the person who perceives the matter as a financial situation and calls themselves a "Socialist", as a MARXIST. This is because financial or otherwise economic changes, do not change or improve problems.

Promoting "Socialism" as a part of socio-economic policy, is equal to Marxism. Such as stating that for example a country will be fixed with more 'welfare' or shit like that. It simply does not. The situation is racial.

Cheap financial measures which people call "Socialism", as Goebbels states in his speeches, are not replacements for the foundation of everything, they simply do not work. The belief that financial measures aka simply Marxism or Socialism (since these are the two ideologies that believe that the problem is solely materialism related) are just that.

As for 'automation', the National Socialists existed during the time of the phase where a huge said automation resulted. Instead of trying to automate everything and remove people from work, they insisted on getting people to work.

Work is not some sort of alien thing one does only for the money, sure. Whites, we need to work. As for those who just want to be left 'without work' and live in UBI by some sort of massive state that just hands them some money just to live, then, this is the door to the jewish dystopia. This is where control will begin being total. If someone feeds you in the mouth, they also control your food supply.

Maybe now some people struggle with their work, but in the future and with the exposing of all your information, the same hand of the state that 'supports' you, will be able to snap your neck in a few seconds.

The situation here is return to the basics and don't buy every smokescreen people throw at you. Even if our side was in power, you shouldn't accept inability to work and have all your rights to material existence relinquished to the central mega borg. Actually we would just never even do that, so that's that.
cosmictraveler666 said:
But what kind of system would you propose to ensure the economic and material stability of a nation? Studies on the current economic system are objective so one can't really side against them, they aren't opinions. The question that arises is: which kind of system would be optimal to replace the current one, while ensuring material stability.

There is nothing wrong with materialism (the "material things" of life, not the philosophy) since it's the pillar that supports our life. Many times here it has been confused and aligned with the judaic agenda of the enemy of removing everything spiritual, maybe on purpose aswell. And it's stupid (and sly if it was on purpose) because it's primarily us that know how innatural and repulsive is the "Shekel-ism" of the jews, both socially/spiritually, and historically.

That is something to be built upon once the current system is exposed for what it is. We can't see a thousand years in the future but the current state of the economy as it stands is we slave away for the gain of something that actually means nothing in the material realm if it weren't for any system in place. And the point of a system at all is against our spiritual origins.

Were everyone to suddenly disappear and you were the only human left on the planet, what good are bars of gold and green paper cash? What will you use it for? Most likely to wipe your ass with as it's completely meaningless as a material object without the corrupted system the jews made. You can't eat it, you can't build a shelter out of it and you can't use it as a source of any kind of energy.

You'd realize how corrupt this system is if it were to suddenly be taken away. Society has become so dependent on it that the very second everything collapses they begin starving and amassing chaos out of panic, running like a bunch of terrified ants - meanwhile the jews are laughing because it was so unbelievably simple. Removing the system in place and building a new one is going to be a very slow process that could take a few generations.

There shouldn't be any economic or 'material' stability because they shouldn't even exist. But as of now they're unfortunately a major crutch for humanity which is why we need to prevent the economy from collapsing. We're not supposed to be slaves to work like this where we waste hours of our day doing menial tasks for pieces of paper that don't actually mean jack shit.
cosmictraveler666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
What is the purpose of economy and what are the psycho-social motivations of work.

So are you implying that without the money token, people wouldn't work? Possible, but I find working to be important because is a way to express your talents, and to be part of a society you are building with other people. What would you replace the workers with (blue and white collar of course)?

I dont think that's what he meant at all.

In order for society to move forward towards a money less system the motivations behind working are going to need to change from what it is now. Most people if not all people right now work to make money in order to provide for themselves and family material necessities and material desires. Removing the monetary system would mean providing the populace the daily necessities for living to be free of charge. In that case why work? Many people are born with a career meant for them as shown in one's natal chart. What would motivate them to work towards such a career? Mutual Aid and Kin altruism along with general desire for upward evolution within one's nation, race, and people. The general people need to move from only gross individualism into a more community driven mindset where we work together as a whole and move upward.
HP Mageson666 said:
What is the purpose of economy and what are the psycho-social motivations of work.

ensuring survival ?

i can clearly visualise this in an automated society in a sense as long as we can survive without work , why would we enslave people with money ? but in the actual world , i see the point but it would give power to the malicious people too ? ( jews apart ) or this mean people need collective intelligence first ?

By the way , i really appreciate you work too , much thanks.
dragon bleu 666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
What is the purpose of economy and what are the psycho-social motivations of work.

ensuring survival ?

i can clearly visualise this in an automated society in a sense as long as we can survive without work , why would we enslave people with money ? but in the actual world , i see the point but it would give power to the malicious people too ? ( jews apart ) or this mean people need collective intelligence first ?

By the way , i really appreciate you work too , much thanks.

Another thing to think about, if you can enslave people through the so called "Shekel", does that make you unable to enslave people through means such as "Automation", which unlike to the shekel, will be directly embed and controlled by central agencies?

Compared to the above, the world where 'money' exists, is actually far better, comparing the crippled to the cripple.
Guys simplicity of thought is required here.

The National Socialists also had a money, it's called the Reichsmark. Yes, these bills and coins that today have the Nazi Eagle on top of them. They had also something like the Federal Reserve which they called a central bank, the Reichsbank. They didn't consider money or resource management came from the "Devil", either, by renaming the so called scapegoat source of the problem into "jew".

The situation is this has went too far and people are only speaking of one side of it, purposefully, to criminalize something on it's own and single it out and prove their points. In this example, "Money", "Materialism" and other said values. This is a christian mindset and approach to the subject. There is nothing inherently evil in any these MEANS, but only, in how it is used.

These things like "money" are essentially the carriers of the will of the users. They are tools, empty by themselves. Criminalizing "Materialism" and "Money" is as if criminalizing a hammer for breaking someone's finger, or building a house. Now as to how the holder uses this, that is another situation.

These are tools, and the person who is a magician should understand these. Different times will have different types of means.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Automation isn't going to make itself.

Obviously. The irony here is that the so called "Utopian system" will arise from the fire, brimstone, suffering, and also, money chasing, of the present system.

So to pretend that the automation system is some sort of virgin that comes to save mankind of the laboring and so forth is just stupid. Neither of these systems are existentially better than one another. Actually, if now you cannot buy shit without money, in the future, you will not be able to generate anything or have access to the so called 'automated means'.

You may not be able to buy a car now, but in the so called communist future where "Cars won't matter", your car will also have a remotely controlled brain, with which, it will be able to crush you on the wall.

But at least we will buy cars right...This is the thought of those glorifying 'automation'. The cheese is seen but not the trap.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
cosmictraveler666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
What is the purpose of economy and what are the psycho-social motivations of work.

So are you implying that without the money token, people wouldn't work? Possible, but I find working to be important because is a way to express your talents, and to be part of a society you are building with other people. What would you replace the workers with (blue and white collar of course)?


I agree 100%.
cosmictraveler666 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
What is the purpose of economy and what are the psycho-social motivations of work.

So are you implying that without the money token, people wouldn't work? Possible, but I find working to be important because is a way to express your talents, and to be part of a society you are building with other people. What would you replace the workers with (blue and white collar of course)?

The motivations to work are built into humans and it was never to get a trophy (money) for it. It was based on kin altruism. We have always wanted to work and build and provide services for our fellow man because we not only know its the right thing to do but is what keeps a society of same type of species alive and strong.

You can't just look into one example of people who don't want to work because they are working at Wal-Mart doing menial shit. Because then pointing out the successful ones who are making the world better like doctors scientists etc negate that singular point. What one needs to point out here is people will work, for the right reasons and will avoid work if it consists of stacking boxes , working inside a cubicle or what have you.

You get rid of the economy and people will only work for the betterment of their own folk. The people who do the most will be the top and leader class. People who advance more spiritually naturally have better ways to lead and or better their society.

This here gives all or at least the most power to the people with only a central governing body to make sure everything is organized and running smoothly with the leading class in this spot as well to provide ideas and such from a highly spiritually advanced point of view.
cosmictraveler666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
cosmictraveler666 said:
So are you implying that without the money token, people wouldn't work? Possible, but I find working to be important because is a way to express your talents, and to be part of a society you are building with other people. What would you replace the workers with (blue and white collar of course)?


I agree 100%.

Since people have the habit of taking things at face value, if they sound vibrant and colorful, and someone claims these are decent ideals, I will also tell you, the Arch-Communist Rabbi Baal Shem Tov, also honors automation and considers it a part of the future coming JEWISH utopia.

He also speaks of the nullification of money's existence, how it is useless or evil, and the evil of materialism, and many other things, how everything will be 'automated', too.

On that, everything will also be 'socialistic'. That is, for the few people who have survived by being forcibly converted into Judaism, and will be living by cattle from the central borg. And he is extolled by the other Rabbis who basically let you know of the UTOPIA that will come, the same UTOPIA in which the jews say there will be 2800 slaves.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
cosmictraveler666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I agree 100%.

Since people have the habit of taking things at face value, if they sound vibrant and colorful, and someone claims these are decent ideals, I will also tell you, the Arch-Communist Rabbi Baal Shem Tov, also honors automation and considers it a part of the future coming JEWISH utopia.

He also speaks of the nullification of money's existence, how it is useless or evil, and the evil of materialism, and many other things, how everything will be 'automated', too.

On that, everything will also be 'socialistic'. That is, for the few people who have survived by being forcibly converted into Judaism, and will be living by cattle from the central borg. And he is extolled by the other Rabbis who basically let you know of the UTOPIA that will come, the same UTOPIA in which the jews say there will be 2800 slaves.

I agree that people shouldn't take things at face value. That's the problem with most communist or leftist in general. They are fooled with pretty words and get upset when you point this out.

What has to happen here and outside of here is detailed explanation and deep evaluation of what is being proposed.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Automation isn't going to make itself.

Obviously. The irony here is that the so called "Utopian system" will arise from the fire, brimstone, suffering, and also, money chasing, of the present system.

So to pretend that the automation system is some sort of virgin that comes to save mankind of the laboring and so forth is just stupid. Neither of these systems are existentially better than one another. Actually, if now you cannot buy shit without money, in the future, you will not be able to generate anything or have access to the so called 'automated means'.

You may not be able to buy a car now, but in the so called communist future where "Cars won't matter", your car will also have a remotely controlled brain, with which, it will be able to crush you on the wall.

But at least we will buy cars right...This is the thought of those glorifying 'automation'. The cheese is seen but not the trap.

i myself think of automation more like a leverage of news possibility ( like medical, space research transport and other fantasy .. ). more than acquiring cars and drones ,
i don't think it will make itslef but this is the world we are going into no ? i mean on a humanity scale
so i think it would be preferable to take in consideration what is going to happen ,

In the end what matters is if the buggers are in whatever the system it will be rotten.
hailourtruegod said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
cosmictraveler666 said:
I agree 100%.

Since people have the habit of taking things at face value, if they sound vibrant and colorful, and someone claims these are decent ideals, I will also tell you, the Arch-Communist Rabbi Baal Shem Tov, also honors automation and considers it a part of the future coming JEWISH utopia.

He also speaks of the nullification of money's existence, how it is useless or evil, and the evil of materialism, and many other things, how everything will be 'automated', too.

On that, everything will also be 'socialistic'. That is, for the few people who have survived by being forcibly converted into Judaism, and will be living by cattle from the central borg. And he is extolled by the other Rabbis who basically let you know of the UTOPIA that will come, the same UTOPIA in which the jews say there will be 2800 slaves.

I agree that people shouldn't take things at face value. That's the problem with most communist or leftist in general. They are fooled with pretty words and get upset when you point this out.

What has to happen here and outside of here is detailed explanation and deep evaluation of what is being proposed.

Guys seriously, do you believe there is a thing like a proposition for this? The situation of 'finances' is nothing else than a situation manifesting power distribution in life.

Every 'theory' always has loose ends in that regard. To foolishly sit down and try to enforce points about reality, when one is not yet defining reality, just to give people some kool aid to drink about meanwhile and prove they have a huge brain, shows smallness of brain.

I can write you a lot on how the system of the Gods is, but I know it's not necessary. Since, not only this gives ideas to the enemy on what things to say in order to induce people under their shit (such as they did with many other ideals) but also, because if one is focusing on superficial things they are also losing the actual thing which is the here and now, which let me tell, defines your life right now.

Preparing for a world, especially FINANCIALLY, that doesn't exist, simply because someone tells you "THIS IS HOW IT IS GOING TO BE" is like preparing for the christian afterlife.

The jews clearly are not caring about 'money'. Unlike you here, they are beyond money, as they have mastered their own tool. Yet, people think that by removing the tool, the jew will suddenly collapse. The jew himself wants to remove the very tool as it's use is obsolete, which is why they are planning and attempting economic collapse.

Go read Goebbel's speeches and you will understand everything directly, without the need to cite jews and pretend this is some sort of modernization to what is an permanent problem. It has already been cleared up in 1930, and one does not need to cite jews to prove their points.

The alt-right is attacked, but if we are to quote jews, then let's also quote the Bell Curve and other jewish science in order to prove our points.

The jews would kill you with a toy sword if they could and enslave you with it. They use money now. Tommorow, they will use automation factories. After that, gamma rays. If they could, they would use nukes. They even use water now by contaminating it to ruin your pineal gland.

Do you therefore need me to write extensive posts about how Water is evil, and how it has to be abolished, since the very nature of water is liable to contamination? Then what is the outcome, you stop drinking water until you find the prescribed filter by me for such, your mighty "Doctor" who knows all? Or malform your whole life in wait for the promised filter?
dragon bleu 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Automation isn't going to make itself.

Obviously. The irony here is that the so called "Utopian system" will arise from the fire, brimstone, suffering, and also, money chasing, of the present system.

So to pretend that the automation system is some sort of virgin that comes to save mankind of the laboring and so forth is just stupid. Neither of these systems are existentially better than one another. Actually, if now you cannot buy shit without money, in the future, you will not be able to generate anything or have access to the so called 'automated means'.

You may not be able to buy a car now, but in the so called communist future where "Cars won't matter", your car will also have a remotely controlled brain, with which, it will be able to crush you on the wall.

But at least we will buy cars right...This is the thought of those glorifying 'automation'. The cheese is seen but not the trap.

i myself think of automation more like a leverage of news possibility ( like medical, space research transport and other fantasy .. ). more than acquiring cars and drones ,
i don't think it will make itslef but this is the world we are going into no ? i mean on a humanity scale
so i think it would be preferable to take in consideration what is going to happen ,

In the end what matters is if the buggers are in whatever the system it will be rotten.

Golden systems are created when you have Golden people, then you have a Golden Age.

It's really that simple. Lay the magna carta and show it to the world's shittiest people and you will only have shit in the end. Your points can be great or not great, it doesn't matter.

You can have the worst points like Capitalism does, and put them on top of places like Europe, where people are decent, and you never get all this boundless exploitation and cutthroat destruction of everyone.

I will give you an example of why "Automation" is just fancy colored shit.

Any crime can happen with "Automation" and nobody will ever get direct blame. For example, your automatic robot surgeon, programmed or hacked by someone, can kill you during surgery. But nobody will go to any jail. They did not commit the crime, the automated "AI" did.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
dragon bleu 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Obviously. The irony here is that the so called "Utopian system" will arise from the fire, brimstone, suffering, and also, money chasing, of the present system.

So to pretend that the automation system is some sort of virgin that comes to save mankind of the laboring and so forth is just stupid. Neither of these systems are existentially better than one another. Actually, if now you cannot buy shit without money, in the future, you will not be able to generate anything or have access to the so called 'automated means'.

You may not be able to buy a car now, but in the so called communist future where "Cars won't matter", your car will also have a remotely controlled brain, with which, it will be able to crush you on the wall.

But at least we will buy cars right...This is the thought of those glorifying 'automation'. The cheese is seen but not the trap.

i myself think of automation more like a leverage of news possibility ( like medical, space research transport and other fantasy .. ). more than acquiring cars and drones ,
i don't think it will make itslef but this is the world we are going into no ? i mean on a humanity scale
so i think it would be preferable to take in consideration what is going to happen ,

In the end what matters is if the buggers are in whatever the system it will be rotten.

Golden systems are created when you have Golden people, then you have a Golden Age.

It's really that simple. Lay the magna carta and show it to the world's shittiest people and you will only have shit in the end. Your points can be great or not great, it doesn't matter.

You can have the worst points like Capitalism does, and put them on top of places like Europe, where people are decent, and you never get all this boundless exploitation and cutthroat destruction of everyone.

I will give you an example of why "Automation" is just fancy colored shit.

Any crime can happen with "Automation" and nobody will ever get direct blame. For example, your automatic robot surgeon, programmed or hacked by someone, can kill you during surgery. But nobody will go to any jail. They did not commit the crime, the automated "AI" did.

well, and that's the problem , whatever is the system we need to level up the humanity spiritually,

which means our work and priority here ( Final rtr , activism).
Guys many of you figured it out people need to work for fulfillment and that means happiness. Economy is the means of production and distribution of the services and goods a nation needs to survive and do well. From luxury items to basic needs.

People point at the welfare types who are dispossed from their own society and demoralized from the structural violence of the capitalist system. But they never point to the fact the majority of the super rich are vampires who never worked for any money. They set themselves up in positons to steal by usury, stocks holding, middle men and such and just suck the fruits of a nations work into their pockets. That is the economic model of juadism.
Also the Third Reich was not in the position for automation the technology was not there. They still required human labour. However Hitler also held back use of existing tech just to get the economy moving with man power. It was the situation he was pragmatic. We didn't have the ability to go full automation till the sometime in the 1980's. We would have had it earlier if not for the destruction of the Reich. The Reich created the first computers, rocket science and many other technologies.

Study history we are living in the 1960's with computers. We have been held back for a reason.

However the Nazi's were looking to create free energy for the Reich and then distribute this around the world. That shows the direction things where moving in. One of the biggest industries on earth is the jewish energy monopolies.

That's the reason we couldn't just take new solar panels and put them on everyone's homes and put this into a local grid and have free, clean energy for the entire nation. The two most important technologies they have held us back on is energy and medical.
That is also why Marxism is State Capitalist its just a bunch of jews sitting around stealing off everyone. The lesson is you can't let jews into anything or they will jew you. The Nazi's won because they were anti-Semitic that's a big reason the hate them so much. They showed everyone has awesome a nation is when you don't have jews or jewish systems within it. I had family from England that spent a lot of time in Nazi Germany before the war visiting. They loved it and even after the war always talked about how awesome that place was during Hitler.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Guys simplicity of thought is required here.

The National Socialists also had a money, it's called the Reichsmark. Yes, these bills and coins that today have the Nazi Eagle on top of them. They had also something like the Federal Reserve which they called a central bank, the Reichsbank. They didn't consider money or resource management came from the "Devil", either, by renaming the so called scapegoat source of the problem into "jew".

The situation is this has went too far and people are only speaking of one side of it, purposefully, to criminalize something on it's own and single it out and prove their points. In this example, "Money", "Materialism" and other said values. This is a christian mindset and approach to the subject. There is nothing inherently evil in any these MEANS, but only, in how it is used.

These things like "money" are essentially the carriers of the will of the users. They are tools, empty by themselves. Criminalizing "Materialism" and "Money" is as if criminalizing a hammer for breaking someone's finger, or building a house. Now as to how the holder uses this, that is another situation.

These are tools, and the person who is a magician should understand these. Different times will have different types of means.
They eliminated the Jewish shareholders and fractionates away from the global economy towards their own currency. They made a few deals with some south american companies and went towards autarky. They banned economic global competition. Their central bank was like the antithesis of a central bank.
Jack said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They eliminated the Jewish shareholders and fractionates away from the global economy towards their own currency. They made a few deals with some south american companies and went towards autarky. They banned economic global competition. Their central bank was like the antithesis of a central bank.

They were not jews, so the way they used these means, weren't jewish. It's really that simple.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
dragon bleu 666 said:

Golden systems are created when you have Golden people, then you have a Golden Age.

It's really that simple. Lay the magna carta and show it to the world's shittiest people and you will only have shit in the end. Your points can be great or not great, it doesn't matter.

You can have the worst points like Capitalism does, and put them on top of places like Europe, where people are decent, and you never get all this boundless exploitation and cutthroat destruction of everyone.

I will give you an example of why "Automation" is just fancy colored shit.

Any crime can happen with "Automation" and nobody will ever get direct blame. For example, your automatic robot surgeon, programmed or hacked by someone, can kill you during surgery. But nobody will go to any jail. They did not commit the crime, the automated "AI" did.
Probably why Mutual Aid kinds of autarkian golden age type systems cannot be implemented now. Because people are disconnected from each other as they're not spiritually open. They cannot understand each other and are concealed in the small worlds within themselves unable to connect with each other. Having greed and apathy of their fellow man this kind of gift Economy won't sit well with them. The elimination of the Jews permanently from the world would first open doors to any kind of global understanding and spiritual development and then we can move on towards any system with understanding and mutual understanding of each other.
That's a major reason the Nazi's wanted free energy for Germany they didn't have any oil of their own they depended mainly on Romania which is why Stalin planned his attack for the Romanian's oil fields. The Soviet taking of two provinces of Romania in the summer of 1940 is what alerted the German's to Stalin's plan. The German High Command where busy fighting in France and where panicked to find hundreds of Soviet tanks where heading towards the oil fields. That's when from the Soviet archives Hitler stated talking about "The Russian Problem".

If you study the reality of an autarky in a nation like Germany and the economic labour based economy they ran on. They would need high technology to become an autarky to the extreme level. This would mean also strict regulations of goods and services this would create a situation if they couldn't trade on the markets internationally they would have to limit production levels solely for Germany to maintain production of many services for this would take extreme planned obsolesce which I doubt they would go or Nationalization of major industries or never ending corporate welfare. To make up for lack of need production. The high level of tech would probably open the way for automation.

Given the function of the German economy under the National Socialists and what an autarky would take. You can believe they would be forced off the monetary standard at some point it wouldn't be feasible to maintain it. Look at how many nations economically fall apart if they get embargo's what does that tell you about the realities of the monetary system. For nations it depends on international markets just to maintain the higher levels of production to keep all the jobs going.
The problem with money is highlighted in the work "Faust" it creates an aberrant situation in the human psychological make up. Take a look at one situation.

A person wants to have certain things its vital to nature to have such. A major one. That is social status this is normally driven by contribution to society with altruist motivations and talents that gains one respect of their community and peers and creates positive role models for the community to follow and improves society. People have a part in their brain that is based on just status understanding.

In this society money is the key to status and all desires. So people will do whatever they need for money and the system of money is set up for the most psychopathic methods and thus individuals to win this is documented in the reality of the "Corporate Psychopath" the population demographic's on psychopaths show psychopathology is in the some of the highest levels in the corporate sector. Psychopaths lack empathy and when empathy is removed there is nothing a person can't do. This allows the worst criminals to rise to the top of society and gain the most status and become the role models for society. This continues an intergeneration trend and pushed the Marketing world of Wall Street into the picture they need to manipulate the population into the psychological perception that allows for maximum consumption of products and services and thus make the population into consumers. And make the maximum profits. This creates the higher demand for goods and services that couldn't exist without transforming the population into the required psychology which is studied on Wall Street and created In Madison Ave to maintain this. And the psychology they require for this is the value system of a human who views their person status and others in society by how money luxury items they have the money to consume.

When you understand the monetary system of capitalism could not surivie without this model of life......The extreme amount of structural violence this causes.

An example of the casualties of this structural violence of the market place economy. The Cigarette's companies wanted to get people into their product so used marketing to transformed the desire for ones own need for status into smoking cigarette's and this now kills half a million America's a year.

This allow makes for the market place to hundreds of millions of dollars and the Medical industries trillions. There is no money or industry or jobs in getting people to quit smoking.
HP Mageson666 said:
The problem with money is highlighted in the work "Faust" it creates an aberrant situation in the human psychological make up. Take a look at one situation.

A person wants to have certain things its vital to nature to have such. A major one. That is social status this is normally driven by contribution to society with altruist motivations and talents that gains one respect of their community and peers and creates positive role models for the community to follow and improves society. People have a part in their brain that is based on just status understanding.

In this society money is the key to status and all desires. So people will do whatever they need for money and the system of money is set up for the most psychopathic methods and thus individuals to win this is documented in the reality of the "Corporate Psychopath" the population demographic's on psychopaths show psychopathology is in the some of the highest levels in the corporate sector. Psychopaths lack empathy and when empathy is removed there is nothing a person can't do. This allows the worst criminals to rise to the top of society and gain the most status and become the role models for society. This continues an intergeneration trend and pushed the Marketing world of Wall Street into the picture they need to manipulate the population into the psychological perception that allows for maximum consumption of products and services and thus make the population into consumers. And make the maximum profits. This creates the higher demand for goods and services that couldn't exist without transforming the population into the required psychology which is studied on Wall Street and created In Madison Ave to maintain this. And the psychology they require for this is the value system of a human who views their person status and others in society by how money luxury items they have the money to consume.

When you understand the monetary system of capitalism could not surivie without this model of life......The extreme amount of structural violence this causes.

An example of the casualties of this structural violence of the market place economy. The Cigarette's companies wanted to get people into their product so used marketing to transformed the desire for ones own need for status into smoking cigarette's and this now kills half a million America's a year.

This allow makes for the market place to hundreds of millions of dollars and the Medical industries trillions. There is no money or industry or jobs in getting people to quit smoking.
A very sad fact of our time
Anyway guys we need to stick to activism discussion and motivation team work here. Several of you form up into teams that can work social media together and develop a method of messaging each other to be able to come together and do this the ability of several or more people working comments sways the readers and dominates the debate and just has a greater impression its basic human psychology. This is why we need memes as well the image speaks the words.
HP Mageson666 said:
Anyway guys we need to stick to activism discussion and motivation team work here. Several of you form up into teams that can work social media together and develop a method of messaging each other to be able to come together and do this the ability of several or more people working comments sways the readers and dominates the debate and just has a greater impression its basic human psychology. This is why we need memes as well the image speaks the words.

Well i had a thought... Could you make an topic discussion page(like the ´important articles from JoS Ministry`) titled ´Online Warfare Board`, where people could team up with each other and do ´missions`, like going to one website, or to a few videos on YT or for Twitter to share Joy of Satan links etc etc, anything which could help spread the Truth.

Just a thought, but i think that the Family(Brothers and Sisters) would LOVE it. :D :D
Well anyways, contact me if you want to start up a team. Im willing to take part in it, as have not taken part into ANY kind of online warfare in a LOOOOOONG time :roll: :roll:

[email protected]
Artanis said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Anyway guys we need to stick to activism discussion and motivation team work here. Several of you form up into teams that can work social media together and develop a method of messaging each other to be able to come together and do this the ability of several or more people working comments sways the readers and dominates the debate and just has a greater impression its basic human psychology. This is why we need memes as well the image speaks the words.

Well i had a thought... Could you make an topic discussion page(like the ´important articles from JoS Ministry`) titled ´Online Warfare Board`, where people could team up with each other and do ´missions`, like going to one website, or to a few videos on YT or for Twitter to share Joy of Satan links etc etc, anything which could help spread the Truth.

Just a thought, but i think that the Family(Brothers and Sisters) would LOVE it. :D :D

I will write you instructions and help you organize here. This is a topic of my next post. Then we can have a board for this type of work activism.
Aye guys I am all fired up!
Well I had an idea...
I will try to convince some Youtubers into making a video about „true Spirituality aka Spiritual Satanism“
It would have more effect than a mere comment.
So I try to convince guys who are making occult, spiritual or ancient content. Like „Beyond Science“
If any Youtuber (who has preferably many viewers) try to convince him/her aswell?

If you want to team up on this feel free to send me an email Brothers and Sisters

Also we could roam through Groups on Facebook and other social media and start a lit discussion about JoS etc. and dominate it so people will believe the picture of JoS / SS we create there.

[email protected]


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
