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High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
The following ritual is of extreme importance to Satan and our Gods. It should be done right after the Sun enters 0 degrees of Aries, which begins the Spring Equinox. The purpose of this ritual is to reverse curses in the bible. The bible is not a work of any "God" or divine entity, it is a manmade hoax. This also includes the biblical codes, of which I will go into detail in explaining in an article forthcoming. I will do my best to be online frequently until the time of the ritual to answer any questions related to the ritual, pronunciation and such, as will our High Priests.

The words below are to be vibrated. By vibrating these words, this will lift a powerful curse. The more people we have who will be doing this ritual, the better, as there is both strength and power in numbers. This ritual is a beginning of a series of rituals of which we will be doing similar each month or in some cases, twice a month in harmony with planetary energies. This ritual is not a curse, it is reversing a curse, of which does not in any way conflict with the retrograde Mars at this time. We are removing the weapons from the enemy's hands.

Many of the words below are guttural. This means many syllables are vibrated in the back of the throat. Just do the best that you can. Practice the words [I have included an mp3 of the words for you all to download], as much as you can before performing the ritual.

March 20, 2014, 16:57 begins the Spring Equinox. 16:57 is Greenwich Time, also known as Universal Time. To find your local time, you can visit this website:


This meditation is exceptionally powerful and should only be performed by experienced meditators.

Vibrate RAUM

RRR into your base chakra [be sure to roll the R's]
AHH into your sacral chakra
UUU into your solar plexus chakra
MMM into your heart chakra
Now, vibrate RRR into your heart chakra [be sure to roll the R's]
AAAH into your throat chakra
UUU into your 6th chakra
MMM into your crown chakra.

The above is one round. Do several rounds. It is best to do 13 rounds, or a multiple of 13.

Following the completion of the above, vibrate I-O. I is the symbol for the masculine side of the soul [representing the penis] and O is the symbol for the feminine side of the soul [representing the vagina]. This is especially seen in the Sigils of our Gods. This is also taken from the Greek legend of IO, Princess of Argos, which is an allegory. Argos is of Agares.

Vibrate EEEE focusing on the right side of your body and immediately follow by vibrating OOOOH focusing on the left side of your body [going back and forth], 40 times.

For example, vibrate EEEE focusing on the right side of your body [torso], then immediately vibrate OOOH focusing on the left side of your body. That is one round. Then, immediately vibrate EEEE on the right, then immediately vibrate OOOH on the left. That is the second round. Do 40 rounds of vibrating I then O using a Satanic rosary. A Satanic rosary is used so one is not distracted when vibrating high numbers of repetitions, by trying to keep count.

The I vibration, pronounced as EEE, is pronounced as the long American English E, as in the American English words SEE, TEA, and ME.

The OOOH vibration is the American English long O, such as in the words HOLD, and NO.

Following the completion of the above, vibrate E-A. Vibrate E, pronounced AY, as in the American English words MAY, SAY, DAY; focusing on the front of your body, and then AHHHH, focusing on your entire spine.

For example, vibrate AAAAYYYYY, focusing on the front of your body- just your torso, then immediately vibrate AAAH focusing on your entire spine. That is one round. Then, immediately vibrate AAYYY on focusing on the front of your body, then immediately vibrate AAAH focusing on your entire spine. That is the second round. Do 40 rounds of vibrating E then A using a Satanic rosary.

This meditation empowers the entire soul. The heart chakra is a connector and energy vibrated into it from below will then connect to and transfer into the upper chakras in the second part of the meditation. Just be aware, this is exceptionally powerful and you will definitely feel it the very first time.

This is a powerful meditation to use both before a formal ritual or any informal working.



In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas, Luciferi Excelsi.
In the Name of Satan, Ruler of the Earth, True God, Almighty, and Ineffable, Who hast created man to reflect in Thine own image and likeness, I invite the Forces of Hell to bestow their great power upon me. Come forth to greet me as your Brother/Sister and friend.

Deliver me O Mighty Satan from all past error and delusion, fill me with truth, wisdom and understanding, keep me strong in my faith and service, that I may abide always in Thee with Praise, Honor and Glory be given Thee forever and ever.

Vibrate the following paragraph of words 9 times:


In closing, state with conviction 9 times:

Vibrate AUM
The serpent is free, the serpent is exalted, the serpent is forever!
Vibrate AUM


End of Ritual


Key to pronouncing the words correctly:

AH as in the American English word father
AI as in the American English words name and came
EE as in the American English words seek and week
EH as in the American English words pet, set, and let
KH is guttural and the sound is made in the back of the throat
OH as in the American English words oh and go
OO as in the American English words sooth and tooth
R's should be rolled
TS as in the American English words hats and pizza
UH as in the American English word cut and tub

AHL – this word should be vibrated in the back of the throat
AHTYH-EES-AHH – the AHH at the end should be vibrated in the back of the throat

For the webpages to this ritual:

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... l2014.html

http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Equino ... _Words.mp3
To download an mp3 copy for pronouncing the words correctly.

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Ritual.pdf
For a PDF copy of the webpage

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

FREE 3D EARTH SCREENSAVER - Watch the Earth right on your desktop!
Check it out at http://www.inbox.com/earth
How long are we supposed to do this ritual? Is it a forty day working or longer? Length doesn't matter to me, I would just like to know.
One other thing, my wife is very new to this, she recently dedicated not to long ago. Should she do this? If so, she has issues vibrating, could she vibrate these in her head?

Thank you Hail Satan!! Hail Lililth!! Hail all Gods of Duat!!
I have been dedicated a little under a month, and sadly cannot vibrate. My fiancee however has been dedicated about 2 years and can vibrate, however, he mentioned to me that i could do it in my head, is that accurate? Which leads me to my next question, you had mentioned that the meditation is very powerful and should only be done by experienced meditators, does this mean i can not participate? Or is there another way around this?
I'm kind of new to all this.I dedicated myself to Father about a year ago but I started doing meditations a few weeks back.Can I also perform this ritual? Thanks!
Hail Satan!

From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich666@...;
To: <[email protected]; <[email protected]; <[email protected]; <[email protected]; <[email protected]; <[email protected]; <[email protected]; <[email protected]; <[email protected]; <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] IMPORTANT 2014 EQUINOX RITUAL!!
Sent: Tue, Mar 18, 2014 10:07:13 AM

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The following ritual is of extreme importance to Satan and our Gods. It should be done right after the Sun enters 0 degrees of Aries, which begins the Spring Equinox. The purpose of this ritual is to reverse curses in the bible. The bible is not a work of any "God" or divine entity, it is a manmade hoax. This also includes the biblical codes, of which I will go into detail in explaining in an article forthcoming. I will do my best to be online frequently until the time of the ritual to answer any questions related to the ritual, pronunciation and such, as will our High Priests.

The words below are to be vibrated. By vibrating these words, this will lift a powerful curse. The more people we have who will be doing this ritual, the better, as there is both strength and power in numbers. This ritual is a beginning of a series of rituals of which we will be doing similar each month or in some cases, twice a month in harmony with planetary energies. This ritual is not a curse, it is reversing a curse, of which does not in any way conflict with the retrograde Mars at this time. We are removing the weapons from the enemy's hands.

Many of the words below are guttural. This means many syllables are vibrated in the back of the throat. Just do the best that you can. Practice the words [I have included an mp3 of the words for you all to download], as much as you can before performing the ritual.

March 20, 2014, 16:57 begins the Spring Equinox. 16:57 is Greenwich Time, also known as Universal Time. To find your local time, you can visit this website:


This meditation is exceptionally powerful and should only be performed by experienced meditators.

Vibrate RAUM

RRR into your base chakra [be sure to roll the R's]
AHH into your sacral chakra
UUU into your solar plexus chakra
MMM into your heart chakra
Now, vibrate RRR into your heart chakra [be sure to roll the R's]
AAAH into your throat chakra
UUU into your 6th chakra
MMM into your crown chakra.

The above is one round. Do several rounds. It is best to do 13 rounds, or a multiple of 13.

Following the completion of the above, vibrate I-O. I is the symbol for the masculine side of the soul [representing the penis] and O is the symbol for the feminine side of the soul [representing the vagina]. This is especially seen in the Sigils of our Gods. This is also taken from the Greek legend of IO, Princess of Argos, which is an allegory. Argos is of Agares.

Vibrate EEEE focusing on the right side of your body and immediately follow by vibrating OOOOH focusing on the left side of your body [going back and forth], 40 times.

For example, vibrate EEEE focusing on the right side of your body [torso], then immediately vibrate OOOH focusing on the left side of your body. That is one round. Then, immediately vibrate EEEE on the right, then immediately vibrate OOOH on the left. That is the second round. Do 40 rounds of vibrating I then O using a Satanic rosary. A Satanic rosary is used so one is not distracted when vibrating high numbers of repetitions, by trying to keep count.

The I vibration, pronounced as EEE, is pronounced as the long American English E, as in the American English words SEE, TEA, and ME.

The OOOH vibration is the American English long O, such as in the words HOLD, and NO.

Following the completion of the above, vibrate E-A. Vibrate E, pronounced AY, as in the American English words MAY, SAY, DAY; focusing on the front of your body, and then AHHHH, focusing on your entire spine.

For example, vibrate AAAAYYYYY, focusing on the front of your body- just your torso, then immediately vibrate AAAH focusing on your entire spine. That is one round. Then, immediately vibrate AAYYY on focusing on the front of your body, then immediately vibrate AAAH focusing on your entire spine. That is the second round. Do 40 rounds of vibrating E then A using a Satanic rosary.

This meditation empowers the entire soul. The heart chakra is a connector and energy vibrated into it from below will then connect to and transfer into the upper chakras in the second part of the meditation. Just be aware, this is exceptionally powerful and you will definitely feel it the very first time.

This is a powerful meditation to use both before a formal ritual or any informal working.



In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas, Luciferi Excelsi.
In the Name of Satan, Ruler of the Earth, True God, Almighty, and Ineffable, Who hast created man to reflect in Thine own image and likeness, I invite the Forces of Hell to bestow their great power upon me. Come forth to greet me as your Brother/Sister and friend.

Deliver me O Mighty Satan from all past error and delusion, fill me with truth, wisdom and understanding, keep me strong in my faith and service, that I may abide always in Thee with Praise, Honor and Glory be given Thee forever and ever.

Vibrate the following paragraph of words 9 times:


In closing, state with conviction 9 times:

Vibrate AUM
The serpent is free, the serpent is exalted, the serpent is forever!
Vibrate AUM


End of Ritual


Key to pronouncing the words correctly:

AH as in the American English word father
AI as in the American English words name and came
EE as in the American English words seek and week
EH as in the American English words pet, set, and let
KH is guttural and the sound is made in the back of the throat
OH as in the American English words oh and go
OO as in the American English words sooth and tooth
R's should be rolled
TS as in the American English words hats and pizza
UH as in the American English word cut and tub

AHL – this word should be vibrated in the back of the throat
AHTYH-EES-AHH – the AHH at the end should be vibrated in the back of the throat

For the webpages to this ritual:

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... l2014.html http://www.exposingcommunism.com/Equino ... _Words.mp3
To download an mp3 copy for pronouncing the words correctly.

http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Ritual.pdf
For a PDF copy of the webpage

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

FREE 3D EARTH SCREENSAVER - Watch the Earth right on your desktop!
Check it out at http://www.inbox.com/earth

Dear HPs. Can we at least know what these ancient words mean? I think we have a right to know what we are vibrating.
A ritual is a one-time thing. There was no mention of a working, just a ritual. As HPS Maxine said in her post, we are going to be doing a series of rituals every month or more.
If your wife has trouble vibrating, she should just keep practicing over the next few days before the ritual, and just do the best she can. Every little bit of effort helps here, it doe not need to be perfect.
Hail Satan!

---In [email protected], <tjs4satan@... wrote :

How long are we supposed to do this ritual? Is it a forty day working or longer? Length doesn't matter to me, I would just like to know.
One other thing, my wife is very new to this, she recently dedicated not to long ago. Should she do this? If so, she has issues vibrating, could she vibrate these in her head?

Thank you Hail Satan!! Hail Lililth!! Hail all Gods of Duat!!
This is going to be an Awesome Ritual. We need everyone to participate. We are Destroying what the Jews have tried to achieve by Reversing and Undoing their work against us. It is time for us to change this world!

 HAIL SATAN!!In Satan I Trust! Forever in the Service of Satan!

High Priest Micama Gmicalzoma


On Tuesday, March 18, 2014 6:44 PM, "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote:
  A ritual is a one-time thing. There was no mention of a working, just a ritual. As HPS Maxine said in her post, we are going to be doing a series of rituals every month or more.
If your wife has trouble vibrating, she should just keep practicing over the next few days before the ritual, and just do the best she can. Every little bit of effort helps here, it doe not need to be perfect.
Hail Satan!

---In [email protected], <tjs4satan@... wrote :

How long are we supposed to do this ritual? Is it a forty day working or longer? Length doesn't matter to me, I would just like to know.
One other thing, my wife is very new to this, she recently dedicated not to long ago. Should she do this? If so, she has issues vibrating, could she vibrate these in her head?

Thank you Hail Satan!! Hail Lililth!! Hail all Gods of Duat!!

If we are not able to do it in the exact time, is of any use to do it later? During the same day

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Tue Mar 18, 2014 5:25 pm (PDT) . Posted by: keykorius If we are not able to
do it in the exact time, is of any use to do it later? During the same day

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I have a question as well.At the "closing", are we supposed to vibrate AUM and then say the affirmation "The serpent is free, the serpent is exalted, the serpent is forever!" in our mind? Or, vibrate AUM, inhale, say out loud the affirmation, vibrate AUM again - and all this multiply 9 times?

Στις 1:06 μ.μ. Τετάρτη, 19 Μαρτίου 2014, ο/η High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich666@... έγραψε:


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Tue Mar 18, 2014 5:25 pm (PDT) . Posted by: keykorius If we are not able to
do it in the exact time, is of any use to do it later? During the same day

Protect your computer files with professional cloud backup.
Get PCRx Backup and upload unlimited files automatically.
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You see I'm going to be in school at the time so does it have to be at the exact time?? Or can it be done at any time of the day?

Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 18, 2014, at 7:44 PM, <lydia_666@... wrote:
  A ritual is a one-time thing. There was no mention of a working, just a ritual. As HPS Maxine said in her post, we are going to be doing a series of rituals every month or more.
If your wife has trouble vibrating, she should just keep practicing over the next few days before the ritual, and just do the best she can. Every little bit of effort helps here, it doe not need to be perfect.
Hail Satan!

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <tjs4satan@... wrote :

How long are we supposed to do this ritual? Is it a forty day working or longer? Length doesn't matter to me, I would just like to know.
One other thing, my wife is very new to this, she recently dedicated not to long ago. Should she do this? If so, she has issues vibrating, could she vibrate these in her head?

Thank you Hail Satan!! Hail Lililth!! Hail all Gods of Duat!!

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Re: IMPORTANT 2014 EQUINOX RITUAL!! Wed Mar 19, 2014 8:53 pm (PDT) . Posted
by: "jeremy montoya" jeremymontoya14@...

should we invoke the 4 crowns before and after the ritual?

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As long as you can do the ritual today. It is best however to do the ritual as close to the Equinox as you can because the energies are more powerful at that time. It is at Noon in the Central Time Zone of the USA.

 HAIL SATAN!!In Satan I Trust! Forever in the Service of Satan!

High Priest Micama Gmicalzoma


On Tuesday, March 18, 2014 7:25 PM, "fullmetal.daemon@..." <fullmetal.daemon@... wrote:
  If we are not able to do it in the exact time, is of any use to do it later? During the same day

I have a question, I know we have to vibrate RAUM, IO and EA before the ritual to empower the soul, but that is made before the time when the sun enters 0 degrees of Aries or we have to do it after. Oh another thing we use the standard ritual from the top when we have to ring the bell clockwise invoking the four Crowned Princes of Hell or we skipped that part and we going direct to the invocation and after the invocation we go direct to vibrate the words in Hebrew  after that we drink from the chalice or just what I do as it says in the email, sorry so many questions is that I want to do it correct, But please if someone guides me on that, I really appreciate it thanks
We do the Standard Ritual normally (ring bell, read the invocation, invoke the Crowned Princes of Hell etc etc). As for the RAUM, I did it before the Sun entered Aries, so that I'd start the ritual exactly at that moment. (and it took me half an hour to be honest; the RAUM meditation. So I'd advice you to do it sooner :) )

Στις 2:17 π.μ. Παρασκευή, 21 Μαρτίου 2014, ο/η "loganstryker1@..." <loganstryker1@... έγραψε:
  I have a question, I know we have to vibrate RAUM, IO and EA before the ritual to empower the soul, but that is made before the time when the sun enters 0 degrees of Aries or we have to do it after. Oh another thing we use the standard ritual from the top when we have to ring the bell clockwise invoking the four Crowned Princes of Hell or we skipped that part and we going direct to the invocation and after the invocation we go direct to vibrate the words in Hebrew  after that we drink from the chalice or just what I do as it says in the email, sorry so many questions is that I want to do it correct, But please if someone guides me on that, I really appreciate it thanks

Call in for a holiday it do it later in The Day

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 4:55 PM PDT Tevin Moore wrote:

You see I'm going to be in school at the time so does it have to be at the exact time?? Or can it be done at any time of the day?

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 18, 2014, at 7:44 PM, <lydia_666@... wrote:

A ritual is a one-time thing. There was no mention of a working, just a ritual. As HPS Maxine said in her post, we are going to be doing a series of rituals every month or more.

If your wife has trouble vibrating, she should just keep practicing over the next few days before the ritual, and just do the best she can. Every little bit of effort helps here, it doe not need to be perfect.

Hail Satan!

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <tjs4satan@... wrote :

How long are we supposed to do this ritual? Is it a forty day working or longer? Length doesn't matter to me, I would just like to know.
One other thing, my wife is very new to this, she recently dedicated not to long ago. Should she do this? If so, she has issues vibrating, could she vibrate these in her head?

Thank you Hail Satan!! Hail Lililth!! Hail all Gods of Duat!!
Im in london so that is 4:57ish , so almost 2 hours from now. Im still very new to SS , and havent got the hang of meditation all too well yet , but I went through the ritual and pronunciation and can do that quite well. I panicked a little whilest meditating just now as I felt a warmth around me and wasnt sure what was happening and then i kept seeing blue and a womens face. I think i had been calling for who i thought was my guardian demon but then came out of my meditation, anyways what im trying to get it here , is just your advice on how i should approach the equinox ritual as the meditation is 'for experienced meditators'Hail Satan

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 2:41 PM, Micama Gmicalzoma <agentofsatanswill666@... wrote:
  As long as you can do the ritual today. It is best however to do the ritual as close to the Equinox as you can because the energies are more powerful at that time. It is at Noon in the Central Time Zone of the USA.

 HAIL SATAN!!In Satan I Trust! Forever in the Service of Satan!

High Priest Micama Gmicalzoma


On Tuesday, March 18, 2014 7:25 PM, "fullmetal.daemon@..." <fullmetal.daemon@... wrote:
  If we are not able to do it in the exact time, is of any use to do it later? During the same day

Im in london so that is 4:57ish , so almost 2 hours from now. Im still very new to SS , and havent got the hang of meditation all too well yet , but I went through the ritual and pronunciation and can do that quite well. I panicked a little whilest meditating just now as I felt a warmth around me and wasnt sure what was happening and then i kept seeing blue and a womens face. I think i had been calling for who i thought was my guardian demon but then came out of my meditation, anyways what im trying to get it here , is just your advice on how i should approach the equinox ritual as the meditation is 'for experienced meditators'Hail Satan
Yes, you can do the ritual without a bell.

Στις 6:25 μ.μ. Παρασκευή, 21 Μαρτίου 2014, ο/η "coltongoins@..." <coltongoins@... έγραψε:
  can I do the ritual without a bell?

finished awhile ago

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Micama Gmicalzoma <agentofsatanswill666@... wrote:
  As long as you can do the ritual today. It is best however to do the ritual as close to the Equinox as you can because the energies are more powerful at that time. It is at Noon in the Central Time Zone of the USA.

 HAIL SATAN!! In Satan I Trust! Forever in the Service of Satan!

High Priest Micama Gmicalzoma


On Tuesday, March 18, 2014 7:25 PM, "fullmetal.daemon@..." <fullmetal.daemon@... wrote:
  If we are not able to do it in the exact time, is of any use to do it later? During the same day
made all according to instructions. started ritual after near 5 seconds passed from Equinox, felt strangely vibrative

On Friday, 21 March 2014, 8:56, "neokagashi@..." <neokagashi@... wrote:
  Does it have to be done exactly at that time? Is it possible do it later in the day?


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
