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I'm not racist, I swear!!!

Nov 10, 2022
Just wanted to clarify something here...

I want each race to have their own territory and nation. Believe it or not, despite my liberal use of the word "nigger", I actually love the African peoples. Do I want to live with them, though? Fuck no. Sounds contradictory, right? It's actually incredibly simple, and in complete alignment with healthy instincts.

I love wild animals too, but does that mean I should share my house with them? Not exactly. Wild animals belong outside. It wouldn't turn out well for either of us. Same with niggers.

The Earth is pretty big. There is plenty of room for each race to have their own territory/nation without need for conflict. Each race can advance themselves, and we could actually establish policies with them that are mutually beneficial. That being said, it is NEVER in our racial interest to agree to anything that diminishes our potential, and we should not expect other races to agree to anything that diminishes their potential, either.

I appreciate the various races and cultures in some way. They're all so unique and interesting, but at the end of the day I value my racial heritage above them all. I want to have the freedom to visit if they wish to have me as a guest, but how can I visit them if they no longer exist? Call me the prime champion of diversity here because I wish to allow them to thrive in their own homelands. I stress "in their own homelands", not "from within our homelands and at our expense" which happens to be the situation unfortunately.

So I'll let you decide. Am I racist?
Just wanted to clarify something here...

I want each race to have their own territory and nation. Believe it or not, despite my liberal use of the word "nigger", I actually love the African peoples. Do I want to live with them, though? Fuck no. Sounds contradictory, right? It's actually incredibly simple, and in complete alignment with healthy instincts.

I love wild animals too, but does that mean I should share my house with them? Not exactly. Wild animals belong outside. It wouldn't turn out well for either of us. Same with niggers.

The Earth is pretty big. There is plenty of room for each race to have their own territory/nation without need for conflict. Each race can advance themselves, and we could actually establish policies with them that are mutually beneficial. That being said, it is NEVER in our racial interest to agree to anything that diminishes our potential, and we should not expect other races to agree to anything that diminishes their potential, either.

I appreciate the various races and cultures in some way. They're all so unique and interesting, but at the end of the day I value my racial heritage above them all. I want to have the freedom to visit if they wish to have me as a guest, but how can I visit them if they no longer exist? Call me the prime champion of diversity here because I wish to allow them to thrive in their own homelands. I stress "in their own homelands", not "from within our homelands and at our expense" which happens to be the situation unfortunately.

So I'll let you decide. Am I racist?
Nobody cares if you are "racist". The fact that races should live and evolve separately is a well known fact by basically everyone here, so I don't get the meaning of your post. To me it looks like you are just trying to be passive agressive towards black people while at the same time seeking for attention or something.
Just wanted to clarify something here...

I want each race to have their own territory and nation. Believe it or not, despite my liberal use of the word "nigger", I actually love the African peoples. Do I want to live with them, though? Fuck no. Sounds contradictory, right? It's actually incredibly simple, and in complete alignment with healthy instincts.

I love wild animals too, but does that mean I should share my house with them? Not exactly. Wild animals belong outside. It wouldn't turn out well for either of us. Same with niggers.

The Earth is pretty big. There is plenty of room for each race to have their own territory/nation without need for conflict. Each race can advance themselves, and we could actually establish policies with them that are mutually beneficial. That being said, it is NEVER in our racial interest to agree to anything that diminishes our potential, and we should not expect other races to agree to anything that diminishes their potential, either.

I appreciate the various races and cultures in some way. They're all so unique and interesting, but at the end of the day I value my racial heritage above them all. I want to have the freedom to visit if they wish to have me as a guest, but how can I visit them if they no longer exist? Call me the prime champion of diversity here because I wish to allow them to thrive in their own homelands. I stress "in their own homelands", not "from within our homelands and at our expense" which happens to be the situation unfortunately.

So I'll let you decide. Am I racist?
You're right!
Many people use the word racist because it's so fashionable😂

this case happened in real life.

When I said that there are no developed countries, there are only developing countries, I was called a racist
AryanPriest666 I know what you mean. And I respect that.
Especially with all this racial mixing going,
on brought on by the enemy. And it never seems to end. You see it in commercials advertising Colgate or something? A black woman and a white man posing as a married couple. The messages that that alone sends off as it is. Hollywood movie stars and their way of life. As it is crawling in and out of bed with each other and they don't even care what race or nationality they are. You see it with rock and roll Stars! The same thing and when it comes to movies. It makes me wonder? I honestly think that black people should be with black people and I honestly think that white people should be with white people. No offense!
You take a look at these wiggers nowadays.. white people trying to be black or trying to look black? And don't even have the sense enough to respect their own Aryan background. Or stick up for the Aryan Pride? And when it comes to black people trying to look white or act like they're white people? It makes me wonder laugh out loud and that is just as bad! When they should respect their Egyptian background, their own African bloodlines what they look like and who and what they are they should learn to love and appreciate. I am sorry laugh out loud no offense! But I believe you and I know that you're making sense. AryanPriest666. I understand you and I respect what you're saying.
Just wanted to clarify something here...

I want each race to have their own territory and nation. Believe it or not, despite my liberal use of the word "nigger", I actually love the African peoples. Do I want to live with them, though? Fuck no. Sounds contradictory, right? It's actually incredibly simple, and in complete alignment with healthy instincts.

I love wild animals too, but does that mean I should share my house with them? Not exactly. Wild animals belong outside. It wouldn't turn out well for either of us. Same with niggers.

The Earth is pretty big. There is plenty of room for each race to have their own territory/nation without need for conflict. Each race can advance themselves, and we could actually establish policies with them that are mutually beneficial. That being said, it is NEVER in our racial interest to agree to anything that diminishes our potential, and we should not expect other races to agree to anything that diminishes their potential, either.

I appreciate the various races and cultures in some way. They're all so unique and interesting, but at the end of the day I value my racial heritage above them all. I want to have the freedom to visit if they wish to have me as a guest, but how can I visit them if they no longer exist? Call me the prime champion of diversity here because I wish to allow them to thrive in their own homelands. I stress "in their own homelands", not "from within our homelands and at our expense" which happens to be the situation unfortunately.

So I'll let you decide. Am I racist?
That's an interesting way to start a post, but I believe true racism is " The desire to treat other races less then." Which I doubt you'd do, so no your not racist but are a bit over the top in a way that's not necessary.

Now yet again, I'm from Africa. Living in Africa, the word nigger means nothing to me.
I can't say that the African descendants currently in America who are detached to any cultural roots anymore. It believe that goes, any whites living outside of Europe. And that's the issue, if we all were to return we'd have decades of corruption to fix in short amount of time in order to focus back on growing and advancing as races.
I remember reading in one of HPS Maxine, that there are 3 races in the gentile races, which is the Asian race, the Black race, and the white race,

and of course the reptilian cohen lizard kike race! Which is not of our gentile race but a reptilian race from another planet

Correct me if I’m wrong
I want each race to have their own territory and nation.

I fully agree with you, and most of the time when I say about it I'm being faced with a reaction: "You're Racist!" to which I usually respond: "I would rather call it having a preferences toward people similar to me, by appearance, language, culture, etc, and because of that, there is only feeling of LOVE involved, and not even a grain of hate. And I wish that for other races/group of similar people. Why do they (immigrants) come to Germany for example? Well, they are fleeing from their home-countries in pursuit of better life. So what about if their countries would be well run and prosperous like Germany? Everybody would have their own country, where they would feel comfortable together, on their own cultural, behavioral terms." Trust me, works wonders. It's so beyond the official narrative, they don't know what to respond.

There is plenty of room for each race to have their own territory/nation without need for conflict.

The only thing I'm afraid that would go wrong, if not properly managed, would be a war for access to natural resources due to geographical scarcity.

Am I racist?

Definition of Racism by Britannica:

racism, the belief that humans may be divided into separate and exclusive biological entities called “races”; that there is a causal link between inherited physical traits and traits of personality, intellect, morality, and other cultural and behavioral features; and that some races are innately superior to others.

I believe 'racism' is one of those terms that being constantly social engineered, at the beginning meant something else and along the way received pejorative connotation. Anyway, let's have a look what law has to say:

1. Racism can be defined in many ways. A broad, general definition is used here in order to have a common understanding of the concept. However, there is a problem in that the term 'racism' presupposes the existence of different races. Recital (6) of Directive 2000/43/EC (Racial Equality Directive) states that 'The European Union rejects theories which attempt to determine the existence of separate human races.'

2. According to the EU acquis, and specifically Art. 1 of the Council Framework Decision 2008/913/JHA, offences concerning racism and xenophobia are considered to be:
(a) publicly inciting to violence or hatred directed against a group of persons or a member of such a group defined by reference to race, colour, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin;
(b) the commission of an act referred to in point (a) by public dissemination or distribution of tracts, pictures or other material;
(c) publicly condoning, denying or grossly trivialising crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined in Articles 6, 7 and 8 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court directed against a group of persons or a member of such a group defined by reference to race, colour, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin when the conduct is carried out in a manner likely to incite violence or hatred against such a group or a member of such a group;
(d) publicly condoning, denying or grossly trivialising the crimes defined in Art. 6 of the Charter of the International Military Tribunal appended to the London Agreement of 8 August 1945, directed against a group of persons or a member of such a group;

3. The Council of Europe provides further insight into the understanding of this term.

- European Commission (LINK)

If we skip the part, where EU directly admits being communistic at its roots (paragraph 1; everyone is equal), and we proceed to judge if you're racist or not, then I would say YES! based on the Britannica definition, not what is punishable by law, except:

That being said, it is NEVER in our racial interest to agree to anything that diminishes our potential, (...)

this part could get you into trouble as expresses incitation to discrimination based on racial affiliation. Everything else seems to be an expression of personal opinions that might sound a bit controversial in light of current standards, but remember, it is not a legal advice and I am not a legal advisor.

I want to have the freedom to visit if they wish to have me as a guest, but how can I visit them if they no longer exist? Call me the prime champion of diversity here because I wish to allow them to thrive in their own homelands. I stress "in their own homelands", not "from within our homelands and at our expense" which happens to be the situation unfortunately.

Only the existence of unique culture in every each country can ensure the existence of true "multiculturalism". If done within one country, so everything is mixed, then it is a straight forward path into year zero and communism. Here's your medal.

I love wild animals too, but does that mean I should share my house with them? Not exactly. Wild animals belong outside. It wouldn't turn out well for either of us. Same with niggers.

Please don't forget about non-white members of Jos...
That's an interesting way to start a post, but I believe true racism is " The desire to treat other races less then." Which I doubt you'd do, so no your not racist but are a bit over the top in a way that's not necessary.

Now yet again, I'm from Africa. Living in Africa, the word nigger means nothing to me.
I can't say that the African descendants currently in America who are detached to any cultural roots anymore. It believe that goes, any whites living outside of Europe. And that's the issue, if we all were to return we'd have decades of corruption to fix in short amount of time in order to focus back on growing and advancing as races.
Actually the way you worded it i.e. Racist/ism = The desire to treat other races less than. Or even outright hostility etc.etc.

Is more in line with Social Communism(i.e. Social Marxism albeit I want to get away from Marxism as it outlines a specific and unfollowed rule and regulation. Simply because we have racial communism a.l.a. the strange North Korea, Pol Pot's most marxist out of all marxist, and China and other communist, quasi-communist-socialist nations containing their own subdued version of Marxism.

In fact in Social Communism I'm trying to expand it to be an umbrella term for political division systems for example we call them Lefties or Leftoids or Liberal. Liberal = wrong to call them that.

As a good friend of mine put it. Leftist people want freedoms and hence liberal properties with a right-based economic system a.l.a Democrats as an example here in the U.S. they want liberties so-called while maintaining high-taxation and taxation of the working class while booning the rich. In essence as the dupe Robert Reich who dealt in the past with "Trickle Down" economic principles. Give to the rich and the lower shall drown in riches. Nope no not at all if we were to give millionaires and billionaires and other upper echelon people they either self-invest in their industries for them or invest it in the stock market, crypto, or other and basically horde the wealth.

In Cuckservative right-winger groups they want liberties as well to a degree for example restricted abortion or no abortion i.e. christcuck mentality of maintaining population boom of everyone. While possessing a economic left position or liberal economics as with Liberterians and certain Leftist called Classical Leftist. In essence they believe in lower taxes potentially some higher taxation for rich or at least little to no income taxes as the U.S. existed for about 115 or so years without income taxes. And basically correctly again like Robert Reich changed his tune, "Trickle Up".

The problem is that while I would love a traditional pre-nifty fifties and pre-civil war capitalist system at least to stem the tide of inflation and financial rot to our system. It's capitalism again the World is predicated on three economic spheres merged together into a melange of shit. Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism.

Hence why I state [SOCIAL COMMUNISM] not [SOCIAL MARXISM]. I'd like to embrace the entire umbrella term completely and put everything under the sun about it.

This is why there is another system in place Social Capitalism.

Both Social systems Capitalism and Communism are one in the same. Raceist/Racism/Race = negative fomentation.

I believe in Social National Socialism or Social Nazism.

Raceist/Racism = A healthy sentiment of racial self-preservation. A scientific process deeply embedded in mankind.

Sheer fact is the three main systems merely use racial admixing and racial hatred to compound the issue while looking for cheap, stupid, dolt slaves or worse better yet THRALLS as Gottfried Feder explains in his discourses.

Sheer fact is Communisms and Socialisms properties of (Spread the Wealth) sicken everyone and for good reason. It's a ploy to actually control it's perfect control the opposition and doom and gloom everyone and everything.

Sheer fact is in Social Nazism we would state and Hitler as well as Feder would glee in excitement updating their technological databanks with:

[Spread the Money]

If I say wealth why does that elicit a response of horror recoil?

Because your talking about a store of wealth or objects or things that are precious to a person.

Spread the Money

I'm talking about the Medium of Exchange. Does anyone care about moving a few bucks around. It's easier to get a 1 million people to give a few bucks than it is to get 1 person to give a million.

Hence [Spread the Money] i.e. Medium of Exchange.

One reason why as Feder puts it in Collected Writings which was a book created in 2019 by a few researchers.

After sensing a reading a certain paragraph in it. I viewed [E.O.T.M.O.E.] as paramount to support the economy. Exchange of the Medium of Exchange.

If I give you a few dollars for a widget or sundry items. I'm force multiplying the economy.

Anyways I digress.

The leftoid/lefty/Liberal movements were hijacked by the enemy. Hence why they are Communist but the right is equally as foolish.

National Socialism either proposes a unified front of divisonary explanations such as for example how Hitler calls us Revolutionary and how in certain parts like Coburn incident we acted reactionary towards the communist.

I believe it gets to the point that we are not just Triple-A, (Against All Authority) but that we are in essence an all-wing, full-wing function. We do not divide ourselves much like how the entire Commu-Capitalist movements subdivide everything almost like prisons.

I don't believe Pagan's never had names or divisions for things. But certainly not for some maligned system of negativity that pits man against man all because the poor jew wants to conquer the World through words and confusing rhetoric.

Sheer fact is to return to the main topic.

I think that while sure on a foreground cursory glance Race-ist/-ism = Hatred or Contempt of another race or racial group or outright subgroup.

These are words concocted by people who manipulate reality to see it fit it follows a program of theirs of total enslavement or should I be more specific total thralldom.

I believe these quirky Social Communist, Social Socialist, and Social Capitalist wordings are merely an attempt to put the genie back in the bottle and place mankind right back on the hamster wheel to be nothing and be utter shit, live to work, die to work, your only value is money, production, and how you engineer your own doom and the doom of others.

In essence these systems encourage hatred and contempt for other races simply to confound and simply for the moolah i.e. the All Mighty Dollar.

Hence why all three systems are really the same governing body.

Try and view it from a Social Nazi perspective.
Actually the way you worded it i.e. Racist/ism = The desire to treat other races less than. Or even outright hostility etc.etc.

Is more in line with Social Communism(i.e. Social Marxism albeit I want to get away from Marxism as it outlines a specific and unfollowed rule and regulation. Simply because we have racial communism a.l.a. the strange North Korea, Pol Pot's most marxist out of all marxist, and China and other communist, quasi-communist-socialist nations containing their own subdued version of Marxism.

In fact in Social Communism I'm trying to expand it to be an umbrella term for political division systems for example we call them Lefties or Leftoids or Liberal. Liberal = wrong to call them that.

As a good friend of mine put it. Leftist people want freedoms and hence liberal properties with a right-based economic system a.l.a Democrats as an example here in the U.S. they want liberties so-called while maintaining high-taxation and taxation of the working class while booning the rich. In essence as the dupe Robert Reich who dealt in the past with "Trickle Down" economic principles. Give to the rich and the lower shall drown in riches. Nope no not at all if we were to give millionaires and billionaires and other upper echelon people they either self-invest in their industries for them or invest it in the stock market, crypto, or other and basically horde the wealth.

In Cuckservative right-winger groups they want liberties as well to a degree for example restricted abortion or no abortion i.e. christcuck mentality of maintaining population boom of everyone. While possessing a economic left position or liberal economics as with Liberterians and certain Leftist called Classical Leftist. In essence they believe in lower taxes potentially some higher taxation for rich or at least little to no income taxes as the U.S. existed for about 115 or so years without income taxes. And basically correctly again like Robert Reich changed his tune, "Trickle Up".

The problem is that while I would love a traditional pre-nifty fifties and pre-civil war capitalist system at least to stem the tide of inflation and financial rot to our system. It's capitalism again the World is predicated on three economic spheres merged together into a melange of shit. Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism.

Hence why I state [SOCIAL COMMUNISM] not [SOCIAL MARXISM]. I'd like to embrace the entire umbrella term completely and put everything under the sun about it.

This is why there is another system in place Social Capitalism.

Both Social systems Capitalism and Communism are one in the same. Raceist/Racism/Race = negative fomentation.

I believe in Social National Socialism or Social Nazism.

Raceist/Racism = A healthy sentiment of racial self-preservation. A scientific process deeply embedded in mankind.

Sheer fact is the three main systems merely use racial admixing and racial hatred to compound the issue while looking for cheap, stupid, dolt slaves or worse better yet THRALLS as Gottfried Feder explains in his discourses.

Sheer fact is Communisms and Socialisms properties of (Spread the Wealth) sicken everyone and for good reason. It's a ploy to actually control it's perfect control the opposition and doom and gloom everyone and everything.

Sheer fact is in Social Nazism we would state and Hitler as well as Feder would glee in excitement updating their technological databanks with:

[Spread the Money]

If I say wealth why does that elicit a response of horror recoil?

Because your talking about a store of wealth or objects or things that are precious to a person.

Spread the Money

I'm talking about the Medium of Exchange. Does anyone care about moving a few bucks around. It's easier to get a 1 million people to give a few bucks than it is to get 1 person to give a million.

Hence [Spread the Money] i.e. Medium of Exchange.

One reason why as Feder puts it in Collected Writings which was a book created in 2019 by a few researchers.

After sensing a reading a certain paragraph in it. I viewed [E.O.T.M.O.E.] as paramount to support the economy. Exchange of the Medium of Exchange.

If I give you a few dollars for a widget or sundry items. I'm force multiplying the economy.

Anyways I digress.

The leftoid/lefty/Liberal movements were hijacked by the enemy. Hence why they are Communist but the right is equally as foolish.

National Socialism either proposes a unified front of divisonary explanations such as for example how Hitler calls us Revolutionary and how in certain parts like Coburn incident we acted reactionary towards the communist.

I believe it gets to the point that we are not just Triple-A, (Against All Authority) but that we are in essence an all-wing, full-wing function. We do not divide ourselves much like how the entire Commu-Capitalist movements subdivide everything almost like prisons.

I don't believe Pagan's never had names or divisions for things. But certainly not for some maligned system of negativity that pits man against man all because the poor jew wants to conquer the World through words and confusing rhetoric.

Sheer fact is to return to the main topic.

I think that while sure on a foreground cursory glance Race-ist/-ism = Hatred or Contempt of another race or racial group or outright subgroup.

These are words concocted by people who manipulate reality to see it fit it follows a program of theirs of total enslavement or should I be more specific total thralldom.

I believe these quirky Social Communist, Social Socialist, and Social Capitalist wordings are merely an attempt to put the genie back in the bottle and place mankind right back on the hamster wheel to be nothing and be utter shit, live to work, die to work, your only value is money, production, and how you engineer your own doom and the doom of others.

In essence these systems encourage hatred and contempt for other races simply to confound and simply for the moolah i.e. the All Mighty Dollar.

Hence why all three systems are really the same governing body.

Try and view it from a Social Nazi perspective.
I more or less get what your trying to say, I believe.

Take it this way, the gods have different ranks and some are from different races, there's a clear hierarchy. But would you expect the gods to treat each other less then ? Or any other race less than? No, you wouldn't.

So why would being racist be tolerated?

I'm not saying don't fight for self preservation but there's certainly action that have nothing to do with self preservation e.g. excessive use of the N word, which only stirs conflict and feeds hatred between races ... In what sense does that lead to self preservation?

If someone truly is focused on their own race then they would not have the energy to entertain other race's. But when they do engage obviously respect on both sides has to be shown that's just common sense.

And in terms of Nazi perspective, the Nazi party during the war dropped flyers " asking why the black race was fighting for America who was just using them, and offered them a safe place away from America's (whilst there had been some black people in Germany) ... They didn't use black people to fill in a quote just to fight a war, they were completely confident in themselves and respected themselves, not to say there weren't any black Nazi. But upon the return of the black people who fought in the war for the America's, the same America's massacred them... That's what happens when your racist, when you believe other races less then. You have no issues destroying them for your own personal gain ... And I don't that's what you want to stand for ?

And in a current perspective we as other races must now fight to ensure that the white race isn't degraded any further, which is hard to do if the perspective is the people you want to help don't believe your race is worth anything.

So that's the issue at had, we've had a lot of disputes and arguments here... Racial based fights but it only ever escalated when one or the other started disrespecting the other ... Otherwise it was just someone venting about how frustrated they are about what's happening to their race... Which is perfectly fine.
But I'd you want to wave the " First born flag", the race directly descendant from the gods, the best, number one race... No one will argue that but only if your display the same virtues and morales as the Gods do... Otherwise who will accept that people who act arrogantly and disrespectfully on purpose deserves that title?

Everyone has their part to play, doesn't mean you need to be a dick about it. (Not referring to you, just exercising bit of frustration.)

I'd love to see the Aryan Race at the top, but I'd love even more to see it represented properly. Self preservation, the last thing you'd want also is to allow someone to sully the Aryan Race with their actions.
Overall - Direct meaning of words mean very little in the social consensus where what a word refers to is what matters, and what social meaning it has... Since words are ever changing.

Whether it's called racist/racism or whatever I believe if we all respect each other, no issues would ever need to arise between us.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
