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Tim S

New member
Jan 28, 2012
Stumbled upon the Joy of Satan website. Have always known Christianity is not a way towards spiritual enlightenment at all. These people are total idiots and a lot of the things I read on this website-especially about exposing christianity make a lot of sense. What do the satanists on this website make of our government and illuminati and other conspiracies. It seems everything is starting to connect the dots reading all of this-interesting-but my girlfriend is curious about what you folks make of this?
What, the deluded babblings of ignorant xians who claim the illuminati and the government are "Satanists" somehow?? 1stly, the illuminati are communist jews (jews are the #1 enemies of Satan, even the word "Satan" in their language means enemy, that makes Him their ultimate enemy). Do a search through past posts, it seems to be a frequently asked question. 2ndly, you can obviously see the mainstream media are pro-xian and against Satanism. Xianity is pushed everywhere, xian evangelists often have millions of dollars and jacuzzis and private jets while Satanism is slandered and attacked and associated with horror stories and other crap. They push an extremely negative view of Satanism and they villify it more with every passing moment. Look for yourself on TV, they put up fake shows like the "Paranormal State" which is nothing more than a scare tactic to scare people away from our Gods, but at the same time if someone created a show called like "The biggest hoax of the last 2000 years) referring to xianity, he would be fired or even murdered.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Tim S" <renzoguken@... wrote:

Stumbled upon the Joy of Satan website. Have always known Christianity is not a way towards spiritual enlightenment at all. These people are total idiots and a lot of the things I read on this website-especially about exposing christianity make a lot of sense. What do the satanists on this website make of our government and illuminati and other conspiracies. It seems everything is starting to connect the dots reading all of this-interesting-but my girlfriend is curious about what you folks make of this?
The Illuminati http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/473

On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 10:23 AM PDT the_fire_starter666 wrote:

What, the deluded babblings of ignorant xians who claim the illuminati and the government are "Satanists" somehow?? 1stly, the illuminati are communist jews (jews are the #1 enemies of Satan, even the word "Satan" in their language means enemy, that makes Him their ultimate enemy). Do a search through past posts, it seems to be a frequently asked question. 2ndly, you can obviously see the mainstream media are pro-xian and against Satanism. Xianity is pushed everywhere, xian evangelists often have millions of dollars and jacuzzis and private jets while Satanism is slandered and attacked and associated with horror stories and other crap. They push an extremely negative view of Satanism and they villify it more with every passing moment. Look for yourself on TV, they put up fake shows like the "Paranormal State" which is nothing more than a scare tactic to scare people away from our Gods, but at the same time if someone created a show called like "The
biggest hoax of the last 2000 years) referring to xianity, he would be fired or even murdered.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Tim S" <renzoguken@... wrote:

Stumbled upon the Joy of Satan website. Have always known Christianity is not a way towards spiritual enlightenment at all. These people are total idiots and a lot of the things I read on this website-especially about exposing christianity make a lot of sense. What do the satanists on this website make of our government and illuminati and other conspiracies. It seems everything is starting to connect the dots reading all of this-interesting-but my girlfriend is curious about what you folks make of this?
By mageson 666

The Illuminati

As this article will show the Illuminati was a later organizationthat's purpose was to infiltrateFreemasonry andcorruptthe Masonic led, Enlightenment period in Europe. With Jewish Illuminism which was given its outward doctrine as the radical Liberal Ideology of the French revolution. The Illuminati infiltrated the French lodges with their money power and agents. And where the force behind the French revolution. The Jacobin's where the Bolsheviks of yesteryear. This parallels the American revolution which was built upon the original andpure Masonic doctrine. To the French revolution fought upon the corrupted doctrine of Jewish Illuminism. Which becamenothing but a way to advancetheJewishagenda of creatingtheir Jew World Order.

As Nietzsche stated about the French revolution andits Liberal ideology as the: "Daughter andcontinuation of Christianity."

Today Jewish Illuminism/Communism parades around in the West as Cultural Marxism. [what people call "Political Correctness" without realizing what it really is].

The Jews have worked to bring American down from every angle as its original Masonic doctrine is a major threat to theirJew World Order plans. The Jew by its own confession andactions is the eternal enemy of human freedom:

The Jewish Banksters war on America: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/275

The Jewish Communizing of America: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/243

The originalMasonicEnlightenmentwas a major threat to the kosherpath agenda. As it was replacing the Jewish doctrines of Christianity with the Masonic doctrine of spiritual enlightenment andtrue freedom. An order basedon the Eternal Laws of Nature as the DivineOrderof Life. Which the Founders symbolized by the scales of Maat.Thesymbol of Cosmic Order. We can witness with the Founding Fathers of Americathe original MasonicEnlightenment. The Masons are from the Templar's andthe Templar's where from the Druidic, Aristocratic Priest families of Europe. There is a reason the Masons called this movement the "Enlightenment."

The Templar's Serpent Tradition: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/231

As Albert Pike stated the God of the Masons originally is Lucifer. This is important as Lucifer is another spellingof Hu. A major titleof theGodof the Druidic religion of Europe. The L andH are interchangeable. Luciferis an ancient titlefor our God Satan andlike thetitle Satan is basedinSanskrit:

Sat means illuminated or shiningandAn stands for the serpent. Hence: "Shining Serpent." With Lucifer the LU is also HU. Which means Shining but the H denotes the serpent. Hence Lucifer as a titlecomes back to the same: "Shining Serpent."

As Satan was also worshipped as the God HU also called Wod, Wodan. etc http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/451

Lucifer represents as Pike stated also the Magnum Opus. Where one becomes Perfected andimmortal. Thus obtains allthe minor and major Siddhi's or supernormal powers. This is true freedom, spiritual freedom andliberation from the wheel of suffering andignorance. This is the point of the original religion:


The actual LuciferianMasonicsociety,the American Founders created was centered on spiritual advancement. The Real American Revolution:


As we can witness President Washington knew about the Illuminati andthat they where trying to infiltratetheMasonicorders and movements. And theirdoctrine was the enemy of the Masoniconetheyhad fought to build America upon:

Library of Congress link: http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?a ... 28gw360395%2\9%29

Mount Vernon, October 24, 1798.

Revd Sir: I have your favor of the 17th. instant before me; andmy onlymotive to trouble you with the receipt of this letter, is to explain, andcorrect a mistake which I perceive the hurry in which I am obliged,often, to write letters, have led you into.

It was not my intention to doubt that,the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States.On thecontrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am.

The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of thefirst,orpernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States,mayhavehad theseobjects; and actually had a separation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.

My occupations aresuch,that but littleleisure is allowed me to read News Papers, or Books of anykind; thereadingof letters, andpreparinganswers, absorb much of my time."

On the much framedsubject of the Free Masons andthe Illuminati here is a brief history of the events that leadto subversion of the Masons by Jewry andthe truth of the Illuminati:

Rothschild hired a son of a Jewish Rabbi named Adam Weishaupt to create a pseudo-Masoniclooking front- [TheIlluminati] and armed him with massivefunds and contacts thestagewas set.

History records that on May 1, 1776, Dr. Adam Weishaupt founded the Bavarian Order of the ILLUMINATI. Weishaupt was a Professor of Jewish Canon Law at the Universityof Ingolstadt inBavaria,Germany. He was born to Jewish parents and later "converted"to RomanCatholicism.He became a high-ranking member of The Order Of The Jesuits, whom he subsequently left to form his very own organization at the clear behest of the newly formed "House Of Rothschild."

It was the Jewish Weishaupt's belief that only a chosen few could qualify for enough "illumination"to guide andrulethe world. The problem was, where could he find enough intellectual "lightbearers"to start the ballrolling? He subsequently found them in various lodges and orders of the day, such as the various Masoniclodges,theRosicrucianOrder and other legitimateandsincere orders of antiquity. This is confirmedyet again by Edith Starr-Miller in her classic, "Occult Theocracy:" "As the organization of the Illuminati developed, so did its ambitions,which ended ina plot to subvert Freemasonry to its aim of world dominationby anyandall means . After obtaining control of certain Masonic Lodges, Weishaupt andhis associates recklessly vaunted their growing power."

Weishaupt took the name,Spartacus,because, like the Roman warrior, he was dedicated to freeingthe [oppressed masses] from the oppression of all monarchies andreligious powers,his desireto shake off the yoke of limitation would includenot only governments and organized religion, but also the institution of marriage, andeven family....

Weishaupt wanteda system of truly global dimensions, even if it brought about violent worldwide revolution and rivers of blood. His "benevolent dictatorship" had six main points dealing with the abolition of:

1.Ordered or nationalistic governments inthe form of monarchies.

2.Private property.


4.Patriotism to nationalist causes.

5.Social order in families, sexual prohibition laws and all moral codes.

6.All religious disciplines basedon faithina living God, as opposed to faith in nature, man,andreason.

This is almost word-for-word from Karl Marx's THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO andthat these six points are also perfectly consistent with the Protocols in general, [once again proving their legitimacy].

Weishaupt's vision for a futureworld was a full-on Communism, with all possessions, even children, held in common.

It is more interesting to learn that Karl Marx was not the real founder of Communist world revolution. Its true father was Adam Weishaupt, founder of the "Freemasonic Order" of the Illuminati-Marschalko

"The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it neverappearin any place in its own name, but always covered by another name,andanother occupation. Noneis fitterthan thethreelowers degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects littlefrom it, and therefore takes little notice of it." - Adam Weishaupt

At its beginning,the Illuminati was not a Masonic order, and Weishaupt himself did not entera lodge until 1777,when he received induction into the Lodge Theodore de Bon Conseil in Munich. However, once inside Masonry, Weishaupt immediately saw its potentialvalueto bea vehicle for the realization of his Illuminati dreams. To create an official union between the Illuminati and Freemasonry, Weishaupt set about organizing the Congress of Wilhelmsbasat the Castle of William IX of Hesse-Kassel, to occur on July 16, 1782. Thatspecial even, which was momentous in both size and aspirations, was attendedbyelite representatives of Masoniclodges from all over.

It was also therethat a decision was reached to allow the previously excluded Jews to be granted admittanceinto Freemasonry. The Illuminati creed is the origin of radicalLiberalism which stillplagues us today. Which Comes from Christianity. It's the same Kosherpath agenda.

As Nietzsche stated about the French revolution andits Liberal ideology as the: "Daughter andcontinuation of Christianity."


However, there was another,tacit reason for the change in Masonicpolicy towards the Jews, money was needed....And the Jews where the principalbankers of Europe, a role they had assumed since the time of the fall of the Knights Templar. And don't forget KingWilliam IX was in debt at the time, andwas in general a psychopathicindividual.

When the time came for a vote on their admittance at Wilhelmsbad,theJews were so anxious to win the day that they completely filled the hall with other Jewish supporters. It was not longafterwards that the Illuminati membership included an abundanceof Jewishbankingfamilies, including the Rothschilds, the Oppenheimers, the Wertheimers, the Schusters, Speyers, andSterns.

New lodges of predominantlyJews were formed in Frankfurt the Rothschild's financial capitalinEurope, andsoonallof Illumininzed Freemasonry would make the city its world headquarters.

The first order of business for the Illuminati-initiated Jews, who were the was to manifest their prophesied Zion,a world ruled by the chosen people of Yahweh. Plans were set in motion for the Jews to finally have their "landof milk and honey" that had been promised to them for so long [in their own Jew minds] and it would be the entire world.

The opportunity for manifestingtheirZion arrived with the Russian Revolution, which was financed by the Jewish bankers. One of their own, the German Jew, Karl Marx, had catalyzedtheevent withthe publication of his Commnunist Manifesto.

Karl Marx who's real namewas Rabbi Mordechai Levi was a member of the League of the Just of which would lead to the creation of the Communist League.

In 1841, Moses Hess, brought Marx into a society called the "League of the Just"

The motto of the League of the Just (Bund der Gerechten)was "AllMen are Brothers" andits goals were "the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth, based on the ideals of loveof one's neighbor, equality andjustice".

This is the core of Jewish Christianity.

During the decadeof the1840s theword "communist" came into generaluseto describe thosewho hailedtheleftwingof the Jacobin Club of the French Revolution as their ideological forefathers.[My note this is the Illuminati doctrine openly]. This politicaltendency saw itself as egalitarian heritor's of the 1795 Conspiracy of Equals headed by Gracchus Babeuf. The sans-culottes of Paris which had decades earlierbeenthebase of support for Babeuf — artisans, journeymen, andthe urbanunemployed—was seen as a potentialfoundation fora new socialsystem baseduponthe modern machine production of the day."

The French thinker Étienne Cabet inspiredthe imagination with a novel about a utopian societybaseduponcommunal machine production-

"Voyage en Icarie" [1839].Therevolutionary Louis Auguste Blanquiarguedin favor of an elite organising the overwhelming majority of the population against the "rich," seizing the government in a coup d'état, and instituting a new egalitarian economic order."

The Bolshevik leader of the Revolution, Lenin, who on both sides of his family was of Jewish lineage, contributed his plan for a centralized government that would be controlled by a Jewish oligarchy. After Lenin andhis Illuminati cohorts raised their flags at the end of the Russian Revolution, their new communist government emerged with Jews occupying at least 75% of its highest positions...And end up with 60 million Gentiles murdered by the Jews, by the time Communism was over. Manyof them murdered in an organized system of camps all run by Jewish Commissar's. Slave Labor in Soviet Russia

The Jewish bankers also took another tact and slowly built up an empire of financial institutions to oversee a capitalistic infrastructure that would govern the world. As one Jewish banker and Illuminati patron, AmshelRothschild, is known to have famously remarked, "Give me the control of a county's finances, and I care not who governs the country!"

Which leads to Communism in the end. The Jews hold all wealth andpower andthe Gentiles are reduced to totalslavery to global Jewry's One World Order.

The nations will gather to pay homage to the people of God: all the fortunes of the nations will pass to the Jewish people,they will march captivebehindthe Jewish people in chains andwillprostrate themselves before them, their kings will bring up their sons,andtheir princesses will nurse their children. The Jews will command the nations,theywill summon peoples whom they do not even know them will hasten to them. The riches of the sea andthe wealth of nations will come to the Jews of their own right. "Any people of the Kingdom who will not serve Israelwillbedestroyed"-Isidore Loeb [Le Litteraturedes Pauvres dans la Bible].

What were the effects of the subversion of Free Masonry by the Jews, within the organization? Masonryis baseduponJudaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the MasonicRitualandwhatis left? - The Jewish Tribune [New York,Oct 28,1927]

"In the present nations,Freemasonry is onlyof benefit to the Jews" -Theodore Herzl [Founder andLeaderof World Zionism]

"We have founded many secret associations, which all work for our purpose, under our orders and our direction. One of the many triumphs of our Freemasonry is that those Gentiles who become members of our Lodges, should neversuspectthat we are using them to build their own jails, upon whose terraces we shall erect the throne of our universal King of the Jews; and should neverknow that weare commandingthemto forge thechains of their own servility to our futureKingof the World" -Openingspeech madeat theB'nai B'rith convention inParis [published in the Catholic Gazette,Feb 1936]

Here it should be obvious why the Third Reich banned the corrupted Free Masonic organizations within Germany. They are organs of Jewish Communism

Sources: The Coming Gnostic Civilization by M.A.Pinkham

On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 10:51 AM PDT jeremy montoya wrote:

The Illuminati http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/473

On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 10:23 AM PDT the_fire_starter666 wrote:

What, the deluded babblings of ignorant xians who claim the illuminati and the government are "Satanists" somehow?? 1stly, the illuminati are communist jews (jews are the #1 enemies of Satan, even the word "Satan" in their language means enemy, that makes Him their ultimate enemy). Do a search through past posts, it seems to be a frequently asked question. 2ndly, you can obviously see the mainstream media are pro-xian and against Satanism. Xianity is pushed everywhere, xian evangelists often have millions of dollars and jacuzzis and private jets while Satanism is slandered and attacked and associated with horror stories and other crap. They push an extremely negative view of Satanism and they villify it more with every passing moment. Look for yourself on TV, they put up fake shows like the "Paranormal State" which is nothing more than a scare tactic to scare people away from our Gods, but at the same time if someone created a show called like "The
biggest hoax of the last 2000 years) referring to xianity, he would be fired or even murdered.

--- In [email protected], "Tim S" <renzoguken@... wrote:

Stumbled upon the Joy of Satan website. Have always known Christianity is not a way towards spiritual enlightenment at all. These people are total idiots and a lot of the things I read on this website-especially about exposing christianity make a lot of sense. What do the satanists on this website make of our government and illuminati and other conspiracies. It seems everything is starting to connect the dots reading all of this-interesting-but my girlfriend is curious about what you folks make of this?
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Tim S" <renzoguken@... wrote:
Stumbled upon the Joy of Satan website. Have always known Christianity is not a way towards spiritual enlightenment at all. These people are total idiots and a lot of the things I read on this website-especially about exposing christianity make a lot of sense. What do the satanists on this website make of our government and illuminati and other conspiracies. It seems everything is starting to connect the dots reading all of this-interesting-but my girlfriend is curious about what you folks make of this?
I am a huge conspiracy theorist. The illuminati are not of satan. The illuminati was founded by a Jew named Adam weisaupt. satan stands for the resistance. The illuminati use Christianity as a tool to stupify the masses and religion empowers the political establishments who put them in place. The illuminati consists of the wealthy globalist a bankers such as the Rothschilds, builderburgs, and rockefellers.
am Ebenezer and i want to worship Father Satan, how can i join or what must i do to join? Please i need answers from you. Thank you

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
