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Pierce Talanski

New member
Mar 2, 2014
We've all heard of them, but get this. They, or at least a group that calls themselves the Illuminati have a bit in common with us, ie. we're both trying to reach the godhead. It's pretty interesting that a group would be ballsy enough to actually call themselves the Illuminati, structure themselves in the same fashion as the Bavarian Illuminati, and, supposedly, follow the same principles, and claim to be behind every people's revolution since Napoleon. I doubt it, but maybe the real Illuminati is still kickin, they even got a revolutionary organization, as apparently they're planning one soon, it's simply called "The Movement". Whether these guys are real or not, we may have an oppurtunity, or at least an ally.
Here's a link to their website:
Hail Satan!
P.S., these guys are against Christianity, Judaism, and Islam too, even though for somewhat different reasons. Also, according to these guys, hardcore Shiite Islam has proven to be an obstacle for those in power, as in it's one of the few reasons the Jews haven't won yet, but still very detremental to society, and their/ our plans.
 http://www.666blacksun.com/Illuminati.htm Illumination on the Illuminati

On the much framed subject of the Free Masons and the Illuminati here is a brief history of the events that lead to subversion of the Masons by Jewry and the truth of the Illuminati: Several good articles addressing the subject are here: The Truth About the New World Order
The Temple of Solomon
The New Atlantis Rothschild hired a son of a Jewish Rabbi named Adam Weishaupt to create a psuedo-Masonic looking front- [The Illuminati] and armed him with massive funds and contacts the stage was set. History records that on May 1, 1776, Dr. Adam Weishaupt founded the Bavarian Order of the ILLUMINATI. Weishaupt was a Professor of Jewish Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, Germany. He was born to Jewish parents and later "converted" to Roman Catholicism. He became a high-ranking member of The Order Of The Jesuits, whom he subsequently left to form his very own organization at the clear behest of the newly formed "House Of Rothschild." It was the Jewish Weishaupt's belief that only a chosen few could qualify for enough "illumination" to guide and rule the world. The problem was, where could he find enough intellectual "light bearers" to start the ball rolling? He subsequently found them in various lodges and orders of the day, such as the various Masonic lodges, the Rosicrucian Order and other legitimate and sincere orders of antiquity. This is confirmed yet again by Edith Starr-Miller in her classic, "Occult Theocracy:" "As the organization of the Illuminati developed, so did its ambitions, which ended in a plot to subvert Freemasonry to its aim of world domination by any and all means ……. After obtaining control of certain Masonic Lodges, Weishaupt and his associates recklessly vaunted their growing power." Weishaupt took the name, Spartacus, because, like the Roman warrior, he was dedicated to freeing the [opressed masses] from the oppression of all monarchies and religious powers, his desire to shake off the yoke of limitation would include not only governments and organized religion, but also the institution of marriage, and even family.... Weishaupt wanted a system of truly global dimensions, even if it brought about violent worldwide revolution and rivers of blood. His "benevolent dictatorship" had six main points dealing with the abolition of: 1.Ordered or nationalistic governments in the form of monarchies. 2.Private property. 3.Inheritance rights. 4.Patriotism to nationalist causes. 5.Social order in families, sexual prohibition laws and all moral codes. 6.All religious disciplines based on faith in a living God, as opposed to faith in nature, man, and reason. This is almost word-for-word from Karl Marx's THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO and that these six points are also perfectly consistent with the Protocols in general, [once again proving their legitimacy]. Weishaupt's vision for a future world was a full-on Communism, with all possessions, even children, held in common. It is more interesting to learn that Karl Marx was not the real founder of Communist world revolution. Its true father was Adam Weishaupt, founder of the "Freemasonic Order" of the Illuminati- Marschalko "The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter than the three lwers degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it."
- Adam Weishaupt At its beginning, the Illuminati was not a Masonic order, and Weishaupt himself did not enter a lodge until 1777, when he received induction into the Lodge Theodore de Bon Conseil in Munich. However, once inside Masonry, Weishaupt immediately saw its potential value to be a vehicle for the realization of his Illuminati dreams. To create an official union between the Illuminati and Freemasonry, Weishaupt set about organizing the Congress of Wilhelmsbas at the Castle of William IX of Hesse-Kassel, to occur on July 16, 1782. That special even, which was momentous in both size and aspirations, was attended by elite representatives of Masonic lodges from all over. It was also there that a decision was reached to allow the previously excluded Jews to be granted admittance into Freemasonry. The Illuminati creed claimed all people are equal.[Communism/Christianity]
Christianity & Communism: Jewish Twins However, there was another, tacit reason for the change in Masonic policy towards the Jews, money was needed....And the Jews where the principal bankers of Europe, a role they had assumed since the time of the fall of the Knights Templar. And don't forget King William IX was in debt at the time, and was in general a psychopatic individual. When the time came for a vote on their admittance at Wilhelmsbad, the Jews were so anxious to win the day that they completely filled the hall with other Jewish supporters. It was not long afterwards that the Illuminati membership included an abundance of Jewish banking families, including the Rothschilds, the Oppenheimers, the Wertheimers, the Schusters, Speyers, and Sterns. New lodges of predominantly Jews were formed in Frankfurt the Rothschild's financial capital in Europe, and soon all of Illumininzed Freemasonry would make the city its world headquarters. The first order of buisness for the Illuminati-initiated Jews, who were the was to manifest their prophesied Zion, a world ruled by the chosen people of Yahweh. Plans were set in motion for the Jews to finally have their "land of milk and honey" that had been promised to them for so long [in their own Jew minds] and it would be the entire world. The opportunity for manifesting their Zion arrived with the Russian Revolution, which was financed by the Jewish bankers. One of their own, the German Jew, Karl Marx, had catalyzed the event with the publication of his Commnunist Manifesto. Karl Marx who's real name was Rabbi Mordechai Levi was a member of the League of the Just of which would lead to the creation of the Communist League. -1841, Moses Hess, brought Marx into a society called the "League of the Just" The motto of the League of the Just (Bund der Gerechten) was "All Men are Brothers" and its goals were "the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth, based on the ideals of love of one's neighbor, equality and justice".[1]. See how Christianity is the twin of Communism.
See- Christianity & Communism: Jewish Twins The Bolshevik leader of the Revolution, Lenin, who on both sides of his family was of Jewish lineage, contributed his plan for a centralized government that would be controlled by a Jewish oligarchy. After Lenin and his Illuminati cohorts raised their flags at the end of the Russian Revolution, their new communist government emerged with Jews occupying at least 75% of its highest positions...And end up with 60 million Gentiles murdered by the Jews, by the time Communism was over. Many of them murdered in an organized system of camps all run by Jewish Commissar's.
Slave Labor in Soviet Russia The Jewish bankers also took another tact and and slowly built up an empire of financial istitutions to oversee a capitalistic infrastructure that would govern the world. As one Jewish banker and Illuminati patron, Amshel Rothschild, is known to have famously remarked, "Give me the control of a county's finances, and I care not who governs the country!" Which leads to Communism in the end. The Jews hold all wealth and power and the Gentiles are reduced to total slavery to global Jewry's One World Order. The nations will gather to pay homage to the people of God: all the fortunes of the nations will pass to the Jewish people, they will march captive behind the Jewish people in chains and willl prostrate themselves before them, their kings will bring up their sons, and their princesses will nurse their children. The Jews will command the nations, they will summon peoples whom they do not even know them will haten to them. The riches of the sea and the wealth of natons will come to the Jews of their own right.
"Any people of the Kingdom who will not serve Isreal will be destroyed"
-Isidore Loeb [Le Litterature des Pauvres dans la Bible]. What were the effects of the subversion of Free Masonry by the Jews, within the organization? Masonry is based upon Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic Ritual and what is left?
- The Jewish Tribune [New York,Oct 28,1927] "In the present nations, Freemasonry is only of benefit to the Jews"
-Theodore Herzl [Founder and Leader of World Zionism] "We have founded many secret associations, which all work for our purpose, under our orders and our direction. One of the many triumphs of our Freemansonry is that those Gentiles who become members of our Lodges, shoud never suspect that we are using them to build their own jails, upon whose terraces we shall erect the throne of our unversal King of the Jews; and should never know that we are commanding them to forge the chains of their own servility to our future King of the World"
-Opening speech made at the B'nai B'rith convention in Paris [published in the Catholic Gazette, Feb 1936] Here it should be obvious why the Third Reich banned such organizations within Germany. They are organs of Jewish Communism.

From: Pierce Talanski <ptalanski@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tue, March 1, 2011 9:17:37 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Illuminati

  We've all heard of them, but get this. They, or at least a group that calls themselves the Illuminati have a bit in common with us, ie. we're both trying to reach the godhead. It's pretty interesting that a group would be ballsy enough to actually call themselves the Illuminati, structure themselves in the same fashion as the Bavarian Illuminati, and, supposedly, follow the same principles, and claim to be behind every people's revolution since Napoleon. I doubt it, but maybe the real Illuminati is still kickin, they even got a revolutionary organization, as apparently they're planning one soon, it's simply called "The Movement". Whether these guys are real or not, we may have an oppurtunity, or at least an ally.
Here's a link to their website:
Hail Satan!
P.S., these guys are against Christianity, Judaism, and Islam too, even though for somewhat different reasons. Also, according to these guys, hardcore Shiite Islam has proven to be an obstacle for those in power, as in it's one of the few reasons the Jews haven't won yet, but still very detremental to society, and their/ our plans.

Are father or any of the other gods affiliated with this group? Cause alot of the old gods stuff has roots in eygptian culture and the illuminati is pretty much made of it. And they are suppose to have alot of influence on the media. The all seeing eye on the dollar bill, beyonce's and madonna's very egyption theme superbowl perfomances are a few things that come to mind.
No, Father Satan and the Gods of Hell never had anything to do with "the illuminati".

The Founding Fathers of The United States of America put the eye on the US One Dollar Bill and made the Satanic architecture in America.

They were Freemasons who were of Satan at the time until The illuminati took over Freemasonry.

The Founding Fathers had a whole different idea of a new world order then the illuminati does.

There is no illuminati there's just the jews. The illuminatis new world order is jewish.
the jews own the media and just put straight garbage in the media about Satan for obvious reasons. Such as he buys peoples souls and wants to enslave humanity.

The truth here is that Satan and the Gods created the non jewish races when they were here on earth and the enemy extraterrestrials created the jews to do their will of destroying the non jews here on earth. thats why the jews dont have a true homeland. They stole Israel from the Palestinians.

For a whole lot more information on this subject please read the 666blacksun file site:


On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 11:21 AM PST lljc4@... wrote:

Are father or any of the other gods affiliated with this group? Cause alot of the old gods stuff has roots in eygptian culture and the illuminati is pretty much made of it. And they are suppose to have alot of influence on the media. The all seeing eye on the dollar bill, beyonce's and madonna's very egyption theme superbowl perfomances are a few things that come to mind.
Abu is a student at a junior school in my neighbourhood. Him and 20  others were recently expelled on account of homosexuality. They were forcefully sodomising fellow students in the boarding section. Particularly Abu who was the villages favourite has turned into something else.  He has sodomised all his young brothers.
His father has come to believe that whatever that is going on with his son is not natural. So he went to a renowned witch of the village to inquire.
Abu is possessed. That's what he was told.
he won't take a single dime from his father, and won't even eat the food at home, but recently returned home with a very expensive smart phone and very very dope shades. I almost forgot to mention,  Abu is 8yrs old, born from a financially humble family.
His more reserved than playful now days , all he dose is watch TV all day all night.
He craves blood in the middle of the night... cries out when he manages to sleep. . The witch told his father that his going to sacrifice all his family members one by one!
Idk much abt illuminati. Other than the common fake jazz abt musicians en there evil ish.  But currently in my country it's all that people are talking abt.
Idk what to say not to sound ridiculous,  but could it be that illuminati is real and people are sacrificed for wealth...and fame and...
En what's the relationship between homosexuality and illuminati. Personally I support homosexuality and am writing a book that advocates for the practice.  But there's a sick  trend in my country. Men a forcefully sodomising young boys...en girls for. ......Idk.  that's not normal en that's not healthy. En from what I have  learned that's not what homosexuality is all abt....not abt hurting others. Idk. Abu en his click are claimed to be illuminati. It's sounds ridiculous yes....but i dnt know wat to believe anymore.
Wherever he's gettin' the money to buy fancy phones to play with.
He can't be cured...so his father is of a view to destroy him before he puts out the entire family.  But the witch has told him that that's impossible.  He's too strong even physically. No one can fight him en that they shouldn't dare! Not even to upset him.
When you see Abu Bakar from a distance, he nothing  but a child. But if one gets the guts to stare him in the eyes then you can see that there's something more. Something wrong. We used to love  him en now we fear him!!!
He was initiated from school. With a bunch of other students that don't stay in my home area.
What is illuminati? Really? En what's with the forceful sodomising of children?  caz there lots of victims for this one...
Ok first off this sounds like bullshit. Second the JEWluminati is real but it's just a front for Rothschild.Illumination on the Illuminati

If this kid really is raping his family and part of some cult claiming to be the illumnati then he's probably on drugs and/or insane or been brainwashed by these fucks.
But it sounds like people in your country are fucking retarded anyway if they believe the shit you just described.The JEWluminati is in America.

On Sunday, November 8, 2015 4:55 AM, "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Abu is a student at a junior school in my neighbourhood. Him and 20  others were recently expelled on account of homosexuality. They were forcefully sodomising fellow students in the boarding section. Particularly Abu who was the villages favourite has turned into something else.  He has sodomised all his young brothers.
His father has come to believe that whatever that is going on with his son is not natural. So he went to a renowned witch of the village to inquire.
Abu is possessed. That's what he was told.
he won't take a single dime from his father, and won't even eat the food at home, but recently returned home with a very expensive smart phone and very very dope shades. I almost forgot to mention,  Abu is 8yrs old, born from a financially humble family.
His more reserved than playful now days , all he dose is watch TV all day all night.
He craves blood in the middle of the night... cries out when he manages to sleep. . The witch told his father that his going to sacrifice all his family members one by one!
Idk much abt illuminati. Other than the common fake jazz abt musicians en there evil ish.  But currently in my country it's all that people are talking abt.
Idk what to say not to sound ridiculous,  but could it be that illuminati is real and people are sacrificed for wealth...and fame and...
En what's the relationship between homosexuality and illuminati. Personally I support homosexuality and am writing a book that advocates for the practice.  But there's a sick  trend in my country. Men a forcefully sodomising young boys...en girls for. ......Idk.  that's not normal en that's not healthy. En from what I have  learned that's not what homosexuality is all abt....not abt hurting others. Idk. Abu en his click are claimed to be illuminati. It's sounds ridiculous yes....but i dnt know wat to believe anymore.
Wherever he's gettin' the money to buy fancy phones to play with.
He can't be cured...so his father is of a view to destroy him before he puts out the entire family.  But the witch has told him that that's impossible.  He's too strong even physically. No one can fight him en that they shouldn't dare! Not even to upset him.
When you see Abu Bakar from a distance, he nothing  but a child. But if one gets the guts to stare him in the eyes then you can see that there's something more. Something wrong. We used to love  him en now we fear him!!!
He was initiated from school. With a bunch of other students that don't stay in my home area.
What is illuminati? Really? En what's with the forceful sodomising of children?  caz there lots of victims for this one...

The illuminati are a bunch of jews who use the blood sacrifice of Gentiles to get power, since they have none of their own. Satan is totally against them, and with your description of Abu, Satan is against Abu also. You said he rapes men and women, kills, and drinks their blood? If you have any solid evidence for these, or you just are 100% sure that you are right, you should start to curse him to death. He seemingly deserves it. HAIL SATAN!!!

Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 8, 2015, at 3:58, "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Abu is a student at a junior school in my neighbourhood. Him and 20  others were recently expelled on account of homosexuality. They were forcefully sodomising fellow students in the boarding section. Particularly Abu who was the villages favourite has turned into something else.  He has sodomised all his young brothers.
His father has come to believe that whatever that is going on with his son is not natural. So he went to a renowned witch of the village to inquire.
Abu is possessed. That's what he was told.
he won't take a single dime from his father, and won't even eat the food at home, but recently returned home with a very expensive smart phone and very very dope shades. I almost forgot to mention,  Abu is 8yrs old, born from a financially humble family.
His more reserved than playful now days , all he dose is watch TV all day all night.
He craves blood in the middle of the night... cries out when he manages to sleep. . The witch told his father that his going to sacrifice all his family members one by one!
Idk much abt illuminati. Other than the common fake jazz abt musicians en there evil ish.  But currently in my country it's all that people are talking abt.
Idk what to say not to sound ridiculous,  but could it be that illuminati is real and people are sacrificed for wealth...and fame and...
En what's the relationship between homosexuality and illuminati. Personally I support homosexuality and am writing a book that advocates for the practice.  But there's a sick  trend in my country. Men a forcefully sodomising young boys...en girls for. ......Idk.  that's not normal en that's not healthy. En from what I have  learned that's not what homosexuality is all abt....not abt hurting others. Idk. Abu en his click are claimed to be illuminati. It's sounds ridiculous yes....but i dnt know wat to believe anymore.
Wherever he's gettin' the money to buy fancy phones to play with.
He can't be cured...so his father is of a view to destroy him before he puts out the entire family.  But the witch has told him that that's impossible.  He's too strong even physically. No one can fight him en that they shouldn't dare! Not even to upset him.
When you see Abu Bakar from a distance, he nothing  but a child. But if one gets the guts to stare him in the eyes then you can see that there's something more. Something wrong. We used to love  him en now we fear him!!!
He was initiated from school. With a bunch of other students that don't stay in my home area.
What is illuminati? Really? En what's with the forceful sodomising of children?  caz there lots of victims for this one...
But it sounds like people in your country are fucking retarded anyway if they believe the shit you just described.
The JEWluminati is in America. Hmm...illuminati's spread world wide. And one last thing....
The things are believe in should be foreign to you naturally....i mean things that happen where i come from...are wayyy beyond- even your wildest imagination, more so when it comes to witchcraft. Thanks for the link...
On 8 Nov 2015 19:20, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Ok first off this sounds like bullshit. Second the JEWluminati is real but it's just a front for Rothschild.Illumination on the Illuminati

If this kid really is raping his family and part of some cult claiming to be the illumnati then he's probably on drugs and/or insane or been brainwashed by these fucks.
But it sounds like people in your country are fucking retarded anyway if they believe the shit you just described.The JEWluminati is in America.

On Sunday, November 8, 2015 4:55 AM, "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Abu is a student at a junior school in my neighbourhood. Him and 20  others were recently expelled on account of homosexuality. They were forcefully sodomising fellow students in the boarding section. Particularly Abu who was the villages favourite has turned into something else.  He has sodomised all his young brothers.
His father has come to believe that whatever that is going on with his son is not natural. So he went to a renowned witch of the village to inquire.
Abu is possessed. That's what he was told.
he won't take a single dime from his father, and won't even eat the food at home, but recently returned home with a very expensive smart phone and very very dope shades. I almost forgot to mention,  Abu is 8yrs old, born from a financially humble family.
His more reserved than playful now days , all he dose is watch TV all day all night.
He craves blood in the middle of the night... cries out when he manages to sleep. . The witch told his father that his going to sacrifice all his family members one by one!
Idk much abt illuminati. Other than the common fake jazz abt musicians en there evil ish.  But currently in my country it's all that people are talking abt.
Idk what to say not to sound ridiculous,  but could it be that illuminati is real and people are sacrificed for wealth...and fame and...
En what's the relationship between homosexuality and illuminati. Personally I support homosexuality and am writing a book that advocates for the practice.  But there's a sick  trend in my country. Men a forcefully sodomising young boys...en girls for. ......Idk.  that's not normal en that's not healthy. En from what I have  learned that's not what homosexuality is all abt....not abt hurting others. Idk. Abu en his click are claimed to be illuminati. It's sounds ridiculous yes....but i dnt know wat to believe anymore.
Wherever he's gettin' the money to buy fancy phones to play with.
He can't be cured...so his father is of a view to destroy him before he puts out the entire family.  But the witch has told him that that's impossible.  He's too strong even physically. No one can fight him en that they shouldn't dare! Not even to upset him.
When you see Abu Bakar from a distance, he nothing  but a child. But if one gets the guts to stare him in the eyes then you can see that there's something more. Something wrong. We used to love  him en now we fear him!!!
He was initiated from school. With a bunch of other students that don't stay in my home area.
What is illuminati? Really? En what's with the forceful sodomising of children?  caz there lots of victims for this one...
Not exactly...
People from my country are..."we"- are not retarded.
You'd actually be shoked by the number of people in the world who "believe"..  that..illuminati is a certain something...way to quick money.And they indulge in human blood sacrifices My country is in Africa...we are simply supersticious and believe in witchcraft in a sort of diffrent way...but ...we not retarded my dear. Secondly..
My post is not bullshit. Iam a witness to what i posted. (boy!you must think am so full of bullshit). Ok fine...i admitt the way i post is odd...but that bcaz i have trouble with english en spellings and context. Lastly....
We are worlds apart you and me.....we are from diffrent-very diffrent societies, en cultures. Pliz dont expect me to post the same topics as you do. Dude be rude...
Try to be polite..at least try with me.. Hail Satan
Hail all Hell.
On 8 Nov 2015 19:20, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Ok first off this sounds like bullshit. Second the JEWluminati is real but it's just a front for Rothschild.Illumination on the Illuminati

If this kid really is raping his family and part of some cult claiming to be the illumnati then he's probably on drugs and/or insane or been brainwashed by these fucks.
But it sounds like people in your country are fucking retarded anyway if they believe the shit you just described.The JEWluminati is in America.

On Sunday, November 8, 2015 4:55 AM, "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Abu is a student at a junior school in my neighbourhood. Him and 20  others were recently expelled on account of homosexuality. They were forcefully sodomising fellow students in the boarding section. Particularly Abu who was the villages favourite has turned into something else.  He has sodomised all his young brothers.
His father has come to believe that whatever that is going on with his son is not natural. So he went to a renowned witch of the village to inquire.
Abu is possessed. That's what he was told.
he won't take a single dime from his father, and won't even eat the food at home, but recently returned home with a very expensive smart phone and very very dope shades. I almost forgot to mention,  Abu is 8yrs old, born from a financially humble family.
His more reserved than playful now days , all he dose is watch TV all day all night.
He craves blood in the middle of the night... cries out when he manages to sleep. . The witch told his father that his going to sacrifice all his family members one by one!
Idk much abt illuminati. Other than the common fake jazz abt musicians en there evil ish.  But currently in my country it's all that people are talking abt.
Idk what to say not to sound ridiculous,  but could it be that illuminati is real and people are sacrificed for wealth...and fame and...
En what's the relationship between homosexuality and illuminati. Personally I support homosexuality and am writing a book that advocates for the practice.  But there's a sick  trend in my country. Men a forcefully sodomising young boys...en girls for. ......Idk.  that's not normal en that's not healthy. En from what I have  learned that's not what homosexuality is all abt....not abt hurting others. Idk. Abu en his click are claimed to be illuminati. It's sounds ridiculous yes....but i dnt know wat to believe anymore.
Wherever he's gettin' the money to buy fancy phones to play with.
He can't be cured...so his father is of a view to destroy him before he puts out the entire family.  But the witch has told him that that's impossible.  He's too strong even physically. No one can fight him en that they shouldn't dare! Not even to upset him.
When you see Abu Bakar from a distance, he nothing  but a child. But if one gets the guts to stare him in the eyes then you can see that there's something more. Something wrong. We used to love  him en now we fear him!!!
He was initiated from school. With a bunch of other students that don't stay in my home area.
What is illuminati? Really? En what's with the forceful sodomising of children?  caz there lots of victims for this one...
I wasn't saying you were bullshitting. I meant the idiots in your country rambling on about the JEWluminati and the crazy shit they believe is bullshit.
You at least can see through their nonsense but the people you're talking about are definitely idiots for believing the bullshit that you say is becoming a big thing in your country.

On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 3:49 PM, "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Not exactly...
People from my country are..."we"- are not retarded.
You'd actually be shoked by the number of people in the world who "believe"..  that..illuminati is a certain something...way to quick money.And they indulge in human blood sacrifices My country is in Africa...we are simply supersticious and believe in witchcraft in a sort of diffrent way...but ...we not retarded my dear. Secondly..
My post is not bullshit. Iam a witness to what i posted. (boy!you must think am so full of bullshit). Ok fine...i admitt the way i post is odd...but that bcaz i have trouble with english en spellings and context. Lastly....
We are worlds apart you and me.....we are from diffrent-very diffrent societies, en cultures. Pliz dont expect me to post the same topics as you do. Dude be rude...
Try to be polite..at least try with me.. Hail Satan
Hail all Hell.
On 8 Nov 2015 19:20, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Ok first off this sounds like bullshit. Second the JEWluminati is real but it's just a front for Rothschild.Illumination on the Illuminati

If this kid really is raping his family and part of some cult claiming to be the illumnati then he's probably on drugs and/or insane or been brainwashed by these fucks.
But it sounds like people in your country are fucking retarded anyway if they believe the shit you just described.The JEWluminati is in America.

On Sunday, November 8, 2015 4:55 AM, "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Abu is a student at a junior school in my neighbourhood. Him and 20  others were recently expelled on account of homosexuality. They were forcefully sodomising fellow students in the boarding section. Particularly Abu who was the villages favourite has turned into something else.  He has sodomised all his young brothers.
His father has come to believe that whatever that is going on with his son is not natural. So he went to a renowned witch of the village to inquire.
Abu is possessed. That's what he was told.
he won't take a single dime from his father, and won't even eat the food at home, but recently returned home with a very expensive smart phone and very very dope shades. I almost forgot to mention,  Abu is 8yrs old, born from a financially humble family.
His more reserved than playful now days , all he dose is watch TV all day all night.
He craves blood in the middle of the night... cries out when he manages to sleep. . The witch told his father that his going to sacrifice all his family members one by one!
Idk much abt illuminati. Other than the common fake jazz abt musicians en there evil ish.  But currently in my country it's all that people are talking abt.
Idk what to say not to sound ridiculous,  but could it be that illuminati is real and people are sacrificed for wealth...and fame and...
En what's the relationship between homosexuality and illuminati. Personally I support homosexuality and am writing a book that advocates for the practice.  But there's a sick  trend in my country. Men a forcefully sodomising young boys...en girls for. ......Idk.  that's not normal en that's not healthy. En from what I have  learned that's not what homosexuality is all abt....not abt hurting others. Idk. Abu en his click are claimed to be illuminati. It's sounds ridiculous yes....but i dnt know wat to believe anymore.
Wherever he's gettin' the money to buy fancy phones to play with.
He can't be cured...so his father is of a view to destroy him before he puts out the entire family.  But the witch has told him that that's impossible.  He's too strong even physically. No one can fight him en that they shouldn't dare! Not even to upset him.
When you see Abu Bakar from a distance, he nothing  but a child. But if one gets the guts to stare him in the eyes then you can see that there's something more. Something wrong. We used to love  him en now we fear him!!!
He was initiated from school. With a bunch of other students that don't stay in my home area.
What is illuminati? Really? En what's with the forceful sodomising of children?  caz there lots of victims for this one...

Doesn't [/IMG]The illuminati has NOTHING to do with Satanism, nor does what your insane friend believes.[/B]  

On Wednesday, November 11, 2015 6:09 PM, "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Not exactly...
People from my country are..."we"- are not retarded.
You'd actually be shoked by the number of people in the world who "believe"..  that..illuminati is a certain something...way to quick money.And they indulge in human blood sacrifices My country is in Africa...we are simply supersticious and believe in witchcraft in a sort of diffrent way...but ...we not retarded my dear. Secondly..
My post is not bullshit. Iam a witness to what i posted. (boy!you must think am so full of bullshit). Ok fine...i admitt the way i post is odd...but that bcaz i have trouble with english en spellings and context. Lastly....
We are worlds apart you and me.....we are from diffrent-very diffrent societies, en cultures. Pliz dont expect me to post the same topics as you do. Dude be rude...
Try to be polite..at least try with me.. Hail Satan
Hail all Hell.
On 8 Nov 2015 19:20, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Ok first off this sounds like bullshit. Second the JEWluminati is real but it's just a front for Rothschild.Illumination on the Illuminati

If this kid really is raping his family and part of some cult claiming to be the illumnati then he's probably on drugs and/or insane or been brainwashed by these fucks.
But it sounds like people in your country are fucking retarded anyway if they believe the shit you just described.The JEWluminati is in America.

On Sunday, November 8, 2015 4:55 AM, "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Abu is a student at a junior school in my neighbourhood. Him and 20  others were recently expelled on account of homosexuality. They were forcefully sodomising fellow students in the boarding section. Particularly Abu who was the villages favourite has turned into something else.  He has sodomised all his young brothers.
His father has come to believe that whatever that is going on with his son is not natural. So he went to a renowned witch of the village to inquire.
Abu is possessed. That's what he was told.
he won't take a single dime from his father, and won't even eat the food at home, but recently returned home with a very expensive smart phone and very very dope shades. I almost forgot to mention,  Abu is 8yrs old, born from a financially humble family.
His more reserved than playful now days , all he dose is watch TV all day all night.
He craves blood in the middle of the night... cries out when he manages to sleep. . The witch told his father that his going to sacrifice all his family members one by one!
Idk much abt illuminati. Other than the common fake jazz abt musicians en there evil ish.  But currently in my country it's all that people are talking abt.
Idk what to say not to sound ridiculous,  but could it be that illuminati is real and people are sacrificed for wealth...and fame and...
En what's the relationship between homosexuality and illuminati. Personally I support homosexuality and am writing a book that advocates for the practice.  But there's a sick  trend in my country. Men a forcefully sodomising young boys...en girls for. ......Idk.  that's not normal en that's not healthy. En from what I have  learned that's not what homosexuality is all abt....not abt hurting others. Idk. Abu en his click are claimed to be illuminati. It's sounds ridiculous yes....but i dnt know wat to believe anymore.
Wherever he's gettin' the money to buy fancy phones to play with.
He can't be cured...so his father is of a view to destroy him before he puts out the entire family.  But the witch has told him that that's impossible.  He's too strong even physically. No one can fight him en that they shouldn't dare! Not even to upset him.
When you see Abu Bakar from a distance, he nothing  but a child. But if one gets the guts to stare him in the eyes then you can see that there's something more. Something wrong. We used to love  him en now we fear him!!!
He was initiated from school. With a bunch of other students that don't stay in my home area.
What is illuminati? Really? En what's with the forceful sodomising of children?  caz there lots of victims for this one...

The illuminati has NOTHING to do with Satanism, nor does what your insane friend believes. I freaking know that!! En i freaking never said that illuminati had anything to do with Satanism. Uggh!!!! I was simply requesting for some info about illuminati...probably a link. En sshared what people in my country think it is!!!! Insane??
Being misinformed Is not insane.
On Nov 13, 2015 4:29 PM, "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Doesn't matter if you live in Africa or America or the frikin congo. If you post BS that's not true to Satanism then you gonna get called out. The illuminati has NOTHING to do with Satanism, nor does what your insane friend believes.  

On Wednesday, November 11, 2015 6:09 PM, "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Not exactly...
People from my country are..."we"- are not retarded.
You'd actually be shoked by the number of people in the world who "believe"..  that..illuminati is a certain something...way to quick money.And they indulge in human blood sacrifices My country is in Africa...we are simply supersticious and believe in witchcraft in a sort of diffrent way...but ...we not retarded my dear. Secondly..
My post is not bullshit. Iam a witness to what i posted. (boy!you must think am so full of bullshit). Ok fine...i admitt the way i post is odd...but that bcaz i have trouble with english en spellings and context. Lastly....
We are worlds apart you and me.....we are from diffrent-very diffrent societies, en cultures. Pliz dont expect me to post the same topics as you do. Dude be rude...
Try to be polite..at least try with me.. Hail Satan
Hail all Hell.
On 8 Nov 2015 19:20, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Ok first off this sounds like bullshit. Second the JEWluminati is real but it's just a front for Rothschild.Illumination on the Illuminati

If this kid really is raping his family and part of some cult claiming to be the illumnati then he's probably on drugs and/or insane or been brainwashed by these fucks.
But it sounds like people in your country are fucking retarded anyway if they believe the shit you just described.The JEWluminati is in America.

On Sunday, November 8, 2015 4:55 AM, "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Abu is a student at a junior school in my neighbourhood. Him and 20  others were recently expelled on account of homosexuality. They were forcefully sodomising fellow students in the boarding section. Particularly Abu who was the villages favourite has turned into something else.  He has sodomised all his young brothers.
His father has come to believe that whatever that is going on with his son is not natural. So he went to a renowned witch of the village to inquire.
Abu is possessed. That's what he was told.
he won't take a single dime from his father, and won't even eat the food at home, but recently returned home with a very expensive smart phone and very very dope shades. I almost forgot to mention,  Abu is 8yrs old, born from a financially humble family.
His more reserved than playful now days , all he dose is watch TV all day all night.
He craves blood in the middle of the night... cries out when he manages to sleep. . The witch told his father that his going to sacrifice all his family members one by one!
Idk much abt illuminati. Other than the common fake jazz abt musicians en there evil ish.  But currently in my country it's all that people are talking abt.
Idk what to say not to sound ridiculous,  but could it be that illuminati is real and people are sacrificed for wealth...and fame and...
En what's the relationship between homosexuality and illuminati. Personally I support homosexuality and am writing a book that advocates for the practice.  But there's a sick  trend in my country. Men a forcefully sodomising young boys...en girls for. ......Idk.  that's not normal en that's not healthy. En from what I have  learned that's not what homosexuality is all abt....not abt hurting others. Idk. Abu en his click are claimed to be illuminati. It's sounds ridiculous yes....but i dnt know wat to believe anymore.
Wherever he's gettin' the money to buy fancy phones to play with.
He can't be cured...so his father is of a view to destroy him before he puts out the entire family.  But the witch has told him that that's impossible.  He's too strong even physically. No one can fight him en that they shouldn't dare! Not even to upset him.
When you see Abu Bakar from a distance, he nothing  but a child. But if one gets the guts to stare him in the eyes then you can see that there's something more. Something wrong. We used to love  him en now we fear him!!!
He was initiated from school. With a bunch of other students that don't stay in my home area.
What is illuminati? Really? En what's with the forceful sodomising of children?  caz there lots of victims for this one...
And nop_i dnt post bs!
I actually think before posting.
On Nov 13, 2015 4:29 PM, "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Doesn't matter if you live in Africa or America or the frikin congo. If you post BS that's not true to Satanism then you gonna get called out. The illuminati has NOTHING to do with Satanism, nor does what your insane friend believes.  

On Wednesday, November 11, 2015 6:09 PM, "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Not exactly...
People from my country are..."we"- are not retarded.
You'd actually be shoked by the number of people in the world who "believe"..  that..illuminati is a certain something...way to quick money.And they indulge in human blood sacrifices My country is in Africa...we are simply supersticious and believe in witchcraft in a sort of diffrent way...but ...we not retarded my dear. Secondly..
My post is not bullshit. Iam a witness to what i posted. (boy!you must think am so full of bullshit). Ok fine...i admitt the way i post is odd...but that bcaz i have trouble with english en spellings and context. Lastly....
We are worlds apart you and me.....we are from diffrent-very diffrent societies, en cultures. Pliz dont expect me to post the same topics as you do. Dude be rude...
Try to be polite..at least try with me.. Hail Satan
Hail all Hell.
On 8 Nov 2015 19:20, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Ok first off this sounds like bullshit. Second the JEWluminati is real but it's just a front for Rothschild.Illumination on the Illuminati

If this kid really is raping his family and part of some cult claiming to be the illumnati then he's probably on drugs and/or insane or been brainwashed by these fucks.
But it sounds like people in your country are fucking retarded anyway if they believe the shit you just described.The JEWluminati is in America.

On Sunday, November 8, 2015 4:55 AM, "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Abu is a student at a junior school in my neighbourhood. Him and 20  others were recently expelled on account of homosexuality. They were forcefully sodomising fellow students in the boarding section. Particularly Abu who was the villages favourite has turned into something else.  He has sodomised all his young brothers.
His father has come to believe that whatever that is going on with his son is not natural. So he went to a renowned witch of the village to inquire.
Abu is possessed. That's what he was told.
he won't take a single dime from his father, and won't even eat the food at home, but recently returned home with a very expensive smart phone and very very dope shades. I almost forgot to mention,  Abu is 8yrs old, born from a financially humble family.
His more reserved than playful now days , all he dose is watch TV all day all night.
He craves blood in the middle of the night... cries out when he manages to sleep. . The witch told his father that his going to sacrifice all his family members one by one!
Idk much abt illuminati. Other than the common fake jazz abt musicians en there evil ish.  But currently in my country it's all that people are talking abt.
Idk what to say not to sound ridiculous,  but could it be that illuminati is real and people are sacrificed for wealth...and fame and...
En what's the relationship between homosexuality and illuminati. Personally I support homosexuality and am writing a book that advocates for the practice.  But there's a sick  trend in my country. Men a forcefully sodomising young boys...en girls for. ......Idk.  that's not normal en that's not healthy. En from what I have  learned that's not what homosexuality is all abt....not abt hurting others. Idk. Abu en his click are claimed to be illuminati. It's sounds ridiculous yes....but i dnt know wat to believe anymore.
Wherever he's gettin' the money to buy fancy phones to play with.
He can't be cured...so his father is of a view to destroy him before he puts out the entire family.  But the witch has told him that that's impossible.  He's too strong even physically. No one can fight him en that they shouldn't dare! Not even to upset him.
When you see Abu Bakar from a distance, he nothing  but a child. But if one gets the guts to stare him in the eyes then you can see that there's something more. Something wrong. We used to love  him en now we fear him!!!
He was initiated from school. With a bunch of other students that don't stay in my home area.
What is illuminati? Really? En what's with the forceful sodomising of children?  caz there lots of victims for this one...
My friend is a Satanist who just recently joined Illuminati due to money issues.Will Satan leave him or is he just okay if he still does fight for our course??
My friend is a Satanist who just recently joined Illuminati due to money issues.Will Satan leave him or is he just okay if he still does fight for our course??
Well, you can now know for sure that your friend is a liar. The illuminati is a group of the richest and most powerful jewz on the planet, they essentially run the world, and they are one of Satan's enemy's. Your friend would have to be 1. jewish, so his dedication wouldn't count anyway, or he just wouldn't have dedicated. 2. Absolutely filthy fucking rich, which as you said he is not. So, I think you might want to talk to your friend about him lying to you.HAIL SATAN!!!

Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 22, 2015, at 7:41, "Earth Demon earth.demon@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

My friend is a Satanist who just recently joined Illuminati due to money issues.Will Satan leave him or is he just okay if he still does fight for our course??
Who can guide me into the family of Illuminati. I needed so badly. I want to become rich. send me a direct mail.
You should read and study the Joy of Satan website. Illuminati and Satanism are completely different. You can't join Illuminati because they don't need you. Only Satanism can make your life right, when you have knowledge and a powerful soul. I don't think you're just gonna get rich in one day, you must work on yourself and know how to get money.
Illuminaty is of the jews.
If you only want to be rich and not help our world to be better, then you are not welcome here.
Anyone help me out on grabbing the attention from the Illuminati to join faster than just waiting around ? Believe me , I have sold my soul and have been filled with vast knowledge from the fallen and know that where my dreams lie this group will be the way to go for me. The Masons have a hard process to join , like a job you have to impress and interview and go on top of that through alot which I still plan on doing but still need to fix my life before I can because of their requirements which I am working on.

http://web.archive.org/web/201511200756 ... minati.htm
http://web.archive.org/web/201510142343 ... ORDER.html
Read those two Links I Sent you.Also here: Exposing Christianity
There is no soul selling in Satanism, only dedication.Christianity, Islam and what not are programs dedicated to steal people's souls.Study the Joy of Satan
Website first, before posting such stupid questions again in the future.
Hail Satan.Hail Phenex.Hail HaelHail Abigor

---In [email protected], <jholmes1246@... wrote :

Anyone help me out on grabbing the attention from the Illuminati to join faster than just waiting around ? Believe me , I have sold my soul and have been filled with vast knowledge from the fallen and know that where my dreams lie this group will be the way to go for me. The Masons have a hard process to join , like a job you have to impress and interview and go on top of that through alot which I still plan on doing but still need to fix my life before I can because of their requirements which I am working on. 
I remember I read this website even before I read JoS, but immediately I can tell they are the Jewish infiltrated Illuminati, just keep reading, I'd maybe not anymore, there was so much knowledge about them, they basically don't believe in sec re ecu anymore. But it was a good read, even I went to visit the site and it seems they took many things down. The page doesn't even look the same.

Ahh right. Well I apologize using improper use of terminology.I meant dedication to him... Either way I was hoping someone within the group could potentially help out with the occult group.
On Aug 1, 2016 06:38, "donotfearthetruth666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
http://web.archive.org/web/201511200756 ... minati.htm
http://web.archive.org/web/201510142343 ... ORDER.html
Read those two Links I Sent you.Also here: Exposing Christianity
There is no soul selling in Satanism, only dedication.Christianity, Islam and what not are programs dedicated to steal people's souls.Study the Joy of Satan
Website first, before posting such stupid questions again in the future.
Hail Satan.Hail Phenex.Hail HaelHail Abigor

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <jholmes1246@... wrote :

Anyone help me out on grabbing the attention from the Illuminati to join faster than just waiting around ? Believe me , I have sold my soul and have been filled with vast knowledge from the fallen and know that where my dreams lie this group will be the way to go for me. The Masons have a hard process to join , like a job you have to impress and interview and go on top of that through alot which I still plan on doing but still need to fix my life before I can because of their requirements which I am working on. 
The freemasons, rosicrucians, and other mystical societies have been infiltrated and are now jewish. They use jewish magick that will damn your soul and the organization will drain you of your finances, energy, and everything else you have. If you want to leave, they will harass you endlessly and you will regret joining them. They will not give you real magick and most certainly will not give you methods of obtaining the Magnum Opus, which is the highest spiritual working in Satanism and grants physical and spiritual perfection and immortality. If you want real spiritual power study the Joy of Satan website, perform the Dedication Ritual, and start a meditation program. Instructions for working successful magick are on the Joy of Satan website for free.

Joy of Satan
How did the invitation looked like may be i can explain it to you

Sent from my Samsung device.  ---- Original message ----
From: Clara Greiner cbatmang@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected]
Sent: 13/08/2017 05:09:33
To: [email protected]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Illuminati

  Do any of you know anything about the illuminati? I received a suspicious invitation.
I was thinking its an identity scam
On Aug 13, 2017 12:09 AM, "johnson_akemi@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  The "invitation" to join the Illumintati is a trap. There are infiltrators who will stop at nothing to harm or mislead a Satanist. The Illuminati is NOT Satanic.

The Illuminati
http://josministries.prophpbb. com/topic176.html

The Illuminati is Jewish
http://josministries.prophpbb. com/topic582.html

Satanic FAQs
http://josministries.prophpbb. com/topic16814.html
Carefully and thoroughly read this:
http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.co ... lluminati/

Christos-Lucifer:  Christianity and the Illuminati by High Priest Jake Carlson[/B]

A frequently-asked question in the Satanic e-groups that I moderate is, "Is the Illuminati of Satan?" This sermon will answer this question once and for all.[/B]
[/B]John 9:5:  "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” -- Jesus Christ[/B]
[/B]Revelation 22:16:  “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches.  I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” -- Jesus Christ[/B]
[/B]"Lucifer" means "Light-Bringer" or "Light-Bearer" in Latin, and the power that functions behind the name of Christ is usually a mass of bright white light.  According to some occult lore, the fictitious character of Jesus Christ is also associated with Venus, the Morning Star, just like the real Lucifer is.  Osiris and Horus are both the Pagan Lucifers whom were stolen from in order to invent the Christos lie.  Horus, in Egyptian Paganism, is Osiris-resurrected.  This SPIRITUAL CONCEPT was twisted and perverted into the story of Jesus Christ.[/B]
[/B]The Illuminati believes that Jesus the Christos is really "Lucifer" the Christos due to the bright, shining light that is of the Jewish powers that exist behind this thought-form.  Many unfortunate Gentiles have seen the thought-form of the Christos in Near-Death Experiences, and it has given unpleasant news without any  details on what to do about the situation, but to "have faith" and "repent from sin."  This suicidal, human-hating advice encourages the individual(s) involved to deny and abandon their life and live for their death, all for Christ, the King of the Jews.  The reason why the thought-form of the Christos is so bright is because of the energy that it has been fed from Gentile Christians giving it power, while cursing and binding our real God, Satan-Lucifer, and depriving him of power.  Before I move on here, I must state that Christos-Lucifer is a blasphemy against and a mockery of Satan-Lucifer, who is real, and has been deprived of power at the hands of his very own people who have fallen under the curse of Christianity.[/B]
[/B]All of the Jews who are at the uppermost levels of adepthood know beyond any shadow of a doubt that the Christos is fiction and is an IN-DWELLING force WITHIN the Jewish people, individually, and collectively.  However, the Jewish people still rely on the faith of Christians in order to keep feeding this Jewish reservoir of power.[/B]
So, is it Christos-Lucifer or Satan-Lucifer who is the power behind the Illuminati?  Let's go straight to the horse's mouth, the Jewish founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, and find out....[/B]
[/B]"One would almost imagine, that this degree, as I have managed it, is genuine Christianity, and that its end was to free the Jews from slavery. I say, that Freemasonry is concealed Christianity. My explanation of the hieroglyphics, at least, proceeds on this supposition; and as I explain things, no man need be ashamed of being a Christian." -- Adam Weishaupt [1][/B]
[/B]"Jesus of Nazareth, the Grand Master of our order, appeared at a time when the world was in the utmost Disorder, and among a people who for ages had groaned under the yolk of Bondage. He taught them the lessons of reason. To be more effective, he took the aid of Religion--of opinions which were current--and in a very clever manner, he combined his secret doctrines with the popular religion, and with the customs which lay to his hand. In these he wrapped up his lessons --he taught by  parables. Never did any prophet lead men so easily and so securely along the road to liberty. He concealed the precious meaning and consequences of his doctrines; but fully disclosed them to a chosen few. He speaks of a kingdom of the upright and faithful; His Father's kingdom, who's children we also are. Let us only take liberty and equality as the great aims of his doctrines, and Morality as the way to attain it, and everything in the New Testament will be comprehensible; and Jesus will appear as the Redeemer of slaves." -- Adam Weishaupt [2][/B]
[/B]"Weishaupt believes that to promote this perfection of the human character was the object of Jesus Christ. That his intention was simply to reinstate natural religion, & by diffusing the light of his morality, to teach us to govern ourselves. His precepts are the love of God & love of our neighbor. And by teaching innocence of conduct, he expected to place men in their natural state of liberty & equality. He says, no one ever laid a surer foundation for liberty than our grand master, Jesus of Nazareth. He believes the Free masons were originally possessed of the true principles & objects of Christianity, & have still preserved some of them by tradition, but much disfigured. The means he proposes to effect this improvement of human nature are "to enlighten men, to correct their morals & inspire them with benevolence." -- Thomas Jefferson [3][/B]
[/B]"No one...has so cleverly concealed the high meaning of His teaching, and no one finally has so surely and easily directed men on to the path of freedom as our great master Jesus of Nazareth. This secret meaning and natural consequence of His teaching He hid completely, for Jesus had a secret doctrine, as we see in more than one place of the Scriptures." -- Adam Weishaupt [4][/B]
[/B]"When the origins of nations and peoples of the world ceased to be a great family, a single kingdom...Nationalism took the place of human love...Now it became a virtue to magnify one's fatherland at the expense of whoever was not enclosed within its limits, now as a means to this narrow end it was allowed to despise and outwit foreigners or indeed even to insult them. This virtue was called Patriotism." -- Adam Weishaupt [5][/B]
[/B]Despite the head-games that the Jewish people like to play in order to give the Christian faith "credibility," we have seen that it is not Satan-Lucifer, but Christos-Lucifer, who the Illuminati holds in such high regards, insofar as the Jewish mythological messiah who serves as a subliminal for the coming of the real Christos that the Jews and Christians, alike, have been waiting for.  The Jewish founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, himself, stated, "No man should be ashamed to be a Christian."  This speaks volumes about how inaccurate the deluded Gentile Christians' claim is that the Illuminati is of anyone but their own so-called "savior," the King of the Jews.[/B]
[/B]In addition to quotes from the Jewish founder of the Illuminati, there is a modern order called "The Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati" that used to have a website, but it no longer exists.  However, there is a book called "Babylon:  Secret Rituals of the Illuminati" by Joshua Seraphim, and it can be purchased on http://www.amazon.com.  It is a collection of the writings that were on the now non-existent website.  Note:  the "Anti-Christianity" that it claims to be is only against the conservative right-winged Paganism that Christianity has adopted in its desperation to stay alive.  The left-winged horse manure that this self-proclaimed Illuminati organization is in favor of is in no way contradictory to the teachings of Christ or Christianity in any way, whatsoever.  There is NOTHING even remotely "Anti-Christian" about "The Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati" and here is proof from their own rituals....[/B]
[/B]"O Indwelling Christos, Who dost ever say to Thy disciples:  'Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give unto you,' grant us that peace and unity which are agreeable to Thy Holy Will and Commandment.'[/B]
[/B]...  'The Body and Blood of our Lord the Christ keep thee unto Life Eternal.'" [6][/B]
[/B]What about the so-called "Satan-Lucifer worship" that I had expected from this society when I didn't know any better and was looking for answers before I found true Satanism?[/B]
[/B]"...Father of Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Michael, receive our prayer.  For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Lucifer Christ, with the Holy Guardian Angels, in the glory of God the Father." [7][/B]
[/B]Lucifer Christ?!?!  However, even in Satanism, I have seen some deluded and confused individuals who can't separate Lucifer from Christ.  This says a lot about the shameful characters of such sad individuals.  Many years ago, there was a follower of Lucifer Christ who attacked me in one of the Yahoo! e-groups, and behind my back, was attacking me because I am of the Third Sex; a homosexual.  These vile, worthless losers think that the Christian religion and National Socialism/Satanic Government can be reconciled.  If these carriers of Christianity only knew that it is Adolf Hitler who is the ANTI-CHRIST and that the game of  compromising with ANY form of so-called "Positive Christianity" or any other Christianity is FINISHED, as Christianity has been exposed for the JEWISH SCAM that it is to the point of no return![/B]
[/B]Some idiots actually believe that Lucifer is Christ and that Jesus, the Jew, is the "Anti-Christ."  Let us examine and find out if this is true.  Here are some quotes from a Christian-Zionist author who makes it clear as to who the identity of the Jewish one-world leader is....[/B]
[/B]"Bluntly stated...if the Gospel that one preaches does not culminate with a Jewish man ruling the world, then it is not the Gospel of the New Testament." -- Joel Richardson [8][/B]
[/B]"...The scriptural testimony is thorough, consistent, and clear that after Jesus returns, Israel will exist as a national kingdom, with many other distinct nations [Gentiles] rallying to her as the GLOBAL LEADER [emphasis, mine].  At the heart of the nation of Israel will be Jerusalem and the Temple, from which Jesus the Jewish King will reign over His people [the Jews]." -- Joel Richardson [9][/B]
[/B]"...Jesus fully understood and affirmed that He was the King of the Jewish people who would someday rule as king over a restored Jewish kingdom--one that would last "from then on and forevermore."  We cannot claim to affirm the Gospel as it was understood by the apostles unless we proclaim the future coming of the Jewish King who will rule the world from Jerusalem.  To proclaim anything less is to diminish and distort the message of the Gospel." -- Joel Richardson [10][/B]
[/B]And as author Mark Amaru Pinkham relates concerning the Illuminati and Christ, "The ultimate goal of this united movement was to revive the Matriarchy and eventually place the future 'King,' Sanat-Sananda, on the throne of a one-world government." [11][/B]
[/B]Note:  The thought-form of the Christos has appeared to many New Agers and has told them that "he" prefers to be called "Sananda" instead of Jesus.  Throughout the book I just cited, Mark Amaru Pinkham uses the name "Sananda" for Christ, while  referring to Satan-Lucifer as Sanat Kumara.  At this point, nobody can doubt that "God" and "the Devil" are BACKWARDS.  It is only pure stupidity that can allow anyone to believe otherwise.  The evidence is in plain sight.[/B]
[/B]Although many people could try to argue that the Illuminati isn't "traditional Christian Fundamentalism," but is "alternative Christianity," the fact still remains that whether left-winged Communist or Right-winged Patriotic, Christianity is Christianity, which is Judaism that comes in the form of a Kosher Paganism that the Jewish people have concocted for their White Aryan Enemies in order to destroy us.[/B]
[/B]One of the Illuminati's biggest, most shameless blasphemies against Satan-Lucifer, is their belief that Christos and Lucifer are the same being, and that Christ as Lucifer "fell from heaven," and incarnated as Jesus Christ, and that he lived, died, and was resurrected, and that he redeemed not only the Jewish people, but his own self, when he arose to be seated at the right hand of Jehovah-Yahweh.  I realize that it isn't only the Illuminati and some aspects of modern Freemasonry that believe this Jewish, anti-Pagan horse manure, but although this is all symbolic and metaphorical, it is one of the Illuminati's central tenets and one of their most "sacred" doctrines.[/B]
[/B]Satan, and his Chosen One--the GREAT ONE--Adolf Hitler, the Aryan Anti-Christ, get the blame for the Illuminati and the Jewish one-world Communist Government, but the Jewish writings of the Christian Bible--both Old and New Testaments--reveal that everything from a universal King of the Jews to the Microchip implants that prevent Gentiles from being able to buy or sell anything, let alone live, is the work of Jesus Christ and the so-called "god" of Christianity.[/B]
[/B]"But those mine enemies that would not that I should reign over them, bring hither and slay them before me." -- Jesus Christ, Luke 19:27[/B]
[/B]Here is a verse that has falsely been attributed to Adolf Hitler, the Anti-Christ, but in reality is about Christ....[/B]
[/B]Revelation 13:16:  "Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead."[/B]
[/B]Now, let us compare the previous verse with the following scriptures that mean the same thing, but are accurately attributed to "god" or Christ....[/B]
[/B]Deuteronomy 6:8:  "You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes."[/B]
[/B]Deuteronomy 11:18:  “You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes."[/B]
[/B]Ezekiel 9:5-7:  "Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, "Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all – old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin your task right here at the Temple." So they began by killing the seventy leaders. "Defile the Temple!" the LORD commanded. "Fill its courtyards with the bodies of those you kill! Go!" So they went throughout the city and did as they were told."[/B]
[/B]Proverbs 16:4:  "The Lord has made everything for his own ends, even the wicked for the evil day."[/B]
[/B]Revelation 22: 3-4:  "And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb [Jesus Christ] shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads."[/B]
[/B]The excellent news, however, is that the Christos has been crushed and defeated and will never come either for the first time for the Jewish people or the "second time" for the Gentile Christians.  However, with Jesus out of the way, the Jews are putting forth the efforts to make the Jewish people rise up against the Aryan Anti-Christ, Adolf Hitler, and collectively exist as their own messiah.  
[/B]This is what we are still fighting for, and anybody who doesn't do their part in making this a better world for the Satanic White Aryan Race and put an end to Christianity, Islam, Communism, and the Jewish people, do not deserve to be called Satanists.  It's not easy, but Satan rewards us, and all of our efforts will prove to be worthwhile when all is said and done.[/B]
[/B]Since the answer to the question of whether the Illuminati is of Christos-Lucifer or Satan-Lucifer has been answered, my question is:  Are you sure you really want to join the Illuminati and give your soul to Jesus Christ in exchange for things like wealth, power and fame in the here and now?  Satan, on the other hand, never takes our souls when we make our Dedications to him.  He shows us the road to how to achieve our desires, and he also shows us the difference between what we need versus what we simply want.  But even with wants, Satan and his Demons show us how to obtain what we desire by proving to us that the power to achieve these ends are within us, in the power of our minds and souls.  Christ never teaches anyone anything but how to be the perfect slave, and to rely on Kosher props and other crutches that keep people dependent upon forces outside of themselves.[/B]
[/B]Satan-Lucifer is the true Liberator.  The power behind the Christos-Lucifer thought-form is the true Enslaver.  For "born-again" Christians and Illuminati members, alike, it is only our own blood through Satan when we make our Dedications to Satan that has the power to overcome the so-called "blood of the lamb," the Christos, the King of the Jews.[/B]
[/B]For White Satanists, I highly advise against using the name "Lucifer" by itself because the Jewish power behind the Christos knows and understands that name.  If you are going to use the name "Lucifer," I strongly recommend it being in the form of SATAN-Lucifer, thus using the name Lucifer in conjunction with the ultimate name of Satan.  This way, there won't be any Jewish traps to fall into.  It is the Jewish people who would feel the most uncomfortable using the name of Satan because he is their Enemy and Adversary.  Everyone else simply needs to deprogram from the Jewish-instigated lies about Satan.  Those of us who know Satan know beyond any shadow of a doubt that he loves and cares for his people and has our best interests at heart, and that all of the Jewish lies about him are really everything that the "god" of the Jewish people and the Christian and Islamic religions are.[/B]
[/B][1] http://freemasonrywatch.org/illuminati.html[/B]
[/B][2] ibid.

[3] ibid.

[4] ibid.

[5] ibid.[/B]
[/B][6] Babylon:  Secret Rituals of the Illuminati by Joshua Seraphim pages 246-247[/B]
[/B][7] ibid. p. 269[/B]
[/B][8] When a Jew Rules the World by Joel Richardson p. 7
[/B][9] ibid. p. 89[/B]
[/B][10] ibid p. 94[/B]
[/B][11] Conversations With the Goddess by Mark Amaru Pinkham p. 130
[/B]High Priest Jake Carlson[/B]

Ok I’m confused about something who is the aryan anti christ ? And is he or she already here ?

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Tuesday, February 19, 2019, 1:11 PM, hammerofthegods_666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  Carefully and thoroughly read this:
http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.co ... lluminati/

Christos-Lucifer:  Christianity and the Illuminati by High Priest Jake Carlson[/B]

A frequently-asked question in the Satanic e-groups that I moderate is, "Is the Illuminati of Satan?" This sermon will answer this question once and for all.[/B]
[/B]John 9:5:  "As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” -- Jesus Christ[/B]
[/B]Revelation 22:16:  “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches.  I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” -- Jesus Christ[/B]
[/B]"Lucifer" means "Light-Bringer" or "Light-Bearer" in Latin, and the power that functions behind the name of Christ is usually a mass of bright white light.  According to some occult lore, the fictitious character of Jesus Christ is also associated with Venus, the Morning Star, just like the real Lucifer is.  Osiris and Horus are both the Pagan Lucifers whom were stolen from in order to invent the Christos lie.  Horus, in Egyptian Paganism, is Osiris-resurrected.  This SPIRITUAL CONCEPT was twisted and perverted into the story of Jesus Christ.[/B]
[/B]The Illuminati believes that Jesus the Christos is really "Lucifer" the Christos due to the bright, shining light that is of the Jewish powers that exist behind this thought-form.  Many unfortunate Gentiles have seen the thought-form of the Christos in Near-Death Experiences, and it has given unpleasant news without any  details on what to do about the situation, but to "have faith" and "repent from sin."  This suicidal, human-hating advice encourages the individual(s) involved to deny and abandon their life and live for their death, all for Christ, the King of the Jews.  The reason why the thought-form of the Christos is so bright is because of the energy that it has been fed from Gentile Christians giving it power, while cursing and binding our real God, Satan-Lucifer, and depriving him of power.  Before I move on here, I must state that Christos-Lucifer is a blasphemy against and a mockery of Satan-Lucifer, who is real, and has been deprived of power at the hands of his very own people who have fallen under the curse of Christianity.[/B]
[/B]All of the Jews who are at the uppermost levels of adepthood know beyond any shadow of a doubt that the Christos is fiction and is an IN-DWELLING force WITHIN the Jewish people, individually, and collectively.  However, the Jewish people still rely on the faith of Christians in order to keep feeding this Jewish reservoir of power.[/B]
So, is it Christos-Lucifer or Satan-Lucifer who is the power behind the Illuminati?  Let's go straight to the horse's mouth, the Jewish founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, and find out....[/B]
[/B]"One would almost imagine, that this degree, as I have managed it, is genuine Christianity, and that its end was to free the Jews from slavery. I say, that Freemasonry is concealed Christianity. My explanation of the hieroglyphics, at least, proceeds on this supposition; and as I explain things, no man need be ashamed of being a Christian." -- Adam Weishaupt [1][/B]
[/B]"Jesus of Nazareth, the Grand Master of our order, appeared at a time when the world was in the utmost Disorder, and among a people who for ages had groaned under the yolk of Bondage. He taught them the lessons of reason. To be more effective, he took the aid of Religion--of opinions which were current--and in a very clever manner, he combined his secret doctrines with the popular religion, and with the customs which lay to his hand. In these he wrapped up his lessons --he taught by  parables. Never did any prophet lead men so easily and so securely along the road to liberty. He concealed the precious meaning and consequences of his doctrines; but fully disclosed them to a chosen few. He speaks of a kingdom of the upright and faithful; His Father's kingdom, who's children we also are. Let us only take liberty and equality as the great aims of his doctrines, and Morality as the way to attain it, and everything in the New Testament will be comprehensible; and Jesus will appear as the Redeemer of slaves." -- Adam Weishaupt [2][/B]
[/B]"Weishaupt believes that to promote this perfection of the human character was the object of Jesus Christ. That his intention was simply to reinstate natural religion, & by diffusing the light of his morality, to teach us to govern ourselves. His precepts are the love of God & love of our neighbor. And by teaching innocence of conduct, he expected to place men in their natural state of liberty & equality. He says, no one ever laid a surer foundation for liberty than our grand master, Jesus of Nazareth. He believes the Free masons were originally possessed of the true principles & objects of Christianity, & have still preserved some of them by tradition, but much disfigured. The means he proposes to effect this improvement of human nature are "to enlighten men, to correct their morals & inspire them with benevolence." -- Thomas Jefferson [3][/B]
[/B]"No one...has so cleverly concealed the high meaning of His teaching, and no one finally has so surely and easily directed men on to the path of freedom as our great master Jesus of Nazareth. This secret meaning and natural consequence of His teaching He hid completely, for Jesus had a secret doctrine, as we see in more than one place of the Scriptures." -- Adam Weishaupt [4][/B]
[/B]"When the origins of nations and peoples of the world ceased to be a great family, a single kingdom...Nationalism took the place of human love...Now it became a virtue to magnify one's fatherland at the expense of whoever was not enclosed within its limits, now as a means to this narrow end it was allowed to despise and outwit foreigners or indeed even to insult them. This virtue was called Patriotism." -- Adam Weishaupt [5][/B]
[/B]Despite the head-games that the Jewish people like to play in order to give the Christian faith "credibility," we have seen that it is not Satan-Lucifer, but Christos-Lucifer, who the Illuminati holds in such high regards, insofar as the Jewish mythological messiah who serves as a subliminal for the coming of the real Christos that the Jews and Christians, alike, have been waiting for.  The Jewish founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, himself, stated, "No man should be ashamed to be a Christian."  This speaks volumes about how inaccurate the deluded Gentile Christians' claim is that the Illuminati is of anyone but their own so-called "savior," the King of the Jews.[/B]
[/B]In addition to quotes from the Jewish founder of the Illuminati, there is a modern order called "The Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati" that used to have a website, but it no longer exists.  However, there is a book called "Babylon:  Secret Rituals of the Illuminati" by Joshua Seraphim, and it can be purchased on http://www.amazon.com.  It is a collection of the writings that were on the now non-existent website.  Note:  the "Anti-Christianity" that it claims to be is only against the conservative right-winged Paganism that Christianity has adopted in its desperation to stay alive.  The left-winged horse manure that this self-proclaimed Illuminati organization is in favor of is in no way contradictory to the teachings of Christ or Christianity in any way, whatsoever.  There is NOTHING even remotely "Anti-Christian" about "The Ordo Antichristianus Illuminati" and here is proof from their own rituals....[/B]
[/B]"O Indwelling Christos, Who dost ever say to Thy disciples:  'Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give unto you,' grant us that peace and unity which are agreeable to Thy Holy Will and Commandment.'[/B]
[/B]...  'The Body and Blood of our Lord the Christ keep thee unto Life Eternal.'" [6][/B]
[/B]What about the so-called "Satan-Lucifer worship" that I had expected from this society when I didn't know any better and was looking for answers before I found true Satanism?[/B]
[/B]"...Father of Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Michael, receive our prayer.  For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Lucifer Christ, with the Holy Guardian Angels, in the glory of God the Father." [7][/B]
[/B]Lucifer Christ?!?!  However, even in Satanism, I have seen some deluded and confused individuals who can't separate Lucifer from Christ.  This says a lot about the shameful characters of such sad individuals.  Many years ago, there was a follower of Lucifer Christ who attacked me in one of the Yahoo! e-groups, and behind my back, was attacking me because I am of the Third Sex; a homosexual.  These vile, worthless losers think that the Christian religion and National Socialism/Satanic Government can be reconciled.  If these carriers of Christianity only knew that it is Adolf Hitler who is the ANTI-CHRIST and that the game of  compromising with ANY form of so-called "Positive Christianity" or any other Christianity is FINISHED, as Christianity has been exposed for the JEWISH SCAM that it is to the point of no return![/B]
[/B]Some idiots actually believe that Lucifer is Christ and that Jesus, the Jew, is the "Anti-Christ."  Let us examine and find out if this is true.  Here are some quotes from a Christian-Zionist author who makes it clear as to who the identity of the Jewish one-world leader is....[/B]
[/B]"Bluntly stated...if the Gospel that one preaches does not culminate with a Jewish man ruling the world, then it is not the Gospel of the New Testament." -- Joel Richardson [8][/B]
[/B]"...The scriptural testimony is thorough, consistent, and clear that after Jesus returns, Israel will exist as a national kingdom, with many other distinct nations [Gentiles] rallying to her as the GLOBAL LEADER [emphasis, mine].  At the heart of the nation of Israel will be Jerusalem and the Temple, from which Jesus the Jewish King will reign over His people [the Jews]." -- Joel Richardson [9][/B]
[/B]"...Jesus fully understood and affirmed that He was the King of the Jewish people who would someday rule as king over a restored Jewish kingdom--one that would last "from then on and forevermore."  We cannot claim to affirm the Gospel as it was understood by the apostles unless we proclaim the future coming of the Jewish King who will rule the world from Jerusalem.  To proclaim anything less is to diminish and distort the message of the Gospel." -- Joel Richardson [10][/B]
[/B]And as author Mark Amaru Pinkham relates concerning the Illuminati and Christ, "The ultimate goal of this united movement was to revive the Matriarchy and eventually place the future 'King,' Sanat-Sananda, on the throne of a one-world government." [11][/B]
[/B]Note:  The thought-form of the Christos has appeared to many New Agers and has told them that "he" prefers to be called "Sananda" instead of Jesus.  Throughout the book I just cited, Mark Amaru Pinkham uses the name "Sananda" for Christ, while  referring to Satan-Lucifer as Sanat Kumara.  At this point, nobody can doubt that "God" and "the Devil" are BACKWARDS.  It is only pure stupidity that can allow anyone to believe otherwise.  The evidence is in plain sight.[/B]
[/B]Although many people could try to argue that the Illuminati isn't "traditional Christian Fundamentalism," but is "alternative Christianity," the fact still remains that whether left-winged Communist or Right-winged Patriotic, Christianity is Christianity, which is Judaism that comes in the form of a Kosher Paganism that the Jewish people have concocted for their White Aryan Enemies in order to destroy us.[/B]
[/B]One of the Illuminati's biggest, most shameless blasphemies against Satan-Lucifer, is their belief that Christos and Lucifer are the same being, and that Christ as Lucifer "fell from heaven," and incarnated as Jesus Christ, and that he lived, died, and was resurrected, and that he redeemed not only the Jewish people, but his own self, when he arose to be seated at the right hand of Jehovah-Yahweh.  I realize that it isn't only the Illuminati and some aspects of modern Freemasonry that believe this Jewish, anti-Pagan horse manure, but although this is all symbolic and metaphorical, it is one of the Illuminati's central tenets and one of their most "sacred" doctrines.[/B]
[/B]Satan, and his Chosen One--the GREAT ONE--Adolf Hitler, the Aryan Anti-Christ, get the blame for the Illuminati and the Jewish one-world Communist Government, but the Jewish writings of the Christian Bible--both Old and New Testaments--reveal that everything from a universal King of the Jews to the Microchip implants that prevent Gentiles from being able to buy or sell anything, let alone live, is the work of Jesus Christ and the so-called "god" of Christianity..[/B]
[/B]"But those mine enemies that would not that I should reign over them, bring hither and slay them before me." -- Jesus Christ, Luke 19:27[/B]
[/B]Here is a verse that has falsely been attributed to Adolf Hitler, the Anti-Christ, but in reality is about Christ....[/B]
[/B]Revelation 13:16:  "Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead."[/B]
[/B]Now, let us compare the previous verse with the following scriptures that mean the same thing, but are accurately attributed to "god" or Christ....[/B]
[/B]Deuteronomy 6:8:  "You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes."[/B]
[/B]Deuteronomy 11:18:  “You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes."[/B]
[/B]Ezekiel 9:5-7:  "Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, "Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity! Kill them all – old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin your task right here at the Temple." So they began by killing the seventy leaders. "Defile the Temple!" the LORD commanded. "Fill its courtyards with the bodies of those you kill! Go!" So they went throughout the city and did as they were told."[/B]
[/B]Proverbs 16:4:  "The Lord has made everything for his own ends, even the wicked for the evil day."[/B]
[/B]Revelation 22: 3-4:  "And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb [Jesus Christ] shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads."[/B]
[/B]The excellent news, however, is that the Christos has been crushed and defeated and will never come either for the first time for the Jewish people or the "second time" for the Gentile Christians.  However, with Jesus out of the way, the Jews are putting forth the efforts to make the Jewish people rise up against the Aryan Anti-Christ, Adolf Hitler, and collectively exist as their own messiah.  
[/B]This is what we are still fighting for, and anybody who doesn't do their part in making this a better world for the Satanic White Aryan Race and put an end to Christianity, Islam, Communism, and the Jewish people, do not deserve to be called Satanists.  It's not easy, but Satan rewards us, and all of our efforts will prove to be worthwhile when all is said and done.[/B]
[/B]Since the answer to the question of whether the Illuminati is of Christos-Lucifer or Satan-Lucifer has been answered, my question is:  Are you sure you really want to join the Illuminati and give your soul to Jesus Christ in exchange for things like wealth, power and fame in the here and now?  Satan, on the other hand, never takes our souls when we make our Dedications to him.  He shows us the road to how to achieve our desires, and he also shows us the difference between what we need versus what we simply want.  But even with wants, Satan and his Demons show us how to obtain what we desire by proving to us that the power to achieve these ends are within us, in the power of our minds and souls.  Christ never teaches anyone anything but how to be the perfect slave, and to rely on Kosher props and other crutches that keep people dependent upon forces outside of themselves.[/B]
[/B]Satan-Lucifer is the true Liberator.  The power behind the Christos-Lucifer thought-form is the true Enslaver.  For "born-again" Christians and Illuminati members, alike, it is only our own blood through Satan when we make our Dedications to Satan that has the power to overcome the so-called "blood of the lamb," the Christos, the King of the Jews.[/B]
[/B]For White Satanists, I highly advise against using the name "Lucifer" by itself because the Jewish power behind the Christos knows and understands that name.  If you are going to use the name "Lucifer," I strongly recommend it being in the form of SATAN-Lucifer, thus using the name Lucifer in conjunction with the ultimate name of Satan.  This way, there won't be any Jewish traps to fall into.  It is the Jewish people who would feel the most uncomfortable using the name of Satan because he is their Enemy and Adversary.  Everyone else simply needs to deprogram from the Jewish-instigated lies about Satan.  Those of us who know Satan know beyond any shadow of a doubt that he loves and cares for his people and has our best interests at heart, and that all of the Jewish lies about him are really everything that the "god" of the Jewish people and the Christian and Islamic religions are.[/B]
[/B][1] http://freemasonrywatch.org/illuminati.html[/B]
[/B][2] ibid.

[3] ibid.

[4] ibid.

[5] ibid.[/B]
[/B][6] Babylon:  Secret Rituals of the Illuminati by Joshua Seraphim pages 246-247[/B]
[/B][7] ibid. p. 269[/B]
[/B][8] When a Jew Rules the World by Joel Richardson p. 7
[/B][9] ibid. p.. 89[/B]
[/B][10] ibid p. 94[/B]
[/B][11] Conversations With the Goddess by Mark Amaru Pinkham p. 130
[/B]High Priest Jake Carlson[/B]
Have I joined Satanism??? Aaaaaahhhh let me know ...
On Feb 20, 2019 11:53 PM, "Addi 666 jacobsson262@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Wrong forum. Illuminati is run by jew's. So i think no one in this forum want's to help you with that question... 
On Tue, 19 Feb 2019, 17:52 Jerwin Legion legionjerwin61292@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I want to join in Illuminati.
How ?

Sent from my iPhone
 If you wan't to join Illuminati your are at the wrong forum. Do you feel that you wan't to Join Satan.. Then you need to decide for your self if you wan't to dedicate your soul to him. No one can force you to do that. On joyofsatan you can learn to do the dedication ritual. Read and learn take your time and do as you feel is right for you.  

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message -------- From: "Isaac Nawa isaacnawa13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] Date: 21/02/2019 15:20 (GMT+01:00) To: [email protected] Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Illuminati
  Have I joined Satanism??? Aaaaaahhhh let me know ....
On Feb 20, 2019 11:53 PM, "Addi 666 jacobsson262@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Wrong forum. Illuminati is run by jew's.  So i think no one in this forum want's to help you with that question... 
On Tue, 19 Feb 2019, 17:52 Jerwin Legion legionjerwin61292@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I want to join in Illuminati.
How ?

Sent from my iPhone
Come you get me so that we go to Satanism ,,where do you meet from?
On Feb 21, 2019 11:16 PM, "Andreas Jacobsson anden__6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
   If you wan't to join Illuminati your are at the wrong forum. Do you feel that you wan't to Join Satan.. Then you need to decide for your self if you wan't to dedicate your soul to him. No one can force you to do that. On joyofsatan you can learn to do the dedication ritual. Read and learn take your time and do as you feel is right for you.  

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message -------- From: "Isaac Nawa isaacnawa13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] Date: 21/02/2019 15:20 (GMT+01:00) To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Illuminati
  Have I joined Satanism??? Aaaaaahhhh let me know ....
On Feb 20, 2019 11:53 PM, "Addi 666 jacobsson262@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Wrong forum. Illuminati is run by jew's.  So i think no one in this forum want's to help you with that question... 
On Tue, 19 Feb 2019, 17:52 Jerwin Legion legionjerwin61292@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I want to join in Illuminati.
How ?

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
