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If You Know, You Know: More About Mistakes

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
As a Spiritual Satanist one is in a privilleged position of knowing about many things and having access to real knowledge. This knowledge can act as a guide on one's life.

Many people out there, do not KNOW. Therefore, if one does not KNOW, then one is liable to many mistakes. The Gods look upon these people with mercy, and arguably, even more acceptance than people who KNOW and tarnish knowledge in the trash can.

Certain things that are related to this place are for reasons of safety in one's life and other matters. They are also here to help you advance. Yet, due to "Free Will", or rather the "Free Will" some people want to exercise to fuck up or deny some things, they might "Choose" to not take certain warnings seriously.

As life has it, the downwards spiral will happen anyway and despite of what people think. A perfect example here is drug use. If we keep repeating about this, then it is for a reason and that is because one's life might simply be lost in this loop of nothingness.

Yet, over the years, despite of the Gods or people knowing, or even other people holding certain people away from this we have ongoing incidents where people ruin their life over and over again. Few, but these exist. The sources of these are clearly curses and the enemy's works in the material plane, which always seek to confuse and downgrade people as much as possible.

One in this path needs to be strong and know when to stop things permanently. Alongside the examples of failing, we have far more examples of succeeding. This takes willpower and simply understanding why it's so important to do the right thing. You are not "Free" if you do drugs, you are someone's slave if you do this. It could be a weed dealer, or someone else.

But because confusion ensues, certain people think re-actively that "Freedom" is based on "Freedom" to do the stupidest things in this world. Yet, the architects of these giant holes which seek to destroy you, know very well this has nothing to do with freedom, but merely with your reactions and so on. It's all the opposite of freedom.

As one enters and goes deeper into Spiritual Satanism, their mind has to progressively change and so our thinking process must change. Meditation and cleansing the soul takes one to where these decisions and these things start looking clearly for what they are.

Yet, the contrast and battle between the lower drives of one's nature and the higher ones is prominent in this path, and if one does not listen, one might fall the slide.

A false sense of confidence that might also arise in some people that the Gods will "always" be there to help, is only half the Truth. The reality is that as we grow and we are responsible, they expect us to be responsible.

If the Gods do see that we are bringing ourselves to a point where we are beyond redemption, they might actually step back and allow the consequence of our actions to take hold, ie, the things we bring on ourselves.

If their help is abused only to keep continuing onto the same errors, one might pay the price of consequences in order to finally understand how to stop doing something negative.

They are merciful and loving beyond what I can verbally express, but abuse of this is never warranted or recommended. Those who do this are not acting properly.

Granted, it's never too late to turn back from doing certain things that are harmful to one's self or others, it can be in certain situations happen that one defends their mistakes and so on. The less one does this and the more one walks the proper path, all the better for them: your advancement will be accelerated.

The more one raises higher, the more excuses start however having small to no merit, ie, one is expected to act in a higher way and not fall into every trap that comes their way. If you KNOW, then you KNOW.

KNOWLEDGE sometimes and for certain people who deny all input, does indeed arise from oftentimes painful experience. Then, the pain stops the mistakes.

But that is not the only way. If one listens just to the sound knowledge, most of this could never have happened. Everyone has at least a few examples in life where this could be the case.

The Gods and everything will constantly post warnings to us and also bring us to situations where we will be in a way "Tested" to overcome certain loops of destruction. If we successfully do this, we are rewarded and lifted higher. Then permanence ensues on a higher level.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The gods are speaking to me through HP Hoodedcobra666, not 10 minutes ago I was having a near meltdown in the showers about all the mistakes I keep making despite knowing better, and asking for some guidance or some clue, and as soon as I finish showering and turn on my computer I see this was just posted. If this is not a sign then I do not know what is.

Thank you Satan, the gods and all of the fellow Spiritual Satanists, and you HP HoodedCobra666, I will try and beat my 3rd addiction, I beat my addiction to Coca Cola, I am so far beating my gaming addiction and now I will no longer make the same mistakes for my Pornographic addiction. If i continue despite knowing how harmful this Jewish filth is then I will never be free.
My mind wandered around something pertaining to this sermon today. This was more personal and was in the light of "Attention" and how my eye's a gateway to my soul.
And I knew without a mental thought process that if I keep a steady healthy path on what I needed to change, that the Gods will bless and help me advance.
I also have received warnings of slight sufferings to medium of an unhealthy pattern[not drugs] and I have been feeling that there would be greater consequences if not changed.
I took the decision earlier this morning to fix it and avoid the consequences as I know fully well what it was going to be.
The impact of this sermon makes me smile, it sounds like a double check warning and I have gotten it. I passionately wasn't to advance.
Thank you HP Hooded Cobra. This is the sweetest and realest path ever!!!! Sometimes I am perplexed how a Spiritual Satanist would complain and whine about certain things. The dedication ritual is about the hardest thing to ever undertake in existence. Do you think everyone can dedicate? You are a SS dedicated by blood to satan. You are a Satanic Witch. You are strong. You are enlightened. You are superior. Think about how special you are rather than whining about things you do not have. Being an SS (actually doing the dedication which I believe is about the hardest thing to do) makes you special!!!! You are Satan's soldier!!! Revel in your power!!!! I noticed after my dedication that I have more swagger!!!! I even sex harder and better!!!! My physique also greatly has improved!!!! I am an SS!!!! I walk like a King!!!! I move with some sort of swagger cause I know I got style!!! You are a SS. You got swagger!!! Enjoy it!!!!
Hail Satan!!!!
GOOD TO KNOW!!!⚡ Thank you for sharing this!!!🔥😀 HAIL SATAN!!🐍♥️
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Certain things that are related to this place are for reasons of safety in one's life and other matters. They are also here to help you advance. Yet, due to "Free Will", or rather the "Free Will" some people want to exercise to fuck up or deny some things, they might "Choose" to not take certain warnings seriously.
You are not "Free" if you do drugs, you are someone's slave if you do this. It could be a weed dealer, or someone else.

But because confusion ensues, certain people think re-actively that "Freedom" is based on "Freedom" to do the stupidest things in this world. Yet, the architects of these giant holes which seek to destroy you, know very well this has nothing to do with freedom, but merely with your reactions and so on. It's all the opposite of freedom.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Those people who think that freedom means "Free to be a dumbass" always annoyed me.
Thanks again HPHC for another great sermon.
For my most severe mistakes I learned through pain and suffering. This takes a toll but you are better for it afterwards. I only hope I didn't disappoint the gods along the way.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As a Spiritual Satanist one is in a privilleged position of knowing about many things and having access to real knowledge. This knowledge can act as a guide on one's life.

Many people out there, do not KNOW. Therefore, if one does not KNOW, then one is liable to many mistakes. The Gods look upon these people with mercy, and arguably, even more acceptance than people who KNOW and tarnish knowledge in the trash can.

Certain things that are related to this place are for reasons of safety in one's life and other matters. They are also here to help you advance. Yet, due to "Free Will", or rather the "Free Will" some people want to exercise to fuck up or deny some things, they might "Choose" to not take certain warnings seriously.

As life has it, the downwards spiral will happen anyway and despite of what people think. A perfect example here is drug use. If we keep repeating about this, then it is for a reason and that is because one's life might simply be lost in this loop of nothingness.

Yet, over the years, despite of the Gods or people knowing, or even other people holding certain people away from this we have ongoing incidents where people ruin their life over and over again. Few, but these exist. The sources of these are clearly curses and the enemy's works in the material plane, which always seek to confuse and downgrade people as much as possible.

One in this path needs to be strong and know when to stop things permanently. Alongside the examples of failing, we have far more examples of succeeding. This takes willpower and simply understanding why it's so important to do the right thing. You are not "Free" if you do drugs, you are someone's slave if you do this. It could be a weed dealer, or someone else.

But because confusion ensues, certain people think re-actively that "Freedom" is based on "Freedom" to do the stupidest things in this world. Yet, the architects of these giant holes which seek to destroy you, know very well this has nothing to do with freedom, but merely with your reactions and so on. It's all the opposite of freedom.

As one enters and goes deeper into Spiritual Satanism, their mind has to progressively change and so our thinking process must change. Meditation and cleansing the soul takes one to where these decisions and these things start looking clearly for what they are.

Yet, the contrast and battle between the lower drives of one's nature and the higher ones is prominent in this path, and if one does not listen, one might fall the slide.

A false sense of confidence that might also arise in some people that the Gods will "always" be there to help, is only half the Truth. The reality is that as we grow and we are responsible, they expect us to be responsible.

If the Gods do see that we are bringing ourselves to a point where we are beyond redemption, they might actually step back and allow the consequence of our actions to take hold, ie, the things we bring on ourselves.

If their help is abused only to keep continuing onto the same errors, one might pay the price of consequences in order to finally understand how to stop doing something negative.

They are merciful and loving beyond what I can verbally express, but abuse of this is never warranted or recommended. Those who do this are not acting properly.

Granted, it's never too late to turn back from doing certain things that are harmful to one's self or others, it can be in certain situations happen that one defends their mistakes and so on. The less one does this and the more one walks the proper path, all the better for them: your advancement will be accelerated.

The more one raises higher, the more excuses start however having small to no merit, ie, one is expected to act in a higher way and not fall into every trap that comes their way. If you KNOW, then you KNOW.

KNOWLEDGE sometimes and for certain people who deny all input, does indeed arise from oftentimes painful experience. Then, the pain stops the mistakes.

But that is not the only way. If one listens just to the sound knowledge, most of this could never have happened. Everyone has at least a few examples in life where this could be the case.

The Gods and everything will constantly post warnings to us and also bring us to situations where we will be in a way "Tested" to overcome certain loops of destruction. If we successfully do this, we are rewarded and lifted higher. Then permanence ensues on a higher level.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Very true High Priest. The God's punishments normally are to make us grow. I've been working on myself and my life. You are right excuses don't help anything, taking responsibility does.

I love Father Satan and everything he has built here over the years. Feelings came at some point that I could never be loved. I protected myself and my feelings with Anger.

On one hand the cleaning has really helped, but just sitting in one's room cleaning is not enough, forcing myself to go out and live life, to be challenged. I found this girl, and she broke my heart....but it was the most amazing thing for a while. I found friends that love me.

I thought if I just hated everyone, I wouldn't get hurt. But now I see, you have to get hurt to get stronger. The God's have blessed my life so much 😥 that I can never repay them. I just want to do good. I want to see all our lives get elevated to where they should be.
Thank you for the beautiful and inspiring sermon.
Viewing myself as a slave to my addictions helped me to break free from them, along with all I've learned here in JOS.
Imagining some jew laughing as it makes shekels and weakens my aura and soul from it's poison pushing is maddening.
Knowing I have work to do on behalf of the Gods and Satan makes it necessary to be on this earth representing Them as long as physically possible.
Hail Satan and the Gods! Hail SS and Hail Cobra!
Thank you for this sermon, High Priest Hooded Cobra!

Indeed, I've noticed that I fall into a lot of loop traps yet I have not done anything about it.

But with the practice of SS and guidance of Satan, I've been slowly breaking the chain and improving myself overall as a better person.

Without spiritual satanism, I would never have made this much progress and I am very thankful because of it

I look forward to more of your sermons.
Responsibility is Freedom.

There is nothing more pleasurable and joyful in this life than weaving one's own "fate" through the act of Total self responsibility by way of self knowledge and self mastery. And there is nothing more precious and valuable in this existence than gaining experience through a life well lived and lived well.

The unfortunate side of things is that many people are afraid to delve deep within themselves, too scared to find out "who they are". No matter the coaxing, no matter the carrot on a stick, no matter the amount of hope, those who refuse to "see" when it is necessary for them to grow will be stunted at their current level. (Though, this does not mean they are forever stuck, just that they have found a "knot" they must unwind which will or could take a considerable amount of time on their part.)

But those who want it, those who want "Perfect Freedom", this is the only way forward and it is there to be had.
Thank you so much Commander Cobra. Is like I have waiting for this important healing message that I needed the most. you don't know how grateful I feel, mental healing. Great sermon high Priest!

hail mighty God Satan forever!

Diablo 666 :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAgfzSilrmWkTWeTQrCcQkA
Impecable thanks HPHC.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A false sense of confidence that might also arise in some people that the Gods will "always" be there to help, is only half the Truth. The reality is that as we grow and we are responsible, they expect us to be responsible.

I understood this when I become a mother. The Gods act like parents. I teach things to my daughter, I show her how face up to something, and then I expect than she acts in the correct way and not always makes the same mistakes.
In my case we talk about small problems, she's only 7 years old :lol:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
KNOWLEDGE sometimes and for certain people who deny all input, does indeed arise from oftentimes painful experience. Then, the pain stops the mistakes.

But that is not the only way. If one listens just to the sound knowledge, most of this could never have happened. Everyone has at least a few examples in life where this could be the case.

The Gods and everything will constantly post warnings to us and also bring us to situations where we will be in a way "Tested" to overcome certain loops of destruction. If we successfully do this, we are rewarded and lifted higher. Then permanence ensues on a higher level.
Sometimes we think than The Gods don't hear us or don't want to help us, but for my experience I can tell that They talk to us in different manners, but if we are, or want to be, blind or deaf, their words will never come to us.
I have known people who over the years have always abused drugs and alcohol and eventually "stopped being Satanists" (as if you could stop being yourself :roll: ), because they didn't get help. What did they expect, for the Gods to come and hide the doses or the bottle from them?
Life is difficult, sometimes a real nightmare, and passivity gets us nowhere.
This topic has been talked about much you just need to accept that people who dig themselves holes need to climb their way out themselves we can tell people as much as we like it probably never will help its good rhetoric and the message is appreciated but if they aren't willing to make a real change or commitment to be different then that's their own problem some people can handle things better then others as well me personally i greatly lack addictive personality i dont get obsessed by sugar although it is hard to avoid drugs alcohol cigarettes coffee etc i can switch these things on and off its called self control and i have a fair bit of it a few things i can recommend for people who struggle are.

1. Cold showers
There are many health benefits to doing this but the main one is will power upgrade by doing something that makes you initially uncomfortable it forces you to build up mental fortitude towards it this can be applied to other things you can also focus on desires that you know are wrong as the thoughts enter your head you can attack them with energy that destroys the unwanted thought just imagine the act the feeling addiction or desire to be destroyed just as we do when you attack the enemy writing

2. Exercise regularly and eat well
What you put in is what you get out not that hard to work out

3. Meditate often
Another no brainer even if you just still your mind often without power meditation is a big boon for mental health if you have trouble doing this look at the void meditation and then freeing the soul workings but id highly advise a focus on chakras and cleaning as this is the bread and butter of advancement.
Excellent as always and true , all the situations I and friends go through in life currently are always reflected in your sermons, seems like a coincidence but these coincidences have occured for more that fifty times . Great strength to you Cobra ! Hail Satan !
Even today, I knew more instinctively that living my life with poor self awareness and low consciousness wasn't acceptable by the Gods.
I am beginning to understand what it means to be Elite and living to the maximum of the knowledge given is a top awareness goal.
Time also has been an important factor that I must use to the most benefits so also my energy on all levels. And that's what I meant by attention [attention energy].
All these coming to the light of my mind and I know I have to apply quickly for the next level. See you all soon and I know such illumination has come from these rituals with the Gods.
I'm grateful to them and to the HOODEDCOBRA666.
I'm happy and enthusiastic for the future which we live starting now.

Hey Cobra I've had my eye on this board for a long time and I think I had wrong ideas about you before but my "God" dude you have the most cultivated in elect that I've come across in a while...
One thing i have learned in this path is Satanism is like climbing a ladder. You pass and then move on to the next step. Sometimes certain situations pass by to test us and to teach us lessons.
The best think is to learn and avoid worrying, blaming or staying stagnant.

Lets keep moving and i have seen support coming from the Gods to those who try
You write very well, I would love to have and read books written by you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many people out there, do not KNOW. Therefore, if one does not KNOW, then one is liable to many mistakes. The Gods look upon these people with mercy, and arguably, even more acceptance than people who KNOW and tarnish knowledge in the trash can.
As I grow in knowledge (thanks to your sermons), and experience (over time), I feel that I need to do more for my spiritual development,and I need to be stricter about my goals.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A false sense of confidence that might also arise in some people that the Gods will "always" be there to help, is only half the Truth. The reality is that as we grow and we are responsible, they expect us to be responsible.

If the Gods do see that we are bringing ourselves to a point where we are beyond redemption, they might actually step back and allow the consequence of our actions to take hold, ie, the things we bring on ourselves.
As soon as I became a Satanist, I learned very quickly that our actions have consequences and responsibilities.
Besides, my father taught me to think responsibly and take responsibly action,and didn't raise me to be a pussy man.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If their help is abused only to keep continuing onto the same errors, one might pay the price of consequences in order to finally understand how to stop doing something negative.

They are merciful and loving beyond what I can verbally express, but abuse of this is never warranted or recommended. Those who do this are not acting properly.
More at,never in my dreams would I think of abusing the help of the Satan and Gods(But not even with the help of a true SS).
Blood_Raven1 said:
The gods are speaking to me through HP Hoodedcobra666, not 10 minutes ago I was having a near meltdown in the showers about all the mistakes I keep making despite knowing better, and asking for some guidance or some clue, and as soon as I finish showering and turn on my computer I see this was just posted. If this is not a sign then I do not know what is.

Thank you Satan, the gods and all of the fellow Spiritual Satanists, and you HP HoodedCobra666, I will try and beat my 3rd addiction, I beat my addiction to Coca Cola, I am so far beating my gaming addiction and now I will no longer make the same mistakes for my Pornographic addiction. If i continue despite knowing how harmful this Jewish filth is then I will never be free.

Blood connection, friend. Welcome to the club. 😎
Clergy sharing information we were recently wondering about almost as if on cue has become something of an inside joke here at this point. We are all tied to each other spiritually and by blood, so this much serendipity is simply par for the course. Get used to it!

Also, Brother, bit of an advice. HPS Maxine says never to "own" your illnesses. Don't say "my" addiction. Alienate it, push it far away from the entity that is "you", even with your simplest words. Instead of "my addiction", for example, you could say "the addiction that's plaguing me" or you could even dramatize it by adding a little flair and go like "the foul addiction that dares to sully the glorious Satanic temple that is my body"! 😂

Half-jokes aside, framing our experiences, losses and victories in particular ways can help or hinder us. There lies incredible wisdom in each word of the Clergy, especially HPS Maxine. What I suggested is merely an extrapolation of one aspect of it.

Great day to ya.
Blood_Raven1 said:
The gods are speaking to me through HP Hoodedcobra666, not 10 minutes ago I was having a near meltdown in the showers about all the mistakes I keep making despite knowing better, and asking for some guidance or some clue, and as soon as I finish showering and turn on my computer I see this was just posted. If this is not a sign then I do not know what is.

Thank you Satan, the gods and all of the fellow Spiritual Satanists, and you HP HoodedCobra666, I will try and beat my 3rd addiction, I beat my addiction to Coca Cola, I am so far beating my gaming addiction and now I will no longer make the same mistakes for my Pornographic addiction. If i continue despite knowing how harmful this Jewish filth is then I will never be free.

I have to tell you congratulations and to continue on this beautiful path.

Sarjam05 said:
Thank you HP Hooded Cobra. This is the sweetest and realest path ever!!!! Sometimes I am perplexed how a Spiritual Satanist would complain and whine about certain things. The dedication ritual is about the hardest thing to ever undertake in existence. Do you think everyone can dedicate? You are a SS dedicated by blood to satan. You are a Satanic Witch. You are strong. You are enlightened. You are superior. Think about how special you are rather than whining about things you do not have. Being an SS (actually doing the dedication which I believe is about the hardest thing to do) makes you special!!!! You are Satan's soldier!!! Revel in your power!!!! I noticed after my dedication that I have more swagger!!!! I even sex harder and better!!!! My physique also greatly has improved!!!! I am an SS!!!! I walk like a King!!!! I move with some sort of swagger cause I know I got style!!! You are a SS. You got swagger!!! Enjoy it!!!!
Hail Satan!!!!

This is the definition of getting that confidence. Work and substantiate it with meaningful works.

SagittarianMage said:
Thank you for the beautiful and inspiring sermon.
Viewing myself as a slave to my addictions helped me to break free from them, along with all I've learned here in JOS.
Imagining some jew laughing as it makes shekels and weakens my aura and soul from it's poison pushing is maddening.
Knowing I have work to do on behalf of the Gods and Satan makes it necessary to be on this earth representing Them as long as physically possible.
Hail Satan and the Gods! Hail SS and Hail Cobra!

We all have meaningful work to do.

Cronia said:
Thank you for this sermon, High Priest Hooded Cobra!

Indeed, I've noticed that I fall into a lot of loop traps yet I have not done anything about it.

But with the practice of SS and guidance of Satan, I've been slowly breaking the chain and improving myself overall as a better person.

Without spiritual satanism, I would never have made this much progress and I am very thankful because of it

I look forward to more of your sermons.

Thank you indeed for the comment. To read the overwhelming comments of betterment taking place is the essence of what this forum and our side is about.

LiliumS said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A false sense of confidence that might also arise in some people that the Gods will "always" be there to help, is only half the Truth. The reality is that as we grow and we are responsible, they expect us to be responsible.

I understood this when I become a mother. The Gods act like parents. I teach things to my daughter, I show her how face up to something, and then I expect than she acts in the correct way and not always makes the same mistakes.
In my case we talk about small problems, she's only 7 years old :lol:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
KNOWLEDGE sometimes and for certain people who deny all input, does indeed arise from oftentimes painful experience. Then, the pain stops the mistakes.

But that is not the only way. If one listens just to the sound knowledge, most of this could never have happened. Everyone has at least a few examples in life where this could be the case.

The Gods and everything will constantly post warnings to us and also bring us to situations where we will be in a way "Tested" to overcome certain loops of destruction. If we successfully do this, we are rewarded and lifted higher. Then permanence ensues on a higher level.
Sometimes we think than The Gods don't hear us or don't want to help us, but for my experience I can tell that They talk to us in different manners, but if we are, or want to be, blind or deaf, their words will never come to us.
I have known people who over the years have always abused drugs and alcohol and eventually "stopped being Satanists" (as if you could stop being yourself :roll: ), because they didn't get help. What did they expect, for the Gods to come and hide the doses or the bottle from them?
Life is difficult, sometimes a real nightmare, and passivity gets us nowhere.

You will definitely make a wonderful mother.

Our parents do not live our life for us. We live our lives with their love and guidance.

Garudascent69 said:
Hey Cobra I've had my eye on this board for a long time and I think I had wrong ideas about you before but my "God" dude you have the most cultivated in elect that I've come across in a while...

I eagerly look forward to making things better for others through my own progression. Thank you for your kind comment. Its fuel to continue.
BehemothWarrior666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Yeah! One is surely in a privileged position when it has to diagnose your stupid dickhead ass thinking!!! You will soon die

"L`Chaim" to you too, slimy kike.
Manofsatan said:
My mind wandered around something pertaining to this sermon today. This was more personal and was in the light of "Attention" and how my eye's a gateway to my soul.
And I knew without a mental thought process that if I keep a steady healthy path on what I needed to change, that the Gods will bless and help me advance.
I also have received warnings of slight sufferings to medium of an unhealthy pattern[not drugs] and I have been feeling that there would be greater consequences if not changed.
I took the decision earlier this morning to fix it and avoid the consequences as I know fully well what it was going to be.
The impact of this sermon makes me smile, it sounds like a double check warning and I have gotten it. I passionately wasn't to advance.

Passionately want not "wasn't"
Father Satan has always been with me and our Gods from ever.
Of course Are the Most Caring, Loving One's.

Important events happened to me after 2004.
Events that were all aimed at self-empowerment. And I succeeded because spiritual Satanism is for winners. All of us have to remember in our lives at least one situation in which we acted above / beyond than the average person. Because we are strong, we are warriors.

There is a wisdom the wisdom of our True Creator.
For one to be healed takes time. So, give time .

Spiritual Satanism is real means advancement it's TRUE and it's not the Jewish shit, pray, kneel, obey, submit light up candles and you will wake up a miracle.
If one's expect results from the jewish method: pray, sleep, 'jewsus saves', a miracle awaits in the corner is lucky.. planet is full of that shits atm .
Are even ppl who follow instructions , throw salt to remove negative energy LoL.

Our spirits our souls attacked / cursed over centuries unlimited times, so to every issue give time, healing is a process.

Unless someone is a jew, or a gentile submitted to the enemy side, healing will occur eventually for every one of us.

In my whole life did not ever say 'good morning'. Hated every single morning.
And I was right.
We did not grow in a Spiritual Satanic environment.

Hoodedcobra666 cares the most for us.

Satan loves humanity.

Hail Satan Forever !
Blood_Raven1 said:
The gods are speaking to me through HP Hoodedcobra666, not 10 minutes ago I was having a near meltdown in the showers about all the mistakes I keep making despite knowing better, and asking for some guidance or some clue, and as soon as I finish showering and turn on my computer I see this was just posted. If this is not a sign then I do not know what is.

Thank you Satan, the gods and all of the fellow Spiritual Satanists, and you HP HoodedCobra666, I will try and beat my 3rd addiction, I beat my addiction to Coca Cola, I am so far beating my gaming addiction and now I will no longer make the same mistakes for my Pornographic addiction. If i continue despite knowing how harmful this Jewish filth is then I will never be free.
Remember, this is an addiction to escapism, shift your mindset to rather changing these habits rather than quitting them. You obviously need to quit them, but don't obsess on quitting, rather do something else that is good an healthy for you and don't think about those.
GoldenxChild1 said:
I only hope I didn't disappoint the gods along the way.

So do I..
BehemothWarrior666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Yeah! One is surely in a privileged position when it has to diagnose your stupid dickhead ass thinking!!! You will soon die

Funny you should talk about dicks while your nose looks like one.

They also say men with big noses have bigger penises but thats a reverse rule for scat loving kikes like you.

Btw you didnt fool anybody i knew there was sth off about you the moment you started your first post. Go tell that to the rest of your small pp israelites
"certain people think re-actively that "Freedom" is based on "Freedom" to do the stupidest things in this world."

This phrase is beautiful. I will put it in my signature :D
Blood_Raven1 said:
The gods are speaking to me through HP Hoodedcobra666, not 10 minutes ago I was having a near meltdown in the showers about all the mistakes I keep making despite knowing better, and asking for some guidance or some clue, and as soon as I finish showering and turn on my computer I see this was just posted. If this is not a sign then I do not know what is.

Thank you Satan, the gods and all of the fellow Spiritual Satanists, and you HP HoodedCobra666, I will try and beat my 3rd addiction, I beat my addiction to Coca Cola, I am so far beating my gaming addiction and now I will no longer make the same mistakes for my Pornographic addiction. If i continue despite knowing how harmful this Jewish filth is then I will never be free.

Hehe, I know exactly what you’re talking about, I do be like that sometimes :lol:
Thank you hp hc!

I would just like to share some of my experiences, I see my guardian demon sometimes covered in blue, she’s extremely pretty and it’s actually amazing how i can see her at all! I sometimes also see these blue lights and it can be really interesting and cool!

With that said I am struggling in some regard because it can be a little confusing in what she is trying to tell me! (Sometimes) also I feel frustrated a lot because I feel as though if I can’t control my thoughts and think something negative about father Satan or the demons I feel extremely guilty! Even if it’s just errant thoughts I can’t control! I find I’m also obsessing over it and find it hard sometimes to take breaks from satanism because i think about it (A lot!)

I still have lingering Christian programming and let’s face it brainwashing! And I just hope that even though I think and feel certain things I don’t leave the gods or they leave me!

Could anyway else help with this!

Thank you family! Hail Satan!
Shadowcat said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I only hope I didn't disappoint the gods along the way.

So do I..

Well regardless, they haven't withdrawn their support. Emotionally I worry about such things but practically and realistically the Gods know all mistakes past, present, and future. I feel the grand love of Satan and my GD, and also their deep understanding of human nature and rather human mistakes. This is why they don't punish you for your own ignorance as it is punishment enough to be in Tartarus. I've made my way out though, on my way to the Great Work.
Mr Cobra.

We need to talk.

How can I contact you in the most private way if you wish of course.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Shadowcat said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
I only hope I didn't disappoint the gods along the way.

So do I..

Well regardless, they haven't withdrawn their support. Emotionally I worry about such things but practically and realistically the Gods know all mistakes past, present, and future. I feel the grand love of Satan and my GD, and also their deep understanding of human nature and rather human mistakes. This is why they don't punish you for your own ignorance as it is punishment enough to be in Tartarus. I've made my way out though, on my way to the Great Work.

I think the Gods are much more understanding of ourselves than we are. I am just one of those that is harder on myself at times probably more than they would be and might not realize it always.
the hybrid said:
Mr Cobra.

We need to talk.

How can I contact you in the most private way if you wish of course.

Feel free to mail, but you can also inquire on the forums, many wonderful SS will answer you on the boards too.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
