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If Jewish mythology is poisonous plagiarism...why worship Jewish entities?


New member
Jan 3, 2023
So we all know that the Xtians (the Jews, Muslims, Christians) all demonized the pagan gods of our ancestors. Baal (...Baal, Zeus), Astaroth (Astarte / Aphrodite), Sitri (Set), Lucifer (Phosphorus, Helel, Enki / Thoth / Hermes), etc.

But what about the deities that don't have a very clear non-Jewish origin? Lilith, for example. We have her as an owl demon in Sumerian myth, and the Jews seem to connect her to Astarte worship, and she may be attentively connected with various mythological goddesses in Satanism, but in terms of her origin? What about other deities like Naamah or Agrat bat Mahlat? Samael? Azazel? maybe even Ahriman? All of which may have basic earlier affiliations (for example, Samael in Jewish mythology is connected to the Planet Mars, and Samael is the patron of the Roman Empire and connected to war and imperialism, so he may be connected to Ares form an earlier point), but these deities are so well developed that they are hard to connect to any immediate Indo-European deities and have taken on Jewish mythological characteristics.

And another question - why even use their Judaized forms? Why use sigils or the like? Why not worship them in their original pagan forms?

I'm a newcomer but I don't feel as dogmatically bound by JOS even though much of it I agree with. I personally don't have a problem with Jewish mythological motifs, the cancer in Jewish faith is their moral system, particularly post Babylonian exile. Christianity being the absolute pinnacle of it, Jesus Christ is truly the lord of the slaves. Pre Babylonian exile Jewish morality was much in line with other Indo-European systems as far as I can tell.
I personally don't have a problem with Jewish mythological motifs, the cancer in Jewish faith is their moral system, particularly post Babylonian exile. Christianity being the absolute pinnacle of it, Jesus Christ is truly the lord of the slaves. Pre Babylonian exile Jewish morality was much in line with other Indo-European systems as far as I can tell.

That's just an invasive infiltrating species trying to blend in. It doesn't matter if their earlier surface religion resembled Pagan systems or not, and that's only because they accumulated stolen knowledge. They didn't have a religion of their own before invading this planet. If anything could be called their religion, it can probably be summed up in a few words: "turn the strong against the strong so you can drink everyone's blood like a vulture on the battlefield" and "uplift the weak and unworthy at the expense of the strong" or, you could make their religious maxim even simpler - it would merely be "Fuck nature"

Jews as a non-human species have nothing to do with the soul elevating elements of our Pagan religions, and they reject the simple tenets of nature such as evolution and becoming stronger and better lifeforms. They go in an opposite direction to nature while insisting on remaining weak, pathetic, worthless beings who only survive on the blood of a stronger species. There is nothing Pagan about jews, and there never was. Any form of Pagan morality they may have once professed would have only been a cover up, and it is not true to their nature as jews. They certainly weren't going to say what their real moral system was, especially back then.
Eamonomae said:
So we all know that the Xtians (the Jews, Muslims, Christians) all demonized the pagan gods of our ancestors. Baal (...Baal, Zeus), Astaroth (Astarte / Aphrodite), Sitri (Set), Lucifer (Phosphorus, Helel, Enki / Thoth / Hermes), etc.

But what about the deities that don't have a very clear non-Jewish origin? Lilith, for example. We have her as an owl demon in Sumerian myth, and the Jews seem to connect her to Astarte worship, and she may be attentively connected with various mythological goddesses in Satanism, but in terms of her origin? What about other deities like Naamah or Agrat bat Mahlat? Samael? Azazel? maybe even Ahriman? All of which may have basic earlier affiliations (for example, Samael in Jewish mythology is connected to the Planet Mars, and Samael is the patron of the Roman Empire and connected to war and imperialism, so he may be connected to Ares form an earlier point), but these deities are so well developed that they are hard to connect to any immediate Indo-European deities and have taken on Jewish mythological characteristics.

And another question - why even use their Judaized forms? Why use sigils or the like? Why not worship them in their original pagan forms?

I'm a newcomer but I don't feel as dogmatically bound by JOS even though much of it I agree with. I personally don't have a problem with Jewish mythological motifs, the cancer in Jewish faith is their moral system, particularly post Babylonian exile. Christianity being the absolute pinnacle of it, Jesus Christ is truly the lord of the slaves. Pre Babylonian exile Jewish morality was much in line with other Indo-European systems as far as I can tell.
There is a lot of confusion in the associations you make about the Gods which is pretty common with people who study jewish sources. I don't mean to offend you with this. It's just that the jews do this on purpose, they corrupt our true knowledge of the Gods and spirituality in general and mix it with nonsense in a way that it is completely worthless, powerless and doesn't make any sense at all. They create this confusion on purpose.

As Jrvan pointed, there is nothing of theirs. They have stolen everything. They infiltrate a culture, absorb what they can and shape it into the rabbinical way and feed it to the Gentile masses, while they practice real spirituality in their own fucked up way. The jews do not "worship" our Gods, not by any stretch of imagination, they try to subvert them and make them do their bidding. They have been trying for centuries and they pay the price. That is also why they collectively gang up and attack specific Gods, and even then, they can't succeed. So then they try to associate them with horrid crimes that could only come from the perverse jewish nature and again, feed it to the Gentile masses, if they can't kill our Gods they'll try to make us run away from them.

The problem with the jews is not a matter of "faith" it's far deeper than that. They have an inborn hatred for Gentiles and want to enslave us at all costs, and we can't just stand by and watch it happen. Ever since they came on this planet, ever since the beginning of their recorded history they have acted like parasites, and they have nothing good to account for. They have brought nothing good to humanity and all they do is destroy our history, our culture, our Gentile races through race mixing, our Nature, the fabric of society, everything. While they lavishly sit at the top and laugh at the dumb Goy.

There are no good jews, and if you truly believe there are and you ever trust a jew either on your personal day-to-day life, or even with knowledge itself, you'll pay the price in one way or another. That is guaranteed.

Our issue with the jews is not about just about their evil and poisonous "faith", it is about the fact that they're a parasitic race that wants to enslave the whole planet. It is a matter of survival and self-defense. If you really want to understand the true nature of the jew, read their scriptures, the torah, the talmud, the protocols of the learned elders of zion, etc. These are books on racial matters, not just on faith and so called religion. These destructive ideas toward Gentiles (non-jews) are taught to children, and they are taught to engage in spiritual warfare from very young. They later grow into adults that will infiltrate organizations and do what their masters demand of them.

The jew is a poison that must be purged from this Earth at all costs.

Here are some topics you should read, if you haven't already:
JoS Position On Jews - We are Good, and You Are Evil
It's Joy of Satan... Not Joy of (((Samael)))...
How Jews Lie
Jewish War Against Mankind: Vaccine Mandates And New Quarantines, Attacks & The General "Plan"
Blood Sacrifice, Cannibalism, Genocide: Jewish Practices Unrelated to Gentiles

The Kabbalah Exposed website is also a good read.
Their is lots of Gods whom if you research the origins of those Gods they were really pagan Gods, thing is the jewish infestations, took that away from us,valarefon I had no idea was a Greek god but it is true, most of the names come from pagans, Lilith was probably no different,but corrections are being made to some like leviathan which is a corruption.
Satnam666 said:
Their is lots of Gods whom if you research the origins of those Gods they were really pagan Gods, thing is the jewish infestations, took that away from us,valarefon I had no idea was a Greek god but it is true, most of the names come from pagans, Lilith was probably no different,but corrections are being made to some like leviathan which is a corruption.

Yeah, Leviathan is another. It’s just a male Tiamat. There’s a couple references to “Yahweh slaying the Leviathan” in the Bible (referencing Marduk and Tiamat), and even in Genesis 1 the Hebrew word for “the deep” or “the waters” or “chaos” is “Tehom” which comes from Tiamat. Not to mention that the Leviathan is referenced in Job as a giant sea monster.

If you study Christianity’s art traditions, particularly during the Medieval period, Leviathan was synonymous with hell / the underworld / death / chaos. In many Last Judgment depictions or hell depictions people are depicted as entering the mouth of Leviathan.
It’s probably what the “great fish” is in Jonah, chaos / death.

I have analyzed the image that you have posted and I identified a lot of subliminal elements in it, @Eamonomae.

First of all, the slanderous picturing of the Capricorn zodiac sign as the supposed Demons and also the portrayal of the Water Gods from Lemuria, but again, realized in a very slanderous tone to our Gods and Father Satan.

Thank you for the information shared :) as it is really useful to see that there are other users that have knowledge.
Eamonomae said:
What about other deities like Naamah or Agrat bat Mahlat? Samael? Azazel? maybe even Ahriman?

Are you aware that you are on JoS, not on an average Qliphothic LHP organization? Naamah and Samael and Agrat Bat Mahalat are jewish, the JoS mentions them nowhere and you will not find any of these names being used here. It's been said in past threads that Samael is a jewish insulting name for Satan and JoS Satanists avoid it. Ahriman isn't Jewish, it is the Persian name for Satan.

Of all those names you mentioned, only Azazel and Lilith are used here, but you have to understand the origins of JoS to understand why it is like that.

The creator of the JoS organization was originally a Traditional Satanist. She wasn't aware of Satan or the Demons having any Pagan origins and she wasn't red-pilled about the jews, she didn't hate them. One day, she asked Satan who he is, and he embarked in a whole journey where he disclosed to her his true origins, the origins of the Demons and how jews are the enemies of the human race. Up until 2004, the JoS didn't see the jews as a race as enemies, only the jewish religion as one of the Abrahamic lies.

So when you consider the JoS history in context, it all makes sense. The JoS wasn't created by an edgy Pagan Nazi who used names like Satan and Demons for shock value, but by a Traditional non-Nazi Satanist who later discovered the origins of Satan and the Demons and was red-pilled by Satan and the Demons on Jews.
Andreas said:
Eamonomae said:
What about other deities like Naamah or Agrat bat Mahlat? Samael? Azazel? maybe even Ahriman?

Are you aware that you are on JoS, not on an average Qliphothic LHP organization? Naamah and Samael and Agrat Bat Mahalat are jewish, the JoS mentions them nowhere and you will not find any of these names being used here. It's been said in past threads that Samael is a jewish insulting name for Satan and JoS Satanists avoid it. Ahriman isn't Jewish, it is the Persian name for Satan.

I’m aware, but I find the idea of rigorous dogmatism completely antithetical to the figure of Satan and “LHP” philosophy (personally, I find “LHP” to be a misnomer / misleading Jewish propaganda) and kind of silly. Not that there shouldn’t be objective doctrine with guidelines, but nothings more Xtian than

I have no problem voluntarily leaving if I have to exclusively be a Joy of Satan Satanist (while much I agree with, there are things I disagree with).

Of all those names you mentioned, only Azazel and Lilith are used here, but you have to understand the origins of JoS to understand why it is like that.

The creator of the JoS organization was originally a Traditional Satanist. She wasn't aware of Satan or the Demons having any Pagan origins and she wasn't red-pilled about the jews, she didn't hate them. One day, she asked Satan who he is, and he embarked in a whole journey where he disclosed to her his true origins, the origins of the Demons and how jews are the enemies of the human race. Up until 2004, the JoS didn't see the jews as a race as enemies, only the jewish religion as one of the Abrahamic lies.

So when you consider the JoS history in context, it all makes sense. The JoS wasn't created by an edgy Pagan Nazi who used names like Satan and Demons for shock value, but by a Traditional non-Nazi Satanist who later discovered the origins of Satan and the Demons and was red-pilled by Satan and the Demons on Jews.

Oh I’m basically a perennial fascist who agrees with Nietzsche, Spengler, Evola and the like. It’s very evident that “culture wars” are vital because culture ultimately shapes policy. In fact the demonization of “culture wars” is exactly done by the powers that be to ignore the way in which our corporate hyper Judeo-Christian technocracy is eroding culture and degenerating social organization (it’s done by both sides, I find the idea of throwing a tantrum over M&M’s to be quite silly and only pushed by Neocon parasites to ignore more serious issues like the destruction of gender roles).

Anyways, regardless of Naamah and the like not being named, Lilith and Azazel are Jewish characters, no different from Naamah or Agat. Both Naamah and Agat likely had non-Jewish origins too, but it’s as untraceable as Lilith or Azazel (although Lilith appears in Sumerian myth, she was a totally different entity with a totally different story; her story isn’t really traceable, “Azazel” literally has “El” or “God” (El Shaddai or Elohim) in his name not different from “Michael” or “Samael”. Although you could argue that the “el” is a generic term that describes the function of the angel [“Uriel” might translate to “The Light God”], most Jews and afaik JOS itself believes “Samael” is a Jewish demonization).

I guess my point is this: where does the line stop at “Judaization”? How is Samael a corruption by the Jews but Lilith and Azazel aren’t?

I’m aware Ahriman is the Zoroastrian Satan, but I agree with Spengler that Zoroastrianism belongs to the broad group of Xtian religions, and sometimes Satanists worship Ahriman. Considering that the JOS borrows from the Yazidis (who I agree are arguably way more ancient than the Yahweh death cult and probably are a continuing form of the Proto-Jewish Canaanite pantheon system), wasn’t sure if JOS did the same for another Proto-Jewish Persian religion (people like Michael Ford have no issue)
Eamonomae said:

But what about the deities that don't have a very clear non-Jewish origin? Lilith, for example. We have her as an owl demon in Sumerian myth, and the Jews seem to connect her to Astarte worship, and she may be attentively connected with various mythological goddesses in Satanism, but in terms of her origin? ...

The word "El" even in the "Old Testament" which is a copycat text, has to do with the "Supernal Light of God" and it was put as a suffix and preffix on many entities.

That is nothing out of the ordinary as in Akkad and Sumeria, it was common to use this word on the behest of the light which was personified under the name "El", something also rooted strongly in the Greek in which it was pronounced as "EEL", related with words like the words of the sun.

Poorly sourced disagreements that arise out of lack of reading material, maybe due to the size of information, are not very good reasons to dwell into this mindset. I think everyone is more than willing to answer you.

This comes from lack of sources available and understanding. The enemy mentions that Lilith is another word for Kali, which is something they know to be the case on a cultural level.

This is sourced from the Jewish Tree Of Souls which was a book HPS Maxine told us Clergy to read to understand further about the theft of the legends. Inside there, they admit that Lilith is actually Kali.

Lilith is also related linguistically to the Goddess "Lalitha" which strongly relates to Alithea or "Truth" in Ancient Greek, which Lilith is very close to "Lithi" which in Ancient Greek means "Slumber of the mind and spirit". This is an attempted perversion and reversal.

Much of this information you won't find in a university class where the kool-aid of "Indo-European" is repeated ad nauseum, one has to think out of the box here.

The sigils and so on are anything but jewish. All Sigils are representations of very important spiritual alchemy which the jews have in most cases no clue about. Azazel's Sigil is related to Saturn and the Merkaba, for example. They resemble holy symbols that are scarcely understood and were only claimed as "Jewish", and "how" they were claimed was to be put in the book of the "Ultimate enemies and evils against the Jewish people", type of "jewish".

Most of the so called "Goetia", which is also an Ancient Greek word meaning "Spell Caster" and "Seducer", has to do with fully Ancient Greek and Latin Names, or Middle Eastern root names, or names of other entities that were the head Gods of the Pagans.

I will rectify the sources of all the deities, even the unclear ones, fully on with evidence in the updated Gods and Demons section. The already existing pages highlight this.

If you go to the Library and put Lilith on the search, you will find three posts all of which relate numerous points. And these prove beyond any doubt that this has nothing to do with jews or their inventions.

Insist on your research and try to keep an open mind. You are free in the end of the day to formulate your own views.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
