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I want to heavily get involved in the spiritual war but how can i make sure that i’m going to be protected?


Oct 12, 2019
I want to start doing the full final RTR for like 16 times per day or more but i’m a bit scared if I’m not going to be protected because I remember when i did the full final RTR 9 time a day from a week ago and then i got a disgusting nightmare. So what do think BTW it takes me like 15-20 mins to do 1 Full RTR.
16 is really a lot if you don’t even do 1 now. Start lower like 4-6 and go up.
If you are scared then do more protection workings and clean your soul\aura
Aquarius said:
16 is really a lot if you don’t even do 1 now. Start lower like 4-6 and go up.
If you are scared then do more protection workings and clean your soul\aura

i can handle it i will even do more.
dont overexhaust yourself. consistency. and on the festivals they are open do as much as you can.
it is written in the al jilwah that everyone who fights for lord Satan is protected by HIM. so dont worry.
aop and void meditation and aura cleaning too. dont entertain negative thought. *friends of humanity wont misguide humanity*.
the hps while freeing the gods of hell as i read long back, must have had really strong *focus*.
now that the reptilians have lost all power and still have the audacity to influnece (try to) your mind seems a tough thing to handle. imagine what it would have been like when the gods where not free and cursed heavily .
i remember reading on the jos website that extreme will to stay alive has helped people to live even after bad circumstances like accidents and stuff. so beleive the gods and the hps fully.
your will to bring back the gods in the physical form back on earth has to be really strong. you will make up time and grow it that is what you truly will.
hail satan
hail gods of hell
hail hps
hail ss
Harry said:
Aquarius said:
16 is really a lot if you don’t even do 1 now. Start lower like 4-6 and go up.
If you are scared then do more protection workings and clean your soul\aura

i can handle it i will even do more.
Don't know how fast you vibrate guys, but 16 RTRs would take me like 10 hours of my day...
I have done it like 10-16 or more times a lot of days and been fine but the enemy does try some stuff. However in the end I am still here. Just probably be sure you have something to do during this some of the time so you don't get bored and your fine. You won't end of hating this. It's eaiser when you memorize this.

Anyways more people should do things like this. Whatever you do do not say that you have to do it 16 or more times every day that won't always even be possible just as long as you do it each day your fine but go for it I say. That is really cool.

If you can no reason why not. I do this 22 times on some of the power dates or try for it since that number relates to their letter's.

Who doesn't want to take down the enemy and you will be fine. Just remember to do protection. The Reptillians and greys do try to attack me a lot and some other entity i am not even sure what it is that seems to be robotic and a slave to the Reptillians like the greys are. Do the aura of protection and maybe also runes or sun if need be (only when the sun is not in a weak sign like Libra Aquarius Pisces)

I don't think there is a limit to this I heard of people even doing more than this but from my experience it's overkill. Don't expect yourself to do it that much all the time and your fine.
Harry said:
I want to start doing the full final RTR for like 16 times per day or more but i’m a bit scared if I’m not going to be protected because I remember when i did the full final RTR 9 time a day from a week ago and then i got a disgusting nightmare. So what do think BTW it takes me like 15-20 mins to do 1 Full RTR.
Do your AoP properly twice every day, and the Gods will protect you from any serious harm that would come from the enemy.
WiseDragon said:
Harry said:
Aquarius said:
16 is really a lot if you don’t even do 1 now. Start lower like 4-6 and go up.
If you are scared then do more protection workings and clean your soul\aura

i can handle it i will even do more.
Don't know how fast you vibrate guys, but 16 RTRs would take me like 10 hours of my day...
Not to discourage you, but doing more than 3 a day is counter productive unless you're super high energy or you space them out (2 in the morning, 2 at mid day, 2 before bed).

If you really want to do better:

- Go over HPS Maxine's audio file for the Final RTR and make sure you're pronouncing the letters correctly.

- Go into a trance state before and during the Final RTR

- Raise your energies before the Final RTR

- And most importantly, take your time. There is no need to rush unless you have limited time. (10-20 minutes is typical for the Final RTR)

I understand why ya'll want to do so many Final RTRs, but I can't help but wince at the idea of doing more than 4 a day. They drain you if you do them right, as you're literally putting in energy to destroy the Hebrew alphabet and remove curses on yourself, all of Humanity, and the world.

As for the enemy attacks. If you're not already doing returning curses parts 1&2: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html <---- Part 1 https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses2.html <---- Part 2

I would recommend you do so, as well as vibrating Raum or Surya into your aura 36, 108, or 111 times before or after the returning curses working. This all takes 20-30~ minutes more and is great for cleaning your aura and soul. :)
Poweredbythesun said:
Not to discourage you, but doing more than 3 a day is counter productive unless you're super high energy or you space them out (2 in the morning, 2 at mid day, 2 before bed).

If you really want to do better:

- Go over HPS Maxine's audio file for the Final RTR and make sure you're pronouncing the letters correctly.

- Go into a trance state before and during the Final RTR

- Raise your energies before the Final RTR

- And most importantly, take your time. There is no need to rush unless you have limited time. (10-20 minutes is typical for the Final RTR)

I understand why ya'll want to do so many Final RTRs, but I can't help but wince at the idea of doing more than 4 a day. They drain you if you do them right, as you're literally putting in energy to destroy the Hebrew alphabet and remove curses on yourself, all of Humanity, and the world.

As for the enemy attacks. If you're not already doing returning curses parts 1&2: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html <---- Part 1 https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses2.html <---- Part 2

I would recommend you do so, as well as vibrating Raum or Surya into your aura 36, 108, or 111 times before or after the returning curses working. This all takes 20-30~ minutes more and is great for cleaning your aura and soul. :)
Not true at all doing more than 3 is totally good, please don’t post misinformation.
Well dude, what do you mean by protected? NIghtmares?

As warriors and fighters in this cause, we all have to deal with shit. It's just the way it is. This is a genuine war. A spiritual war. So that's why cleansing and AoP are so important. The protection only goes so far though. We may actually suffer and go through hard times because of our involvement in spiritual warfare. This is true, but this needn't sway you though. Does a true warrior cower at the thought of being attacked? No, a brave warrior does what he does because it must be done. It's the right and virtuous thing to do when you have the knowledge that we do. I believe you are relatively new and might benefit from a little more protection, but don't let that stop you from building your own protection and doing what you must to keep yourself safe.

Be wise in your actions. Many members here have stated their concerns of such high rtrs per day. This is practical thinking. This is a marathon not a sprint. We need you strong and energized not only now, but as far down the line as this war is going to take.

We all have tremendous passion for what we're doing here and in a perfect world we'd stop everything and do dozens of rtrs a day, but here's the thing, we are truly lucky we have amassed such an army that we don't have to do that and we can still make a huge difference. We're all doing the rtr's together and the strength in our collective numbers is what's taking our enemy down. "Oh what is the ocean but a multitude of drops".

Without your little drop my friend, we wouldn't have this ocean. You're doing a great job. Be wise and practical, clean and do AoP and you'll be fine. Keep up the good fight.

The rune algiz, #15, is used for protection, so start there. I would also pump up doing your AOP. Given that cleaning should follow the RTR, I would say portion some time to clean yourself and strengthen the AOP after each RTR, and this, combined with some sort of Algiz working, should be sufficient for keeping you safe.

Also, remember that Satan and his allies are looking out for us. If you were to come under attack beyond what algiz and AOP can protect against, I am sure you would be helped in some way, given that you were doing so many RTR's for the cause.

I would just say take your time and be cautious, which it sounds like you are from this thread. Monitor your energy levels and balance your time with protection workings as well. Thank you for your efforts, you are inspiring me to do better!
Aquarius said:
Poweredbythesun said:
Not true at all doing more than 3 is totally good, please don’t post misinformation.
It's okay to do more than 3 and this depends on each person's personal energy levels, but he does actually have a point here. I also noticed that anything over 3 in one go (27x each letter) feels more "diluted". I wouldnt share this as some "rule" or anything, but rather, if anyone else feels something like energy-dilution when doing more than 3 in one go, it may be best to do cycles of 3, multiple times a day instead of trying to do like 9 at once.
Shael said:
Aquarius said:
Poweredbythesun said:
Not true at all doing more than 3 is totally good, please don’t post misinformation.
It's okay to do more than 3 and this depends on each person's personal energy levels, but he does actually have a point here. I also noticed that anything over 3 in one go (27x each letter) feels more "diluted". I wouldnt share this as some "rule" or anything, but rather, if anyone else feels something like energy-dilution when doing more than 3 in one go, it may be best to do cycles of 3, multiple times a day instead of trying to do like 9 at once.

Thank you both for correcting me. :)
Shael said:
Aquarius said:
Poweredbythesun said:
Not true at all doing more than 3 is totally good, please don’t post misinformation.
It's okay to do more than 3 and this depends on each person's personal energy levels, but he does actually have a point here. I also noticed that anything over 3 in one go (27x each letter) feels more "diluted". I wouldnt share this as some "rule" or anything, but rather, if anyone else feels something like energy-dilution when doing more than 3 in one go, it may be best to do cycles of 3, multiple times a day instead of trying to do like 9 at once.

I think you may be right though I am not for certain. 3 in one go actually feels like one of the more powerful ways of doing it since it nicely ties into the numerology for this. I did 10 in one go one time on one of their holidays didn't feel as strong as if I had done it individually. So I'd guess this isn't a hard fast rule but if you find it does this then don't do it above the point you feel the energy dilution. I always felt it was more powerful at 3 than any of the other ways though.

Oh btw when I say 1 RTR I always mean 9 times vibration so if you did 27 4 times that would be 12.

Also I don't know where the poster of this got the idea but 16 was the original number I was drawn to too quite a lot I often go for that number when I have time and feel I have the energy for it.

The secret to this is that you can't expect yourself to do this every day as things in the material will come up for most people unless they live in the woods or something in Alaska.

Anyways if attacks get too bad I am helped each time so no one has to worry to much about this. You will be too.
Ok so the last part I was saying about that is don't be hard on yourself or make an expectation really if you do it three times a day it's great all this extra is just to strive for each day you are going beyond your duty. I say that so you don't burn yourself out if your doing this right you may need to take a break somedays by doing it less or be tired and not make much progress due to using too much energy. So it's good to do what you can but I like striving for the number 16 or 22
slyscorpion said:
Ok so the last part I was saying about that is don't be hard on yourself or make an expectation really if you do it three times a day it's great all this extra is just to strive for each day you are going beyond your duty. I say that so you don't burn yourself out if your doing this right you may need to take a break somedays by doing it less or be tired and not make much progress due to using too much energy. So it's good to do what you can but I like striving for the number 16 or 22


My apologies by the way if I came off as defeatist or complacent. The Final RTR is important, but as with advancement it is best not to compare yourself to others, and do what you can handle. (Some can do 9 a day, some can only do 3 a day, etc. .)

We're all part of the house of Satan, and us SS are doing real work to fix the World and save what's salvageable of Humanity.
Harry said:
I want to start doing the full final RTR for like 16 times per day or more but i’m a bit scared if I’m not going to be protected because I remember when i did the full final RTR 9 time a day from a week ago and then i got a disgusting nightmare. So what do think BTW it takes me like 15-20 mins to do 1 Full RTR.

Youre a wizard Harry.
Having a strong aura of protection and cleaning your chakras and aura regularly is enough protection. If your dedicated and have strong spiritual pressure developed through doing consistent meditation which includes yoga,void meditation, chakra meditation and energy manipulation coupled with breathing exercises daily you should be strong enough to resist any kind of enemy attacks . People usually get attacked when they let the enemy slip in through their cracks of defenses. That may be through emotional manipulation, media manipulation or spiritual manipulation (through your dreams or astral senses.)

I've encountered three kinds of entities till now and all those were when I let them slip through my defense by slacking off on my aura of protection and cleaning and sometimes when I was going through emotionally charged times. There are black bodies beings. They look like a being but are clocked in black and you can't see their face. Sometimes they're just standing there or sometimes they might attack you to force a reaction. These beings can only appear when your in a low energy level. You won't see them when you've developed enough spiritual pressure and these are also very weak and harmless. They're there to shock you, monitor you and get you to open up so that the enemy can creep in further. The better thing to do here is ignore them completely.

The second kind of entities are actual nefarious entities or normal entities. These might be deceased souls that are randomly wandering around. Or an actual nefarious entity who has hatred and wants to do damage. They have faces and you can clearly see how they look like your looking at another person. These creatures can do real damage if they are strong enough so it's best to do a vinasha working against them. They can actually choke you and cut you, ngl. But these are extremely rare and found in specific places. Either they were people with extreme levels of emotion or they were mages who were malevolent. Proceed with caution. They might or might not be associated with the enemy. There creatures dwell on fear to operate. If you let your emotions take you over, they can really do damage. They need constant emotional energy and attention.

The third kind of entities are greys,Angel's(who are being controlled by greys), and reptilians. I've never come across angels or reptilians but I've had the bad luck of coming across nefarious greys. These creatures induce a profound sense of sorrow and pain in you (just as they manipulate Christian's- through constant repentance. ) You might feel like crying or you might feel extremely sad for no reason whatsoever. They might be showing you sequences of sad memories. But remember these are artificial emotions being induced in you and they're trying to get inside your head and form an energy connection. When you bare yourself in time of an emotional high, the greys form energy connections in your head Portion . They usually appear when you start reaching actual levels of progression in meditation or when your doing the RTRs daily. They will try to induce sorrow and suddenly after somedays you feel like shit and dont want to do any more RTRs. A person who has advanced enough to encounter the actual enemy means hes now on their target radar as a serious problem. They will do anything in their power to prevent you from advancing further and try to induce severe emotional trauma to make you detract. This is the reason why someone who isn't aligned with the gods can only go so far. The Gods will usually assist you in fighting the enemy. Void control is exceptionally important to rise higher.

You need to build a strong aura of protection and work on it everyday if you want to be protected. Do not fear, do not feel sorrow and never feel confused or doubtful. Have only one emotion and that is hatred for the enemy(motivated by your love for humanity) and the need to bring about judgment for their crimes against humanity.
Aquarius said:
Poweredbythesun said:
Not to discourage you, but doing more than 3 a day is counter productive unless you're super high energy or you space them out (2 in the morning, 2 at mid day, 2 before bed).

If you really want to do better:

- Go over HPS Maxine's audio file for the Final RTR and make sure you're pronouncing the letters correctly.

- Go into a trance state before and during the Final RTR

- Raise your energies before the Final RTR

- And most importantly, take your time. There is no need to rush unless you have limited time. (10-20 minutes is typical for the Final RTR)

I understand why ya'll want to do so many Final RTRs, but I can't help but wince at the idea of doing more than 4 a day. They drain you if you do them right, as you're literally putting in energy to destroy the Hebrew alphabet and remove curses on yourself, all of Humanity, and the world.

As for the enemy attacks. If you're not already doing returning curses parts 1&2: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses.html <---- Part 1 https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Returning_Curses2.html <---- Part 2

I would recommend you do so, as well as vibrating Raum or Surya into your aura 36, 108, or 111 times before or after the returning curses working. This all takes 20-30~ minutes more and is great for cleaning your aura and soul. :)
Not true at all doing more than 3 is totally good, please don’t post misinformation.
Doing them after your main meditations and rising Energy (with Satanas or VuVaVo or Raum med. Or whatever) before each Rtr helps. Plus the Final Rtr helps to free your chakras from blockages and this does actually helps make you more powerful.
WiseDragon said:
Harry said:
Aquarius said:
16 is really a lot if you don’t even do 1 now. Start lower like 4-6 and go up.
If you are scared then do more protection workings and clean your soul\aura

i can handle it i will even do more.
Don't know how fast you vibrate guys, but 16 RTRs would take me like 10 hours of my day...
It takes me 15 min for one. And i do it after my meditations and o raise energy before it so this gives It Power.
I feel that i got heavily cursed from writing this post :|
I better be careful next time. :oops:
Harry said:
I feel that i got heavily cursed from writing this post :|
I better be careful next time. :oops:
Don't write about what you are working on, or about to do, because then the rats hiding in the corners watching this will curse you from doing that specific action, and there's a good chance you'll mess it up or not keep doing it perfectly. If you really care about any work, keep it a secret.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
