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I urgently need Satan's help but I'm new to satanism


New member
Jan 26, 2024
TL;DR : I urgently need Satan's help, but I don't have enough knowledge to speak to him properly. I need a meditation or ritual to call for help.


First of all, I apologize if anyone has ever made a similar request. I'm far from having read all the sermons and content on the main website and I'm writing this post in a panic. I understand English but I'm writing this post with an automatic translator to be faster.

Context: I wouldn't be able to pinpoint exactly when I first became interested in Satanism and the Left Hand Path, but I do know it was at least early 2023, maybe before. That said, I remember JOS being the first site I came across. I wanted to get away from the atheism of Lavey and the organizations that revolve around it, so I searched for "spiritual satanism" on the internet, and I was impressed. I was also confused when I saw you talk about Chakras, astrology and many other things I don't master, so instead of doing the ritual of commitment with paper and blood, I wanted to rely on the other "schools" of what could be called "theistic Satanism".
Today, after reading a little more about what you are proposing, comparing with others and reading the people who don't like you, I have deduced that you are reliable, and I intend to move forward in your path, after studying in detail other things that I find relevant (I won't say everything, but roughly, After reading some Gnostic texts, I will walk with you in parallel with other readings).

That's how I was "planning" my spirituality last week.

But since yesterday, I've been in a terrible situation in my personal life. I would only go into detail if you ask me, but basically someone where I am doing my graduate school is determined to get me fired and the situation is starting to take on worrying proportions. I have no control over the situation, and as it stands, all I can do is wait.

So I'm looking for a meditation, a prayer, or whatever, that would allow me to ask Satan for help. I don't have a lot of time, I haven't advanced enough to have a real knowledge (of this site or anything else) on how to address Satan "by the book". My only experience is a few mediations done in the previous months (without a mantra) where I was able to feel unexpected and pleasant sensations (it could just as easily be self-persuasion, but I don't have any mental illnesses and as you often say, nothing happens by chance). I didn't do the ritual of commitment (with the paper, the blood, and the candle) but a few years ago something happened to me and I promised Satan that I would serve him until I died. To this day, I have no exact idea of how to fulfill that promise, but at that moment I experienced something inexplicable and I know that he heard me.

I read someone here who said that you may not have the support of any established authority, but the results speak for you. This is the time for me to try your methods. If it works, JOS will become a high priority in my spiritual journey, and the rest will take a back seat.

I will continue to maintain this account active on this topic to respond to any requests for clarification you may have. When my personal situation is resolved, I will post a final update and this account will be deserted. I would come back a few months/years later, after reading everything on the website, to join your ranks in the spiritual warfare.

Thank you in advance for your help. You are the only Satanist community I trust.

Hail Satan !
Gods wait from us we advance on the spiritual path, else they leave us to our fate.
Go here and download the first link : 40 DAY MEDITATION PROGRAM FOR BEGINNERS - High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.
It's a PDF with motivation speech and links to the appropriate exercises.
I am doing my graduate school is determined to get me fired and the situation is starting to take on worrying proportions.
Sometimes, it's an astrological event which trigger sad situation and we cannot be the friend of everybody.
I know that he heard me.
Nice ! the contact is already done :cool:

Start the meditation program and speak with Him in your head, if you cannot telepathically discussed with demons some events in the life can occurs.
Just work every days.
So I'm looking for a meditation, a prayer, or whatever it is, that would allow me to ask Satan for help. I don't have a lot of time, I haven't advanced enough to have any real knowledge (of this site or anything else) on how to address Satan "by the book." My only experience is a few mediations done in the previous months (without a mantra) where I may have experienced unexpected and pleasant sensations (it could just as easily be self-persuasion, but I don't have a mental illness and as you often say, nothing happens by chance). I didn't do the ritual of commitment (with the paper, the blood, and the candle), but a few years ago something happened to me and I promised Satan that I would serve him until I died. To this day, I have no exact idea of how to fulfill that promise, but at that moment, I experienced something inexplicable and I know he heard me.
Well, making your dedication to Satan through blood or in your Astral Temple would bring you his protection and help.

In addition, if you are a beginner, you should start the 40 days of meditations : https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf
Thank you both for your promptness. I will follow your instructions tomorrow.

And if you want to perform a Satanic ritual, click on this link :

As I reread this page, I saw statements that contradicted what I have read and believed in the past (as I personally think they are satanists), including the Gnostic writings in the Nag Hammadi library. Does changing the prayer slightly by removing phrases like "In the Name of Satan, Ruler of the Earth [...] Who hast created man to reflect in Thine own image and likeness," compromise the effectiveness of the operation? Sorry if I am being offensive.
Well, making your dedication to Satan through blood or in your Astral Temple would bring you his protection and help.
I am currently unable to obtain the required materials. If I do it in my inner temple, can I do it a second time later in the physical world ? By the way, if you know any online store to buy the materials where I can pay with monero, that would help me a lot.
Gods wait from us we advance on the spiritual path, else they leave us to our fate.
Go here and download the first link : 40 DAY MEDITATION PROGRAM FOR BEGINNERS - High Priest Hooded Cobra 666.
It's a PDF with motivation speech and links to the appropriate exercises.
I have already this pdf in my computer :)
However, the recommended duration of the meditations is a bit short compared to my habits. Usually, I need at least 20 minutes to be in a fully meditative state. Can I extend the duration of the meditations?
I have already this pdf in my computer :)
However, the recommended duration of the meditations is a bit short compared to my habits. Usually, I need at least 20 minutes to be in a fully meditative state. Can I extend the duration of the meditations?
I've started 2 month ago with old programs, I'm not an authority in the subject.
Take the time you need. If your main Element is Water your are slowest but reach deeper states than People ruled by Fire...
I am currently unable to obtain the required materials.
Me too, I wait for money... it's not a reason to delay the program.
As you start, Demons fill your intentions and you can mentally try to speak with us.
Go !
However, the recommended duration of the meditations is a bit short compared to my habits. Usually, I need at least 20 minutes to be in a fully meditative state. Can I extend the duration of the meditations?

These meditations are not about reaching a state, they are about training your mind and opening your soul. Maybe you have a wrong idea on what meditation is.

These are not the same as mainstream meditations from Buddhism, these are Satanic power meditations which are focused on empowering and opening your soul and training your mind, not reaching a peaceful state or whatever. Forget everything you knew about meditation and treat them as something new.

As I reread this page, I saw statements that contradicted what I have read and believed in the past (as I personally think they are satanists), including the Gnostic writings in the Nag Hammadi library. Does changing the prayer slightly by removing phrases like "In the Name of Satan, Ruler of the Earth [...] Who hast created man to reflect in Thine own image and likeness," compromise the effectiveness of the operation?

Don't remove anything and forget anything you learned from external sources as it's not compatible with Spiritual Satanism. The Gnostic texts are Christian, not Satanic. These have nothing to do with Spiritual Satanism. You can learn about them if you like, but don't mix any of their teachings in them when you're trying to practice Spiritual Satanic rituals.

Satan is the creator of humanity and ruler of the earth, it does say that in the JoS site. Jehova doesn't exist in Spiritual Satanism and Satanism isn't about denying the material realm. The Gnostics deny the material side again, because they were Christians not Satanists.

This should apply to any other question you may ask: treat all practices and teachings here as new things you've never heard before. Don't try to mix in external teachings you read from other sources, as they're not compatible.

It's even been said in the site that trying to mix Spiritual Satanism with other things is dangerous.
These meditations are not about reaching a state

They can practice trance if they want before the meditation. It will only be positive if the do a 20 minutes trance before cleaning or anything that the program says.

However, it's okay if you can't maintain trance when vibrating mantras.
"In the Name of Satan, Ruler of the Earth [...] Who hast created man to reflect in Thine own image and likeness," compromise the effectiveness of the operation? Sorry if I am being offensive.

Satan is the creator of mankind, and the Ruler of Earth, know as Shiva, Enki, Sanat Kumara, Satya, Satyan, Satanama, Lucifer, etc.
By the way, if you know any online store to buy the materials where I can pay with monero, that would help me a lot.

You can go into a shop and buy Black, White, gold, (satanic)blue or Red candle, These are all okay, but preferably Black, gold, (satanic)blue or Red.
You don't need anything else really. In fact you don't *need* an altar to meditate or for dedication or anything, it is also better if you can do it outside, because burning a paper creates a lot of smoke which can set of an alarm if you have that, or make a smoke smell in the whole house.
as I personally think they are satanists

Your personal opinion doesn't decide or influence what is true and what not. We of course respect any beginners opinion as they have a limited understanding and knowledge on us: understandably, since they haven't read enough, and meditated to enhance their understanding. In fact truth comes to you after a whole lot of time meditating.

However, meditating is not just meditating and that's it, it can be dangerous if you do a kind of meditation that connets you with the enemy. That's why there is a lot of newagers that don't find truth, because their meditation is rather destroy them than build them.
I don't have enough knowledge to speak to him properly.

You can speak to him by meditating on his sigil and speak to him.
Or do his power ritual, than meditate on him:
But since yesterday, I've been in a terrible situation in my personal life.

This could be an astrological influence. When you born, your souls energy is set according to the planets placement on that time, and as they continue to move, they influence change and can "conflict" your energies.
Hence animating life, bringing luck or misfortune.

Read HPHC sermons:

And here is the main "lobby":
First of all, I apologize if anyone has ever made a similar request. I'm far from having read all the sermons and content on the main website and I'm writing this post in a panic.

Well, that explains your misconceptions in your other posts. Read the basics of Spiritual Satanism before doing or asking about anything else. If you can only read one page from the site, read this to learn about what true Satanism is:

As it says above, Spiritual Satanism is Esoteric Ancient Paganism and its origins predate Christianity. We have nothing to do with Christianity in any of its forms (including Gnosticism). Jesus and the Christian God are not real and they play no role or part in Spiritual Satanism.

We also have nothing to do with others who claim to be Satanists and believe the Christian propaganda about Satan being a fallen angel or created by the Christian god or other crap.
I've started 2 month ago with old programs, I'm not an authority in the subject.
Take the time you need. If your main Element is Water your are slowest but reach deeper states than People ruled by Fire...

Me too, I wait for money... it's not a reason to delay the program.
As you start, Demons fill your intentions and you can mentally try to speak with us.
Go !
Got it! I'll do that in the next few hours and then I'll let you know what happened.
Don't remove anything and forget anything you learned from external sources as it's not compatible with Spiritual Satanism. The Gnostic texts are Christian, not Satanic. These have nothing to do with Spiritual Satanism. You can learn about them if you like, but don't mix any of their teachings in them when you're trying to practice Spiritual Satanic rituals.

Satan is the creator of humanity and ruler of the earth, it does say that in the JoS site. Jehova doesn't exist in Spiritual Satanism and Satanism isn't about denying the material realm. The Gnostics deny the material side again, because they were Christians not Satanists.

This should apply to any other question you may ask: treat all practices and teachings here as new things you've never heard before. Don't try to mix in external teachings you read from other sources, as they're not compatible.

It's even been said in the site that trying to mix Spiritual Satanism with other things is dangerous.

From what I understood, the Gnostic paradigm is valid if we are careful not to take the parts corrupted by the Xians.

For my part, I carefully select the texts that I take as a reference (In reality the texts I am interested in are only a tiny part of those that are considered "gnostic" since many of them are apocrypha of the Bible, so obviously this garbage will not enter my mind).

But I've understood your advice and I won't modify the prayers I decide to use.

Thanks again for your patience with my case.
They can practice trance if they want before the meditation. It will only be positive if the do a 20 minutes trance before cleaning or anything that the program says.

However, it's okay if you can't maintain trance when vibrating mantras.

Satan is the creator of mankind, and the Ruler of Earth, know as Shiva, Enki, Sanat Kumara, Satya, Satyan, Satanama, Lucifer, etc.

You can go into a shop and buy Black, White, gold, (satanic)blue or Red candle, These are all okay, but preferably Black, gold, (satanic)blue or Red.
You don't need anything else really. In fact you don't *need* an altar to meditate or for dedication or anything, it is also better if you can do it outside, because burning a paper creates a lot of smoke which can set of an alarm if you have that, or make a smoke smell in the whole house.

Your personal opinion doesn't decide or influence what is true and what not. We of course respect any beginners opinion as they have a limited understanding and knowledge on us: understandably, since they haven't read enough, and meditated to enhance their understanding. In fact truth comes to you after a whole lot of time meditating.

However, meditating is not just meditating and that's it, it can be dangerous if you do a kind of meditation that connets you with the enemy. That's why there is a lot of newagers that don't find truth, because their meditation is rather destroy them than build them.

You can speak to him by meditating on his sigil and speak to him.
Or do his power ritual, than meditate on him:

This could be an astrological influence. When you born, your souls energy is set according to the planets placement on that time, and as they continue to move, they influence change and can "conflict" your energies.
Hence animating life, bringing luck or misfortune.

Read HPHC sermons:

And here is the main "lobby":

Understood. I will read when I got more time.
I did the commitement ritual in my astral temple. I didn't feel any extraordinary sensations at that moment, except for a certain serenity. Afterwards, I started meditating again as I was used to. Very quickly, I felt a pulsation and vibration in my right arm and hand. This feeling had gone through me before, but usually I had to meditate for at least half an hour to feel it, and it didn't last usually. Then I saw myself (again) in my astral temple signing the sheet of paper with my blood. After that, I felt the need to improvise a prayer asking for protection from Satan, particularly suited to the problem I am currently experiencing. The sensations in my arm were growing.

Then I shouted "Hail Satan" and my eyes were opened. I still felt these sensations in my arm, so I went back to my computer and read this aloud:

After that, I had no feeling in my hand and arm anymore.

Next week, my personal situation will come to resolution. I am convinced that it will go well. If things go well for me, I would look to replicate the commitement ritual in the physical world as soon as possible.

Thank you all.
replicate the commitement ritual in the physical world

You are dedicated now, no need to do it again.
However don't expect that everything will go well from now on, or that you are protected from everything, keep advancing and have a wonderful journey brother.
You are dedicated now, no need to do it again.
However don't expect that everything will go well from now on, or that you are protected from everything, keep advancing and have a wonderful journey brother.
Thanks a lot <3
I will post an update when my situation will evolve
My appointment is tomorrow.
Please pray for me, brothers.
Hail Satan ! Hail Satan for my whole life and beyond.
I'll be brief: My superiors shit themselves when they saw me. They didn't even talk about sanctions against me. I was able to find the right words at the right time to dismantle the accusations.
The person who accuses me will be heard very soon.
However, I'm not declaring victory too quickly: YHWH often like to fill people with hope to break them right after.

Thanks brothers. I feel I will take part in a looooong journey with you all.
Hail Satan !
I got sick (it looks like a little flu). Is it a coincidence? Is it the "cost" of asking for a favor?
No, there's no "cost" because Satan and the Gods are positive beings. They don't cause any harm to people who call upon them. It may be either of these two things:
  1. A coincidence
  2. An enemy attack
More likely to be the first one.

However, I'm not declaring victory too quickly: YHWH often like to fill people with hope to break them right after.
You'll be fine, YHWH doesn't exist.
I received an email informing me of the outcome of my appointment: I get out of it without penalty.
This week, I'm starting to study meditation on the site.

Thanks to all of you for your help. I see you in some months/years with another account.
Hail Satan !
I've started 2 month ago with old programs, I'm not an authority in the subject.
Take the time you need. If your main Element is Water your are slowest but reach deeper states than People ruled by Fire...

Me too, I wait for money... it's not a reason to delay the program.
As you start, Demons fill your intentions and you can mentally try to speak with us.
Go !
just a little curious about the elements as I know little about them.

I have an earth sign and a green aura, thus I think one can say I'm mostly ruled by earth energy. What does this mean? I tend to excel with feeling energy and connecting to it, yet I tend to struggle with balance due to my hyper-emotional way of thinking.

So fire vs water = fast and efficient vs slow and effective.

What about the other two elements? Do they also have a similar relationship? Thanks and sorry for all the questions. :-/
just a little curious about the elements as I know little about them.
Elements are present at any level/planes - Physic, Astral, Mental...
Fire and Water correspond more or less with Electric and Magnetic; or in the Chinese way of thinking as Yang and Yin or Sky and Earth (Ground).

When "something" appears, the idea is firstly defined as Fire (it crackles) and this force provoke the correspondant image, the Water (that receives).
The difference of potentiel between the two leads to a movement of energy, the Air.
At this step, the manifestation occurs, the Earth.

So the relation between the Air and Earth can be related with the one between Fire and Water, but it's a dephased and secondary phenomena.
At a more subtile level, the interaction between elements were predeterminated in Æther (or Akasha), a time before in a more subtile plane.

Alternatively, You can considered that :
WET                     HOT


     Water       Fire


COLD                    DRY

In our soul, it's not a static phenomena, but pulsating one.
Look at the Caduceus, the snakes represent the Kundalini or our electromagnetic field described like an energetic vortex but not only.
The right and left side represent the Fire/Electric and Water/Magnetic polarities and the snakes can be view like the Air oscillating between the two.

The soul can be view like an astral program we call a set of "skills". Our incarnation permit to complete the "program", learn.
Our soul is more or less prepared to be engaged in differents situations, the more intense the situation, the stronger the pulse.
If we are not able to contain the pulse, we are afraid, anxious... if we are more able than others we can become dominant.

  • All is related with the speed, spontaneity, arrogance... require Fire
  • For sensibility, empathy, joy... it's Water
  • Intellectual skills, lightness, penetration it's Air
  • concentration, calm, resolution, endurance... it's Earth.

To be perfect in a given activity, we must be able to play with Elements in a harmonious way, in fact to be well programmed, experienced.
To learn that, I suppose, we must slow down our advantages and work on the weak point.

Personally, my dominants are Air and Fire; My weak points are Water and Earth.
So, I'm egoistic and I've more idea than I can realize, I started interresting things for my own pleasure but it's never ended.
I need to refrain my IMAGINATION and EXCITEMENT (due to Air and Fire), define a CONCRETE BUT SIMPLE (Earth) thing to do FOR OTHERS (Water) and insist to complete the job.

Another point is Elements can express qualities and defaults, like if it depended of the sense of rotation, altruistic/selfish mode:
  • Fire can express : warmth or jalousy
  • Water : tenderness or disrespect
  • Air : intelligence or cunning
  • Earth : reliable or taciturn
I have an earth sign and a green aura (...) my hyper-emotional way of thinking.
Your Elemental composition is determined by the whole Chart, the weight of each planets is their respective signs, not only one point.
The most important point is your ascend and its Ruler, but if your ruler is your weakest planet it counts elementally less.

To be "hyper-emotional" is related with the Water (melancholic), the Green color of your Aura correspond to the Heart Chakra which must be too open.
The way you write is timid, prudent, structured, analytical thinking with the word "curious", reflecting a mix of Air and Earth properties.

I suppose your Elemental weak point is Fire, not really spontaneous. Maybe I'm wrong.
Elements are present at any level/planes - Physic, Astral, Mental...
Fire and Water correspond more or less with Electric and Magnetic; or in the Chinese way of thinking as Yang and Yin or Sky and Earth (Ground).

When "something" appears, the idea is firstly defined as Fire (it crackles) and this force provoke the correspondant image, the Water (that receives).
The difference of potentiel between the two leads to a movement of energy, the Air.
At this step, the manifestation occurs, the Earth.

So the relation between the Air and Earth can be related with the one between Fire and Water, but it's a dephased and secondary phenomena.
At a more subtile level, the interaction between elements were predeterminated in Æther (or Akasha), a time before in a more subtile plane.

Alternatively, You can considered that :
WET                     HOT


     Water       Fire


COLD                    DRY

In our soul, it's not a static phenomena, but pulsating one.
Look at the Caduceus, the snakes represent the Kundalini or our electromagnetic field described like an energetic vortex but not only.
The right and left side represent the Fire/Electric and Water/Magnetic polarities and the snakes can be view like the Air oscillating between the two.

The soul can be view like an astral program we call a set of "skills". Our incarnation permit to complete the "program", learn.
Our soul is more or less prepared to be engaged in differents situations, the more intense the situation, the stronger the pulse.
If we are not able to contain the pulse, we are afraid, anxious... if we are more able than others we can become dominant.

  • All is related with the speed, spontaneity, arrogance... require Fire
  • For sensibility, empathy, joy... it's Water
  • Intellectual skills, lightness, penetration it's Air
  • concentration, calm, resolution, endurance... it's Earth.

To be perfect in a given activity, we must be able to play with Elements in a harmonious way, in fact to be well programmed, experienced.
To learn that, I suppose, we must slow down our advantages and work on the weak point.

Personally, my dominants are Air and Fire; My weak points are Water and Earth.
So, I'm egoistic and I've more idea than I can realize, I started interresting things for my own pleasure but it's never ended.
I need to refrain my IMAGINATION and EXCITEMENT (due to Air and Fire), define a CONCRETE BUT SIMPLE (Earth) thing to do FOR OTHERS (Water) and insist to complete the job.

Another point is Elements can express qualities and defaults, like if it depended of the sense of rotation, altruistic/selfish mode:
  • Fire can express : warmth or jalousy
  • Water : tenderness or disrespect
  • Air : intelligence or cunning
  • Earth : reliable or taciturn

Your Elemental composition is determined by the whole Chart, the weight of each planets is their respective signs, not only one point.
The most important point is your ascend and its Ruler, but if your ruler is your weakest planet it counts elementally less.

To be "hyper-emotional" is related with the Water (melancholic), the Green color of your Aura correspond to the Heart Chakra which must be too open.
The way you write is timid, prudent, structured, analytical thinking with the word "curious", reflecting a mix of Air and Earth properties.

I suppose your Elemental weak point is Fire, not really spontaneous. Maybe I'm wrong.
This makes a lot of sense! Thank you for this well researched and enlightening information!

I do tend to only use passive language and seek mitigation while avoiding confrontation at all costs. My skills are mostly in language, art and nutritional science. Plus I tend to have a strong sense of space and gravity (which sounds weird)... by this I mean that I can immediately see if an object will or will not fit somewhere and instantly know its trajectory, movement, etc; more than most people can. This also translates in a way to riding the bus; that I can stand without holding anything and react to the sudden movements that I feel. Even running on ice and things like that. It's very perplexing to me somehow. I had come out of great traumas throughout my youth and lived for many years with self-loathing and at times suicidal ideations. This in some way has made me a little bit like a psychopath I feel, as though I can face terrible things and not be swayed emotionally, such as a lost relative. I had seen such pain in my life that I feel very numb to it.

Regarding being very emotional, what I mean to say is I base my world as very 'black and white' (logical-thinking), largely as a means to constantly determine what is right or wrong and good or bad. It's not so much that my thinking is emotional, rather it comes from a place of great emotion; as though I'm highly philosophical and a constant deep thinker.

So all of us have all four elements, only some appear stronger than others? It makes perfect sense that I lack in the fire element for sure. I will 100% need to get my birth time from the hospital I was born at and start working on astrology.

I now see that there are some things in my energies that could probably be worked on. I think the rune 'Solwilo' would probably be helpful to me in creating more action and less thinking/planning. Thanks again for helping me understand these complicated things a bit more clearly.
One other thing (my apologies!)

I am hyperfocusing to one point when things are far more complex and cumulative, thus I shouldn't put all my 'quirks' on this idea of elements and astrology. I've worked serving coffee full-time while in college and I currently work as a cashier. I also really love singing and learning to create music.

These things perhaps are just a part of being an SS! I am comparing myself to NPCs too much probably and feeling confused as to why everyone seems so physically slow to me. This is probably more-so a result of dedicating, having done much energy work and opening my third eye completely while empowering it greatly. It could also be from measuring/weighing, calculating and carefully proportioning everything I cook. I'll only ever eat something if it's 100% organic and homemade which probably sounds a little crazy but that tends to be how my mind works, taking things only to an extreme one way or the other. I also live with many people and I insist on handwashing all dishes in the house (mind you with gloves due to fluoride). Taking a shower bothers me a little sometimes but I tend to get over it without thinking that I'm harming my body to a point worth losing sleep over.

This all is likely due to a lot of repetition and muscle memory combined with other factors.

For this reason I shouldn't feel so 'weird' and 'different', yet it sure is easy for the brain to do this. Even 9/10 customers seemingly are bewildered at my reaction time. I'm sure I'm not alone in this feeling mind you, that all of us Satanists experience this almost superhuman growth in ourselves that in turn can make us question ourselves further.

Sorry again for all my deep and aimless thinking. I wasn't thinking broadly enough.
These things perhaps are just a part of being an SS! I am comparing myself to NPCs too much probably and feeling confused as to why everyone seems so physically slow to me. This is probably more-so a result of dedicating, having done much energy work and opening my third eye completely while empowering it greatly.
SS or not...
NPCs make no effort, that's why they are like this. We are here to evolve normally, not to assimilate themselves as animals.

Playing in the NPC's game is one of my biggest mistakes. For some, having innate abilities, whether mental or otherwise, is either an advantage or a burden, because it attracts jalousy if you are not prepared or with bad people.

Sometimes, experiencing trashy events leads us to avoid too much intimacy with others in order to stay firmly connect with our Higher Self, avoid contracting vices.

Your dominant seems to be Air/Earth and maybe lack of Fire/Water. You are not primary but secondary, analyse ahead emotion, so you are not direct.
There is more energy in the brain than in the intestines. Sports like archery, equitation would suit you well.
TL;DR : I urgently need Satan's help, but I don't have enough knowledge to speak to him properly. I need a meditation or ritual to call for help.


First of all, I apologize if anyone has ever made a similar request. I'm far from having read all the sermons and content on the main website and I'm writing this post in a panic. I understand English but I'm writing this post with an automatic translator to be faster.

Context: I wouldn't be able to pinpoint exactly when I first became interested in Satanism and the Left Hand Path, but I do know it was at least early 2023, maybe before. That said, I remember JOS being the first site I came across. I wanted to get away from the atheism of Lavey and the organizations that revolve around it, so I searched for "spiritual satanism" on the internet, and I was impressed. I was also confused when I saw you talk about Chakras, astrology and many other things I don't master, so instead of doing the ritual of commitment with paper and blood, I wanted to rely on the other "schools" of what could be called "theistic Satanism".
Today, after reading a little more about what you are proposing, comparing with others and reading the people who don't like you, I have deduced that you are reliable, and I intend to move forward in your path, after studying in detail other things that I find relevant (I won't say everything, but roughly, After reading some Gnostic texts, I will walk with you in parallel with other readings).

That's how I was "planning" my spirituality last week.

But since yesterday, I've been in a terrible situation in my personal life. I would only go into detail if you ask me, but basically someone where I am doing my graduate school is determined to get me fired and the situation is starting to take on worrying proportions. I have no control over the situation, and as it stands, all I can do is wait.

So I'm looking for a meditation, a prayer, or whatever, that would allow me to ask Satan for help. I don't have a lot of time, I haven't advanced enough to have a real knowledge (of this site or anything else) on how to address Satan "by the book". My only experience is a few mediations done in the previous months (without a mantra) where I was able to feel unexpected and pleasant sensations (it could just as easily be self-persuasion, but I don't have any mental illnesses and as you often say, nothing happens by chance). I didn't do the ritual of commitment (with the paper, the blood, and the candle) but a few years ago something happened to me and I promised Satan that I would serve him until I died. To this day, I have no exact idea of how to fulfill that promise, but at that moment I experienced something inexplicable and I know that he heard me.

I read someone here who said that you may not have the support of any established authority, but the results speak for you. This is the time for me to try your methods. If it works, JOS will become a high priority in my spiritual journey, and the rest will take a back seat.

I will continue to maintain this account active on this topic to respond to any requests for clarification you may have. When my personal situation is resolved, I will post a final update and this account will be deserted. I would come back a few months/years later, after reading everything on the website, to join your ranks in the spiritual warfare.

Thank you in advance for your help. You are the only Satanist community I trust.

Hail Satan !
There in your room, Draw his sigil in a clean paper, Conect yourself with the sigil and speak to it. If he is in your mind, then you are in his. Satan is all hearing.

"I am ever present to help all who trust in me and call upon me in time of need. There is no place in the universe that knows not my presence."

TL;DR : I urgently need Satan's help, but I don't have enough knowledge to speak to him properly.

You received many good advices, and information on what to do. So I have not much to add here.
I want to give you encouragement, instead. Because, most of the times (when you are new) Satan is listening to you even if you do not even know this.
I know this by direct experience, sometime He gave me a sound help that I even did not dare to ask, but He knew, and helped me!

But since yesterday, I've been in a terrible situation in my personal life. I would only go into detail if you ask me, but basically someone where I am doing my graduate school is determined to get me fired and the situation is starting to take on worrying proportions. I have no control over the situation, and as it stands, all I can do is wait.

When you invest high energies to begin a new Spiritual Path like Satanism, things in your life may temporary "tremble" as your power to sustain life is going "up and down". Same as, you begin weight lifting and during the first weeks, you are very tired that your body has problems in sustaining daily actions (muscles may hurt, etc.) Same here, your Soul is being shook and this shakes your immediate reality for a short while.
Same as weight lifting, you will become more trained and fit, so things will get better. If you dedicated to Satan, don't worry, he protects you.
Also consider that, whan you are new, you may experience some kind of losses in life that may be good for you. You only know if this is the case.

at that moment I experienced something inexplicable and I know that he heard me.

Many times, I understood things even months or years later : Satan worked to help and guide me but I was unable to see that. Later on, I understood everything, while looking back at what happened, with gained knowledge. Trust Him, do not panic, slow down, and lift small weights until you can increase the weigh of your Spiritual effort.
Playing in the NPC's game is one of my biggest mistakes. For some, having innate abilities, whether mental or otherwise, is either an advantage or a burden, because it attracts jalousy if you are not prepared or with bad people.

Sometimes, experiencing trashy events leads us to avoid too much intimacy with others in order to stay firmly connect with our Higher Self, avoid contracting vices.
I strongly agree and loved this post.
What I can add, as I have seen different countries in life and perceived their "minds", it strongly depends where you live. NPCs are mostly stupid and like sheeps, but if they are in a better mass-mind, their actions will be slightly less unbearable than other most infested countries, cities or places.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
