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I need to talk to someone about this


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2018
I created a throw away account cause I need to talk about this and would not know where else to do so about but don't really want people everyone knowing which user I am and to link this to me and for personal reasons.

Ok so when I was younger I was abused by a priest at the Sacred Heart Catholic church several times. My family was not Catholic but they thought it was ok for this priest to baby sit me. I don't know I was actually really at the point I was too young almost to remember this fully (I was barely even able to walk and people could still pick me up at this time) and somehow this memory was blocked from me for a long time so I was still able to somewhat enjoy life but I had something I was very angry at all my life the fact that my dad was a pastor at another church. I felt very resentful of the fact that I had to be around this stuff all my life. I didn't know why I was so angry about this so much it has caused a lot of stress and prevented me from actually fully living life I feel cause I would just like to be left alone by xtians I don't want to have any part in this anymore. I don't understand why I as a person should have had to grow up around that with all the problems and hang ups it caused me. I think it is unfair cause I was a soul that was loyal to Satan for a long time in past lives so I feel this situation was unfair. I know this and several others do as well that are able to pick up on it. I wish I could some how just put this in my past but for several reasons I still have to interact with my parents so this is frustrating. Now my parents never did anything at all to me in that way but I feel tainted by this whole thing cause they are basically the same profession as the person that did this to me and they did name me after someone who is a famous xtian. I feel like that taints me and takes away from my value as a person. I also never got to experience knowing my birth family other than I know they were not xtian at all I probably would have gotten along with them ok. I never felt a connection to my adopted family that much.

So back to the situation of the priest. As of now my parents don't know this happened but then again I think they are really dumb about this what they do know is they were about to leave and the guy had my pants pulled down all the way in the back yard and he was staring at my genitals (this was in clear view of the neighbors on both sides if they had decided to look outside which apparently no one did since my memory now that I have been able to bring back more stuff tells me he did things to me outside like this) but at the time he was not doing anything to me. My parents outside and ask him what he is doing (they tell me about this later) the priest simply says he is comparing his genitals to mine it's just something guys do. They buy it but they send him away for good and don't allow him to baby sit anymore. So anyways the other thing about this priest is when he was around (before my parents caught him doing that) he would kind of troll the neighborhood I was in it was a street there were several kids on the street that would sit out in front and play in their driveways he would go up to them and try to lure them away and try to make friends with them. He would ask them if they want to come with him and play a game etc I found this odd. But to be honest since no one had at the time even told me about sex or any of that I had no idea what the person was doing just that it hurt and I didn't like it much or what he was wanting to do to kids.

I have some really odd memory related to this that tells me he had likely drugged me at one point cause it makes not a lot of sense and someone that was psychic who is a friend read that off me. So my mind made up some stuff about aliens at that point like I was taken to some ship with flashing lights after being dragged through some dark tunnel I felt this horrible death feeling I tried to kick and scream and bite the person anything to get them to let me go but they would not. Then they took me on the ship and apparently did some stuff too me or took me somewhere it makes no sense. I remember someone trying to project that they were my parents and tell me all sorts of stuff about love and all that and that the sun is out on this planet for three earth days. Sometimes I kind of blanked out I knew these beings were doing something too me not right but trying to project love I felt warm and loved but I kept blacking out I remember that.

This was after being taken down to this basement in the house next to the Catholic Church and the priest and a couple people were there. Everyone I talked to kept claiming I never was in that house. But I kept insisting I was there. Finally my parents took me to an open house when it was sold. They found it very odd i knew my way to the basement and I knew about the tunnel to the sanctuary of the church down there and everything even the people selling that didn't know about if I remember. I never did find the other tunnel I remember).

The oddest part is I remember I was at some warehouse like building when taken on the ship. I rememebered after going through a tunnel. There is a building like that in a straight line from where the church is or was that building is torn down now. It is where the town stores their snow plows and equipment for winter.

So anyways you can call me crazy over the second part of this story I am not sure about it myself but the first part the stuff about the baby sitting thing that is real I do remember some of that clearly.

To be honest I had to include the entirety of this story.

I wish I could just leave xtianity behind me for good. I mean I am ok emotionally but I am very frustrated I have to deal with my xtian family members life would be so much easier without that for me and I actually would be way more happy too. I have done black magick but it doesn't seem to work.
What you went through, no one should deserve. I don' t know what I should say except I hear you.

You know most of the time I kept complaining in my head "Why didn't the Gods help me at x time when y was happening ?", "Why did I have to go through a life like this ?" and many more self entitled questions but not once did I think about the well being or health of the Gods. I had been so selfish to keep asking questions like that but not for one second did I ask a question like "Hey Satan or hey my GD, have you been well ? How's life ? Can I be of any service to you ? How can I help ?"

The Gods keep fighting the enemies and their curses but still make sure we are protected and have an adequate life. I was so slefish and self entitled only to think about myself but not about the Gods and I realise I still am while typing this.

What I mean to say is that the Gods have done thier best for each and every Satanists out there. It was same in your case. If you look into other Satanists life, then you will find that they will have gone through much more hardships than any other average cursed people. Were it not for the Gods, the hardships would not be hardships but straight up torture and death.

I can 100% say that you were not ignored or that you were cast aside. That I can say with much confidence. The one who did that, ask Sir Satan or your GD to help get revenge as you aren't experienced with black magic. I presume him to have died a horrible death already but just in case.

Also, about what happened with UFO's and all, I will neither confirm or deny that it happened in real life but completely accept such a possibility. Do know that whatever shady stuff that might have happend, your GD knows about it. If it were something horribly bad then they would directly obilterate all forms of enemy life before any harm came to you. If something did happen, it would be nothing that can't be fixed by aura cleaning or RTR's.

Take care my friend.
Hope you find answers to your feelings at the right time.
I am very sorry you had to go through this awful experience.

It really is traumatizing and it's natural you feel bad about it.

This is the truth about xians and mudslimes they are the worst scum out there. They connect to ugly and filthy energy of muhammed (who was a proud pedophile) and jesus.

Mudslimes are even worse than xians. As their filthy prophet married a little girl at age 6 and made intercourse with her at age 9! Do you see the kind of filth we are dealing with here??

Also it is okay that your parents are xians. Just because you are a satanist doesn't mean life is perfect. My family are strict mudslimes.

Try to manage and survive living with your family until you can move out and be independent.

Try to make money aswell as it gives freedom and will give you the ability to move out as fast as you can.

Also stay strong in your service to father Satan. Do spiritual warfare and RTRs to vent your anger towards the enemy and completely destroy them. The enemy like xians, mudslimes and jews will be here only temporarily and Satanists will be the ones to completely destroy them!

Do you want to destroy the enemy or watch them destroy you?

Also start meditating daily and learning if you are not already doing that. Meditations give you psychic power and the more powerful you are the more you can do anything.

You are not tainted because you have an xian name. Yes it does suck but you will have to keep going.

I suggest you do a working for freeing you from the memories of that filthy scum "priest". Although I can't help you with the working as I am not the most experienced. Maybe one of our brothers and sisters will help you here.

mercury_wisdom said:
I am very sorry you had to go through this awful experience.

It really is traumatizing and it's natural you feel bad about it.

This is the truth about xians and mudslimes they are the worst scum out there. They connect to ugly and filthy energy of muhammed (who was a proud pedophile) and jesus.

Mudslimes are even worse than xians. As their filthy prophet married a little girl at age 6 and made intercourse with her at age 9! Do you see the kind of filth we are dealing with here??

Also it is okay that your parents are xians. Just because you are a satanist doesn't mean life is perfect. My family are strict mudslimes.

Try to manage and survive living with your family until you can move out and be independent.

Try to make money aswell as it gives freedom and will give you the ability to move out as fast as you can.

Also stay strong in your service to father Satan. Do spiritual warfare and RTRs to vent your anger towards the enemy and completely destroy them. The enemy like xians, mudslimes and jews will be here only temporarily and Satanists will be the ones to completely destroy them!

Do you want to destroy the enemy or watch them destroy you?

Also start meditating daily and learning if you are not already doing that. Meditations give you psychic power and the more powerful you are the more you can do anything.

You are not tainted because you have an xian name. Yes it does suck but you will have to keep going.

I suggest you do a working for freeing you from the memories of that filthy scum "priest". Although I can't help you with the working as I am not the most experienced. Maybe one of our brothers and sisters will help you here.


It helps just talking about it to be honest this messed me up so much I wasn't really even living life and I went down the path of drug and alcohol addiction for awhile. But I didn't fully even know why I felt the way I did I did not remember any of this. I am living on my own but having a hard time letting go of anger about this and still having to be around xtian family members and other things dealing with religion. For reference (since this is a disposable account I will say this) I have Saturn in Sagittarius conjunct my ruling planet. I believe this is why I had to go through all these things probably but I still don't think I deserved it.
Username said:
What you went through, no one should deserve. I don' t know what I should say except I hear you.

You know most of the time I kept complaining in my head "Why didn't the Gods help me at x time when y was happening ?", "Why did I have to go through a life like this ?" and many more self entitled questions but not once did I think about the well being or health of the Gods. I had been so selfish to keep asking questions like that but not for one second did I ask a question like "Hey Satan or hey my GD, have you been well ? How's life ? Can I be of any service to you ? How can I help ?"

The Gods keep fighting the enemies and their curses but still make sure we are protected and have an adequate life. I was so slefish and self entitled only to think about myself but not about the Gods and I realise I still am while typing this.

What I mean to say is that the Gods have done thier best for each and every Satanists out there. It was same in your case. If you look into other Satanists life, then you will find that they will have gone through much more hardships than any other average cursed people. Were it not for the Gods, the hardships would not be hardships but straight up torture and death.

I can 100% say that you were not ignored or that you were cast aside. That I can say with much confidence. The one who did that, ask Sir Satan or your GD to help get revenge as you aren't experienced with black magic. I presume him to have died a horrible death already but just in case.

Also, about what happened with UFO's and all, I will neither confirm or deny that it happened in real life but completely accept such a possibility. Do know that whatever shady stuff that might have happend, your GD knows about it. If it were something horribly bad then they would directly obilterate all forms of enemy life before any harm came to you. If something did happen, it would be nothing that can't be fixed by aura cleaning or RTR's.

Take care my friend.
Hope you find answers to your feelings at the right time.

I remember something about being taken to Neptune looking at the huge expanse of it being scared a little I was given some meditation to do with it that felt like death energy the beings were trying to tell me something positive though. They wanted me to connect to Neptune to they told me help understand the age of pisces and the "rivers of fear and death energy" on earth.

I really don't remember all of this.

I do hope something happens to this priest but it looks like they are still doing this stuff at this church. The thing that bothers me is how blatent and open it is. You do a search for this church on Google and the first pic that comes up is a bunch of children playing there is a whole page of pics related to chidren. This is sickness I really wish I could go vandalize the place or burn it down. But that would be illegal. I feel strongly from the energy they are doing this right now still I showed it to several other SS too the energy is very strongly of kids being raped suffering and torment at that church.
throwaway 666 said:
I feel strongly from the energy they are doing this right now still I showed it to several other SS too the energy is very strongly of kids being raped suffering and torment at that church.

This is a matter of grave importance. Are you absolutely sure that such horrible things are happening right there ?

If you are, then we need to something about it. Can you contact Sir Satan or your Guardian Demon and see if its safe to call the emergency number of the cops. I don't know if you calling would compromise your identity and thus your safety. Do you know of any anonymous ways to tip the cops ?

HP or any other advanced member, can you advice on what to do here ? I don;t know what to do except more RTR's. Would it be safe for him/her to call the cops ? What should be done here ?
Send me a picture of that church. If you happen to have also of those priests. But at least the church, is enough, no need for the location or anything or any other details.

[email protected]
Username said:
throwaway 666 said:
I feel strongly from the energy they are doing this right now still I showed it to several other SS too the energy is very strongly of kids being raped suffering and torment at that church.

This is a matter of grave importance. Are you absolutely sure that such horrible things are happening right there ?

If you are, then we need to something about it. Can you contact Sir Satan or your Guardian Demon and see if its safe to call the emergency number of the cops. I don't know if you calling would compromise your identity and thus your safety. Do you know of any anonymous ways to tip the cops ?

HP or any other advanced member, can you advice on what to do here ? I don;t know what to do except more RTR's. Would it be safe for him/her to call the cops ? What should be done here ?
He would need undeniable proof. Maybe even if he does he couldn't do anything. Churches have vast amoutns of wealth. They have ties with the government and the state.

But this doesn't mean to give up as the church has been exposed for it's vast pedophilia and rape.

He will need proof for this though. Multiple proof actually. Even if the cops don't help if he has proof, he could share it online and try to make it go viral. Then the authorities will be forced to react.
throwaway 666 said:

Could you send NakedPluto a picture of that church or the priests ? At least the church.

I do not know how you could gather proof without endangering your own safety. The option I see most is having trust in NakedPluto.

I am willing to contribute in anyway I can.
Username said:
throwaway 666 said:

Btw, Do not actually go to the church and click photos. Search it up on the internet. This includes pics of priests too. Do not do anything that endangers your safety.

Act with caution. I feel selfish as I am not doing anything but if there's any way to contribute, then I will.
NakedPluto said:
Send me a picture of that church. If you happen to have also of those priests. But at least the church, is enough, no need for the location or anything or any other details.

[email protected]

Ok sent you an email with a pic. That is the main pic used on the website profile for it.
mercury_wisdom said:
Username said:
throwaway 666 said:
I feel strongly from the energy they are doing this right now still I showed it to several other SS too the energy is very strongly of kids being raped suffering and torment at that church.

This is a matter of grave importance. Are you absolutely sure that such horrible things are happening right there ?

If you are, then we need to something about it. Can you contact Sir Satan or your Guardian Demon and see if its safe to call the emergency number of the cops. I don't know if you calling would compromise your identity and thus your safety. Do you know of any anonymous ways to tip the cops ?

HP or any other advanced member, can you advice on what to do here ? I don;t know what to do except more RTR's. Would it be safe for him/her to call the cops ? What should be done here ?
He would need undeniable proof. Maybe even if he does he couldn't do anything. Churches have vast amoutns of wealth. They have ties with the government and the state.

But this doesn't mean to give up as the church has been exposed for it's vast pedophilia and rape.

He will need proof for this though. Multiple proof actually. Even if the cops don't help if he has proof, he could share it online and try to make it go viral. Then the authorities will be forced to react.

The problem is I only have "proof" so far as astral energy this is going on. You would know but the thing is that is most definitely not good enough. I don't live in the town and haven't for 20 years. Maybe I could prove what happened when I was younger with the help of anyone who was witness to anything but that would mean everyone knowing it happened in actuality and possible having to take something to court which I don't know as I want.
It is horrible you had to go through this. To help you overcome the emotional trauma and any binding or deep seated distress that remains, you can do a working with Wunjo and Ansuz, affirmation something along the lines of:

“Any and all negativity, curses, bindings, distress, trauma and blocked emotions related to my childhood experiences are released, healed and overcome by me now and forever, in positive and beneficial ways for me.”

When vibrating the runes and stating the affirmation, see all those memories and all negativity, trauma, etc, related to it fade from your mind, and feel any scars on any levels left behind mend and heal under the positive influence of Wunjo.

At the end focus a few minutes on the tranquility of your mind, knowing that you are fine now. If you feel emotions well up, such as anger or tears, don’t hold it back.

Before doing that kind of working, find a place with enough privacy to release emotions like that and ask Satan or your guardian, whether you know who they are or not, to help you through this.

You can also consider doing a Munka working as well.

Do you clean your aura daily? If not, start doing this now, everyday. Clean your aura with Surya, just vibrate it 50 times or more (88, 100, 216 are all good numbers for varying levels of ability and time), feel the warmth of the energy and visualize your aura filling with gold light.

Standing in the sunlight while doing this helps a lot.

Just spiritual cleaning with Surya, or even targeted cleaning specifically directed at your mind and the parts that are affected by these negative experiences can go a long way in permanently healing these.

Be well brother.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
It is horrible you had to go through this. To help you overcome the emotional trauma and any binding or deep seated distress that remains, you can do a working with Wunjo and Ansuz, affirmation something along the lines of:

“Any and all negativity, curses, bindings, distress, trauma and blocked emotions related to my childhood experiences are released, healed and overcome by me now and forever, in positive and beneficial ways for me.”

When vibrating the runes and stating the affirmation, see all those memories and all negativity, trauma, etc, related to it fade from your mind, and feel any scars on any levels left behind mend and heal under the positive influence of Wunjo.

At the end focus a few minutes on the tranquility of your mind, knowing that you are fine now. If you feel emotions well up, such as anger or tears, don’t hold it back.

Before doing that kind of working, find a place with enough privacy to release emotions like that and ask Satan or your guardian, whether you know who they are or not, to help you through this.

You can also consider doing a Munka working as well.

Do you clean your aura daily? If not, start doing this now, everyday. Clean your aura with Surya, just vibrate it 50 times or more (88, 100, 216 are all good numbers for varying levels of ability and time), feel the warmth of the energy and visualize your aura filling with gold light.

Standing in the sunlight while doing this helps a lot.

Just spiritual cleaning with Surya, or even targeted cleaning specifically directed at your mind and the parts that are affected by these negative experiences can go a long way in permanently healing these.

Be well brother.

Hail Satan!

Ok thanks I am starting to work on this I feel more more free. I am mainly working on cleansing this energy and any connections to anyone that may be detrimental. I believe this event is the main thing that held me back for so long maybe from advancing too. Cause I had meditated for years and not made a lot of progress got tricked by the enemy then came back and meditated. I now am actually beginning to sense stuff in the spiritual strony it's almost a little unnerving cause it's quick but I am thinking I will keep working on this.

Then at least if I have to deal with my family for awhile I won't be angry so much.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
