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I need help. I would like to change my daily routine


Oct 21, 2023
I need help. I would like to change my daily routine, what would you recommend changing or adding? I am open to any suggestion.
1. Final RTR + Killing Tetragrammaton + Shattering Jewish Soul Protection
2. Curse Israel
3. Demonic Authority Ritual
4. Destroying Xianity and Rabbi Christ
5. Reverse Torah Ritual
6. Reverse Torah Ritual #1 to Prevent another War
7. Reversing the Curse for Blood Sacrifice in the Torah
8. Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
9. Ritual for: Satan, Azazel, Baalzebul,
10. Psalm
11. White Race Awakening, JoS Protecion, Wealth And Prosperity
12. Blessing for Emploment... and Community Blessing for Every Spiritual...
13. Anuloma viloma yogic breathing
14. Plan Cobra 40 days.

I hope that thanks to you I will be able to develop my skills better. Kind regards. Glory to our Father and the entire spiritual family.
Yoga asanas, cleaning, and protection meditations of your choosing in addition to the ones you are already doing. The amount of rituals in relation to the amount of cleaning and protection and everything else that is included in the 40-day program is in imbalance.
Thats a lot of rituals per day.

More focus on asanas and meditations will make rituals more effective - since mind and soul becomes stronger.

But ask yourself first what suits you, and perhaps also the highest ones if possible.
Im certainly not one of them :)
Change all these RTRs to some clening, empowerment and protection. The most important RTR triad can stay.

Basically you are only doing rituals and not meditations, workings for yourself.
Look trough the beginner meditations and do some of these (void, trance, energy directing, fundamental, are some of the most important I can think of right now.)
Don't even think of doing warfare if you haven't completed the 40 day program. I have no idea how you do all that in a day, the rituals alone look like they take over 4 or 5 hours. If you try to do everything you will end up doing nothing. If you do one ritual a day, that's where your energies go. If you do 3 rituals, your energies are split 3 ways; you do more, but the overall result of everything is weaker. If you do everything you are doing, I'd say you are doing next to nothing, especially if you haven't even done the 40 day program.

Right now, the best thing for you is to meditate and advance yourself, do warfare in a few months or only during schedules. You don't send a soldier to fight if they haven't even gone trough boot camp.
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10 RTRs and 8 rituals every day? You'll burnout very quickly and it will take a long time to recover. Take the advice given by others in this thread.

This is very unrealistic, especially for a newer member. Even advanced members don't do 10 RTRs plus 8 rituals every day.
Thank you all very much for your advice. But there is a lot of truth in it, I thought that maybe I would see some changes in my life. However, I need to slow down and join the common struggle and development with dignity. I will prepare a plan according to the instructions. Thank you all dear :)
Only you can decide what you can add to your routine, if you feel the need to ask this question, then you do not understand yourself well enough, so you do not know what you need and in which direction you need to walk. Do what must be done (void, cleansing, protection, chakras, etc.), then observe yourself and your progress, thus expand your routine.
It would be better if you focus on your progress during the first months and then you start making 1 FRTR and 1 ritual of a demon per day.
Is better to do a little every day and be able to handle it without exhausting you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
