2years ago somewhat I start repress my feelings until its got unconscious, I start do things that I dont want, I fall in love but fant feel, I cant process anger, like a sponge or black hole just eveything going inside me, and I started pay attention my body, and inside my body, from outside to inside, somewhat inrepress everything and I start act not like myself, my emotions full my body toe to brain, got visual hallucinations, I rotate this things inside me, like my awareness going smaller until i dont see anything just that another what its repressed energy, I dont know how I can revers this I go hipnotherapy, and go pszichotherapy, complete lose sense of myself, and in me body this things moving but I dont know how make outside, its hurt, I dont feel my body, I forget things and hear thing, I dont want to live like this,I dont want kill myself but the toughts its here, like the I hate myself, I act like I feel, I act act.
I cant when im close my eye those things moving inide meg, and im afraid.
I regret that I dont do meditations after some traumatic incidents.
What can i do? Thank you for any advice u can give
I cant when im close my eye those things moving inide meg, and im afraid.
I regret that I dont do meditations after some traumatic incidents.
What can i do? Thank you for any advice u can give